15060 results:

6511. Media worker detained for eight months, released to Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern following the revelation that Lam Wing Kee, one of the five Hong Kong Causeway Bay bookstore employees detained in 2015, was detained by the Central Task Force in Mainland China. The IFJ demands an immediate explanation from the President of China, Xi Jinping and the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Leung Chun Ying, regarding the detention of the five media workers. On June 14, Lam Wing Kee was granted permission to travel back to Hong Kong following eight months detention in Ningbo, Zhejiang in Mainland China. Following his return, on June 16, Lam spoke out, revealing that he was detained in a tiny cell by the Central Task…  
6512. Sri Lankan police officer threatens journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) in condemning the threat against Sri Lankan journalists by a Sri Lankan Special Task Force (STF) officer on June 17. The IFJ demands immediate action is taken against the police officer. On Friday, June 17, deputy inspector general (DIG) Ranjith Perera, the head of the Police Department’s commando arm, publicly threatened to punish journalists for not giving enough media coverage to his efforts to crack down on narcotics being smuggled into the island. His outburst was captured on reporters’ audio tapes in a news conference organized by the STF in Colombo. Perera continued by warning…  
6513. México: asesinan a periodista durante protestas contra reforma educativa  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 periodistas en todo el mundo, condena la muerte del periodista Elidio Ramos Zárate, asesinado el 19 de luego de su trabajo en la cobertura de las protestas encabezadas por docentes en Oaxaca, México. Elidio Ramos Zárate, periodista del periódico “El Sur”, fue ejecutado a balazos por sujetos no identificados en el municipio de Juchitan de Zaragoza tras retirarse de la protesta que encabeza el gremio del magisterio docente CNTE, organización en estado de movilización contra la reforma educativa propuesta por el gobierno nacional. Trabajadores de su medio denunciaron a la agencia EFE que no existen…  
6514. IFJ Constitution 2016-2019  

You will find here the IFJ Constitution 2016-2019 following the amendments received from affiliates during the IFJ 29th World Congress in Angers, France, from 7 to 10 of June 2016. Download the French and Spanish versions. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
6515. Iraqi Photojournalist Killed in Fallujah Mortar Shelling  

Fadil al-Garaawi, a photographer who was employed by Iraq's Interior Ministry elite forces and contributed to other news outlets, was killed by a mortar round during fighting in Fallujah in the Iraqi province of Al Anbar. The 45-year-old was killed when a mortar round landed near a group of journalists and members of the security forces in Fallujah, according to media reports. Three armed members of the security forces were also killed.  
6516. Fadil al-Garaawi  

The 45-year-old photographer, who was employed by Iraq's Interior Ministry elite forces and contributed to other news outlets, was killed by a mortar round during fighting in Fallujah in the Iraqi province of Al Anbar. He was killed when a mortar round landed near a group of journalists and members of the security forces in Fallujah, according to media reports. Three armed members of the security forces were also killed.  
6517. Working Programme 2016-2019  

The working programme of the IFJ for 2016-2019 aims to position the IFJ as the global voice for journalists and to strengthen IFJ member unions worldwide in their endeavour to:  put their weight behind the global decent work agenda, and defend and advance the working conditions of journalists across all sectors and platforms, throughout the information landscape; promote and defend professional and ethical journalism in its role as a cornerstone of democracy and freedom, and be in the vanguard of creating a media culture that is ethically-based, driven by the public interest and fit for the digital age. Read more. Download the Spanish and the French versions.  For…  
6518. Photojournalist killed by mortar in Iraq  

A photographer was killed on 15 June by a mortar round during fighting in Fallujah in the Iraqi province of Al Anbar. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate (IJS) in calling for more safety for journalists working in the Iraqi war zones. Photographer Fadil al-Garaawi, 45, was employed by Iraq's elite Interior Ministry forces and also contributed to Iraqi news outlets. He was killed when a mortar round struck near a group of journalists and members of the security forces in Fallujah, according to media reports. Three members of the security forces were also killed. “We are deeply concerned for journalists covering the Iraqi…  
6519. Thai journalist’s car shot at in Bangkok  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) in strongly condemning the attack on a local journalist on June 7 in the Daokhanong district in Bangkok, Thailand. The IFJ and SEAJU call on the police to immediately investigate the attack and bring through responsible to justice. Early on Tuesday June 7, Thai journalist, Chatchai Suksomnuek’s car was damaged when it was peppered with bullets. According to Chatchai, the front, side windows and hood of the car was shot at and damaged in the attack, which occurred out the front of his home. Chatchai heard the attack from inside his house, but waited until dawn to go outside and inspect the…  
6520. UPDATED: Nepal introduces repressive directives for online media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Nepal Press Union (NPU) and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in expressing serious concerns over the recently issued government directives which threatens to undermine press freedom and freedom of expression online in Nepal. The IFJ demands that the Government of Nepal should immediately withdraw the directives. On June 14, the Government of Nepal approved the ‘Online Media Operations Directives 2015’ with includes provisions to disrupt the services of online news sites on arbitrary decisions of the Department of Information (DOI). The conditions under which the DOI can order the blocking of the website…  
6521. IFJ in the News this week: Special Congress  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 10th to Friday 17th of June, following the IFJ 29th World Congress in Angers, France: 1. Le 29e congrès mondial de la FIJ à Angers (France) la semaine prochaine 2. Journaliste, profession à haut risque 3. Angers. Le congrès de la Fédération internationale des journalistes ouvre mardi 4. Congrès mondial de la Fédération internationale des journalistes du 7 au 10 juin à Angers 5. Angers. Un congrès mondial avec 300 journalistes s'ouvre ce…  
6522. IFJ official video 29th World Congress Angers, France  

Watch the IFJ official video 29th World Congress Angers, France, below: <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/169980776" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> IFJ official video 29th World Congress Angers from IFJ Vimeo Channel on Vimeo.  
6523. IFJ 29th World Congress Reports  

Download the IFJ 29th World Congress Reports here. It includes: - Congress Matters - General Secretary's Report - Honorary Treasurer's Report - President's Report  Available also in French and Spanish  
6524. IFJ special magazine "90 years of stories"  

Download the IFJ special magazine "90 years of stories" here  
6525. IFJ Special Magazine "90 years of stories"  

Download the IFJ special magazine "90 years of stories" here  
6526. Nepali journalist attacked and threatened over reports  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in condemning an attack on a radio journalist in the Solukhumbhu district in eastern Nepal. The IFJ demands immediate investigation into the incident and those responsible to be punished. Bhanubhakta Niraula, the managing director of Himal FM, was attacked by Buddhi Kumar Rajbhandari, the co-ordinator of the Local Peace Committee, on the premises of the District Administration Office on June 9. Rajbhandari reportedly started threatening Niraula and tried to punch him as soon as he saw him asking him why he published news about the Committee. The…  
6527. Journalists physically attacked by political cadres in southern India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in condemning the attack on several journalists in Ottapalam, Palakkad of Kerala state in southern India on June 14. The IFJ demands immediate action from the Indian government to end the culture of violence against journalists and the media. On Tuesday, June 14, Asianet News senior reporter Shyam Kumar, Reporter TV scribe Sreejith and City channel’s cameraperson Anoop were attacked, reportedly by the cadres of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), as they tried to record footage of three BJP workers who were brought to the judicial first class magistrate court. The BJP workers were…  
6528. Check the IFJ Congress' urgent motions  

You can find the list of the urgent motions of the IFJ 29th World Congress below: 1. UM 1 SNJ-SNJ CJT-CFDT FNSI (English / Spanish / French) 2. UM 2 SNJ-SNJ CJT-CFDT Poland (English / Spanish / French) 3. UM 3 SNJ-SNJ CJT-CFDT Turkey (English / Spanish / French) 4. UM 4 Arab World (English / Spanish / French) 5. UM 5 Association of Iranian Journalists (English / Spanish / French) 6. UM 6 NUJP Philippines (English / Spanish / French) 7. UM 7 Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (English / Spanish / French) 8. UM 8 SEAJU East Timor (English / Spanish / French) 9. UM 9 UBJ Burundi…  
6529. IFJ elections: Advisors vote results  

Results of IFJ elections Advisors: Download the official list Access the new Executive Committee members' page here Abubaker Nasser, Palestine: 245 Allami Moaied, Irak: 166 Audije Paco, Spain: 189 Beato Jose Altagracia, Dom Rep: 41 Bghouri Neji, Tunisia: 155 Bwire Stephen Ouma, Uganda: 65 Cissé Khady, Senegal: 120 Cornejo Domingo Vargas, Chili: 37 De Carvalho Maria Luisa, Angola: 102 Dhamasuri Lankapeli Gedara, Sri Lanka: 42 Hurtado Adriana, Colombia: 104 Ibrahim El Sadig Ibrahim Ahmad, Sudan: 75 Laidlaw Stuart, Canada : 228 Lorusso Raffaelle, Italy : 178 Maryadi Eko, Indonesia: 81 Medina Filémon, Panama: 139 Monney Roland Affail, Ghana: 33 Murphy Paul,…  
6530. Philippe Leruth is the new IFJ President  

Delegates of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) meeting at the 29th World Congress in Angers elected Philippe Leruth, member of the Belgian Association générale des Journalistes Professionnels de Belgique (AGJPB) as president of their organization, on 9 June. Journalist at the daily newspaper L’Avenir, Philippe Leruth was vice-president of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the IFJ, from 2004 to 2013, and AGJPB president from 1995 to 2005. He is taking over from departing British President, Jim Boumelha, who headed the IFJ from 2007 to 2016. “The first challenge I will have to restore is IFJ unity” said the newly elected…  
6531. Sri Lankan editor attacked following a series of threats  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate Free Media Movement, Sri Lanka in condemning the attack on an editor on June 2 in Negambo, in eastern Sri Lanka. The IFJ calls for an immediate investigation into the attack and for those responsible to be brought to justice.   Freddy Gamage, the editor of Meepura, a regional web portal, was attacked by two unidentified assailants while walking to his car after covering the monthly meeting of the Negambo Municipal Council on June 2. He was hospitalized after the attack, during which he received a head injury.   Following the incident, Gamage said: “I was walking towards the car, after covering the…  
6533. Radio and TV offices attacked in Nangarhar, Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the attack on Enekas Radio and Afghan TV Cable Network in Jalalabad, Nangarhar province on Wednesday, June 8. The IFJ demands swift action from the Afghanistan government to ensure prosecution of the attackers and security of other media outlets in the province.   On Wednesday, an unknown group planted improvised explosive devices (IED) on the roof of the radio station and cable TV network offices. The explosion damaged the transmission equipment, causing transmission to be halted. No one was injured in the incident. Zaman Suhil, the program…  
6534. IFJ affiliates commemorate journalists killed in the city of Angers  

300 delegates representing the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) marched through the city streets of Angers, France, on 8 June to commemorate journalists killed in the exercise of their profession. Delegates who participated at the IFJ World Congress laid a white rose in front of the commemorative plaque for Camille Lepage, who was killed on 12 mai 2014 in the Central African Republic (CAR). The 26-year-old journalist had been travelling near the CAR border with Cameroon when she became caught up in fighting. The circumstances of her death remain uninvestigated. IFJ President, Jim Boumelha, said, ¨The death of a journalist such as Camille is utterly painful. It…  
6535. The IFJ’s 29th World Congress opens in Angers, France  

The IFJ’s 29th World Congress opened today in Angers, France with a celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of what has become the world’s largest organisation of journalists, representing 600,000 journalists in 140 countries. More than 300 delegates, representing journalists unions across the world, joined IFJ President Jim Boumelha to mark the founding of the IFJ in France in 1926, before moving on to the crucial issue of building stronger unions and involving more young workers in an evolving media. The conference opened with a presentation by Kaarle Nordenstreng, the former head of the International Organisation of Journalists and author of A History of the…  
6536. Somali Female Journalist Gunned Down in Mogadishu  

Sagal Salad Osman, who worked for the state broadcaster Radio Mogadishu, was shot dead in the Somali capital Mogadishu, the French news agency AFP reported quoting the victim's colleagues. The AFP quoted colleagues of the female presenter and producer at Radio Mogadishu, as saying that she was gunned down near a university in Hodon district of Mogadishu by unidentified gunmen who then fled afterwards. Source: AFP  
6537. Sagal Salad Osman  

The female journalist who worked for the state broadcaster, Radio Mogadishu was shot dead in the Somali capital Mogadishu, the French news agency AFP reported quoting the victim's colleagues. The AFP quoted colleagues of Sagal Salad Osman, a presenter and producer Radio Mogadishu, as saying that she was gunned down near a university in Hodon district by unidentified gunmen who then fled afterwards.  
6538. 300 delegates from journalists unions worldwide attend IFJ 29th World Congress  

More than 300 delegates representing journalists unions across the world are gathered in Angers, France for the 29th World Congress of the International Federation of Journalists, which will run from tomorrow until the 10th of June. Top of the agenda will be debates and discussions about the safety of journalists, defending and extending press freedom, intrusive surveillance, access to information, ethics, copyright, rights at work and gender equality. A special session will be devoted to recruiting, organising and providing services to young journalists. Elections will also be held for President and the Executive Committee. The conference will open with a special…  
6539. Taliban Attack Kills American Journalist David Gilkey in Helmand, Afghanistan  

The French news agency AFP reported that the award-winning American journalist David Gilkey and his 38-year-old Afghan translator Zabihullah Tamanna were killed Sunday while traveling with an Afghan army unit that came under fire in southern Helmand province. The National Public Radio (NPR) for which Gilkey worked said that the vehicle journalist and his translator were travelling in was struck by shellfire near the town of Marjah, accoridng the AFP. Two other National Public Radio journalists traveling with Gilkey in a separate vehicle, reporter Tom Bowman and producer Monika Evstatieva, were unharmed. Source:AFP  
6540. David Gilkey, Zabihullah Tamanna  

The French news agency AFP reported that the award-winning American journalist and his 38-year-old Afghan translator Zabihullah Tamanna were killed Sunday while traveling with an Afghan army unit that came under fire in southern Helmand province. The National Public Radio (NPR) for which Gilkey worked said that the vehicle the journalist and his translator were travelling in was struck by shellfire near the town of Marjah, accoridng the AFP. Two other National Public Radio journalists traveling with Gilkey in a separate vehicle, reporter Tom Bowman and producer Monika Evstatieva, were unharmed. Source:AFP  
6541. Two journalists killed on assignment in Taliban attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the killing of a local translator and American photojournalist in Helmand province, in southern Afghanistan on Sunday 5 June. The IFJ demands urgent action from the Afghanistan government to ensure the safety for the Afghan media community.   Zabibullah Tamanna, a local fixer/interpreter, and David Gilkey, an American photojournalist with the National Public Radio (NPR), both embedded with the Afghan Special Forces, were killed when the armored vehicle in a convoy they were travelling in was struck by an 82mm rocket in a Taliban ambush near Marjah…  
6542. Somali woman journalist shot dead in Mogadishu  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its Gender Council, joined affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in condemning the cold-blooded murder of a young and promising female journalist in Somalia on 5 June 2016. Describing the murder as “barbarous”, the NUSOJ reported that Sagal Salad Osman was shot to death in Mogadishu Sunday afternoon. Sagal, 24 years old,  who was working for the government-controlled Somali National Television (SNTV) as newscaster for children's programming, was shot in the head and chest by two armed men while near Plasma University. She died on the spot. "We offer our heartfelt condolences to Sagal Salad Osman's…  
6543. Journalist Union of Turkey (TGS) wins 2016 SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards  

IFJ/EFJ affiliate Journalist Union of Turkey (TGS) wins 2016 SOLIDAR Silver Rose. In a world of rapid changing political and social circumstances, growing conflicts and inequalities, progressive politics to ensure social justice and global solidarity are more important than ever. The 2016 edition of the SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards presents four courageous political choices with four awardees working on highly sensitive and late-breaking political issues: Press Freedom, Decent Work, Women’s Rights, Access to Education for All. This year’s winners are: Journalist Union of Turkey (Türkiye Gazeticiler Sendikasi, TGS), to which we dedicate the Silver Rose for Fundamental Rights. TGS…  
6544. France: police attacks must cease immediately  

The IFJ and the EFJ alerted today the Council of Europe's platform for the protection of journalism on the police attacks against French journalists on the fringes of demonstrations against French labor reforms. Read full story in French Videos: http://m.france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/bretagne/ille-et-vilaine/rennes/rennes-des-manifestants-et-des-journalistes-victimes-de-violences-policieres-1013565.html# https://www.facebook.com/Esprits.Indigo/videos/720813638022050/  
6545. The 29th IFJ World Congress in Angers (France) is next week  

The 29th World Congress of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will take place next week, from 7 to 10 June in Angers (France), 90 years after its founding conference in Paris in June 1926. "Journalists worldwide have sealed their brotherhood. Their languages may differ, oppositions clash, passions challenge but journalists have their International. (...) Journalists unite because they are journalists." 90 years ago, the President of the French journalists union, Georges Bourdon, became the first president of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and launched, with a handful of the unions from around the world, what has become today the world's…  
6546. Journalist detained for three days in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in expressing serious concerns over detentions of a journalist by the security agencies in Afghanistan. The IFJ and the AIJA call on the Afghan government to explain the detention of the journalist. Naimatullah Karyab, a local correspondent of BBC and AIJA provincial head for Kunar province was arrested by the US force in Jalalabad province on May 28 and handed over to the National Security Agency. During the detention, he was searched, and his communication equipment was seized. He was released after three days with security forces claiming that he was confused for…  
6547. Yemen: a sixth journalist killed in 2016  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing 600,000 journalists worldwide, joined its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS), in condemning the killing of a journalist in Shabwa, South-East of Yemen - the sixth one killed this year in the country. The YJS reported that Abdullah Azizan, correspondent of Mareb Press - an online news outlet - was killed on Sunday 29 May while covering clashes in the Bayhan area. "The YJS expresses its deep regret for the continuous targeting of journalists and presents its sincere condolences and sympathy to the family and friends of Abdullah Azizan," said the union in a statement. IFJ President Jim Boumelha…  
6548. Russia, Ukraine unions agree high-level Crimea mission and plan of action on protection of journalists  

Senior representatives of Russian and Ukrainian journalists’ unions have agreed a new plan of action aimed at tackling threats to journalists and promoting safety and professionalism for media working in and around Ukraine. The agreement was reached during a meeting hosted by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović in Vienna on Monday. The representatives of the Ukrainian Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) and National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), and the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) agreed, among other things, to:  urgently address the issues of journalists’ rights in Crimea and participate in a joint fact-finding mission…  
6549. Freedom of expression report, Breaking the Walls launches  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today launches the Breaking the Walls: The Fight for Freedom of Expression in the Digital Space in South Asia to conclude the Safer, Smarter Journalism campaign, which works to raise awareness on digital security for journalists. The IFJ said: “The digital space in South Asia is at a pivotal point. As the internet becomes near universal through mobile technology, journalists and freedom of expression activists face new opportunities and challenges to tell their stories.” The report is an assessment of the state freedom of expression in South Asia on digital platforms. It analyses the…  
6550. Que l'Égypte laisse les journalistes travailler !  

Les syndicats français de journalistes (SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT-Journalistes), affiliés de la FIJ, exigent la levée de l'interdiction de territoire égyptien du journaliste français Rémy Pigaglio et dénoncent les atteintes à la liberté de toute la presse dans ce pays. Il y a une semaine, le journaliste Rémy Pigaglio, correspondant en Égypte-principalement du journal La Croix et de RTL, de retour de vacances en France, était arrêté à son arrivée à l’aéroport du Caire, par la police de l'aéroport. Il apprenait qu'il était interdit de territoire. Le 24 mai au soir, après 30h d'emprisonnement dans la zone aéroportuaire, sans que les autorités ne lui en expliquent les raisons, il était…  
6551. IFJ urges Egypt to drop charges against journalists' leaders  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing 600,000 journalists worldwide, today urged the Egyptian authorities to immediately drop the charges leaders of the Egyptian Journalists' Syndicate (EJS) who face accusations of "harbouring fugitives." EJS President Yahya Qallash, Vice President Khalid el Balshi and General Secretary Gamal Abdulrahim were questioned by police in Cairo for 14 hours Sunday to early Monday morning about allegations of "harbouring fugitives in the union´s offices." Earlier this month, the police stormed the union´s headquarters and arrested journalists Omar Badr and Mahmoud al Saqa, accusing them of incitement. A judge in…  
6552. Tunisia: IFJ mourns the loss of leading trade-unionist Néjiba Hamrouni  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) mourns the death of Néjiba Hamrouni, the former President of the Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens, IFJ’s affiliate in Tunisia. It is with great sadness that the IFJ learned of the death of one of its most distinguished members, Néjiba Hamrouni, who died on Sunday 29 May, in Tunis, after a long and brave fight against disease. A talented journalist and fearless activist of the first degree for press freedom and journalists’ dignity in Tunisia, Néjiba Hamrouni has been since 2008 at the heart of the newly formed SNJT’s action, an organization she presided from 2011 to 2014. Her rare courage under the dictatorship, her…  
6553. Abdullah Azizan  

According to the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate, the correspondent of Mareb Press in Shabwa was killed while covering fighting in Bayhan area.  
6554. Italy: draft bill to tighten criminal penalties for defamation  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), have submitted on 27 May an alert on the Council of Europe of the Platform for the Protection of Journalism condemning the draft amendment to the Italian Penal Code which will increase the criminal penalties for those accused of defamation against members of the political class. The IFJ, EFJ and its Italian member, FNSI, call on Italian authorities to decriminalize defamation.  A committee of the Italian Senate voted unanimously on 3 May 2016, a draft amendment to the Penal Code which will increase the criminal penalties for those accused of defamation against members of the political…  
6555. Filipino journalist gunned down in Manilla  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the brutal murder of a local journalist in Manila on Friday, May 27, 2016. The IFJ and NUJP call on the authorities to track down and find those responsible as an urgent priority. Alex Balcoba, a 56-year-old reporter for the People’s Brigada and officer of the Manilla Police District Press Corp, was shot dead outside a watch repair shop owned by his family in Manilla. According to reports, the gunmen walked towards Balcoba and shot him in the head before fleeing on a waiting motorcycle. Balcoba was rushed to a local hospital, but was declared…  
6556. República Dominica: Miembros de la policía agreden a periodista tras denuncia por la participación de las fuerzas policiales en un triple crimen  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a más de 600.000 periodistas a nivel mundial, se une a su afiliado el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP) de República Dominicana en el repudio hacia la agresión verbal y física sufrida por la periodista Dulce García Robles, realizada por parte de miembros de la policía dominicana luego de que ella denunciara la presunta participación de las fuerzas de seguridad en un triple crimen. La periodista Dulce García Robles, miembra del SNTP en la Provincia de San Pedro de Macoris, se desempeña como corresponsal del noticiero “Noticias SIN” y como productora del programa Xtremo Chanel. Como parte de…  
6557. Yemen: IFJ calls on UN to exert pressure for release of 10 journalists on hunger strike in Houthi jails  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of journalists, today called on the United Nations envoy in Yemen to act to help secure the immediate release of 10 jailed journalists amid growing concerns about their health and allegations of torture. In a letter to UN envoy Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the IFJ backed the concerns expressed by its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS) and the journalists’ families, about the inhuman conditions the jailed journalists face. The 10 journalists have been on hunger strike for almost a month and the YJS has documented numerous cases of torture and maltreatment. The YJS claims that the journalists…  
6558. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 20h to Friday 27th May: 1. How Russia's independent media was dismantled piece by piece 2. Hong Kong’s International Law Problem 3. Les journalistes palestiniens et leur syndicat plus que jamais en danger 4. Unesco pide justicia por muerte de periodistas en México 5. El primer ministro de Timor Oriental no desiste de la demanda por difamación contra dos periodistas 6. Mujeres y desarrollo 7. As peace deal nears, Colombia’s journalists and activists still live in fear 8. FIP demanda…  
6559. Panamá: amenazan a periodista y defensora de los Derechos Humanos Ligia Arreaga  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 periodistas en todo el mundo, acompaña a su afiliado el Sindicato de Periodistas de Panamá en demandar al gobierno nacional la pronta toma de medidas de protección para asegurar la integridad física de Ligia Arreaga, quien fuera amenazada tras realizar denuncias sobre irregularidades en la concesión de tierras protegidas. Ligia Arreaga, periodista, ecologista, defensora de los derechos Humanos y coordinadora de Alianza por un Mejor Darién, ha recibido numerosas amenazas tras la publicación de sus investigaciones y denuncias sobre la titulación de tierras pertenecientes a un humedal (cerca de 50.000…  
6560. Paraguay: Detienen y golpean a Secretario General del Sindicato de Periodistas en procedimiento policial arbitrario  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 periodistas en todo el mundo, se solidariza con el Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) y con Santiago Ortiz, Secretario General de la organización, ante la detención arbitraria que sufrió el día 25 de mayo por parte de la Policía Nacional paraguaya. Santiago Ortiz fue interceptado por agentes policiales de la Comisaría 2ª Metropolitana mientras transitaba en la zona del Barrio Obrero (Asunción), quienes requirieron su documentación personal de identificación y al no encontrarla, intentaron despojarlo de sus efectos personales para luego ingresarlo en un patrullero y llevarlo a la comisaría.…  
6561. Reporting on Taiwanese President’s inauguration restricted in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticised the recent actions of the Chinese Government in censoring the reporting of the inauguration ceremony of Taiwanese President, Tsai Ing-wen, on May 20, 2016. The IFJ calls on the Chinese Government to immediately end its policy of censorship which continues to hinder press freedom in China. On May 18, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television (SAPPRFT) issued a directive to all online media outlets, stating that they were prohibited from conducting or republishing live broadcasting of the up-coming inauguration ceremony on their websites. On May 20, a second directive was issued from the…  
6562. Three journalists arrested in three weeks in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in expressing serious concerns over the arrests of several journalists in recent weeks in Nepal. The IFJ condemns these arrests and demands an immediate investigation into the rise of arrests of media workers.   On May 23, Shesh Narayan Jha, the chief editor of Sahayatra and the managing editor of the Samayabodh magazine was arrested for photographing a protester in Kathmandu. The protestor was smearing paint on the wall of Singha Durbar, a main government complex. Jha was charges under the Public Offence Act along with the protester. Police claim that Jha accompanied the…  
6563. Malaysia tightens grip on online freedom with proposed amendments  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists, Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) in strongly criticizing the proposed amendments to the Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA) 1998 put forward by the Malaysian Government. The IFJ and NUJM called on the government to review the amendments that would further obstruct freedom of expression and information online. On May 16, at the start of the current sitting of the Malaysian Parliament, amendments to the CMA Act were presented. The amendments have been deemed an attack on freedom of expression online by NUJM and could lead to severe online restrictions. According to NUJM the proposed…  
6564. Azerbaijan: Journalist Khadija Ismayilova released on probation  

The International and European Federations of Journalists welcome the Azerbaijani Supreme Court's decision today to release investigative reporter Khadija Ismayilova, who had been imprisoned on trumped-up charges since December 2014. The court converted Ismayilova's jail term into a three-and-a half-year suspended term. Khadija Ismayilova has already served 1.5 years in prison, held on politically motivated charges for her work exposing corruption. She now faces 3.5 years on probation, and a two-year ban on professional activities. In September 2015, the Baku Court of Serious Crimes sentenced Ismayilova to seven-and-a-half years in prison on tax evasion and large-scale embezzlement…  
6565. Turkey must stop intimidating journalists and trade unionists  

Journalists unions have called on the Turkish authorities to put an end to the threats and assaults against journalists and media workers. Six Turkish journalists are under criminal investigation for participating in a solidarity campaign on World Press Freedom Day (3 May). The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ and IFJ) are calling upon the presumptive upcoming Turkish Prime minister, Binali Yildirim, to end the climate of permanent judicial intimidation, threats, harassment, detention and physical assaults against journalists and media workers in Turkey. The federations are concerned that the Turkish judicial authorities have recently opened an investigation…  
6566. ​Manuel Torres  

Reports said that the journalist was killed by a single gunshot to the head in Poza Rica, located in the state of Veracruz. Torres was the editor and founder of the web site Noticias MT and had previously contributed to Azteca Veracruz TV, the local newspaper Noreste as well as to another news website Radiover de Xalapa.  
6567. Colombia: IFJ demands release of Salud Hernández-Mora, Diego D’Pablos and Carlos Melos  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing 600,000 journalists worldwide, is calling for the urgent release of journalists Salud Hernández-Mora, Diego D'Pablos and Carlos Melos, seized while on journalistic assignments between 21 and 23 May by armed groups in the Catatumbo region of northeastern Santander in Colombia. Read the full article in Spanish here. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
6568. IFJ demands immediate release of Kurdish TV reporter  

The International Federation of Journalists has called for the immediate release of Gazal Avanas – a reporter for Kurdish TV station Sterk detained in Iraqi Kurdistan.   IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger has written to the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Massoud Barzani demanding Mrs Avanas’ release whose arrest he called “an appalling attack on the free press”.   Gazal Avanas, known professionally as Aysel Avesta - a journalist with Sterk TV - was arrested on 19 May between Duhok and Sengal by security forces of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). Mrs. Avanas was on her way back from Sinjar where she had been recording a TV programme on the…  
6569. Latin America: IFJ holds seminar on security and gender  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation, held a seminar on security from a gender perspective between 19 and 20 May in Asuncion, Paraguay – part of a three-year project for the promotion of equality within media unions. Read the full article in Spanish here. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
6570. Mexico: IFJ condemns murder of reporter Manuel Torres in Veracruz  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing 600,000 journalists worldwide, has backed calls by the National Union of Press Reporters (SNRP) of Mexico, in the strong condemnation of the murder of reporter Manuel Torres in the state of Veracruz. Torres is the 94th reporter to have been killed since 2000, while 23 are still missing, making Mexico one of the most violent places in the world to be a journalist. Read the full article in Spanish here.  For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
6571. Safer, Smarter Journalism: Digital Security Need for South Asia’s Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today launch Safer, Smarter Journalism, a week-long digital security campaign to build digital security awareness and skills for South Asia’s journalists. While journalists in South Asia already work in a difficult safety environment because of threats, intimidations, and attacks, they may also be exposing themselves with their digital footprints. Safer, Smarter Journalism will run in all 8 South Asian nations from May 23 to 31 and has been supported by UNDEF through the South Asia Media for Democracy project. Some important activities include: Launch of Digital Campaigning for Media…  
6572. Egypt: IFJ backs call to overturn journalist’s death sentence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has demanded “baseless and false charges” against a senior Egyptian journalist be dropped and a death sentence against him overturned. The IFJ, representing 600,000 journalists worldwide, is backing calls by its UK affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), for the immediate dropping of charges against Al Jazeera journalist and NUJ member Ibrahim Helal, who was sentenced to death in absentia on 7 May in Egypt. He is charged with spying for the state of Qatar, charges which the IFJ and the NUJ have slammed as “fabricated”. The call came as IFJ President Jim Boumelha was set to raise Ibrahim’s case during the Congress…  
6573. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 13h to Friday 20th May: 1. Press groups urge probe into Indian journalist killings 2. Press groups seek probe into killings of Indian journalists 3. Inde : deux journalistes tués en moins de 24 heures 4. Journalistes tués en Inde: la FIJ veut "mettre un terme à l'impunité" 5. Standing Up for Journalism, I Carrera y marcha solidaria por el Derecho a la Información 6. Suman 28 los periodistas asesinados en lo que va de año 7. Cierran sitio web que publicó datos personales de…  
6575. What happened to Zeenat Shahzadi?  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses grave concern for Pakistani journalist Zeenat Shahzadi who has been missing since August 2015. The IFJ demands Pakistan’s authorities to take immediate action to find her kidnappers and reveal the status of investigations into the disappearance of the young woman reporter. Zeenat Shahzadi, a journalist for the Daily Nai Khabar and Metro News in Lahore, disappeared on her way to work in an auto-rickshaw. Police are understood to have registered a case against ‘unknown men’, but to date, no developments have been made public. Zeenat’s family alleges that she was targeted by Pakistan’s Special Forces for her reporting. The IFJ and…  
6576. Russia: Three RBC editors resign under political pressure from Kremlin  

Three top editors from the Russian RBC media group announced their departure on 13 May as the political pressure against the independent media outlet grows in Russia. The International and European Federations of journalists (IFJ/EFJ) back their affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in expressing concerns over the growing intimidation against the media in Russia. In a statement published on 13 May RBC said that the resignations of editor-in-chief Yelizaveta Osetinskaya, chief editor of the RBC newspaper Maxim Solyus, and chief editor of the RBC news agency Roman Badanin were due to “differences regarding the media company’s future and came into effect immediately”. RBC, one…  
6577. Rajdeo Ranjan  

Rajdeo Ranjan, Bureau Chief of Dainik Hindustan was gunned dowin Siwan, Bihar. The Indian Journalists Union (IJU), an IFJ affiliate, said that the journalist was killed as a result of his work exposing corruption and criminal activities of "political and criminal" mafia groups. Rajdeo Ranjan was vice-president of the Siwan District Unit of the Bihar Working Journalists Union (BWJU) which is affiliated to the IJU. He had previously been attacked in 2005 in an assault on his newsroom. The shootings took the toll of murders of journalists in India to eight in the past year and to more than 100 in the last two decades.  
6578. IFJ calls for action as two journalists gunned down in India  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the murder of two “martyrs in the cause of press freedom” in India in the space of 48 hours. Journalists Rajdeo Ranjan, Bureau Chief of Dainik Hindustan at Siwan, Bihar and Akhilesh Pratap Singh at Dewari village in Chatra district of Jharkhand were gunned down just hours apart. The IFJ has backed calls by its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (lJU) – which claims the two were killed as a result of their work exposing corruption and criminal activities among a “politico-criminal mafia” - for a special investigative team to bring the killers to justice. In a statement lJU President S N Sinha. Secretary-General Amar…  
6579. Ukraine: Fear Mounts over Journalists’ Safety after Publication of Personal Details  

A Ukrainian organisation working on national security published thousands of personal details of journalists on its website on 7 May claiming the journalists had accreditation with pro-Russian separatists in the eastern Ukraine. It further accused them of ‘co-operating with terrorist organisations’ and violating Ukraine law. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) back their Ukrainian affiliates the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) in denouncing this leak which endangers journalists’ safety and urge the Ukrainian government to bring those responsible to justice. The private…  
6580. Television Journalist Shot Dead in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in condemning the murder of a television journalist in Chatra of Jharkhand state in India on Thursday, May 12. Indradev Yadav, also known as Akhilesh Pratap Yadav, was shot dead by unidentified people near his home while he was on his motorcycle. Yadav, 35, was local correspondent for Taaza TV, a Hindi news channel based in Kolkota. The assailants fired at least five shots at Yadav, two of which hit him killing him immediately. Originally from Bihar state, Yadav had settled down in Jharkhand working as a journalist for five years and was known for his critical…  
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