15063 results:

10991. IFJ Condemns Killing of Journalist in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the murder of Hassan Mayow Hassan, a Somali journalist, who was shot dead in the Afgoye District of lower Shabelle region in southern Somalia. "We strongly condemn this killing which marks a violent start of the year for journalists in Somalia," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "There is an urgent need to end violence against journalists in Somalia and all warring factions must refrain from targeting the media. We will redouble our efforts to assist Somali journalists who, only a few days ago, took to the street to demand protection and right to report freely." According to the National Union of…  
10993. IFJ Supports Journalists' Call for Press Freedom in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed support for Somali journalists in their call for press freedom in Somalia during a demonstration held last Sunday in the capital, Mogadishu. "Journalists have remained at the mercy of the warring factions, government forces, Islamic insurgents who have frequently targeted, attacked, kidnapped and killed journalists," said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. "We call on the international community to provide protection for journalists covering the war-torn Somalia." During a demonstration to launch their 2008 annual report entitled "Somalia: a precarious and perilous place for the press", the…  
10994. IFJ Opposes New Media Bill in Kenya  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged the Kenyan President, Mwai Kibaki not to sign into the law the Kenyan Communications (Amendment) Bill 2008 that was recently passed by the Kenyan Parliament. "The ICT Bill is a deliberate attempt to undermine and eventually remove the independence of the media in Kenya," said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. "The Bill as it is, blatantly disregards the rights to freedom of expression and press freedom as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and echoed by other international conventions that the Kenyan Government has signed and ratified, including the African Charter on Human and…  
10995. IFJ Gender Newsletter, December 2008  

Download here (pdf)  
10997. IFJ Joins Call For End to Impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined journalists at a regional conference in Jakarta this week in a strong call to regional governments in South-East Asia to end impunity for violence targeting media personnel across the region.   The Jakarta Declaration, adopted by 70 journalists at the first regional news safety conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, from December 15 to 16, was presented to Indonesia’s Vice President, Jusuf Kalla. The conference was organised by the International News Safety Institute (INSI).   INSI Director Rodney Pinder noted that in 60th anniversary year of the Declaration of Human Rights, the statement recalls that…  
10998. Korean Government Must Speak Out for Media Freedom to Break Television Deadlock Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which has concluded an emergency mission to Korea, says the government in Seoul must act urgently over fears for the future of press freedom in the country. The call is among a number of IFJ proposals to end the deadlock between staff and management in a 154-day battle over editorial independence at the broadcaster YTN, a 24-hour news network. The IFJ says sacked workers must be reinstated and a joint agreement to guarantee editorial independence must also be put in place. he station has been in crisis since staff blocked company President Mr Bon Hong Gu from entering the premises claiming his appointment earlier this year is a…  
10999. Alarm Sounds Again for Media Freedom in Fiji  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed as Fiji’s military regime continues to clamp down on independent media and free expression, with the expulsion of a New Zealand journalist and revelations of a government watch list this week.   Barbara Dreaver, the Pacific Affairs correspondent for Television New Zealand One, was detained at Fiji’s Nadi Airport on December 15 and refused entry to the country. She was held overnight in a detention centre and sent back to New Zealand yesterday morning.   Fiji’s Deputy Secretary for Information, Major Neumi Leweni, confirmed Dreaver was on a watch list, set up by the Information Ministry…  
11000. EFJ Concerned about State of Photo Journalism in Europe  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), today expressed great concern about the state of photo journalism in Europe following an EFJ seminar in Paris this weekend. "The importance of a photo, an image which tells a story and is an irreplaceable part of journalism, must be protected and treated as any other editorial creative work", said Arne König, EFJ President, who participated in the meeting on "Photo Journalists: An endangered species in Europe. "Threats to photo journalism come from all sides including a collapse in market prices, an unprecedented increase in competition with amateur…  
11001. IFJ Calls on Pakistan’s Media Owners to Pay Up  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands that media owners in Pakistan grant wage rises to their staff immediately, in accordance with Pakistan’s law.   Media personnel across Pakistan, who have been fighting for legally sanctioned wage rises for the newspaper sector for seven years, yesterday continued their campaign by staging another national day of protests, led by the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, and the All Pakistan Newspapers’ Employees Confederation (APNEC).   “The situation for many journalists and media workers in Pakistan is dire. They are not only receiving below-award wages,…  
11002. IFJ Calls on China to Live Up to Promise of Freedom of Expression  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is dismayed to learn that several writers and human rights activists were detained or harassed by authorities in China after they signed a joint statement calling on the National People’s Congress Standing Committee to ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).   The statement, issued on the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, also launched Charter 08, which demands bold political reforms that promote human rights and democracy and articulate the principles for a platform of citizens’ actions.   On December 8, writers Liu…  
11003. Threats and Sackings Highlight Censorship in Sri Lanka, Says IFJ  

Threats against a prominent political cartoonist in Sri Lanka over a cartoon published on December 7 in the weekly Lanka yet again highlight the insidious nature of efforts to impose censorship in Sri Lanka, according to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).   Winnie Hettigoda, who is also a writer and television producer, received repeated threats by phone on the evening of December 7 warning he had no right to draw the cartoon, according to the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association (SLWJA), both IFJ affiliates.   Hettigoda lodged a complaint with the Koswatta police station. However, it is…  
11004. Government Interference Puts Strain on Taiwan Public Media  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) holds grave concerns for the status of independent public media in Taiwan after the country’s legislature announced increased control of funds, news reporting and programming of the national public television network.   According to media reports, on December 9 the Educational and Cultural Affairs Committee and the Interior Affairs Committee of the Legislative Yuan approved resolutions proposed by the ruling Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) to enforce strict regulations on the operation and programming of the Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS). The service includes Hakka Television, Indigenous…  
11005. Lese Majesty Laws Stifle Media in Thailand  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed that Thailand’s severe lese majesty laws have again imposed restrictions on independent and critical reporting of important issues in Thailand, with the current edition of The Economist withdrawn from sale in the country for fear of drawing harsh penalties against distributors of the magazine.   The well-respected magazine’s 6-10 December issue carries articles which comment critically on the role of Thailand’s monarchy and King Bhumibol Adulyadej in national politics, and refer to the negative effects of lese majesty laws in fuelling self-censorship by both local and…  
11006. Journalists Assaulted in Northern Kashmir  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned to hear of an assault on journalists by police and other security personnel in the Arampora area of the north Kashmir town of Sopore on December 7.   According to local sources, six journalists, part of a large group that had gone to the area to report on local perceptions of the ongoing election campaign in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, were injured in the attack.   The injuries suffered by Mukhtar Khan, of the Associated Press, and Tauseef Mustafa, of Agence France Presse, are reported to be serious.   Syed Muzaffar (Srinagar Times), Habib Naqash (Greater Kashmir), Bilal Bazaz…  
11008. Sri Lanka Defence Secretary Wins Order to Silence Media House  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is extremely concerned about restrictions on reporting of defence matters in Sri Lanka after a court prohibited all Leader Publications newspapers publishing any information referring to the Defence Secretary until December 18.   According to the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, a magistrate granted the ex-parte injunction application by Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa on December 5. Rajapaksa accuses the Sunday Leader newspaper of publishing articles which allegedly defamed him.   In the national Parliament, United National Party parliamentarian Dayasiri Jayasekara reportedly said…  
11009. The IFJ Condemns Abduction of Journalist in Zimbabwe  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned for the safety of Jestina Mukoko, a Zimbabwean journalist and human rights advocate, who was kidnapped on Wednesday and has not been seen since. According to the Zimbabwe Journalists Union ( ZUJ), Jestina Mukoko was abducted on Wednesday at 5 am at her house in Norton just outside Harare. Mukoko, a veteran broadcaster, is the director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) which documented human rights abuses in the run up to the June presidential election run- off. Her whereabouts remain unknown after human rights lawyers failed to find her at any of the city's police stations.."The abduction of Jestina is contrary…  
11010. The IFJ Condemns Abduction of Journalist in Zimbabwe  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned for the safety of Jestina Mukoko, a Zimbabwean journalist and human rights advocate, who was kidnapped on Wednesday and has not been seen since. According to the Zimbabwe Journalists Union ( ZUJ), Jestina Mukoko was abducted on Wednesday at 5 am at her house in Norton just outside Harare. Mukoko, a veteran broadcaster, is the director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) which documented human rights abuses in the run up to the June presidential election run- off. Her whereabouts remain unknown after human rights lawyers failed to find her at any of the city's police stations.."The abduction of Jestina is…  
11011. IFJ Demands Employers Pay Wages Due to Media Workers in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with journalists and media workers in Pakistan as they rally across the country to demand an inquiry into the death of a cameraman who killed himself this week after his employer refused to pay him several months’ wages owing to him.   Mohammad Azam Khan, 26, a cameraman at Channel 5 in Lahore, committed suicide on December 2 after the station’s management refused his request that day for some of his wages, according to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalist (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate.   Like other staff at the station, Azam had not been paid for three to four months. Azam was the…  
11012. Philippines Most Dangerous Country in Asia-Pacific for Radio Broadcasters, Says IFJ  

    Media Release: Philippines                                                                                        December 4, 2008   Philippines Most Dangerous Country in Asia-Pacific for Radio Broadcasters, Says IFJ   The International…  
11013. IFJ Condemns "Indecent and Irresponsible" Management Over Media Suicide in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today blamed callous management at Channel-5, a private TV station in Pakistan, which contributed to the death of a cameraman who killed himself after his employer refused to pay his salary.According to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalist (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, Mohammad Azam Khan, 26, who worked as a cameraman for Channel-5 in Lahore had not been paid for four months, like all other staff at the station. On 2 December, he went to the office to request payment but was turned away. He returned home and later took his own life. It was the same day his sister was getting married and he was in urgent need of his wages as the…  
11014. Police Accused of Attack on Journalist During Curfew in Sri Lanka  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands an immediate investigation into allegations that police verbally and physically abused a journalist as he attempted to report on public disruption caused by an unannounced curfew in Batticaloa in Sri Lanka’s east.   According to the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, Kalmunai media house journalist Mohamed Hussein was beaten by officers from the Eravur police as he tried to talk with members of the public about the sudden 6am to 6pm curfew imposed by police at the Chathurukondan check-point.   Two police officers armed with rifles and baton sticks reportedly stopped Hussein on his…  
11015. ITUC guide: Stopping Sexual Harassment at Work  

FR: http://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/Harcelement_FR_12pgs_BR.pdf En: http://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/Harcelement_ENG_12pgs_BR.pdf Es: http://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/Harcelement_ESP_12pgs_BR.pdf  
11016. IFJ Condemns China Attack on Belgian TV Crew  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for a full investigation by Chinese authorities after a Belgian television reporter and his team were harassed and beaten up by local officials while trying to film a report on the AIDS crisis. Journalist Tom Van De Weghe and his broadcast crew working for VRT, the Flemish public broadcast network, were working in the Shanqui district of Henan province last week when they were targeted by local officials who physically assaulted them, confiscated material and ordered them out of the area. "This correspondent, together with his cameraman and his assistant, were victims of a lawless attack," said Aidan White,…  
11018. Missing Journalist in Nepal Presumed Murdered  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) learns with great distress that J.P. Joshi alias Pandit, a journalist missing since October 8 from his home in Nepal’s far-western district of Kailali, may have been murdered.   According to information from the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the National Union of Journalists (Nepal), both IFJ affiliates, human remains found in a forest in the far-west of Nepal have been identified by Joshi’s family, on the basis of documents and other belongings found nearby.   The skeletal remains have been referred for forensic examination to a hospital in Kathmandu.   Joshi was the editor of…  
11019. Harsh Penalties Sought for Newspapers in Fiji  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about the press freedom situation in Fiji as two newspapers, their editors and publishers face jail terms and hefty fines for contempt of court charges.   The charges, which are being pursued by the Attorney-General’s office, refer to publication by the Fiji Times and the Fiji Daily Post in October of a letter to the editor which criticised a High Court ruling upholding the legality of Fiji’s 2006 military coup. The charges cite Fiji Times editor Netani Rika and publisher Rex Gardner, as well as Post editor Robert Wolfgramm and Australian-based publisher Allan…  
11020. Beijing must Open Door to Media Freedom , Says report on Olympics  

China's Olympic Games performance took the world by storm, but it gets mixed reviews in a report issued today on official treatment of overseas journalists and media covering the Games. A report issued by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the global sports communication group Play the Game recognises that the Chinese decision last month to extend free-range reporting rights to international media constitutes a welcomed progress. But the report adds that the country has much to do before it can claim to live up to international standards for a free press. IFJ leaders meeting in Paris this month agreed to send a new international mission to China to continue…  
11021. IFJ Condemns Third Murder of a Journalist in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked to learn of the third murder in eight days of a journalist in India.   Vikas Ranjan, 32, a reporter with the Hindi daily Hindustan, in Samastipur district of India’s eastern Bihar state, was killed on November 25.   The IFJ joins its Indian affiliates in condemning the brutal murder of Ranjan, who has a long history of investigative work on the state’s criminal networks.   According to reports, Ranjan had spent the day on assignment and returned to his office in the afternoon. He was shot in the evening as he stepped out of his office and walked toward his parked motorcycle. His…  
11022. Threats Increase Concerns for Detained Media Worker and Family in Sri Lanka  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) holds grave fears for the safety of detained Tamil media worker N. Jesiharan and his family in Sri Lanka after the family received threats and demands for ransom in return for Jesiharan’s safety while in detention.   The IFJ appeals to Sri Lanka’s Minister for Human Rights and Disaster Management, Mahinda Samarasinghe, to honour a commitment he made to assure Jesiharan of protection while in custody.   Jesiharan is currently on trial on charges laid under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).   According to the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, Jesiharan’s family in a…  
11023. Alert: Iranian teacher unionist could be executed today  

Eduction International (EI) global unionI received deeply disturbing news from Iran overnight. Send an online message to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad now! http://www.ei-ie.org/en/urgentactionappeal/show.php?id=12&country=iran Education International has been informed that Farzad Kamangar, the Iranian Kurdish teacher and social worker sentenced to death on "absolutely zero evidence" according to his lawyer, could be hanged on Wednesday 26 November 2008.  According to several reliable sources, he has been taken from his cell 121 in ward 209 of Tehran's Evin prison in preparation for execution. Jail security officers are said to have told him he is about to be…  
11024. Nepal's Home Minister Urged to Intervene in Anti-Media Campaign  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), in calling on Nepal’s Home Minister to publicly condemn the violence and abuse against journalists and media houses which has intensified since October.   According to the FNJ, daily reports of violence by members of the public, organised political groups and unidentified gangs pose a serious safety crisis for journalists, for whom Nepal’s Government is not providing adequate protection.   A correspondent for Gorkhapatra Daily, Rajesh Chamling Rai, was attacked by a group of protesters at a student union demonstration in Ghantaghar,…  
11025. The IFJ condemns Killing of Congolese Journalist  

The IFJ has today condemned the killing of a journalist working for Radio Okapi who was shot dead in the town of Bukavu, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. According to the radio's website, Didace Namujimbo was shot in the head by unknown assailants on Friday night near his home. "We condemn strongly the murder of our colleague Didace which shows yet again the alarming lack of protection for journalists in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo," said Gabriel Baglo, director of the IFJ Africa office. "In the last three years, six journalists have lost their lives in targeted attacks." Didace is the second journalist to be killed in Bukavu in the last two years.…  
11026. Attacks on Nepal's Journalists Alarmingly Regular, says IFJ  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is dismayed at regular reports of violence against journalists and vandalism of media equipment amid deteriorating  public respect for the media community in Nepal.   According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, there were three separate incidents on November 20 in which members of the public seriously abused journalists.   In the eastern Sunsari region, five journalists reported receiving death threats via telephone from an unidentified group. Birendra KM, Ekwal Ahamad, Jaya Krishna Yadav, Pramod Yadav and Dhirendra Chaudhary were reportedly all threatened due a report on…  
11027. Violence Against Women: How Journalists Can Better Tell the Story  

To mark the International day for the elimination of violence against women, the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) today released guidelines for improving media coverage of an issue which is a scourge in society but which is often poorly reported."The story of violence against women needs to be told with sensitivity, professionalism and depth," says Aidan White, Secretary General of the IFJ. "Too often media choose sensationalism and stereotypes instead of providing realistic, inclusive and accurate reporting of the horrifying scale of this problem."The IFJ recommends that journalists think more carefully how they use words and images when reporting violence…  
11028. European Federation of Journalists Calls on Italian Parliament to Condemn Layoffs at Italian TV La7  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists, today expressed its solidarity with staff and unions of Italian TV Channel La7 who are facing an unprecedented wave of lay-offs. The EFJ called on Italian lawmakers to condemn the cutbacks which will affect more than a quarter of the workforce.    "We urge the Italian Parliament, which  on Wednesday will discuss Italian labour law and the precarious state of journalistic work, to focus attention on La 7  where the massive lay offs  pose a serious threat to media pluralism and quality in Italy," said EFJ President…  
11029. European Federation of Journalists Calls on Italian Parliament to Condemn Layoffs at Italian TV La7  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists, today expressed its solidarity with staff and unions of Italian TV Channel La7 who are facing an unprecedented wave of lay-offs. The EFJ called on Italian lawmakers to condemn the cutbacks which will affect more than a quarter of the workforce.   "We urge the Italian Parliament, which  on Wednesday will discuss Italian labour law and the precarious state of journalistic work, to focus attention on La 7  where the massive lay offs  pose a serious threat to media pluralism and quality in Italy," said EFJ President…  
11031. IFJ Condemns Jailing of Journalist in China  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the sentencing of a journalist to three years jail on charges of “inciting subversion of state power” by a court in Chengdu, Sichuan province, on November 21.   Chen Daojun, a former editor at Sichuan Daily and former journalist for a Communist Party internal newspaper, was jailed for writing three articles which the prosecution argued were critical of China’s Government, including one article relating to the unrest in Tibet in March. The articles were published in Zheng Ming, a Hong Kong-based magazine.   Chen’s lawyer, Zhu Jiufu, told the IFJ that he argued the articles were…  
11032. Journalist Murdered in India's Assam State  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked and outraged at the murder of journalist Jagajit Saikia in India’s north-eastern state of Assam on November 22.   According to the Journalists’ Union of Assam (JUA), a unit of the IFJ-affiliated Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU), Saikia was shot by a group of armed men as he proceeded by motorcycle from his office. The incident happened at 1:30pm in a busy commercial area in the town of Kokrajhar.   Saikia, a correspondent for the Assamese language daily Amar Asom, suffered five bullet wounds to the chest and one to his head. He was declared dead on arrival at a nearby…  
11033. EFJ Concerned about Council of Europe’s Secrecy over Convention on Transparency  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists,   today expressed its concern about the secrecy around the Council of Europe’s Convention on Access to Official Documents, which is still in draft form and has been heavily criticised by civil society organisations including the EFJ. Now it is being finalised under a shroud of secrecy.   “While the EU is revising its regulation on access to documents based on the Commission’s proposals which, unfortunately, have been highly regressive, we expected the Council of Europe to adopt an even stronger position,” said Arne König, EFJ…  
11034. Detail  

Guidelines: EN FR ES AR IT NO 25th November is the International Day on the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Media must provide the public with a realistic, fair and accurate account of the horrifying prevalence of violence against women on an international scale. However, reporting on such a sensitive issue needs certain key qualities. It requires professionalism, humanity and respect. Failure to apply the highest standards in dealing with victims such as poor conduct of interviews can compound the trauma and may even worsen the long-term impact of the ordeal on victims. To mark 25th November , the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will release reporting…  
11035. EFJ Campaign Against "Foretold Crisis"  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has today declared its support for the Action Day planned by the union of public broadcasting journalists in France ahead of the debate in the country's Parliament on President Sarkozy's proposals for media reforms and the abolition of the licence fee."It is a naïve game:  despite reassurances from the Government and the management, Parliament is discussing legislation which does not provide for sustainable funding nor employment within France Télévisions Group and external broadcasting," said EFJ President Arne König. "If, on top of this, Parliament approves the appointment of directors by the Government, we will…  
11036. Media Rights Violations Spike in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed at a recent spike in media rights violations against journalists and media houses across Nepal.   According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, four incidents of violence against media personnel in different locations have raised concerns about the public’s understanding of the beneficial role of journalists and the independent media in Nepal’s democratic transition.   On November 18, the Sunsari regional bureau of Avenues Television was attacked by a group reportedly led by the legal adviser of the Khumbuwan Rastriya Morche (KRM) district committee in Itahari, in…  
11037. Call for Taiwan Police to Stop Pressuring Media for Protest Information  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Taiwan’s National Police Agency (NPA) to stop asking media personnel for information about protesters at a recent public demonstration.   According to the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), an IFJ affiliate, members of the Taiwan police have reportedly asked media workers to provide photographs of demonstrators who participated in the “Yellow Ribbon Siege” protest against a meeting between Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou and chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) Chen Yunlin on November 16. The protest was reportedly organised by the Democratic Progressive…  
11038. EFJ Condemns German Football Bosses' Attack on Reporter  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has accused the German Football Federation of launching an unfair campaign of distortion and lies against a journalist who has criticised its President, Theo Zwanziger, one of the country's leading sports officials.Jens Weinreich, a freelance journalist working for leading German and Swiss media, is a specialist in the area of international politics of sports. He has found himself up against the powerful German Football Federation (DFB) which has taken him to court twice, and lost, over claims that referring to Mr Zwanziger as an "incredible demagogue" in a web-log commentary was libel and slander. On 14 November the…  
11039. Radio Commentator Shot Dead in the Philippines  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is outraged and saddened to report that radio broadcaster Aristeo Padrigao was murdered this morning. He is the sixth journalist to be killed in the Philippines this year.   According to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ affiliate, Padrigao, a commentator for the Radyo Natin morning program Sayre ang Katilingban (Know the Society) in Gingoog City, Misamis Oriental province, was shot dead by unidentified suspects on a motorcycle soon after delivering his child to school.   While the motive for the killing is unclear, it is believed Padrigao was killed for his work as a…  
11041. Fears for Journalist Missing in Nepal  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has learnt with great concern that Jagat Joshi, a reporter with the Nepali daily Janadisha, has been missing from Attariya town in Kailali district in Nepal’s far west since October 8.   Joshi is district chairman of the Revolutionary Journalists' Association, according to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ-affiliate.   The president of FNJ’s Kailali district chapter has lodged a report on Joshi’s disappearance with local police.   A team of FNJ office bearers from the national and district levels met the Chief District Officer to impress upon him the urgency…  
11042. IFJ Alarmed by Police Campaign to Criminalise Media in Indonesia  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed that a police chief in Indonesia’s South Sulewesi has singled out a leading campaigner against criminalisation of the press for alleged criminal libel and defamation.   The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), an IFJ affiliate, reports that the head of the South Sulawesi Regional Police Office, Police Inspector General Sisno Adiwinoto, has accused Upi Asmaradana, the coordinator of the Coalition of Journalists against Criminalisation of the Press, of criminal libel and defamation.   Upi was charged on November 10 under several articles on libel and defamation in…  
11043. Stand Up for Journalism Campaign 2008  

ARCHIVES 2008Austria: The media union KMSFB, the other Austrian affiliate, is organising a discussion with journalists' students on quality journalism in Graz on 7 November. On November 6, the NUJ in Ireland  will be joined by students from the Dublin colleges and support the National Trade Union Congress campaign "Get Up and Stand Up" to get involved and highlight the plight of journalists. http://www.getupstandup.ie/getinvolved/   On November 5 the Irish Executive Council is holding a meeting in Dublin to discuss the challenges facing the media industry.        The journalists' union GPA-djp will present on 5 November a study done…  
11045. Pakistan's Media Workers Deserve Long-Overdue Pay Rise, says IFJ  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins journalists and media workers in Pakistan in calling on Pakistan’s Government to honour a commitment made by President Asif Zardari in March to ensure implementation of wage rises for newspaper employees which have been stalled since 2001.   The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, and the All Pakistan Newspapers Employees’ Confederation (APNEC) called this week for journalists and media workers to join rallies across the country on November 26 to pressure media owners to implement the 7th Wage Award, constituted under the Pakistan Working Journalists’ Act, and to…  
11046. IFJ Dismayed at Shock Release of Journalist's Murderer in Argentina  

  The International Federation of Journalists has urged the judicial authorities in Argentina to reconsider their shock decision to release Gregorios Rios who was sentenced to life imprisonment for plotting the murder of José Luiz Cabezas, a photographer killed on 25 January 1997.   "We shall never forget Cabezas," said Celso Schroeder, president of the Federation of Latin America and Caribbean Journalists( FEPALC) and regional IFJ affiliate, "and we wish to express very clearly our feeling of utter dismay that the person who ordered the kidnapping, torture and the cruel murder of Cabezas is released by the same Court of Appeal and Justice which had sentenced him to…  
11047. European Journalists Back WAZ Journalists in Jobs Battle  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists, today called on the WAZ Media Group, one of Germany's leading newspaper publishers, which is threatening to cut editorial jobs in a restructuring exercise, to keep faith with its commitment to quality journalism and to strengthen, not weaken its editorial work. "Journalists around Europe are supporting our German colleagues at WAZ in their fight to keep editorial jobs," said Arne König, President of the EFJ. "The WAZ management in Germany have publicly committed themselves to building trust in quality journalism and now they propose to make cuts -- it is untenable and…  
11048. IFJ Condemns Killing of Journalist in Pakistan’s Swat Valley  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the killing of a journalist by Pakistan security forces in Swat valley, north-west Pakistan, on the evening of November 8.Qari Mohammad Shoaib, a reporter for daily newspapers Azadi and Khabar Kar, was shot dead in Mingora as he returned home from work, reportedly because he did not stop his vehicle when signalled to do so. Shoaib is the third journalist to be killed in Swat this year, said the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate.Security forces admitted that Shoaib was killed “by mistake", according to the PFUJ. His vehicle displayed a press sticker and he was carrying a press card.“There was…  
11049. Abducted Journalist Released in Afghanistan  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of Canadian journalist Mellissa Fung after four weeks in captivity in Afghanistan. Although currently undergoing medical tests at the Canadian embassy in Afghanistan, Fung is reportedly unharmed and in good health and spirits.   Fung, a correspondent with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, was abducted while on assignment at a refugee camp on the outskirts of the Afghan capital of Kabul on October 12.   The Afghan Independent Journalists' Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, said that Fung’s family was kept fully informed of all developments since her abduction and were active…  
11050. Release of Malaysian Blogger Welcomed  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a decision by Malaysia’s High Court to release unconditionally online journalist Raja Petra Kamarudin, who was detained for two months under Malaysia’s draconian Internal Security Act (ISA). The court ruled his detention was unlawful.   Raja Petra, who has run the popular political website Malaysia Today for two years, was arrested on September 12, and released on November 7.   An order signed by Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar on September 22 extended his detention for two years on the grounds that his writing allegedly posed a threat to “national security”.…  
11051. WIPO SCCR, 17th Session IFJ Statement on Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright  

The IFJ represents over 600 000 journalists in the world. Part of our activities includes the promotion of strong authors' rights protection for journalists. That is, the right to be named and protect the integrity of our works and receive equitable remuneration when journalistic content is being used. According to WIPO International Treaties, journalists enjoy a series of exclusive rights (reproduction, distribution, communication to the public...) over the content they create. According to WIPO Treaties, exceptions and limitations to copyright must be decided at national level subject to the 3-steps-test. We believe that the situation, as it is, complies well with the necessity to…  
11053. WIPO SCCR, 17th Session  

The IFJ represents over 600 000 journalists in the world. Part of our activities includes the promotion of strong authors' rights protection for journalists. That is, the right to be named and protect the integrity of our works and receive equitable remuneration when journalistic content is being used.   According to WIPO International Treaties, journalists enjoy a series of exclusive rights (reproduction, distribution, communication to the public...) over the content they create. According to WIPO Treaties, exceptions and limitations to copyright must be decided at national level subject to the 3-steps-test.   We believe that the situation, as it is, complies well with the…  
11054. IFJ and IPI Call for International Attention on Landmark Journalists' Rights Case in Sri Lanka  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International Press Institute (IPI) call on colleagues in South Asia and international press to report loudly and widely on the current trial of senior Tamil journalist J.S. Tissainayagam who is defending himself against terrorism charges in the Colombo High Court this week.   In what will become a landmark case in the history of press freedom in Sri Lanka and beyond, Tissainayagam will this week give evidence on two charges of writing to bring discredit to the government and inciting ethnic and racial disharmony and printing and publishing such material in the North Eastern Monthly between June…  
11055. „Courage-Prize" for print- and online journalists will be awarded for the first time in 2009. Announcement starts.  

ESSEN / BRUSSELS / SOFIA, 06.11.2008. The WAZ Media Group and the International Federation of Journalists (promote courageous journalism with a new Prize. Both founders, who agreed in 2007 on a  „Framework Agreement to defend and promote press freedom, quality journalism and good working conditions", presented the award during the 2nd South East Europe Media Forum in Sofia. The „WAZ-IFJ Prize for Courage in Journalism" rewards journalism, which has shown exemplary courage and professionalism against intimidation and pressure in reporting corruption and misuse of power.HOW TO APPLY? CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATIONIIn recent times, in an increasingly alarming way…  
11056. IFJ Urges Jammu and Kashmir Government to Reconsider Ad Spending Conditions  

    The IFJ and its affiliate organisation, the National Union of Journalists (India), are concerned to learn that the government in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir has sent out an advisory to all media organisations within its jurisdiction, warning against the “publication of certain objectionable material”.   Recipients of the Jammu and Kashmir government advisory have been put on notice that they are to “refrain from publication of such objectionable and seditious material”.   Failure to comply, in terms of the advisory, would constrain the Jammu and Kashmir state government to “take action” under rules…  
11057. IFJ Calls For Liberal Application of Bangladesh Right To Information Law  

The International Federation of Journalists welcomes the formal notification of the right to information law in the official gazette of Bangladesh on October 20, and endorses the opinion of diverse organisations representing the media community in Bangladesh that the exceptions under the law should be used sparingly.The Bangladesh Right to Information (RTI) law specifies a twenty-day time frame for all public authorities and other bodies covered by it the law to provide information requested by citizens. However, in matters involving the right to life and liberty, the authorities concerned would be obliged to release the information requested within forty-eight hours.“We regard this…  
11058. IFJ Condemns Police Attack on Documentary Maker in Taiwan  

The International Federation of Journalists condemns a violent attack on an independent documentary film maker by police in Taipei yesterday.According to the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), an IFJ affiliate, documentary film maker Chen Yu-ching was set upon by police after filming protests on November 4 at the Grand Hotel, Taipei, over the visit of a mainland China government envoy.A group of police officers reportedly forced her into a police vehicle and detained her for over an hour at Yuanshan Precinct police station, after she refused to produce her identification.The ATJ reports that Chen sustained heavy bruising in several places and was later examined in hospital to rule…  
11059. IFJ Condemns Attack on Ethiopian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the brutal attack on journalist Amara Araegawi, editor-in-chief of the Reporter's Newspaper by unidentified assailants in Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa, on Friday. "The attack on Araegawi was inhumane and unwarranted," said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office.  "We believe this is a case where someone planned the assault of a journalist in retaliation for an article they did not like. The Ethiopian government must make it a priority to bring to justice those responsible for this violent act and ensure this does not happen again to any of our colleagues." Araegawi was attacked on Friday as…  
11060. Women Partners in Trade Union Leadership, Palestine  

Statement from IFJ General Secretary Dear Friends, On behalf of the International Federation of Journalists I am delighted to send you a message of solidarity and goodwill. I am sorry I cannot be with you because the issues you are discussing today are of fundamental importance to all journalists as well as women in media. Social and economic transformations underway in the Middle East and North Africa, for instance, are paving the way for improved gender equality for journalists. We see and welcome rapid growth in numbers of women journalists. But not enough of them are represented at the top of our profession, in decision-making positions. Women journalists are joining unions more…  
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