15041 results:

421. Hong Kong: Court convicts journalists of unauthorised entry into legislature  

Journalists Wong Ka-ho and Ma Kai-chung have been found guilty by a Hong Kong court of unlawfully entering the city’s legislative council on July 1, 2019, amid a pro-democracy protest in which demonstrators stormed the building in opposition to a proposed extradition bill. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the journalists’ sentencing and calls on the Hong Kong authorities to allow all members of the press to report without threat of legal retaliation. Wong, a journalist at a student publication at the City University of Hong Kong, and Ma, a reporter for the newspaper and online news website Passion Times, faced charges of rioting and unlawfully entering the…  
422. Argentina: al menos 27 trabajadores y trabajadoras de prensa fueron heridos en la cobertura de las movilizaciones  

Según datos del Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires (SiPreBA) y la Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN), al menos 25 periodistas y trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación fueron heridxs por las fuerzas de seguridad en medio de la represión a las movilizaciones que se realizaron en rechazo a un paquete de leyes presentado por el nuevo gobierno. En las imágenes registradas por lxs colegas, se pueden ver a efectivos de la Policía Federal Argentina disparar balas de goma y rociar gases lacrimógenos a personas debidamente identificadas como trabajadorxs de prensa. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia estas agresiones y exige a las autoridades el cese de la…  
423. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from January 27th 2024 to February 2nd 2024. English  What The NH Primaries Reveal About The Future Of Political Journalism - FORBES Actions of authoritarian regime, says foreign correspondents in India after French journalist faces OCI notice - Maktoob Media IFJ says it will take legal action against Israeli politicians and military leaders if they fail to comply with ICJ orders - Wafa News Agency Palestinian journalist: Support for us in…  
424. #IFJBlog: Gaza's journalists face hunger as well as bombing  

The horrific death toll among Gaza’s journalists has become a familiar headline. Ten per cent of the enclave’s media workers have been killed since 7 October – a mortality rate significantly in excess of combat soldiers in most wars. Less well-known are the privations of those of Gaza’s journalists who continue to work, and – since the exclusion of international reporters from the enclave – are the only source of news from Gaza. “All the journalists have changed where they spend the night at least five times since the start of the war”, says Nasser Abu Baker, president of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) and Vice-President of the International Federation of Journalists…  
425. Myanmar: Global unions call on EU to withdraw EBA and the MADE in Myanmar programme  

On the third anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, Global Unions call on the European Union (EU) to reevaluate its policies towards Myanmar, as human rights abuse is rife in the country. The military regime has killed more than 4,000 people, arrested almost 26,000, and suspended civil society organisations, including free trade unions. To: Ms Ursula von der Leyen, President, European Commission Mr Charles Michel, President, European Council Ms Roberta Metsola, President, European Parliament  Mr Valdis Dombrovskis,Executive Vice-President, European Commission Mr Nicholas Schmit, Commissioner, European Commission  Mr Josep Borrell, Hihg Representative, European…  
426. Bosnia and Herzegovina: It must not become the only European country without a public service media  

Bosnia and Herzegovina Radio and Television (BHRT) is facing catastrophic financial difficulties and risks being shut down, leaving 800 employees with no job, if a funding agreement is not reached. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) appeals to the BHRT management and politicians to find a solution as a matter of urgency. The national public broadcaster was deprived of its only source of income, when the state-owned electric utility company Elektroprivreda BiH did not collect the TV licence fees from the citizens along with their January electricity bills. The contract with Elektroprivreda BiH was not renewed after a contract dispute with BHRT…  
427. Myat Thu Tan  

The body of Western News journalist Myat Thu Tan has been found after he was shot and killed by military personnel on January 31, along with seven other political prisoners in the custody of Myanmar’s ruling junta. According to IFJ sources, Myat Thu Tan, also known as Phoe Thiha, was shot by two personnel from the Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 378 in a detainment ward in Mrauk-U Town, in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state. Myat Thu Tan was a contributor with online media outlet Western News as well as a reporter for Democratic Voice of Burma, one of the country’s largest independent media organisations. safety, journalist, Myat Thu Tan, Myanmar, Burmese, Asia Pacific,…  
428. Palestine: Global Unions Call for Unified Action Following ICJ Ruling on Gaza Genocide Case  

The Global Unions signatory below note the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Order issued in the case filed by South Africa against Israel regarding the application of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip, which demonstrates the vital importance of the international rule of law and effective enforcement. The ICJ's binding provisional measures address the urgent need to protect and prevent further harm to the Gazan population. The ICJ and the convention exist to protect human rights and the safety of vulnerable people and rely on the support of the international community. Now is the time to amplify trust in the international legal order.   The Global Unions emphasise the…  
429. #IFJBlog: Seeing is Believing  

The Myanmar military regime has hammered the country’s independent media. Jailing journalists, forcing many underground, or into exile. Despite the threat of jail, frontline dangers, and loss of salary, many media workers have shown great resilience and determination to keep reporting and documenting the stories that matter – the ongoing civil war, the military’s war crimes, mass displacement, the collapse of the economy, and the effects on the daily lives of civilians. Phil Thornton reports from the Thai-Myanmar border. A group of men and women, working under the banner, The Roots, galvanised by the violence of the military regime against civilians who opposed its rule continue to…  
430. Honduras: asesinaron al periodista Luis Alonso Teruel  

Personas armadas atacaron al comunicador cuando se encontraba en su vehículo en el municipio de Atima, Santa Bárbara, el pasado domingo 28 de enero. Luego de ser alertadas, las fuerzas de seguridad lo llevaron a un hospital pero no sobrevivió. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este nuevo hecho de violencia contra un miembro de los medios de comunicación y junto a la Asociación de la Prensa Hondureña (APH) demanda una investigación urgente que esclarezca responsabilidades y motivos detrás de este crimen. El periodista Luis Alonso Teruel fue asesinado el pasado domingo cuando un grupo de personas armadas lo obligaron a bajar de su vehículo y lo hirieron. A pesar de que la…  
431. Senegal: IFJ begins migration-reporting training in West Africa  

Eleven journalists and future trainers from Senegal completed the first ‘train the trainers’ session organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on 29 January in Dakar, Senegal. The newly trained trainers will conduct their own sessions on how to improve the narratives around migration and provide nuanced and trustworthy information to the audience using their new skills, as part of the EU-funded project INFORMA. “This project is an opportunity for IFJ affiliates to develop in-house training on the reporting of migration. This subject calls into question stereotypes and provides nuanced stories about those directly affected by migration without forgetting the historical…  
432. Pakistan: Authorities summon 47 journalists  

Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has issued summons for 47 journalists and YouTubers, with authorities to question the media figures on their alleged sharing of misinformation targeting Supreme Court Judges. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge authorities to stop their harassment of journalists and uphold press freedom. Of the reported 65 notices submitted for the alleged spread of disinformation, 47 were sent to journalists, media workers and YouTubers. The FIA’s investigations came following the formation of a five-member Joint Investigation Team to probe alleged disinformation against…  
433. Argentina: FIP y FATPREN expresaron su solidaridad con periodistas de Palestina  

En una reunión realizada en la embajada de Palestina en Buenos Aires, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y la Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN) expresaron su preocupación por el elevado número de trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación asesinadxs y encarceladxs desde el 7 de octubre de 2023 en Gaza y Cisjordania, incluida la ciudad de Jerusalén Este, y expresaron su solidaridad con el Sindicato de Periodistas Palestinxs (PJS por sus siglas en inglés), organización afiliada a la FIP, que contabiliza al menos 112 casos de trabajadorxs de prensa muertos por los ataques del ejército de Israel en el enclave. Carla Gaudensi, secretaria general de la…  
434. Mohamed Abdel El Fatah Atta Allah  

On 29 January, Palestinian journalist Mohamed Abdel El Fatah Atta Allah, who worked as an editor for Al-Risala newspaper, was killed with members of his family in an Israeli bombardment that hit his house in Al Shati refugee camp in northern Gaza Strip, according to PJS. Mohamed Abdel El Fatah Atta Allah, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, Israel, killing, killed, safety, IFJ, PJS, journalism, union, journalist,  
435. IFJ will take Israel to court if journalists are targeted  

The IFJ will take legal action against Israeli politicians and military leaders, if they won’t commit to respecting the orders of the International Court of Justice, in respect of the targeting of journalists. IFJ President Dominique Pradalié and General Secretary Anthony Bellanger wrote to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant to tell them that the IFJ’s 600,000 members consider Gaza’s journalists to be their colleagues. Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defence Minister Gallant We are writing to you on behalf of the International Federation of Journalists. We represent 600,000 journalists operating in more than 140 countries. It is enshrined in…  
436. Brasil: disminuyó la cantidad de agresiones a periodistas durante 2023  

Según el informe “Violencia contra periodistas y libertad de prensa en Brasil” que elabora la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ), durante 2023 se registró una caída de casi un 52% respecto al año anterior en cantidad de agresiones cometidas contra trabajadorxs de medios de comunicación, lo cual coincide con la salida del gobierno de quien fuera el principal agresor de 2022, el expresidente Jair Bolsonaro. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas celebra este descenso en la violencia pero alerta que los ataques de funcionarios públicos continúan siendo la principal fuente de agresiones, lo cual demuestra que es una realidad que todavía necesita ser abordada. Después de un…  
437. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from January 20th 2024 to January 26th 2024. English  Israel Has Killed Over 119 Palestinian Journalists Since Start of Gaza Siege - Truthout The US Media Is Ignoring Israel’s Campaign to Kill Palestinian Journalists - The Nation Journalists Syndicate to work international laws to hold Israel accountable for killing journalists - WAFA Agency Motaz Azaiza leaves Gaza after 108 days under Israeli siege - New Arab Azerbaijan Detains 10 Journalists…  
438. Iyad Ahmed Al-Ruwahi  

On 26 January, journalist Iyad Ahmed Al-Ruwahi, who worked as a correspondent and presenter for Voice of Al Aqsa Radio, was killed together with members of his family when an Israeli airstrike hit his home in Al-Hasayna area of Al Nuseirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, PJS reported.   
439. Afghanistan: Three journalists detained by Taliban intelligence agency  

Continuing its crackdown on independent media in 2024, three journalists were detained by the Taliban’s intelligence agency over two days in Kabul. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU), condemn the continued summoning and detentions of Afghan media workers and call for all cases to be swiftly investigated. According to reports, Ehsanullah Akbari, the assistant bureau chief of Japanese media outlet Kyodo News Agency, was detained by officials from the General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) in Kabul on January 17, after being summoned by the Taliban’s Government Media Information Center (GMIC). The same day,…  
440. Colombia: asesinaron al periodista Mardonio Mejía  

Ocurrió durante la tarde del 24 de enero, cuando un grupo de sicarios dispararon al periodista Mardonio Mejía en su casa en el departamento de Sucre, en el norte del país. Mejía era director de una radio local que cubría noticias de Sucre y San Antonio. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) junto a la Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER) repudia este asesinato, que abre el recuento de este nuevo año en América Latina y el Caribe. También exige una investigación urgente que no descarte la labor periodística de Mejía como posible móvil del crimen. El periodista Mardonio Mejía fue acribillado por sicarios ayer por la tarde en su domicilio del departamento de Sucre, en la…  
441. LGBTQI+ workers: Toolkit to take action on violence and harassment  

In a step forward to workplace equality and inclusivity, the Council of Global Unions (CGU) Working Group on LGBTI+ rights, of which the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is part, have launched a comprehensive toolkit to address violence and harassment of LGBTQI+ workers in the framework of ILO Convention 190. Trade unions must be a safe space for LGBTQI+ workers across the world. Facilitators Guide: HERE Participant Workbook: HERE As trade unionists, we are committed to build respectful and inclusive workplaces and trade unions for all. At the moment, the materials are only available in English, but we are working to provide you with a Spanish and French…  
442. India: French journalist threatened with expulsion over "malicious" reporting  

[UPDATED 21.02.2024] The Ministry of Home Affairs of the Indian government issued a notice to French journalist Vanessa Dougnac cancelling her Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card, citing "malicious" and "biassed" reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU) in calling on the government to reconsider its decision and to stop threatening and prosecuting journalists. According to Indian media, the government has opened a legal process against Dougnac and has given her a 15-day deadline, ending on 2 February, to make the case for her residence permit not to be cancelled. The Ministry of Home Affairs accuses her of…  
443. Argentine: Global Unions support the 24 January general strike  

The Council of Global Unions (CGU) expressed unwavering support and solidarity with the unionists, civil and human rights defenders, and the people of Argentina struggling to defend democracy in the face of repressive measures proposed by the new Javier Milei administration. We fully support the Argentine 24 January general strike and call on affiliates to participate in solidarity actions in their countries. The new president of Argentina has put forward a raft of draconian, anti-democratic legislation that threatens decades of progress and hard-fought social protections. Trade unions around the word are particularly concerned about the Protocol for Social and Trade Union Mobilizations,…  
444. Australia: ABC staff stand together to voice leadership concerns  

Members of the Media, Entertainment, and Arts Alliance (MEAA) at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) have passed a vote of no confidence against managing director David Anderson for his alleged failure to support staff of colour and to defend the broadcaster against outside attacks. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), in calling on the ABC to support journalists and media workers and restore the broadcaster's integrity and reputation. At a national online meeting on January 22 attended by over 200 MEAA members, staff overwhelmingly passed a motion of “no-confidence” against the ABC’s leadership.…  
445. Pakistan: Journalist shot in Karachi  

Sunu TV bureau chief Shoaib Burney was shot by unknown persons on Karachi’s Rashi Minhas Road on January 14. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the attack on the senior journalist and urge Pakistani authorities to ensure the safety of journalists across the country. On January 14, unidentified attackers opened fire on the car of Suno News channel's Karachi Station Chief Shoaib Burney while the journalist was attempting to park in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. In a video statement, the journalist said that two armed men on a motorbike followed his car and fired at him when he was driving a car on Rashid…  
446. Guinea: Journalists raided and arrested by security forces  

At least nine journalists were arrested, after raids on their offices by the security forces in the capital, Conakry on 18 January. The raids, at the Maison de la Presse, took place during a rally organised by the Syndicat de Professionnels de la Presse de Guinea (SPPG) to protest against media restrictions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns in the strongest terms possible the highhanded nature of the security forces against the journalists and media workers and the continuing deterioration of press freedom in Guinea. “Authorities have imposed restrictions on non-official media, with social media networks and private radio stations cut off, news websites interrupted…  
447. Azerbaijan: Crackdown on independent media must stop  

Azerbaijan is facing a worrying wave of arrests and repression against independent journalists and media outlets. Since November 2023, 10 journalists were detained, according to Agence France Presse (AFP). The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemn the crackdown on media freedom as new arrests have taken place in recent days. On 13 January 2024, Elnara Gasimova, a reporter with the Abzas Media investigative news site, was sentenced to a pre-trial detention until 4 April on charges of smuggling. Two days later, JAM news journalist Shahin Rzayev was arrested on charges of “petty hooliganism” and sentenced to a 15-day administrative…  
448. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from January 13th 2024 to January 19th 2024. English  Relentless Palestinian journalism brings Gaza to the world - Ahram Online Now, more than ever, journalism is under attack - The Medium - The Medium  Yemeni Journalists Harassed and Jailed in 2023, Say Press Freedom Organizations - OCCRP Somaliland's Assault on Press Freedom: A Disturbing Crackdown - BNN Breaking “Think of It as a Genocide of Journalists” | The Nation - The…  
449. Kyrgyzstan: IFJ demands the release of eleven arrested journalists  

On 16 January, the Kyrgyz authorities arrested eleven journalists from independent media outlets who had investigated alleged corruption among the country’s elites. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the government to immediately release the eleven reporters and to halt its crackdown on investigative journalism and freedom of expression, which breaches Kyrgyzstan's obligations under international human rights law. The eleven journalists, who were working for the independent local media outlets: 24.KG, Temirov Live, Ayt Ayt Dese, Alga Media, Archa Media, and Politklinika, were placed in pre-trial detention for two months on 17 January, Human Rights Watch reported.…  
450. Reuters Institute Predictions for 2024: time to build a vision for journalism in the era of AI  

The past year was not an easy one for media and journalists, who faced challenges that stretched the definition of journalism and witnessed wars raging in Europe and in the Middle East, copyright battles, and economic turndowns among others. According to the Reuters Institute’s annual state of the media report, 2024 will be as challenging. The biggest challenge for 2024 will be embracing the best of Artificial Intelligence (AI) while managing its risks. This is the main conclusion of Reuters following an online survey that saw participants holding senior positions (editorial, commercial, or product) in traditional or digital-born publishing companies, drawn from 56 countries and…  
451. Croatia: IFJ and EFJ call on MPs to reject “anti-leaks” legislation  

The Croatian Parliament began on 18 January 2024 reviewing amendments to the criminal code tabled by the government to criminalise the unauthorised leaking of documents from criminal proceedings. The text provides for up to three years’ imprisonment for anyone disclosing the contents of “an investigative or evidentiary document”. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joined their affiliate, the Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA), in calling for the proposed legislation to be dropped, as it would have alarming repercussions for journalistic sources and the right to information. While a paragraph has been added to exempt journalists from criminal liability,…  
452. IFJ Voice- January 2024: Editorial  

As the year 2024 begins, we would like to extend our warmest wishes to you, despite the difficult circumstances in many parts of the world. 2024: Preserving the safety of journalists  Once again this year, we cannot ignore the continuing and distressing reality faced by countless journalists around the world in their quest for the truth. Our thoughts go out in particular to our colleagues in Palestine, who have been paying a heavy price for more than three months. Their only crime: fulfilling their mission to inform the whole world. We will not forget them.   Elsewhere in the world, many media workers find themselves on the front line, courageously reporting on crucial issues in…  
453. Ukraine: who tried to intimidate prominent journalist Yurii Nikolov?  

Ukrainian investigative journalist Yurii Nikolov said on Monday that he received a visit from unidentified people threatening him. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and their affiliates in Ukraine, NUJU and IMTUU, call on the Ukrainian authorities to identify the perpetrators of the threats and ensure the protection of the journalist. Nikolov is a co-founder and an editor of the Nashi Groshi investigative media project. He is well known for his investigations exposing corruption in Ukraine’s public procurement, including the Defense Ministry. Nikolov’s investigations into inflated prices for food supplies and low-quality winter jackets for the…  
454. Portugal: Solidarity with strikers from Global Media Group  

Global Media Group (GMG), one of the largest media organisations in Portugal, is facing severe managerial difficulties impacting the future of the company and damaging labours’ rights. Job security and media pluralism are at stake, warns the Portuguese Union of Journalists (SinJor). The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join the Portuguese Union of Journalists (Sinjor) in calling for transparency and respect for labour’s rights. In September 2023, a new board took over the direction of GMG, which owns Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias and TSF. The group is now backed by an investment fund owned by French businessman Clément Ducasse:…  
455. Iran: IFJ hails release of Elaheh Mohammadi and Niloofar Hamedi  

On 14 January, journalists Elaheh Mohammadi and Niloofar Hamedi, working respectively for Hammihan newspaper and Shargh Daily, were released on €400,000 bail after 16 months detention in Tehran's Evin prison. However, a new case was filed against the two women reporters as they were not wearing the hijab in public when they came out of prison. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of the two journalists and demands the dropping of all charges against them. After 16 months in jail, journalists Elaheh Mohammadi and Niloofar Hamed have been released from Evin prison on €400,000 bail, €200,000 each. The two women "will remain out of jail until the appeals court…  
456. Yazan Al-Zuweidi  

On 14 January, photographer Yazan Al-Zuweidi, who worked for Al-Ghad TV, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in the city of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza, according to PJS and Al Ghad.  Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, impunity, safety, Yazan Al-Zuweidi IFJ, union, PJS, killing  
457. Tchad: l’UJT échange avec les journalistes sur la réforme des médias à N’Djaména  

L’Union des journalistes tchadiens (UJT) en collaboration avec la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), organise du 27 au 28 décembre 2023 à la maison des médias, un atelier d’échange avec les différents organes de presse sur la réforme des médias. En ouvrant les travaux, le président de l’Union des journalistes tchadiens (UJT) M. Abbas Mahmoud Tahir, l’inégalité entre les hommes et les femmes est très répandue dans les médias, les droits du travail des journalistes sont gravement bafoués car la plupart d’entre eux travaillent sans aucune forme de contrat, sont largement sous-payés et exploités et ne bénéficient d’aucune forme de prestations de sécurité sociale. Les…  
458. Ukraine: Three journalists injured in Russian missiles strike  

On the evening of 10 January, a Russian missile attack damaged the Park Hotel in Kharkiv, injuring Anadolu reporter Davit Kachkachishvili, photojournalist Özge Elif Kızıl, and Ukrainian fixer Violetta-Anastasia Pedorych and other civilians. The International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemn the attack and demand that journalists should be treated and protected as civilians. Anadolu reporter Davit Kachkachishvili and photojournalist Özge Elif Kızıl, who were on duty at the Park Hotel at the time of the attack on 10 January, were able to leave the hotel with minor injuries, Anadolu reports. A hotel where Anadolu reporters covering war in Ukraine are…  
459. Somalia: IFJ condemns assault on media freedom in Somaliland and calls for immediate release of detained journalist  

Somaliland security forces forcefully entered the headquarters of MM Somali TV, assaulting journalists and abruptly ending a televised debate on X space as well as damaging broadcast equipment during a raid on January 6, 2024. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in condemning these actions as a grotesque blow to media freedom, and demands the immediate release of journalist Mohamed Abdi Sheikh, CEO of MM Somali TV, who remains in incommunicado custody, as two other journalists who were arrested with him during the raid were freed without any charges filed against them. During the raid, journalists and staff…  
460. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from January 6th 2024 to January 12th 2024. English  Why Assange case is bigger threat to press freedom than SLAPPs - Press Gazette 'Journalists in Gaza believe they are being deliberately targeted' - France24 What international solidarity exists with journalists under Israeli attack? | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera - Al Jazeera What international solidarity exists for journalists in Gaza? | Inside Story - The Global Herald Media rights…  
461. Israel: IFJ calls on the Israeli government to lift ban on foreign media to enter Gaza  

On 9 January, Israel’s Supreme Court rejected an appeal by the Foreign Press Association (FPA) in Jerusalem to allow independent access for journalists and media workers in Gaza, citing "security concerns". The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the ruling and reiterates its call on the High Court and the Israeli government to allow foreign media to enter Gaza to ensure independent reporting and to stop infringing freedom of the press. The Federation is concerned that the prolongation of the ban contributes to Israeli military control over international media coverage of the war in Gaza. The Foreign Press Association (FPA), a non-profit organisation “representing…  
462. Pakistan: Media affirms support for gender equality  

Media stakeholders and leaders at press clubs, unions, and prominent news outlets across Pakistan have pledged to address barriers to women’s leadership, inclusivity, and equal representation through a series of sign-ons. The messages of support come following groundbreaking Women’s Media Forum Pakistan (WMFP) campaigning and mapping work in support of gender equality in Pakistan’s media. The “Pakistan’s Media Needs Women” campaign, launched on December 13, is a rolling advocacy, research and awareness initiative designed to address pervasive gender inequality and labour rights violations within Pakistan’s media industry. The campaign has sparked important conversations for journalists,…  
463. Mohammed Jamal Sabahi Al Thalathini  

On 11 January, PJS confirmed the death of Mohammed Jamal Sabahi Al Thalathini, who worked as a journalist for Al Quds TV, was killed in an Israeli airstrike that hit his home in the south of Gaza city. Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, journalism, PJS, IFJ, impunity, safety, union, IFJ, PJS  
464. Sweden: Demonstration for higher freelance fees at daily newspaper  

Some 50 freelance writers at Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) have long been in negotiations with management about their fees. A demonstration supported by the Swedish Union of Journalists was held on Friday 8 December outside SvD in Stockholm following the break-down of negotiations, which had started in the spring of 2023. In addition to a symbolic adjustment in the spring, SvD’s freelancers emphasised in the negotiations that they have not received a significant increase in over twenty years and that they therefore earn less than freelancers did in the early 2000s. In comparison, employees at SvD have had wage increases of over 25 per cent in the last ten years. In addition, there is no…  
465. Ecuador: FIP y FEPALC rechazan la violencia en TC Televisión y en otros medios  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) expresan su repudio ante el ataque y la toma de rehenes en las instalaciones de TC Televisión así como otras situaciones similares que se registraron en otros medios de comunicación por parte de grupos del crimen organizado. También se mantienen en alerta ante el crecimiento exponencial de la violencia contra periodistas y trabajadorxs de prensa en el país, que terminó de evidenciarse en estos hechos. En tiempos de crisis, la labor informativa es imprescindible para garantizar el derecho a la información y a preservar la democracia. Durante la jornada del día 9 de enero, se…  
466. Ahmad Bdeir  

On 10 January, Palestinian journalist Ahmad Bdeir, who worked for local magazine Hadaf News, was killed as a result of an Israeli bombardment outside the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, PJS and media reported. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, safety, war, journalism, impunity, killing, Ahmad Bdeir, IFJ, union, PJS  
467. Yemen: YJS reports 82 media violations in 2023  

Eighty-two cases of violations committed against journalists and media have been documented in 2023, according to a new report released by the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the YJS, in calling on the Yemeni government to investigate breaches of journalists’ rights and demands the immediate release of all imprisoned media workers. The report documents 17 cases of restrictions of freedom, 12 cases of trials and summonses of journalists, and 12 cases of threats and incitement. Moreover, the report records 10 cases of preventing journalists from practising their work and closing media outlets and 10 cases of harsh…  
468. Online trolling: You are not alone!  

Online trolling of women journalists on social media and websites targets women from all political, religious and ethnic backgrounds. One of the main aspect of these attacks is that they are gendered and sexualized. One of the difficulty women face is that they do not get the support from colleagues and newsrooms that they should. Few report the attacks and, if they are reported, very little action is taken. An IFJ survey conducted in 2018 showed that only half of the victims of online abuse (53%) reported the attacks to their media management, union or the police, and in two-thirds of the cases nothing was…  
469. Iran: Restrictions on detained women journalists following a protest in prison  

Imprisoned Iranian journalists Elaheh Mohammadi, Niloofar Hamedi and Nasim Soltan Beigi, among other women prisoners, were restricted from contact outside for one month, after they chanted slogans about "unfair sentences" when high-ranking judicial authorities visited Tehran’s Evin prison on 27 December. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the punitive actions taken against them and calls on the Iranian authorities to release all imprisoned journalists and media workers. Following the protest in Evin prison, they were deprived of making phone calls and having visits for a month. The women detainees, journalists Elaheh Mohammadi, Niloofar Hamedi and Nasim…  
470. Heba Al-Abdallah  

On 9 January, PJS confirmed the killing of Palestinian journalist Heba Al-Abdallah, who lost her life when an Israeli bombing hit her home in the southern city of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip, media reported. Heba Al-Abdallah, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, IFJ, PJS, union, killing, journalist, safety, journalism,  
471. Palestine: Israel drone strike kills two journalists near Rafah  

IFJ condemns Israel’s seemingly deliberate targeting and killing of journalists in Gaza following a drone strike that killed two media workers and injured one on 7 January. Al Jazeera journalist and cameraman Hamza Al-Dahdouh, son of Al Jazeera’s Gaza bureau chief, Wael Al-Dahdouh, and freelance videographer Mustafa Thuraya, who worked for Agence France Presse, were killed in an Israeli drone strike while travelling on assignment in a vehicle, according to Al Jazeera, near the southern city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, local and international media reported. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), in condemning the…  
472. Palestine: 2023 was the darkest year for Palestinian journalists, shows PJS report  

One hundred and two Palestinian journalists and other media workers were killed in Gaza in 2023, according to the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) annual report. Twenty-three media professionals were severely injured in the enclave and the Israeli authorities arrested 58 journalists in the West Bank and Gaza since 7 October, states PJS data. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate PJS in condemning the killing and continued attacks on media professionals, and calls for an independent investigation into the killings and to hold the perpetrators to account. Apart from the horrific death toll among Palestinian journalists in Gaza, which according to…  
473. Hamza Al-Dahdouh, Mustafa Thuraya  

On 7 January, journalist Hamza Al-Dahdouh, the son of Al Jazeera's Gaza bureau chief, Wael Al-Dahdouh, was killed together with journalist Mustafa Thuraya, when an Israel drone hit the car they where travelling on assignment near Rafah, several local and international media and PJS reported. Hamza Al Dahdouh was working for Al Jazeera and Mustafa Thuraya was a freelance videographer working for Agence France Presse.  Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, journalism, Hamza Al-Dahdouh, Mustafa Thuraya, impunity, safety, Al Jazeera, IFJ, PJS, media, killing,  
474. Ukraine: More media targeted by Russian strikes around the New Year  

Russia launched two massive attacks in Ukraine between 29 December 2023 and 2 January 2024, which injured three journalists and damaged four newsrooms. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemned the attacks in the strongest terms and expressed solidarity with the media workers targeted. On 30 December 2023, two employees working for the German TV channel ZDF were injured by the shelling of the Kharkiv Palace Hotel which was mostly occupied by media workers at that moment. As a result, a security guard of foreign nationality who was working as a security advisor to ZDF, had to undergo an operation at a local hospital and Svitlana Dolbysheva, a ZDF producer,…  
475. Brasil: la remuneración promedio entre periodistas es 5700 reales pero la brecha salarial es amplia  

De acuerdo a un relevamiento realizado por el Departamento Intersindical de Estadística y Estudios Socioeconómicos (Dieese), la remuneración promedio de todxs lxs trabajadorxs en funciones en el periodismo es de 5.745,3 reales, pero se registra una gran disparidad salarial entre los distintos tipos de empleo formal de lxs trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña a la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) en su Campaña Nacional Unificada del Salario de Periodistas 2024, para que la labor periodística sea valorada de manera justa en todo el gremio. La remuneración nominal promedio general de todxs lxs trabajadorxs en funciones en…  
476. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from December 30th 2023 to January 5th 2024. English  Al Jazeera journalist arrested in Tunisia amid crackdown on freedom of press - The Guardian Gaza’s journalists are far more likely to die than combat soldiers | Morning Star - Morning Star The Impossibility of Reporting the Story of Gaza | The Nation - The Nation Tunisia Arrests Al Jazeera Journalist: Bureau Director - Barron’s  Tunisian Authorities Arrest Al Jazeera Reporter Amid…  
477. Akram Al-Shafei  

On 5 January, journalist Akram Al-Shafei, a correspondent for Safa News Agency, lost his life after being seriously injured by an Israeli aristrike two months ago during the siege of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza city, PJS and media reported. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, journalist, safety, IFJ, union, PJS, killing, killed, Akram Al-Shafei  
478. #IFJBlog: Gaza's journalists are far more likely to die than combat soldiers  

The horrific death toll among Palestinian journalists is staggering. Less easy to comprehend is just how exceptional is the scale of slaughter. So, for context, I compared the most up-to-date lists of the dead with the mortality rate among combatants in recent wars – and the results are truly shocking. At the start of the Israel-Gaza war, there were approximately 1,000 journalists working in the enclave. Movement in and out of Gaza has been severely restricted for many years, so we know that there were no international journalists among them – although some are employees of international news platforms.  Since 7 October, the deaths of Palestinian journalists has been an almost…  
479. Perú: ANP registró 352 ataques a la libertad de prensa en el 2023  

La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) publicó su informe anual de agresiones a periodistas y trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación en el cual se recopilan todos los ataques sucedidos en 2023. Este reporte deja en evidencia una situación alarmante: nuevamente se rompió un récord en cantidad de incidencias registradas, con un total de 352. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas se mantiene en alerta ante el crecimiento de la violencia contra trabajadorxs de prensa en Perú y demanda junto a la ANP medidas que protejan la labor periodística y en consecuencia el derecho a la información. En el 2023 se produjeron 352 ataques a periodistas y medios de comunicación, según…  
480. Tunisia: IFJ calls on Tunisian president to stop prosecution of journalists  

On 28 December, Tunisian journalist Zied El Heni was arrested and detained following a broadcast on the private radio station IFM. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), together with its affiliate, the Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), has sent an open letter to Mr Kais Saied, President of the Republic of Tunisia, asking him to uphold the Constitution, protect press freedom, and to ensure the immediate release of El Heni and other journalists that are behind bars. Open letter to Mr Kais Saied, President of the Republic of Tunisia: The Head of State must exercise his powers to uphold the constitution and protect press freedom Mr. Kais Saied, President of…  
481. #IFJBlog: Podcast Power: Beyond the Microphone  

As media forms, conditions, and industries change, union strategies must follow suit. Members of the Podcast Workers Australia (PWA), an organisation addressing the working conditions of workers in an emerging industry, share their experiences of organising in a freelance-dominated field, and what collective action in new media sectors can look like. A few years ago, a part owner of an entrepreneurial US podcast house told me that the industry in the United States was a couple of years ahead of other anglophone countries and that rather than rushing to emulate their successes, we could observe them from a distance and try to avoid their failures. A couple of years later, his own show’s…  
482. Turkey: Editor Furkan Karabay arrested and charged with corruption  

Furkan Karabay, editor for the independent news website Gerçek Gündem (“The Real Agenda”), was taken into custody by the Istanbul police on 28 December, following an article on the trial of judiciary members. The International and European Federations of Journalists demand his immediate release and urge the authorities to withdraw all charges against him. Karabay was taken to the Çağlayan Courthouse (Istanbul), by police officers who arrested him in the early hours of 28 December. On 29 December, after spending the night at the police station, the editor was released pending trial.  His detention follows a story published on 27 December, about a case of ongoing corruption and…  
483. One hundred and twenty journalists and media workers killed in 2023, says IFJ   

120 journalists and media workers, including 11 women, have been killed in 2023, announced the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on 31 December.   The IFJ, which published an initial list of journalists killed ahead of UN Human Rights Day on 8 December documenting 94 killings,  says the latest increase is the result of additional deaths in the Gaza war as well as other killings being made known to the federation. “Today our thoughts go out to journalists’ families and our colleagues in world newsrooms who are mourning the deaths of colleagues killed for simply doing their jobs. While we always remind journalists that no story is worth their life, there are too many…  
484. Tunisie : la FIJ exige la libération du journaliste Zied El Heni  

Mis à jour 11.01.2024 Après une chronique sur les ondes de la radio privée IFM jeudi 28 décembre 2023, le journaliste tunisien Zied El Heni a été arrêté et placé en détention. Ce samedi 30 décembre, le Parquet de Tunis a décidé de prolonger sa garde à vue de 48 heures. La Fédération internationale des journalistes se joint à son affilié, le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), pour exiger sa libération immédiate et sans condition. Depuis plusieurs mois, le journaliste tunisien Zied El Heni est soumis à un harcèlement constant du pouvoir en Tunisie. Une nouvelle fois, il se retrouve derrière les barreaux en raison de déclarations faites jeudi 28 décembre 2023 sur IFM, une…  
485. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from December 23rd 2023 to December 29th 2023. English  Gaza media office says 100 journalists killed since Israeli attacks began | Israel-Palestine conflict News - Al Jazeera Israeli attacks on journalists constitute war crime: International Federation of Journalists - Anadolu Ajansi What future, if any, for the Palestinian people? - Morocco World News  Global Coalition Indonesia To Uphold of Expression In Eit Law Reform - The Papua…  
486. Poland: The government put public service media in a state of liquidation  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) are concerned about the political battle between the majority and opposition parties in Poland over the control of public service media. The IFJ and EFJ reiterate their call on political decision-makers to carry out reforms of public service media while respecting their editorial independence and maintaining the financial, human and technical resources necessary to guarantee the quality, independence and pluralism of these media. On 27 December, following the decision of the President of the Republic, Andrzej Duda, an ally of the previous conservative government, to suspend funding for public media, the new Polish…  
487. Serbia: Journalists attacked while covering protests in Belgrade  

On 24 December, several journalists and media workers were targets of insults and physical violence while reporting on protests in Belgrade that objected to alleged irregularities during general elections on 17 December. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn the violent acts and urge the competent authorities to launch an immediate investigation. During the demonstrations, four attacks against journalists and media workers were recorded: three were perpetrated by law enforcement authorities, and one by a protester. The federations express consternation and outrage at those acts from the people whose exact mission is to defend and protect…  
488. Jaber Abu Hedrous  

On 29 December, Jaber Abu Hedrous, a correspondent working for Al-Quds Channel, lost his life in an airstrike that hit his home, according to PJS. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, impunity, safety, IFJ, union  
489. Mohammad Khair Al Din, Ahmad Khair Al Din  

On 28 December, Mohammad Khair Al Din, an archiving officer at Al Aqsa TV, and Ahmad Khair Al Din, a photojournalist working for Al Aqsa TV, were killed by an Israeli airstrike on his home in Al Beit Lahia, northern Gaza, impunity, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, IFJ, union, killed,  
490. Honduras: asesinan a un comunicador social que estaba bajo mecanismo de seguridad  

Francisco Ramírez Amador fue asesinado a balazos en Danlí, municipio de El Paraíso, el jueves 21 de diciembre. El comunicador estaba acompañado por un agente de la polícia, medida de seguridad concedida desde mayo de 2023 por el mecanismo nacional de protección de defensores de Derechos Humanos, Periodistas, Comunicadores Sociales y operadores de justicia, luego de sufrir un atentado. La Asociación de Prensa Hondureña (APH) condenó este violento hecho. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas exige junto a APH una exhaustiva investigación que dé con los autores intelectuales y materiales del crimen. El comunicador social Francisco Ramírez Amador fue asesinado de tres impactos de bala…  
Search results 421 until 490 of 15041