15060 results:

4551. Hong Kong-based grassroots news website blocked in China  

The website of a Hong Kong grassroots news organisation, reporting labour issues around the globe, has been blocked in mainland. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) would call for the Chinese government to ensure freedom of expression in their country, ending their internet censorship policy. The grassroots news organisation based in Hong Kong, Worker News, issued a post on the 28 February 2019,  saying that mainland readers recently found its site to be inaccessible, and the Chinese internet censorship analyser GreatFire.org also showed the site to be blocked as of 1 March, HKFP reported. “We can’t tell if this is a censorship official targeting us, or the algorithm…  
4552. Government advertising withheld from Kashmir newspapers  

For the past two weeks, the governor’s administration of Jammu and Kashmir has not given any government advertisements to Greater Kashmir and Kashmir Reader. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) have strongly criticized the moved by the J&K administration, withholding important funding for the local media outlets. According to the Kashmir Editor’s Guild the administration had not given any government advertisements since February 16, 2019 to either outlet. Greater Kashmir is the most widely read English paper in the region. The Editor’s Guild said that neither outlet had received any communication from the administration,…  
4553. María García Zornoza: "El feminismo no es supremacismo, es igualdad. Y la igualdad solo lleva a una sociedad mejor para todos"  

María García Zornoza (Albacete, 1993) es una periodista al mando de Aquí Europa, un medio digital con sede en Bruselas dedicado a información de la Unión Europea. Hablamos con ella de igualdad en los medios, periodismo y del significado real del feminismo. ¿Cómo describirías la situación de las mujeres en los medios de tu país? ¿Cuáles son los principales retos a los que se enfrentan a la hora de alcanzar posiciones de poder? Creo que la situación en España de las periodistas con cargos de responsabilidad es el reflejo de lo que ocurre en buena parte de la sociedad. Leía hace poco el titular “una mujer sustituye a” y el nombre de un conocido empresario. La noticia sigue siendo que una…  
4554. Raby Simporé: "il est temps de quitter le carcan des femmes trésorières ou responsables de la mobilisation féminine"  

Raby Simporé est journaliste et membre du bureau de l’Association des journalistes du Burkina Faso (AJB). Elle est également formatrice en genre et médias. En 2018 , elle créée une « cellule genre » au sein de l’AJB. Retour sur son parcours de militante et la place des femmes dans les médias et syndicats burkinabés. Pourquoi vous être affiliée à l’AJB ? Mon parcours syndical remonte au lycée et à l’université où j’ai milité au sein de l’Union générale des Etudiants Burkinabé (UGEB) et dans le Mouvement Burkinabé des Droits de l’homme et des Peuples (MBDHP). Donc, naturellement et logiquement, quand je suis arrivée dans le journalisme en 2012, je me suis tournée vers le syndicalisme dans…  
4555. Rosario Utreras: "La presencia de mujeres por sí sola no garantiza una comunicación equitativa y no sexista"  

Rosario es miembro del Colegio de Periodistas de Pichincha. Fue Presidenta del Colegio, Concejal de la Ciudad de Quito, Representante de la Defensoría del Pueblo y Consejera del CORDICOM (Consejo de Regulación de la información y la comunicación). Charlamos con ella sobre igualdad, periodismo y medios de comunicación en Ecuador. ¿Cómo describirías la situación de las mujeres en los medios en tu país? ¿Qué desafíos encuentran para alcanzar posiciones de alta jerarquía? Yo diría que aún estamos distantes de alcanzar una real equidad, pese al camino recorrido, y a la luchas desplegadas por el movimiento de mujeres desde hace varias décadas, la situación de las mujeres es aún de segundo nivel,…  
4556. Ana Pardo de Vera: "Necesitamos son mujeres feministas que reivindiquen y practiquen tanto la igualdad como la perspectiva de género"  

Ana Pardo de Vera (Lugo, 1974) es periodista y dirige desde septiembre de 2016 Público, un cargo directivo que pocas mujeres ocupan en los medios de comunicación españoles. Hablamos con ella sobre la situación de las mujeres en España y las claves para conseguir una igualdad real en los medios. ¿Cómo describirías la situación de las mujeres en los medios de tu país? ¿Cuáles son los principales retos a los que se enfrentan a la hora de alcanzar posiciones de poder? La situación es la misma que en la práctica mayoría de trabajos en este país: sufrimos una desigualdad sangrante. A falta de nuevos datos (aunque no hay motivo para ser optimista), hoy sabemos que apenas un 15% de puestos…  
4557. Pierre-Yves Ginet: les hommes ont une responsabilité!  

Pierre-Yves Ginet est co-rédacteur en chef du magazine Femmes ici et ailleurs, un magazine bimensuel d’information qui dépeint des portraits de femmes en France et dans le monde. Il nous parle de son magazine, de ses choix éditoriaux, de la place des femmes dans le journalisme et d’une prise de conscience nécessaire. Comment décririez-vous la situation des femmes qui travaillent dans les médias français? Quels sont leurs défis pour atteindre des postes à responsabilité ? Il y a un vrai problème d’inégalité professionnelle et de plafond de verre dans les entreprises de presse. Le nombre de cartes de presse est bien partagé entre femmes et hommes mais plus on grimpe dans les hiérarchies,…  
4558. Ulrika Hyller: “We will get better journalism if women and men are equal”  

Ulrika Hyllert has been a board member of the Swedish union of journalists since 2014. The radio reporter was elected as the new president of the Swedish Union of journalists on 1st of February. How would you describe the situation of women in media in your own country? What are the challenges they face reaching top-level positions? In Sweden, we have probably a better situation than in many other countries. But of course, it is not perfect. There are a lot of women journalists: there's 50% men and 50% women working as journalists. But if you look at the top-level positions, there are not as many women as men. A newspapers conducted a research looking at women CEOs in the media in…  
4559. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, February 23rd to Friday, March 1st 2019: Caso Bustíos: Comisedh espera que se abra camino a la justicia, Crónica Viva 10 Yemeni journalists abducted by Houthis face specialised terrorism court, IFEX Journalists failed by Turkey's justice system, a Nobel nomination, and France's "anti-thug" law, IFEX Palestinians slam arrest of Andalou Agency photographer, Andalou Agency Facebook unblocks RT-linked pages but makes them comply with rules ‘no one else’ has to follow, RT Is a killed…  
4560. Tanzania: Government suspends Citizen Newspaper for seven days  

The Government of Tanzania has suspended the Citizen, a privately-owned daily newspaper, for seven days claiming that it “deliberately published misleading news about the depreciation of the Tanzanian Shilling against the dollar” on Saturday, 23 February 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) urge Tanzanian authorities to immediately lift the suspension and to allow all media to report without any form of censorship or intimidation. According to a statement issued by the Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC), the Tanzanian Registrar of Newspaper, Mr. Patrick Kipangula, said that the Citizen newspaper…  
4561. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: MARCH  

Philippines: Maria Ressa arrested in ongoing government crackdown On February 13, Rappler CEO, Maria Ressa, was arrested and taken into custody at the Rappler offices in the Philippines. Ressa was arrested on libel charges over a story published in 2012.  The case has been widely criticised as retaliation by the Duterte government against Rappler's reporting of for exposing violence-inciting fake accounts on Facebook linked to the President.  See the IFJ statement here, read reports from The Conversation, Sydney Morning Herald, The New York Times. Impunity win in Indonesia Following campaigning by the Alliance of Independent Journalists, on…  
4562. New online platform to change “pale and male” media content  

Building bridges among journalists, students and media educators to improve gender equality in newsrooms and media content. This is what the Advancing Gender and Equality in Media Industries (AGEMI) project stands for. On 26th February, the EU-funded project launched its online platform on gender and media at the Press Club in Brussels. The web platform provides a resource bank of over 100 best practices on gender equity in media as well as free learning resources to support journalism trainers and educators in their curricula. The project itself also included a summer school and internships for 30 students across the EU. The AGEMI consortium is composed of the Universities of Newcastle,…  
4563. Myanmar: Journalists attacked following critical mining report  

Journalists Moon Moon Pan and Ah Je were detained and assaulted by employees of a mining company in Waingmaw in Kachin in Myanmar on February 26. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Myanmar Journalists Association (MJA) condemn the attack on the two journalists and demand an immediate investigation. According to The Irrawaddy the two Myitkyina News Journal journalists were detained by staff from the Tha Khin Sit Mining, Import and Export Company, and forced from the newsroom to the company’s site. They were detained for over two hours in separate rooms and allegedly abused. They were ordered to take down an article about the company. The two journalists…  
4564. HKJA launches petition in response to Access to Information consultations  

Following the launch of the public consultation by the Law Reform Commission (LRC) of Hong Kong into access to information legislation, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) has launched a petition with several recommendations for any new legislation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins HKJA in calling on the Hong Kong Government to ensure all key stakeholders are engaged in public consultations and recommendations included in any future legislation. On December 6, 2018 the LRC launched a three month public consultation into how the public gains access to information held by the Hong Kong government, as well as the current public records managements, and…  
4565. Workers victory against Philippines broadcaster  

On Thursday, February 26 the Court of Appeals in the Philippines upheld the decision by the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) to recognize continually contracted staff at GMA as workers. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) strongly welcome the decision by the Court of Appeals as a win for workers’ rights in the Philippines. In 2014, the Talent Association of GMA Network (TAG) filed a case at the NLRC against GMA, for its refusal to regularize "talents" whose contracts were continually renewed over a course of a period. The ruling made by the NLRC was in favor of the workers. On Thursday,…  
4566. Zimbabwe: IFJ and FAJ condemn repressive measures against trade unions  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African Regional Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), is shocked by the new government of Zimbabwe’s repressive measures against trade unions following today’s arrest of Mr Kwasi Adu-Amankwah, General Secretary of the African Regional Organisation of International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC-Africa) in Harare, Zimbabwe. According to the information received from the pan-African trade union organisation, ITUC-Africa, Adu-Amankwah was forcefully taken from Jameson Hotel in Zimbabwe to Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport by officers from the Department of Immigration of Zimbabwe on February 26. He…  
4567. Philippines: Journalist and family named on hit list  

Philippine journalist Cong Corrales and his family’s names were included on an anonymous list allegedly naming members of the Philippines Communist Party. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) strongly criticised the list and called on the authorities to immediately investigate, as well guarantee the safety of Corrales and his family. The anonymous list, which is referred to as ‘red tagging’ was published, allegedly referencing members of the Communist Party of the Philippines in Cagayan de Oro in Mindanao in the southern Philippines. Corrales the former director of the NUJP was named as well as his…  
4568. Several journalists attacked at Jakarta rally  

A number of journalists covering the Islamist gather ‘212 Munajat Night’ in Jakarta on February 21 were attacked by members of the Islamic Defender Front. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AIJ) condemned the attack against the journalists who were simply doing their job. The gathering took place near the National Monument in central Jakarta and was organized by the Jakarta Chapter of the Indonesian Ulema Council and the Dakwah Front Institution. There were thousands of participants. Several journalists were waiting near the VIP entrance to conduct interviews, when a rumor of a robbing broke and chaos ensued. Some of…  
4569. Tanzania: IFJ regrets the death of journalist Timothy Kitundu  

The Interim General Secretary of the Journalists Workers’ Union of Tanzania (JOWUTA), Comrade Timothy Kitundu, died on Tuesday, 19 February, in Dar es Salaam. Kitundu was said to be sick for some time. He was very much instrumental in the revival of the journalists union in Tanzania. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) wants to honour his memory and sends condolences to his friends and family. JOWUTA said that Comrade Timothy Kitundu will be remembered as a very humble man who was dedicated to helping other people, especially the young journalists. His efforts helped journalists in Tanzania to reorganise and strengthen their union. The General Secretary of the International…  
4570. Yemen: 10 illegally held journalists face special terror court  

10 Yemeni journalists abducted by Ansar Allah (Houthis) since June 2015 have been sent to face a specialised terrorism court. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), in condemning the move and has written to United Nations General Secretary, António Guterres, and the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, urging them to strongly reject the use of journalists in Yemen as hostages and bargaining chips. The journalists being referred to the court are Abdulkhaleq Ahmad Omran, Akram Saleh Al-Walidi, Al-Hareth Saleh Hameed, Tawfeeq Mohammed Al-Mansouri, Hisham Ahmad Tartoum, Hisham Abdulamalek Al-Yousefi, Haitham Abdulrahman Raweh,…  
4571. México: asesinan al comunicador comunitario Samir Flores en Morelos  

El 20 de febrero fue ejecutado a balazos el periodista y comunicador comunitario Samir Flores, mientras se encontraba en camino a conducir su programa matutino. El asesinato de Flores constituye el segundo asesinato a un periodista por el ejercicio de su profesión en el mes de febrero. Samir Flores, locutor y fundador de la Radio Comunitaria Amiltzinko, desde su rol de comunicador y como activista se había manifestado en contra de la instalación de una planta termoeléctrica en Huexca y de un gasoducto que atravesaría comunidades campesinas del estado de Morelos. Flores había participado un día antes de su muerte -y en vísperas de la consulta popular que decidirá la continuidad de estas…  
4572. Argentina: golpean y detienen a periodistas en la cobertura de una manifestación  

En la mañana del día de hoy, miércoles 20 de febrero, periodistas y trabajadores de prensa de Argentina fueron golpeados y detenidos mientras realizaban la cobertura de una protesta de la Cooperativa Madygraf ante el Congreso de la Nación. Entre los arrestados, se encuentran el fotoperiodista Bernardino Ávila (Página 12) y el fotógrafo Pablo Barrientos (Revista Cítrica). En un hecho que representa una avanzada más en contra del derecho a la libertad de expresión y la pluralidad de voces en Argentina, efectivos de la Policía de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires reprimieron, agredieron y apresaron a trabajadorxs de medios opositores que se encontraban cubriendo la protesta de miembros de la…  
4573. Samir Flores  

The presenter for Amiltzinko, a community radio which he founded, was gunned down on his way to anchor his morning programme. A day before his killing, Flores who was also a vocal critic of a thermoelectric installation in Huexca and a pipeline which crosses tribal area in the state of Morelos following, had attended a public consultation over these projects following protests related to their adverse impact on the environment. Journalists' safety, Mexico, Impunity, IFJ  
4574. Suisse : une avancée historique pour les droits d’auteur des journalistes  

Les Commissions de la science, de l’éducation et de la culture (CSEC) de l’Assemblée fédérale du Parlement suisse ont tranché la semaine dernière en faveur d’une rémunération des contenus rédactionnels des journalistes et des éditeurs de presse par les géants d’Internet en Suisse. Les Fédération internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ/FEJ) et leurs affiliés Impressum et Syndicom saluent une « avancée historique » pour les droits d’auteur des journalistes. La Commission de la science, de l’éducation et de la culture (CSEC) du Conseil des Etats du Parlement suisse a tranché la semaine dernière en faveur d’une rémunération des contenus rédactionnels des journalistes et des…  
4575. Journalist attacked by police in Jaffna, Sri Lanka  

Sri Lankan journalist Nadarajah Kugarajah was attacked by police in Jaffna on February 20, 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) is strongly criticizing the attack and calling for an immediate investigation by the police. Nadarajah Kugarajah a journalist with the Tamil television station Dan TV was attacked on February 19 as he filmed a piece for his reporting in Kokuvil East in Jaffna. As he filmed, he was threatened to stop filming by the Acting Officer-in-Charge of Kopay police station. When he did not comply, he was attack. Kugarajah was taken to Jaffna Teaching Hospital to be treated for his injuries. FMM said that…  
4576. Perú: alerta contra la impunidad en el Caso Bustíos  

Este 20 de febrero la Corte Suprema Justicia del Perú decidirá sobre la solicitud de revisión del recurso de nulidad a la sentencia por el asesinato de Hugo Bustíos Bustíos Saavedra, que el último 4 de octubre absolvió al acusado Daniel Urresti de toda responsabilidad. Bustíos Saavedra fue asesinado en 1988 mientras realizaba el ejercicio de su profesión. El periodista Hugo Bustíos fue asesinado el 24 de noviembre de 1988 durante la cobertura de un conflicto armado, donde según indican testigos, fue atacado a disparos por militares de la Base Contrasubversiva de Castrompampa, Ayacucho. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas, como organización defensora de los derechos humanos y de la…  
4577. "Ligue du LOL" et harcèlements : luttons ensemble et partout !  

La FIJ condamne fermement les attaques perpétrées par "la Ligue du LOL" contre des journalistes français.e.s, révélées le 8 févier dernier par le quotidien Libération. Nous reproduisons ici le communiqué de notre affilié français le Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ) et appelons les rédactions à faire preuve de la plus grande vigilance dans la lutte contre le sexisme. Toute agression sexiste, homophobe ou raciste envers les membres d'une rédaction doit être prise au sérieux et sanctionnée. « La reproduction au sein même des rédactions de mécanismes de domination et d’humiliation régulièrement dénoncés par notre profession nous est insupportable » [...] « Nous appelons…  
4578. Libel cases threatening newsrooms in the Philippines  

After the arrest of Rappler CEO Maria Ressa over cyber libel, the Philstar.com decided to delete an article from 2002 over anticipated libel cases. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) have raised serious concerns over this decision, and call on the government of the Philippines to end its crackdown on press freedom. Just days after Ressa was released on bail, Philstar.com took down its article "Influential businessman eyed in ex-councilor's slay", which it published in 2002. Readers could not access the article, which was originally published in the Philippines Star newspaper. The newsroom posted an…  
4579. IFJ affiliates condemn Maria Ressa arrest  

IFJ affiliates in Asia-Pacific responded to the arrest of Maria Ressa in the Philippines. In statements from across the region they have met with representatives to condemn the arrest. See more below: Timor Leste Press Union (TLPU) Timor-Leste Press Union (TLPU) is concerned about press freedom in the Philippines and the arrest in the Philippines of Maria Ressa, founder and executive editor of the news website Rappler, is an alarming development. Freedom of the press in the Philippines continues to be threatened. In addition to the detention of Maria Ressa, this week alone, a number of sites including the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) organization site were hit…  
4580. IFJ in the news  

Every week, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 9th to Friday 15th of February 2019: International Federation of Journalists, Nepal Press Union criticise proposed law to tighten screws on social media, The Kathmandu Post Media freedom on the wane in Europe, report says, The Parliament Magazine EBU and partners highlight threat to media freedom in Council of Europe report, EBU Press freedom conditions worsen in Europe: report, Politico Global solidarity for Rappler and Maria Ressa who vow to fight for a free press, IFEX…  
4581. Anonymous lists put journalists’ lives in danger in the Philippines  

Several journalists have been named on an anonymous list of purported drug personalities in two cities in the Philippines, raising serious concerns for their safety. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) have expressed serious concerns for the safety of the journalists named on the list, and called for authorities to immediately investigate. In a joint statement released by IFJ’s affiliate the NUJP, NUJP Bacolod Chapter, and Negros Press Club, the two organisations said that the composition of these lists is inconsistent and lack of logic. It indicates that those anonymous lists were prepared by…  
4582. Nepal: Proposed legislation muzzles free speech on social media  

The Nepal government has drafted new legislation that will impose harsh penalties for posting content on social media deemed ‘improper’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Nepal Press Union (NPU) have strongly criticized the proposed legislation and called on the government to hold wide consultations with stakeholders to address the key issues. The proposed bill is related to the management and regulation of information technology, which could see individuals who post content deemed by authorities as a character assassination or an attack on national sovereignty, fined NPR 1.5million (USD 13,200) or sentenced to five years in jail. The bill includes a…  
4583. New copyright directive makes a mockery of journalists' authors' rights  

After months of speculation, EU institutions last night agreed the wording of a proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, which risks journalists being deprived of their authors' rights and denied ‘’proportionate remuneration’’ for the work they do. The new proposal does introduce the principle of an appropriate and proportionate remuneration for all authors, including journalists, place transparency obligations on publishers and open up the possibility of alternative dispute mechanisms which could avoid lengthy and expensive court cases. It also allows authors to be represented by their unions in that process. The International and the European Federations of…  
4584. IFJ Blog: MEAA's new campaign: Good Jobs in Digital Media  

Like most of the world, the Australian media landscape has been fundamentally shaken up over the past two decades by the digital revolution. The early failure of the big established print media empires – News Corporation and Fairfax Media – to recognise and respond to the challenges the internet posed to their business models has had long-lasting ramifications. The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance conservatively estimates that since 2011, more than 3000 journalist jobs have been lost in Australia – or a quarter of the total journalistic workforce. Over the years, News and Fairfax – whose publications including the national dailies The Australian and Australian Financial Review,…  
4585. Philippines: Rappler CEO Maria Ressa arrested on cyber libel charges  

(UPDATE with Maria Ressa release on bail). The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) arrested Rappler CEO Maria Ressa for cyber libel in her office on February 13. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) condemned the arrest and detention of Ressa and demand the government end the ongoing crackdown against Rappler. Ressa was in a meeting at the Rappler offices in Manila when agents served her with an arrest warrant. She was charged with cyber libel over an article Rappler published in 2012. She appeared before court and was denied bail. Ressa remains in custody. Rappler staff broadcast the entire…  
4586. IFJ and EFJ join a coalition calling for dialogue with libraries on Internet Archive book scanning  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join the National Writers Union (NWU) and the Authors Guild to denounce the scanning and distribution of complete copies of hundreds of thousands of books by the Internet Archive and its library “partners” on the basis of the flawed legal theory of “Controlled Digital Lending” (CDL). Information about the campaign and links to the joint Appeal and FAQ are available here. The “Appeal to Readers and Librarians from the Victims of CDL” announced today is co-signed by the IFJ and 36 other national and international organisations of authors, journalists, translators, illustrators, photographers, graphic…  
4587. Thailand regulator switches off Voice TV  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the decision by the National Broadcasting and Communication Commission Thailand (NBTC) to shut down digital television Voice TV on Tuesday, February 12 for 15 days. According to Khaosod English, the NBTC on Monday, February 11, said that several news items from Voice TV “run the risk of causing confusion and inciting conflict or divisions in the kingdom.” The regulator used the order No. 97/2014 published by the military junta. This is not the first time that Voice TV has been shutdown, the regulator sanctioned the outlet 18 times since the military coup in May 2014. The channel’s broadcast was stopped for 26 days, the…  
4588. Report: Urgent action needed to protect press freedom in Europe  

Press freedom in Europe is more fragile now than at any time since the end of the Cold War. That is the alarming conclusion of a report launched today by the 12 partner organizations of the Council of Europe Platform to promote the protection of Journalism and safety of journalists. The report, “Democracy at Risk”, analyses media freedom violations raised to the Platform in 2018. It provides a stark picture of the worsening environment for the media across Europe, in which journalists increasingly face obstruction, hostility and violence as they investigate and report on behalf of the public. The 12 Platform partners – international journalists’ and media organisations as well as freedom…  
4589. NUJP website targeted as digital attacks continue in the Philippines  

A series of cyber attacks have intermittently shutdown the website for IFJ affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and NUJP demand an end to the cyber attacks and call on the Philippine authorities investigate. The attacks began on February 8, when the NUJP website was targeted by a Distribution Denial of Services (DDos) attack. The attack saw the website go offline twice after 8.30pm. A DDoS attack is an attempt to disrupt normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic. In this instance, the attacks came…  
4590. Rafael Murua Manriquez  

The 34-year-old director of Radio Kashana, a community radio station in the town of Mulege in Baja California Sur, was found dead inside his car after he was reported missing the day before. According to local reports, the journalist’s body showed signs of violence. Murua had received deaths threats at the end of 2018 from local officials and was admitted into the programme for the protection of journalists, media reports added. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
4591. México: ejecutan al locutor Jesús Ramos Rodríguez en Tabasco  

El periodista y locutor fue asesinado por sicarios el pasado 9 de febrero, cuando desayunaba en un hotel del municipio de Emiliano Zapata. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), condena este crimen a la vez que insta a las autoridades mexicanas a llevar a la justicia a los autores materiales e intelectuales del crimen. Jesús Ramos Rodríguez, conductor en la estación radial tabasqueña Oye 99.9 FM, donde encabezaba el programa noticioso “Nuestra Región Hoy’”, fue acribillado a balazos el día sábado en el restaurante de un hotel donde se encontraba desayunando. Según la prensa local, Ramos Rodríguez fue atacado por una persona que se dirigió directamente al lugar donde estaba el…  
4592. Attack on radio station in Afghanistan kills two journalists  

In an attack on the offices of Radio Hamsada in Telagan, Afghanistan, on February 6, two journalists were killed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning this brutal murder and demand for a throughout investigation to bring those responsible to justice. The two victims of the attack were Shafiq Areya, a reporter, and Rahimullah, the presenter of a social program. Both were in their 20s and died on the spot. Simin Hussaini, the editor of Hamsada Radio Station, confirmed to the AIJA that they did not receive any threat before the attack. "This was a targeted attack on the Radio Hamsada,"…  
4593. Pakistani journalist arrested over social media posts  

Pakistani journalist, Rizawn Razi was arrested on Saturday, February 9, in Lahore, Pakistan over a series of social media posts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) strongly criticise the arrest and detention of Razi and demand his immediate release. According to reports, Razi a TV anchor for Din News, an Urdu-language news station, was detained and arrested in his home in Lahore on Saturday. He was arrested by the Cyber Crime Wing of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for allegedly posting defamatory and obnoxious content on social media. According to the arrest warrant FIA found substantial evidence that Twitter account…  
4594. Impunity win: Journalist killer's presidential pardon withdrawn  

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has withdrawn his earlier decision to grant remission to I Nyoman Susrama, the killer of Radar Bali journalist Anak Agung Gde Bagus Narendra Prabangsa. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) strongly welcome the decision by the President, which sends a strong message support press freedom in Indonesia. On February 9, on Indonesia’s National Press Day, answering the question from journalists in Surabaya, President Jokowi said he had already signed the remission paperwork. A few hours later, the presidential chief of staff released the statement confirming that the decree of the remission has been…  
4595. Jesús Ramos Rodríguez  

The presenter at Radio Oye 99.9 FM where he directed a News programme entitled ‘Nuestra Región Hoy’ based in the city of Emiliano Zapata was shot dead by unidentified gunman while he was having breakfast in a local hotel. According to local media, the gunman walked in and headed to the place where the journalist before opening fire at close range. Journalists' safety, Mexico, Impunity, IFJ  
4596. IFJ in the news  

Every week, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 2nd  to Friday 8th of February 2019. Journalists, institutions decry 'absurd legal attack' against Rappler, Rappler Society suffers every time a journalist is killed — int'l media group, Philippine Star South Asia Among the Deadliest Regions for Media Workers, Journalists' Body Finds, The Wire GJA to name Investigative Journalist of the Year award after Ahmed, Graphic Online Indian journalists wear helmets and here is why, Anadolu Agency J&K Police Files Chargesheet…  
4597. Turkey: IFJ sends a letter of support to journalist Ayşe Düzkan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) General Secretary, Anthony Bellanger, has sent a letter of support to Turkish journalist Ayşe Düzkan, who was sentenced to an 18-month jail imprisonment for acting as the symbolic editor-in-chief of Kurdish Özgür Gündem newspaper for one day. Dear Ayşe, It is with great dismay that I received the news of your and four other fellow journalists prison sentencing. On behalf of the IFJ and myself, I wish to send you and your peers all our support. You have been convicted at the end of a long trial of “spreading propaganda for a terrorist organisation”.  We all know, as may the prosecution itself, it is not true and the accusations made…  
4598. Copyright Directive: IFJ/EFJ reject the Romanian compromise  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ), the world and Europe’s largest journalists’ organisations, call on EU Institutions to reject provisions and proposals that aim to restrict or obliterate journalists’ remuneration, ahead of final negotiations on the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (DSM). It is with great dismay and disbelief that the IFJ and the EFJ have read the EU Presidency’s latest proposals regarding journalists’ remuneration in the context of the draft legislation. While floating a possible compromise idea of an “appropriate and proportionate” remuneration for authors in Recital 39Y and presumably in Article -14, the EU Presidency…  
4599. IFJ and AJI call on Indonesian Government to withdraw pardon for journalist killer  

Today, the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) have met with the Indonesian Government to present a letter from the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and AJI urging the President to withdraw the pardon granted to journalist killer I Nyoman Susrama. On December 7, 2018, President Joko Widodo issued the Presidential Decree No. 29/2018 to lowering the sentence of I Nyoman Susrama, the killer of Radar Bali journalist Anak Agung Gde Bagus Narendra Prabangsa. Based on the decree, Susrama’s sentence commuted from a life sentence to 20 years imprisonment. IFJ together with AJI and Indonesian colleagues have sent a letter of complaint tpthe President urging him withdraw the pardon. Also…  
4600. IFJ 2018  Report on journalists and media staff killed: time for action!  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today releases its 29th report on journalists and media staff  killed in the course of their duties in 2018. The report, In the Shadow of violence: journalists and media killed in 2018, details cases of 95 journalists and media professionals who lost their lives in targeted killings, bomb attacks or crossfire incidents. The number represent an increase of thirteen killings more than in 2017.  Yemen, India, Mexico, Afghanistan and Syria recorded the most devastating tolls while South Asia becomes the world’s most dangerous region for journalists, according to the report.  The IFJ says that the increase in…  
4601. Rappler indicted on libel charges in the Philippines  

Rappler, CEO Maria Resa and reporter Reynaldo Santos Jr. have been indicted on libel charges over a story published in 2012. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) strongly condemn the charges against Rappler and staff and call for the charges to be dropped. On May 29, 2012, Rappler published a report titled “CJ using SUVs of controversial businessman” during the impeachment trial of former Chief Justice Renato Corona. The complaint was filed by Wilfredo Keng, who said he did not lend any vehicle to the late chief magistrate. However, the Cybercrime Prevention Act (2012), which the charges come…  
4602. Several news websites targeted in cyber-attacks in the Philippines  

Filipino news websites Bulatlat and Kodao Productions were hit with several cyber-attacks between January 19 and 31 and on February 4, 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) have the condemned the targeted attacks as an attempt to silence critical voices. Between January 19 and 31, as well as on February 4, the websites of Bulatlat and Kodao Productions were targeted with Distribution Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks. The attacks saw both websites go offline. The Bulatlat website is back online, however the Kodao website has not recovered. In December 2018, the website for Pinoy Weekly was…  
4603. Journalist attacked by officials from India’s ruling party  

Suman Pandey and Vinod Dongre were attacked as they covered a meeting of officials from the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Raipur, Chhattisgarh on February 2. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) have strongly criticized the attack and demand an immediate investigation into the incident. Pandey, a journalist with The Voices filmed a scuffle that broke out between BJP officials. He said that following, he was attacked and beaten by BJP officials, demanding that he delete the footage. Vinod was also injured in the attack. Pandey, who sustained head injuries in the attack, filed a complaint to police. In the complaint,…  
4604. Shafiq Arya, Rahimullah Rahmani  

According to media reports, news editor Shafiq Arya and presenter Rahimullah Rahmani for radio Hamsada in northeast Afghanistan were shot dead by two unidentified gunmen who stormed the station’s studios and opened fire on the journalists during a live broadcast. The victims, both in their 20s, died on the sport, media reports added. Journalists' safety, Afghanistan, Impunity, IFJ  
4605. Over two hundred jobs cut from BuzzFeed globally  

Last week, BuzzFeed made over 200 employees, 15 per cent of its overall global workforce redundant. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) and the Author’s Guild strongly condemned the decision by BuzzFeed and called for wider consultation on addressing the challenges the company is facing. On 25 January, 43 of BuzzFeed’s 250 employees in the USA were made redundant, including the entire news desk. In London, 17 positions at BuzzFeed were put forward for redundancy, while on Tuesday January 29, staff in BuzzFeed’s Australia offices were told that as many as 25 of the 40…  
4606. IFJ Blog: Working conditions for foreign journalists in China worsening  

The reporting environment for international journalists in China is worsening in virtually every important respect, according to a survey of correspondent members conducted by the Foreign Correspondents Club of China. The 2018 survey constitutes a detailed and depressing document, with 55% of respondents saying they believe conditions have deteriorated, well above the 40% who expressed that sentiment in the FCCC’s 2017 survey. The 2018 survey constitutes a detailed and depressing document, with 55% of respondents saying they believe conditions have deteriorated, well above the 40% who expressed that sentiment in the FCCC’s 2017 survey. Authorities are more routinely and more directly…  
4607. IFJ Strategic Union Building Workshop Declaration  

African Journalists' union leaders meeting in Dakar, Senegal, condemned in the strongest terms the closing down of the Internet in an increasing number of African countries. These shutdowns that had occurred in Cameroon, DRC, Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda are grossly undemocratic acts that inhibit people’s right to access to information, curb freedom of expression and take away the right of journalists and other media workers to earn a decent living IFJ Strategic Union Building Workshop Declaration     Leaders of African journalists’ trade unions affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) met in Dakar, Senegal, from 30th-31th January 2019, Senegal, at a…  
4608. IFJ in the news  

Every week, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 26th of January to Friday 1st of February 2019. When a Journalist is Arrested and Treated Like a Terrorist For Little More Than Social Media Dissent, The Citizen EU's parliament votes to recognise Guaido as Venezuela's interim leader, Independent EU Parliament recognises Juan Guaido as Venezuelan interim president, The Straits Times UAE media condemn attack that killed journalist, Gulf News Rising concern over writer held in China, Blue Montains Gazette Fariha Razak —…  
4609. IFJ Holds Workshop on Strategic Union Building  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union to Union Project held a two – day workshop from 30 – 31 January in Dakar, Senegal on Strategic Union Building under the theme, “ The Digital Economy and African Journalists’ Unions; Developing strategies for Survival and Sustainability”. The workshop brought together 14 participants from the Youth Working Group, union leaders from Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Angola and Somalia as well as members of the FAJ Steering Committee. The workshop deliberated on pertinent issues concerning African journalists’ unions noting with concern that membership in the unions has dropped sharply in the past few years mainly…  
4610. Bulgaria: IFJ backs call to scrap law  

The IFJ has backed calls by the Union of Bulgarian Journalists (UBJ) to scrap a proposed new law which they claim would spell the end of media freedom. The UBJ expressed serious concerns about the adoption of The Amendments to the Law on  Protection of Personal Data, by the country’s parliament. In a strongly worded statement, the UBJ Board condemned the amendments, which it claimed would “in practice deprive the journalists of the possibility to exercise their profession freely”. The new law opens up the possibility for the State Commission for  Personal Data Protection (CDPR) to control the work of the journalists and the media, and judge case by case if the journalists…  
4611. Venezuela: La FIP exige el cese de acciones hostiles contra periodistas  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se solidariza con la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina Caribe (FEPALC) y su afiliado venezolano, el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP), en su denuncia de las agresiones y ataques contra trabajadores de medios de comunicación en Venezuela producidos en las últimas semanas. El SNTP ha registrado un total de 32 ataques a la libertad de prensa; 26 trabajadores de la prensa agredidos; 11 detenciones de reporteros; 6 denuncias por robo de equipo; 7 cortes de emisión de programas de radio y 5 medios atacados. Dos periodistas chilenos, Rodrigo Pérez y Gonzalo Barahona, de TVN-Chile, fueron detenidos el martes 22 de…  
4612. Yemen: Cameraman killed and journalist wounded in bomb attack  

Ziad al-Sharaabi, a cameraman working for Abu Dhabi TV, was killed in a bomb attack on Monday in a restaurant located in Yemen’s port city of Mokha. Faisal al-Dhahbani, a reporter from the same network, was wounded in the attack. The IFJ joins the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) and the UAE Journalists Association in condemning the attack and demanding a full investigation of the incident to bring those responsible for this heinous crime to justice. Faisal al-Dhahbani told the YJS that he and his colleague Ziad went to a restaurant in a local market to have dinner. After a few minutes, a motorcycle that was next to the restaurant exploded killing Ziad and six other civilians, injuring…  
4613. IFJ demands immediate release of Chinese journalist  

Chinese journalist, Liu Feiyue has been sentenced to five years in jail for inciting subversion and publishing article opposed to the socialist system. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the sentencing of Liu and demanded his immediate release. Liu Feiyue is the founder and director of Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch (Msguancha.com), a Hubei-based online platform, dedicated to exposing human rights violations against grassroots activists in China. Liu was first detained on November 18, 2016 and formally arrested on December 23. He has been under criminal detention since then. He was denied access to his lawyer for several months until May 25, 2017. On August…  
4614. Journalists attacked and blocked in Kashmir, India  

Journalists in Jammu and Kashmir, India, have been attacked and blocked from covering events in recent days, raising questions about press freedom and safety in the region. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemning the latest incidents and calling for an investigation. On January 22, four journalists were attacked with pellets by police during a clash between anti-government protesters and authorities. The journalists received head injuries during the attack. In a statement after the incident, police said they did not know the group were journalists, and did not deliberately target them. On January 26, six…  
4615. Iraq: 7 journalists attacked by security forces in Kurdistan  

Seven journalists and media staff working for local television NRT were attacked and detained for several hours on Saturday, January 26, while covering protests against a Turkish military base in the town of Shaladze, located in Iraq's Kurdish region. Their equipment was confiscated and the NRT office in Duhok city, the center of the region was shut down. The IFJ joins the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate (KJS) in condemning the attack and in demanding the authorities respect freedom of information in the region. According to the KJS, the events took place during the protests against Turkish shelling that resulted in 5 casualties and many injured. NRT reported that protesters assaulted the…  
4616. Hong Kong: Proposed National Anthem Law threat to freedom of expression  

A controversial bill has been introduced in Hong Kong this month that would make disrespecting the Chinese national anthem a crime punishable by up to three years in prison. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) are concerned the law would impose restrictions on freedom of expression and press freedom. The National Anthem Bill was tabled to the Legislative Council of Hong Kong for a first and second reading on January 23, 2019. The HKJA is concerned that the proposed articles in the law do not contain any exemption clauses that would protect journalists from prosecution if they report the activities and events that…  
4617. Sri Lankan journalist intimidated covering protest  

Sri Lanka journalist Rahul Samantha Hettiarachchi was obstructed from reporting on a protest on January 23, 2019 in Habmantota, southern Sri Lanka. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), strongly criticize the action against Hettiarachchi and demand a full and immediate investigation. Hettiarachchi was covering protests by workers on a salt production site. During the protest, a group claiming to be supporters of the country’s ruling United National Party started to intimidate and obstruct Hettiarachchi. The next day, he lodged a complaint with the Hambantota Police Headquaters (CIB complaint no. 392/228) but claims police did not…  
4618. IFJ Blog: Remembering Ging Ginanjar, Founder of AJI Indonesia  

A founder of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI Indonesia), senior BBC journalist Ging Ginanjar, died aged 54 on Sunday, January 20. Ging was known for his commitment to protect press freedom, freedom of expression, and human rights. His career in journalism began in the 1980s when he joined Gala daily in Bandung, West Java. He then moved to the weekly tabloid DeTik, an outspoken critic of the government. On June 21, 1994, DeTik, Tempo and Editor were shut down by the authoritarian government. Ging was also an activist; he was then a member of the Independent Journalists’ Forum (FOWI) in Bandung, West Java. At that time, the government only acknowledged the Indonesian…  
4619. Ziad al-Sharaabi  

The cameraman working for Abu Dhabi TV was killed in a bomb attack on a restaurant located in Yemen’s port city of Mokha. Faisal al-Dhahbani, a reporter from the same network, was wounded in the attack. Both journalists were on a mission to cover clashes in the Al-Mokha and the West coast areas of Yemen. Faisal al-Dhahbani told the YJS that he and his colleague Ziad went to a restaurant in a local market to have dinner. After a few minutes, a motorcycle that was next to the restaurant exploded killing Ziad and six other civilians, injuring many and causing widespread damage. Both journalists were on a mission to cover clashes in the Al-Mokha and the West coast areas of…  
4620. Ukraine: 86 incidents of aggression against journalists recorded in 2018   

The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), an IFJ affiliate, has recorded 86 attacks against media workers in 2018. The IFJ joins its affiliate in strictly condemning the attacks and demand public authorities to provide clear guarantee for press freedom in the country. For the second consecutive year, NUJU has published its Journalists' Physical safety index which collects the incidents against journalists over the year. The report is part of NUJU's campaign against impunity led in cooperation with the IFJ.  The 2018 report records 86 attacks against media workers,  a 50% rise in comparison to 2017. The report also includes a rise in the attacks against female media…  
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