15063 results:

13161. Euskalduna Declaration: Journalism, War and Civil Rights  

Journalism, War and Civil Rights: International Debate on the Threat to Democracy Posed By the War on Civil Liberties, Intolerance and Media Populism Bilbao, Spain, April 2-3, 2005 Euskalduna Declaration The participants at the IFJ Conference Journalism, War and Civil Liberties, held in Bilbao on April 2-3rd 2005, Believing that respect for human rights and democracy are the benchmarks of civilised society, Rejecting the message that fundamental rights can be sacrificed to fight terrorism, Insisting that respect for free expression, independent journalism and the people’s right to know are core rights that provide essential safeguards for the exercise of…  
13162. Winners of the EUROMED HERITAGE Journalistic Award 2005: young journalists from Algeria, France, Egypt and Israel. The regulations for the Journalistic Award 2006 are online  

The EC EuropeAid and the Jury of the Journalistic Award are pleased to announce the winners of the EUROMED HERITAGE Journalistic Award 2005. The Award ceremony will be held the 26 September 2005 at the Dead Sea, Jordan during the event Euromed and the Media organized by the European Commission - DG Relex, the first of a series of three meetings in which key international journalists will examine how the media reflects and helps shape the multi-faceted relationships between countries in the Euromed region. The winner from EU member States is Mr. Olivier Bouisson (France), for his article “Péril en la demeure”, La Revue d’Egypte, May 2005. The winner from MEDA…  
13163. Black Day for Press Freedom in Turkey Warns IFJ as New Law Threatens Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists today backed a chorus of protests among journalists in Turkey over a draconian new law, which they say sets the country on collision-course for confrontation with European standards of press freedom. “It is a black day for press freedom when a government enacts a law that threatens journalists with jail, and opens the door to state censorship,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. “Turkey has taken one step forward on the road to democracy, but this new law is two steps backwards when it comes to the free press.” The new Penal Law, which was adopted in September last year and comes into force tomorrow, 1 April, has enraged…  
13165. IFJ Condemns "Systematic Judicial Harassment" of Journalists in Algeria  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned a series of indictments issued last Tuesday by the Algiers Public Prosecutor's Office against four journalists and the managing editor of the independent daily, Le Matin. The paper has been suspended since 23 July 2004. Youcef Rezzoug, Yasmine Ferroukhi, Abla Chérif, Hassane Zerrouky and Mohamed Benchicou were summoned in two successive trials on 15 March 2005, in connection with allegations of racketeering made against several politicians and charges of financial mismanagement made against the Sonatrach oil company in a 7 August 2003 article. The defence refuted the accusations point by point, drawing on information published…  
13166. IFJ Condemns New Hostage Outrage as Three Romanian Reporters are Taken in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the kidnapping and targeting of journalists in Iraq following the latest disappearance of three Romanian reporters. Yesterday, Marie-Jeanne Ion, reporter and Sorin Miscoci, cameraman for Prima TV, Eduard Ohanesian of the Romania Libera newspaper, and their Iraqi guide went missing shortly after an interview with the interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi following a visit to Iraq by the President of Romania. “Once again journalists are targeted in Iraq and once again innocent professionals are being used as bargaining chips by ruthless political or criminal groups,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Journalists…  
13167. Media concentration – democracy, business, regulation - 22 April 2005  

Welcome to a conference on Friday April 22nd 2005 from 1 p.m. to – 5.30 p.m. at the Auditorium of the Finnish Broadcasting Company’s headquarters, Radiokatu 5, Helsinki. A unique opportunity to hear from and discuss with top experts insights into the future of media concentration in Norway, Estonia, Finland and the European Union The conference will be simultaneously translated to English, Norwegian/Swedish and Finnish. PROGRAMME 01.00 Media concentration and the law Norway is one of the few countries where the concentration of media ownership is regulated by a law which came into effect on January 1st 2005 – why, how and for what gain? Editor-in-chief, Mr. Hans…  
13168. IFJ Backs Journalists in Protest Over “Political Hands” at Work in Top Job at Iceland Radio  

The International Federation of Journalists today gave its full backing to journalists working at the national broadcasting service in Iceland who are threatening industrial action over what they claim is political interference in the appointment of a new chief editor of radio news.“Reporters and editors have every right to protest when they see political hands at work in the appointment of senior editors,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The IFJ was responding to news that members of the IFJ affiliated Icelandic Union of Journalists at the national broadcaster (RUV) will refuse to work alongside the new person appointed to take over radio news on April 1, because he is…  
13170. IFJ Backs Journalists in Protest Over “Political Hands” at Work in Top Job at Iceland Radio  

The International Federation of Journalists today gave its full backing to journalists working at the national broadcasting service in Iceland who are threatening industrial action over what they claim is political interference in the appointment of a new chief editor of radio news. “Reporters and editors have every right to protest when they see political hands at work in the appointment of senior editors,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The IFJ was responding to news that members of the IFJ affiliated Icelandic Union of Journalists at the national broadcaster (RUV) will refuse to work alongside the new person appointed to take over radio news on April 1, because he is…  
13171. Authors' rights  

Report Dublin June 2004 Report IFRRO AGM October 2004 Authors' Rights Working programme ILO Tripartite Meeting on Media October 2004 Letter to governments IFRRO Board Report February 2005  
13172. IFJ Condemns BBC Cuts and Renews Global Campaign Over Public Service Values  

The campaign against draconian cuts at the BBC is a battle will be taken up across Europe and around the world says the International Federation of Journalists, which warns the accumulated job loss of almost 6,000 will have a devastating impact on the world’s leading public broadcaster.“Intense political and commercial pressure is bringing the BBC to breaking point,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. “These cutbacks are devastating. The fight to preserve the BBC is a global struggle for quality and public service values in broadcasting that we cannot afford to lose.”At the weekend, IFJ leaders from Europe and around the world met in Baltimore in the United States where it was…  
13174. From Artist to Audience  

How creators and consumers benefit from copyright and related rights and the system of collective management of copyright? A booklet from WIPO, CISAC and IFRRO to be downloaded here  
13176. European Journalists Welcome "Landmark Victory" in Belgium for Protection of Sources  

The European Federation of Journalists today welcomed the adoption of a long overdue law on protection of journalists' sources in Belgium, which was voted unanimously on March 17 by the Belgian Chamber of deputies. "This is a landmark victory for our Belgian colleagues as well as for all European journalists who still do not have a legal guarantee over their protection of sources" said Arne König, Chair of the European Federation of Journalists. "It almost certainly would have avoided the police raid on the home and office of a Brussels reporter last year which shocked international journalists." Due to series of violations on protection of sources during the last ten years…  
13177. Europe - North America Dialogue on Public Service Values in the Media and International Solidarity  

On 17 March 2005, representatives from journalists' unions from Europe, Canada, the US and Australia met to debate on media concentration and its impact on public service values, quality and editorial independence. At the end of the meeting, participants defined the priority actions for the coming months.  
13179. Europe - North America Dialogue on Public Service Values in the Media and International Solidarity  

On 17 March 2005, representatives from journalists' unions from Europe, Canada, the US and Australia met to debate on media concentration and its impact on public service values, quality and editorial independence. At the end of the meeting, participants defined the priority actions for the coming months. Related documents: United States: The American Experience of Media Consolidation, by Tom Carpenter Europe: Broadcasting: the European Dimension and Media Concentration and Public Service Values by Granville Williams Australia: - Background paper by Quentin Dempster - Public enemies, an article published by Quentin Dempster in the Walkley Magazine  
13182. IFJ Alarmed by Nepalese Authorities' Change in Questioning Tactics of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed by the latest change in questioning procedure by Nepalese authorities. Narayan Walge, editor of Kantipur, was summoned for questioning by the Crime Investigation Division of the District Police Office at Hanuman Dhoka, and not by the Chief District Officer. "This latest development widens the potential for arrests, harassment and detainment of journalists by Nepalese authorities, " said IFJ President Christopher Warren. On Thursday 17 March 2005, Walge presented himself to the police office in accordance with a summons presented to him on Wednesday 16 by the Crime Investigation Division of the Police. Walge and…  
13184. IFJ Nepal Capsule Report: Harassment, Arrests and Censorship - All Daily Occurrences for Nepali Journalists  

Arrests, censorship, detention and being shot at are part of daily life for Nepali journalists, says the International Federation of Journalists. Following a dramatic week in Nepal the media is in a state of chaos. Four journalists were arrested, two sentenced to three months detention, a blackout of news programming for FM radio continues and a journalist in Sunsari district was shot at. "With daily news of arrests, intimidation and job losses our Nepali colleagues need our support more than ever," said IFJ President Christopher Warren, "Just when you think the situation for media in Nepal could not deteriorate further, news is received of a fresh attack, kidnapping or…  
13185. IFJ Raps Eutelsat Over Ban on Chinese Network: “Censorship and a Craven Sacrifice of Principle”  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused Europe’s Eutelsat company of bowing to pressure from communist leaders in Beijing over the cancellation of the contract giving a US-based Chinese television network access to satellite facilities that could reach millions of viewers in mainland China.“The inexplicable decision to suddenly end the contract of an independent broadcaster in this way appears to be a shocking act of censorship,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) was founded in 2001 and has gained an international reputation for its objective and timely reporting of political, economic, and cultural stories in Chinese.The IFJ was…  
13186. IFJ Raps Eutelsat Over Ban on Chinese Network: “Censorship and a Craven Sacrifice of Principle”  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused Europe’s Eutelsat company of bowing to pressure from communist leaders in Beijing over the cancellation of the contract giving a US-based Chinese television network access to satellite facilities that could reach millions of viewers in mainland China. “The inexplicable decision to suddenly end the contract of an independent broadcaster in this way appears to be a shocking act of censorship,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) was founded in 2001 and has gained an international reputation for its objective and timely reporting of political, economic, and cultural stories in Chinese. The IFJ was…  
13187. IFJ Demands Action Over Wave of Media Killings As Two More Die in Philippines  

The wave of killings that last year made the Philippines the most dangerous media hot-spot after Iraq is continuing into 2005 says the International Federation of Journalists with the shooting of two journalists in recent days that brings the death toll since January last year to at least 15. Romeo Sanchez, a broadcaster at DZNL radio in San Fernando City, La Union, and a regional coordinator for the Bayan Muna party was shot dead by a lone gunman on 9 March in Baguio. Arnulfo Villanueva, a columnist for the Asian Star Express Balita newspaper was shot in a separate incident on 28 February. His body was found on a roadside in Naic, Cavite Province. Police suspect he was killed over his…  
13190. IFJ Condemns Somali Authorities Over “Indiscriminate Detention” of Local Reporter  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the detention of Somali journalist Abdirisak Ahmed Absuge who was arrested 5 March by the authorities of the Middle Shebelle region. “The authorities should either release Absuge or charge him. They can not indiscriminately detain journalists without reason,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. This latest event comes shortly after the murder of BBC journalist Kate Peyton which raised many concerns regarding the protection and safety of media professionals in Somalia. In a meeting today with the IFJ in Brussels, Omar Faruk Osman, Secretary General of the IFJ affiliate, Somali Journalists’ Network (SOJON) said, “this…  
13194. EFJ Intervention at Council of Europe Media Summit in Kiev  

Council of Europe Ministerial Media Summit Kiev, March 10-11th 2005 Intervention by Aidan White European Federation of Journalists First, of all can I say that journalists across Europe will welcome the tone and practical content of the draft conclusions before this summit. The issues you have touched on – the rule of law, editorial independence, tolerance, public service values, pluralism and social cohesion – are democratic values which are nourished by quality journalism, which is at the core of the European Federation of Journalists current agenda for change. In particular, media will take comfort from your recognition of current efforts within the industry to reduce the…  
13199. IFJ Demands Case Against Pakistani Journalist Be Withdrawn  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has demanded the immediate withdrawal of a case against Pakistani journalist Afzal Nadeem for allegedly breaching the Official Secrets Act. “We condemn the ongoing use of such oppressive laws on journalists and demand that this case is immediately dismissed,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren today. Nadeem, a senior reporter of Daily Awam and GEO, is accused of publishing a story that was based on an official letter written by Lt Colonel Farooq Marwat of the National Crisis Management Cell accusing the Muhetada Quami Movement of improperly collecting Tsunami relief aid by force. If found guilty of breaching the Official…  
13204. Journalists Shocked at Death of Key Witness to Gongadze Murder  

Ukraine journalists today expressed shock at the news of the death of Yury Kravchenko, a key witness in the inquiry into the murder of investigative reporter Gyorgy Gongadze. Kravchenko, was found dead at his home only hours before he was due to be interviewed by the state prosecutor. The Interior Ministry has stated that provisional examination of the scene indicates suicide. “This is an appalling setback for the investigation. The authorities have committed themselves to solving the case but have carelessly failed to protect a key witness”, said Arne König, Chair of the European Federation of Journalists, currently in Kyiv. “The government should immediately ensure all key witnesses…  
13206. Public service broadcasting and state aid – frequently asked questions  

This Document was Published by the European Commission Do the EC Treaty state aid rules prohibit financing of public broadcasters? Not at all. Although the financing of public service broadcasters (PSBs) through contributions from the State budget or licence fees is usually state aid as defined in Article 87(1) EC Treaty, it may well be justified if the financing is necessary to fulfil a task in the public interest (“service of general economic interest”, SGEI). This is consistent with the EC Treaty’s rules whereby the application of competition rules to public undertakings and undertakings to which Member States grant special or exclusive rights should not obstruct the performance…  
13208. IFJ Condemns “Dangerous Game of Intolerance” Against the Media in Colombia  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) for using the media as a scapegoat in a “dangerous game” that threatens the lives of journalists and innocent civilians. In a press statement released over the weekend by the FARC, the group claimed responsibility for the 20 February bombing of the RCN Radio and Television building in Cali, which injured two people and wrecked 70 per cent of the building housing the studios of the station. The statement which attacked the RCN as an “echo chamber” for army propaganda and a semi-official government media, mirrored comments made by the…  
13211. Arrest Welcome but IFJ Presses Kiev to Test Kuchma Link to Gongadze Killing  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed the news that there has been a breakthrough in the case of murdered internet journalist Gyorgy Gongadze in the Ukraine but warned that “there can be no justice until all the evidence is examined.” Earlier today, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said that authorities had detained several suspects in the killing of Gongadze and that further investigations are underway. Yushchenko has acknowledged that two of the four main witnesses in the case have been killed and today explained that, “The main task now is to get to the most important thing: who organized and ordered the murder”. “At last it looks like there’s a…  
13213. IFJ Backs Australian Union Call for Open and Transparent Process in ABC Board Appointments  

The IFJ's affiliate in Australia, the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance is calling on the Australian Government to reform its closed-door approach to ABC board appointments in favour of an open and transparent process, following the appointment of Janet Albrechtsen. On Thursday 24 March, Communications Minister Helen Coonan announced that Ms. Albrechtsen, who writes for News Ltd’s The Australian, was appointed to the ABC board. The announcement of the Government’s decision, like Albrechtsen’s conservative weekly column, sparked immediate controversy. The Alliance joins the Labour opposition and ABC staff in opposing the direct appointment, saying it generates a blatant and…  
13216. IFJ Protests Over Attacks on Journalists and Media Staff in Israel  

Ministry of Defense H.E. Saul Mofaz Hakiria 61909 Tel Aviv, Israel Via Fax: +972 3 696 2757 Via Email: [email protected] Cc: Commissioner Moshe Karadi, Inspector General of the Israel Police, National Police Headquarters Haim Bar Lev Road, Jerusalem, Israel Via Fax: +972 2 5308118 Cc: Israeli Embassy Belgium Via Fax : +32 2 373 5677 Brussels, 24 February 2005 Dear Excellency, On behalf of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of journalists, representing more than 500,000 journalists around the globe, I am writing to express our deep concern over attacks on journalists and media staff in the recent weeks and…  
13217. Tunisia’s Free Speech Record Spoils Hopes For United Nations Internet Summit Says IFJ  

A report issued today warning that freedom of expression is under siege in Tunisia underscores the need for urgent change in the country in the months leading up to the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society, which is due to conclude in Tunis in November. The International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ group, says that the credibility of the summit is threatened while the host country is intimidating human rights activists, closing down dissident Internet sites and continuing with censorship of books and newspapers. “It is hard to talk of free speech in cyberspace in a country that stifles the authentic voice of independent journalism,”…  
13219. Comments on Draft Political Texts to be submitted to the 7th European Ministerial Conference on Mass Media Policy  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional body the European Federation of Journalists welcomes the commitments and values expressed by the texts, building as they do on the work done by the Council of Europe in this field over many years. In the context of recent developments in the Ukraine, the holding of the Conference in Kiev provides an appropriate backdrop for the development of a forward-looking strategy for media and journalism in Europe. We appreciate, too, the contribution of the CDMM, soon to be changed to the Steering Committee of the Mass Media and New Communications Services (CDMC) and we shall continue to play a role in the Committee’s work. Even…  
13220. Journalists Unite to Demand an End to Violence and A “Fresh Start” for Press Freedom in Iraq  

Journalists’ leaders from across Iraq this week announced a programme of action that will create a new and unified movement of journalists to combat violence against media, to foster ethical and genuinely independent journalism and to end the current cycle of political manipulation that has infected all sectors of media. A new grouping – the Iraqi National Journalists Advisory Panel – which brings together progressive elements of the old journalists’ syndicate as well leaders of a new press union and Kurdish journalists, says the first priority is the elimination of all threats of violence against the journalists. Since the US invasion two years ago 73 media staff have been killed in…  
13222. EFJ Backs Striking Journalists at Portuguese Public Broadcaster  

The European Federation of Journalists today supported the strikers at Portuguese public broadcaster RTP (television and radio). The strike has been declared by three media unions against the intransigence shown by the company’s Council of Administration which refuses to continue the dialogue on a proposal for a collective agreement. According to the Sindicato dos Jornalistas, the EFJ affiliate in Portugal, the new deal proposed is unacceptable for workers and unions. “Journalists across Europe support our Portuguese colleagues in their rightful struggle for their members and the conditions in the public service media sector”, said Arne König, EFJ Chair. “It is essential for the…  
13223. Christopher Warren, President of the IFJ, on High Level Mission to Nepal  

Mr Christopher Warren, President of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will visit Kathmandu between 16th February afternoon and 19th February afternoon. The IFJ is the international body representing more than 500,000 journalists in over 100 countries worldwide. The IFJ promotes international action to defend press freedom and social justice and promotes human rights, democracy and pluralism. The IFJ is the organisation that speaks for journalists within the United Nations system and within the international trade union movement. The IFJ Mission, led by Christopher Warren will assess the condition of the media and media workers following the Royal Proclamation and the…  
13225. Protection of a person's image in Europe  

Please contribute to the EFJ's analysis on the protection of a person's image in Europe. Fill in and send the following form (PDF) back to the EFJ. Fax number: 00 32 2 235 22 19  
13227. IFJ Warns of New Targeting Threat as BBC Reporter is Killed in Somalia  

The shooting of a British journalist working for the BBC today by unidentified gunmen outside her hotel in the capital of Somalia has the hallmarks of a targeted attack that threatens all media staff working in the country warned the International Federation of Journalists today. Kate Peyton, 39, a producer based in Johannesburg, was taken to the Madina hospital in Mogadishu for an operation to remove a bullet wound to her back but later died of internal bleeding. The circumstances surrounding the incident remain unclear, but according to local reports Peyton was entering the Hotel Sahafi (Sahafi = Journalist) when two masked men drove by in a taxi and shot her in the shoulder. “The…  
13230. Killing of two Pakistani journalists a huge setback for democratic media, says IFJ  

The recent killing of two Pakistani journalists by tribesman in the country’s South Waziristan region, is a “huge setback “ for the development of a democratic media system in Pakistan, said the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today. “This horrific incident signals a huge setback for the development of a free and independent media in Pakistan,” said IFJ president, Christopher Warren. Amir Nawad, a freelance journalist for the Associated Press Television News (APTN), and Allah Noor, who worked for a local Pakistani TV channel Khyber TV, were killed after gunmen opened fire on their car travelling back to the region’s main town, Wana. Anwar Shakir, who works for…  
Search results 13161 until 13230 of 15063