15063 results:

11201. Media Killings Show Journalism as “Perilous as Ever” in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists has warned that the killing of a freelance reporter in a kidnap attempt yesterday reveals that the situation for media workers in Iraq remains as perilous as ever.   Sarwa Abdul-Wahab, a lawyer who defended journalists and also worked as a reporter for a Kurdistan News Agency, was killed in Mosul in the north of Iraq when she resisted attempts by gunmen to bundle her into a car.   The killing follows the assassination of a radio journalist on April 25 in the southern city of Basra and this weekend's attack on Hiro Ibrahim Ahmed, wife of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, who is also a journalist.   “These brutal…  
11202. IFJ Calls for Hong Kong "Bridge to Dialogue" to Meet Challenge of Media Freedom In China  

  The International Federation of Journalists says superficial and confrontational media coverage of China in the West plays into the hands of hardliners in Beijing who have cracked down on journalists following coverage of protests in Tibet.   “The China story is complex and needs to be told in context,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary at an international media conference in Hong Kong at the weekend. “Shallow media coverage and commentary that appears with a political bias allows Communist leaders to stir up nationalist feelings against media adding to problems facing journalists on the ground.”   Speaking after the IFJ’s mission…  
11204. Explanation Demanded for Deportation of Second Newsman from Fiji  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about deteriorating conditions for press freedom in Fiji after authorities in the Pacific Islands state deported the publisher of The Fiji Times this morning. It is the second such deportation of a newspaper publisher in two months.Despite Fiji’s High Court ordering that Evan Hannah be presented in a Suva court this afternoon so that immigration and police officials could justify their actions, Hannah was put on a Korean Airline flight to Seoul early this morning.Hanna, who is Australian, was apparently sent to Seoul because the operators of a Australian-bound Air Pacific flight refused to take him, saying they…  
11205. IFJ Urges India to Clarify Restrictions on Pakistani TV  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is pleased to note that a dispute arising from a putative ban on Pakistani television channels broadcasting into Jammu and Kashmir in India has been resolved for now. “We nevertheless urge India’s Government to explain the circumstances under which it decreed what seemed a ban to much of the world,” said IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park.The restrictions snowballed into a political controversy as cable television operators retaliated by blocking all Indian and international channels in the Kashmir valley on April 25.Political authorities in Jammu and Kashmir distanced themselves from the restrictions. While the…  
11206. "Joyous Day" as Guantanamo Ordeal for Cameraman Ends - Now It's Time for Justice says IFJ  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the news that Al Jazeera cameraman Sami al-Haj has been released from detention at Guantanamo Bay after being held by the US military for more than six years without charge.“The release of Sami al-Haj will make World Press Freedom Day 2008 a truly joyous occasion,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “His case has come to symbolize injustice and victimization of journalists for simply doing their job. His detention was outrageous, his release long overdue, and now it’s time for him to receive compensation for punishment the has endured.”Al-Haj arrived home to Sudan early on Thursday…  
11207. IFJ Condemns China's Refusal to Uphold Olympic Promises  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is outraged that China’s authorities barred several press freedom activists from joining a global event on free expression in Hong Kong.   Co-organisers of “One Dream: Free Expression in China” – the Hong Kong Journalists’ Association (HKJA), the IFJ, Reporters Without Borders, the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) and several International PEN centres – sent a protest to Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).   The letter reminded Rogge of the Beijing Olympic Action Plan issued by the Chinese authorities, which promises, “In the…  
11208. Joint Letter on report on Cultural Industries in the Context of the Lisbon Strategy 2008  

Click HERE to read the 'Joint Letter on report on Cultural Industries in the Context of the Lisbon Strategy, April 2008'  
11209. EFJ Response to UK Government Consultation on Exceptions to Copyright Following Gowers Report 2008  

Click HERE to read the 'EFJ Response to UK Government Consultation on Exceptions to Copyright Following Gowers Report, from 2008'  
11210. EFJ Response to the EU Consultation on 'Fair Compensation for Acts of Private Copying' - 2008  

Click HERE to read the 'EFJ Response to the EU Consultation on 'Fair Compensation for Acts of Private Copying' from 2008'  
11211. EFJ ANNUAL MEETING 2008  

Journalism at the Crossroads: Facing up to Media Decline   Berlin, 13-15 June 2008   Draft Agenda     Friday, 13 June    14.00 Registration   14.30 Start of the Meeting Welcome and Introduction: Arne König, Chair, European Federation of Journalists Malte Hinz,  President, dju in ver.di   15.00 Panel: Outsourcing and Temporary Work in Europe                  Hubert Engeroff, General Secretary, DJV, Germany                  Seamus Dooley, General Secretary,…  
11213. Dangers Rising for Journalists in Afghanistan  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is increasingly concerned about the dangers for journalists and media workers in Afghanistan, after another journalist was injured in a suicide bomb blast on April 29.   Eighteen people were reported killed in the blast in Khogyani district, Nangarhar province, close to the border with Pakistan, according to news reports.   Among the 50 people reported injured is Paul Rafael, an Australian journalist working on assignment for the Smithsonian Magazine. Rafael was evacuated to a US military hospital.   Photographer Steve Dupont, also of Australia and working for the Smithsonian, escaped…  
11214. IFJ Calls on Yemeni President to End Intimidation of Independent Journalism and Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called upon Yemeni President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, to intervene to defend journalists and independent media in the wake of deteriorating conditions for press freedom in the country. The IFJ and its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), are particularly concerned about the trial of journalist, Abdel Karim Al Khaiwani, charged with being a member of a terrorist network. The trial has just completed and a verdict is due to be announced in two weeks. The prosecution failed to establish that Al Khaiwani had direct contacts with a Zaidi Islamist leader. Furthermore, the photographs he received from him through an associate, were…  
11215. Media Prevented from Reporting on Sri Lanka War Casualties  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the actions of government officials in denying photojournalists access to report on casualties of the latest violence between the Sri Lankan Army and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).According to the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, four photographers were barred from entering hospitals where injured army personnel (estimated to be in the hundreds) were reportedly being treated after fighting intensified in the country’s north last week.The FMM said the restriction reflects a greater growing concern that official statistics of casualties are under-reported by government-appointed military spokesmen.…  
11216. Swedish Supreme Court Forbids Commercial Interruptions in Films  

The Swedish Supreme Court decided on 18th March 2008 that TV commercials interrupting a film infringed the film director’s moral right. A film is an artistic creation for which its author, the film director, enjoys moral rights. These rights imply that the author can object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of the work which would be prejudicial to his or her honour or reputation. Two Swedish film directors - Claes Eriksson and late Vilgot Sjöman - sued the Swedish commercial TV-station TV4 for infringing their moral rights by interrupting their feature films with commercial advertisements. The Supreme Court decided that an advertisement inserted in a film implies…  
11217. IFJ Welcomes Statute for Algerian Journalists that Opens Door to Better Working Conditions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomed today the adoption of a decree defining labor relations between journalists and media employers in Algeria. “This text represents undeniably a major step forward for journalists in Algeria,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. “It is the centrepiece of legal conditions regulating journalists’ work that has been missing for too long. We are delighted with its adoption”. Approved on Tuesday by the Government Council, this long awaited text is an executive decree taken on the basis of the labor law 90/11. It provides Algerian journalists from private and public sectors with a legal framework defining their…  
11218. IFJ Welcomes Statute for Algerian Journalists that Opens Door to Better Working Conditions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomed today the adoption of a decree defining labor relations between journalists and media employers in Algeria. “This text represents undeniably a major step forward for journalists in Algeria,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. “It is the centrepiece of legal conditions regulating journalists’ work that has been missing for too long. We are delighted with its adoption”. Approved on Tuesday by the Government Council, this long awaited text is an executive decree taken on the basis of the labor law 90/11. It provides Algerian journalists from private and public sectors with a legal framework defining their…  
11221. IFJ Welcomes Statute for Algerian Journalists that Opens Door to Better Working Conditions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomed today the adoption of a decree defining labor relations between journalists and media employers in Algeria. “This text represents undeniably a major step forward for journalists in Algeria,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. “It is the centrepiece of legal conditions regulating journalists’ work that has been missing for too long. We are delighted with its adoption”. Approved on Tuesday by the Government Council, this long awaited text is an executive decree taken on the basis of the labor law 90/11. It provides Algerian journalists from private and public sectors with a legal framework…  
11224. The IFJ and the EFJ welcome the hundred years of the FNSI  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcome today the centennial celebration of the Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana (FNSI). The history of the FNSI shows the importance of journalists' long struggle to protect and promote plurality, press freedom and the public's right to know. Under various circumstances, it has shown how workers united in solidarity can resist the pressures coming from economic and political powers that have threatened the media industry. Through the victories and challenges in their 100-year history, the FNSI provides media professionals in Europe and all over the world a model of how to…  
11225. EFJ Response to the EU Consultation on « Fair compensation for Acts of Private Copying »  

Fair compensation for private copying as stated in article 5. 2 b) of the EU Directive 2001/29/EC provides journalists and press photographers with a just financial return for the secondary use that is made of their work (audiovisual, print, photographs) be it saved on an ipod, a computer hard disk, a USB key or a CD Rom. In this respect, the EFJ believes that the wording "fair compensation” referred to in Article 5.2 b) means “equitable remuneration” because recital 35 of this directive rules that the rightholder must receive a payment We believe that the system of levies to compensate for private copying functions well. Levies enable the reproduction of journalistic works and…  
11228. Police Urged to Investigate Threats to FMM Treasurer  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that police in Sri Lanka have not investigated threats made against K. Rushangan, treasurer of the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate. According to FMM, Rushangan was first threatened on April 13 by a caller identifying himself as "Ealaventhan" and claiming to be from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The caller demanded that Rushangan hand over a motorbike or the equivalent of US$1500 by April 16, or he would be abducted.   Despite lodging a complaint with Dehiwala police on April 16, no investigative action has been taken by local authorities, reports FMM. Dehiwala police reportedly told…  
11229. Women Journalists Demand Access to Leadership Positions in Arab Unions  

Women journalists from the Arab World and Iran launched a campaign for female leadership in journalists’ unions in the Arab World and Iran at a regional meeting in Tunis on 17-19th April. While recognizing achievements made in some countries, the meeting further deplored the failure of journalists unions to elect women to their governing bodies. Today, the share of women in union’s leadership varies from 0% in Algeria, Lebanon and Palestine to 33% in Tunisia and 26% in Morocco. “Journalists unions need to recruit more women, to make it easier for women activists to participate in union business and to mainstream gender equality into union policies and actions”, said Pamela Moriniere, IFJ…  
11230. IFJ Calls on Somali Prime Minister to End Media Crackdown  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein to stop a crackdown on media after government forces arrested journalist Abdi Mohammed Ismail and raided a radio station last week. “We are concerned about this new wave of attacks against the media after a short period of calm,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa office. “Prime Minister Hussein promised to protect press freedom during his first weeks in office and we are calling on him to make sure our colleague is released and that government forces stop arresting journalists and raiding media organisations.” According to National Union of…  
11231. European Journalists Welcome Spanish Television Vote to Uphold Editorial independence  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional organization of the International Federation of Journalists, welcomed a vote taking place today to confirm rules for editorial independence at the Spanish National Radio and Television Corporation (RTVE), one of Europe's leading public broadcasters. This vote is the final step in a long process of negotiation over journalists’ rights inside RTVE between the management and journalists representatives and the other groups of workers involved in the production of news and public services programmes. The editorial statute has been a demand of journalists for years in order to defend themselves from undue and unacceptable pressure…  
11235. IFJ Calls on Zimbabwe Government to End Harassment of Media after Attack on Journalists Union leader  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of Zimbabwe to end harassment of media after an attack on Matthew Takaona, President of the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ), and called for an investigation into the abduction of Stanley Karombo, a freelance journalist. “We are very worried about the worsening conditions journalists face in Zimbabwe,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We condemn the attack on Matthew and call on the government to conduct investigations into this attack and the reported abduction of Stanley.” In recent weeks the government of President Robert Mugabe has cracked down on…  
11237. IFJ Calls for the Release of a Journalist Detained in Zimbabwe  

The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) today called for the release of the freelance Zimbabwean journalist Frank Chikowore who was arrested on arson charges during an opposition strike. Authorities in Zimbabwe have cracked down on journalists in the country after the ruling party contested the results of presidential and parliamentary elections held almost three weeks ago. “This media crackdown is a calculated attack on journalists who have revealed what appears to be the loss of the elections by the ruling party,” said Gabriel Baglo, the Director of IFJ Africa office. “We condemn these arrests and call for the authorities to release Chikowore immediately and…  
11240. “Let’s Open Door to Dialogue” Says IFJ as Safety Fears Cast Shadow over Media Work in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today ended a four-day official visit to China in positive mood, welcoming the prospects for a new era of dialogue between Chinese and Western journalists. But after a series of high-level meetings the IFJ says concerns remain over the safety of journalists and media staff in the run up to the Olympics. “It has been a sweet and sour experience,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “We are impressed by a new willingness to talk through our differences over press freedom and journalism, but the problems facing reporters on the ground cannot be ignored.” The IFJ met with Chinese state officials as well as…  
11241. Grenade Attack on Home of Female Radio Journalist in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed at a report of a grenade attack on the home of a female radio journalist in Herat province, Afghanistan. It is the second attack on radio producer Khadija Ahadi’s home in two weeks.The Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ associate, reports that unidentified gunmen threw a grenade inside Khadija’s home on the evening of April 11. No casualties were reported. Khadija is the deputy editor-in-chief of Radio Faryad and a producer of a talk show addressing political and social issues in Afghanistan. She also runs two programs called Oaqaikay be Sernawisht (Yacht Without Destiny) and Masoulin Kuja Tashrif…  
11243. IFJ Welcomes Release of Kidnapped Journalist in Iraq and United States Pledge to Free Detained Photographer  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the news that a kidnapped television correspondent was freed on Monday and that the US military said it would release an Iraqi cameraman on Wednesday. “We welcome the news that one of our colleagues has been freed from his kidnappers and that another will be released from detention tomorrow,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “While the dangers facing Iraqi journalists and foreign correspondents covering the war remain, we are very happy to have some good news.” Iraqi troops rescued Richard Butler, a British journalist for CBS News, in the southern city of Basra on Monday two months after…  
11244. IFJ Welcomes Unification of Tunisian Journalists under National Trade Union  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the unification of Tunisia’s two journalist unions in a move to strengthen the defence of journalists’ rights and promote press freedom. “We support the decision by our Tunisian colleagues to unite in one union to fight for the rights of media and provide support for journalists and freedom of expression,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. Last week the Union of Tunisian Journalists (SJT) said it will join the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) in an effort to create a unified voice to advocate for media workers and media freedom. The IFJ said it supports the SNJT’s work to form a unified group of…  
11246. IFJ Demands Investigation into Murder of Pakistani Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the murder of journalist Khadim Hussain Sheikh in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province and called for an investigation of the shooting attack that killed him and seriously injured his brother. “Even though there have been improvements in press freedom in recent days, Pakistan’s journalists are still working in some of the most dangerous conditions in the world,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “We hope that the new government will fight impunity for journalists’ attackers and bring Khadim’s killer to justice.” Sheikh was the bureau chief of Urdu daily newspaper…  
11247. IFJ Urges US to Maintain Funding to Cantonese Radio Services  

4/04/2008The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the United States Congress to maintain funding for Cantonese broadcasting by Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA) in the coming financial year. The Cantonese services broadcast by VOA and RFA are among the few Cantonese-language media able to maintain coverage free of self-censorship or the influence of China’s Government. The services broadcast to more than 130 million people in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces in mainland China. Most Cantonese speakers in mainland China rely heavily on their access to foreign media to obtain accurate and fair news coverage, especially with regard to sensitive topics…  
11248. IFJ Urges US to Maintain Funding to Cantonese Radio Services  

14/04/2008 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the United States Congress to maintain funding for Cantonese broadcasting by Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA) in the coming financial year.   The Cantonese services broadcast by VOA and RFA are among the few Cantonese-language media able to maintain coverage free of self-censorship or the influence of China’s Government. The services broadcast to more than 130 million people in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces in mainland China. Most Cantonese speakers in mainland China rely heavily on their access to foreign media to obtain accurate and fair news coverage, especially with regard to…  
11249. EFJ Supports Journalists’ Strike over Job Cuts at French Newspaper Le Monde  

The International Federation of Journalist and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), today expressed their support for French journalists at Le Monde, France’s national daily newspaper, in their fight against recently announced job cuts that would decimate its newsroom. “Le Monde’s announcement that it will cut 130 jobs, including two-thirds of its newsroom positions, is yet another sign of management putting quality journalism at risk in the quest for lower costs. We do not believe that such severe job cuts will help turn around the loss-making paper,” said Arne König, EFJ Chair. “We stand in solidarity with our colleagues in their fight against…  
11250. Concerns as Government in Afghanistan Bows to Hardline Pressure  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its associate, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), in expressing growing concern about the Government of Afghanistan bowing to pressure from hardliners seeking to obstruct Afghan journalists’ hard-won right to freedom of expression and an independent media.AIJA has called for public discussion about freedom of expression and the media in Afghanistan in an effort to raise awareness among authorities and across the wider community about the importance of a free and independent media in a democracy.AIJA’s call comes after the Ministry of Information and Culture warned four private television stations this week to stop…  
11257. IFJ Calls for Lifting of United Nations Ban on Taiwanese Media at World Health Conference  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today issued a new call on the United Nations to lift its four-year ban on Taiwanese journalists from reporting from the World Health Assembly next month accusing the UN of undermining the role of journalism in global campaigns for public health. “The United Nations is allowing itself to be bullied by China and in the process is chipping away at the values it was created to protect,” said Paco Audije, IFJ Deputy General Secretary. The IFJ says Taiwanese journalists should be given accreditation like hundreds of other media people who will be covering the World Health Organisation (WHO) annual assembly, which will open in…  
11259. IFJ Welcomes Courage Award for Somali Journalists’ Union  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today congratulated its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) on receiving the Democracy Courage Award on behalf of Somali journalists from the World Movement for Democracy (WMD). “We congratulate our colleagues on this award and welcome the recognition of their fight for the rights of Somali journalists and press freedom,” said Aidan White the General Secretary of the IFJ. The World Movement for Democracy (WMD) held its fifth assembly in Kiev, Ukraine, from April 6 and 9. It is a global network of democrats including independent journalists, trade unionists, business leaders, religious leaders,…  
11264. IFJ Condmens Killing of Radio Presenters in Mexico as Violence against Journalists Increases  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned a shooting attack that killed two indigenous community radio presenters and said that violence against journalists is increasing at alarming rates. “Mexico has been one of the most dangerous countries for journalists in recent years and we have seen the number of murders there go up even as the killings of media staff in other Latin American countries go down,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “The Mexican government must make protection of journalists a top priority and authorities might investigate these cases and bring the killers to justice.” Three other journalists have been killed…  
11265. EFJ Responds to UK Consultation on Copyright Exceptions  

Download EFJ response (PDF)  
11268. China Bulletin: April  

To read the China bulletin in English, click here. To read the China bulletin in Traditional Chinese, click here. To read the China bulletin in Simplified Chinese, click here.  
11270. Press Freedom a Priority for Reporting Nepal's Elections  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) extends its full support and solidarity to its affiliates, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), the Nepal Press Union (NPU) and the National Union of Journalists, Nepal (NUJN), and all journalists in Nepal as they report on the country’s national elections scheduled for April 10. As Nepal approaches a crucial step in its transition to democracy, the IFJ calls on the caretaker government, national officials, local authorities and militant groups to guarantee journalists are not obstructed in preparing news reports before, during and after the Constituent Assembly election. Journalists in Nepal have faced a treacherous…  
Search results 11201 until 11270 of 15063