15063 results:

10501. FUJ Seeking Appeal against Unfair Contracts on Freelancers  

Suomen Journalistiliitto, the Union of Journalists in Finland (FUJ) is seeking an appeal  in the High Court against the Finnish Market Court’s decision to dismiss the case of unfair contracts imposed on 550 freelancers by the Sanoma News Group (SNG). The dispute started in May 2009 when SNG demanded its freelancers to give 'exclusive' and 'full' rights of the materials they produce to the company without additional remunerations for future publications. These also include the right to modify the copyrighted materials of freelancers, to publish them in another form of expression (e.g. digital format) and to sell them to other publishers for publishing without additional…  
10502. IFJ Backs Sri Lankan Journalists’ Protests Against Suppression  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) extends its solidarity to Sri Lanka’s five main organisations of journalists as they begin a campaign of protests to draw attention to the new wave of media suppression since the country’s presidential election on January 26.   The Free Media Movement (FMM), the Federation of Media Employees’ Trade Unions (FMETU) and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association (SLWJA) – all IFJ affiliates – are participating in a public rally in Colombo scheduled for noon today. Also involved are the Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum and the Sri Lanka Tamil Media Alliance.   Issues to be raised at…  
10503. IFJ/EFJ Authors' Rights Newsletter February 2010  

Download PDF here  
10504. IFJ Condemns Harassment and Intimidation of Nigerian Broadcasters  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned today the continued harassment and intimidation of the reporters of the Plateau Radio and Television Corporation (PRTVC) by soldiers in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. Three reporters of the media house were molested by soldiers in Jos on Thursday, January 21, 2010, while on Sunday, January 24 PRTVC reporters were again repeatedly manhandled by soldiers in the exercise of their duties. “The deliberate harassment and intimidation of journalists in relation to their work is a flagrant violation of their fundamental right to work and freedom of expression” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office.…  
10505. New Ban on Reporting Tainted Milk Scandal in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is appalled at the latest media order issued by Guangdong Province Propaganda Department banning independent reporting on a new toxic melamine milk scandal.   According to local sources, the order states that all media outlets must only use information formally released by the authorities. The order does not, however, specify which authorities are responsible for publishing the information.   No relevant information is currently available on the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the supervisory department for all food products in China.   The ban comes as…  
10506. EFJ Conference Calls on EU to Act on Crisis for Media and Journalism  

A conference organised by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) at the European Parliament has demanded fresh action from European political leaders to confront the media crisis that is overwhelming journalism across the region.   "Journalism is a public good upon which democracy in Europe depends," said Aidan White, the General Secretary of the EFJ, who also moderated the event. "Yet we see complacency from politicians and a Brussels fixation with market rules rather than citizens' rights as the media industry faces up to the challenges of massive change."   The meeting of journalists' leaders, industry representatives and political leaders called for a…  
10508. South Asia Press Freedom Report 2010: Battle for Democracy  

Click HERE to read the South Asia Press Freedom Report 2010: Battle for Democracy  
10509. Women Journalists, Partners in Trade Union Leadership - Middle East and Arab World 2010  

Click HERE to read the IFJ report on 'Women Journalists, Partners in Trade Union Leadership - Middle East and Arab World 2010'  
10510. 2010: Reporting for All - Challenges for the Media in Nepal's Democratic Transition [Nepali]  

Click HERE to read the 2010 Challenges for the media in Nepal’s Democratic Transition Report (Nepali version)  
10511. 2010: Reporting for All - Challenges for the Media in Nepal's Democratic Transition (English)  

Click HERE to read the 2010 IFJ report Reporting For All: Challenges for the media in Nepal’s Democratic Transition Report (English version)  
10512. 2010 USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia - Sinhala  

Click HERE to read the 2010 IFJ report USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia (Sinhala version)  
10513. 2010 USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia - Nepali  

Click HERE to read the 2010 IFJ report USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia (Nepali version)  
10514. 2010 USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia - Hindi  

Click HERE to read the IFJ 2010 report USIP: media Working for Peace in South Asia (Hindi version)  
10515. 2010 USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia - Bengali  

Click HERE to read the IFJ 2010 report USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia (Bengali version)  
10516. 2010 USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia - English  

Click HERE to read the IFJ 2010 report USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia (English Version)  
10517. IFJ Report Lists China’s Secret Bans on Media Reporting  

    A new report by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on press freedom in China highlights the battle by local censors to control media commentary on a wide range of topics throughout in 2009.   Banned topics range from events associated with social unrest and public protests against authorities, to reports of photos of an actress topless on a Caribbean beach.     The report, China Clings to Control: Press Freedom in 2009, was officially released by the IFJ at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Hong Kong yesterday 31 January.   It presents data gathered by IFJ media rights monitoring in China, detailing the…  
10518. IFJ Fears For Missing Journalist, Urges End to Harassment in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) fully support the call made by the five principal organisations of journalists in Sri Lanka urging government authorities to end immediately the harassment of media personnel, which reached alarming levels on and just before January 26, the day of the country’s presidential election.   The Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association (SLWJA), the Federation of Media Employees’ Trade Unions (FMETU), the Free Media Movement (FMM), the Sri Lanka Tamil Media Alliance (SLTMA) and the Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum (SLMMF) – together known as the SL5 – issued a joint statement recording how the election…  
10519. IFJ Hails Stunning Victory for Working Rights of Journalists in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), today welcomed the successful deal the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate, has reached with the authorities which will see a dramatic change in working conditions for journalists in the state-owned media. The long-awaited agreement, a major breakthrough, comes into force immediately. In early 2009, the government agreed to the pay rises and improved contracts following negotiations with the YJS, which ended a partial strike of journalists working in the four government-owned media, the Saba News agency, the El Tharwa, the Al Jumhureya newspaper and the 14 October newspaper. The deal was due to be implemented…  
10520. The IFJ and Article 19 Support The Guardian in Court Battle for Journalists’ Rights in Iraq  

ARTICLE 19, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Iraqi Union of Journalists today called on the Iraqi authorities to drop charges of defamation against the British newspaper The Guardian and its journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad.  The IFJ and ARTICLE 19 have filed a joint amicus brief to the Iraqi Appeal Court in advance of its hearing on 27 January. In November 2009, an Iraqi court ordered the Guardian to pay a 100m dinar (£52,000) fine to the Prime Minister over a story published in April last year under the title "Six years after Saddam Hussein, Nouri al-Maliki tightens his grip on Iraq". The article quoted three anonymous members of the Iraqi…  
10521. Germany Copyright Law  

10522. Violence and Harassment of Media Mark Sri Lanka Election Campaign  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) notes with concern that the campaign for Sri Lanka’s presidential election due to take place tomorrow has been marked by a high degree of harassment of media personnel and occasional acts of violence.   In the most recent instance of harassment, a busload of media personnel going to the venue of a meeting between opposition candidate Sarath Fonseka and former president Chandrika Kumaratunge was detained by police and questioned about the purpose of their trip. Permitted to proceed after questioning, the journalists were stopped again at another point and again put through a round of…  
10523. African Journalists Make Groundbreaking Cooperation Agreement  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists, was hosted last Friday for the first time by leaders of the Commission of the African Union (AU) at its headquarters in Addis Ababa on the eve of the meeting of African leaders.   FAJ officials met AU Deputy Chairperson Erastus J.O. Mwencha to discuss the state of press freedom in the continent, the safety of journalists, legislation on freedom of information as well as the setting up of a continental-wide observatory for the media.   “As African governments are coming closer to developing policies to be enacted throughout the continent, it is now…  
10524. International Mission Demands Arroyo Protect Media as Elections Loom  

Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and her Government must take all necessary measures to provide local media with protection ahead of upcoming elections, says the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and other members of an international solidarity mission that investigated the November 23 massacre of 58 people in the southern Philippines.   Among those killed were 32 journalists and media workers.   “The massacre underlines the terrible dangers that Filipino journalists face. It also highlights the inability and unwillingness of the State to ensure the protection and safety of journalists who are seeking to perform their duties,”…  
10525. Home of Reporter Attacked in Islamabad  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned over an attack on the home of a reporter in Pakistan’s capital city of Islamabad.   According to reports from the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, the incident occurred early on the morning of January 19, when stones and bricks and were hurled at the home of Azaz Syed, a reporter with the Dawn television channel.   No one was injured but Syed’s car was reportedly damaged.   “The IFJ extends its support to the PFUJ and to the protests that have been undertaken by journalists’ groups in Islamabad, including a boycott of National Assembly…  
10526. IFJ Condemns "Sham" Trial of Journalist as European Parliament Holds Hearing on Tunisia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the four year jail term handed down to Tunisian journalist Fahem Boukadous on 13 January by a court for his reporting on the demonstrations against unemployment and corruption in the mining town of Gafsa in 2008. "We condemn the sham trial which makes an innocent journalist a scapegoat for the government's failings, ‘" said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary." His sentence fits in with the regime's ongoing repression of media in Tunisia." Fahem Boukadous, a reporter for the satellite TV El Hiwar station was accused of "forming a criminal association liable to attack persons" following his reports on…  
10527. IFJ Protests against Legal Harassment of Belarus Association of Journalists.  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today protested against Ministry of Justice threats of legal action against the Belarus Association of Journalists (BAJ) for issuing press cards to its members and for engaging in activities beyond the scope of their statutes.   "To charge a journalists' association with illegally issuing press cards is a sign that the government of Belarus is so anti independent media that it has lost all sense of proportion and reality," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It uses every bureaucratic trick in the trade to squeeze the life out of independent journalism. It opens itself up to ridicule across Europe."   Last week…  
10528. Toll of Media Workers Killed in Massacre Rises as Attacks Continue in the Philippines  

  Another media worker has been confirmed to be among the 58 victims of the Maguindanao massacre in the Philippines on November 23, according to information received by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).   Confirmation that the body of Saksi News photographer Jepon Cadagdagon, 28, was among those killed brings the toll of media personnel killed in the massacre to 32.   The toll includes 31 journalists and media workers whose bodies were recovered, including Cadagdagon, as well as Reynaldo “Bebot” Momay who remains missing, according to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ affiliate.   The…  
10529. IFJ Calls for Reversal of Reporter's Sentence in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the three month jail sentence and one year ban from journalism handed down to Yemeni reporter Anisa Mohammed Ali Othman on 16 January by a court which convicted her of insulting the Head of State. "We condemn this gross injustice done to our colleague and call for this ruling to be set aside," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "Government should take heed of exposure of ills in the country by media rather than drag them through courts on ridiculous charges." According to media reports, Anisa, a journalist for Al-Wasat newspaper, was convicted over two articles she published in 2008 denouncing corruption,…  
10530. IFJ Condemns Deportation Move against US Journalist in Israel  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Israeli authorities to revoke the deportation order served on American journalist and chief English editor of Ma'an news agency, Jared Malsin, who has been held at Tel Aviv International airport since Tuesday after he was denied entry in the country. "We condemn this intolerable violation of press freedom," said Aidan White. "The ban of entry in this case appears to be a reprisal measure for the journalist's independent reporting and that is unacceptable." According to Ma'an news agency, a Palestinian independent media outfit, Jared was arrested At Tel Aviv as he was returning from vacation in Prague. He was…  
10531. China Media Ordered to Censor Google News Reports  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Central Propaganda Department’s demand that China’s media only use information from the state-owned Xinhua and China Daily outlets when reporting on Google Inc’s January 12 announcement to withdraw from operating in China.   The department’s order also said news reports about the issue must not be published in prominent places.   Google made its announcement after reportedly detecting a highly sophisticated targeted attack on its infrastructure, generated from China.   “Any targeted interference in online communications in China raises significant concerns…  
10532. FAJ Condemns Moves to Undermine Media Self Regulation in Zambia  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), is calling on the Zambian authorities to immediately end attacks on Zambian media as they work to establish self-regulatory mechanism.    According to the Zambian Union of Journalists (ZUJ), a FAJ affiliate, Zambian media organisations are in the process of drafting a self-regulatory framework to set minimum standards on ethics, accuracy, personal rights while fully preserving editorial independence of the country’s media. The self-regulatory mechanism will also help Zambian media to react to legitimate complaints and correct mistakes.…  
10533. IFJ Calls for Fair Treatment of Radio K2 in Bulgaria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today called for fair treatment of Radio K2 by the Supreme Administrative Court of Bulgaria."Radio K2 should be granted the chance to exist according to the national broadcasting regulations and we call on Bulgarian regulators and competent bodies to handle its case in a fair and transparent manner that guarantees it is free of political interference," said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White.Radio K2 has participated actively in the democratic life of Bulgarian society since the presidential elections in 2006. In 2007 Radio K2 first applied  for an…  
10534. EFJ Welcomes "Landmark" Victory for Media Freedom  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed the victory of journalist Pennie Quinton and member of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), an EFJ affiliate, following the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights which upheld her complaint against the use of terror laws to stop and search people without grounds for suspicion. The European Court of Human Rights today ruled that powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 to stop and search people without grounds for suspicion violated Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Pennie Quinton, who was represented before the Court by Liberty, a leading British human rights pressure group, was one of two…  
10535. IFJ Supports Journalists' Protests as Yemeni Government Reneges on Commitments to Improved Conditions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its full support to Yemeni journalists' protests demanding the implementation of a pay rise and job descriptions as part of a campaign for improved working conditions across state owned media. "The issues of pay and job descriptions goes to the heart of guaranteeing journalists' conditions in the work place," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "Decent standards in the news room are essential for decent standards of news reporting ." According to the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate leading the campaign, up to 1500 journalists working for four government-owned media, the Saba News agency, the El…  
10536. IFJ Supports Journalists' Protests as Yemeni Government Reneges on Commitments to Improved Conditions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its full support to Yemeni journalists' protests demanding the implementation of a pay rise and job descriptions as part of a campaign for improved working conditions across state owned media."The issues of pay and job descriptions goes to the heart of guaranteeing journalists' conditions in the work place," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "Decent standards in the news room are essential for decent standards of news reporting ."According to the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate leading the campaign, up to 1500 journalists working for four government-owned media, the Saba News agency,…  
10537. IFJ Hopes Bail for Tissainayagam is Step Toward Freedom  

The International Federation Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the decision by the Sri Lankan appeals courts to grant bail to senior journalist J.S. Tissainayagam, over four months after he was convicted and sentenced to 20 years’ jail on terrorism charges.   Tissainayagam was granted conditional bail yesterday pending his appeal against his conviction. At an earlier hearing of his application on December 23, Sri Lanka’s Attorney-General had informed the court that the State had no objection to the grant of bail.   Tissainayagam, one of the first journalists in the democratic world to be convicted on terrorism charges, is expected to be released soon,…  
10538. IFJ Mourns Latest Media Death in Afghanistan, Warns of Risks for "Embedded" Reporters  

The International Federation of Journalists said the death of a British journalist in Afghanistan, who was travelling with United States marines when he was caught in an explosion, was further evidence of the high risks involved in “embedding” journalists with soldiers.   He was the second reporter to die travelling with the military in recent weeks. Rupert Hamer, the defence correspondent of the Sunday Mirror, died of his wounds at the scene of the blast north-west of Nawa in Helmand Province His colleague, photographer Philip Coburn, was critically injured in the blast. Two soldiers were also killed.   “We are shocked by this incident and send our sincere…  
10539. IFJ Calls for Release of Journalists after "Violent" Siege in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the release of Hisham Bashraheel and Hani Bashraheel, respectively editor and managing editor of Al Ayyam newspaper, who were arrested by Yemeni security forces following a three day siege to newspaper.   "We protest the arrest of Hisham and Hani and condemn the heavy handed approach of the authorities which put journalists at serious risk," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "Confrontation and use of lethal force are hardly appropriate means to solve dispute with media. Our colleagues must be set free fortwith." According to the Yemeni Journalists Syndicat (YJS), an IFJ affiliate, the security forces on…  
10540. Wickramatunge Killers Remain Unpunished In Sri Lanka  

  The International Federation of Journalists notes with deep anger and sorrow, that a full year after the daylight murder of Lasantha Wickramatunge in a busy Colombo street, there has been little credible progress in the investigation into an event that caused worldwide outrage.   Speaking to the IFJ, Lasantha’s brother, Lal Wickramatunge, chairman of the Leader group of publications, recounts a story of apathy and indifference.   “There have been hearings of the case every two weeks,” he says, “but no evidence of any progress in identifying the guilty.”   On January 7, a day before the one year anniversary of…  
10542. IFJ Condemns Arbitrary Detention of Journalist and Denounces Threats against Free Press in Mauritania  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the unlawful, arbitrary and unjustified detention of Hannevy Ould Dehah, Director of Taqadoumy website in  Dar Nahim prison in Nouakchott, after he had served his term. “The detention of our colleague beyond the length of his sentence is a scandal,” declared Gabriel Baglo    , Director of IFJ Africa Office. “The legal proceedings against him were baseless because there is no provision under the Mauritanian law for prosecuting electronic press. They were just an excuse to muzzle that media,” he added. Hannevy Ould Dehah was arrested on 18 June 2009 by the prosecutor of…  
10543. Monitoring Change in Journalism - December 2009 Archive  

18 December France: Fears for Job Losses at Lagardère Radio Stations  Lagardère Active Group, the French media conglomerate, announced a restructuring plan at its local radio stations which caused concerns over job losses from both staff and unions. According to the management, the company is facing a "structural crisis". It plans to scale down its regional operation by closing 25 of its local radio stations and reducing around a quarter of its staff at regional level in…  
10544. IFJ Gender newsletter January 2010  

Download here  
10545. The FIJ Calls for the Release of an Editor and a Publisher in Liberia  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for the immediate and unconditional release of Surinus Cephus, editor of the daily newspaper, Plain Truth and Michael Makinde, director of Seamarco Printing Press, publisher of the newspaper in Monrovia, capital of Liberia. “It’s very surprising that after having made lot of progress on press freedom, the government of Liberia is taking a step backwards” said Gabriel Baglo     IFJ Africa Office Director. “The government should have simply refuted the allegations and then  let the judiciary to do its work without any need for arresting our colleagues for a week since more than one…  
10547. IFJ Calls for International Pressure to Find Killers of Kyrgyzstan Journalist  

The IFJ has called for international pressure on Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to find the killers of a prominent independent journalist who was brutally attacked and died yesterday. Gennadi Pavlyuk, a prominent opposition journalist in Kyrgyzstan died on Tuesday after being thrown last week from a sixth-story window inn the Kazakhstan capital Almaty. His arms and legs were bound with tape. Pavlyuk was on a business trip when he was attacked. Observers in Kyrgyzstan moved quickly to blame the Kyrgyz president, Kurmanbek Bakiyev for the killing, and claiming that he was stepping up efforts to stifle dissent. In recent years, opposition leaders and journalists have been attacked.…  
10548. IFJ Condemns Charges against Uzbek Journalist Who Put Truth in the Picture  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned charges brought against a photojournalist in Uzbekistan who faces jail for her revealing documentaries about Uzbek society.   Umida Ahmedova, a prominent Uzbek photographer/videographer, was charged on December 16 with defamation and damaging the country's image because of the content of her photos and videos.  If convicted she could be fined and or jailed in a work camp for up to two years.   Her portrait of Uzbek society, which has offended officials in the state prosecutor’s office, is laced with pictures of children and people of all ages in a country where gender inequalities and the hardship caused by…  
10549. IFJ Condemns Murder of Turkish Editor  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, today condemned the killing of Cihan Hayirsevener, the editor-in-chief of a newspaper engaged in exposing corruption, who was shot dead while leaving his office on Friday.   “This journalists’s death is further evidence that courageous investigative journalism is ever more in the firing line,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Turkey must act quickly to find the killers and bring them to justice.”   Hayirsevener, whose newspaper Guney Marmara'da Yasam (Life in Southern Marmara) has been a platform for exposing…  
10550. IFJ Mission Identifies Key Challenges for Sri Lanka's Media after War's End  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today released the report of a press freedom mission to Sri Lanka, identifying key challenges for the country's journalists and media at the end of 25 years of internal conflict and the inauguration of a new phase of political contests. Media stakeholders who met with the mission during its visit to Sri Lanka in November identified the current political circumstances as embodying numerous threats and opportunities. The entry of a former army commander into the race for the Presidency next year has thrown the contest open and provided an opportunity for local media to create more space for itself. At the same time, the…  
10551. IFJ Honours Journalists Killed in Russia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today paid tribute to the sacrifice of dozens of murdered Russian journalists and their families at a special event in Moscow. The IFJ affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) held its annual Memorial Day in Moscow to honour journalists and media personnel who lost their lives as a result of their work over the last twenty years. "We honour all of those who have been targeted, brutalised and done to death in Russia for doing their job, telling the truth," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President in a message read out at the event. "And we congratulate the union for keeping alive the memories of our colleagues. The loss…  
10552. EJF EUROFOCUS, Dezember 2009  

EFJ Focus (früher EURONEWS) ist das monatliche Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation, was vom EJF Sekretariat in Brüssel erstellt wird. INHALT:EFJ NewsMedien KonzentrationGender NewsRundfunknachrichtenUrheberrechtsnachrichtenEuropean Policy BriefingKalender Mehr Information: Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02Fax: 32-2-235.22.19E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]  
10553. IFJ Welcomes Australian Travel Writers’ Change of Plans  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a decision by the Australian Society of Travel Writers (ASTW) not to accept an offer to hold its annual general meeting in Fiji next year.   The IFJ and its affiliate, Australia’s Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance, urged the society in September to rethink a proposal to conduct the meeting in Fiji in view of the Fiji military regime’s strict censorship and restrictions on people’s access to information.   The IFJ and the Alliance alerted the society to the sharp deterioration in Fiji’s press freedom environment in the preceding 18 months, especially since the regime…  
10554. In Copenhagen, Global Unions call for Green Growth with Social Justice  

Leaders of world trade unions are calling on political leaders gathered in Copenhagen to invest in jobs and develop a green economic policy to tackle climate change. A Global Unions' report; "Green Growth for jobs and social justice" was issued today: In announcing its publication, Anita Normark; Chair of the Council of Global Unions and General  Secretary of Building and Wood Workers International, stated "The fight to reverse climate change must be fought in communities and in workplaces. Strong action by political leaders at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen is essential to set the direction, but it is not sufficient to achieve climate change goals: To…  
10556. Journalist Brutally Assaulted in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the brutal attack on a female journalist and office holder at the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in Rukum District, western Nepal, on December 8.   Local Rajdheni reporter and FNJ central councillor Tika Bista was found unconscious near her home at midday on December 8 with severe injuries to her head, arms and leg. Her damaged laptop, two mobile phones and documents were found nearby.   The FNJ, an IFJ affiliate, said that Bista had reported receiving a threatening phone call on November 29 concerning an article she wrote in which the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (UCPN) Maoist party…  
10558. Tanzanian Journalists Re-launch Union  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Eastern Africa Journalists Association (EAJA) welcome today the re-launch of Tanzanian Union of Journalists (TUJ).   In a three-day meeting in Dar es Salaam, which ended on 5th December 2009, Tanzanian journalists elected a seven-member committee to steer the Tanzania Union of Journalists (TUJ) into proactive labour union and to convene a congress as a way of re-building and promoting democracy in the union, ensuring better conditions of service and ethical journalism.   The three days of trade union development workshop on union building, freedom of association, labour rights and public service values aims at…  
10559. IFJ Condemns News Blackout over Tehran Protests after Two Journalists Jailed  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the Iranian authorities for ordering foreign news media to stay in their offices ahead of yesterday's university demonstrations marking Iran's National Student Day. This latest restriction on media comes days after Saeed Laylaz, editor of Sarmayeh newspaper, and Hengameh Shahidi, reporter for E'temad-e-Melli, received lengthy jail sentences for ‘fomenting unrest'. "The attempted news blackout and sentencing of journalists are part of a pattern of systematic intimidation of media," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Journalists are being victimised as the Government faces public anger over its actions…  
10560. IFJ Calls for Global Show of Solidarity in Demanding Justice for Philippine Massacre Victims  

The International Federation of Journalists today issued a new call to journalists across the world to join the Global Day of Solidarity on Wednesday, 9 December, to demand justice for the 31 journalists slaughtered in Maguindanao province of the Philippines on 23 November.   “Filipino journalists need to hear our voices expressing solidarity with the victims and anger at the Philippine government that allowed this to happen,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “106 journalists have now met a violent death since President Arroyo was elected in 2001. Her government has created the circumstances for this massacre by allowing a culture of impunity to…  
10561. EFJ Focus, November 2009  

EFJ Focus (formerly EURONEWS) is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels. CONTENT:EFJ NewsMedia ConcentrationGender NewsPublic Broadcasting NewsAuthors' Rights NewsEuropean Policy BriefingCalendar Further Information: Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02Fax: 32-2-235.22.19E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]  
10562. International Solidarity Mission Arrives in Philippines  

An international emergency mission led by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) arrived in the Philippines today to support local journalists and the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in the wake of the November 23 massacre in Maguindanao Province, Mindanao, in which 32 journalists and media workers were killed.   The delegation comprises representatives from leading journalists’ rights and press freedom organisations including the IFJ, the Southeast Asia Press Alliance (SEAPA), the Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ), the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance, the Thai…  
10563. IFJ Says Chavez "War on Media" Is Disastrous for Democracy in Venezuela  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today warned that the continuing "war on media" by President Hugo Chavez and his government was a potential disaster for democracy in the country. Speaking in Caracas at the end of a two-day visit, IFJ General Secretary Aidan White called on the government to change course and to end its campaign against independent journalism. White said that there was abundant evidence of a policy to isolate and punish independent voices in media. "These are dangerous days for journalism in Venezuela," he said. "The government must change course, if not it will be a disaster for democracy in Venezuela." He said numerous physical attacks on…  
10564. IFJ Calls for Fair Judicial Process for Journalists Charged in China  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on China’s Government to ensure open and fair trial proceedings for 10 journalists facing charges in China of allegedly accepting bribes to not report a mining accident.   According to a November 30 report in the State-owned China Daily, the journalists were charged for allegedly accepting inducements from Yu Xian county government officers in the form of advertisements and subscription fees so that they would not report a mine explosion in Lijiawa, Yuxian County, Hubei on 14 July 2008.   One rescuer and 34 miners were killed in the accident, which occurred shortly before China was to host…  
10565. Monitoring Change in Journalism - November 2009 Archive  

28 November  Germany: Paid-for Magazine Received Positive Reviews A new paid-for magazine, eMag, owned by the publishing conglomerate Axel Springer, was launched on  27 November. eMag is the supplementary weekly magazine of the German ‘quality' Sunday newspaper Welt am Sonntag. The creator, Jördis Guzmán Bulla is confident that most audiences are prepared to pay €1.50 for its ‘high quality'. Media analysts predict that if eMag is successful, it will set a new business model for the publishing industry. http://www.editorsweblog.org/multimedia/2009/11/welt_am_sonntag_makes_presence_felt_onli.php UK: £5.5m Raised to Launch London…  
10566. Partial Justice: An Enquiry into Deaths of Journalists in Russia 1993 - 2009  

Click HERE to read the IFJ report 'Partial Justice: An Enquiry into Deaths of Journalists in Russia 1993 - 2009'  
10567. IFJ Deplores Continuing Anti-Media Violence in Philippines  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) abhors the relentless disregard and disrespect toward the Philippines media community after another violent act of intimidation against a press freedom activist was reported on November 27.   According to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ affiliate, three unidentified people reportedly shot at the home of Negros Press Club president and former NUJP national chairman Edgar Cadagat in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Province. The attackers were travelling in a multi-cab vehicle and motorcycle.   Cadagat, who is a long-standing pillar of the press freedom movement in the…  
10568. IFJ Condemns Political Interference to Remove German TV Chief  

The International Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) and its regional organization, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), condemned today's decision to remove Nikolaus Brender, Editor-in-Chief of the Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF). The decision not to extend his contract was taken by the Administrative Council, against the recommendation of the broadcaster's director-general, Markus Schächter. Committee members aligned with the Christian Democratic Party, and representing a majority on the Administrative Committee, have made clear their intention to block the renewal of his contract for some months. "This is a shocking act of political meddling in media freedom,"…  
10569. IFJ Welcomes Release of Journalists Held for 15 Months in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists of Somalia (NUSOJ) in welcoming reports of the release of Australian photo-journalist Nigel Brennan and Canadian journalist Amanda Lindhout in Somalia after 15 months as hostages.   Brennan and Lindhout were reportedly released on November 25. Both are understood to be safe, and are currently in Mogadishu awaiting repatriation.   The pair were abducted on August 23, 2008 while visiting a refugee camp on the outskirts of Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu. Their driver and interpreter were released shortly after the abduction.   The NUSOJ, an IFJ affiliate, said…  
10570. 40 IFEX members call for concrete measures to end violence against women who speak out courageously  

IFEX - Campaigns from the international freedom of expression community _________________________________________________________________JOINT ACTION - INTERNATIONAL24 November 200940 IFEX members call for the protection of women who exercise free speechSOURCE: International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on behalf of the IFEX Gender Working Group(IFJ/IFEX) - The following is a joint appeal from 40 IFEX members:40 IFEX members call for concrete measures to end violence against women who speak out courageouslyTo mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November, we, the undersigned 40 members of the International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX),…  
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