15063 results:

14632. World Journalists Condemn "Knee-Jerk Censorship" in Voice of America Taliban Row  

The International Federation of Journalists today warned governments to keep their hands off the news agenda and not to resort to "knee-jerk censorship" after an attempt by the State Department of the United States to suppress a Voice of America broadcast that included an interview with Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar. "Governments must not use the current crisis as an excuse to compromise the credibility of journalism by trying to suppress opinions they don't like," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, the world largest journalists' group. "People need the truth today, not propaganda if they are to make sense out of the chaos of recent events." He was speaking after…  
14635. World Journalists Protest Over Discrimination as New York Times Targets Reporters and Writers  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned a proposed "blacklist" of journalists and writers targeted by the New York Times accusing the paper of discrimination and an "irresponsible attack on press freedom and pluralism". The writers being boycotted by the Times were behind a recent court action that challenged the company over its failure to consult them regarding the use of their work in on-line services. "These writers and reporters are being victimised because of union activity and because they have stood up for their rights," said Christopher Warren, President of the IFJ, the world's largest journalists' group. "The drawing up of a blacklist like this is not…  
14636. Journalists Accuse Media Moguls of "Sidelining Press Freedom" in Television Deal With China  

The International Federation of Journalists today said that a landmark deal being negotiated between China and AOL Time Warner and News Corporation, two of the world's major media corporations "sidelines human rights and press freedom" and shows disregard for the plight of journalists and programme makers languishing in Chinese jails. The deal gives AOL Time Warner and Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation the right to broadcast television entertainment programmes in China if they agree to beam Chinese government-sponsored material into the United States. "These agreements may be good for business, but they are bad news for independent journalism," said Aidan White, "Once again the…  
14637. The International Federation of Journalists draws your attention to a new trade union health and safety resources  

Risks is a weekly health and safety "ezine". This health and safety bulletin is available on the internet. To register to receive weekly notification of the latest issue, go to: http://www.tuc.org.uk/register This resource is prepared on behalf of the UK Trades Union Congress, although the focus goes beyond the UK. Risks 17 - 1 September 2001 This week's online bulletin covers many issues of concern to journalists' unions, including violence, passive smoking and work-life balance The link for this issue is: http://www.tuc.org.uk/h_and_s/tuc-3646-f0.cfm To see previous issues, go to: http://www.tuc.org.uk/risks Resources on worker-friendly, easy to undertake workplace health and…  
14639. Journalists Condemn Brazilian Military Over Use of Fake Press Cards for Spying  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned Brazil over reports that military and secret service personnel have used fake press cards to help they spy on opposition and civil society groups. The IFJ, the world's largest journalists' group, joined with its member organisation in Brazil, the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ) in calls for a full explanation from the authorities after reports in the leading daily Folha de Sao Paolo about the use of false press cards by army intelligence staff to infiltrate civic groups. "This is an outrageous violation of journalists' rights that puts every honest reporter at risk," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It…  
14641. IFJ Calls for Media Solidarity As Mugabe Moves Against Journalists’ Leaders  

A wave of attacks against leading journalists in Zimbabwe is a sign of “panic and growing crisis” within the regime of Robert Mugabe, says the International Federation of Journalists, the worlds’ largest journalists group, after news that the General Secretary of its affiliate organisation the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists tops a “hit-list” of targeted people drawn up by security chiefs. Basildon Peta, a journalist for the Financial Gazette and a persistent critic of the government’s violations of press freedom, was detained for questioning by police last week. He is one of eight leading journalists who in recent days has been picked up for questioning or charged with offences ranging…  
14642. Journalists Call for New Global Information Strategy to Combat Racism  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ group, today called on next week’s UN World Conference Against Racism in South Africa to keep government hands off media, but to support a new global information strategy to combat racism world-wide. “The Conference provides an unprecedented opportunity to combat the threat to peace and democracy from increasing racial violence,” says the IFJ, which is calling on governments to denounce those who try to use journalism for propaganda or incitement to racial and ethnic violence. The IFJ said governments should recognise that media’s role, when reporting race issues, is primarily to raise awareness of the…  
14643. Journalists Demand Freedom For Writer Jailed in Texas Protection of Sources Case  

The International Federation of Journalists, the worlds' largest journalists' group, today condemned the continued imprisonment of a writer who has defied court orders in the United States to hand over notes of her research into a murder carried out four years ago. The IFJ says that the case of Vanessa Leggett, who has spent nearly a month in jail, symbolises a growing world-wide problem facing journalists who are facing increasing pressure from the authorities to hand over notes, film and other material to help the police and criminal investigators. "Writers and journalists have an ethical responsibility to protect their sources and the integrity of their work," said Aidan White,…  
14644. IFJ Condemns Zimbabwe Over "Ruthless Vendetta" Against Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ groups, denounced the regime of Robert Mugabe over the arrest of leading Zimbabwe journalists accusing the government of a “ruthless political vendetta” against independent media and journalists. “The government is abusing the principles of democracy” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, “It is trying to make honest and professional journalists the scapegoats for a political mess of its own making.” The privately owned Daily News is once again the chief target of the Mugabe regime says the IFJ which has protested vigorously over the arrest and charging of senior newspaper staff over a report alleging…  
14645. France: Collective agreement - Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace (DNA)  

The text of the collective agreement between the "Editions des Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace SA" and SILAC-CFDT, SNJ and FO is available here  
14647. Webmasters Held Personally Responsible , APIC Worldwide, Bulletin 001  

The Interaction of Digital Watermarking and Copyright Law Even prior to the recent introduction of digital watermarks and tracking technologies, webmasters have been found liable for copyright infringement on-line. The new software and services seem likely only to increase the frequency with which copyright owners will pursue Internet infringement. Already, some lessons are emerging from the case law: 1. Proving copyright infringement on-line is not difficult, and digital watermarking may make this task even easier. For example, where a webmaster simply scans photographs from a commercial magazine and includes them on a web site, a court can easily recognize the similarity between the…  
14648. IFJ Backs Media Reform in Korea and Calls for an "End to Wasteful War of Words"  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, today reiterated support for calls for reform of Korea's press landscape in order to contribute to building democracy in the country and to assist the inter-Korea reconciliation process. "Press freedom is a cornerstone of democracy and will be one of the fundamental principles for political unity and reconciliation between North and South," said Christopher Warren, IFJ President. The IFJ says that powerful press companies currently protesting over taxation cases against them should not confuse their fiscal problems with the objective of creating a media landscape in which press…  
14652. IFJ Warns of Palestine Press Freedom Crisis After Killing of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, today warned that independent media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will become impossible if journalists continued to be among the targets of violence. The IFJ is investigating the killing of two Palestinian journalists in the Israeli helicopter attack on a Hamas office in Nablus in the West Bank. "These deaths when added to the list of almost 100 incidents of violence against journalists and media staff over the past months present a horrifying picture of intolerable pressure," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, "free reporting will become impossible if…  
14653. Common Position on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society - Position of the EFJ  

Authors' rights are important to the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ). The (over 200.000) media professionals who are members of EFJ produce a great deal of the content that is the foundation of the Information Society, and will not be able to sustain a professional career if they do not have strong protection of their authors' rights. There is also a strong link between authors' rights on the one hand and good press conduct and media liability on the other. We support the proposed directive in general as we recognise the need for a harmonisation of authors' rights within the EU at a high level. However, the EFJ is very much opposed to some of the compromises from the later…  
14654. Journalists Newsline July 2001  

Journalists Newsline is the bi-monthly newsletter of the IFJ Media For Democracy in South Eastern Europe programme. July 2001  
14655. Journalists Condemn Police and Demand Probe Into Genoa Violence Against Media  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused Italian police of violence against media staff and heavy-handed tactics that "have put reporters at risk and show contempt for press freedom" in the confrontation with protestors at the G8 Summit over the weekend. "We have had numerous reports of reporters and news teams caught up in the crossfire of some brutal policing," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, the world's largest journalists' organisation. "We demand a full investigation into how the police have acted and particularly how they have compromised journalists' rights and put reporters at risk." The IFJ said that subterfuge on the part of the police had…  
14656. Sweden: Collective bargaining regarding copyright for staff journalists  

In the ongoing negotiations on a new collective agreement betweeen the The Swedish Union of Journalists and the Swedish Newspaper Publishers Associations ( a collective agreement contains clauses on salaries, working hours, copyright etc ) which has going on since April this year, the Newspapers publishers have demanded broad acquisitions of copyrights: 1) a right for the employer to transfer electronic use in pressclipping services to third party, 2) a general right for the employer to transfer all kind of electronic uses to third party on the condition that the third parties use the trade mark of the employer in their services; and 3)a right for the employer to deliver…  
14657. IFJ Secures Safety Guarantee for Journalists in Aceh  

The International Federation of Journalists has strengthened the safety of journalists and media workers operating in the dangerous region of Aceh in a historic meeting between IFJ General Secretary, Aidan White, and Tengku Hasan M. di Tiro, President of the Aceh/Sumatra National Liberation Front on 1 July 2001 in Geneva. The meeting followed an urgent request for assistance from its Indonesian affiliate, The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI). AJI contacted the IFJ after the Serambi Indonesia, Aceh's largest newspaper, suspended publication on 20 June 2001 following threats against it and its employees reportedly issued by the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). These threats were the…  
14659. Equality and Quality : a Celebration of Women in Journalism  

Equality and Quality: a Celebration of Women in Journalism. June 2001. (PDF)  
14660. IFJ Hails United States Authors' Rights Judgement: "A Stunning Victory For Freelance Writers"  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, today welcomed a ruling in the United States Supreme Court that gives freelance writers and journalists control over whether material they sold for print can be used in electronic form."This verdict is a stunning victory for writers and a blow to those big media companies who have tried to steal away from creators their fundamental rights," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary in Brussels.The US case was brought by the National Writers Union, an IFJ affiliate, against the New York Times. The case is a landmark decision in favour of authors, says the IFJ, which congratulated Jonathan…  
14662. Czech Journalist Not Guilty Under Czech Secret Act  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organization and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists, has welcomed the court victory of Czech journalist Tomas Smrcek who was declared not guilty under the Czech Secret Act on 15 June. Smrcek faced eight years in prison for displaying a confidential government document during a 1994 television interview on a private station. The document apparently proved that a political candidate who later became chief of the State Security Service (BIS) had improperly tried to clear a friend of drunk-driving charges. Smrcek's trial began in mid-November 2000. The IFJ had previously called on the…  
14663. EAJA Bulletin - June 2001  

East Africa Journalists Association ETHIOPIA Three leading Ethiopian journalists escaped to Kenya after they were released on bail from an Ethiopian jail. Tesfaye Deressa, Garuma Bekele and Solomon Namara all who worked for the amharic newspaper Urji had been in custody since October 1997, when they were arrested. Speaking to the Media for Democracy in Africa coordinator in Nairobi, the trio said they fled their country jumping bail because they believed that they could not receive a fair trial in Ethiopia. They said they had been charged with armed conspiracy and supporting OLF terrorism. The offence carries a penalty ranging from 5 years' imprisonment to death. Even though the…  
14669. IFJ Congress 2001: 33. Resolution on History Textbooks in Japan  

33. Resolution on History Textbooks in Japan JAPAN MUST CORRECT ANY AND ALL DISTORTIONS IN ITS HISTORY TEXTBOOKS. 1. Textbooks are classified as a special publication and are to be as they are used only for school education and can neither be arbitrarily purchased by teachers, children and students nor voluntarily chosen by children and students, and even teachers in some cases. Unlike books for general publication, the writing of textbooks requires the highest standards of integrity. In other words, “distortions should never occur in the contents of textbooks.” The controversy over Japan’s textbooks is a conflict concerning issues of the truth and the distortion of facts, and…  
14670. IFJ Backs Russian Union in Battle For Press Freedom As Government Launches Rival Organisation  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned attempts to launch a government-sponsored association of journalists in Russia. "This organisation is being established to serve the interests of the Kremlin administration," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, "it is a clear threat to independent journalism." The new organisation - called Media Union of Russia - is funded by government cash, says the IFJ's affiliate organisation in Russia, the Russian Union of Journalists. The IFJ believes the new organisation is being created by the Putin government to silence its critics in the media, including the Russian Union, which has resolutely opposed…  
14671. Journalists Launch Global Campaign On Gender Rights  

The International Federation of Journalists has launched a 7-point global Action Plan to combat discrimination in media organisations and to reinforce union eforts to crack the "glass ceiling" that keeps women out of top jobs. A detailed survey presented to the IFJ 24th World Congress in Seoul today reveals that despite the fact women comprise at least 38 per cent of the workforce in journalism - less than 1 per cent of media executive posts are held by women. "This Action plan is long overdue. The challenge to journalists unions and media organisations is for them to make good on promises made years ago to create equality in journalism," said Christopher Warren,…  
14674. IFJ Congress Demands that Korea Frees Jailed Trades Unionists  

International journalists' leaders meeting in Seoul have called for the authorities to release Korean trade union leaders and members imprisoned for taking strike action. Delegates adopted a hard-hitting motion demanding the immediate release of imprisoned trade unionists Lee Yong-Deuk, President of the Korean Financial Industry Union (KFIU), a member of Union Network International (UNI) as well as the release of 10 other members of KFIU, Korea Telecom Contract Workers' Union (KTCWU), and the Korea Social Insurance Union (KSIU) who are currently serving prison sentences following a series of arrests, which began in March 2001. The journalists said that the Korean government's…  
14675. Korea "Must Be a Model for Press Freedom in Asia" IFJ Tells Kim Dae-Jung As Journalists' Congress Opens  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest organisation of journalists, today called on Korean President Kim Dae-Jung to ensure that that controversial proposals for media reform should be "a model for democracy and press freedom in Asia. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the IFJ's 24th World Congress, Christopher Warren, IFJ President, said Korea could allay the fears of some international commentators by promoting pluralism and independent journalism. "Korea faces enormous challenges in the years ahead as the movement towards reconciliation between North and South gathers strength," said Warren, "and this provides an historic opportunity to ensure that…  
14677. Public Broadcasting in the Information Age, Tokyo June 2001, Report  

Public Broadcasting in the Information Age Meeting in Tokyo, 10th June 2001 Download the report of the meeting  
14678. Journalists Warn of "Dangerous days for Democracy" as Nepal Arrests Top Editors  

The arrest of the editor and two executives of Nepal's leading newspaper amid accusations of treason have sparked protests from journalists throughout the world. "These are dangerous days for democracy," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, after Yuvaraj Ghimire, editor of Kantipur, was taken into custody by police. Also arrested were managing director, Kailash Sirohiya, and Binod Gwyanli, director of the Kantipur publishing house. The IFJ says the arrests are a vivid reminder of Nepal's authoritarian past. Police made the arrests after the newspaper had published an article by a…  
14679. Journalists from 80 Countries Join Information Age Debate at IFJ World Congress in Korea  

JOURNALISTS’ leaders from 80 countries around the globe are converging on Korea for next week’s 24th World Congress of the International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest organisation of journalists. The IFJ Congress, Journalism in the Information Age, is being held in Asia for the first time, and comes at a “turning point” for journalists says IFJ President Christopher Warren. “We start a new century on the threshold of a new age of journalism, but we face a profound and growing sense of unease and crisis in media. “Optimism over new technologies and the opportunities of the Internet is giving way to uncertainty in the face of cynical exploitation by media owners,…  
14681. Journalists Reject Claim that Newspaper Tax Probe Threatens Press Freedom in Korea  

THE International Federation of Journalists, which will hold its world congress in Seoul from June 11-16th, today called on Korean press owners to support calls for media reform and rejected claims that an investigation into the tax affairs of major newspapers was an attempt to muzzle the critical voice of the independent press. "Claims by publishers and their supporters that investigations of their fiscal arrangements threaten press freedom are untenable and exaggerated," said Aidan White, the General Secretary of the IFJ, the world's largest journalists' group. "The journalists organisations of Korea reject this view which appears to be an attempt by vested interests…  
14682. IFJ Survey : Setting standards for Women in Journalism  

IFJ Survey : Setting standards for Women in Journalism, May 2001. (PDF)  
14685. All Media Staff at Risk, but Terrorism Will Not Succeed Says IFJ After Basque Killing  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists group, today vigorously condemned the assassination of a Spanish newspaper executive in an attack attributed to the Basque terrorist group ETA. "It is another sign that everyone who works in the media business is at risk" said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, "but the terrorists are wrong if they imagine journalists and media professionals will bow to their intimidation." Two unidentified gunmen shot Santiago Oleaga Elejabarrieta, the financial director of the daily El Diario Vasco, to death in a public parking lot on Thursday, 24 May. It was the eighth killing attributed to the ETA this…  
14686. USA: Man Sues Site Over Autopsy Photos  

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 4:09 p.m. ET BUNNELL, Fla. (AP) -- A Web site that posted graphic autopsy photos of a NASCAR racer killed in a crash at Daytona International Speedway in 1994 is being sued by the driver's father. The lawsuit filed in Flagler County Circuit Court could eventually force Michael Uribe, the president of a DeLand-based Web site, to remove the photos and pay punitive damages to the family of Rodney Orr. ``He had no business putting that out on the Internet,'' said Beacher Orr, a 62-year-old Palm Coast resident. In March, the Legislature passed a bill barring public access to all autopsy photos unless a judge approves the release. The law was prompted…  
14688. IFJ Backs Sarajevo Strike As Journalists Fight To Preserve Independent Newspaper  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists organisation, expressed its solidarity today to striking journalists of Bosnia Herzegovina's oldest daily newspaper Oslobodjenje. "Six years ago this newspaper was a symbol of defiance in the struggle for democracy during the Bosnia war," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, "now the journalists are fighting to preserve the paper's traditions and to create decent conditions for the future." The strike, which started on May 17th, came after several months of negotiating on the following crucial issues: repayment of wages owned for the past ten months, social and health insurance, and…  
14689. Journalists Condemn Austrian Government Over Threat To Jail Investigative Reporters  

Amidst growing concern over media developments in Austria, the International Federation of Journalists and its regional organisation, the European Federation of Journalists, today called on the Austrian Government to abandon plans to introduce new laws that would "stifle democratic debate and send decent journalists to jail". "The government is in danger of making the media a political battleground in which the main casualty will be press freedom," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The IFJ says a plan by Dieter Böhmdorfer, Austria's Minister of Justice, to criminalise certain journalistic investigations under the code of criminal procedure "will…  
14693. EFJ GM 2001: 6. Resolution on Coordination with IFJ Project Division  

European Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Resolutions Adopted by the EFJ GM held in Saint Vincent, Italy, May 4-5, 2001 6. Resolution on Coordination with IFJ Project Division From IG Medien (Germany) The EFJ General Meeting welcomes the work of the IFJ Project Division in Europe. However, it expects more information to be given by the Project Division to the Steering Committee.  
14694. Democracy and Media Concentration: Journalists Demand New Rules After Italian Elections  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists today said that media bias in Italy in favour of media tycoon Silvio Berlusconi provided "compelling evidence that new rules are needed to limit concentration of media power in the hands of politicians or those close to them." "Whenever media concentration takes place it is inevitable that media will become vehicles for defence of narrow political or commercial self-interest," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The election of Silvio Berlusconi as Prime Minister of Italy provides compelling evidence. He controls the major private broadcasters as…  
14700. EFJ GM 2001: 10. Resolutions on Authors' Rights  

European Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Resolutions Adopted by the EFJ GM held in Saint Vincent, Italy, May 4-5, 2001 10. Resolutions on Authors' Rights From the Steering Committee General Statement The General Meeting 2001 of the European Federation of Journalist (EFJ) in St. Vincent, Italy with representatives from 20 countries explicitly supports the fight of journalists' unions to improve and protect authors' rights. Legal bodies, social partners and company owners cannot reject legitimate demands for moral rights and for fair remuneration for the intellectual property of employed journalists and freelances, whatever mode of dissemination. All EU Member States and…  
Search results 14631 until 14700 of 15063