15063 results:

13791. IFJ Protests Against Assault and Detainment of Nepalese Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists has sent a letter of protest to the Prime Minister of Nepal, voicing its concern over the recent assault of a journalist and the detainment of another journalist. The IFJ have protested to the Government of Nepal in the following letter: 12 November 2003 Honorable Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa Prime Minister of Nepal Prime Minister’s Office Singh Dubar Kathmandu Kingdom of Nepal Fax: 9771226286, 9771227765 email: [email protected] Honorable Ananat Raj Pandey Home Secretary, HMG/Nepal Fax: 9771228166, email: [email protected] Mr. Nayan Bahadur Khatri Chairman, Nepal Human Right Commission Fax: 9771547973 Email:…  
13792. IFJ Condemns UN ‘Blunder’ That Keeps Freelancers out of World Summit on Information  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the restrictive conditions for accreditation imposed on freelancers aiming to report on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The IFJ criticized a “bureaucratic blunder” that threatens to keep independent and freelance correspondents from reporting next month’s summit discussions.Freelance journalists not attached to a particular news outlet are being barred from the summit, says the IFJ, because summit organizers insist that all journalists have to prove that they are on assignment from a specific news organization. “It is bizarre that this rule has been introduced, “ said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary.…  
13793. IFJ Condemns UN ‘Blunder’ That Keeps Freelancers out of World Summit on Information  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the restrictive conditions for accreditation imposed on freelancers aiming to report on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The IFJ criticized a “bureaucratic blunder” that threatens to keep independent and freelance correspondents from reporting next month’s summit discussions. Freelance journalists not attached to a particular news outlet are being barred from the summit, says the IFJ, because summit organizers insist that all journalists have to prove that they are on assignment from a specific news organization. “It is bizarre that this rule has been introduced, “ said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary.…  
13794. Tunisia: Syndicat National des Journalistes tunisiens (ancienne AJT)  

14, Avenue des Etats-Unis d'Amérique Tunis 1002 Tunisie Telephone: + 216 71 783 395 Fax: 216-71-253205 M. Néji Bghouri  (Président) (Tel. +216 9860 0945) Mme Soukeina Abdessamad (Secretaire Générale) Melle Néjiba Hamrouni (Secrétaire Générale Chargée des Libertés) Mme Samira Ghannouchi (Trésorière) M. Mongi Khadraoui (Chargé du Règlement interne) M. Adel Samâali (Chargé des Affaires professionnelles) M. Habib Chabbi (Chargé des Affaires Sociales) M. Sofien Rjeb  (En charge des relations extérieures) - Tel. +216-9835…  
13797. IFJ Accuses Israel Over “Police State” Policy For The Press  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned plans by Israel to hand over control of press accreditation to the security service from January 1st 2004. “When it comes to the press it now seems that Israel has the characteristic of a police state. First, the Palestinian journalists are humiliated and derecognised, and now all journalists are regarded as terrorist suspects; it is a long way from any recognisable democratic process for granting press accreditation,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. Although the final decision on the accreditation will rest with the Government Press Office (GPO) Israel has made clear that the recommendations of the…  
13798. EFJ Mission to Italy, 6-9 November 2003  

The European Federation of Journalists is carrying-out a mission to Italy on 6-9 November 2003, with three major objectives: - To give genuine public support to the activities of the Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana (the Italian union of journalists), to guarantee democratic principles deeply affected by Mr. Berlusconi’s conflict of interests and to defend press freedom and social and professional rights of journalists in Italy; - To support last lobbying measures against the ‘Gasparri law’, a draft media law to be adopted mid November by the Senate and tailored for the needs of Mr Berlusconi's Mediaset company; - To draft a report which will be circulated to Italian and…  
13800. IFJ Protests Over Crackdown on Press Freedom in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is deeply concerned the guilty verdict handed down on 27 October against Supratman, editor of the tabloid newspaper Rakyat Merdeka, for publishing headlines which were critical of President Megawati Sukarnoputri, during anti-government protests earlier this year over fuel and utility prices. The IFJ is concerned that the guilty verdict and the current trend towards treating defamation and libel cases of journalists as criminal offences are having a negative effect on press freedom in Indonesia. The guilty verdict is the latest setback for the media, which has…  
13802. Real Life Matters Application Form  

Please fill in the Application Form in English Personal details  
13804. The UK Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003  

The UK Regulations came into force on 31st October 2003.  
13805. The Alliance of Independent Journalists Elects New President and Secretary General  

The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Eddy Soeprapto, the managing editor for investigation reports of the Kontan economic weekly tabloid, and Nezar Patria, an investigative journalist at the Tempo magazine, were both elected as President and Secretary General of the Alliance of Independent Journalists for the period of 2003-2005 on Sunday, Oct. 19. They were both elected at AJI's fifth congress held in Cimanggis, Bogor from October 17, and they replace Ati Nurbaiti and Solahuddin. Eddy, born Feb. 6 1963, told congress participants that Indonesia's press freedom is now threatened, first because of various parties among those in power who still dislike press freedom; and…  
13807. African Journalists Condemn "Inhumane Detention" of Journalists in Zimbabwe  

- Press release from the Southern Africa Journalists Association (SAJA)- The Southern Africa Journalists Association expressed today its shock at the fact that the directors of Daily News, Zimbabwe's only independent daily newspaper, are being held in police cells under inhumane conditions for practising their duties. We reiterate our earlier calls that the international community should immediately work with journalists’ organisations and human rights activists to mount pressure on the Zimbabwe Government to discard the archaic treatment of human beings. We fully endorse the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s biggest organisation of journalists call for…  
13808. International and Arab Journalists to Carry Out a Joint Mission to Iraq  

The General Secretaries of the International Federation of Journalists and of the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ) met in Brussels on 23 October to discuss the follow-up of the Rabat Declaration issued by the two Federations last March in Morocco. One of the main outcomes of the meeting was to schedule a joint mission to Iraq in January. The Iraqi journalistic scene is very fragmented at the moment and several organisations and networks of journalists have been put in place in the aftermath of the regime’s fall. The working conditions in general are extremely poor and Iraqi media professionals are in need of training and better working equipment and material. “We are extremely…  
13812. IFJ Protests Against Labour Conditions for Media and New Press Law in Turkey  

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan, Office of the Prime Minister, Directorate General of Press and Information Basýn-Yayýn ve Enformasyon Genel Müdürlüðü (BYEGM) Atatürk Bulvarý No: 203 06688 Kavaklýdere-Ankara Tel: (0312) 468 49 67; 468 49 69 Fax: (0312) 468 21 00; 426 66 17 Brussels, 27 October 2003 Dear Excellency, The International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ organisation is closely monitoring recent developments for the media in Turkey, and is very concerned about the rapidly deteriorating labour conditions of our colleagues "in exile" in remote eastern and southeastern regions in your country. There are signs of renewed…  
13814. IFJ Accuses Antena 3 TV in Spain of “Callous Disregard for Labour Rights”  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused Spanish television company Antenna 3 of “intransigence and callous disregard for workers’ rights” over its sacking of close to 400 media staff. “This company is showing the hard face of a media management that appears to prefer confrontation to sound industrial relations,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ and the European Federation of Journalists, the IFJ regional organisation. The IFJ and EFJ have been campaigning for better working conditions for journalists throughout the European union. The dispute has already brought supporting solidarity actions from around the world. Two weeks ago, the Media,…  
13817. Statement of Solidarity for Critical Media Situation in Nepal  

Statement from Representatives of South Asia Journalist’s Organizations and the IFJ on critical situation facing journalists in Nepal Representatives of journalists’ trade unions and organizations from India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, meeting in Kathmandu under the umbrella of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), are extremely concerned about the critical situation facing journalists in Nepal and the curtailment of freedom of expression since the resumption of hostilities. After the outbreak of political conflict, violence against journalists is on the rise across Nepal. Journalists working in hostile regions are the victims of constant threats and intimidation from all…  
13820. IFJ Accuses Cambodia Prime Minister Over “Climate of Fear” as Reporter is Shot Dead  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the killing of a reporter in Phnom Penh and warned against the creation of a “climate of fear” by the country’s political leaders. On 18 October, Chou Chetharith, a senior political editor of the royalist Funcinpec party's Ta Prum radio, was shot and killed by a gunman-riding pillion on a motorcycle. His shooting came only days after Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen accused the broadcaster of insulting his party. “We welcome the comments of King Norodom Sihanouk who has condemned recent political killings,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, “but the Prime Minister is creating an atmosphere of intimidation against media…  
13821. IFJ Condemns Crackdown on Media After 73 Journalists Are Attacked in Azerbaijan  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the “criminal assault on democracy and journalists’ rights following 73 incidents in which journalists have been beaten up during voting for a new government in Azerbaijan. “This callous disregard for the safety of journalists during an election process is absolutely unacceptable,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. Between October 15 and 17, during presidential elections and a demonstration by the opposition party Muzavat in Baku, 73 journalists and media workers observing polling processes were detained, harassed and subjected to violent attacks by policemen and supporters of the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan…  
13822. IFJ Condemns Socialists Over Albanian Attack on Reporter  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned an attack by a government minister in Albania on a journalist during a meeting of the socialist party in the capital, Tirana. On 14 October, editor-in-chief of the TV station Vizion +, Mr. Ilir Babaramo, was beaten by the Minister of Public Order Luan Rama at Rozafa Palace, during an event organized by the press office of the Prime Minister. This act of violence and intimidation was based on a comment provided by the journalist two months ago in relation to the public security situation in Albania. “Only days after the local elections which projected an image of democracy and change to the world, such brutal actions stand as…  
13825. Pictures of European PSB Meeting, 10 October 2003  

A FULL REPORT WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLINE SOON Link back to the Conference Programme SESSION I : Public Broadcasting in the Global Economy Chair : Jacques Briquemont, Head of Public Affairs, EBU Key Note : Phil Harding, Director English Network & News, BBC World Service Panel : Roberto Zaccaria, Former President of RAI Arancha Gonzalez, Spokeswoman for EU Trade Commissioner Lamy Ahmed Kamel, Brussels Office of Al Jazeera General view of the Conference Room Jacques Briquemont, Aidan White, Phil Harding and Arancha Gonzalez Ahmed Kamel and Jacques Briquemont Ahmed Kamel and Roberto Zaccharia Phil Harding and Arancha Gonzalez Aidan White and Phil…  
13829. IFJ Condemns Public Intimidation Campaign Against RFI Correspondent in Senegal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing over 500,000 journalists in more than 100 countries around the world, today condemned the harassment of Sophie Malibeaux, permanent correspondent of Radio France Internationale (RFI) in Dakar, Senegal and the numerous violations of press freedom in this country. On 7 October 2003, Sophie Malibeaux was summoned for questioning in Ziguinchor (Southern Senegal), where she was covering a meeting of the Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC), an armed independence group. She was forcibly taken to Dakar on a special flight. After being held for hours in the premises of the Interior Ministry, the RFI correspondent…  
13830. IFJ Report on Safety of Journalists and Killing of Media Staff During the Iraq War  

Justice Denied on the Road to Baghdad Safety of Journalists and the Killing of Media Staff During the Iraq War - October 2003 The International Federation of Journalists has declared April 8th – the anniversary of the attack by United States military on a Baghdad hotel filled with foreign journalists – a day of mourning and protest over the killings of journalists during the Iraq war and the “abject failure” of the Pentagon to adequately explain why journalists died. Two journalists, Taras Protsiuk working for Reuters and José Couso, a cameraman for the Spanish network Telecinco, were killed in the Palestine Hotel, which was hit the day before Baghdad fell. The attack provoked…  
13832. PSB Campaign in Europe  

The "Public Broadcasting for All" Campaign is coordinated globally by the IFJ Secretariat and the PSB Committee, however the campaign is organised regionally according to the local situation. In Europe, the campaign is active both in the European Union and in transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The Campaign for Central Europe has been launched in Budapest in February 2002, whereas the Campaign in the EU has on-going activities such as the Conference that took place at the European Parliament in October 2003. Campaign in Central and Eastern Europe: Link to the Conference in Budapest on 15-17 February 2002 Campaign in the European Union: Link to the European…  
13837. „Tarifrunde verkehrt“: Verleger wollen mehrfach abkassieren  

„Tarifrunde verkehrt“: Verleger wollen mehrfach abkassieren ver.di – Bundesvorstand Fachbereich Medien, Kunst und Industrie (FB 8), Frankfurt/Main, 10. Oktober 2003 Die Verleger verlangen Kürzung des Urlaubsgelds, der Urlaubstage und die Rückkehr zur 40-Stunden Woche sowie die Kappung der Berufsjahresstaffel. Die Verleger eröffneten die heutige Verhandlung mit einem echten Paukenschlag. Der BDZV will nachhaltige Veränderungen sowohl im Gehaltstarifvertrag als auch im Manteltarifvertrag durchsetzen. Die diesjährige Tarifrunde soll mit einer erneuten Kappung in der Berufsjahresstaffel beendet werden, der Abschluss eines neuen Gehaltstarifvertrages soll auf jeden Fall davon…  
13841. Overview - Report from the Zambian Union of Journalists (ZUJ)  

A group of journalists invited from different media groups in Zambia together with top leaders of the Zambia Union of Journalists (ZUJ) converged at Baluba Motel, some 340 kilometres north of capital Lusaka to debate among others issues, ethical questions in the Zambian media, trade union negotiation skills, unifying the profession and building pockets of support in potential areas of recruitment. A well put together team of resource persons was assembled by the co-ordinator to deliver papers and inspire debate on a number of ethical issues and labour matters affecting the media in general and the ZUJ in particular. Some of the resource people came from the powerful mine workers’…  
13843. IFJ Protests Against Two-Year Delay in Implementation of Wage Decision for Pakistani Journalists  

The IFJ wrote to the President of Pakistan in the following Letter: 8 October 2003 General Pervez Musharraf President and Chief Executive of Pakistan Via Email: [email protected] Dear General Musharraf, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is deeply concerned about the excessive delay tactics employed by the All Newspaper Employers Society (APNS) and the Council of Pakistan Newspapers Editors (CPNE) in the implementation of the Seventh Wage Board decision, announced on 8 October 2001, particularly in relation to journalists. According to information received from our…  
13844. IFJ Protests Against Murder and Harassment of Journalists in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists has sent a letter of protest to the President of Pakistan, voicing its concern over the murder of journalist Mr. Amir Bux Brohi and the unlawful detention of journalists Nasarullah Afridi and Aurangzeb Afridi in the city of Peshawar. The IFJ have written to the President of Pakistan in the following letter: 7 October 2003 General Pervez Musharraf President and Chief Executive of Pakistan Via Email: [email protected] Dear General Musharraf, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is deeply concerned over the murder of journalist Mr.…  
13845. IFJ Protests Over Legal Proceedings Against Tempo in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is deeply concerned that the various Tempo cases currently before the court in Indonesia are having a negative effect on press freedom in that country. The IFJ is particularly concerned over criminal penalties and the amount of damages that could be imposed on Tempo and its journalists. The IFJ has protested to the President of Indonesia, Spokesman/ Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly of Indonesia and State Minister for Justice and Human Rights of Indonesia in the following letter: 3 October 2003 President Megawati Soekarnoputri President…  
13848. Freedom and responsibility: the African Media and self-regulation  

The report on the regional workshop evaluating the development of self-regulatory structures in Africa (Benin, April 2003) is only available in French.  
13849. IFJ Condemns Tunisia for Harassment of Journalist and Human Rights Militant  

The International Federation of Journalists condemned today the political harassment by Tunisian authorities of famous journalist and human rights militant Neziha Rejiba, better known by the surname of “Om Zied”. Upon return from a trip abroad recently, Om Zied, editor in chief of the outlawed paper “Kalima” and prominent member of the Conseil National pour les Libertés en Tunisie (CNLT) was interrogated by officials of the Customs Enquiries Directorate and charged with violating the law regulating the exchange of foreign currency. However, Tunisian sources report that according to the country’s legislation, Om Zied has not broken any laws. “It seems like an obvious act of…  
13850. IFJ Backs Kenyan Journalists Over Government Attack  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the arrests and harassment of a number of journalists working for the East African Standard newspaper in Nairobi, Kenya. Yesterday, police detained three journalists - Managing Director Tom Mshindi, Associate Editor Kwamchetsi Makokha, and Sunday editor David Makali – all working for the East African Standard. The government was reacting to a story published by the newspaper in the Sunday edition regarding the killing of Bomas II delegate and University of Nairobi lecturer, Dr. Odhiambo Mbai. The article also linked a high-profile government official as one of the principal instigators behind the murder. The police released…  

Salzburg, Austria 15 September 2003 In gloomy mood, Robert Kennedy occasionally would quote the ancient Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.” Dull times are uneventful, unchallenging and, above all, safe. Interesting times are full of exciting events, hazardous, threatening – even dangerous. Certainly not safe. Interesting times of course are meat and drink for us in the news business. But in recent years we have seen far too much of the dark meaning of the Chinese curse. Interesting times have become increasingly deadly for journalists. Interesting times have become nightmare times for many of us. The Iraq conflict is one of the bloodiest in history for reporters. A…  
13853. Media For Democracy in South-Eastern Europe  

Journalists Newsline is the newsletter of the IFJ Media For Democracy in South Eastern Europe programme. Issue No. 9 - September 2003 Issue No. 8 - April 2003 Issue No. 7 - September 2002 Issue No. 6 - June 2002 Issue No. 5 - March 2002 Issue No. 4 - December 2001 Issue No. 3 - October 2001 Issue No. 2 - July 2001 Issue No. 1 - April 2001  
13855. Journalists Announce International Day of Solidarity With Media in Algeria  

International journalists’ groups and the supporters of change in Algeria have announced an international day of solidarity – October 24th – to highlight the growing crisis facing independent journalism in Algeria. The International Federation of Journalists announced the action following an agreed declaration reached by journalists, press freedom groups and supporters in a meeting in Brussels today. The meeting decided that urgent action is needed at international level to bring the attention of the international community to the growing media crisis in Algeria in recent weeks during which there have been suspensions of newspapers, arrests of publishers and leading journalists and a…  
13860. IFJ Protests Against Censorship on Radio Station in the Philippines  

In a letter to the President of Philippines, the International Federation of Journalists has voiced its concern over the attempt at censorship by the Mayor Jose Galrio Jr when he padlocked a Radio Station in Valencia City, Bukidnon. The IFJ has protested to the Government of the Philippines in the following letter: 23 September 2003 President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Malacanang Palace Republic of the Philippines Via email: [email protected] Dear President, The International Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) the global organisation of journalists, representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is concerned over the attempt at censorship at radio station DxMV-Radyo Ukay.…  
Search results 13791 until 13860 of 15063