15060 results:

4621. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 19thto Friday 25th of January 2019. Journalists’ association joins international condemnation of attacks on The Shift News, The Shift News International Groups Call on HRT to Withdraw Lawsuits against Journalists, Total Croatia News Journalists' lobby condemns The Shift News cyber attacks, Times of Malta Institute of Maltese Journalists condemns cyber attacks aimed at The Shift News, Independent Parliament Urges HRT and Journalists to Reach Settlement, Total Croatia News…  
4622. France : le Sénat approuve une proposition de loi créant un droit voisin pour les éditeurs et une rémunération pour les journalistes  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ/FEJ) et leurs affiliés français (SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT-journalistes) saluent l’adoption le 24 janvier par le Sénat français d’une proposition de loi créant un droit voisin pour les acteurs de presse en France. Réuni en séance publique jeudi 24 janvier, le Sénat a adopté à l’unanimité la proposition de loi tendant à “créer un droit voisin au profit des agences et des éditeurs de presse”. Présentée par les membres du groupe socialiste et républicain du Sénat, celle-ci soumet à l’autorisation des agences et des éditeurs de presse la reproduction et la communication au public de leurs productions et prévoit leur…  
4623. China: Australian writer detained  

Yang Hengjun, an Australian writer, democracy advocate and former Chinese diplomat, was detained by security agents when he arrived at Guangzhou airport on Saturday, January 19, on a flight from New York. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticize the detention of Yang and call for his immediate release and guarantee safe return to Australia. According to Yang’s lawyer, Yang is now in ‘residential surveillance’ has been charged with espionage by Beijing’s State Security Bureau. On Thursday, January 24, China’s foreign ministry said that Yang was been held on suspicion of ‘engaging in criminal activities that endangered China’s national security’. Yang has been an…  
4624. Indonesia: Outcry after Indonesian journalist killer receives pardon  

In January, Indonesian President Joko Widodo gave a pardon to I Nyoman Susrama, the convicted killer of Balinese journalist AA Gde Bagus Narendra Prabangsa. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) in condemning the decision by the President and calling for Susrama’s original sentence to be reinstated. Based on the decree from President Jokowi, Susrama’s sentence was reduced from life to 20 years. Anak Agung Narendra Prabangsa, 41, was a reporter with the Indonesian language daily Radar Bali. His family reported him missing on February 12, 2009. Prior to his disappearance Prabangsa was reporting on a corruption case in…  
4625. Sudan: The clampdown on journalists must stop immediately  

Several journalists have been targeted by the Sudanese authorities amid the massive public protests. Several media staff have had their media accreditation revoked this week. The IFJ  joins its affiliate the Sudanese Union of Journalists (SUJ) in condemning any attempts to intimidate the press and urges the authorities to end the clampdown and respect journalists' right to report in a safe working environment. UPDATED 25.01.19 In a statement published on 22 January, the Qatari media network Al Jazeera said the Sudanese authorities had withdrawn the accreditation of their correspondents in the country, Osama Ahmed and Ahmed Alrehaid as well as cameraman Badawi Bashir. The media staff were…  
4626. China: Three jailed as Government crackdown on freedom of expression continues  

In December 2018, three journalists – Sun Lin, Zhen Jianghua, Ding Lingjie – were each convicted and sentenced for ‘inciting subversion’ and ‘insulting a state leader’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has raised concerns about the prosecution of the three journalists, and called for their immediate release. On December 25, 2018, Sun Lin, a citizen reporter and a former contributor to the US-based Chinese news website Boxun, was sentenced to four years jail for "inciting subversion of state power” by the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court. According to authorities, Sun did not appear in court as he was ‘emotionally unstable’. Sun was arrested and detained in November…  
4627. Le Sénat français examine une loi prévoyant une rémunération pour les journalistes dans le cadre d'un droit voisin pour la presse  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ / FEJ) et leurs affiliés français (SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT-journalistes), saluent l’adoption en commission du Sénat d’une proposition de loi créant un droit voisin pour les acteurs de la presse en France. Réunie le mercredi 16 janvier 2019, la Commission de la culture, de l’éducation et de la communication du Sénat français a adopté, avec modifications, la proposition de loi « tendant à créer un droit voisin au profit des agences et des éditeurs de presse ». Déposé par David Assouline (SOCR ‑ Paris) et le groupe Socialiste et Républicain du Sénat, le texte vise à créer au profit des acteurs de la presse un droit à…  
4628. México: asesinan al primer periodista del 2019  

El reportero fue encontrado muerto el pasado 20 de enero en Baja California Sur, municipio donde ejercía la profesión periodística. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), condena este crimen contra la libertad de expresión e insta a las autoridades a iniciar una investigación seria que dé con los responsables. Se trata del periodista Rafael Murúa Manríquez, quien fue asesinado el pasado 20 de enero en el municipio de Mulegé, lugar donde vivía y desarrollaba el ejercicio periodístico. Según la prensa local, el comunicador fue encontrado muerto dentro de su automóvil y con signos de violencia. Según fuentes cercanas se encontraba desaparecido desde el sábado a la noche. Si bien…  
4629. Libya: Photographer killed during clashes between militia near Tripoli  

Mohamed Ben Khalifa (35), a Libyan freelance photographer, was killed on Saturday when covering clashes between militia groups in the south of Tripoli. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its deep condolences to the family and friends of Ben Khalifa and calls on authorities to urgently act to ensure a safe working environment for journalists and puts a stop to attacks against them. According to AFP, quoting security sources, Ben Khalifa was killed by shellfire that hit the positions of a Tripoli militia that he was accompanying. He had worked for several national and international media organisations such as the Associated Press news agency or Russia Today…  
4630. Rafael Murua Manriquez  

The 34-year-old director of Radiokashana, community radio station in the town of Mulege in Baja California Sur, was found dead inside his car after he was reported missing the day before. According to local reports, the journalist’s body showed signs of violence. Murua had received deaths threats at the end of 2018 from local officials and was admitted into the programme for the protection of journalists, media reports added. Journalists' safety, Mexico, Impunity, IFJ  
4631. Mohamed Ben Khalifa  

The 35-year-old Libyan photographer who worked for Associated Press news agency was killed Saturday south of Libya's capital Tripoli, where he was covering militia clashes, a medical source and family said, according to French news agency AFP. Mohamed Ben Khalifa was killed by shellfire that hit the positions of a Tripoli militia that he was accompanying, security sources said. Khalifa had been a photographer and cameraman for AP since 2014, was married and father to a six-month-old baby. Source: AFP Journalists' safety, Libya, IFJ  
4632. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 12th to Friday 18th of January 2019. Ahmed Hussein-Suale: Ghana journalist shot dead, BBC\ Why Ghanaian undercover journalist was killed, PM News Nigeria Ghana journalist who exposed football corruption shot dead, St Lucia News Ghanaian undercover journalist shot dead, The Cable Bring Ahmed Husein Suale's killers to justice – IFJs, Ghana Web International Federation of Journalists calls on Libyan authorities to protect Journalists, The Lybia Observer Council of Europe reports attack…  
4633. IFJ - EFJ: Protect Author's rights and deliver on fairer Europe  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ), respectively the world and Europe’s largest journalists’ organisations reiterate their calls on the EU to stand up for journalism and authors’ rights, as negotiations on a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market draw to an end. In this context, the IFJ and the EFJ recall that the key ambition for developing the legislation was to deliver on a fairer distribution of the revenues generated in the digital world. Extreme wealth generated online derives from the work of authors and creators, which is at the core of copyright licensing.  Their remuneration should remain at the heart of this directive, not on its…  
4634. Albania: Government must retract proposed laws on online media  

A group of organisations for the protection of human rights, freedom of information and journalists associations demand from the Prime Minister to drop proposals on regulation of online media. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their Albanian affiliates, the Association of Professional Journalists of Albanian League of Albanian Journalists, and the rest of organisations on their request to the government to drop an amendment that will put in risk online media freedom in the country. Here is the full letter:            We inform the public that the two proposals endanger freedom of expression and…  
4635. Asia Pacific Bulletin: January  

Welcome to the first IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin for 2019 Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on February 1, 2019 and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific  Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific  Join the IFJ Asia-Pacific mailing list here    In this bulletin:   IFJ & SEAJU launch first South East Asia Media Report: Underneath the Autocrats Asia Pacific remains deadliest region for journalists Appeal rejected…  
4636. Ghana: Investigative Journalist shot dead  

Investigative journalist Ahmed Hussein-Suale (34) was shot and killed in his car by unknown assailants on a motorbike on Wednesday, 16 January in Medina, a suburb of the capital, Accra. Husein was a member of the team led by award-winning journalist Anas Aremeyaw that exposed corruption in African football. He was shot three times on the chest and neck and died on the spot. The IFJ condemns this attack and calls on the Government of Ghana to bring to justice both the perpetrators and those who ordered this heinous crime. According to AFP, the investigative journalist had recently lodged a complaint with the police after Ghanaian politician, Kennedy Agyapong, showed his photograph on a…  
4637. Chile: continúan los despidos masivos en El Mercurio  

Una vez más, el grupo mediático despidió a cerca de 100 trabajadorxs de prensa de diferentes medios. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, repudia este ataque contra periodistas e insta a las autoridades a respetar los derechos laborales. El día martes 15 de enero el conglomerado mediático El mercurio inició el despido de cerca de 100 trabajadorxs de prensa, de los cuales 30 son periodistas, 57 funcionarixs administrativxs, y 11 trabajadorxs técnicos. Según informó la prensa local, lxs principales afectadxs serían los medios pertenecientes a la familia Edwards, como La Segunda, Emol y El…  
4638. Ahmed Hussein Suale  

The 34-year-old investigative journalist was shot and killed in his car by unknown assailants riding a motorbike in Medina, a suburb of the capital, Accra. He was shot three times on the chest and neck and died on the spot. Husein was a member of the team led by award-winning journalist Anas Aremeyaw that exposed corruption in African football. According to AFP, Suale had lodged a complaint with the police shortly before his killing, after Ghanaian politician Kennedy Agyapong had showed his photograph on a private television channel promising “payment for supporters who took retribution against Hussein.” Journalists' safety, Ghana, Africa, Impunity, IFJ  
4639. Germany: journalist attacked by an extreme right group  

A journalist was physically attacked by an extreme right group in Berlin. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliates in Germany, the dju in ver.di and the Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV) in condemning attacks against several media houses including die Tageszeitung (TAZ), Frankfurter Rundschau, the ARD Hauptstadt Büro by groups of the Identitäre Bewegung (IB, Identitarian Movement) this morning. A journalist was physically attacked in front of the media building of the TAZ in Berlin while trying to prevent a group of men and women of the Identitäre Bewegung (IB) to attach posters against left wing violence at the wall of the media house.…  
4640. Argentina: denuncian persecución sindical en Grupo Octubre  

Despidieron de AM750 a delegada del diario Página/12, del mismo grupo empresario, e impulsora de la comisión de Género. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, repudia esta medida sancionatoria de la actividad gremial y violatoria de la libertad de expresión. Se trata de la periodista Paula Sabatés, quien fue despedida de la radio AM750 por decisión del Grupo Octubre. La colega trabajaba en la emisora desde el 2015 y era colaboradora permanente de Página/12, periódico del mismo grupo empresario. Además, Sabatés es la única mujer delegada y miembro de la Comisión Interna del Sindicato de Prensa de…  
4641. Netherlands: Photojournalists on strike to demand decent rates  

The Dutch union of journalists Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (NVJ, an IFJ and EFJ affiliate) and its photojournalist section, the NVF, announced on that they will be going on strike in protest at the erosion of rates of pay. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) fully support their demands and welcome the coordinated action amongst freelance journalists to defend their rights. The NVJ/NVF has written to six prominent Dutch media companies calling for talks – with strike action set to go ahead on January 25th if talks are unsuccessful. The kick-off meeting will take place tomorrow. You can participate in the collective action by registering here and…  
4642. Gilets jaunes: le SNJ demande un "sursaut citoyen"  

Dans un article publié dans le quotidien français Le Monde, le Premier secrétaire général du Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ), Vincent Lanier, revient sur les agressions de journalistes par des représentants des "gilets jaunes". « Nous ne pouvons accepter de devenir les boucs emissaires de la société » Tribune parue dans Le Monde du 11 janvier 2019 Face à l’escalade de la haine envers les journalistes, un « sursaut citoyen » s’impose, tant dans les rangs des « gilets jaunes« que chez certains politiques et dans l’ensemble de la société souligne, dans une tribune au « Monde », Vincent Lanier, Premier secrétaire général du Syndicat national des journalistes. Les journalistes…  
4643. Argentina: un periodista alemán fue detenido y torturado por la policía en Neuquén  

Los hechos ocurrieron cuando el reportero se encontraba documentando el basurero a cielo abierto donde se depositan los desechos de la actividad petrolera de Vaca Muerta. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, repudia este hecho violatorio de la libertad de expresión. Se trata del periodista alemán Stefan Borghardt, de 28 años, quien denunció haber sido detenido y torturado por la Policía de Neuquén el pasado lunes 7 de enero, tras haber registrado el basurero de la empresa Treater Neuquén SA. Allí se depositan los restos que deja la actividad petrolera de Vaca Muerta. El reportero también denunció…  
4644. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 29th of December 2018 to Friday 4th of January 2019. Too deadly a profession, Otago Daily Times Journalists in Kashmir face tough challenges, The New Arab Right of reply: Romania's ruling PSD party responds to corruption claims, EuroNews Police are failing to protect press freedom by not acting over harassment of broadcasters, PressGazette Nigeria:  Soldiers raid Media Trust offices in Maiduguri and Abuja, Freedom Newspaper Int'l Federation Of Journalists Slams Libyan…  
4645. Framed by police: Two Reuters journalists jailed for 7 years  

Updated 11.01.18 Two Reuters journalists have each been sentenced to seven years in prison after they were found guilty of breaching the official secrets act in Myanmar. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Myanmar Journalist Association (MJA) condemn the sentences and criticise the Aung San Suu Kyi-led Myanmar government for “failing to protect journalists investigating human rights abuses”.  The September 3 verdict will have severe and far-reaching implications for press freedom in Myanmar after a court used the colonial-era Official Secrets Act to jail Wa Lone, 32, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 28, for alleged breaches of the act. The court convicted…  
4646. Tunisie: signature du premier accord-cadre dans les médias du monde arabe  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a applaudi la signature ce mercredi 9 janvier d’un accord-cadre pour les médias tunisiens. L’accord a été signé au siège de la présidence du gouvernement par le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) et les représentants des médias et du gouvernement tunisiens. Cet accord-cadre comprend des dispositions garantissant le respect des principes fondamentaux dans tous les médias, ainsi que la reconnaissance des droits sociaux et syndicaux des journalistes. Parmi les principes figurent celui de la non-discrimination, l’indépendance éditoriale et le respect des règles déontologiques telles qu’elles figurent dans  le Code de…  
4647. Libya: Government must act against attacks on journalists and the media  

Over 140 journalists from 20 different media outlets handed a letter to the Government of National Accord (GNA) urging them to stop the attacks on media freedom and ensure a safe working environment for journalists in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) shows its support to all Libyan journalist who have been suffering for years from intimidation and violent attacks and demands that the GNA- the internationally recognized Libyan government- duly investigate all the aggressions on journalists and hold those responsible accountable. The letter signed by the journalists denounced several incidents committed by different parties, and according to the letter,…  
4648. Yemen : The IFJ demands the release of journalist Bin Makhashin  

The International Federation of Journalists reiterates its support to the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS) call for the immediate release of journalist Sabri Salmeen bin Makhashin, editor in chief of Al-Muharrir newspaper and Al-Muharrir Net website, who has been under arbitrary arrest in Hadramout, a governorate of Yemen, since December 3, 2018. The Military Intelligence Apparatus arrested Bin Makhashin in the city of Mukalla without explanation for his detention. According to the YJS, who has followed the case since the beginning, and Makhashin’s family, the journalist is in very poor health. The family has also denounced that he was prevented from receiving medical treatment…  
4649. Italy: journalists assaulted by neo-fascists in Rome  

On 7 January 2019, Federico Marconi and Paolo Marchetti, an Italian journalist and a photographer both working for the Italian weekly magazine Espresso, were attacked by members of two neo-fascist groups, Avanguardia Nazionale and Forza Nuova. The two journalists were near the Verano monumental cemetery in Rome to cover the event organized by Avanguardia Nazionale in memory of the Acca Larentia killings, in 1978. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their Italian affiliate, the Italian Federation of Journalists’ Unions (FNSI), in condemning the attack and express their serious concerns for the increasing climate of violence and threats…  
4650. Nigeria: Soldiers raid Media Trust offices in Maiduguri and Abuja  

On January 6, soldiers of the Nigerian Army and members of the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies raided the offices of the Media Trust Limited, publishers of the Daily Trust newspaper in Maiduguri and Abuja, seizing computers and arresting its regional bureau chief, Uthman Abubakar along with reporter Ibrahim Sawab. The IFJ condemns their arrest and demands the return of the seized material. According to a statement issued by the newspaper's editor in chief, Mannir Dan-Ali, there was no reason given concerning the military operation on their offices, but they believe it was related with the lead story published by the newspaper on Sunday “that dealt on the…  
4651. Javid Noori  

The local radio host, was executed by suspected Taliban insurgents in an attack in the Nadarabad district of Farah province in south-western Afghanistan. Noori was travelling in a car when he was stopped at a checkpoint. After being identified as a journalist, he was taken aside and killed. His body was found three days later. Journalists' safety, Afghanistan, IFJ, Impunity  
4652. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 29th of December 2018 to Friday 4th of January 2019. Journalist group says year’s 94 killings end recent decline, The Washington Post Number of journalists killed on the job in 2018 rises, Al Jazeera Journalist group counts 94 slayings of media staff in 2018, Washington Times 94 journalists killed in the world in 2018, 112 International JOURNALIST GROUP SAYS YEAR'S 94 KILLINGS END RECENT DECLINE, WTVQ International Group: killings of journalists rises in 2018, KVIA JOURNALIST…  
4653. Tunisie: Grève générale du 14 janvier, la FIJ demande au gouvernement tunisien de négocier avec le SNJT  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession, représentant 600.000 journalistes répartis dans 146 pays du monde, tient à apporter sa totale solidarité à son affilié en Tunisie, le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), qui organisera le 14 janvier une grève générale, et demande au gouvernement tunisien de négocier avec lui. La Tunisie traverse aujourd’hui une grave crise économique et sociale, marquée par un taux de chômage important (15%) et une inflation de plus de 8%. C’est dans ce contexte que le SNJT, mais aussi toute la communauté professionnelle, a constaté il y a quelques jours le geste désespéré de notre confrère…  
4654. Bangladesh: Internet throttled, journalists attacked during parliamentary elections  

All 3G and 4G internet services were shut down and journalists were attacked during parliamentary elections in Bangladesh on December 30. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the throttling of the internet services and the attacks on journalists and demands commitment from the winning Awami League (AL) party for the free flow of information and safety of journalists. Ruling AL emerged a landslide winner in the general election for the third consecutive term in power amidst the opposition allegations of rigged polls. Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) ordered shutting down 3G and 4G internet services on December 29 and although the mobile internet…  
4655. IFJ 2018 Killed Journalists Report  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today releases its 29th report on journalists and media staff killed in the course of their duties in 2018. The report, In the Shadow of violence: journalists and media killed in 2018, details cases of 95 journalists and media professionals who lost their lives in targeted killings, bomb attacks or crossfire incidents. The number represent an increase of thirteen killings more than in 2017.  Yemen, India, Mexico, Afghanistan and Syria recorded the most devastating tolls while South Asia becomes the world’s most dangerous region for journalists, according to the report.  The IFJ says that the increase in…  
4656. 2018 Reverses Downward Trend in Killings of Journalists and Media Staff with 94 Victims of Violence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today published a list of 94 journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents during 2018. The new death toll marks a slight increase up from 82 killings recorded last year and represents a reversal of the downward trend from the last three years. In its 29th list, the IFJ says that this year’s roll call of loss of lives to violence includes 84 journalists, cameramen, fixers and technicians who died in targeted killings, bomb attacks and cross fire incidents. Ten other media staff members who worked as drivers, protection officers and a sales assistant also lost their lives. There are 6 women among the 94 victims. There were also…  
4657. Veteran journalist and three media staff killed in bombing attack in Somalia  

A prominent Somali journalist, his driver and 2 media security staff were killed in a suicide car bomb attack in Somali capital Mogadishu on 22 December. The IFJ joins its affiliate the National Union of Somali journalists in firmly condemning the attack and asking to bring perpetrators to justice. On 22 December in the morning, two suicide attacks took place at a military check point in Mogadishu, near Somalia’s presidential palace, killing at least 16 people and wounding over 20 others. Awil Dahir Salad, anchor of popular Universal TV station’s show Dood Wadaag, his driver Abdiqadir Hassan Yusuf and his two bodyguards Mohamed Dubad Gajaow and Ibrahim Mohayadin Ahmed were killed…  
4658. Awil Dahir Salad, Abdiqadir Hassan Yusuf, Mohamed Dubad Gajaow, Ibrahim Mohayadin Ahmed  

The anchor of popular Universal TV station’s show Dood Wadaag, his driver Abdiqadir Hassan Yusuf and his two bodyguards Mohamed Dubad Gajaow and Ibrahim Mohayadin Ahmed were among the 16 people killed in the car bomb which went off at military check point I Mogadishu, near Somalia’s presidential palace on 22 December. 20 others were wounded in the double blast caused by a minivan driver who detonated explosives packed in the car. Journalists' safety, Africa, Impunity, IFJ  
4659. Argentina: la FIP repudia represión a trabajadorxs de prensa  

Comunicadorxs, periodistas y trabajadorxs de prensa de medios públicos fueron reprimidxs por la policía el pasado 20 de diciembre, mientras se manifestaban en reclamo de mejoras salariales frente al Centro Cultural Kirchner (CCK). La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, se solidariza con lxs colegas afectadxs y condena esta arremetida contra la libertad de expresión.     El pasado jueves 20 de diciembre, trabajadorxs de prensa de Radio Nacional, la TV Pública y la agencia Télam, nucleados en el Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires (SiPreBA), fueron reprimidxs tras movilizarse en reclamo de…  
4660. EAJA, IFJ Hold Regional Workshop on Organising in the Digital Media  

The Eastern African Journalists Association (EAJA) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) held a two – day workshop on “Organising in the Digital Economy, Youth Recruitment and Trade Union Reform” in Nairobi, Kenya from 9 – 10 December, 2018. The Eastern African Journalists Association (EAJA) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) held a two – day workshop on “Organising in the Digital Economy, Youth Recruitment and Trade Union Reform” in Nairobi, Kenya from 9 – 10 December, 2018.   The workshop, supported by Union To Union,  brought together 14 young journalists from Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan, Somalia and…  
4661. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 15th of December to Friday 21th of December.  1. In Philippines’ War on Media, Maria Ressa 'Holds the Line' The Wire 2. Consejo Europa lanza una alerta por la incautación a periodistas de Mallorca  La Vanguardia 3. Vague de condamnations de la presse internationale Sud Quotidien  4. Pourquoi les journalistes femmes quittent la profession Le Soir  5. Philippines among worst places in Southeast Asia for journalists —…  
4662. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: DECEMBER  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019! Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on January 17, 2019, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know about your activities; to seek solidarity and support from SAMSN members for your campaigns and initiatives. To contribute, email at: [email protected] Please feel free to distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. This e-bulletin and South Asia related content are available at the SAMSN Digital Hub: https://samsn.ifj.org  In this bulletin: Journalist unions need to adapt to a digital ecosystem…  
4663. Colombia: asesinan a un periodista en Riohacha  

El reportero fue baleado por dos sicarios el pasado 17 de diciembre en la ciudad de Riohacha, capital de La Guajira. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, exhorta a las autoridades a iniciar una investigación seria que determine el móvil de este delito. Se trata del periodista Víctor Diago Cardozo, quien fue asesinado la noche del lunes 17 de diciembre en su hogar, ubicado en el barrio Los Nogales, del municipio de Riohacha. Según la información brindada por la prensa local, el comunicador fue interceptado en su casa por dos sicarios movilizados en motocicleta que le dispararon en la cabeza. Los…  
4664. Pakistan : 7 years after Saleem Shahzad’s killing, impunity remains  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Italian affiliate, the FNSI, in demanding justice for the murder of Pakistani journalist Saleem Shahzad, a correspondent for the Italian news agency Adnkronos (AKI) who was brutally killed in 2011. Saleem Shahzad was a Pakistani investigative journalist who worked extensively for European and Asian media. Since 2004 he worked as correspondent for the Italian news agency Adnkronos (AKI) and was also the Bureau Chief of the Asia Times Online (Hong Kong) and contributor to Italian and French newspapers La Stampa and Le Monde Diplomatique. On 29th May 2011, Shahzad was kidnapped in Islamabad, two days after the publication of one of…  
4665. IFJ Voice January 2019 : Editorial  

94 killings. This year, journalists and media workers have again paid the price. After a decrease recorded over three years in a row, the IFJ posts a marked increase in these gruesome statistics which remain very high.  Now, it is urgent that the United Nations take their responsibility and adopt an International Convention dedicated to the protection of journalists and media professionals, so as to end impunity for their killers.  Once again, the IFJ needs all its affiliates to pressure their national governments,  foreign affairs ministries,  who have the power to vote such a historic decision in New York.  Anthony Bellanger, IFJ General…  
4666. IFJ Voice, January 2019 - A word from the President : Unity back in Africa  

Unity and solidarity: these twin themes chosen by the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) for its Congress of reconciliation in Khartoum sounded like a slogan. After two days of frank debate and elections in which candidates outnumbered posts to be filled,  a new steering committee and new gender council were elected and immediately started the work. Unity and solidarity are on programme of the Federation of African Journalists agenda. This new programme concerns all 146 countries and all five continents where the IFJ is present. Philippe Leruth, IFJ President  
4667. HK Government must guarantee Right to Information in new legislation  

The Hong Kong Law Reform Commission (LRC) has launched a three-month consultation into the public’s access to information and the management of public records, which will feed into access to information legislation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) have called on the government to ensure all stakeholders are engaged through the drafting process, and that access to information rights are protected in any new legislation. On December 6, the LRC Access to Information sub-committee published a consultation paper, opening a three-month consultation period on the current status on access to information, particularly…  
4668. Chile: despidos masivos en El Mercurio  

La Sociedad Periodística Araucanía, perteneciente a El Mercurio, despidió el pasado 17 de diciembre alrededor de 50 trabajadorxs. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, condena este hecho e insta a las instituciones de medios a respetar los derechos laborales. Las desvinculaciones tuvieron lugar en las distintas sucursales de la empresa, responsable de las ediciones de El Austral de La Araucanía, El Austral de Los Ríos, El Austral de Osorno, El Llanquihue de Puerto Montt y la Estrella de Chiloé. El total de despidos asciende a alrededor de medio centenar de trabajadorxs que se desempeñaban como…  
4669. Être femme et journaliste : galères de carrière  

En Belgique, femmes et journalisme ne vont pas nécessairement de pair. L’Association des journalistes professionnels (AJP), une affiliée de la FIJ, organisait vendredi 14 décembre à Bruxelles une journée d’étude durant laquelle elle a présenté les résultats interpellants d’une enquête inédite, “Etre femme et journaliste en Belgique francophone”. L’étude, menée durant l’année 2018 par trois chercheuses de l'Université libre de Bruxelles et l'université de Mons, met en lumière les entraves que rencontrent les femmes journalistes dans la profession et les raisons qui les poussent à partir. Tout est parti de deux constats : en Belgique, les femmes ne forment que 35% de l'effectif…  
4670. Brazilian journalists appeal for solidarity!  

Journalists in Brazil are under attack from a government which sees independent journalism as a threat and which has said it will crush its opponents. The government's labour reforms have also cut off vital sources of funding for unions. Despite the threats FENAJ, the IFJ's affiliate in Brazil, has been actively fighting back, standing up for journalists and quality journalism. But now the union faces a new threat. The tax authorities have targeted FENAJ, unjustly claiming it owes property taxes on land gifted to the union in 1980 but which was never used by them. Despite legal challenges the authorities are pressing ahead with the threatened seizure of the FENAJ headquarters. The…  
4671. Underneath the Autocrats: First IFJ South East Asia Media Report launched  

Today, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) launch the first ever IFJ Media Freedom Report for South East Asia. Underneath the Autocrats: A Report into Impunity, Journalist Safety and Working Conditions is the first major collaboration by IFJ and SEAJU in the region. The IFJ Asia Pacific’s Acting Director said: “While recognising the differences between their countries, SEAJU has been united in a shared commitment to media freedom and advocacy, particularly the critical need for the protection of independent journalism and the fundamental right of media workers to be safe to do their jobs.” The report, supported by UNESCO, is…  
4672. France : la modification d’une image est une entrave aux règles déontologiques  

Samedi 15 décembre, une photographie de la manifestation des gilets jaunes qui se tenait à Paris le jour même a été modifiée avant d’être diffusée dans le journal télévisé (JT) de France 3, une chaîne publique appartenant au groupe France Télévisions. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à ses affiliés, le SNJ, le SNJ-CGT et la CFDT, pour condamner fermement cette grave faute professionnelle qui constitue une violation d’un principe fondamental du journalisme et nuit à l’ensemble de la profession. Sur la droite de la photo d’origine (ci-dessus), prise place de l'Opéra à Paris par le photojournaliste Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt pour l’AFP le 15 décembre, un…  
4673. Serbia: Journalist Milan Jovanović attacked with Molotov cocktail  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) expressed their solidarity with the colleague Milan Jovanović and the newsroom of Zig Info and urge the Serbian authorities to fully investigative the attacks and threats against the investigative journalist under attack. The IFJ and the EFJ joined their Serbian affiliates (UNS, NUNS and SINOS) in condemning the attack and in demanding an urgent investigation. Both organisations have reported the following facts to the Council of Europe’s platform for the protection and safety of journalists: On December 12, 2018, the house of Milan Jovanović, an investigative journalist for the independent news website Žig Info, was…  
4674. Over two thousand journalists jobless after newspapers shut in Pakistan  

Pakistan’s largest publication house, the Jang Group of Newspapers, shut down five newspapers in various cities rendering hundreds of journalists and media workers jobless on December 16, 2018. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the abrupt closure of the newspapers and urges the media house to reconsider its decision and reinstate the media workers. The Jang Group announced the closure of Peshawar and Faisalabad editions of Jang daily and shut down its Karachi-based Urdu-language daily Awam and English-language Daily News along with Lahore-based Urdu daily Inqibal without a prior notice to the…  
4675. Ataque a la libertad de prensa en Nicaragua  

La policía allanó el pasado jueves 13 de diciembre las oficinas del periodista Carlos Fernando Chamorro en la misma semana en que se inhabilitaron decenas de ONG. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo condena esta arremetida contra la libertad de expresión. Según informó la prensa local, la policía nicaragüense ingresó el pasado 13 de diciembre por la noche a la oficina del periodista Carlos Fernando Chamorro, rompiendo los candados del edificio y secuestrando los equipos de trabajo de un programa de televisión y de un diario. De acuerdo con el testimonio del comunicador, las fuerzas de seguridad…  
4676. IFJ and EFJ condemn terrorist attack against Skai TV and Khatimerini newspaper  

A bomb blast today damaged a building in Athens housing the headquarters of Greece’s private radio and television network Skai and Greek daily newspaper Khatimerini, but there were no casualties. Anti-terrorist police opened an investigation into the attack that focused on Greek extremist groups. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their Greek affiliates in condemning the blast as “an attack on media pluralism”. The homemade device went off at around 2:37 am, 45 minutes after an anonymous telephone warning to another TV network. Police cordoned off the neighbourhood in the Athens suburb of Neo Phaliro and evacuated the building, which contains…  
4677. Sadiq Ibrahim, elected new president of Federation of African Journalists (FAJ)  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), elected a new steering committee at its Congress on 13 and 14 December 2018 in Khartoum, Sudan. The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), elected a new steering committee at its Congress on 13 and 14 December 2018 in Khartoum, Sudan. Sadiq Ibrahim, from the Sudanese Union of Journalists (SUJ), and chair of the Eastern African Journalists Association, was elected as the Federation's new president. Following two days of debates on the challenges facing journalists and journalism in the continent,…  
4678. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 8th of December to Friday 14th of December.  1. Is media censorship a coming threat in Poland? Taiwan News 2. MADA: 57 attacks against media freedoms during November Palestinian News Network 3. Is media censorship a coming threat in Poland?  Deutsche Welle 4. Des syndicats de journalistes dénoncent les "dérapages inadmissibles" de la police Les Inrocks 5. Les syndicats de journalistes dénoncent des "dérapages inadmissibles" de la…  
4679. Political group threatens Sri Lanka’s state-owned media  

Supporters of the United National Party (UNP) gathered outside the state-owned Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited (ANCL), also known as Lake House, threating security while demanding the removal of the posters of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa on December 13. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka in condemning the mob behaviours and demanding investigations into the incident. The incident took place after the Supreme Court’s’ ruling that the dissolution of the Parliament by President Maithripala Sirisena was unconstitutional. A group of UNP supporters gathered outside the Lake House offices and demanded that…  
4680. Antonio Megalizzi  

The 28-year-old journalist for Süd Tirol station, a community radio in Italy was along the victims of the terrorist attack in Strasbourg which killed at least five people. He died of injuries he had sustained in the shooting in the French city, where he was working on a shared radio show of students’ community radios from all over Europe broadcasting from the European Parliament in Strasbourg since 2015. Journalists' safety, France, IFJ  
4681. Nepali photojournalist arrested at protest outside President’s Office  

Photojournalist Barsha Shah was arrested and detained for three hours for taking pictures of a protest outside the President’s Office at the Shital Niwas in Kathmandu, Nepal on December 13. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in strongly criticising the arrest and detention of Barsha Shah and demands the respect to journalists’ rights from Nepali authorities. Police arrested Shah, associated with Deshsanchar.com, as she was taking pictures of the protesters who had reached the President’s residence to hand over a crowdfunded toy car as a symbolic protest to the government’s decision…  
4682. España: FIP y FEP condenan el registro judicial en las redacciones del Diario de Mallorca y Europa Press  

Agentes de la Policía Nacional española registraron las oficinas de la agencia de noticias Europa Press y del Diario de Mallorca para incautar documentación, equipos de trabajo corporativos y móviles personales de varios periodistas para averiguar una fuente de información relacionada con el "Caso Cursach". Las federaciones Internacional y Europea de Periodistas (FIP y FEP) se unen a sus afiliados españoles en la condena de estos hechos, que suponen una grave violación del derecho de los periodistas a proteger sus fuentes de información. Este derecho es un pilar fundamental de la libertad de prensa  recogido en el artículo 20 de la Constitución Española y su violación supone un ataque…  
4683. Somalia : Journalist survives attempted murder amid presidential campaign  

Somali journalist Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed survived an attempt on his life after a police officer shot at him as he was leaving Daljir Radio station building, in Puntland region, on Sunday 9 December. The journalist was unhurt but the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) has denounced this attack and called for an end of threats and physical attacks on journalists, which are increasing ahead of the general elections in the region, to be held in January 2019. On Sunday 9 December, the Director-General of Daljir Radio, Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed, nicknamed "Tallman", survived what appears to be assassination attempt as he was leaving the building radio station in Puntland’s city Bossasso,…  
4684. China : websites and social media shutdown for ‘unlawful activities’  

Chinese police announced they had shut down over 1,000 social media accounts and 30 websites over ‘unlawful activities’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns this latest crackdown in China against free speech and freedom of expression in the online space. According to Xinhua and Reuters Chinese Police announced on Saturday, December 8, that some social media accounts on Tencent’s Wechat and Sina-owned Weibo fabricated accusations against companies and individuals, with the “excuses” of “media monitoring”, “legal monitoring” and “social monitoring”.  These accounts then posted negative information online and demanded a ransom in exchange for deleting the…  
4685. Argentina: la FIP dice no al proyecto que desregula la producción y venta de Papel Prensa  

El 6 de diciembre se aprobó en Diputados la media sanción de un proyecto que busca desregular la fabricación y comercialización de pasta celulosa y papel para diarios. Los principales beneficiados son las empresas de medios monopólicas como el Grupo Clarín y La Nación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo se declara en alerta ante la posible sanción de una norma que vulnera el derecho a la libertad de expresión. El proyecto, que se aprobó en Diputados, fue presentado por el diputado Diego Bossio, y contó con 127 votos a favor, 66 en contra y 3 abstenciones. La iniciativa propone derogar ocho…  
4686. Jordan: publisher and editor detained over retouched publication of Last Supper painting  

UPDATED 13.12.18 Publisher Mohammed al-Wakeel and an editor of Jordan news web site Al Wakeel News were detained on 10 December for posting on the official Facebook page of the website a retouched picture of the Last Supper painting, which was deemed offensive to Christians. The IFJ joined leaders of its union the Jordan Press Association (JPA) in asking for their immediate release and urge greater action to support ethical journalism. Al Wakeel news website posted on Facebook on 8 December a retouched version of Leonardo da Vinci's mural painting of "The Last Supper" depicting Jesus' final meal with his disciples ahead of his crucifixion. The retouched version portrayed celebrity…  
4687. Palestine : IFJ condemns Israeli raid on WAFA news agency  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed condemnations by its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) of a raid by Israeli of the offices of the Palestinian news agency Wafa, on 10 December. The organizations demand the release of all Palestinian journalists jailed by Israel and the end of persecutions of Palestinian journalists. According to media reports, low-intensity confrontations broke out during the evening of Monday 10 December, in several parts of the city of Ramallah. It included confrontations just in front of the Wafa offices. A group of Israeli soldiers invaded the headquarters of Wafa, with no clear reason or justification. According…  
4688. Manifestations des “gilets jaunes” en France: stop aux violences ciblées envers la presse  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ/FEJ) se joignent à leurs affiliés français, le SNJ, le SNJ-CGT et la CFDT-Journalistes, pour dénoncer fermement l’ensemble des violences commises contre des journalistes par les forces de l’ordre et les manifestants “gilets jaunes” lors des récentes manifestations qui ont eu lieu en France. Après de nouvelles actions samedi 8 décembre, les organisations de journalistes exigent la fin de ces violences et encouragent les journalistes à déposer plainte. Depuis les 18 et 19 novembre, premier week-end de mobilisation du mouvement des “gilets jaunes” en France, les témoignages de journalistes victimes de violences lors de la…  
4689. México: asesinan a otro periodista en una semana  

El comunicador fue asesinado la noche del 5 de diciembre en Ecatepec, Estado de México. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, condena este ataque a la libertad de expresión e insta a las autoridades a frenar la impunidad que azota al periodismo mexicano. Se trata del periodista Diego García Corona, quien fue baleado mientras circulaba en su vehículo por la colonia Jardines de Morelos, en Ecatepec, México. Según la prensa local, el reportero de 35 años fue interceptado por dos sujetos armados que escaparon inmediatamente luego del ataque. El periodista del semanario Morelos, es el segundo…  
4690. Joint Statement : the EU urgently needs remuneration rules for authors and performers  

European and international authors and performers' organisations from all sectors urge Member States to support the much-needed Article -14 providing for fair and proportionate remuneration for authors and performers in the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. Proposed by the European Parliament and backed by a large majority of its members on 12 September, the opening provision in Chapter 3 sets a fundamental guiding principle for the remuneration of authors and performers, which should be fair and proportionate to the potential and actual value of the transferred or licensed rights. Capital and business in the cultural and creative industries have long enjoyed a…  
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