15058 results:

3851. Venezuela: Agreden a periodistas y trabajadorxs de medios que cubrían la llegada de Juan Guaidó al país  

El pasado martes 11 de febrero, durante la llegada del líder opositor Juan Guaidó al Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetía, luego de su gira por Europa y Norteamérica, se produjeron varios enfrentamientos entre personas afines al chavismo y opositores. El Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP), denunció a través de su cuenta en Twitter que durante la cobertura de estos incidentes, varios periodistas y trabajadorxs de medios, fueron agredidos. Durante la jornada del martes, el SNTP, denunció en sus redes sociales varias agresiones, destacando el asalto a Maiker Yriarte, de TV Venezuela; César Saavedra y Estefany Brito, de Cnv24; Nadezca Noriega, de El Pitazo TV;…  
3852. Lourence “Leo” Veras  

The correspondent for various Brazilian media and editor of Porã News website was shot dead by unidentified gunmen at his home, located in the city of Pedro Juan Caballero. Media reports said that at least two unknown persons shot him several times, fatally injuring him. He was taken to hospital where he finally died. According to his family, Veras had been receiving threats from mafia groups for years and even had security guards in 2013. Paraguay, Journalists' safety, IFJ, Impunity  
3853. Senegal: BBC Afrique fires journalist over a controversial interview on the role of France in Rwanda  

Journalist Jaques Matand, who worked for BBC Afrique based in Dakar, Senegal was dismissed after being accused of 'a serious mistake' following the interview he did with journalist Charles Onana about his recent book on the role of the controversial French military intervention in 1994 during the genocide of Tutsi in Rwanda. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined the Syndicat des professionnels de l’information et de la communication (SYNPICS) in condemning the decision and urging the BBC to reinstate the journalist. The interview of the journalist, a Congolese national and General Secretary of the SYNPICS BBC Section, with Franco-Cameroonian Charles Onana…  
3854. India: Police interrogate journalists for publishing banned outfit’s statement  

The Jammu and Kashmir Police (J&K police) called in two journalists for questioning for publication of a statement by a banned organisation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) are concerned by the repeated questioning and intimidation of the two journalists by police.   Police summoned media workers, Naseer Ahmad Ganie, from Outlook Magazine, and Haroon Nabi, from the news agency CNS, for questioning on February 8 for allegedly publishing a statement of the banned Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and sharing a post on WhatsApp. The statement from JKLF had called for a shutdown on Sunday and Tuesday –…  
3855. China: Citizen journalist missing in Wuhan after covering coronavirus  

Chen Qiushi, an outspoken Chinese lawyer and citizen journalist, has been missing since February 7, after telling family he planned to visit Wuhan’s hospitals. The IFJ urges Chinese authorities to immediately disclose the location of Chen and ensure journalists freedom of movement and safety from intimidation when reporting. Chen Qiushi is an influential citizen journalist with more than 400,000 followers on YouTube, 250,000 followers on Twitter and 740,000 on the Chinese social media platform Weibo. The journalist travelled from Beijing to Wuhan on January 24 where he filmed and reported about the situation in Wuhan, covering the lack of resources to deal with the epidemic, the lack of…  
3856. Philippines: Solicitor General files petition against ABS-CBN franchise renewal  

The Philippines’ Solicitor General filed a petition with the Supreme Court to revoke the license of the Philippine’s largest broadcasting network ABS-CBN on February 10. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) join media across the country and globally in condemning attempts to block or revoke the ABS-CBN franchise renewal. Solicitor General Jose Calida filed a “quo warranto” petition against ABS-CBN before the Supreme Court, asking the court to nullify the franchises of ABS-CBN. In his petition, Calida claimed ABS-CBN was “unlawfully exercising their legislative franchises” and accused it of…  
3857. El Salvador: Denuncian restricciones a la labor de periodistas en inmediaciones de la Asamblea Legislativa  

Periodistas y diversos medios de comunicación denunciaron este domingo 9 de febrero, restricciones y vulneraciones por parte de la Policía Nacional Civil y las Fuerzas de Seguridad de El Salvador en inmediaciones de la Asamblea Legislativa, cuando cubrían la sesión extraordinaria convocada por el Presidente Nayib Bukele. La Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES), a través del Centro de Monitoreo de Atención a Periodistas, ha registrado desde el sábado 8 de febrero al domingo 9 de febrero, un total de 5 restricciones por parte de la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) y las Fuerzas de Seguridad de El Salvador (FAES), que afectaron a 9 periodistas que se encontraban cubriendo la sesión…  
3858. Sénégal: le Secrétaire général du SYNPICS suspendu  

L'Agence de Presse Sénégalaise (APS) a suspendu à compter du 2 février le Secrétaire général du Syndicat des professionnels de l'information et de la communication (SYNPICS) Ahmadou Bamba Kasse, pour avoir soutenu deux collègues injustement licenciées par l'agence. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le SYNPICS pour condamner une décision arbitraire et totalement injustifiée et demander la réintégration de ses confrère et consoeurs. Dans un mémorandum publié le 24 décembre 2019, Yaye Fatou Mbye Diagne, cheffe du département commercial, et Fatou Diop Wade, cheffe du département administratif et financier, ont été…  
3859. Bolivia: freedom of expression and thought are not and cannot be synonymous with terrorism and sedition  

The International Federation of Journalists and FEPALC publish an open letter to condemn this situation of persecution and violence against journalists and the media in Bolivia. Freedom of expression and thought are not and cannot be synonymous with terrorism and sedition. OPEN LETTER BOLIVIA: INSTITUTIONAL VIOLENCE AND ATTACKS ON JOURNALISM The coup carried out in Bolivia and the consequent campaign of intimidation against local and foreign media are the facts that motivate this open letter. Bolivia's constitutional order was thrown in to chaos in November 2019 following weeks of violent protests across the country against the re-election of Evo Morales. The former president was forced…  
3860. Myanmar: Government shuts down the Internet in conflict-torn townships  

Myanmar's government forced the shutting down of mobile internet services in five townships where clashes between the ethnic-Rakhine Arakan Army and Myanmar’s military are happening. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the authorities to immediately lift the suspension and guarantee the free flow of information. The internet cut will affect Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Rathedaung and Myebon townships in Rakhine region, and Paletwa in Chin region. These townships already suffered internet cuts from June until September 2019. These latest cuts are affecting approximately one million citizens. The authorities issued the directive under article 77 of…  
3861. Iran: Security forces raid six journalists’ homes amid international pressure on the regime  

Iranian security forces have raided the homes of at least six journalists in Tehran over the past fortnight. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) agents have confiscated documents and reporting equipment, but no arrests were made. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemned these arbitrary raids and demanded the authorities return material seized. Amid the rise of international pressure on Iran over the downed Ukrainian passenger plane and recent protests inside Iran, the security forces raided the homes of six journalists in Tehran and confiscated their phones, laptops, and other communication equipment. In the early morning of Sunday 26…  
3862. IFJ in the News!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, between February 1-7, 2020. English Mexico remains the deadliest country in the world for journalists Laurie Timmers, Euronews Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate condemns Israel’s aggression against members Middle East Monitor Mexico remains the deadliest country into this world to journalists Keyc.tv New IFJ report details 49 deaths of media workers worldwide in 2019 IFEX Council of Europe sides with Julian Assange Sara Chessa, Independent Australia Albania…  
3863. IFJ calls on Spanish government to support vital step to pluralism and independence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing 600.000 journalists and media professionals from 146 countries, fully supports the actions initiated by more than 40 social groups to call on the Spanish government not to halt the public competition for the election of members of the Board of Directors of Radio Televisión Española (RTVE), the country’s main public media. The IFJ demands that the new government of Spain urgently puts an end to the democratic anomaly that has meant that, for the last 18 months, the country's main media outlet has been run by a professional proposed by the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), the party that represents the main support of the…  
3864. India: Despite Court order, government remains apathetic to restore internet  

The Indian government is continuing to ignore a Supreme Court ruling that internet services in Kashmir should be re-established. The court ruled on 10 January that the indefinite shutdown was “impermissible” but services remain suspended. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the Indian government’s inaction to restore services.   Media workers remain unable to access essential internet services due to the shutdown which has been in place since August 5, 2019 when India revoked Article 370, ending the partial autonomy and statehood of Jammu and Kashmir. Four days after the court-ordered review into the internet…  
3865. Iraqi Kurdistan: Union report reveals journalists faced abuse and arbitrary arrests in 2019  

2019 was a turbulent time for press freedom in Iraqi Kurdistan, according to a report published today by the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate (KJS). The KJS claims that the difficult political situation prevents journalists from covering the local news and exposes them to arbitrary arrests when reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the KJS in condemning all attacks on media workers and reiterates its call to the Kurdish authorities to guarantee media freedom. According to the report, seven journalists and media workers were attacked by security forces while covering protests against a Turkish military base in January 2019. More than 40% of all…  
3866. China: Key Chinese whistleblower doctor dies from coronavirus  

Dr Li Wenliang, who was silenced by the Chinese authorities for warning people about the coronavirus, died from the illness on February 7 at the age of 34. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses solidarity with the doctors, whistleblowers and journalists at the frontlines of the coronavirus epidemic who are endeavouring to report the facts on the virus to the broader global community. On December 30, Dr Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital, privately contacted a group of his medical school alumni through Chinese messaging app WeChat warning of an unknown illness he believed looked like SARS, an illness which killed 349 people in Mainland China in…  
3867. Assange extradition “a devastating blow for media freedom”  

"The judicial instruments being used against Julian Assange are a monstrous attack on press freedom," NUJ national executive member and International Federation of Journalists representative Tim Dawson told a rally in London on 4 February. "Unless journalists wake up to this threat and focus on the grievous harm that his successful prosecution represents, the ability of any of us to report will seriously damaged," he said. The rally, called by the Don't Extradite Julian Assange Campaign, was convened in anticipation of Assange extradition hearings, expected to start at Woolwich Crown Court on Monday 24 February.  An audience estimated at 600 also heard from Jen Robinson, Assange’s…  
3868. Comores: Suspensions abusives à l’ORTC  

La directrice de l'information et la rédactrice en cheffe de la télévision nationale des Comores ont été suspendues le 30 janvier à la suite d'une note administrative du ministre de l'Information. La FIJ dénonce des faits abusifs et injustifiés. Le ministre de l'Information des Comores, Ahmed Ben Said Jaffar, a par une note administrative du 30 janvier, suspendu la directrice de l’information de l'Office de Radio et Télévision des Comores (ORTF), Binti Mhadjou, et la rédactrice en cheffe, Moinadjoumoi Papa Ali. La décision fait suite à la couverture par la télévision d'une grève de trois jours des commerçants menée du 27 au 30…  
3869. Syria: Two journalists and two cameramen injured while covering the conflict  

Two journalists and two cameramen were injured on 3 February while covering the clashes near Aleppo city between government forces and armed groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Syrian Journalists Union in condemning the attack on journalists. Four media workers suffered injuries while covering the fight between the Syrian army and armed groups: reporter Diaa Qadour and Ibrahim Kahil, a cameraman for al-Alam TV; Kinanah Aloush, a correspondent for Sama TV and cameraman of Al Kawthar TV, Souhaib al-Masri. All the victims were sent to al-Jamea Hospital to receive the necessary treatment, media reports say. The Syrian Union of Journalists…  
3870. Western Balkans agree on Regional Principles on Public Service Media governance  

Representatives of parliaments, regulatory authorities, public service media governance, senior management, and civil sector from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia adopted a set of regional common principles on Public Service Media (PSM) governance at a conference held in Belgrade 28-29 January. The principles are based on European standards and concrete challenges and practices in the Western Balkans region. They specifically insist on the independence and de-politicization of PSM governing bodies and the need for an open and transparent process of election of governing bodies's members. The principles stress the…  
3871. Northern Ireland: Journalist receives threats after reporting on Bloody Sunday march  

Belfast Telegraph reporter Leona O’Neill, who witnessed the killing of her colleague Lyra McKee, has received "vile and dangerous threats" according to her union. The threats, in the form of graffiti, appeared in the Creggan area of O'Neill's home town Derry, Northern Ireland on 4 February. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands by its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in support of Leona O’Neill and strongly condemns the threats. Journalist Leona O’Neill, a freelance journalist and columnist for the Belfast Telegraph,  posted a picture on Twitter on 4 February showing graffiti accusing her of being an informant for MI5, the security services in…  
3872. Iran: Journalist Marzieh Amiri to serve a five-year jail sentence  

Journalist Marzieh Amiri will have to serve a five-year jail sentence for "spreading propaganda" against the Iranian regime, her lawyer announced on Tuesday, January 8. The International Federation of Journalists strongly condemns the jailing of journalists for doing their work, and urges the Iranian regime to annul the ruling against Marzieh Amiri. Marzieh Amiri’s lawyer, Amir Raeesian, told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) that Amiri’s case had been upheld by the Department of Enforcement in the Judiciary and that she has to serve her five-year sentence. Marzieh Amiri was arrested in May last year, a day after attending an International Workers’ Day rally in Tehran. She was…  
3873. Malaysia: Journalist charged for coronavirus Facebook posts  

Wan Noor Hayati Wan Alias, a journalist and union activist was charged today in a Kuala Lumpur court for Facebook posts on the novel coronavirus and Malaysia’s finance minister, Lim Guan Eng. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) urge for the charges to be dropped. Hayati appeared in Kuala Lumpur Magistrate’s court today, February 5, charged under section 505 (b) of the Penal code for posting statements on her Facebook account “Ibu Yati”. The charges allege the journalists’ social media posts violated the code for publishing and circulating rumours with the intention to cause fear or alarm to the…  
3874. Tajikistan: Independent journalist detained on extremism charges  

Journalist Daler Sharipov (32), accused of “inciting ethnic, racial, and religious discord” in his journalistic work, has been held in detention since January 28. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) decries the recent international trend in arresting journalists based on unsubstantiated extremism charges and calls for the immediate release of Daler Sharipov. After his arrest, a court ruled on January 30 that the journalist will be placed in “pre-trial” detention for two months, awaiting his trial on suspicion of “inciting ethnic, racial, and religious discord”, according to reports. He could face five years in prison if found guilty. The Prosecutor – Generals’…  
3875. Burundi: Four journalists sent to jail  

Four Burundian journalists working for the Iwacu Press Group were sentenced to two years and six months in jail and fined one million Burundian francs (474 euros) on Thursday, 30 January for “undermining state security”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands by its affiliate, the Union of Burundi Journalists (UBJ), and joins the Federation of African journalists in demanding the immediate release of the four journalists. Agnes Ndirubusa, Christine Kamikazi, Terence Mponzenzi and Egide Hererimanan together with their driver Adolphe Masabarakiza were arrested on 22nd October 2019 in Musigati, as they were travelling to Bubanza in the north west of Burundi to report on…  
3876. China: Concern over accuracy of public information on the coronavirus  

Several news outlets from Hong Kong, including the BBC, Epoch Times, Radio Free Asia (RFA) and Voice of America (VOA) express concerns over misinformation on the coronavirus. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the government of China to provide timely and accurate information to the media and public. Reporting on the coronavirus has been hampered by controls implemented by the local and national authorities. Both media reporting and attempts by experts to highlight the potential crisis at its onset in early January have allegedly been censored. RFA reported that when unusual pneumonia cases were discovered in Wuhan on January 1, eight doctors who shared information on…  
3877. Amjad Aktalati  

The freelance journalist, who contributed to several media outlets, died in airstikes on Idlib, according to a statement of UNESCO’s Director-General. Source: UNESCO Journalists' safety, Syria, IFJ, Impunity  
3878. IFJ Annual Killed list: Mexico remains deadliest country in the world  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today released its annual report of killings of journalists, detailing 49 deaths worldwide in 2019.  The world's largest organisation of journalists reiterated its call  for a real commitment by governments to fight impunity for crimes committed against journalists and for media employers to provide safety training, insurance and equipment for their staff in the field.  On 31 December 2019, the IFJ published its list of media workers killed in the line of duty, showing 49 journalists killed in 2019, including three women, half as many as in previous years.  The report, published on 4 February, provides a regional…  
3879. Cambodia: Journalists’ appeal rejected in Radio Free Asia espionage case  

Cambodia’s Appeal Court on January 28 dismissed an appeal by two former Radio Free Asia (RFA) journalists’ against alleged espionage charges. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the rejection of the appeal, urging authorities to immediately drop the charges. The Phnom Penh court rejected former RFA journalists Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin’s joint appeal to drop a reinvestigation into allegations of espionage made against them.  The long-running case dates back to November 2017 when they were arrested for allegedly “illegally collecting information from a foreign source”. Chinn and Sothearin were released on bail in August 2018 but have since been…  
3880. Sri Lanka: Impunity still reigns as journalists mark ‘Black January’  

Journalists called on Sri Lanka’s government to take meaningful action to investigate journalist killings and disappearances on the annual ‘Black January’ commemoration on January 28. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lankan affiliate, the Free Media Movement urge the government in Sri Lanka to end a dark history of impunity for crimes against journalists in the country. Among the key demands, journalists at the Lipton Circus event called on the new Gotabaya Rajapaksa government to end impunity and secure justice for outstanding unsolved cases of media personnel who have died, disappeared or been injured whilst pursuing their profession. The commemoration was…  
3881. Argentina: desconocidos atacan a balazos la casa de un periodista  

El día miércoles 29 de enero dos personas encapuchadas dispararon al menos trece veces contra el frente del domicilio del periodista Carlos Walker, ubicado en la ciudad de Mar del Plata (provincia de Buenos Aires). Carlos Walker, quien conduce el programa de radio “Hora 13” en CNN Mar del Plata y escribe para el medio digital El Marplatense, sufrió un ataque a balazos a la puerta del complejo habitacional donde vive con su familia. Si bien sostuvo que no puede especular sobre el motivo del ataque, Walker remarcó ante distintos medios que se encuentra realizando investigaciones sobre irregularidades en locales nocturnos de la ciudad. Un video del hecho fue difundido por el periodista en…  
3882. IFJ in the News!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, between January 25- 31, 2020. English  Why Big Brother Fears Qassem Soleimani: He’s the Che Guevara of the 21st Century Kevin Barrett, The Iranian Mongabay editor has now been detained 6 weeks in Indonesia Mongabay Turkey Journalists Protest Press Pass Cancellations Begum Donmez Ersoz, Pete Cobus, VOA News Amid global war on journalism, Tamil journalists sent death threats in Sri Lanka Naveen Dewage, World Socialist Website Pro-government Turkish daily…  
3883. North Macedonia: Digital media workers win new charter and model contract for fair working conditions  

Digital media workers in North Macedonia have won a groundbreaking new charter for decent work and model fair work contracts, thanks to a campaign launched by IFJ affiliates. On Wednesday, January 30,  the Trade Union of Macedonian Journalists and Media Workers  (SSNM) was joined by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (SEMM) at the signing of a new charter for good working conditions and a model for fair working contracts for workers in digital media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomed it as a "massive step" towards improving the labour rights and conditions of the country's digital media…  
3884. Pakistan: Media in Pakistan failing to pay salaries with deadly ramifications  

Journalists in Pakistan are facing a widespread crisis of unpaid salaries, causing financial instability, trauma and stress-related deaths in the industry. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) strongly condemns the ‘wage theft’ epidemic led by media companies and calls on Pakistan’s government to review the industry and ensure all outstanding salaries are paid immediately. The practice of delaying salary payments has become increasingly common in Pakistan with some of the worst offending media companies delaying payments by as much as ten months, despite journalists continuing to work and provide professional…  
3885. “Assange, Snowden, Manning and Harrison are the resistance fighters of the 21st century”  

Citizens, journalists, artists, human rights organisations and journalists’ unions gathered on January 29th in Brussels to call on the Belgian government to do its utmost to protect Julian Assange and impede his extradition to the United States. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) joined the two Belgian civil society organisations, Carta Academica and Belgium4Assange, in two public actions organised in Brussels to defend freedom of expression, freedom of the press and our right to know in general, and Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Sarah Harrison and Edward Snowden in particular. Over 120 personalities, artists, activists and journalists and a dozen…  
3886. IFJ, NWU, and SFWA call for rethink on European Union proposals for “out-of-commerce works”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined forces with its US affiliate, the National Writers Union (NWU), to demand the rights of authors are protected as sweeping changes to copyright laws are implemented across Europe. EU institutions and member states are currently in the process of enacting regulations and national laws to implement the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, adopted in April last year. One of the directive’s sections - Articles 8 to 11 - authorizes the scanning and use of “out-of-commerce works” included in European library collections. The text will have an impact on EU-based authors but also on non-European writers…  
3887. Chile: Nuevamente, despidos en El Mercurio  

El pasado miércoles 22 de enero, el grupo mediático El Mercurio retomó su plan de despidos, ahora desvinculando a 50 trabajadorxs de sus distintos medios a lo largo de todo el país. Tal como la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) viene denunciando por este medio, se trata de una política que el grupo mediático está implementando desde finales del año 2018. En este caso, el comportamiento patronal se enmarca en un contexto en extremo conflictivo que viene atravesando el país, y que se expresa en las grandes movilizaciones populares que hace meses rechazan el modelo económico del presidente Sebastián Piñera. Concretamente, fueron despedidos 20 trabajadores de la empresa…  
3888. Nigeria: Radio journalist dies following kidnap  

Journalist Maxwell Nashian of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) FM Station, also known as Fombina FM, died at the hospital where he was taken after being found unconscious with serious injuries. The journalist was abducted by unknown assailants on 15 January. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) in condemning this heinous crime and calling for the killers to be brought to justice. According to local reports, Maxwell Nashian was abducted from his residence in the Lainde –Badirisa community of northern Adamawa State, where he was later found unconscious with signs of beatings and cuts on his body.  He…  
3889. The Gambia: Police close down two radio stations and arrest four journalists  

Two private radio stations in Gambia, King FM and Home Digital FM, were taken off air on the orders of the Gambian police which raided their studios on Sunday and arrested four journalists amid rising tension in the lead up to Presidential elections. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Gambia Press Union (GPU) condemn this blatant attack on press freedom and demand the immediate release of the arrested journalists and the reopening of both radio stations. Around a dozen armed personnel of the Gambian police stormed the two media offices and forced their shut down over accusations of spreading "incendiary messages" and "inciting violence". The manager of…  
3890. Le crime d'Assange? Dénoncer les atrocités des autres  

Voici le discours du Secrétaire général de la FIJ, Anthony Bellanger, délivré au Conseil de l'Europe le 27 janvier 2020 à Strasbourg (France). Le fondateur de Wikileaks, Julian Assange, était au coeur d'un événement ce lundi 27 janvier au Conseil de l'Europe à Strasbourg. Andrej Hunko, député européen allemand, y a convié notamment le Secrétaire général de la FIJ, Anthony Bellanger, John Shipton, le père de Julian Assange, et Nils Melzer, rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur la torture. Voici le discours intégral du Secrétaire général de la FIJ :  "Au nom de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la…  
3891. Turkey: Press authority cancels press cards of hundreds of journalists  

The Turkish press authority on 24 January cancelled press cards of hundreds of journalists, but did not give any reason for the measure. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ), along with their national affiliates, the Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS) and DİSK Basın, urge the authorities to revoke this decision and reissue immediately new press cards to their holders. The decision concerned hundreds of journalists who found out today that the Directorate General of Press and Information in Prime Ministry’s Office had cancelled their press cards, when they received their cards received their press cards with a “cancelled” stamp inside the back…  
3892. IFJ in the News!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, between January 17 - 24, 2020. English International Federation of Journalists blasts MDC for assaulting journalists The Zimbabwe Mail US journalist who exposed ecological destruction in Indonesia arrested Wessex FM Taiwan urged to reaffirm commitment to press freedom IFEX Cries of censorship in Sudan as media outlets linked to old regime closed Middle East Eye Français Taha Bouhafs, journaliste ès luttes Libération         IFJ,…  
3893. Nigeria: Journalist killed in shooting at protest in Abuja  

Regent Africa Times journalist Alex Ogbu was shot and killed on Tuesday, 21 January in the Nigerian capital, Abuja while covering a protest march by the Shiite Islamic Movement of Nigeria.  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), in demanding an independent and in-depth investigation into this death and to bring Ogbu’s killers to justice. Journalist Alex Ogbu, was covering the Shiite protest in the capital Abuja, when he was shot and killed allegedly by a bullet that was fired by the police at the scene.  According to local sources, the police fired “teargas canisters and live ammunition at random," at the…  
3894. Brazil: Judge rejects charges against Glenn Greenwald  

[UPDATED FEBRUARY 7th] Glenn Greenwald, journalist and co-founder of the investigative media outlet "The Intercept", has been accused by Brazil's Federal Prosecutor of being part of a criminal association and illegally intercepting private conversations. The move comes following the journalist's revealed details of alleged corruption over the jailing of former president Lula Da Silva. On 7 February a Judge rejected the charges against Greenwald. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) claimed the decision was intended to "intimidate and silence investigative journalists". On Tuesday, January 21, the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), announced through a press release…  
3895. Sri Lanka: Tamil journalists receive death threats  

Leaflets threatening to kill seven Tamil journalists were left at the Batticaloa Press Club and a nearby bus stop in Batticaloa, a city in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) and its affiliates Sri Lankan affiliates, the Federation of Media Employees' Trade Union (FMETU) and the Free Media Movement (FMM) condemn the threat and urge authorities to guarantee the safety of the targeted journalists. The leaflets were found under the door of the Batticaloa Press Club and at the nearby bus stop at 2:30 pm on January 23. The leaflet written in Tamil said “Beware! Beware! These are the reporters who received money from the Tigers abroad and acting…  
3896. Philippines: Media calls for urgent renewal of broadcaster ABS-CBN  

The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) and press freedom advocates are calling on the Philippines Congress to support the franchise renewal of the country’s largest broadcasting company. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate NUJP and urges the Philippines Congress to ensure the renewal of the ABS-CBN franchise in the interest of media freedom and democracy in the Philippines. Currently there are nine bills filed with the Congress seeking the renewal of ABS-CBN. Despite widespread support, it has been reported the government’s lawyers are attempting to revoke the legislative franchise of ABS-CBN when its franchise expires on March 30,…  
3897. Cambodia: Court limits media access to cover Kem Sokha trial  

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court has denied media access to court proceedings during the treason trial of opposition leader Kem Sokha. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands the court to ensure this important trial is open to media and to allow journalist to access information in the public interest. At least 200 people including Kem Sokha’s supporters and journalists gathered outside Phnom Penh Municipal Court for the trial. Most journalists were denied entry by court officers who said the courtroom was full. A Reuters reporter noted “a few” were allowed in. The IFJ was informed that the court had allowed 30 observers during the trial, but it is understood most spaces…  
3898. Zimbabwe: Security personnel assault journalist covering a political event  

Robert Tapfumaneyi, a journalist working for Syl media, was assaulted by the security personnel of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) on Tuesday, 21 January while he was covering a party event in the capital Harare. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in condemning this attack on press freedom and urges the MDC to refrain from such acts of violence against journalists. The journalist was harassed and attacked by security staff who accused him of working for the State Broadcaster, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Cooperation (ZBC). Security staff also grabbed his camera and threw it to the floor and prevented him from covering the…  
3899. Ukraine: journalists’ union rejects new controversial bill aimed at disinformation  

On January 20, the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports unveiled a draft law on combating disinformation and regulating media activity. According to the minister of Culture, Volodymyr Borodyansky, the bill aims to respond to Russian disinformation. However, the journalistic community believes that this initiative is likely to be used as a tool for harassing Ukrainian journalists. In particular, the Nation Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) warns that the law would legalise state interference in the journalistic profession and restrict media workers’ rights. The International and European Federation of Journalists, together with its affiliate NUJU, reject the bill in its…  
3900. Indonesia: US journalist arrested for alleged visa violation  

Philip Jacobson, an editor of environmental science website Mongabay, was arrested on January 21, 2020, on suspicion of “visa violations” in Indonesia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indonesian affiliate Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) condemn the arrest of Philip Jacobson, call for his immediate release and for charges to be dropped. On January 21, 2020, Indonesian authorities took the US journalist into custody, transferring him to Palangkaraya State Prison in Central Kalimantan. He is accused of breaching Article 122 of the 2011 Immigration Law. If found guilty, he faces up to five years imprisonment. Jacobson’s arrest is understood to be related to…  
3901. Brasil: El Ministerio Público Federal (MPF) denuncia al periodista Glenn Greenwald por asociación criminal e interceptación telefónica  

Glenn Greenwald, periodista y cofundador del medio de investigación “The Intercept”, fue denunciado por la fiscalía este martes 21 de enero, acusado de formar parte de una asociación criminal y de interceptar ilegalmente conversaciones privadas. El periodista había publicado una serie de artículos con conversaciones filtradas que comprometían a Sergio Moro, antiguo juez y actual Ministro de Justicia, y que revelarían corrupción y una persecución judicial al expresidente Lula da Silva. Este martes 21 de enero, el Ministerio Público Federal (MPF), a través de un comunicado,  informó que denuncío a siete personas, entre las que se encuentra el periodista Glenn Greenwald, por delitos…  
3902. Sri Lanka: Police refuse to file journalist death threat complaint  

Mulleriyawa Police in the Central Province of Sri Lanka refused on January 10 to record the death threat complaint of a court correspondent. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) strongly urge Sri Lanka’s police to accept the complaint and conduct an investigation into the matter. On January 10, the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the Mulleriyawa Police in Sri Lanka’s Central Province refused to take the complaint of Nimanthi Ranasinghe, a court correspondent for the daily newspaper Lankadeepa. It is alleged that the police officer turned the journalist away when Ranasinghe refused to reveal her source. According to FMM, the police then…  
3903. Pakistan: Journalist sentenced to five years in prison  

The Anti-Terrorism Court of Pakistan convicted journalist Nasrullah Chaudhry for allegedly possessing banned literature and spreading religious hatred. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) is dismayed by the court’s decision and calls for an urgent review. Chaudhry, a journalist for local Urdu-language daily Nai Baat, was arrested in Karachi on November 11, 2018, for allegedly carrying journals that could incite ‘Jihad’ (revolt). He was charged under the 1997 Anti-Terrorism Act. Chaudry’s charge sheet also alleged he had links to al-Qaeda leader Khalid Mukshi. Judge Muneer Bhutto handed down a five-year sentence and Rs 10,000…  
3904. Somalia: Union appeals to president to veto law which threatens press freedom  

The draft bill for a controversial new media law, which includes draconian restrictions on press freedom, is set to be signed by President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed in the coming days. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the federal government to veto this law and in pushing for its revision by the Parliament. The proposed new media law has been strongly criticized by international organizations, including the IFJ and NUSOJ, since its approval by the Council of Ministers in 2017. The bill introduces provisions which limit journalists’ work. The original version granted the Federal Ministry of Information power to bind journalists, by…  
3905. Alex Ogbu  

The Regent Africa Times journalist was shot and killed in the Nigerian capital, Abuja while covering a protest march by the Shiite Islamic Movement of Nigeria. According to reports, Alex Ogbu was killed allegedly by a bullet that was fired by the police at the scene.  Police fired “teargas canisters and live ammunition at random," at the protesters, local sources told reporters. Nigeria, Journalists' safety, IFJ, Impunity  
3906. Taiwan: Reaffirming Taiwan’s press freedom  

Taiwan’s election result on January 11 delivered stronger hopes for press freedom and media independence in the country after incumbent Tsai Ing-wen was re-elected as President of Taiwan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said the outcome was encouraging for the preservation of liberal democratic ideals and core human rights, including freedom of the press in Taiwan and for Asia. Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen was re-elected for a second four-year term, taking 57% of 14.3 million valid ballots. The election saw a high 75% turnout, especially among young voters, with the re-election pegged as a backlash against conservative attempts to roll back progressive reforms in…  
3907. Hong Kong: Journalists intimidated and denied entry to Hong Kong  

While Hong Kong’s protests continued, so too did the attacks on journalists and press freedoms in late December and early January. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) condemn ongoing assaults and the persistent undermining of the fundamental right of press freedom in Hong Kong. On December 20, following alleged firing of a live round at police officers in Tai Po, police fired tear gas at media and onlookers. One reporter from online outlet Stand News had a camera repeatedly hit by a police officer. Another journalist was hit on the hand and mobile phone, while other reporters were pepper sprayed. On December 24,…  
3908. IFJ Safety Fund Testimonies: Sarhan Abukalloub, Palestine  

Sarhan Abukalloub (37) is a journalist and documentary film-maker born and raised in Gaza, Palestine. His work as a journalist in the small and besieged Palestinian region left him facing several threats and abuses such as arbitrary detentions and physical attacks that forced him to flee. In an interview with the IFJ, he explains his story and how the IFJ Safety Fund helped him to get asylum in Belgium and start a new and safe life. Sarhan Abukalloub’s journalism career has never been easy. At its earlier stages, he launched his own blog called From Gaza to Gaza, in which he reported on the critical everyday issues people had to face in Gaza. His publications on this blog got him into…  
3909. Badil Al-Baraih  

Badil Al-Baraih The photojournalist for September 26, an online newspaper was killed in a missile attack by the Houthi rebels on an army camp near Marib. Journalists' safety, Yemen, IFJ, Impunity  
3910. IFJ in the News!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, between January 10 - 17, 2020. English  The Technology 202: Instagram faces backlash for removing posts supporting Soleimani Washington Post ‘Anti-Defamation’ Law, International Federation of Journalists Welcomes Meta’s Decision Albanian Daily News IFJ calls on Egypt to release Anadolu Agency staffers Anadolu Agency Albanian Parliament Poised to Overrule Veto on Controversial Media Laws VOA News IFJ Calls On Somali Authorities To Take Action In Providing…  
3911. Italy: Outrage over Sanremo festival presenter’s sexist comments on public TV  

The presenter of the Italian Sanremo 2020 festival, broadcast by the Italian public television RAI, caused a wave of indignation in Italy after he praised his co-hosts with sexist comments. The presenter of the Sanremo music festival, Amedeo Umberto Rita Sebastiani, also known as Amadeus, introduced his co-hosts saying they were chosen for being “very beautiful” and referring to one of them as a “sexy icon”. He added that Francesca Sofia Novello , who is a model, is a “super beautiful” woman, and praised “her ability to be close to a great man (in reference to Valentino Rossi, her partner) by being one step behind”, a statement that outraged many on social media with hundreds…  
3912. Liban: les forces de l'ordre agressent des journalistes couvrant les manifestations  

Plusieurs journalistes se sont fait agressés par les forces de l'ordre libanaises alors qu'ils couvraient les manifestations mercredi 15 janvier à Beyrouth, la capitale du pays. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat des journalistes libanais (SJL) pour condamner fermement toute agression envers la presse et demander au gouvernement d'assurer la sécurité des journalistes dans une période de contestation sociale intense. Plusieurs journalistes et  photographes de presse ont été agressés et certains de leurs équipements ont été détruits par les forces de l'ordre ce 15 janvier alors qu’ils couvraient les violences commises par la police…  
3913. Press freedom groups welcome start of trial in Kuciak murder  

The undersigned international and regional press freedom and journalism groups welcome the start of the murder trial this week against the suspected killers of Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée, Martina Kušnírova. The suspects on trial at the Specialized Criminal Court in Pezinok, Slovakia, include the alleged mastermind, Slovak businessman Marian Kočner, who prosecutors say ordered Kuciak’s murder in retaliation for his journalistic work. A confidante of Kočner’s, Alena Zsuzsová, is charged with having arranged the murder via a middleman, Zoltán Andruskó, who in turn contracted two alleged hitmen, cousins Tomáš Szabó and Miroslav Marček. Andruskó previously admitted guilt to…  
3914. Iran: IFJ supports journalists who resigned over lack of editorial independence in state-media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today supported Iranian journalists who denounced interference with their editorial independence, following the resignation of at least two senior journalists working for Iranian state broadcaster over the cover-up of the recent shooting down of the Ukrainian plane. On 8 January, a Ukraine International Airlines plane crashed a few minutes after taking off from Tehran airport. All 176 people on board were killed. At first, the official state version claimed the crash was due to a technical failure and dismissed reports of a missile strike, as it was established to be the case a few days after. For three days, Iranian officials imposed their…  
3915. Indonesia: Journalist threatened at gun point in Aceh  

An online journalist was physically assaulted and threatened by gunpoint for his coverage of a transport company in Aceh on January 4. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia denounce the threat on his life and urge the police to investigate the matter. Firmansyah, a reporter for online outlet modusaceh.co, published a story on transport company Tuah Akfi Utama (TAU) for failing to pay the road tolls. TAU transports piles used in the construction of the steam power plants in West Aceh and had agreed with the locals to pay a road toll. The chairman of TAU, Akrim, alleged Firmansyah was biased in his…  
3916. Egypt: Anadolu Agency journalists detained and held at an unknown location  

Egyptian police raided the office of the Turkish state-run news agency in Cairo on Tuesday. The next day it detained four staff members and their whereabouts remain unknown, said the Andolu Agency. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands all staff be released and for the Egyptian government to release its tight grip on journalists and media workers. According to the Aandolu Agency, Egyptian security forces raided its office on Tuesday night, shutting down security cameras and internet. The workers' passports, cell phones and computers were confiscated. After the sweep, police arrested four of the agency’s staff : three Egyptians and one Turkish citizen,…  
3917. Somalia: Another difficult year for journalists amidst media repression in 2019  

The annual report on The State of Media Freedom in Somalia, published by the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), has revealed an array of attacks against journalists during 2019, including killings, threats, harassment and censorship. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) repeats its call on authorities to take urgent action to guarantee journalists’ safety, punish those who attack journalists and put an end to military and police violence against media workers. The report paints a bleak picture of the state of media freedom in Somalia. There have been 84 documented cases of killings, threats, intimidations, physical assaults and censorship. On top of that, three…  
3918. IFJ Africa Office former official passes away in Dakar  

Libasse Hane, 51, a former official at the IFJ Africa office in Dakar, died on Tuesday, 14 January, 2020 after a brief illness. IFJ Africa Office former official passes away in Dakar Libasse Hane, 51, a former official at the IFJ Africa office in Dakar, died on Tuesday,  14 January, 2020 after a brief illness. Libasse joined the IFJ in March 2009 as Programme Officer, Freedom of Expression and Communications.  He was instrumental in the publication of the Freedom of Expression Report 2009 and also played a valuable role in issuing alerts on the violation of journalists’ rights across the continent. He left the IFJ in February 2011 to join PANOS Dakar, where he had been working…  
3919. Albania: Journalists' association pushes President to veto "censorship" law  

The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, has vetoed a proposed law that would stifle online media following the pressure from the Association of Professional Journalists of Albania (APJA), who denounced the bill as "authoritarian". The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) welcomed the decision, stressing that anti-defamation laws must not be used as tools to restrain press freedom. The proposed amendments to the Law on Audiovisual Media and the Law on Electronic Communications would have granted new government bodies such as the Albanian Media Authority (AMA) and Albanian Communication and Postal Authorities (AKEP), the power to instantly block media websites and…  
3920. Maxwell Nashian  

The journalist for the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) FM Station, also known as Fombina FM, died at the hospital where he was taken after being found unconscious with serious injuries. Nashian was abducted by unknown assailants According to local reports, Maxwell Nashian was abducted from his residence in the Lainde –Badirisa community of northern Adamawa State, where he was later found unconscious with signs of beatings and cuts on his body.  He was spotted by a group of women going to their farms, who then alerted the Civil defense operatives at the radio station. He was rushed to hospital but died on arrival.     The police have reportedly retrieved a…  
Search results 3851 until 3920 of 15058