15041 results:

1051. Perú: el Congreso aprobó un proyecto que profundiza la criminalización contra periodistas  

El pasado jueves, el Pleno del Congreso de la República sancionó un proyecto de ley que modifica artículos del Código Penal para incrementar las penas por el “uso indebido” de los medios de comunicación y también introduce cambios al Código Civil para aumentar los montos de la reparación civil por el daño al honor. Tal como denuncia la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP), esta decisión va en contra de la tendencia regional a despenalizar este tipo de delitos. En un contexto de crisis política y social que tiene un correlato de violencia contra la sociedad civil y lxs trabajadorxs de prensa, la aprobación de estas medidas implica una profundización de las condiciones de…  
1052. Belarus: Journalist Raman Pratasevich sentenced to eight years in prison  

UPDATED ON 23.05.23 On 3 May, Raman Pratasevich, former editor of the Telegram opposition news channel Nexta, was given an eight year prison sentence by a Belarusian court in Minsk. He was arrested back in 2021. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliate, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), in condemning this blatant attack on press freedom and in calling for him to be released immediately. Following a trial that lasted nearly three months, Raman Pratasevich was found guilty and convicted on alleged charges that included “organising mass riots”, “incitement to hatred”, “founding an extremist group”, “conspiracy to seize power”,…  
1053. Myanmar: Five journalists freed as human rights abuses escalate  

Myanmar’s military junta has released five journalists jailed under arbitrary incitement and dissent charges in an amnesty on so-called ‘humanitarian grounds’ of 2,153 prisoners on May 3. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Myanmar Journalists Network (MJN), in urging the junta to immediately release all journalists still in detention, and calling on the international community to do all it can to resolve the crisis in Myanmar and hold perpetrators of gross violations of international human rights law to account. The five media workers had all been sentenced under the amended Section 505 (A) of the country’s Penal Code, which criminalises ‘causing…  
1054. Pakistan: Violent attacks increase as journalists abducted and tortured  

In a rising trend of violent attacks against Pakistani media workers, Bannu-based journalist Gohar Wazir was abducted and allegedly electrocuted, while two senior journalists, Irfan Kalhoro and Paryal Dayo, were kidnapped, tortured and sexually assaulted in the Sindh province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the kidnapping of the three journalists and urge the Pakistani government to apprehend the perpetrators and protect the country’s working journalists. On April 20, Gohar Wazir, president of Bannu’s National Press Club and a journalist for a privately owned Pashto television channel, was…  
1055. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from April 28th to May 5th 2023. ENGLISH Turkey's pro-Kurdish party says not deterred by wave of arrests - Rudaw Thirty nine out of 216 pro-Kurdish activists sent to prison (UPDATES) – Medya News  HDP calls new wave of arrests a 'plot' against elections - Rudaw  On the Voice, 'both sides' journalism risks giving racism a platform - Crickey Journalists and Media under Threat - Civicus Monitor    IFJ deplores press freedom…  
1056. China: Authorities charge, detain journalists  

Chinese law enforcement have arrested senior journalist Dong Yuyu on charges of espionage after he met with a Japanese diplomat in Beijing in February 2022. In a separate incident, Chinese authorities have confirmed their detention of Taiwanese journalist and Gusa Publishing House editor-in-chief Li Yanhe on April 26 while under investigation for national security crimes. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arbitrary detention of Yuyu and Yanhe and calls on the Chinese government to respect press freedom and secure their immediate release. Dong Yuyu, a senior columnist for the Chinese government-run newspaper Guangming Daily for nearly 35…  
1057. Cambodia: IFJ affiliate CamboJA release report on journalist harassment  

A report by the Cambodian Journalist Alliance Association (CamboJA) has documented the crackdown on media freedom since 2017, with journalists reporting high rates of harassment, attacks and detentions. The IFJ stands with its affiliate CamboJA in its advocacy, research and findings, and calls on the Cambodian judiciary and government to address media rights violations in the country. On April 24, CamboJA released the Cambodian Journalism Situation Report 2022, an annual report that monitors and reports on cases of harassment against journalists in Cambodia. From January 1 to December 31 2022, the organisation found 35 cases of harassment against 54 journalists reported in news articles,…  
1058. Caso Hugo Bustíos: "El primer caso de crímenes contra periodistas donde se ha logrado justicia plena en Perú"  

El periodista Hugo Bustíos, quien denunciaba las violaciones sistemáticas de derechos humanos cometidas por grupos terroristas y fuerzas militares, fue asesinado en 1988. Casi 35 años después, el 13 de abril de 2023, el ex ministro del interior y ex militar Daniel Urresti ha sido sentenciado a 12 años de prisión como coautor del asesinato. Hablamos con Zuliana Lainez, presidenta de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas (ANP) del Perú y vicepresidenta de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), para conocer la lucha por la justicia de la familia Bustíos-Patiño y de la comunidad periodística, y analizar qué significa esta victoria en la batalla para poner fin a la impunidad de…  
1059. Egypt: Journalist released after four years in pre-trial detention  

Journalist Hisham Abdelaziz, who worked as a producer for Al Jazeera Media Network, was released on 1 May after being held for almost four years in pre-trial detention. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes his release and calls on the Egyptian authorities to free all imprisoned journalists and media workers in the country, where at least 17 journalists remain behind bars, according to the IFJ. Egyptian journalist Abdelaziz was arrested in June 2019 at Cairo International Airport, while travelling from Qatar, where he was based, to Cairo for a family visit. The Egyptian authorities charged him with ‘membership of a terrorist group’ and ‘spreading false information’.…  
1060. South Asia: IFJ launches 21st annual South Asia Press Freedom Report  

To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), on behalf of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), releases its 21st annual South Asia Press Freedom Report entitled Pressure & Polarisation: Powering Media Resistance in South Asia. The IFJ’s South Asia Press Freedom Report for 2022-2023 (SAPFR22-23), Pressure & Polarisation: Powering Media Resistance in South Asia, explores the complex interface between power and the fundamental human rights of press freedom and freedom of expression across the eight countries of South Asia, from May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023. With support from the United Nations Educational, Scientific…  
1061. Press freedom: Another step backwards, says IFJ  

As international organisations and media prepare to celebrate the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day on 3 May, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says press freedom has taken another step backwards and freedom of expression is not the driver for other human rights that it should be. On 3 May 1993, the UN General Assembly proclaimed an international day for press freedom. This day is meant to remind world governments that they need to respect their commitment to press freedom. This year, UNESCO is focussing its activities on ‘Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights’.  However, the IFJ deplores the fact that…  
1062. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from April 21st to April 28th 2023. ENGLISH Ukrainian journalist killed by Russian snipers in ambush near Kherson - The Guardian  Ukrainian journalist's death leads to investigation and criticism - VPM  Thai police, Vietnamese activists gather clues on blogger’s disappearance - Radio Free Asia  Time Mustn’t Be Allowed To Run Out On Julian Assange - Countercurrents  Ukraine's proposed 'social media bill' sparks debate on freedom of…  
1063. World Press Freedom Day 2023 - What IFJ affiliates are doing  

Many IFJ affiliates are taking action to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. Here is a non exhaustive list of their initiatives. BRAZIL: FENAJ will participate on 3 May at 8pm in a roundtable on the theme "Training and Information", an event held by the Journalism Course of Unochapeco. FENAJ president, Samira de Castro, and secretary of Education and Professional Improvement, Valci Zuculoto will attend. CABO VERDE : The Cape Verde Association of Journalists (AJOC) is carrying out a series of activities to celebrate World Press Freedom Day, including conferences and the second edition of the Press Freedom Gala at the National Assembly. Winners of the National Journalism Award will be…  
1064. Paraguay: el SPP presentó un proyecto de ley para la creación de un mecanismo de protección a periodistas  

El Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP), junto a la Coordinadora de Derechos Humanos del Paraguay (CODEHUPY), presentó ayer ante el Senado el proyecto de ley de protección a periodistas y personas defensoras de los derechos humanos. El acto se llevó adelante en el marco del Día del Periodista, que se celebra todos los 26 de abril. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas celebra y apoya esta iniciativa de su organización afiliada y espera que sea aprobada con celeridad para que lxs trabajadorxs de prensa del Paraguay cuenten con más y mejores herramientas para realizar su trabajo de forma segura. Ayer se celebró en Paraguay el Día de lxs Periodistas, jornada que fue elegida para…  
1065. Bohdan Bitik  

Bohdan Bitik, a Ukrainian fixer for Corrado Zunino, a journalist from the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, was shot dead in the city of Kherson,Ukraine, on 26 April. The Italian journalist he worked with, Corrado Zunino, was also injured during the shooting. The two journalists working for the Italian newspaper La Repubblica came under fire while reporting near the Antonivskiy Bridge on the outskirts of Kherson, in southern Ukraine.  
1066. Ukraine: Journalist shot dead in Kherson   

Bohdan Bitik, a Ukrainian fixer for Corrado Zunino, a journalist from the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, was shot dead  in the city of Kherson on 26 April. He is the first media worker killed in Ukraine this year. The International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) condemn his killing and call on Russian forces to stop targeting journalists and to let them work freely. Two journalists working for the Italian newspaper La Repubblica came under fire on 26 April 2023, while reporting near the Antonivskiy Bridge on the outskirts of Kherson, in southern Ukraine. A Ukrainian journalist working as a fixer, Bohdan Bitik, was shot dead. His Italian…  
1067. World Intellectual Property Day : A crunch point for journalism, culture and democracy  

This yearʼs World Intellectual Property Day – celebrated on 26 April 2023 – is marked by critical technological developments that will change the relationship between citizens and creative works – including, crucially, the creativity that goes into producing news reporting that is factual, ethical and engaging. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries worldwide, and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) over 320.000 journalists in 45 countries. We are committed to quality ethical journalism, recognising that this depends on journalists making a living. Machine-learning systems are “trained” on the work of human…  
1068. Serbia: Independent journalism faces biggest crisis in years  

Following a visit to Belgrade on April 10 and 11 2023 to commemorate the murder anniversary of editor and publisher Slavko Ćuruvija, the undersigned international press freedom and journalists’ organisations today issue a stark warning over the state of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Serbia. Ahead of World Press Freedom Day on May 3, our shared conclusion is that 24 years after the murder of Ćuruvija in 1999, poor conditions for the safety of journalists, the weak landscape for the rule of law, media capture and a festering climate of hostility towards critical reporting mean that the likelihood of a serious physical attack on a journalist remains a possibility. Independent…  
1069. Turkey: International groups demand release of Kurdish journalists, lawyers, political party officials arrested in pre-election crackdown  

Media freedom, freedom of expression, and human rights organisations call on Turkish authorities to stop the systematic harassment and intimidation of Kurdish journalists, media workers, media outlets, the lawyers that defend them, and Kurdish political party officials, give them access to legal counsel, disclose full details of charges brought and to ensure that they are released from detention. We reiterate the need for a free and pluralistic media atmosphere in the run up to the elections that will be held on 14 May 2023. On 25 April, coordinated dawn raids in Turkey targeted homes and offices of 128 people including journalists, lawyers, rights defenders, political activists and artists…  
1070. Iran : Prominent journalist arrested less than three months after his release  

On 20 April, prominent journalist Keyvan Samimi was arrested again in Tehran after being released three months ago. The arrest comes amid a continuing crackdown against journalists. As of today, 18 journalists are still being held in prison for their coverage of the civil unrest. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Tehran Province Journalists Association (TPJA) in calling on the Iranian authorities to free all imprisoned journalists and media workers and to stop the media crackdown. Keyvan Samimi, editor-in-chief of the Iran-e-Farda magazine and head of the Press Freedom Defense Association in Iran, was arrested in Tehran on 20 April by unknown…  
1071. Motion: IFJ-EFJ Cooperation and its financial implications   

Passed at IFJ Annual General Meeting held on 20 April in Athens, Greece. The Annual General Meeting of the International Federation of Journalists, meeting in Athens on April 20th 2023,  noting that regional structures continue to play an important role in helping develop the capacity of IFJ regions;  recalling motion 15 agreed by the Dublin congress setting out a path for developing IFJ regions through the building of the capacity of the regional offices and an increase in their functions;  Equally recalling motion 27 “Strengthening IFJ’s Continental Organisations” agreed by the Oman congress which called for the application of “the cardinal trade union principle of…  
1072. Motion on IFJ Financial Transparency  

This motion was passed on 20 April at IFJ's Annual General Meeting held in Athens, Greece. The Annual General Meeting of the International Federation of Journalists, meeting in Athens, Greece, on April 20th 2023, noting that members' access to the IFJ's financial data is a right guaranteed by the Belgian legislation on international non-profit organisations (AISBL); recalling the motion agreed by the Angers congress in 2016 setting out an IFJ Finance Commission composed of three lay auditors elected by the Congress to complete the work of the professional external auditors, to ensure the members’ insight and access to financial information.  believing that increased…  
1073. Algérie: une nouvelle loi liberticide sur l’information  

MIS A JOUR LE 25.04.23 Le 13 avril, le sénat algérien a adopté un nouveau projet de loi très contraignant pour les journalistes et menaçant la liberté d’expression et d’informer dans le pays. Ce même texte avait été voté à une grande majorité le 28 mars par l’assemblée. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) s’inquiète des conséquences liberticides de cette loi, et condamne les conditions de mise en place d’un Haut conseil d’éthique professionnelle. Jeudi 13 avril 2022 le sénat algérien a adopté une nouvelle loi sur l’information suite à son  adoption à une large majorité par l’Assemblée populaire nationale algérienne le 28 mars.  Le texte s’articule autour de…  
1074. Moción del Comité Ejecutivo - 21 de abril del 2023 - Republica Dominicana  

Aprobada el 21 de abril en el Comité Ejecutivo de la FIP en Atenas, Grecia RECHAZAR INICIATIVAS LEGISLATIVAS CONTRA LIBERTAD DE PRENSA El Comité Ejecutivo de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas, reunido en Atenas, los días 20 y 21 de abril CONSIDERANDO Que existen anteproyectos de ley, presentados por legisladores de diferentes partidos, que atentan contra la libertad de expresión, opinión y de prensa en la República Dominicana. Que entre estos, uno que supuestamente protegería el honor, la intimidad y el buen nombre, introducido por la senadora oficialista Melania Salvador, recibió todo el rechazo de los gremios de la comunicación y de la sociedad dominicana, y otro que cursa…  
1075. Moción del Comité Ejecutivo - 21 de abril del 2023 - Argentina  

Aprobada el 21 de abril en el Comité Ejecutivo de la FIP en Atenas, Grecia SOLIDARIDAD CON TRABAJADORES DE DIARIO CLARIN DESPEDIDOS El Comité Ejecutivo de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas, reunido en Atenas, los días 20 y 21 de abril CONSIDERANDO Que durante la madrugada del domingo 16 de abril, el diario Clarín -uno de los conglomerados mediáticos más grandes y poderosos de Argentina- anunció por correo electrónico el despido de 48 trabajadores de prensa. Que el Ministerio de Trabajo intervino y se dictó una conciliación de 15 días que obliga a la empresa a retrotraer las cesantías y a respetar la instancia de diálogo durante ese lapso. Que la Federación Argentina de…  
1076. Moción del Comité Ejecutivo - 21 de abril del 2023 - Perú  

Aprobada el 21 de abril en el Comité Ejecutivo de la FIP en Atenas, Grecia El Comité Ejecutivo de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas, reunido en Atenas, los días 20 y 21 de abril CONSIDERANDO Que la lucha contra la impunidad en los crímenes contra periodistas es una tarea prioritaria en la consecución de justicia Que tras 35 años del cruento asesinato del periodista Hugo Bustíos Saavedra, corresponsal de la revista Caretas y presidente de la ANP Filial Huanta, la justicia peruana ha condenado a 12 años de cárcel al exministro del Interior y excanditado presencial Daniel Urresti, en lo que constituye una sentencia judicial histórica Que la Federación Internacional de Periodistas…  
1077. Motion of the Executive Committee - 21 April 2023 - Greece  

Passed on 21 April at IFJ Executive Committee meeting in Athens, Greece The International Federation of Journalists expresses its deep concern for the phenomena of the restriction of freedom of the press around the world, but also in Greece, which shows significant decline, according to Press Freedom and Rule of Law reports. Political parameters, such as wars, illiberal and totalitarian regimes around the world but also government interventions even in European democracies, Economic parameters, such as the concentration of media in strong oligopolies, as well as the job and salary insecurity in which journalists are required to carry out their mission, are the main causes that threaten…  
1078. Motion of the Executive Committee - 21 April 2023 - Greece  

Passed on 21 April at IFJ Executive Committee meeting in Athens, Greece The International Federation of Journalists welcomes the gradual incorporation by EU countries of the new publishers' relative right directive, which provides a fair share for journalists. Also welcomes corresponding legislative interventions at global level. The positive developments in Greece, with the legislative definition of a specific percentage -25% and 15%- for journalists is an example in the right direction for other countries as well. The negotiations and agreements with major digital platforms that will follow, will find journalists around the world ready to claim and receive a fair share of the huge…  
1079. Greece: IFJ board meets Greek President to discuss press freedom  

International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Executive Committee members met with Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou on 20 April to express their concerns over the state of press freedom and journalists' precarious conditions around the world. A delegation of the IFJ Executive Committee, led by its President Dominique Pradalié, was received by President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou, during executive committee meetings held in Athens and hosted by their affiliates JUADN. The meeting addressed core issues such as the state of press freedom and precarious situation of journalists ­in Greece and killings of journalists around the world as well as the…  
1080. Motion of the Executive Committee - 21 April 2023 - Greece  

Passed on 21 April at IFJ Executive Committee meeting in Athens, Greece The international federation of journalists joins its voice with JUADN in the pressure it exerts so that the police investigation into the murder of the Greek journalist Giorgos Karaivaz, which remains unsolved for two whole years, proceeds and yields results. Journalists worldwide demand that the guilty, physical and moral perpetrators, of this crime against the freedom of the press, be found. We support JUADN’s initiative to dedicate 2023 to the memory of the murdered journalist, with the central theme "20 BULLETS KILL THE DEMOCRACY". It is a case that has generated international interest that has not waned. It…  
1081. Motion of the Executive Commitee - 21 April 2023 - Nordics  

Passed on 21 April at IFJ Executive Committee meeting in Athens, Greece Meeting in Athens, Greece on 20-21 April 2023, the IFJ Executive Committee discussed the withdrawal of four northern European unions from the IFJ – Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland Members from all regions expressed their regret at the announcement, which was disappointing and a surprise to many. Members of the Executive Committee recalled the need for global solidarity in the face of common threats. Journalists worldwide face increasing precarity, attacks on press freedom, threats and violence. This moment in history calls for increased global solidarity. Therefore, the Executive Committee members from all IFJ…  
1082. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from April 14th to April 21st 2023. ENGLISH The Julian Assange Test Facing Every Member of the House - The Nation  Lula-Xi Beijing Deals to Bring Chinese Tech, Propaganda Companies to Brazil - Breitbart  International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to meet in Athens - eKathimerini.com  In Athens, World's Journalists Will Take Up Media Freedom Questions  - The National Herald  President Sakellaropoulou to receive IFJ - ANA-…  
1083. Hong Kong Campaign  

Subscribe here to receive updates on Media Violations in Hong Kong. In June 2019, Hong Kong erupted in protest over the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill that would allow the extradition of Hong Kongers to China.  The demonstrations in June started peacefully and have intensified, becoming a call for free elections.  The media is playing an essential role in the protests, covering the evolving situation in Hong Kong, often risking their safety. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) have monitored the situation since June, reporting on violations and calling on the government the ensure media…  
1084. Charting Cambodia's Declining Press Freedom  

Why IFJ is monitoring Cambodia’s media In January 2020, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen celebrated his 35th year in power, making him Asia’s longest-serving leader. At a meeting with local journalists on January 14, 2020, he boldly declared that he had no intention of stepping down and would be prime minister for the next 10 years. As a constitutional monarchy, Cambodia’s constitution proclaims the country a liberal, multiparty democracy. However, the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) are intent on securing leadership by undermining political opposition, civil society groups and the independent media.  Hun Sen entered the…  
1085. Pay Me Equal  

The global gender pay gap is estimated at 23%.  It means that women earn on average 77% of what men earn.  At the current rate of progress, it will take until at least 2086 to achieve pay equity around the world, according to the International Labor Organisation (ILO). Journalism is no exception to that injustice, despite the fact that more and more women graduate as journalists and enter the profession. The gender pay gap is not linked to women being less qualified but rather to their access to highly paid positions being limited, the fact that shared parenting responsiblity is not the norm yet, that few media…  
1086. ILO Convention 190 - It can save lives  

Stop gender-based violence in the media Violence and harassment against women journalists can occur everywhere: in newsrooms, in relation to their sources, at home, on the way home, online. Violence and harassment have devastating implications for the targeted journalist as her well-being, her work, her private life and eventually press freedom are affected. To mark 25 November, The International day for the elimination of violence against women and girls, the IFJ is calling on all its unions to campaign for the full ratification by their government of ILO Convention 190. Read the testimonies of IFJ Gender Council members in Canada, Cyprus, Greece, Peru and Portugal on why…  
1087. Sudan: Safety concerns for journalists and media workers amid fighting  

Several journalists and media workers were trapped for three days inside their workplaces after fighting between the Sudanese army and paramilitary forces broke out on 15 April in the capital of Sudan, Khartoum. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) in expressing concern about the safety of journalists and media workers covering the clashes and reminds the parties that journalists must not be targeted. At least fifteen journalists and media workers, including six women, were stuck for three days without food and basic items inside the Sudan News Agency (SUNA) building in the capital, Khartoum, according to the SJU. They…  
1088. Vietnam: Concerns for Vietnamese journalist after abduction  

Vietnamese police have confirmed the detention of blogger Duong Van Thai, three days after his alleged abduction from his home in Bangkok, Thailand on April 13. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the abduction and detention of Thai and calls on the Vietnamese authorities to secure his immediate release. The 41-year-old blogger and asylum seeker, also known as Thai Van Duong, was last seen by his neighbours leaving his home in Bangkok on April 13 at around 11 am. During the day, Thai was live-streaming on YouTube, discussing the recent trial of fellow Vietnamese journalist Nguyen Lan Thang. Later that day calls and texts to his phone went unanswered. On Friday,…  
1111. Defend Media Freedom in the Pacific  

Journalism and media freedom in the Pacific is under threat and faces many challenges – some new, some old. Media workers face legal threats from governments demanding disclosure of sources and from expensive-to-defend defamation and libel claims made by the rich and powerful. In many countries journalists are targets for politicians and influential people with power, who have been exposed for corruption, inappropriate behavior and conflicts of interest. Deaths threats and physical violence fuelled by online content are not uncommon responses from extremists loyal to the politician or cause. Despite the intimidation, media workers in the Pacific continue to gather and provide…  
1112. Bangladesh: Journalist attacked and thrown off building for reporting on hill-cutting  

Bangladeshi journalist Ayub Meahzi has suffered grave injuries after a group of unidentified armed assailants attacked and threw him from a two-story building in Chittagong on April 4. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the brutal attack and calls on authorities to conduct an immediate and transparent inquiry into the incident. On April 4, a group of approximately ten men armed with machetes, iron rods, and sticks stormed the second floor of a building to attack Meahzi, a Chandanaish based correspondent for Janobani and The Daily Shangu. The men then threw the journalist from the building onto the street, where he sustained significant injuries. The Daily Star…  
1113. Argentina: uno de los periódicos más grandes del país despide a casi medio centenar de periodistas  

Durante la madrugada del domingo, el diario Clarín le anunció por correo electrónico la desvinculación a al menos 48 periodistas y trabajadorxs de prensa. Esto sucede exactamente a cuatro años de la última gran ola de despidos de la empresa, que es uno de los conglomerados mediáticos más grandes y poderosos de Argentina. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este accionar y exige, junto al Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires, la inmediata reincorporación de todxs lxs trabajadorxs despedidxs. Este domingo, numerosxs trabajadroxs del diario Clarín recibieron en sus casillas de correo laborales la comunicación de su despido. Algunxs ni siquiera llegaron a leer ese mail, ya que…  
1114. Yemen: Four journalists on death row released in prisoner exchange  

Journalists Tawfiq Al-Mansoori, Abdul Khaleq Amran, Akram Al-Waleedi and Hareth Humaid, who had been sentenced to death for their journalistic work, have been released as part of a prisoner exchange on 16 April, they had spent eight years behind bars. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in welcoming their release and calls for the release of all journalists and media workers in jail. The four Yemeni journalists were freed as part of a three-day exchange of detainees between the government forces and the Houthi movement, which ended on 16 April, as the war nears its nine-year mark, according to YJS and media…  
1115. Dumesky Kersaint  

On 16 April, Radio Télé Inurep journalist Dumesky Kersaint was shot dead in Carrefour, a largely residential commune in the Port-au-Prince. Kersaint was shot dead while reporting on an assassination in the Carrefour's commune. The assailants reportedly asked him to delete photos of the crime. The journalist refused. The assailants opened fire in response to his refusal. The journalist died before he could be taken to hospital. Haiti, Haitian, impunity, safety, journalist, Dumesky Kersaint, IFJ, union, killing, periodista, FIP, solidarity,  
1116. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from April 6th to April 14th 2023. ENGLISH UNESCO and Japan collaborate to expand efforts for Ukrainian media and journalists - UNESCO The Biden administration has no plans to drop charges against Julian Assange  - Poynter  Hong Kong journalists find new homes overseas as media crackdown persists - The Online Citizen Asia  Opinion | Freedom of the press on the line in Assange case | John Nichols - Cap Times Democrats call for Garland…  
1117. Vietnam: Journalist imprisoned in closed-door court hearing  

Freelance journalist and political activist Nguyen Lan Thang has been sentenced to six years in prison on April 12 in a closed-door court hearing, for spreading ‘anti-state propaganda’ in a series of interviews posted to social media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for Nguyen’s immediate and unconditional release and an end to the ongoing persecution of journalists in Vietnam. Nguyen was arrested on July 5, 2022, charged under Article 117 of Vietnam’s Criminal Code (2015) for ‘making, storing, distributing or propagandising information, materials, documents to oppose the state of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam’, concerning 12 videos posted on Nguyen’s YouTube and…  
1118. Sabeha Sheikh: the sole woman journalist in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan  

The conservative city of Dera Ismail Khan in north-western Pakistan might have stopped other woman journalists - but not Sabeha Sheikh, freelance journalist co-founder of Burqa Journalists Facebook page. Throughout her career, she has resisted restrictive traditions and barriers as one of the few woman journalists in the region, writes Lubna Jerar Naqvi. If you can't find a way, create one - and that is exactly what woman journalist Sabeha Sheikh did. Sabeha comes from Dera Ismail Khan (DI Khan), a mostly Pashtun-populated, conservative city in Pakistan’s north-western province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, about five and a half hours drive from Peshawar. Here, women rarely work outside their homes,…  
1119. Perú: se sentenció al ex ministro del Interior por el asesinato del periodista Hugo Bustíos  

Daniel Urresti, quien además es excongresista y excandidato presidencial, fue condenado a 12 años de prisión como coautor del asesinato del periodista Hugo Bustíos Saavedra, ocurrido hace casi 35 años. Esta sentencia abre nuevas oportunidades en la lucha contra la impunidad en crímenes contra la vida de periodistas, lucha en la cual tuvo un rol determinante la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú, que impulsa las investigaciones y mantiene viva la memoria de sus colegas. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas celebra este acto de justicia y exige que todos los procesos judiciales abiertos por casos contra la vida de trabajadorxs de prensa sean resueltos con celeridad y no tengan…  
1120. Turkey: International groups condemn broadcast regulator role in punishing critical reporting ahead of elections  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and 19 press freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organizations call on Turkey’s broadcast regulator (RTÜK) to immediately stop fining broadcasters for their critical reporting. Journalists and broadcasters must be allowed to do their jobs of informing the public over critical issues and holding the government to account. Instead of upholding freedom of expression and media pluralism in the country, RTÜK is being weaponized by the governing parties to silence legitimate criticism and provide them with an unfair advantage in the May 2023 elections. This suppression of public debate is undermining the electoral process. On April 5,…  
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