15057 results:

3291. USA: Court orders five news outlets to hand over unreleased footage to the police  

A Seattle court ordered on 24 July 5 news outlets to hand over unpublished photos and videos to the police as part of an ongoing investigation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the NewsGuild and the National Writers Union in condemning this ruling, which violates journalism principles and 2007 reporter’s shield statute of the Washington State Legislature. On 24 July, Seattle judge Nelson Lee ruled that five news outlets should hand over to the police unpublished pictures and videos from a protest that took place on 30 May. The police claims that the footage will help in an ongoing investigation on arson and theft. The 2007 Washingston…  
3292. Liban: la future loi sur les médias ne peut exclure la presse en ligne  

Une proposition de loi sur les médias actuellement en discussion au parlement libanais pourrait exclure les médias électroniques de son champ d’application. En prévision des débats qui auront lieu ce mercredi 29 Juillet avec la société civile et les représentants de la profession, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat des journalistes libanais (SJL) pour exiger que la nouvelle loi couvre l’ensemble des médias, sans exception. La future loi libanaise sur les médias vise à réformer le secteur et entérine notamment la possibilité pour les syndicats de représenter les journalistes. Le texte actuel octroie  par ailleurs une place plus…  
3293. Sierra Leone: IFJ hails repeal of criminal defamation law  

The Sierra Leone Parliament has unanimously repealed on 23 July its criminal libel law. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) to celebrate a great victory for freedom of expression and press freedom. Sierra Leone: IFJ hails repeal of criminal defamation law The Sierra Leone Parliament has unanimously repealed on 23 July its criminal libel law. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) to celebrate a great victory for freedom of expression and press freedom.  Parliamentarians unanimously approved on 23 July the…  
3294. Liban: la future loi sur les médias ne peut exclure les médias en ligne  

Une proposition de loi sur les médias actuellement en discussion au parlement libanais pourrait exclure les médias électroniques de son champ d’application. En prévision des débats qui auront lieu ce mercredi 29 Juillet avec la société civile et les représentants de la profession, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat des journalistes libanais pour exiger que la nouvelle loi couvre l’ensemble des médias, sans exception. La future loi libanaise sur les médias vise à réformer le secteur et entérine notamment la possibilité pour les syndicats de représenter les journalistes. Le texte actuel octroie  par ailleurs une place plus…  
3295. India: Journalist killed following threatening messages  

Sunil Tiwari, a stringer with Nai Duniya newspaper, was killed in Niwari district of Madhya Pradesh on July 22. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate the National Union of Journalists- India (NUJ-I) are saddened by his killing and urge the Indian government to launch an investigation to uncover the killers’ motives and punish the guilty. The 39 year old journalist was left unconscious when thugs attacked him on evening of July 22 near Putri Khera village in Niwari district. The assailants encircled Sunil’s motorbike, firing shots and striking him with sticks and an axe. The assailants then fled the scene. . With the help of his family members and…  
3296. Timor-Leste: Criminal defamation law continues despite opposition  

Timor-Leste’s Ministry of Justice claimed it removed a controversial article of the proposed defamation law after hearing public criticisms but has in fact retained the article which will deliver penalties and up to one year in prison for those found guilty. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Timor-Leste Press Union (TLPU) continue to condemn the proposed law as fundamentally flawed and urge authorities to immediately withdraw the law from consideration. In early June, the government of Timor-Leste announced that it proposed to introduce new criminal defamation laws. The proposal was met with an immediate backlash from press freedom advocates NGOs…  
3297. Kyrgyzstan: Journalist Azimjon Askarov dies in prison  

Journalist and human rights activist Azimjon Askarov died in prison on July 25, having endured a long-running incarceration since 2010. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns Kyrgyzstan's negligence over Askarov's health conditions and an unjustified life-sentence that led to his death and demands a full investigation into the circumstances of his death. A journalist for the Voice of Freedom and fergananews.com and a human rights activist, Askarov published several reports uncovering abuse and killings by police officers.  The 69-year-old was arrested on June 15, 2010 following ethnic violence in southern Kyrgyzstan. He was convicted in September 2010 for…  
3298. Nicaragua: periodista exiliado denuncia amenazas de muerte  

El comunicador Gerall Chávez, exiliado desde 2018 en Costa Rica, denunció que sus familiares en Nicaragüa recibieron una carta y un video donde aseguraban que el trabajador de prensa "ya tiene un lugar asegurado en el cementerio". El periodista nicaragüense exiliado en Costa Rica Gerall Chávez denunció este fin de semana que su familia, quien vive en aún en su país de origen, recibió una carta y un video donde se lo amenazaba de muerte por ejercer su profesión. Según el comunicador, quien trabaja para el medio Nicaragua actual, conformado por periodistas exiliados de ese páis, sus familiares habrían recibido una carta y un video donde, entre distintas agresiones y amenazas le anuncian que…  
3299. Pakistan: Journalist shot dead after reporting on local corruption  

Journalist Anwar Jan, who worked with the Daily “Naveed-e-Pakistan” newspaper was shot dead by two gunmen while walking home in Barkhan, Balochistan on July 23. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the murder and demand an impartial investigation into the case. Anwar Jan’s family accused Abdul Rehman Khetran, the minister for food in the Baluchistan province, of ordering Jan’s murder in retaliation to his investigative reporting and social media activism on the alleged corruption of landlords. According to PFUJ, police  filed a First Information Report (FIR) against two bodyguards who work for Abdur…  
3300. Indonesia: IFJ submits amicus curiae in support of local journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has submitted an amicus curiae to support Diananta Putra Sumedi, former chief editor of local online media Banjarhits.id. The IFJ and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia call on authorities to drop all charges against Diananta. Diananta was charged for the allegation of breaching the Electronic and Information Transactions which carries a punishment of 6 months in prison. Diananta was arrested on May 4 following the publication of an article on a land conflict entitled Johnlin seizes land, Dayak complains to the South Kalimantan Police on November 9, 2019. The article was published in…  
3301. Nine Global Unions Federations declare their support for Algerian independent union movement  

On 24 July, nine Global unions Federations (GUF) - including the IFJ - have publicly declared their support for the Algerian union movement, which is working on the democratization of a country where arbitrary punishments and human rights violations are still the norm The undersigned Global Union Federations express their full solidarity and support for the ongoing struggle for trade union rights and democratic freedoms in Algeria. For many years, independent unions have been bravely struggling to win legal recognition for their organizations and build a space for workers to freely join and form unions of their own choosing and bargain collectively. These unions have faced targeted…  
3302. India: Journalist unions urge action on gender inequalities during the pandemic  

According to a recent survey conducted by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) more than half of women journalists have experienced increased gender inequalities due to Covid-19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Indian Journalists Association (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJ-I) urge media houses and professional organisations to prioritise and implement strategies to support female journalists. The survey carried out by more than 558 women journalists in 52 countries revealed more than half of the respondents indicated an increase in gender inequalities in the industry, with devastating consequences on…  
3303. 'I Was Sexually Harassed By a Senior Advisor to the Maldives President. This is My Story.'  

When the obstacles to justice are presidential, which way does one turn, asks Rae Munavvar, Editor of The Edition in Male. This article, written by Rae Munavvar, was originally published by The Wire on July 22, 2020. The article has been republished by the IFJ with permission from The Wire. Read the original article here.  Male (Maldives): As a journalist, the most disconcerting aspect of this sort of ‘endeavour’ to seek justice is having to see one’s own face on the news, day after day. We reporters are most comfortable behind the scene, secure in our mobility across the keyboard, shielded by our cameras, armed with the might of ink and…  
3304. India: Journalists attacked in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh  

In separate incidents, journalist Rajiv Nayan Bahuguna was attacked by thugs in Uttarakhand on July 20 and BBC correspondent Dilnawaz Pasha reported on July 21 he was subjected to abuse and detained for six hours by the Bahjoi police. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJ-I) call on the Indian government to launch an investigation into the recent attacks on journalists. Bahuguna, a journalist associated with Nav Bharat Times, Dinman, Hindustan Hindi, Outlook and other national dailies and periodicals was attacked after receiving threatening messages from unknown…  
3305. Malaysia: Utusan returns after a nine-month shutdown  

Utusan Malaysia and its sister publication Kosmo! restarted operations under its new management, Media Mulia Sdn Bhd after a nine-month shutdown. The International Federation Journalists (IFJ) hopes the new administration will prioritise workers and ensure journalists’ are adequately compensated. Utusan’s new owner, Media Mulia Sdn Bhd is linked to Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary who has significant stakes in Media Prima and Media Mulia. Media Prima, now the most prominent media conglomerate in Malaysia, owns the New Straits Times Press (NSTP) which publishes three newspapers, New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Harian Metro. In addition, Media Prima controls four major…  
3306. Pakistan: Express News journalist attacked for a report on social media  

Shikh Shan, a correspondent for Express News group was attacked in Jahanian, Punjab on July 22. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the attack and call on authorities to investigate the case. According to the PFUJ, Shan was attacked in retaliation to a news report he published highlighting ‘unethical content’ on social media. The attack is suspected to be a warning to not report on any other “wrong doings”. The injured journalist has filed a case with the police. The PFUJ said: “We strongly condemn the incident and urge Punjab government to take action and arrest the culprits at the…  
3307. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 17 and 24 July, 2020 English Study: gender inequality increases in media during pandemic (THE SEATTLE TIMES) Russian ombudswoman appeals to UN human rights chief to protect Russian reporters in US (TASS) Rise in gender inequalities in media during Covid-19: IFJ (THE ARUNACHAL TIMES) Covid-19 has increased gender inequalities in media: International Federation of Journalists survey (NORTHEAST NOW) Gender inequality increases in media during…  
3308. Maldives: IFJ critical of inaction on journalist sexual harassment case  

Nearly 17 months since a senior female Maldivian editor was allegedly sexually harassed by an officer in the Maldives presidential communications team, the International Federation of Journalists has voiced its concern at the inaction by the country’s government and authorities on the case. The IFJ has taken its concerns to the Maldives President, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, and reinforced the need for the Maldives to address impunity at all levels – including sexual harassment. The case relates to the reported sexual harassment of the editor of The Edition, Rae Munavvar, by the communications secretary of the president’s office, Hassan Ismail, which allegedly took place at the presidential…  
3309. #EspecialesFIP Carlos Rozanski: “La libertad de expresión no tiene que ver con los delitos que algunos pretenden cometer en su nombre”  

El jurista que condenó a algunos de los máximos represores de la última dictadura militar argentina, charló con la FIP sobre la relación entre manipulación, discursos de odio, libertad de expresión y ejercicio periodístico. Entre las múltiples problemáticas que el COVID-19 vino a profundizar, la crisis de credibilidad ha sido uno de los temas más expuestos a raíz de la necesidad de confianza que demanda la gestión de una pandemia. Desde dudas sobre medicamentos hasta hipótesis sobre los orígenes del virus, la credibilidad de los medios ha mostrado sus límites en 2020, pero el fenómeno es sólo otro síntoma de una degradación de larga data que tiene a lxs trabajadores de prensa como parte…  
3310. Anwar Jan  

The journalist, who worked for Naveed-e-Pakistan newspaper, was shot dead by two gunmen while walking home in Barkhan, Balochistan. Anwar Jan’s family accused Abdul Rehman Khetran, the minister for food in the Baluchistan province, of ordering Jan’s murder in retaliation to his investigative reporting and social media activism on the alleged corruption of landlords. According to PFUJ, police filed a First Information Report (FIR) against two bodyguards who work for Abdur Rehman, the provincial minister. Pakistani police have stated they are investigating the provincial minister’s alleged involvement on the killing of Jan but  Mr. Rehman denied all accusations of his…  
3311. Strengthening gender equality in media strategies must be everyone's business  

The hard times the world is experiencing due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19 have profoundly impacted journalists. From Nigeria to Indonesia, from Spain to Peru, they have had to change the way they carry out their work. They have changed their newsrooms for their own homes and, in many cases, have had to go out to the streets to get the news with minimal protection.  But what has happened to women journalists? We at the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) ' Gender Council wanted to know how they are doing and the data from the survey we are releasing today confirms what we already suspected: the stress of having to work from home has increased and this has also affected…  
3312. Philippines: Media workers file petitions to reject Anti-Terror Law  

The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), journalists from Rappler, ABS-CBN, artists and cultural workers filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition of the controversial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate NUJP urging the court to overturn the law. On July 23, 2020, journalists, artists, cultural workers and others whose professions and existence depend on freedom of expression, filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition before the Supreme Court against Republic Act 11479 also known as the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020. The petition was filed as GR No. 252747 and is the 13th to be filed in the…  
3313. COVID-19 has increased gender inequalities in the media, IFJ survey finds  

More than half of women journalists have experienced increased gender inequalities due to COVID-19, according to a new survey conducted by International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) among more than 500 women journalists in 52 countries, published on 23 July. The world's largest organisation of professional journalists and its Gender Council call on media organisations and trade unions to make gender equality a priority in their response to the pandemic and demand concrete steps to provide their female colleagues with decent working conditions. The IFJ  survey on the effects of Covid-19 on women journalists was conducted between 19 -30 June.  More than half of the respondents…  
3314. Malaysia: Government claims all film needs licence as Al Jazeera attacks increase  

The National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (Finas) announced on July 20 that broadcast network Al Jazeera did not have a valid licence to film a program about migrant workers in Malaysia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned about a rising number of attacks and threats being directed at the respected international broadcaster and its Malaysia-based journalists and calls on authorities to support media independence and freedom of the press in the country. The 101 East current affairs program, Locked Up in Malaysia’s Lockdown, was broadcast on July 3 and has ignited controversy for its coverage of the alleged treatment of migrant workers during the Covid-19…  
3315. Hong Kong: Police fine journalists at Yuen Long attack commemoration  

Riot police fine journalists covering the anniversary of the violent Yuen Long mob attack last year. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) urge the police to allow journalists to work without interference. On July 21, crowds gathered at a shopping mall in Yuen Long resulting in police fining 96 people, including journalists for breaching the public gathering restrictions. Reports indicate five people were arrested on grounds of obstruction, violating court-imposed curfews and the new national security law. During the gathering, riot police proceeded to search at least 50 journalists, issuing tickets for violating…  
3316. Sudan: Army threatens journalists and activists with lawsuits  

The Sudanese army has threatened activists and journalists with lawsuits for “insulting the military” on 18 July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) had condemned the blanket threat and called on military forces to stop intimidating the press and respect freedom of expression. Sudan: Army threatens journalists and activists with lawsuits  The Sudanese army has threatened activists and journalists with lawsuits for “insulting the military” on 18 July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) had condemned the blanket threat and called on military forces to stop intimidating the press and respect freedom of expression.  A statement issued on 18 July by the…  
3317. Pakistan: Senior journalist abducted and later released  

Matiullah Jan, a senior Pakistani journalist who was abducted in broad daylight on July 21 in Islamabad was released late at night on the same day near Fateh Jang, Punjab. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) express serious concern about the mysterious abduction and urge the Pakistan government to launch an investigation to identify the perpetrators. Matiullah Jan, a journalist well-known for his critical writing about the military and judicial establishment, was abducted from an Islamabad street on July 21. Unidentified persons  abducted him  for more than 12 hours, releasing him in a…  
3318. Sunil Tiwari  

The 39-year-old stringer with Nai Duniya newspaper was attacked by thugs in Niwari district of Madhya Pradesh who left him unconscious. The assailants encircled Sunil’s motorbike, firing shots and striking him with sticks and an axe. The assailants then fled the scene. With the help of his family members and relatives, the unconscious journalist was taken to the Niwari district hospital for treatment. He was referred him to Jhansi Medical College but he died of his injuries. On May 25, the journalist had uploaded a video on his Facebook page, pleading with the Niwari police superintendent and the Jhansi police superintendent for his safety. In the video, Sunil claimed that…  
3319. South East Asia: Journalists unions call to drop all charges against Maria Ressa  

Rappler CEO and Executive Editor Maria Ressa pleaded not guilty on her 5th tax case before a Pasig Regional Trial Court on Wednesday, July 22. The International Federation Journalists (IFJ) together with South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) calls the authorities in the Philippines to drop all cases against Maria Ressa and Rappler. Ressa and Rappler as well as the newsroom’s directors and a former researcher are facing at least seven cases as of January 30, 2020. Ressa has been accused for a slew charges, including fraud and tax evasion. She was arrested twice and has posted bail eight times in a three month period. The total number of cases were dropped after a Pasig trial court judge…  
3320. #HoldTheLine Coalition calls for charges to be dropped as Maria Ressa returns to court  

Rappler’s chief executive officer Maria Ressa faces court tomorrow on criminal tax charges based on suite of tax violations that are predicated on charges connected to alleged foreign media ownership breaches. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands the Philippines authorities drop a tax and foreign ownership cases against Ressa and Rappler, the news organisation she founded. Charges of illegal foreign ownership, libel and tax violations have been levied against Ressa and Rappler.  In the drawn-out case against Maria Ressa and her former colleague Rey Santos Jr, a Manila court found the two guilty of cyber libel charges on June 15, 2020. Following her conviction, a…  
3321. "Hay que impedir que se considere a alguien que hace teletrabajo como un trabajador de segunda"  

Lo dijo el diputado nacional argentino Walter Correa durante el webinar que organizó la Oficina Regional para América Latina y El Caribe de la FIP. Del encuentro también participió la presidente de la Federación Colombiana de Periodistas, quien advirtió que en su país, la vigente ley para el trabajo tiene falencias que han sido aprovechadas por las empresas para restar derechos y garantías a lxs trabajadores. La Oficina Regional de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas organizó un webinar para poner en común con sus afiliados el marco legal del teletrabajo en Colombia y Argentina, países que han avanzado en leyes que regulan la actividad y que representan un posible anticipo de…  
3322. Paraguay: militares detienen y golpean esposado a un periodista que los investigaba  

El Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay denunció que Roberto Esquivel, trabajador de prensa del departamento de Amambay, fue arrestado y golpeado por miembros de las Fuerzas Militares. El periodistaba los investigaba por presuntos incumplimientos en la vigilancia fronteriza. Desde la Federación internacional de Periodistas condenamos la detención violenta sufrida por el periodista paraguayo Roberto Esquivel, arrestado el domingo por las Fuerzas Militares de Paraguay. Repudiamos la arbitrariedad y la brutalidad ejercida por los uniformados paraguayos y, en este sentido, nos solidarizamos con el colega y nuestros afiliadxs en el Sindicato de Periodistas de Paraguay (SPP). En un comunicado,…  
3323. Vikram Joshi  

The journalist was attacked in the Ghaziabad District of Uttar Pradesh, when a group of men forcibly stopped his motorbike, beating him and shooting him in front of his two daughters. He died in hospital two days later. The attack was filmed on CCTV camera and the District police have arrested nine men in connection with the incident. Journalists' safety, India, IFJ, Impunity  
3324. India: Newspaper owner Pyare Miyan accused of sexually assaulting minors  

Owner of the Dainik Afkara newspaper in Bhopal, Pyare Miyan, has been arrested following accusations of sexually assaulting minors and running a sex racket. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn Miyan’s abuse of the media for personal gain, undermining the cause of freedom of expression. Local powerbroker and newspaper owner Pyare Miyan, was arrested in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir on July 15. This arrest came hours after local police set up a special investigation team (SIT) into his alleged involvement in a sex racket over the past eight years. Further investigations revealed Miyan had purchased the Dainik Afkar…  
3325. Egypt: Veteran journalist dies after contracting Covid-19 in jail  

Journalist Mohamed Mounir died on 15 July after contracting Covid-19 in jail, where he had spent a month after his arrest on 15 June. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its deepest sympathy for - and condolences to - Mounir's family, and demanded an independent investigation into the treatment of his health situation during his detention. 65-year-old Mounir was arrested for "spreading fake news" during his reporting for Al Jazeera, which the Egyptian authorities have banned for allegedly hosting "enemies" of the country. Mounir's family confirmed that he had contracted the virus. Initially, he was reportedly discharged from the hospital even though, as he…  
3326. India: Journalist arrested in a legal battle with forest officer  

DY365 correspondent Rajib Sharma was detained by Dhubri police on July 16 in Assam after a Dhuburi Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) lodged a first information report (FIR) against the journalist. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemns the arrest of Rajib Sharma. Police arrested Rajib at 2 am, picking him up from his house in relation to an FIR lodged by the forest officer Biswajit Roy. The FIR alleged Rajib demanded money and threatened to expose the DFO’s corruption. Rajib’s father had a heart attack soon after his son’s arrest and passed away. Police released Rajib on bail to attend his father’s…  
3327. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 10 and 17 July, 2020 English Sri Lanka: IFJ condemns Sri Lanka police and key murder suspect obstructing photojournalist outside court (COLOMBO PAGE) Scab union for journalists reported to International Labour Organization (MORNING STAR) Journalists role crucial in Covid-19 pandemic: UK (HINDUSTAN TIMES) Malaysia police summon Al Jazeera journalists for questioning (ASIA PACIFIC REPORT) Contempt case over reader comments test Malaysia's press…  
3328. Cambodia: Supreme Court decides on key cases against media workers  

In separate cases on July 15, the Supreme Court of Cambodia rejected the appeal from two former Radio Free Asia (RFA) reporters, Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin and ordered the retrial of RT fixer Rath Rott Mony. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges authorities to drop the charges against the journalists. The Supreme Court announced its decision to reject an appeal by former Washington-based RFA reporters, Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin who are accused of espionage and producing pornography. The Supreme Court upheld the Phnom Penh Municipal Court order to re-investigate the charges despite the lower court’s finding that there was no evidence to support the allegations.…  
3329. Afghanistan: Government drops controversial media law amendment  

The proposed amendments to Afghanistan’s media law introduced to Parliament in June has been dropped following strong criticisms from Afghanistan’s media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) welcome the withdrawal of the controversial amendment to the media law. The amendment initially introduced into Parliament in June sought to restrict media outlets and investigative reporting, providing security agencies with access to sources of media reports. On June 20, Afghanistan’s Upper House of Parliament opposed the proposed amendment. The government withdrew the bill on June 24. In an open letter to…  
3330. Nepal: Public Service Broadcasting Bill threatens editorial independence  

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology tabled the Public Service Broadcasting Bill that would empower the government to exercise greater control over Radio Nepal and Nepal Television (NTV) in the National Assembly. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) urges the government to revise the bill in consultation with media stakeholders. The bill tabled on July 10 in the Upper House of Nepal’s Federal government defies the government’s commitment to the editorial independence of Nepal Television and Radio Nepal. If approved, the bill extends parliament’s control…  
3331. IFJ Policy on Sexual Harassment and Complaint Procedure  

Download IFJ's policy on sexual harassment and the complaint policy as PDF This policy will be both circulated and drawn to the attention of all participants at the outset of each IFJ event. The IFJ seeks to encourage the active participation of its members in meetings, projects, campaigns and activities. The IFJ is committed to the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct in all its activities. The IFJ is committed to assure and promote gender equality. Every member has the right to participate and to be treated with dignity, equality and respect. Any kind of behaviour or intimidation that undermines these basic rights is unacceptable. All participants taking part in IFJ…  
3332. Hong Kong: New York Times reporter Chris Buckley denied visa  

Hong Kong authorities rejected a work visa application for New York Times correspondent Chris Buckley, who was expelled from mainland China earlier in May. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Hong Kong authorities to remediate the decision and approve Chris Buckley’s visa application. Hong Kong’s decision to deny Buckley’s visa last week follows China’s controversial new security law imposed on Hong Kong. In response, The New York Times announced on July 14 that it is moving a third of its Hong Kong based staff to Seoul, South Korea. In a memo, Times editors and executives wrote, “China’s sweeping new national security law in Hong Kong has created a lot of uncertainty…  
3333. Timor-Leste: IFJ submits legal advice on Criminal Defamation Law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has submitted a legal advice highlighting the dangers of the proposed re-introduction of criminal defamation law into Timor-Leste to Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak on July 14. The advice, prepared by Jim Nolan, an Australian barrister and legal adviser pro bono to the International Federation of Journalists (Asia Pacific), outlines several worrying legal issues and highlights IFJ’s deep concerns regarding attempts by authorities in Timor-Leste to undermine press freedom. In the advice, the IFJ legal advisor states that, “the proposal is disturbing because it flies in the face of the consensus in the democratic world which regards criminal…  
3334. Somalia: NUSOJ organises training on reporting on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence  

In a bid to eradicate sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) organised in Mogadishu a three-day training for 50 journalists to help them better report on this issue. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) praises the union’s initiative in raising public and media awareness over gender-based violence in Somalia. The training, jointly organised by the NUSOJ and the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development (MoWHRD) in partnership with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), aimed at improving skills and knowledge of local journalists when reporting on sexual and gender violence and…  
3335. Journalists unions demand transparency and a fair share for journalists in Google's deals with publishers  

After years of resisting demands to pay for news, Google said in a surprise announcement on 25 June it had reached  deals with a number of news publishers around the world. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) and their affiliates demand transparency on the deals and assurances that journalists will receive their share.  Deals between Google and news publishers were signed in several countries, including Australia, Brazil, and Germany, and were part, the tech giant said, of a “new experience that would focus on high-quality content and help participating publishers monetize it.”  No details were made available, but the agreements appear to cover entire…  
3336. Indonesia: Three media workers die of Covid-19  

Three media workers have died due to coronavirus and dozens in cities across Indonesia have tested positive to the virus. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia in urging media outlets and workers to implement safety protocols during the pandemic. A chief editor of an online media outlet in Bali died on July 2 after having contracted Covid-19. He received treatment at a hospital after experiencing a high fever. Around 56 journalists who had contact with the chief editor along with those who attended his cremation were tested for the deadly virus. In Surabaya, East Java, two media workers at public…  
3337. Turkey: IFJ calls on authorities not to extradite two Iranian journalists  

Turkish authorities have told Iranian journalists Arash Yavari and his wife Masoomeh Hatamkhani, who is also a journalist, to leave the country and go back to Iran despite having UN refugee status. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Turkish authorities not to deport both journalists and respect international refugee law. Both journalists and their son had to flee Iran in 2015 after suffering threats, intimidation and harassment from the authorities for years. In 2012, Arash YavariI was sentenced to four and a half years in prison, 74 lashes and permanent deprivation of political, media and cultural activity. Authorities charged him with "propaganda against the…  
3338. India: J and K administration extends ban on 4G internet again  

Despite calls from media and human rights organizations to lift the internet ban, the Jammu and Kashmir administration has extended 4G internet restriction until July 29. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the prolonged shutdown and call on the Indian government to lift the restriction on 4G internet. The order was issued on July 8 by the principal secretary to the Home Department Shaleen Kabra. Defending the widespread criticism of the ban by human right and media rights quarters, Kabra claimed that the restrictions have not had a negative impact on government efforts to control Covid-19 , or on education…  
3339. UK: IFJ and NUJ welcome historic victory on Journalists' source protection  

One year after quashing the warrants against two investigative journalists, the High Court in Belfast last week revealed that its decision was based on the need to protect journalists' sources. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in warmly welcoming this historical victory on the protection of journalists' sources. In 2018, investigative journalists and NUJ members Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey were arrested for allegedly stealing a confidential report from the office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland. The document in question had been leaked to them by an anonymous source, and it contained investigative material…  
3340. Malaysia: Judgement in Malaysiakini case deferred  

Malaysia’s Federal Court reserved the verdict until a later date on whether Malaysiakini and its editor-in-chief Steven Gan are liable for readers’ comments the government views as contemptuous. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Court to support Malaysiakini and acknowledge the important role of a free and independent media in a democracy. The nominal charge heard on July 13 against Malaysiakini and Gan is contempt of court, a charge brought because the online news outlet briefly hosted user comments which allegedly insulted the judiciary. At the hearing, the government’s counsel argued Malaysiakini facilitated the publication of the remarks and was responsible…  
3341. Sri Lanka: Police and key murder suspect obstruct photojournalist outside court  

Police and inspector Neomal Rangajeewa threatened and obstructed Akila Jayawardene, a photojournalist from the Mavubima Newspaper outside Colombo High Court on July 10. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates Free Media Movement (FMM) and Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) condemns the obstruction and calls on authorities to conduct an inquiry into the incident. The former officer in charge of the Sri Lanka Police Anti-Narcotics division, Inspector Neomal Rangajeewa who is also a key suspect in the Welikada prison murder case threatened Akila and physically disrupted him from taking photos outside the courthouse. Police then proceeded to…  
3342. IFJ condemns the actions of Iran International to frustrate the recognition process of its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is giving full support to the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland in its effort to win trade union recognition to represent and collectively bargain on behalf of its members working at Iran International. For many months, Iran International has refused to engage with ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) the UK government’s arbitrator on industrial relations, regarding an application for recognition by the NUJ and suddenly revealed it had signed a recognition deal with an obscure journalists’ union, the British Association of Journalists, which had no members and no prior involvement in the workplace.…  
3343. Indonesia: Online media disregards Indonesian Labour law in layoffs  

Kumparan, an online media based in Jakarta sacked almost 100 media workers on the basis of decreases revenue from the Covid-19 outbreak. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia urge Kumparan to comply with the labour laws. Kumparan’s chief executive officer emailed workers on June 21 indicating operational cuts and staff layoffs due to a reduction in revenue as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Soon after employees began receiving emails informing them they were laid off. Nurul Nur Azizah, a member of AJI Jakarta was offered a letter to terminate her work on June 23, citing the economic impacts of the…  
3344. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 3 and 10 July, 2020 English IFJ, Nepali affiliates call for immediate investigation into death of missing journalist (URDU POINT) Another journalist attacked in Bangladesh for reporting on corruption (NORTHEAST NOW) 200 journalists to Afghanistan president: end the culture of impunity for crimes against the media (IFEX) Here we go again! This time Lithuania BANS RT, claiming it is led by journalist who heads TOTALLY DIFFERENT network…  
3345. Philippines: House committee denies ABS-CBN franchise renewal  

The Philippines House of Representatives committee voted to deny the renewal of ABS-CBN’s broadcasting franchise. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) caution the Philippines Congress against setting a dangerous precedent for democracy and press freedom. The vote on July 10 followed the legislative franchise committee’s 12 public hearings from May 26 until July 9 determining the network did not breach any legal provisions. On July 10, the committee in the House of Representatives voted 70 to deny the franchise renewal, 11 to renew, with two to inhibit and one to abstain. The voting reflects the…  
3346. Malaysia: Al Jazeera journalists summoned by police for questioning  

Malaysia police summoned six Al Jazeera media workers for questioning relating to an investigation for defamation and violation of Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Australian affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) authorities to drop the case against Al Jazeera immediately. The IFJ received reports six media workers were called to Malaysia Central Police Headquarter in Bukit Aman at around 8:50 am (GMT+8) on July 10. They include senior producer and correspondent Drew Ambrose, producer Jenni Henderson, and the network’s bureau chief, executive producer, cameraman, and digital crew. According to…  
3347. India: Village council files police complaint against Shillong Times Editor  

Meghalaya village council in northeast India filed a police complaint against veteran journalist and Shillong Times editor Patricia Mukhim over her Facebook post. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) urges authorities to withdraw the case against Mukhim immediately. Lurshai Shylla, the Lawsohtun village head in Meghalaya lodged the complaint on July 6 accusing Mukhim of inciting communal tensions through a Facebook post two days earlier. Mukhim’s post concerned an attack in Lawsohtun village on July 3 on five “non-tribal youth” by a masked group allegedly made up of “tribal boys”. Mukhim’s post called on Medhalaya’s chief…  
3348. United States : IFJ renews calls to end unlawful practices based on the flawed theory of “Controlled Digital Lending”.  

The Internet Archive, a US-based library announced on 16 June that it was ending its "National Emergency Library", to return to "traditional" Controlled Digital Lending. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomed the announcement but expressed concerns over authors’ and journalists’ rights. It reiterates its calls on the Internet Archive and libraries to end these unlawful practice. The Internet Archive ended last month the "National Emergency Library" it had established on 24 March to provide “books to support emergency remote teaching, research, independent scholarship, and intellectual stimulation during the Covid-19 closures”. The initiative,…  
3349. Serbia: Fears mount for media safety during protests in Serbia after two nights' violence  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) are extremely concerned by violence against journalists during the protests currently taking place in several cities in Serbia since 7 July. The two federations say that there have been at least 14 reported attacks against journalists and media workers who were covering the events. The Federations condemn these brutal attacks by police forces as well as by demonstrators and join their affiliates in Serbia, UNS, NUNS and SINOS, in calling on the police to respect the work of the journalists. Thousands of protesters took to the streets for the second night in a row to protest the way Covid-19 pandemic is being dealt with by…  
3350. Regional Journalist Unions urges Philippines Congress to put ABS-CBN back on air  

While the Philippines Congress prepares to vote on the future of the Philippines’ largest broadcaster ABS-CBN, South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) stand in solidarity and demand legislators restore ABS-CBN’s franchise. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and SEAJU call on politicians to support the application for ABS-CBN’s franchise renewal. The hearings on ABS-CBN is handled by the House of Representatives legislative franchise committee, together with the committee on good government and public accountability. The summation of issues was held today on July 9, delaying the vote to July 10.   The joint committee has held 12 hearings since May 26, 2020 on…  
3351. Hong Kong: Journalist association publishes annual report “Freedom in Danger”  

Covering a year of unrest marked by anti-extradition bill protests in June 2019, a pandemic and the National Security Law, the Hong Kong Journalists Association's (HKJA) annual report, “Freedom in Danger” navigates the stifling political climate for journalists in the last year. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate HKJA and the report’s recommendations to protect freedom of expression and journalists in Hong Kong. Despite Hong Kong’s “one country, two systems”, HKJA’s report Freedom in Danger highlights the shifting regime indicated by 71.8 per cent of 327 surveyed journalists stating they felt “uneasy when reporting views that are different…  
3352. Russia: Union expresses concern over treason charge arrests  

Russian security forces arrested former journalist and current adviser of the head of the Russian space agency Ivan Safronov on 7 July on charges of "treason" for allegedly sharing military secrets. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), in expressing grave concerns over his arrest and the detention of journalists who protested against it. Ivan Safronov was one of the most prominent and respected journalists reporting on defence issues in Russia. He worked until May 2020 for two major Russian newspapers before becoming an adviser for the Russian space agency…  
3353. Malaysia: Police begin investigation into Al Jazeera documentary on migrant workers  

Police opened an investigation into a documentary produced by Al Jazeera, broadcasted on July 3, which focused on how Malaysian authorities treat undocumented migrant workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its dismay regarding the continuous attacks on media freedom and calls on authorities to stop the investigation against the global broadcast network immediately. 101 East, Al Jazeera’s in-depth program focusing on stories across Asia Pacific, investigated why the coronavirus outbreak is forcing migrant workers into hiding. The 26-minute program, entitled Locked Up in Malaysia’s Lockdown, shows authorities putting up barbed wire…  
3354. Pakistan: Court tells media regulator not to suspend 24 News HD licence  

The Lahore High Court directed Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) to restore license of private TV channel 24NewsHD on July 7. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) urge PEMRA to allow the Channel 24 News HD to broadcast freely and not to repeat restrictive actions in the future. Justice Sajid Mehmood Sethi of the Lahore High Court (LHC) passed on the interim stay order in a petition filed by Central Media Network (Pvt) Limited to undo the suspension of the licence. The court also issued notices to the PEMRA, the channel’s management and the PFUJ representatives to appear in court on…  
3355. Malaysia: Police bring a new case against reporter Tashny Sukumaran  

South China Morning Post correspondent Tashny Sukumaran, who was questioned in May 2020 over her social media posts, has been summoned again for her contribution to the recently banned book, Rebirth: Reformasi, Resistance and Hope in New Malaysia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the continued crackdown on journalists and calls on authorities to stop the harassment of journalists and publishers for journalistic work in the public interest. Although police dropped the initial case against Sukumaran for her social media posts on the arrest of migrant workers during Covid-19 testing, on July 1 she was summoned again for her part in the banned book. Sukumaran is one…  
3356. Brasil: denuncian a Bolsonaro ante la ONU por violencia contra mujeres periodistas  

Más de una decena de organizaciones sociales de ese país integraron el cuerpo de la denuncia presentado por la relatora especial sobre Violencia contra la Mujer. En otra denuncia que ya caracteriza la gestión del presidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro, la relatora especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Violencia contra la Mujer, Dubravka Simonovic, denunció al mandatario ante la Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas por atacar sistemáticamente a periodistas mujeres en sus declaraciones públicas. La denuncia fue presentada en el marco de una investigación sobre violencia contra mujeres trabajadoras de prensa a cargo de la relatora. El caso brasileño fue presentada por la…  
3357. Yemen: Journalists continue facing harsh conditions  

Yemeni journalists have suffered numerous press freedom violations ranging from killings, torture and kidnapping to threats, attacks on media headquarters and work suspensions, according to the latest report by the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS). The latest YJS report on the state of media freedom in the country reveals 66 media rights violations that took place in the first half of 2020. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate in calling for an end of to the attacks on Yemeni media workers and press freedom. Two photojournalists, Badel Al-Burihi and Nabil Hasan Al-Qaiti were murdered earlier this year.…  
3358. Bangladesh: Journalist brutally attacked after reporting on corruption  

Shariful Alam Chowdhury, a reporter for the Daily Samakal, was severely assaulted by several members of the local citizen union, the Union Parishad on July 4. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this incident and calls on Bangladesh authorities to increase protections for journalists and bring those responsible for the attack to justice. Chowdhury, who is also the general secretary of Muradnagar Press Club, had been reporting on corruption and nepotism found within the local Union Parishad led by chairman Shahjahan. In alleged retribution, multiple assailants dragged him out of his family residence in Kajiatal village before violently attacking him with iron pipes…  
3359. Brasil: organizaciones civiles denuncian al Gobierno Federal  

Es porque el gobierno no cumple los protocolos para prevenir contagios entre lxs periodistas que cubren actividades en la residencia presidencial. Desde la FIP rechazamos esta actitud nociva para la salud y alertamos sobre las continuas En una medida inédita para las democracias latinas, distintas organizaciones de la sociedad civil brasileña, entre ellas nuestrxs afiliadxs en la Federación Nacional de los Periodistas (FENAJ), denunciaron civilmente al Gobierno Federal de Brasil por “no promover las medidas de seguridad necesarias” para el trabajo de lxs periodistas en las inmediaciones del Palacio de la Alvorada, la residencia presidencial brasileña, en el contexto de la pandemia de…  
3360. Russia: Svetlana Prokopyeva found guilty of "justifying terrorism" and fined 6000€  

Radio journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva has been found guilty of "justifying terrorism" and fined 500,000 rubles (around 6.000 €) over a column she wrote about a suicide bomb attack targeting the FSB security service in 2018. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), in calling for her complete acquittal. In November 2018, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva wrote a column about a suicide bomb attack against a local FSB building, linking it to the repression of political dissent under Putin's rule. She said her article was merely an attempt to understand "why a…  
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