15062 results:

7491. Gruesome Discovery of Bodies of Five Media Staff Missing since 2014 in Libya  

The bodies of five media staff were discovered near the city of Bayda in the southern Al Akhdar Mountain, east of Libya with their throats slit, according to Sky News Arabic quoting security sources. The five victims, Khaled Al Sobhi, Younes Al Mabruk Al Nawfali, Abdallah Al Karkaai, Yousef Kader Boh and Egyptian photographer Mohamed Jalal worked for Al Barka TV, a Libyan broadcaster. They went missing in August 2014 as they returned from covering the opening session of the Libyan Parliament. Reports said that they were kidnapped at a check-point near the Darna City which is under the control of the group "Ansar Sharia ", claiming to belong to the national army. The sister…  
7492. Abdulkareem Ali Muthna  

According to the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiiate, Abdulkareem Ali Muthna who was a manager /editor of a regional state radio Marib was killed while on assignment covering the fighting between the Huthis rebels and tribal men around Sarwah, a city in the province of Marib (200km east of Sana).  
7493. Khaled Al Sobhi, Younes Al Mabruk Al Nawfali, Abdallah Al Karkaai, Yousef Kader Boh, Mohamed Jalal  

The body of five media staff were discovered near the city of Bayda in the southern Al Akhdar Mountain, east of Libya with their throats slit, according to Sky News Arabic quoting security sources. The five victims, Khaled Al Sobhi, Younes Al Mabruk Al Nawfali, Abdallah Al Karkaai, Yousef Kader Boh and Egyptian photographer Mohamed Jalal worked for Al Barka TV, a Libyan broadcaster. They went missing in August 2014 as they returned from covering the opening session of the Libyan Parliament. Reports said that they were kidnapped at a check-point near the Darna City which is under the control of the group "Ansar Sharia ", claiming to belong to the national army. The sister…  
7494. IFJ mourns death of fifth media worker in one week in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joint its affiliate Yemen Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS) in condemning the killing of Marib Radio’s director Abdulkareem Ali Muthna. The killing took place on 22 April while on assignment when the journalist was covering the confrontations between the Houthis and tribal men in the province of Marib, east of Sanaa. The YJS said that the director and editor of the regional state radio Marib Radio Ali Muthna lost his life last Wednesday in the morning in the city of Sarwah, in the province of Marib, 200 km east of the Yemeni capital. His death brings to five the number of media staff killed in the country in the last week, after the…  
7495. Burundi : l’information verrouillée  

Au nom des médias burundais et de la liberté d’expression, la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes, Reporters Sans Frontières, le Comité pour la Protection des Journalistes, l’Institut Panos Europe, l’Institut Panos Grands Lacs, le groupe éditorial VITA et Radio Netherlands Worlwide appellent la communauté internationale à réagir rapidement et avec sévérité à ces atteintes liberticides à l’information. Après l’annonce de la candidature du président Pierre Nkurunziza à un troisième mandat le samedi 25 avril, de violents heurts ont éclaté dimanche et lundi à Bujumbura, capitale du Burundi, faisant au moins deux morts. Les médias burundais ont été particulièrement visés au cours de ces…  
7496. FIP condena intento de asesinato al periodista colombiano Silvio Rubiano  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condena el intento de asesinato del periodista colombiano Silvio Rubiano, de Caquetá, y exige a las autoridades correspondientes la plena investigación de las responsabilidades del crimen. Desde el inicio del año 2015, han sido víctimas de atentados contra su vida dos periodistas colombianos. El día 25 de abril se produjo un intento de asesinato del periodista Silvio Rubiano, el director de la Revista Evaluación, dedicada a publicar hechos (especialmente políticos) que acontecen en Florencia, Caquetá.  El intento de asesinato se produjo luego de que Silvio Rubiano publicara en su revista información sobre presuntas irregularidades…  
7497. Baloch media activist shot dead in Karachi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the brutal murder of a Pakistani media and human rights activist in Karachi on Friday, April 24. The IFJ calls on the Pakistani government to take immediate action to ensure these culprits are brought the justice. Sabeen Mahmud, a renowned media and human rights activist was shot dead on Friday as she left an event at her café and art space, T2F in Karachi. T2F had become a mainstay for Karachi activists since it opened in 2007. She was shot four times and her mother who was with her was shot twice when their car was attacked. Mahmud and her mother were taken to the National Medical Centre, but at 9.40pm Mahmud was declared dead.…  
7498. Mastermind in journalist murder sentenced to life  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in welcoming the sentencing of a mastermind in the brutal murder of a journalist by the District Court Dhanausha, in south-eastern Nepal on April 23.   Uma Singh was hacked to death on January 11, 2009 by a gang of 15 men in her home in Janakpur. She was seriously wounded in the attack and taken to a local hospital by motorcycle. However she died within an hour from her injuries. She was taken to Kathmandu for treatment, but later died from her injuries. Uma, who was aged in her mid-20s when she was murdered, worked as a…  
7499. IFJ Shocked by the Slaughter of 5 Libyan journalists and Media Workers  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its shock and dismay at the discovery of the bodies of five employees of the Libyan broadcaster, Al Barka TV. The team had been kidnapped last August at a fake ISIS-Libya check-point while returning from filming the opening session of the newly elected Libyan parliament. Their bodies were found this morning, their throats recently slit, outside the city of Bayda. “We are deeply shocked by this brutal slaughter” said Jim Boumelha IFJ President. “ISIS aims to horrify but we can only feel great sorrow and further resolve to see the killers held responsible for their crimes.” The dead included Khaled Al Sobhi, Younes Al…  
7500. La FIJ et la FAJ condamnent les pressions sur la presse dans la crise au Burundi  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalists (FIJ) et son groupe africain la Fédération Africaine des Journalistes (FAJ) ont aujourd’hui condamné fermement l’état de siège actuellement imposé aux médias au Burundi depuis l’annonce de la candidature le samedi dernier du président Pierre Nkurunziza pour un troisième mandat, et les violentes manifestation qui s’en sont suivies. « Nous demandons au président Pierre Nkurunziza et au gouvernement burundais de mettre fin aux actes d’intimidation et de répression perpétrés par les forces de sécurité contre les médias au Burundi », a dit le président de la FIJ. Depuis l’investiture de M. Nkurunziza par son parti CNND-FDD comme candidat aux…  
7501. IFJ/EFJ send letter of support to BAJ on new congress  

IFJ/EFJ Message of Congratulations to the Belarus Association of Journalists (BAJ) Dear Zhanna, Dear Andrei, Dear BAJ,   It is with a mixture of great sorrow and comfort that we received the news of the change of BAJ leadership that took place last Friday during the Congress. As your chair Zhanna Litvina has been a tremendous force for independent journalism, demonstrating incredible fortitude, courage and determination in a twenty year struggle against authoritarian government. In doing so she has helped motivate journalists across the country to stick with the profession and to stand up for its principles. To do so she has had to face down tremendous hostility and abuse and…  
7502. IFJ launches video campaign to mark World Press Freedom Day  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today launches  a video campaign to mark World Press Freedom Day next Sunday 3 May. From 27th April to 3rd May the Federation will launch a daily video highlighting press freedom concerns from different parts of the world.  Eko Maryadi, executive committee member of the IFJ and member of the board of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), explains the three main challenges for press freedom in Indonesia.   Eko Maryadi, AJI Indonesia, World Press Freedom Day 2015 from IFJ Vimeo Channel on Vimeo. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 17 The IFJ represents more…  
7503. Oles Buzyna  

According to media, the Department of Public Relations Research Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev reported that Buzyna was shot at around 12:20 (CEST) in Shevchenko district, near his house. An official from the Interior Ministry, Anton Herashchenko, claimed that the gunmen escaped in a dark blue Ford Focus car with a foreign license plate. Buzyna was a controversial figure in Kiev as a journalist, TV presenter and former editor-in-chief of the Russian language Kiev-based newspaperSegodnia. He was known for his pro-Russia views and was a key witness in a criminal case related to a pro-Russia rally in Kiev. Previously in 2012 he had run for a seat in parliament on the Party of the Regions…  
7504. La FIP se une a su brazo regional la FEPALC en el respaldo a la lucha nacional de los trabajadores de prensa argentinos por un aumento salarial justo  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se une a la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) en el apoyo a la lucha emprendida por la Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa (FATPREN) en la búsqueda de un aumento salarial justo en paritarias que comprenda las necesidades y dignidad de los trabajadores y trabajadoras. En concordancia con lo indicado por la legislación argentina, la FATPREN presentó ante la patronal ADIRA su pliego de peticiones, incluyendo un porcentaje de aumento del 32% en cuotas con el objeto de recuperar el valor real del salario frente al aumento del costo de vida. Luego de trabas en la negociación, FATPREN se delaró en plan…  
7505. La FIP expresa su preocupación por recientes amenazas a la libertad de prensa en Latinoamérica y el Caribe  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas ve con alarma los avances contra la libertad de expresión y contra los derechos de los trabajadores de prensa en Venezuela, Costa Rica y República Dominicana, países que en los últimos días han sido escenario de despidos y cierres de medios. En Costa Rica se ha dado en los últimos meses un fuerte proceso de despidos, desinversión y cierre de medios de comunicación, que pueden resumirse en: Despido de periodistas en Canal 9 (año 2014) Cierre del impreso de La Prensa Libre (1 de enero del 2015) Diario decano de Costa Rica que transformó su formato a digital Cierre del periódico Al Día, especializado en deportes (30 de noviembre) Cierre…  
7506. La FIP exige medidas de protección tras un nuevo asesinato de un periodista en México  

Con motivo del asesinato de Abel Manuel Bautista Raymundo, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se une a su afiliado mexicano, el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa (SNRP), en demandar el cese en la violencia contra los periodistas , protección para todos los trabajadores de prensa y mejoras inmediatas en las condiciones laborales para asegurar un libre ejercicio de la profesión.  Abel Manuel Bautista Raymundo, presidente de la Asociación de Radios Comunitarias “Vara 7″, fue asesinado por desconocidos tras salir de su trabajo en la emisora Radio Spacio 96.1 de Oaxaca, México. Con este hecho, ya son dos los periodistas asesinados en México desde inicios de…  
7507. TV Journalist Shot Dead in Benghazi, Libya  

Muftah al-Qatrani, director of the private production company Al-Anwar, was found dead on Wednesday in his office located in the centre of the second Libyan city, Benghazi. He was killed by a gunshot to the head, according to AFP quoting a Libyan Interior Ministry official. Al-Qatrani covered fighting between Islamist militias and pro-government forces in the second city of Benghazi. He was found on a chair, covered in blood, officials told AFP. Source: AFP  
7508. ​Muftah al-Qatrani  

The journalist and manager of the private production company Al-Anwar, was found dead on Wednesday in his office located in the centre of the second Libyan city, Benghazi. He was killed by a gunshot to the head, according to AFP quoting a Libyan Interior Ministry official. Al-Qatrani covered fighting between Islamist militias and pro-government forces in the second city of Benghazi. He was found on a chair, covered in blood, officials told AFP. Source: AFP  
7509. Blas Olivo  

The journalist, who had gone missing as he was travelling in his vehicle from Bonao to Santga Domingo, was discovered murdered on the Duarte Highway near Pieda Blanca with four gunshots wounds in his body, according to police sources quoted in media. His car was recovered in the town of Palero, his relatives were quoted as saying. Blas Olivo was also the press director of the Dominican Agribusiness Board (JAD) in the Dominican Republic. Source: EFE  
7510. Villatoro Ramos  

The 42-year-old cameraman and host of a local cable television show in Suchitepequez, a province located 150 kilometers (93 miles) east of Guatemala City, was gunned down by a group of armed men. Media report said that his murder was part of an extortion scheme targeting the company he worked for, Noticiero de Intercable (Servicable). Eyewitnesses told investigators they saw the two suspects open fire on Villatoro Ramos and flee from the scene, prosecutors reportedly said. The authorities later announced the arrests of four suspects in the journalist’s murder, including one minor, according to prosecutors quoted in media. .  
7511. Danilo Zapón López, Federico Salazar  

Gunmen on motorbike shot dead Danilo Zapón López, a eporter for Prensa Libre newspaper and Federico Salazar who worked for Radio Nuevo Mundo as they walked in the park in Mazatenango city, Southern Guatemala, according to reports. Their colleague Marvin Israel Túnchez, a reporter for cable news television showOptimo 23, was also injured in the shooting. Danilo Zapón López had denounced corruption in the local administration and his killing came one day after the Mayor of San Lorenzo municipality had publicly threatened him over his reporting. Lopez’s colleagues said that shortly before his murder, he told friends that he was afraid and tensions were running high, reports…  
7512. Mohammed Rajah Shamsan, Amin Yehia, Monir Aklan, Hazzam Mohamed Zeid  

Mohammed Rajah Shamsan, the presenter of Yemen Today TV was killed in an explosion caused by the Saudi-led military coalition’s airstrike near the TV headquarters in the capital, Sanaa, according to media reports. Three other staff members of the station also died in the blast. They were security personnel Monir Aklan and Hazzam Mohamed Zeid, and accountant Amin Yehia.  
7513. ​Melinda Magsino-Lubis  

The 41-year-old was gunned down at midday by two assailants on a motorbike as she walked along the street. She died on the spot. She worked as a correspondent of the Philippine Daily Inquirer in Batangas and received death threats in 2005 after she reported on local corruption involving the Batangas Governor Armando Sanchez. Following the death threats in 2005, Magsino left her post with the Philippine Daily Inquirer. In the years that followed she had worked with the Philippine Centre for Investigative Journalism and TV5, as well as starting a blog (southernluzoninquirer.blogspot.com) with a number of Batangas journalists, the most recent post was from September 2014. More…  
7514. IFJ/EFJ back Macedonian journalist Borjan Jovanovski after death threat  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of journalists (EFJ) have strongly condemn the death threat against a Macedonian TV presenter, Borjan Jovanovski, and call on the Macedonian authorities to prosecute the perpetrators. Borjan Jovanovski, a prominent journalist, editor and founder of Novatv.mk, received on 21 April at his home in Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM), a death threat in the form of a funeral wreath with the words ”last goodbye” written on it. The wreath was brought by an unknown man in the name of Todor Aleksandrov, a controversial figure celebrated by the ruling party, VMRO DPMNE. Jovanovski told the media, “What happened shocked me…  
7515. IFJ/EFJ ask for legislation securing fair contracts for journalists  

To mark this year’s World Book and Copyright Day on 23rd April the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) call on public authorities across the globe to put legislation in place that secure fair minimum contractual conditions for journalists and ensure they are equitably remunerated for the use of their works. Journalists are the authors of the works they produce. They own economic rights and in most countries have moral rights. This means that they must be remunerated for the use of their works and can protect the integrity of their journalism against any form of distortion. A report from the UN Special…  
7516. IFJ mourns killing of four media workers in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), expressed concern for the safety of journalists in Yemen after the killing of Mohammed Rajah Shamsan, presenter of Yemen Today TV, and three more staff members working for the station. They were all killed in the capital Sanaa as a result of an explosion  caused by the Saudi-led military coalition’s airstrike near the TV headquarters. According to media reports, the Saudi-led coalition bombed on Monday a missile warehouse located at a mountaintop military site in Sanaa’ Faj Attan area. Witnesses reportedly said it was possible that one of the bombs…  
7517. IFJ/EFJ support striking journalists over salary arrears in Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have together backed a journalists’ strike in Kiev in early April after the TVi broadcaster ceased paying salaries to 300 employees. The Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU), an affiliate of IFJ / EFJ, held the demonstration on 2 April in support of the journalists where it demanded the management to pay the media staff. According to TVi staff, the channel, which stopped broadcasting on 23rd March, recently changed ownership to David Zhvania’s and the new management ceased the salary payments. The ownership of the broadcaster has been in dispute since it…  
7518. Mark World Press Freedom day: Join the “Difference Day” event in Brussels  

To mark the World Press Freedom Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) warmly invite you to attend a special event “The Difference Day” on 3 May at BOZAR in Brussels. “The Difference Day” is organised by the Brussels Platform for Journalism,  a joint academic initiative of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EHB) under the umbrella of the Brussels University Alliance. It will be held at BOZAR, the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels from 14:00 to 21:00 on 3 May. Together with BOZAR, the Platform is partnering with journalistic, media and academic…  
7519. FIP se une a la FEPALC en su pedido de investigación por el asesinato de periodista dominicano  

Con preocupación ante un nuevo hecho de violencia contra los periodistas, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se une a su brazo regional la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPAL) en solicitar al gobierno de República Dominicana la pronta identificación de los responsables y del móvil del asesinato del periodista Blas Olivo. Tal como ha declarado la FEPALC en comunicado, “esta violación de los derechos fundamentales interpela al Estado dominicano que tiene la obligación de investigar este crimen, sancionar a sus autores y asegurar a las víctimas una reparación adecuada”. En solidaridad con nuestro afiliado nacional el Sindicato Nacional de…  
7520. IFJ and FAJ condemn gun attack on Somali photojournalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) had condemned the shooting by two gunmen who seriously wounded Farhan Suleiman Dahir, a photojournalist working for the state-run Radio, and online newspapers in Mogadishu in the capital last Friday evening as he was returning from work. Somalia is one of the most dangerous countries for reporters to operate. However, “Somali authorities must investigate this crime by unknown assailants who deserve to be brought to justice,” said the IFJ. The gunmen escaped the scene after shooting the photojournalist, who was taken to a local hospital where he received medical treatment for injuries…  
7521. IFJ and FAJ Condemn Gun Attack on Somali Photojournalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) had condemned the shooting by two gunmen who seriously wounded Farhan Suleiman Dahir a photojournalist working for the state-run Radio and online newspapers in Mogadishu in the capital last Friday evening as he was returning from work. Somalia is one of the most dangerous countries for reporters to operate, however “Somali authorities must investigate this crime by unknown assailants who deserve to be brought to justice” said the IFJ. The gunmen escaped the scene after shooting the photojournalist who was taken to a local hospital where he received medical treatment for injuries to his arms,…  
7522. Set Gao Yu Free  

To coincide with World Press Freedom Day 2015, the IFJ is running a campaign to secure the release of veteran Chinese journalist, Gao Yu. The IFJ and its affiliates have written to Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang for the release of veteran journalist Gao Yu. It calls on all its affiliates to back a letter to Chinese authorities asking for Gao Yu’s immediate release. Gao Yu, 71, was arrested in Beijing on April 24, 2014, on charges of illegally obtaining state secrets and sharing them with foreign media. It understood that the leaked document outlined the leadership’s plans to aggressively curb civil society and press freedom. Gao was subsequently charged and…  
7523. La FIP condena despido de dirigente sindical venezolano, hecho violatorio de la libertad sindical  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) insta a las autoridades venezolanas a proteger los derechos sindicales de los trabajadores de prensa venezolanos, a la vez que exige reparar los hechos. A contramano de lo establecido por el derecho laboral venezolano y los compromisos asumidos internacionalmente, el día 15 de abril El diario Últimas Noticias despidió arbitrariamente al trabajador y dirigente sindical Jesús Hurtado. Según declaró Marco Ruiz, Secretario General del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Prensa (SNTP) de Venezuela, “El diario Últimas Noticias, con el favor del Ministerio del Trabajo, ha desconocido el fuero sindical del compañero Jesús Hurtado, directivo del…  
7524. IFJ joins ITUC to fight against global jobs deficit and inequality  

In the frame of the ministerial-level Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Washington, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), has today backed ITUC's demand for international financial institutions to take measures for stimulating job creation in light of the IMF's predicted slowdown of economic growth in emerging market and developing countries in 2015. ITUC general secretary Sharan Burrow stated: "The international financial institutions (IFIs) should use the opportunity of lower world oil prices to encourage the adoption of carbon taxes whose revenue could finance…  
7525. European authors' organisations urge MEPs to safeguard authors’ rights in copyright reform  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) together with a group of European creators’ organisations (ECSA, EVA, EWC, FERA, FSE, GESAC and SAA) has called on members of the European Parliament in the Legal Affair Committees to examine carefully the amendments to an own initiative report on reforming EU copyright. The group expressed their concern in a letter  about the draft report by MEP Julia Reda on the implementation of the 2001/29 Copyright Directive. They said, “If [the report is] not completely amended, [it] would severely weaken the position of European authors who need to be placed at the heart of the EU copyright policy." Importantly, they called on MEPs to…  
7526. IFJ joins ITUC to fight against global jobs deficit and inequality  

On the frame of the ministerial-level Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Washington, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which is member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), has today backed its demand to the international financial institutions to take measures for stimulating job creation in light of the IMF's predicted slowdown of economic growth in emerging market and developing countries in 2015. ITUC general secretary Sharan Burrow stated: "The international financial institutions (IFIs) should use the opportunity of lower world oil prices to encourage the adoption of carbon taxes whose revenue could finance…  
7527. IFJ/EFJ appalled by gunning down of journalist in Kiev  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), are appalled by the murder of journalist Oles Buzyna, gunned down last 16 April near his house in Kiev. Both Federations have demanded an immediate and independent investigation into his death. “There has to be quick and prompt investigation of the murder of Oles Buzyna to end speculation around this case”, said Sergiy Tomilenko, the First Secretary of National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), affiliate of both IFJ/EFJ. According to media, the Department of Public Relations Research Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev reported that Buzyna was shot at…  
7528. South Asia Media Solidarity Network Bulletin: April 2015  

Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on May 15, 2015, and contributions are most welcome. Let others know what you are doing or seek solidarity and support from other SAMSN members on your campaigns and activities. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] Please feel free to distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues and friends in the media. This e-bulletin and South Asia related contents are available at the “new” SAMSN Digital Hub: http://samsn.ifj.org  Please subscribe to the hub for updates on media in South Asia. SAMSN welcomes contributions to the SAMSN weekly blog –…  
7529. IFJ strongly condemns sentencing of veteran Chinese journalist Gao Yu  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the sentencing today, April 17, of independent Chinese journalist, Gao Yu on charges of leaking state secrets. The IFJ criticised the Chinese government for its ongoing attempts to intimidate and stifle media freedoms through the targeting of high-profile journalists such as Gao Yu and has called for a global media appeal to draw international attention to the case. Gao Yu, 71, was arrested in Beijing on April 24, 2014, on charges of illegally obtaining state secrets and sharing them with foreign media. It understood that the leaked document outlined the leadership’s plans to aggressively curb civil society and press freedom. Gao…  
7530. 11 ans après la disparition de Guy-André Kieffer, la FIJ reste mobilisée  

Il y a 11 ans, le 16 avril 2004, disparaissait en Côte-d’Ivoire le journaliste français, Guy-André Kieffer. Une affaire qui n’a toujours pas été élucidée alors que ce confrère enquêtait sur les trafics juteux au sein de la filière du cacao. « Tous les grands prédateurs à la tête des structures de la filière cacao sont les proches et les amis de la présidence (Gbagbo). Le pouvoir en place a découvert tout l'intérêt qu'il y avait à gérer le coffre-fort que représente la filière cacao. » Ces deux phrases, Guy-André Kieffer, journaliste pigiste français qui travaillait notamment pour des journaux ivoiriens et pour la Lettre du Continent, une publication française consacrée à l’Afrique, les…  
7531. Second Filipino journalist arrested in libel case in as many weeks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in expressing strong concern over the arrest of a Filipino journalist on Wednesday, April 15 in Bicol, Luzon Island. At 9.20 am on Wednesday, April 15, Elmer James  Bandol, was arrested as he left his residence to go to work. The a 59-year-old journalist works as a contributor for various local newspapers in Bicol and  was arrested in relation to a libel case filed on July 15, 2012. The case was filed by Masbate Electric Cooperative (Maseclo) official Dr Eduardo Margallo and stemmed from a story Bandol authored regarding loses incurred by Maseclo…  
7532. Black day for democracy as Malaysia extends sedition law online  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists, Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) strongly deplore the latest amendments to Malaysia’s Sedition Act (1948) which effectively expand the powers of the 1948 legislation to also prosecute and censor online media. The expansion of the Act passed through Malaysia’s Dewan Rakyat (Parliament) on Friday, April 10 and has followed a series of increasingly intimidatory tactics by Malaysian authorities to crack down on freedom of expression and free speech under the guise of sedition. The IFJ and NUJM call on the Malaysian government to immediately repeal the amendments which extend the maximum jail term…  
7533. IFJ/EFJ shocked by appeal against acquittal of Dutch journalist charges  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are shocked today by the decision of the chief prosecutor to appeal a court decision made on Monday 13th April to acquit the Dutch journalist Frederike Geerdink for terror charges.  Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, EFJ President said, “This is seriously alarming. The judicial system and the level of judicial harassment facing journalists in Turkey show more than ever that more actions must be taken. “We stand together with all human rights organisations and urge both national governments and international institutions to put human right issues in Turkey as the central part of their…  
7534. IFJ calls for the release of 13 journalists sentenced to life imprisonment and one to death in Egypt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today called for the immediate release of 13 journalists sentenced last Saturday to life imprisonment and one to death by an Egyptian Court. It has also urged them to free all other journalists who remain in prison until a final court ruling is made. According to media, this is the first time in Egypt that such a ruling has been made against media workers, most of them arrested since August 2013 and accused of spreading false information and propaganda against the state. The IFJ has backed the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS) which has established a legal committee to monitor the cases and advise on the legal strategy.…  
7535. IFJ Blog: Seditious times for Malaysia’s media  

Malaysia’s press freedom has been on a steady decline but the tightening of the vice on freedom of expression has come via the draconian Sedition Act, writes Jim Nolan.  In his 2012 book, The Dictators Learning Curve, William J Dobson bracketed Malaysia with Russia, China, Venezuela and Egypt as among the world’s authoritarian regimes keen to disguise themselves as democracies.  Events in 2015 have confirmed Malaysia’s place in that dubious company with the extension of sedition laws, the arrest of three editors and two executives of ‘the Malaysian Insider’ news portal on accusations of sedition and - most seriously - the charging on April 3 of cartoonist Zulikiflee Anwar…  
7536. 'IFJ in the news' this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights for last week, from Monday 6th to Sunday 12th April: 1. Chinese government threaten to shut down news service 2. IFJ condemns intimidation of Tamil Journalists in Sri Lanka 3. TV5 Monde : les affiliés français de la FIJ et de la FEJ dénoncent une attaque contre la liberté d’expression 4. Death Threats Over Tikrit Coverage Force Reuters' Baghdad Bureau Chief To Flee Iraq; Latest Sign Violence Against Journalists Is Rising 5. UN tribunal puts journalists on trial 6. Al…  
7537. Protesters arrested for interview with foreign media in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has criticized Mainland <st1:country-region w:st="on">China</st1:country-region>’s media for not reporting on a police crack-down against protesters in <st1:country-region w:st="on">Inner Mongolia</st1:country-region> on April 4, and for punishing protesters who accepted interviews about the incident from international media. On April 4, hundreds of riots police were mobilized to crack-down on anti-pollution in Inner Mongolia, an autonomous region of <st1:country-region w:st="on">China</st1:country-region>. However, no Chinese media reported the incident. During the…  
7538. Former journalist gunned down in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) express condolences over the shooting-murder of a former journalist in Batangas in Luzon, in the central Philippines on April 13. Melinda Magsino-Lubis, 41, was a former correspondent of the Philippine Daily Inquirer in Batangas and has received death threats in 2005 after she reported on local corruption involving the Batangas Governor Armando Sanchez. Magsino died when she was gunned down at midday as she walked along the street. She was shot by two assialants on a motocycle and died at the scene. Following the death threats in 2005, Magsino left her post with the…  
7539. IFJ welcomes release of Dutch journalist acquitted of terrorist charges in Turkey  

The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) welcomes today’s release by Turkish court of Dutch freelance journalist Frederike Geerdink. Geerdink had been accused of making “terrorist propaganda” for the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). She was briefly detained in January following the raid in her home by the authorities. Together with the Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ),  the IFJ had condemned the arrest and prosecution of Geerdink saying that the charges against her violated international law and treaties ratified by the Turkish government on freedom of expression. “Frederike Geerdink’s release is a great…  
7540. Fijian journalist and women’s rights advocate killed at home  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply saddened at the murder of Fijian journalist and women’s rights advocate Losana McGowan in Suva, Fiji in a domestic violence incident on April 5. The IFJ joins media colleagues across the Pacific in expressing condolences for Losana’s family, friends and media colleagues. McGowan, a well-known and respected journalist in Fiji, died following a dispute with her partner in their apartment on Easter morning after she was pushed to the ground and sustained a fatal head injury. McGowan had a career spanning over 15 years in journalism and communications working for the Fiji Times, the Fiji Broadcasting Corporation, Fiji Media Watch,…  
7541. Chinese government threatens to shut down news service  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern over reports that the State Council Information Office threatened to shut down an online news service following complaints over news reports. According to Xinhua, China’s state-owned media, the State Council Information Office, the regulating internet office in China, threatened to shut down online news service, Sina unless they started regulating their news content. On April 10, the State Council Information Office said that they had received 6038 complaints against Sina, a US listed company, since the beginning of the year. The complaints claimed that Sina reports ‘distorted facts, violated public morality and posted…  
7542. Sri Lanka police in Jaffna criticised for arrest and intimidation of journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Free Media Movement (FMM) condemn the heavy-handed action of Sri Lankan police in charging a freelance journalist on Wednesday, April 8 in Jaffna. The IFJ said this attack on press freedom appeared to be aimed at intimidatintg the media. According Jaffna based newspaper Uthayan, the journalist N Logathayalan who writes for the newspaper was arrested and charged following a report he authored about the assault of a schoolgirl by Sri Lankan police officers in Jaffna in Sri Lanka’s north. Logathayalan was taken into custody and produced before the Point Pedro Court where the Sri Lankan police requested to extend custody until April…  
7543. IFJ/EFJ urge law reform in Greece after jail term sentence against journalist for defamation  

The International Federation of Journalists and its European Group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today reiterated their call for an urgent reform of the Greek defamation law. The call follows the ruling by a court in Athens which sentenced journalist Kostas Vaxevanis to 26 months in jail, suspended for three years, for defamation. “This is a disproportionate sentence against the journalist which is likely to have a chilling effect on independent reporting in Greece,” said Beth Costa, IFJ General Secretary. “There is an urgent need to reform the Greek law on defamation to strike a fairer balance which protects both the rights of journalists and the reputation of…  
7544. TV5 Monde : IFJ and EFJ affiliates denounce an attack against freedom of expression  

Three months after the attack against Charlie Hebdo and the killing of our colleagues, the enemies of freedom of expression launched a cyberattack against TV 5 Monde. Read full release in French.  
7545. Press Freedom in China Campaign Bulletin: April 2015  

Welcome to IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly Press Freedom in China Campaign e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on May 8, and contributions are most welcome. To contribute news or information, email [email protected]. To visit the IFJ’s China Campaign page, go to www.ifj.org. Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. For the simplified Chinese version click here. For the traditional Chinese version click here.  In this bulletin: 1) Restrictive orders attempt to control reporting on key cases 2) Journalists removed from a CPPC meeting in Chengdu, Sichuan 3) Mainland journalists barred from reporting on Tengger Desert water pollution 4) Cyberspace…  
7546. Former Press Club President arrested in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) are dismayed by the arrest of a former president of the National Press Club by the Manila Police District (MPD). Jerry Yap was arrested on Sunday, April 5 at Ninoy Aquino International Airport as he returned from a week-long trip to Japan. Yap was arrested after a warrant was issued on March 30, by Judge Noli Diaz from the Manila RTC Branch 39 over a libel case filed against him. The case was filed by MPD-District Police Intelligence Operation Unit (DPIOU) chief Senior Inspector Rizalino Ibay, which stemmed from columns Yap wrote and published in the tabloid Hataw. The case…  
7547. Four charged for Bangladeshi blogger murder  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a breakthrough in the case of a Bangladeshi blogger who was hacked to death in Dhaka last month with murder charges laid against the four men accused of killing the blogger Md Oyasiqur Rahman Babu. With two of the men still at large, the IFJ has called on the Bangladesh Police to undertake all efforts to locate the men at large – one of whom is touted to be the mastermind behind the brutal slaying on March 30. According to reports, preliminary murder charges have been lodged against Zikrullah and Ariful, who were arrested at the scene while the remaining two at large have been charged in absentia. Oyasiqur died as a result of his…  
7548. Fifth IFJ Focus on Safety Out !  

The fifth issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety is out now! Read all about it here  
7549. Pakistan mulls censorship of TV contents  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is seriously concerned over the reports that the Pakistan government is mulling amendment in a law to empower the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PERMA) for blocking the transmission of TV contents. According a report published in Dawn, the government had discussed a possible amendment to the PERMA Act 2007 and the amendment had been drafted and shared with some officials and legal experts. The amendments, if implemented, would empower the PERMA to ‘de-link’ the signals of a specific television channel towards any satellite, which would ensure that no cable operator or television set gets the broadcast. The PERMA is state…  
7550. Media concerns as “dictator law” replaces martial law in Thailand  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Thai Journalists Association (TJA), the National Press Council of Thailand, the Thai Broadcasting Journalists Association (TBJA) and the News Broadcasting Council of Thailand (NBCT) in expressing strong concern over the issuing of a new order by the military regime to replace martial law. The new order became effective on April 1.The IFJ joins Thai media in its objection to the order which will further cripple press freedom across the country. On April 1, the NCPO issued Order No 3/2558 which invokes Section 44 of the Interim Constituion of the Kingdom of Thailand (2014), effectively replacing martial law which has been in place…  
7551. Tribunals set up to investigate journalist murders in Balochistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the establishment of two judicial tribunals to investigate six journalist murders in the Balochistan province of Pakistan since 2011. According to a statement from the Home Department in Quetta, the provincal capital on April 1, the two tribunals would work in Khuzdar and Makran districts to investigate the murder cases of a number of journalists, naming those responsible and recommending measures to prevent such murders of journalists in the future. The murder victims to be investigated will be Abdul Haq Baloch, Javed Ahmed and Munir Shakil from Khuzdar district and Abdul Razzaq, Abudost Rind and Ilyas Nazar from Makran…  
7552. 'IFJ in the news' this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights for last week, from Monday 30th March to Sunday 5th April: 1. El general que amenaza con ‘ejecutar periodistas’ acumula poder en Tailandia 2. Council of Europe calls for greater data and privacy protection 3. Threats against journalists tracked online 4. Lanzan una plataforma para protección de los periodistas y para salvaguardar la libertad de los medios de comunicación 5. Lancement d’une plateforme en ligne pour renforcer la protection du journalisme et la sécurité des journalistes …  
7553. Fifth Issue of IFJ Focus on Safety  

Welcome to the fifth issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety, a monthly blog which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis of safety-related events of concerns to journalists. The blog is part of the IFJ strategy to promote the safety of journalists and to combat the issue of impunity. Please check out the IFJ International Code of Practice for the Safe Conduct of Journalism at the end of this issue. We value your feedback and would like to hear about your safety experience on the field as well as any stories you would like to share with members of the IFJ family, the global journalists’ community. The present issue covers the following: Mediterranean Unions Demand Action to…  
7554. IFJ condemns a terror attack against a Somali union leader  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined today the labour global organisation, the International Trade Union Confederation, to condemn the terrorist attack in Mogadishu last Friday which nearly cost the life of Omar Faruk Osman, the General Secretary of its member union in Somalia, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). “I am shocked and the IFJ is deeply concerned that the leader of one of our unions came so close to losing his life at the hands of Al-Shabaab," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "It shows the grave dangers some of our leaders have to confront daily and their determination to work fearlessly to advance their members professional…  
7555. IFJ welcomes launch of Council of Europe online platform for media protection  

The Council of Europe has launched an online platform dedicated to recording violations of journalists' rights in its member states with a view to promoting their safety.  The launch followed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding last December in Paris for collaboration on the platform between the Council of Europe and five partner organisations- the InternationalFederation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists, Article19, Reporters without Borders and the Association of European Journalists(AEJ).  "We welcome the launch of this platform which will help keep track of  - and expose- attacks and forms of intimidation on…  
7556. Council of Europe Lauches Online Platform for Media Protection  

The Council of Europe has today launched an online platform dedicated to recording violations of journalists’ rights with a view to promoting their safety. Today’s launch followed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding last December in Paris for collaboration on the platform between the Council of Europe and five partner organisations- the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists, Article 19, Reporters without Borders and the Association of European Journalists(AEJ). Under the terms of the MoU, the partner organisations will submit for publication on the platform alerts on all types of violations of journalists’ rights…  
7557. IFJ and FAJ demand release of journalist and lawyer jailed in Swaziland  

The International Federation of Journalists and its African group, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), have together asked the release of Bheki Makhubu, editor of “The Nation-Swaziland”, and his lawyer Thulani Maseko, who have been jailed since 18 March 2014 for publishing articles critical of the judiciary in Swaziland. “The King Mswati III of Swaziland should order the release of both the journalist and his lawyer after one year in prison”, said Mohamed Garba, President of FAJ. “FAJ is raising serious concerns on the permanent attempts by the Kingdom of the Swazi authorities to muzzle all freedoms” added Garba. According to reports, the Kingdom of…  
7558. IFJ Mediterranean unions demand action to combat intolerance and protect journalists rights and security  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and affiliates from the Mediterranean called for a new regional campaign to promote a strong professional journalists culture across the region that reinforces the independence of journalists and their basic rights, improves safety and promotes the highest professional standards of journalism. 60 union leaders, media experts and broadcasters from across the Mediterranean region came together primarily to mark the murders of the Charlie Hebdo journalists and the deaths of tens of journalists that take place every year across the region with impunity. A short ceremony was held on Tuesday evening as the IFJ leaders and delegates from…  
7559. IFJ urges warring parties in Yemen to end forthwith attacks on journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), are gravely concerned by the current escalation of violence in the country. They have urged all the parties to the conflict to immediately stop threatening and harassing journalists and media workers, accused of affiliating with rival parties and serving their interest. The IFJ says that journalists in Yemen are facing increasing threats from several sides as the political and military situation in the country deteriorates. After the air strike campaign launched against Houthi militiamen by the Saudi led coalition - composed by Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain,…  
7560. IFJ Completes Series of Human Rights Reporting Trainings in Arab World and Middle East  

As part of Media for Human Rights Programme, which is run by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in cooperation with journalists’ unions, IFJ’s trainers in human rights reporting organised fourteen workshops during January and February 2015 in the Middle East and Arab World region. The workshops were held in Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Iraq (including Kurdistan Region of Iraq) and Palestine. The trainings involved 180 trainees and followed a first assessment of journalists’ needs in the region.They focused on how journalists could improve their skills in reporting on human rights issues such as Women’s rights, Child rights, Labour rights, Minorities, Migrant workers…  
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