15058 results:

3711. South Asia: IFJ campaign highlights Kashmir’s ongoing internet controls  

As the world battles the Covid-19 pandemic under widespread lockdowns and the mass movement of work into an online space, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) cast a spotlight on government controls impeding media, freedom of expression and vital communications in Indian-administered Kashmir. When the Indian government imposed an internet shutdown in Kashmir on August 5, 2019 revoking Article 370 of the Constitution of India, media in Kashmir was rendered virtually dysfunctional by imposing restrictions on physical mobility and communications, including internet and telephone services. Journalists’ struggled with their work…  
3712. Uganda : Journalist hospitalised after being brutalised by the UPDF  

Ugandan journalist Perez Rumanzi was admitted into hospital after being severely beaten by members of the Ugandan police force. Uganda : Journalist hospitalised after being brutalised by the UPDF Ugandan journalist Perez Rumanzi was admitted into hospital after being severely beaten by members of the Ugandan police force. Journalist Perez Rumanzi, who works for the Daily Monitor as well as the Nation Media Group was assaulted on Wednesday 1st April in the evening.  The IFJ joins it affiliate the Ugandan Journalists Union (UJU) in condemning this actsof brutality against a journalist.  Perez Rumanzi was attacked along Kaguta road in the Ntungamo Municipality, in the…  
3713. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between March 27 and 3 April, 2020 English CoE Urged to Stop Countries Abusing Pandemic to Curb Freedoms (BALKAN INSIGHT) Press freedom organisations ask Venice Commission to review Hungary’s emergency law (THE SHIFT) Guardian reporter forced to leave egypt after controversial coronavirus article (VENTURES) Europe’s leaders must protect free flow of information to tackle COVID-19: IPI joins with press freedom partners in call to EU leaders (MAINSTREAM…  
3714. Global Unions’ COVID-19 Response  

The leaders of the global union movement, the ITUC and Global Union Federations, convened by video on 30 March to assess developments and urgent needs across the different sectors of the global economy as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread. Priority concern is for the millions of health workers whose work is the frontline defence against COVID and who are experiencing extremely high rates of infection, many with fatal consequences. The need for self-isolation for many more is adding strain to already overstretched health facilities. Public health systems around the world are struggling to cope, with years of under-funding and privatisation leaving them unable to deal with the…  
3715. COVID-19: Serbian government must guarantee free flow of information  

Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic, withdrew a planned decree that would have limited the publishing of information related to COVID-19 just to official sources on 2 April. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) welcome the U-turn by the government and urges the authorities to respect the free flow of information and not to arrest journalists for their reports on COVID-19. The Serbian government had on 28 March passed a decree stating that only the Prime Minister or individuals authorized by the Crisis Management Taskforce could release information about the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the government, the decision was intended to fight against fake…  
3716. Tchad: Les forces de sécurité brutalisent et molestent une équipe de télévision  

Un journalistes son caméraman et leur chauffeur ont été agressés par les forces de police, le jeudi 26 mars, à Champ - dans le district de Fils au Tchad. Tchad: Les forces de sécurité brutalisent et molestent une équipe de télévision Un journalistes son caméraman et leur chauffeur ont été agressés par les forces de police, le jeudi 26 mars, à Champ - dans le district de Fils au Tchad. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié l’Union des journalistes Tchadien (UJT) pour condamner ces agressions envers leurs confrères et exiger une enquête immédiate. Le journaliste Aly Mahamat Bello de la télévision nationale tchadienne, son caméraman Abakar Mahamat Seid et…  
3717. Being a journalist in Italy  

Italian journalists are on the front lines in the emergency that has hit the country. Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FSNI) is working to support all our journalists and are in continuous dialogue with the Italian government. We have urged support for media and journalists. Increasingly, the press has been recognized as a public good and an essential service. All italian media - newspapers, tv, websites - are demonstrating how vital good and accurate information is for people during such a period. People want to know what's happening and what to do and only professional media can tell them the truth. Obviously, it is not easy. All publishing companies are suffering from a lack of…  
3718. First tributes  

The social responsibility of the journalist has never been more true than in this period of global crisis, as the preamble to our Global Charter of Ethics recalls: “The journalist's responsibility towards the public takes precedence over any other responsibility, in particular towards their employers and the public authorities.” On the front line facing the Covid-19 virus and in order to fulfill their mission to inform, journalists and media workers must absolutely respect the advice of the IFJ in matters of security during this crisis. Unfortunately, the profession counts day after day contaminated journalists, and also deplores deaths linked to the coronavirus. The IFJ offers its…  
3719. Estado de situación: despidos y suspensiones en medios de América Latina con el COVID19 como contexto  

En varios países empresas de medios despiden o suspenden trabajadores de prensa valiéndose de la crisis económica producida por el COVID como pretexto. En algunos grupos mediáticos los despidos se venían ejecutando desde el año pasado. Sindicatos afiliados a FIP y organizaciones nacionales relevan casos. Desde la FIP rechazamos los reiterados episodios de despidos y el accionar recurrente por parte de algunas empresas de medios que no cumplen con los requisitos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud e incluso de gobiernos locales de acatar el distanciamiento social y aplicar teletrabajo. Manifestamos nuestro firme repudio ante esta actitud que atenta contra trabajadores. cercena la…  
3720. Pakistan: Exiled Pakistani journalist missing  

Sajid Hussain, a Pakistani journalist granted political asylum in Sweden in 2017, is reported as missing. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Svenska Journalistförbundet (SJF) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) urge the Swedish government to conduct a swift investigation into Hussain's disappearance. On Friday, March 28, online Pakistani newspaper Balochistan Times revealed its editor-in-chief, Sajid Hussain has been missing since March 2.The 39-year-old was last seen at 11am on March 2 in the Swedish city of Uppsala. Hussain’s friends reported his disappearance to the Swedish police after they stopped receiving…  
3721. India: Supreme Court orders media to only publish official information on Covid-19  

The Supreme Court of India ordered media to only refer to, publish and broadcast the official version of the information on the health crisis, citing a need to avoid inaccuracies and widespread panic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), while advocating for responsible and accurate journalism, express serious concern on possible misinterpretation of the order. The Supreme Court issued the order in response to a request from the central government that media outlets publish the government’s position to avoid panic in “larger sections of society”. The order that was issued on March 31 also directs  the Indian…  
3722. Myanmar: Editor arrested over interview with ethnic armed group  

Ko Nay Myo Lin, the editor-in-chief of Voice of Myanmar (VOM), was arrested on March 30 for breaching the Counter Terrorism Law after publishing an interview with the spokesperson of the Arakan Army (AA). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is disappointed by the arrest and urges the authorities to drop the legal case against the journalist. On the evening of Monday, March 30, officers from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and local police arrested  Nay Myo Lin in his home in Mandalay, Myanmar’s second largest city. Nay Myo Lin then appeared in Thanmyathazi Township Court on Tuesday, March 31. Nay Myo Lin, formerly from  BBC's Burmese-language news…  
3723. Iran: Government orders nationwide ban on print publications  

The Iranian State Board for Fighting Corona Disease (SBFCD) passed a nationwide ban on all print publications on 30 March. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged the SBFCD to immediately review the ban and stop using Covid-19 to undermine press freedom. Since the pandemic outbreak in Iran, the coronavirus task forces and State Board, comprising both government officials and military commanders appointed by the Supreme Leader, have been in charge of decision-making on public measures. The new ban obliges Iranian media outlets not to publish print versions of their news and only publish them on the internet and on social media until the settlement of…  
3724. Sweden: Exiled Pakistani journalist goes missing  

UPDATE 5/05/2020 Sajid Hussain, a Pakistani journalist who was granted political asylum in Sweden in 2017, has gone missing. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in urging the Swedish government to conduct a swift investigation into Hussain's disappearance. On Friday, March 28, online Pakistani newspaper Balochistan Times revealed its editor-in-chief, Sajid Hussain has been missing since March 2. The 39-year-old was last seen at 11am on March 2 in the Swedish city of Uppsala. Hussain’s friends reported his disappearance to the Swedish police after they stopped receiving phone calls from…  
3725. Côte d’Ivoire: Lettre syndicale au Procureur de la République  

L’accès à l’Information pour la sensibilisation des populations reste le seul moyen le plus sûr pour lutter efficacement contre les pandémies qui sévissent dans le monde, à l’image de la pandémie à coronavirus qui sévit actuellement sur la planète terre. Intersyndicale du secteur des médias en Côte d’Ivoire (ISMCI) Malheureusement, mille fois malheureusement, force est de constater qu’en Côte d’Ivoire, le Procureur de la République a choisi ces temps de doute, avec le coronavirus qui sévit dans notre pays et ayant déjà fait un mort et plusieurs dizaines de cas confirmés ; pour détourner les Ivoiriens du centre d’intérêt qu’est cette pandémie pour se donner à son jeu favori qu’est la…  
3726. South East Asia: Concerns over authoritarian clampdown  

The South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) network remains concerned for the physical and financial safety of journalists reporting in South East Asia during the Covid-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and SEAJU call on the authorities and media houses to respect press freedoms and ensure the safety of journalists. Issues in the region have escalated since the outbreak of Covid-19, hindering the media's ability to provide the public with clear, factual information. Already journalists are facing challenges with draconian laws affecting the free flow of information and their ability to produce factual reports on the health crisis. Further, journalist face…  
3727. México: asesinan a una periodista en Veracruz  

La fundadora del portal Quinto Poder, María Elena Ferral Martínez, fue baleada en la vía pública y murió en el hospital. Desde el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa de México demandan que el Mecanismo Federal de Protección a Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas, dependiente de la Fiscalía General de la República, tome cartas en el asunto para proteger a lxs familiares y colegas de la víctimas. La FIP condena firmemente el asesinato de la periodista mexicana María Elena Ferral Martínez, fundadora del portal Quinto Poder y colaboradora de varios medios de ese país. Acompañamos a nuestrxs afiliadxs en el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa de México…  
3728. COVID-19: Council of Europe must ensure press freedom is protected  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined other press freedom groups in calling on Europe’s top human rights and democracy organization to protect free flow of information and ensure that media freedom is guaranteed as states strive to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. IFJ joined with nine other press freedom and journalists groups to write to the heads of the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe to express its profound concerns over the dangers of governments taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to punish independent and critical media and introduce regressive restrictions. The open letter was sent to Marija Pejcinovic Buric, Secretary General of the Council of…  
3729. María Elena Ferral Martínez  

The founder of Quinto Poder was shot by an unidentified gunman in the street and later died in hospital. The shooting happened when Ferral Martinez, a female media executive, was walking to her car in the city of Papantla and an individual on a motorcycle opened fire on her. She died at the regional hospital of Poza Rica. According to local press reports, the journalist had already reported threats in 2016 and she was assigned a protection officer to accompany her 12 hours a day while four cameras were installed in her house. In weeks prior to her killing, Ferral Martinez had received threats every day through social networks, with messages smearing her in a vicious campaign to undermine…  
3730. Hungary: new law uses Covid-19 to tackle press freedom  

The Hungarian Parliament passed a bill on 30 March allowing the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to rule by decree without a set time limit. Under the new law, people who spread so-called misinformation will face up to five years jail terms. Following Hungarian government's request for an indefinite extension of the state of emergency, the law voted by parliament on 30 March grant Prime minister Viktor Orbán sweeping powers to rule by decree, and the power to impose prison sentences of up to five years for promoting false information. The government has portrayed its request as a necessary response to the challenges posed by the coronavirus…  
3731. Uruguay: 300 despidos desde el inicio de la pandemia  

Empresas de medios cesantearon a 300 trabajadores en la última semana y desde la Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya advierten sobre una posible maniobra para reducir personal con la crisis del coronavirus como pretexto. Desde FIP repudiamos los más de 300 despidos que empresas de medios uruguayas han dispuesto en los últimos días y apoyamos a nuestro afiliado, la Asociaciòn de la Prensa Uruguaya (APU), que releva los casos y prepara denuncias de ser necesario. “Nos preocupa que en esta situación algunas empresas amplifiquen la crisis por el COVID19 y aprovechen para depurar la plantilla. Si así lo hicieran lo denunciaremos, vamos a hacer un seguimiento”, afirmó el presidente de APU, Fabián…  
3732. Belarusian: BAJ calls for immediate release of Siarhei Satsuk and drop of criminal charges  

On March 25, 2020, at about 16:30, Siarhei Satsuk, member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, journalist and editor-in-chief of the online publication "Ejednevnik" (EJ.BY), was detained. The detention was made by the staff of the Financial Investigation Department of the State Control Committee. The pretext for the detention was the money Satsuk had allegedly received for EJ's investigative journalism more than a year ago. These funds are incriminated as a "bribe" under part 2 of article 430 of the Criminal Code of Belarus (receiving a bribe, punishable by imprisonment for three to ten years). Siarhei Satsuk is known as a journalist and editor engaged in investigative journalism.…  
3733. IFJ Killed Journalists Report - 2019  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today released its annual report of killings of journalists, detailing 49 deaths worldwide in 2019. The world's largest organisation of journalists reiterated its call for a real commitment by governments to fight impunity for crimes committed against journalists and for media employers to provide safety training, insurance and equipment for their staff in the field. On 31 December 2019, the IFJ published its list of media workers killed in the line of duty, showing 49 journalists killed in 2019, including three women, half as many as in previous years.  The report, published on 4 February, provides a…  
3734. COVID-19: IFJ and EFJ urge Turkish government not to discriminate against political prisoners  

Sixteen human rigths and professional organisations urged Turkish Government not to discriminate against political prisoners in its forthcoming early parole bill. The Arrested Lawyers Initiative, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) , European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), Foundation of Day of the Endangered Lawyers, Freemuse Association, International Association of People’s Lawyers, International Observatory of Human Rights, European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Italian Federation for Human Rights, Lawyers for Lawyers, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, Liga voor de Rechten van de Mens, Platform for Peace and Justice, Social Justice Advocacy Campaign, Open…  
3735. COVID-19: restrictions on access to information in Romania  

The president of Romania Klaus Werner Iohannis signed on 16 March an emergency decree which, among other measures, allows the National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) to order take-down notices for websites and news reports containing “fake news”. The International and European Federation of Journalists believe that governments are right to tackle misinformation but warn against a set of measures that could lead to self-censorship. The Romanian emergency decree includes an article on countering the spread of pandemic related “false information” online, which will allow the takedown of articles and entire websites. “The decision came as a shock to many…  
3736. Ukraine: journalist attacked while investigating sale of protective masks  

TV channel NewsOne journalist Tetiana Sivokon was physically attacked on 24 March by a shop owner while shooting a story about the sale of protective medical masks, The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EF) recall the press freedom right of covering news on Covid-19. Ukraine is experiencing masks shortage during the coronavirus pandemic. While preparing a report on this topic, NewsOne TV crew was informed by locals that the owner of a drug store in the Khmelnitsky region had several large boxes with medical masks. The targeted journalist Tetiana Sivokon explained: “We went to this shop, saw the announcement that masks are in stock. I politely…  
3737. Pakistan: Journalist granted bail after two months in prison  

Azhar-ul Haq Wahid, a reporter with Channel Five TV and the newspaper Khabrain was released on bail after more than two months in jail for criticising the Pakistani government on social media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the government’s criminalisation of journalism and abuse of legal procedures. The Lahore High Court (LHC) justice Mujahid Mustaqeem granted Wahid bail on March 26 with his bond set at PKR 200,000. Wahid was arrested by the Federal Investigation Agency's (FIA) cyber-crime wing on January 16 and heard before judicial magistrate Yasir Arafat the following day. The court initially…  
3738. IFJ Blog: Coronavirus underscores the crucial role - and responsibility - of the free press in a crisis  

Journalism serves as a critical public service, particularly in times of crisis. Now more than ever, media must be able to report independently, writes Peter Greste. Sometimes it takes deeply shocking events to remind us why we need certain social institutions to work freely and effectively. We’re now not just having a pandemic, but we've also had a drought and a catastrophic bushfire season to underscore – in red ink – just how important it is to have a well-resourced and genuinely free media that does its job with professionalism and integrity. In each of the crises from the Summer of Hell, the most valuable thing of all – the thing that saves lives and limits the crises – is consistent…  
3739. Thailand: Emergency Law will further erode press freedom  

The military backed government in Thailand imposed a one-month state of emergency on March 26 to control Covid-19, allowing authorities to impose restrictions on the media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the all forms of pressure for press freedom taken by the government amid the global health crisis. Thailand’s prime minister, Prayuth Chan-Ocha said the state of emergency will increase the country’s efforts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic that has infected hundreds of people in the region. The decree gives the prime minister powers to take down articles and shut down media houses if authorities considered the news item to cause unrest or frighten…  
3740. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between March 20 and 27, 2020. English Governments using virus crisis to punish journalists and free press (THESHIFTNEWS) Rights organisations urge Turkey not to discriminate against political prisoners in early parole bill (AHVAL) Don’t harass journalists, Indian Journalists Union cautions police (NORTHEAST NOW) Refusal of Assange’s bail request condemned (THESHIFTNEWS) IFJ Calls For Action After WikiLeaks Founder Assange Denied Bail Despite…  
3741. Una guía de seguridad para el trabajo periodístico durante la pandemia  

Desde la FIP dirigimos estas recomendaciones a todxs nuestrxs afiliadxs en más de 140 países y aconsejamos compartirlas con colegas y al interior de sus organizaciones. Con el objetivo de asesorar a lxs trabajadores de prensa que deban cumplir funciones durante la pandemia, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas comparte una guía para llevar adelante la labor periodística de la manera más segura posible. Recomendamos a nuestrxs afiliados de todo el mundo que internalicen y compartan estas recomendaciones. También recordamos que todxs lxs periodistas tienen derecho a trabajar con las medidas de protección sanitarias estipuladas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y que la libertad…  
3742. Philippines: Emergency law threatens press freedom  

President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act of 2020 on March 25 that grants him special powers to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, including measures that will penalise individuals or groups who spread false information. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) to express concerns over the legislations’ threat to press freedom and freedom of expression. A day after the Philippines Congress passed the bill, President Duterte signed the law declaring a state of national emergency. The law operates in addition to previous actions taken, such as Duterte’s declaration of the Philippines…  
3743. IFJ Blog: China is trying to rewrite the present  

Beijing’s propaganda blitz seeks to obscure the origins of the coronavirus, writes Louisa Lim. China’s Communist Party has long excelled at rewriting its own history, but with its latest propaganda blitz on the novel coronavirus, it’s rewriting the present. And while the traditional revisionism has largely been aimed at a domestic audience, this time it has a global one in mind. Beijing is attempting to gaslight the world as it escalates its propaganda push to obscure the source of the disease. Yet the real significance of this campaign is that it represents Beijing’s first truly international propaganda offensive and a new front line in the global information war. This is a…  
3744. India: Police attack journalists amid the lockdown  

Police have harassed and attacked journalists in Hyderabad and Delhi on alleged breaches of lockdown orders amid the Covid-19 outbreak. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) and its India affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists (India) condemn the police brutality and urge Indian authorities to allow journalists to work without any restrictions. These police attacks have occurred despite clear instructions issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on March 23 requesting all states and union territories allow journalists to work freely during the lockdown, recognising the essential role journalists play in disseminating…  
3745. Brasil: periodistas condenan falta de acción y medidas contra trabajadores por parte del gobierno federal  

La Federación Nacional de Periodistas alertó sobre el peligro de ignorar las medidas recomendadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y rechazó posibles cambios en los contratos de trabajo que podrían dejar expuestos a millones de brasileños. La FIP se solidariza con lxs colegas brasileños, nuestro afiliado la Federación Nacional de Periodistas (FENAJ) y con el pueblo brasileño en general ante la decisión del presidente Jair Bolsonaro de ignorar las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) de promover el distanciamiento social y la cuarentena obligatoria para frenar la pandemia de Covid-19 que ya ha infectado a 450 mil personas y se ha cobrado la vida de otras 20 mil…  
3746. Venezuela: detienen a dos periodistas por informar sobre casos de COVID-19  

Luego de publicar casos sobre casos de coronavirus no reconocidos por el gobierno, Darvinson Rojas y Beatríz Rodríguez fueron sustraídos de sus hogares por fuerzas de seguridad. Si bien la directora de La Verdad de Vargas fue liberada tras declarar en una fiscalía, el joven lleva cuatro días preso bajo el pretexto de "instigación al odio". En las últimas horas, el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Prensa de Venezuela (SNTP) denunció que fuerzas de seguridad venezolanas detuvieron a lxs periodistas Darvinson Rojas y Beatriz Rodríguez luego de que ambos publicaran información sobre casos de coronavirus en el país. Desde la FIP, exigimos la liberación de Rojas, que ya lleva cuatro días…  
3747. COVID-19: Europe’s leaders must protect free flow of information  

Today the IFJ joined a network of press freedom groups in calling on European leaders to protect free flow of information and ensure that media freedom will be guaranteed as states strive to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. The IFJ joined 8 press freedom and journalists’ groups to warn EU governments against the use of COVID-19 pandemic to punish independent and critical media and to introduce restrictions on media access to government decision making and action. While recognizing that certain emergency measures are needed to combat the pandemic, such measures must be necessary, proportionate, strictly time-limited and subject to regular scrutiny, in…  
3748. Croatia: why are journalists not covered in Goverment’s emergency measures?  

Trade Union of Croatian Journalists and Croatian Journalist’s Association regret that the measures proposed by the Government to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic crisis do not include – the media. (originally published on www.snh.hr) We would like to reminded that since the last crisis in 2008, the number of journalists employed has almost halved, and we believed that the Government, aware of this, would propose measures to protect the people whose importance is shown in these difficult times and who are exposing to danger in order to serve the public. Therefore, we asked the Ministry of Culture for measures for journalists and the media: first and foremost, in…  
3749. #Covid-19: Message from IFJ President to all the IFJ affiliates  

Dear friends and comrades, I am writing to you today because I know that all of you are affected by the Coronavirus/Covid-19 health crisis, that has obviously serious consequences on people's health, with thousands of deaths recorded to date, but also on all other sectors of the global economy. Many borders are closed, thousands of companies have shut down, many of our unions have had to close, as have the IFJ headquarters in Brussels and our three regional offices in Dakar, Sydney and Buenos Aires.  As trade unionists, we have a duty to both protect the employees of our organisations and to advise journalists on the best ways to protect themselves from this pandemic. This…  
3750. FEPALC condena detenciones, restricciones de acceso a la información y despidos de periodistas durante pandemia  

La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) acompaña a sus organizaciones miembros en el marco de la difícil situación que atraviesan los pueblos de América Latina y el mundo en plena pandemia global por casos de coronavirus. En los últimos días en América Latina se han registrado situaciones que atentan contra el derecho al libre ejercicio del periodismo y el derecho al trabajo que afectan a trabajadores de la prensa de la región. Los sucesos más graves se han registrado en Venezuela donde según denunció el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP) se registraron dos detenciones de periodistas por haber informado respecto a casos de personas afectadas…  
3751. South Asia: SAMSN’s plea for journalists, media houses and the government  

Despite the importance of journalism during a crisis, reporters continue to face challenges to their health and safety during the COVID-19 outbreak. The International Federation of Journalists and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) call on journalists, media houses and South Asian governments to act collectively against the COVID-19, by supporting responsible journalism. SAMSN is a network of journalists unions from Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka who together to advocate for the rights of journalists, freedom of expression and association. The IFJ and SAMSN have documented a number of challenges for journalists’ health…  
3752. Australia: Closure of regional newspapers amid coronavirus pandemic  

Regional newspapers in Australia have begun closing their doors and laying off staff following the Australian Government’s economic stimulus response to the coronavirus. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) condemn the regional newspaper closures, emphasising the importance of access to information during the coronavirus pandemic. Over the last week MEAA, has responded to reports stating regional newspapers are shutting down their titles and standing down their staff. According to MEAA, while “the stimulus money available to these businesses include lines of credit, relaxed insolvency regulations and business…  
3753. China: Chinese nationals working in US media outlets dismissed  

Chinese staff members working for US new agencies in Beijing were dismissed as a result of orders by the Beijing Personnel Service Corporation for Diplomatic Missions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that the ongoing retaliatory actions against journalists by China and the US will further impede the free flow of information during this critical public health crisis. The Beijing Personnel Service Corporation for Diplomatic Mission ordered at least seven Chinese nationals, working for US news agencies in Beijing, be dismissed from their jobs on March 19 and 20. The dismissals included workers from the New York Times, Voice of America and two other outlets, yet…  
3754. Philippines: Accreditation discriminates against alternative media  

Bulatlat, a leading alternative online publication was refused media accreditation for access to Coronavirus quarantine areas, with authorities prioritising the mainstream media. The International Federation Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) condemn the discrimination against alternative media outlets and call on authorities to respect press freedom. (PCOO)’s announced mandatory media accreditation for the journalists to access the Luzon quarantine area. On March 22, Bulatlat followed up the application only to be told that the International Press Center is prioritising the mainstream media. This reportedly follows a directive…  
3755. Italy: Chief Editor under police protection after receiving death threats from Neo-Nazi group  

Carlo Verdelli, Chief Editor of “La Repubblica”, a left wing and well-respected Italian newspaper, has been put under police protection after receiving death threats from Neo-Nazi groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) join their Italian affiliate, Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI), in expressing solidarity towards Carlo Verdelli and strongly condemning this appalling intimidation. The police protection measure was ordered by the Interior Ministry on 12 March, following several threats including a death threat coming from a so-called "Neo-Nazi’" silent cells. The FNSI Main Boarding said: “The police…  
3756. Indonesia: Media houses and sources should take COVID-19 safety precautions  

Dozens of journalists in Jakarta and Bogor, West Java are under observation after being in contact with sources who have tested positive for COVID-19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), to call on media companies, sources and government institutions to follow protocols to ensure the safety and wellbeing of journalists during the global pandemic. Journalists who covered the press conference of Bima Arya, the Mayor of Bogor, at his residence on March 16, are under observation after Arya was diagnosed with COVID-19. Arya had returned from a business trip to Azerbaijan and Turkey on March 15 and reportedly had a…  
3757. Hong Kong: Frontline police attacks journalists covering protests  

The protests on March 21 saw the Hong Kong police continue to target reporters. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) condemn the treatment of the media by frontline police officers and urge the government to take action against those who carried out the violations. Reporters covering the demonstration attended by more than 100 people were attacked by police attempting to disperse the protesters on Youxin Street. The event commemorates eight months since the 7.21 incident on July 21, last year where 100 men attacked protesters and passengers at Yuen Long MTR station, injuring 40 people. While dispersing the crowd,…  
3758. India: Kashmir unable to access COVID-19 information online  

More than eight million people living in Kashmir are unable to access reliable health information about COVID- 19 as the seven month long internet shutdown continues. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) urge the Indian government to remove all communication restrictions on Kashmir. The Kashmir population has been denied the free and unrestricted flow of information since August 5, 2019 when Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was revoked, removing the autonomy of Kashmir, imposing a communications shutdown. Recently, the implications of a communications shutdown have worsened with civilians panicking due to a lack of…  
3759. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between March 13 and 20, 2020. English ‘Journalists as diplomatic pawns’: Questions and outrage as China set to expel US reporters ( HONG KONG PRESS) Journalists' murder: No respite from attack on press freedom in South Asia, world over (COUNTERVIEW) In Pakistan, criticism grows dangerous as dissent stifled (THE COLUMBIAN) Amnesty Int’l concerned at Jang/Geo head’s arrest (INTERNATIONAL THE NEWS) UK's lawyer fraternity slams NAB's…  
3760. México: despidos masivos en la agencia nacional de noticias en plena pandemia  

Trabajadores de Notimex denuncian que la dirección despidió más de 200 periodistas, contrató a otras personas y trasladó parte de su redacción a otro edificio. Los empleados acampan fuera de la sede central y, pesar de la crisis del coronavirus, las autoridades no responden sus reclamos. Desde la FIP repudiamos el proceso de despidos que hasta el momento ha dejado en la calle a 241 trabajadores de Notimex, la agencia nacional de noticias mexicana, según denunció el Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de esa entidad (SUTNOTIMEX). Consideramos sumamente perjudicial, en tanto el ejercicio del periodismo es un servicio vital en momentos críticos para la salud pública, que un organismo como la…  
3761. China: IFJ urges Chinese authorities to ensure free flow of information  

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to sweep the world, the Chinese authorities’ response to the crisis is being closely monitored for undue censorship on critical information. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges China’s authorities to give greater commitments to ensure the free flow of information around COVID-19, to allow its own citizens and the global community to remain informed. The IFJ remains particularly concerned about the censoring of key reports on the coronavirus. One important report, based on an interview with the director of the Wuhan Central Hospital Emergency Rescue Unit, has been blocked in China and copies of the publication removed from sale. First…  
3762. Indonesia: Protesters target Tempo newsroom  

Protesters targeted the Indonesian magazine company, Tempo following the paper's publication on a politician allegedly involved with money laundering. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia urge the protesters to resolve the complaint through the Press Council. People from Kushin Ryu Karate Do Indonesia (KKI), a local martial arts school in Jakarta, protested outside the Tempo Jakarta office on March 12. The demonstration claimed the paper published a biased report in December 2019 alleging Oesman Sapta Odang, the former Regional Representatives Council speaker and head of KKI was part of a casino money…  
3763. Egypt: Call for release of photojournalist held on trumped-up terrorism charges  

Egyptian photojournalist Mohammed Hassan has been in jail on trumped-up terrorism charges since September 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns his detention and urges the authorities to immediately release him and all other imprisoned journalists in the country. Mohammed Hassan, a young photojournalist, suffered the harassment of the Egyptian regime since the beginning of his career. He was first arrested on charges of belonging to a terrorist group, spreading false information and calling for demonstrations. Since the first detention, Hassan was released up to five times but the Public Prosecutor's Office systematically…  
3764. Bulgaria: Masked men assaulted journalist Slavi Angelov  

Investigative journalist Slavi Angelov was assaulted near his home in Sofia on 17 March by two unidentified masked men while another filmed the attack. The International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliate, the Union of Bulgarian Journalists (UBJ) in strongly condemning the brutal attack and urge the authorities to bring the attackers and masterminds to justice. Angelov, editor-in-chief of the weeky 168 Hours, has reported on sensitive issues  including the acquittal of a businessman who had caused environmental damage and was involved in prostitution as well as on tycoon Vasil Bozhkov's alleged financial…  
3765. Myanmar: Military drops Irrawaddy and Reuters lawsuits  

Myanmar’s military withdrew two lawsuits against The Irrawaddy and Reuters News Agency on March 18, following the involvement of the Myanmar Press Council. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the outcome and urges authorities to solve all future media disputes with the media’s designated arbiter. In a letter to the Myanmar Press Council, the military said it filed the lawsuit against The Irrawaddy for what is said was misleading news reports which undermined the dignity and image of the military. But this week, the military agreed to drop the actions against the two media organisations and said it would develop a new relationship with the press. The Myanmar Press…  
3766. Philippines: Government media accreditation enforced for Luzon quarantine zone  

Journalists in the Philippines covering Luzon’s quarantine area were ordered on March 16 by the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) that they must obtain identification cards in order to move about and report. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) backed its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in urging the Philippines government to treat media as partners during national emergencies. President Rodrigo Duterte announced a lockdown on March 16 for the entire island of Luzon, home to more than 57 million people in an attempt to control the spread of the coronavirus. The secretary of PCOO, Martin Andanar, said that journalists…  
3767. Azerbaijan: Journalist Afgan Mukhtarli released after 3 years in arbitrary detention  

Independent journalist Afgan Mukhtarli was released after three years in arbitrary detention in Azerbaijan. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) welcome his release while urging the national authorities to release all the journalists who remain in prison for doing their job. Independent journalist Afgan Mukhtarli was abducted by special services on 29 May 2017 in Tbilisi, Georgia, and secretly taken to Baku prison in Azerbaijan. On 12 January 2018 Azerbaijan`s Balakan District Court sentenced Afgan Mukhtarli to 6 years in prison for illegal border crossing, smuggling and violent resistance to public officials. On 18 September 2018, the Supreme…  
3768. Pakistan: Journalist’s body exhumed for second post mortem  

The body of the journalist Aziz Memon was exhumed on March 15 after a joint investigative team (JIT) found the initial post mortem report ‘unsatisfactory’. Memon was allegedly murdered in Naushero Feroze district on February 16. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its concern over the handling of the case and demands a formal inquiry. The head of the JIT, tasked with looking into the alleged killing, sought permission from the court over recommendations of senior doctors to conduct the post mortem again. The investigation team claimed it found many flaws in the previous post mortem report. The dead body of 56-year-old journalist with Kawish Television Network (KTN)…  
3769. China: US journalist press passes revoked for “ideological bias”  

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on March 18 that all US journalist working in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post will have their press passes revoked. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with its affiliates, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) and Associação de Imprensa em Português e Inglês de Macau (AIPIM) are deeply disappointed by this decision which will deal a blow to media reporting in the region and harm the public’s right to know at a critical juncture. On March 18, 2020 the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs delineated its retaliation against recent restrictions…  
3770. Myanmar: Legal action against The Irrawaddy newsroom continues  

The Yangon court accepted the Myanmar military’s legal dispute against The Irrawaddy over the newsroom coverage of the conflict in Rakhine State. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) reiterates its call for authorities to drop the case and protect journalist’s rights. After a year of stalling, on March 16, the legal action against The Irrawaddy for contravening Article 66 (d) of the Telecommunications Law continued. The military filed a lawsuit against the Irrawaddy News’ editor U Ye Ni on April 12, 2019 at Kyauktada Police Station, in Yangon for its coverage of the conflict between Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA) in Mrauk-U town in Rakhine State. Irrawaddy reported…  
3771. Russia: Jihadist propagandist offers reward for killing Russian journalists  

A jihadist propagandist offered on his Telegram channel a 50,000$ reward for the killing of two Russian journalists covering the Syrian war. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), in expressing deep concerns over the threats and calling on the VGTRK media company to ensure their safety. According to media reports, a reward of 25,000$ was offered to militants who kill Russian war correspondents Evgeny Poddubnyy or Oleg Blokhin.   Podbubnyy and Blokhin are covering the Syrian war from the frontline. RUJ Executive Secretary and IFJ Vice President, Timur Shafir said: “We are deeply concerned about this situation.…  
3772. Malaysia: Malaysiakini journalist target of online hate campaign  

Malaysiakini journalist Kow Gah Chie has been targeted in an online hate campaign after publishing a story on the country’s new environment minister and his defence for logging in Kelantan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) to urge Facebook to take immediate action to end the harassment of Kow Gah Chie on its platform. The attacks on the Malaysiakini journalist began on March 12, after publication of a video on KiniTV a day earlier of a doorstop interview with the incoming environment minister, Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man. In the video, Tuan Ibrahim, who is also the deputy president of Islamist Party…  
3773. Turkey: rights groups call for swift end to Evrensel’s advertising ban  

A group of local and international freedom of media organizations wrote a joint letter to Press Advertising Agency (BİK) on 16 March 2020, calling for an end to a ban on running state ads that was imposed on independent newspaper Evrensel in September 2019. Read here the full letter: Rıdvan Duran, General Director, Basın İlan Kurumu (BIK) March 16, 2020 Dear Mr. Duran, On behalf of the 24 international and local press freedom organisations and signatories to this letter, we are writing to ask that Basın İlan Kurumu (BIK) swiftly lift the advertising ban currently imposed on the newspaper Evrensel. Evrensel has been under an advertising ban since September, 2019, and if the ban remains…  
3774. US: IFJ welcomes Chelsea Manning release  

A District Court in Virginia, United States, ordered the release of whistleblower Chelsea Manning on 13 March. Manning, was jailed in March 2019 for refusing to cooperate in a federal grand jury investigation into WikiLeaks. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes Manning’s release but reaffirmed its position that she should have never been arrested and urged the authorities to drop the fines imposed on her. UPDATE 17/03/2020: Supporters of Chelsea Manning raised the entire cost of her court fines in just two days. Chelsea Manning, a former army intelligence analyst for the United States in Iraq, served 11 months in jail after her refusal to testify in the…  
3775. Pakistan: Broadcaster Geo TV blocked & relocated after reporting editor arrest  

Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) ordered cable operators to relocate Geo TV’s broadcast on March 13 in apparent retaliation for the network’s coverage of the arrest of its editor in chief. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) urges the authority to lift its order. Just a day after the arrest of the editor-in-chief of the Jang and Geo Group, Mir Shakilur Rahman, PEMRA issued a show-cause notice on March 13 to Geo News for “airing unipolarity of views in its news bulletin and programmes” and for discussing “under investigation/trial matters barred under PEMRA laws”.A separate PEMRA order also requested…  
3776. Bangladesh: Journalist convicted after midnight raid  

Kurigram based journalist, Ariful Islam was arrested at midnight on March 13 and sentenced within a few hours by a “mobile court”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the imprisonment and the dubious use of mobile courts. Bangla Tribune correspondent, Ariful Islam was arrested at around 11:45 pm for alleged possession of 450ml of liquor and 100g of hemp. Mostarima Sardar, Ariful’s wife said, “The door was broken open in the middle of the night, Ariful was beaten up and then forcefully taken away. They didn’t find any drugs.” Ariful was taken to the Kurigram deputy commissioner’s office where reports state he was tortured. Within two hours of the arrest, he was…  
3777. India: Justice eludes Tongam Rina  

Eight years on since unidentified gunmen fired upon journalist Tongam Rina in Arunchal Pradesh, the country’s media community is speaking out on the abject failures by police and the justice system in India. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate the Indian Journalist Union (IJU) condemn the deplorable handling of Tongam Rina’s case and the climate of impunity that is continuing to shield her attackers – who are still yet to be identified. On July 15, 2012, the well-known investigative journalist and associate editor of the Arunachal Times was shot by unknown gunmen as she entered her office in Itanagar. The attack left her intestines and backbone damaged…  
3778. Pakistan: IFJ concerns over arrested editor in chief  

The editor in chief of Pakistan's largest media group was arrested over a 34-year old property deal following an investigation by the country's anti-corruption watchdog, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB). The International Federation of Journalists joined its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in expressing grave concern about the implications of the arrest for freedom of expression and the jobs and rights of the company's workers. Mir Shakeel Ur Rehman, the editor in chief of the Jang and Geo Media Group was arrested on March 12 following an investigation by the NAB into allegations that property purchased 34 years ago by Mr Rehman had been bought illegally.…  
3779. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between March 06 and 13, 2020. English In Pakistan, Criticism Grows Dangerous as Dissent Is Stifled, (THE DIPLOMAT) UNESCO organized a two-day capacity building workshop for women journalists in Colombo, (INDIA EDUCATIODIARY) Gulf Countries’ Soft Power Plans Get A Polite Reality Check, (FORBES) In Pakistan, criticism grows dangerous as dissent stifled, (INFOSURHOY) Français La Fédération internationale des journalistes exige la libération de Khaled…  
3780. IFJ Brussel's headquarters closed for at least 3 weeks  

The IFJ headquarters in Brussels will be closed for at least three weeks from 16 March until 6 April due to the spread of the #coronavirus. We will continue to serve our members the best we can and remain contactable. Thanks for your understanding and keep safe.  
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