15063 results:

14841. IFJ Health No. 3 October 1999  

IFJ Health is a regional newsletter produced by Rory O'Neill, the IFJ Health, Safety, and Environment Officer, and, IFJ Representative on the ICFTU Health, Safety and Environment panel. This newsletter provides information on a wide spectrum of issues related to health and safety at work. No.3 October 1999  
14842. The Royaumont Newsline September 1999  

The Royaumont Newsline was the newsletter of the first phase (1999) of the Media for Democracy in South-East Europe programme September: Conflict Reporting and the Media (PDF)  
14843. Media Ethics and Self-regulation (Conclusions of the Conference, Tirana, September 1999)  

Tirana, September 25-27, 1999 CONFERENCE CONCLUSIONS Journalists, editors and journalism trainers from 19 countries meeting at the IFJ conference organised within the Royaumont process in Tirana on September 25-27, 1999 having discussed issues of journalists' ethics and self-regulation in media have adopted the following conclusions and programme of action: Media ethics are a matter for the media professionals. Governments and parliaments must refrain from regulating media content. Governments, parliaments and intergovernmental organisations have a responsibility to create a legal framework that guarantees freedom of expression and allows journalists to exercise their…  
14845. Addendum to FXI submission to SABC Board on editorial independence and other matters.  

Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) Paper, July 1999 Download the paper (WORD)  
14846. The Royaumont Newsline June 1999  

The Royaumont Newsline was the newsletter of the first phase (1999) of the Media for Democracy in South-East Europe programme June: Reforming Broadcasting (PDF)  
14847. Plan of Action For Journalists And Media a in South-Eastern Europe  

Conflict Reporting and the Media: The Role of Journalism In the Prevention and Resolution of Conflict 24/26 June, 1999 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia We, the 50 representatives of journalists' trade unions, editors and experts from 18 countries meeting at the IFJ conference organised within the Royaumont process in Ohrid on June 24-26,1999 having discussed the role of journalism in reporting conflict recognising the critical situation facing journalists and media in the region of South-eastern Europe, supporting actions to strengthen independent journalism and the creation of a diverse and democratic media culture across the region, believing that free and professional media…  
14849. The Royaumont Newsline April 1999  

The Royaumont Newsline was the newsletter of the first phase (1999) of the Media for Democracy in South-East Europe programme April: Media Strategies for Peace and Stability in South-eastern Europe (PDF)  
14850. A Checklist for Editorial Independence in Broadcasting  

Reforming Broadcasting: Towards Editorial Independence in Public Service Radio and Television An IFJ Conference for Journalists in South-eastern Europe Zagreb, Croatia, April 15th-18th, 1999 FINAL STATEMENT: Journalists and media professionals from 14 countries meeting in Zagreb on April 15-18th at the IFJ conference for journalists in South-eastern Europe: "Reforming Broadcasting: Towards Editorial Independence in Public Service Radio and Television" adopted the following final statement: We insist that governments can only protect democracy by ensuring that everyone has the right to freedom of expression and opinion; We demand that governments create…  
14851. IFJ Health No. 1 January 1999  

IFJ Health is a regional newsletter produced by Rory O'Neill, the IFJ Health, Safety, and Environment Officer, and, IFJ Representative on the ICFTU Health, Safety and Environment panel. This newsletter provides information on a wide spectrum of issues related to health and safety at work. No.1 January 1999  
14853. Report from the Legal Assistance Project  

Introduction to IFJ Activities in Defence of Journalists' Rights The work of the IFJ in defence of journalists' rights focuses on four main areas: Human rights and safety of journalists: protests and campaigns against violations of press freedom and journalists' rights, IFJ missions in support of journalists' organisations under threat. For more information go to: Human Rights IFJ Safety Fund: a fund for humanitarian assistance to journalists in need, the fund is supported through donations only by journalists and their organisations. For more information go to: Safety Media law and policy: Interventions with national governments and intergovernmental institutions (OSCE,…  
14854. On the Road to Freedom? Report on the Rights of Media and Journalists in Kazakhstan, Kyrghystan and Tajikistan  

On the Road to Freedom? Report on the Rights of Media and Journalists in Kazakhstan, Kyrghystan and Tajikistan. November 1998.  
14855. The Florence Declaration 1998  

Freedom of Information in the Mediterranean Meeting of Trade Unions of Journalists in Mediterranean Countries Florence, 11th-13th October 1998 We, the representatives of journalists' trades unions from 12 Mediterranean countries, meeting in Florence from October 11th-13th 1998, declare that: Freedom of information is a right covered by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed 50 years ago, which states that everyone has the right, without threat of persecution, to gather, receive and disseminate information and ideas regardless of frontiers and by any means of communication We note that all Mediterranean countries acknowledge this right formally, but…  
14856. Caught in the Act: Corruption and the Media, Conference report  

Caught in the Act: Corruption and the Media. (PDF) Conference report. Brussels 21-22 September, 1998  
14857. Report to Congress 1998 of the EFJ / IFJ Freelance Experts' Group  

(Recife, Brazil, May 1998) The Freelance Experts Group (FREG) was established following the Santander Congress. It has undertaken one of the most challengingtasks on behalf of IFJ member unions - to mobilise and strengtheninternational organisation in defence of the freelance sector,still the fastest-growing community of journalists world-wide. The FREG has organised major events in Amsterdam (December 1-2, 1995) and Copenhagen (November 21-23, 1997). These conferencesfocused on the rights of freelance journalists in the age of digital technology and the social status of freelance journalists in Europe. As part of this work the FREG has completed a survey of European unions on the…  
14858. Belgium authors' rights' law  

The Belgian authors' rights law was adopted on 30th June 1994 and modified by the law of 3rd April 1994 (computer programme) and the law of 31st of August 1998 (database protection)  
14859. Freelance Journalists' Social Status Survey Phase I, October 1997  

Report by the Freelance Expert Group (FREG) of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ): Freelance Journalists' Social Status Survey Phase I, October 1997: Income The questionnaire was sent on May 15, 1997, to all 45 member unionsof the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in 35 countries.The response being from 20 unions in 19 countries (figure by October20, 1997). The social status was measured by income, compared to that ofstaff journalists. Other standards were: Right to deduct professional costs in taxation, social security in form of holiday compensation, health and other insurance as well as unemployment compensation.Better training brings more economical value,…  

Yankee has become the first regional magazine to sign with the Authors Registry to funnel royalties to freelance writers for reuse of their work in electronic databases. Under the terms of its recently revised standard freelance contract, Yankee and its outside contributors will share evenly all royalties from article databases on online services subscribed to by computer users and on CD-ROMs sold to libraries. The Authors Registry, the not-for-profit licensing and payment clearinghouse, will distribute writers' shares. Since it began operations last year, the Registry's deals on behalf of freelance writers have been with national publications, including Harper's, Cooking Light and…  
14862. Editorial Democracy in European Media - IFJ / EFJ Final Declaration  

Milan, March 25-27, 1995 Representatives of EFJ journalists unions from 15 European countries meeting twice in Milan on March 3-5, 1993 declared and reconfirmed in Milan, March 25-27, 1995 that: Democracy is the form of government which grants the people as a whole an influence on government policy and which recognises the right of freedom of speech and expression. A wide-ranging flow of information is essential for this. It is necessary to guard democracy against the creation of monopoly positions or political and economical concentration of power. In Europe today we see the development of concentration of ownership resulting in a few number of large media companies controlling…  
14863. Campaign for Freedom of Information in the European Union  

EFJ - Brussels, 1994 PREAMBLE The International Federation of Journalists, representing more than 180,000 journalists in 34 countries of Europe, believes the people of Europe have a right to know how political leaders, acting in their name, are reaching the decisions that will affect the lives of millions. We call, therefore, for legal guarantees of a public right of access to information from public and private authorities. The IFJ notes how the paucity of information and public debate within Europe which characterised the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty is clear evidence that European political authorities must act urgently to improve the free flow of information in the public…  
14864. Tendenschutz - A Threat to Journalists' Rights in Europe  

Tendenschutz - A Threat to Journalists' Rights in Europe Download the report  
14910. Detail  

Search results 14841 until 14910 of 15063