15063 results:

14352. IFJ Structures and Projects in Africa  

IFJ Regional office in Africa Public Accountability campaign Union des Journalistes d'Afrique de l'Ouest - Western Africa Journalist Association Media observatories supported by the MFDA programme/ Observatoires des média soutenus par le programme Media pour la Démocratie Bénin : ODEM - Observatoire de la Déontologie et de l'Ethique dans les Médias Press houses supported by the MFDA programme/ Maisons de la presse soutenues par le Programme Médias pour la Démocratie: Burkina Faso : Centre National de Presse Norbert Zongo Tanzania: Press Centre Togo : Maison du Journalisme IFJ Member Unions Ghana Journalists' Association UNJCI - Union nationale des journalistes de Cote…  
14353. IFJ Report on Journalists Killed 2003  

Click HERE to read the IFJ report on Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2003  
14354. Journalism and Human Rights handbook on Human Rights Reporting in Southeastern Europe 2003  

Click HERE to read the IFJ 'Journalism and Human Rights handbook on Human Rights Reporting in Southeastern Europe 2003'  
14366. Covering conflicts in Africa  

17 tips for journalists from MediaChannel.org Reporting the World, A practical checklist for the ethical reporting,Published by Conflict & Peace Forums, 2002 A four point checklist for conflict reporting, summarised by Media channel.org IWMF: Journalists in a war zone The News Media and the Transformation of Ethnopolitical Conflicts / In: The Berghof-Handbook for Conflict Transformation / Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management - Berlin, 2001 The European Network for a Research Agenda on Children in Armed Conflict Conflict Prevention Associates: Conflict prevention ressources (Internet and Literature) Media Action International: Reaching Populations in Crisis.…  
14369. IFJ Says Greek Attempt to Arrest Union Leaders “An Outrageous Flashback to An Age of Dictatorship”  

The International Federation of Journalists today described efforts to carry out a mass arrest of Greek journalists’ union leaders as an “outrageous flashback to an age of dictatorship and tyranny.” “The sight of security officers scuttling around trying to put union leaders behind bars because they organised a strike is a shameful sight in a modern democracy,” said Aidan White. The IFJ, and its regional organisation the European Federation of Journalists, says that Greek security and legal officers have been drawn into a humiliating escapade by the action of newspaper publisher G Kouris who filed charges against the Executive Board of the Journalists Union of Athens Daily…  
14370. Britain “Must Repair” Damage to BBC Says IFJ To Maintain Public Broadcasting Ideals Worldwide  

The International Federation of Journalists today warns that continued attacks on the BBC following the official report on the Kelly affair could undermine efforts to create genuinely public service broadcasting systems in other countries. “The BBC is the world’s leading public service broadcaster with an unsurpassed reputation for independent news coverage untainted by political interference,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Politicians and others in the UK must not use the Kelly affair to unravel the structures for editorial independence that have protected the BBC over the years, this will only encourage recalcitrant governments elsewhere to keep their hands on the…  
14371. Child rights and the media, recommended web sites  

IFJ handbook: Putting Children in the Right. IFJ Guidelines for Journalists and Media Professionals   See also: BBC World Service – A World for Children MAGIC - Children and the Media Press Wise: References to CHILDREN in Codes of Conduct of Journalists’ Unions Other resources: European Network on Street Children Worldwide (ENSCW) European Network for a Research Agenda on Children in Armed Conflict Human Rights Watch: children's Rights Institute for Security Studies (in Africa) - Children in conflicts International Children’s Center Africa Charter on Children's Broadcasting Media Monitoring Project 5south Africa): Putting Children…  
14372. Covering HIV/AIDS issues in Africa  

Global Unions HIV/AIDS campaign NEW !! ILO Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work Africa Women Media Centre /Centre Africain des Femmes dans les Médias Resource Guide and Manual on Reporting HIV/Aids in Africa - Training programmes for journalists covering HIV/AIDS Guide des ressources disponibles et manuel pour la couverture des problèmes liées aux MST/SIDA en Afrique - Programmes de formation des Journalistes AidsChannel.org AllAfrica.com: Aids Headlines news ANNEA: AIDS NGOs Network in Eastern Africa BBC News: AIDS in Africa Cable Positive: the cable and…  
14373. Online training (Africa)  

Reporstage e-Learning platform Project description Partners Calendar of training workshops: media issues BBC Afrique: Cours d'anglais gratuits BBC: Aprenda inglês [PORT] Humanitarian Assistance Training Inventory (HATI) International Women Media Foundation: Leadership and management, Journalism skills Journalism Courses in Africa Poynter online: "everything you need to become a better journalist" Institute for the Advancement of Journalism (South Africa) International Journalists Network (training events) IJNet: Training materials library Journalism.org : journalism tools Press Wise: List of Journalism schools RFI:Service de Formation Internationale (formation des…  
14376. Japan could extend existing copyright protection to 70 years  

Japanese law currently provides for a 50 years copyright protection. On 20th January 2003, the Japanese government proposed to increase existing copyright protection by 20 years. The future law would also amend existing provisions regarding the burden of proof in copyright infringements cases. Thus, the alleged infringer would have to prove that his act was legal. Moreover, the bill would relax rules in relation to the use of copyright protected material for education purposes. The bill should be discussed in the Japanese Congress in Spring this year. It already has to bear with many oppositions fearing that an extension of copyright protection would challenge new content creation.…  
14377. The US Supreme Court Confirms Extension of Copyright protection  

In a judgment dated 16 January 2003, the US Supreme court upheld a Congress decision extending copyright protection for another 20 years. Following right holders' heavy lobbying actions, the US Congress has on several occasions taken the opportunity to increase copyright protection. Its last decision dated 1998 was challenged in front of the US Supreme Court, which finally upheld the extension of copyright protection. The protection period now runs for 70 years after the death of the creator. Works owned by corporations enjoy a 95-years protection period.  
14379. Quality Media For The Information Age - Bridging the Digital Divide in Journalism. IFJ Proposal.  

Quality Media For The Information Age - Bridging the Digital Divide in Journalism. IFJ Proposal 2003.  
14380. IFJ model for collective agreements  

The IFJ model for authors' rights provisions in collective agreements is accessible here.  
14381. Background document to the RTP crisis: The Journalists' Union criticises the Government and demands explanations  

Background document to the crisis in RTP, Portugal's public broadcasting company, 2002 The Journalists' Union criticises the Government and demands explanations Download the statement (WORD)  
14382. French Photographers from AFP seek a court injunction for breach of their authors' rights  

Twenty five photographers from the French press agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) together with the French visual arts and photographers association Société des Auteurs des Arts Visuels et de l'Image Fixe (SAIF) have sued AFP and Corbis-Sygma for infringing their authors' rights. AFP has been using photographers' works abusively on different media, including the internet, and has given the company Corbis-Sygma - a provider of digital media - the right to use their photos. According to the plaintiffs, the Corbis-Sygma is reproducing and exploiting the photos in breach of their authors' rights as well as SAIF's collective rights. In order to stop AFP and Cordis-Sygma from exploiting…  
14383. Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2002. An IFJ Report on Media Casualties in the Field of Journalism and Newsgathering  

Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2002. An IFJ Report on Media Casualties in the Field of Journalism and Newsgathering (PDF)  
14384. The French HADAS-LEBEL mission on authors' rights calls for a return to statu quo ante  

The French State Consellor Hadas Lebel- which was mandated for a mission on Authors' rights for staff employees- has published a report calling for a return to statu quo ante. The purpose of the mission consisted in reconsidering a provision contained in French legislation which prohibits the complete assignment of journalists' authors' rights on future works to their employer. The IFJ/ EFJ 's French affiliates, as well as its EU affiliates and US National Writers Union, strongly opposed Hadas Lebel's mission, warning that the adoption of such a provision would contradict the French tradition on authors' rights, challenge freedom of expression and pave the way for the introduction in…  
14385. Roundtable Statement on Media and Religion Against the Background of Miss World Protests in Nigeria  

Communiqué of a One-Day Roundtable on Media and Religion, organized on behalf of the Media-For-Democracy (MFD) Project by the International Press Center (IPC), Lagos, Nigeria on Monday, December 9, 2002 The one-day media roundtable on 'Media and Religion' was held on Monday, December 9, 2002, under the auspices of the press council ethics, regulation and professionalism dialogue series of the International Press Center (IPC) in conjunction with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and LO/TCO, Sweden). The Media-For-Democracy (MFD) group also supported it. The roundtable was attended by reporters and editors from both the print and electronic media while the panelists…  
14386. Where to Send Your IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize Application  

SEND YOUR APPLICATIONS TO THE RELEVANT IFJ JOURNALISM FOR TOLERANCE PRIZE OFFICE: East and South East Asia IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize c/o Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) JL. Danau Poso No. 29 Blok d.1 Bendungan Hilir Jakarta Pusat 10210 Indonesia Phone: +61 2 9333 0919 Fax: +61 2 9333 0933 Email: [email protected] South Asia IFJ JOURNALISM FOR TOLERANCE PRIZE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF JOURNALISTS (SOUTH ASIA) IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize, c/o All India Newspaper Employees Federation (AINEF), Flat No.29, Shankar Market, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110 001 Tel: + 9818383669 Fax: +91-11-23386427 E-MAIL: [email protected] ALL ENTRIES SHOULD BE…  
14388. European Media Ownership: Threats on the Landscape. September 2002.  

A Survey of who owns what in Europe European Media Ownership: Threats on the Landscape. A Survey of who owns what in Europe, by Granville Williams, published by the European Federation of Journalists (PDF)  
14389. World Journalists Protest Over Nigeria "Death Sentence" on Miss World Reporter  

The International Federation of journalists has joined an appeal to the President of Nigeria from human rights groups and media campaigners after the state government at the centre of the Miss World controversy, which led to riots and more than 200 deaths last week, had issued a "fatwa" or death sentence on the author of the offending article. "This adds a new and dangerous dimension to this tragedy," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, "It is intolerable that journalists should be targeted, intimidated and be threatened in this way." An open letter to the President was sent by five media freedom groups after a front page story in the Nigerian…  
14390. World Journalists Accuse Bangladesh and Call for Immediate Release of Detained Media Staff  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused the authorities in Bangladesh of fuelling "suspicion and mistrust" of journalists after a foreign television crew were arrested on the border with India. The IFJ says that detained media staff working for Britain's Channel 4 News must be released immediately. "The detention of these journalists is a scandalous assault on press freedom and has no justification whatsoever," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The IFJ responded to an appeal from Channel 4 who is seeking international support for their four-member crew who were arrested yesterday. Police held journalist Zaiba Malik and cameraman Bruno…  
14392. Journalists' authors' rights fiercely debated at the SNJ Congress  

The French government intends to implement the European Copyright Directive in a way completely detrimental to journalists and authors in general. The IFJ/EFJ and all its French affiliates are carrying on actions to modify the French government's policy. The French Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ) held its annual Congress on 14-15-16th November 2002. The issue of assignment of journalists' rights to their employer was on the top of the agenda and the SNJ has fundamentally denounced the proposal from the French governmental mission led by Hadas-Lebel to amend authors' rights law by introducing a complete assignment of authors' rights to their employer. The SNJ denounced the…  
14394. Seminar on Curriculum Development and Human Rights Journalism Training  

The IFJ and UNESCO organised a regional Seminar on Curriculum Development and Human Rights Journalism Training in October 2002 in the Grand Regency Hotel, Nairobi. Seminar report (PDF-file)  
14395. European Best Practice Survey: Working Conditions of Journalists  

This survey of best practice on working conditions of journalists in the newspaper sector is based on information by EFJ member unions drawn from collective agreements, in-house agreements and national labour legislation. DOWNLOAD HERE (PDF)  
14396. Creators' rights for all: position of the NUJ  

Creators' rights for all: position of the NUJ  
14397. Report on the IFJ/UNESCO Seminar on Curriculum Development and Human Rights Journalism Training in Eastern Africa  

The IFJ and UNESCO organised a Seminar on Curriculum Development and Human Rights Journalism Training in Kenya, targeting representatives of training institutions from the whole region. Twenty-seven people participated in the two-day program assembled at Nairobi's Grand Regency Hotel on Monday, October 14 and Tuesday, October 15 2002. The participants included heads of journalism training institutions, journalists, media consultants and journalism students from the East African region. The primary aim of the seminar was two-fold: to offer the Model Curricula to communication and journalism educators and trainers for their impressions and suggestions; and to discuss the issue of…  
14398. NUJ: The Media Owners  

NUJ: the media owners  
14399. IFJ/UNESCO Regional Seminar on Curriculum Development and Human Rights Journalism Training  

IFJ/UNESCO Regional Seminar on Curriculum Development and Human Rights Journalism Training. 14 -15 October 2002, Grand Regency Hotel, Nairobi. Download the report as PDF-file  
14401. The 2002 Jury Report  

Commissioner Poul Nielson congratulates the 2002 Natali Gold Medalist Raymond Archer, Ghana. Photo: Audiovisual Library European Commission. Brussels, 14th October 2002 The Natali Prize for Journalism: Excellence in Reporting Human Rights, Democracy and Development was established by the European Commission's DG Development in 1992 in honour of the late Lorenzo Natali, Vice President of the European Commission with special responsibility for development issues. Since 1999 the International Federation of Journalists has been organising the prize on behalf of the European Commission. The Natali Prize is awarded to print journalists who have demonstrated a striking insight and a…  
14403. The French HADAS-LEBEL mission on authors' rights calls for a return to statu quo ante  

The French State Consellor Hadas Lebel- which was mandated for a mission on Authors' rights for staff employees- has published a report calling for a return to statu quo ante. The purpose of the mission consisted in reconsidering a provision contained in French legislation which prohibits the complete assignment of journalists' authors' rights on future works to their employer. The IFJ/ EFJ 's French affiliates, as well as its EU affiliates and US National Writers Union, strongly opposed Hadas Lebel's mission, warning that the adoption of such a provision would contradict the French tradition on authors' rights, challenge freedom of expression and pave the way for the introduction in…  
14404. Istria Statement: The Role of Journalists' Trade Unions in Defending the Social and Professional Rights of Journalists  

Download the Istria Statement (Word) Journalists’ unions and associations from 15 different countries in Central and Eastern Europe meeting from 3-6 October in Istria, Croatia, called upon the journalists’ community to unite in solidarity to defend their social and professional rights. More than 60 participants concluded that:  
14405. European Journalists Condemn Newspaper Employers For "Callous Disregard" Over Safety of Freelance Staff  

European journalists today condemned newspaper employers for "callous and unacceptable disregard for the safety of freelance staff" after newspaper bosses announced their opposition to European Union plans to improve the health and safety rights of freelance workers. "It is a scandal that in an industry that relies daily on reporters who may take risks to deliver the news and pictures, employers are not prepared to take their responsibilities seriously," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists, which represents more than 280.000 journalists in 31 countries. The EFJ and its Freelance Expert Group says that opposition from…  
14408. Greece: Law implementing the EU Directive on Copyright and Related rights in the Information Society  

English version of the Greec law implementing the EU Directive on Copyright and related rights in the Information Society may be found here  
14410. Human Cost of Conflict Story "Too High" Says IFJ as 2002 Media Death Toll Tops 50  

New Killings in Palestine, Colombia and Chechnya New Appeal for Action on Safety The killing of three journalists covering conflicts in the world's most dangerous places in the past two weeks has brought the death toll among media staff this year to more than 50, said the International Federation of Journalists today. "It is another bad and blood-stained year for press freedom," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, which is calling for urgent action by media employers to support safety programmes to reduce the risks to their staff working in dangerous zones. "The human cost of covering the conflict story is already too high," said White,…  
14411. Handbook on Human Rights reporting  

14412. RTP Workers Denounce Plans for Downsizing  

Press release from the unions at RTP The workers of RTP, Portuguese public television network, at a general meeting, considering: 1º. That the unions and the workers committee (CT), in separate reunions with the Board of Directors from RTP, have drawn different conclusions from the explanations given over the future of the workers and of the company to be created by the government to broadcast the television public service; 2º. Contradictory answers were given to the same questions risen by the different organizations representative of the workers; 3º. The Board of Directors does not give any information over the model in which they intend to conduct the management of the…  
14413. Accra Declaration on Public Service broadcasting in West Africa  

The IFJ plays an active role in the reflection about public broadcasting in West Africa. On 16 to 18 September 2002, a meeting took place on this issue in Accra (Ghana), with the support of the NGO "ARTICLE XIX" and Foundation for Media in West Africa. The IFJ was represented by Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Co-ordinator of the "Media for Democracy" programme in West Africa. Download the Accra Declaration on Public Service broadcasting in West Africa 16-18 September 2002  
14415. European Journalists Accuse Poland of "Political Manipulation" Over Advertising Ban  

Leaders of the European Federation of Journalists, Europe's largest journalists' group, have condemned the Government of Poland for "political manipulation of the media market" over a ban on certain state advertising in some of the country's major newspapers. "The Government has imposed a ban which is targeting critical voices in the mass media," said Gustl Glattfelder, Chairman of the EFJ Steering Committee, which met in Brussels at the weekend. "Such political manipulation of the market is a threat to independent media in the country and a violation of European standards of freedom of information." The EFJ protest follows a decision to break with…  
14416. West African Journalists Association Conference/Congress, Dakar-Senegal  

West African Journalists Association Conference/Congress, Dakar-Senegal, September 5–7, 2002 Conference Report, PDF-file  
14417. Protest Over Attack on Reporter After Deaths Threats from Bangladesh Extremists  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest organisation of journalists, has protested to the Government of Bangladesh after an assassination attempt on journalist Belal Chowdhury and death threats against four other reporters by Islamic fundamentalists in Faridpur. The IFJ Asia-Pacific Regional Office has taken the case up. The IFJ has written to prime minister Khaleda Zia, protesting over the attacks, and pressing for a full investigation. Chowdhury, a reporter with the local newspaper Dainik Thikana, was attacked and beaten unconscious in a Faridpur market on 24 August by five people armed with machetes and axes. He remains in a serious condition in hospital.…  
14418. IFJ Attacks Secrecy In Talks Between United States and Europe Over "War on Terrorism"  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused United States and European Union officials of "unacceptable secrecy that downgrades democracy" over the negotiation of a transatlantic deal on criminal matters, investigative procedures and joint actions without consultation with the European or national parliaments. "Over the past year traditional liberties have been trimmed and cutback in pursuit of the so-called 'war on terror'," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists. "Now we find that promises of more open government in Europe are put aside to suit deal-makers in Washington and…  
14419. Journalism, Civil Liberties And The War on Terrorism Final Report on The Aftermath of September 11 And the Implications for Journalism and Civil Liberties  

Journalism, Civil Liberties And The War on Terrorism Final Report on The Aftermath of September 11 And the Implications for Journalism and Civil Liberties by Aidan White, General Secretary, Updated Version (August 2002) PDF-file  
14420. PSB Country File : Ireland  

Country Files : Ireland NUJ Ireland Press Release :, 30 August 2002 Full Report of the Broadcasting Forum on the site of the Irish Department of communications, Marine & Natural Resources On 23 March 2002, Ms de Valera, Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, has announced the setting up of the Forum on Broadcasting. The Forum on Broadcasting has been set up to advise on broadcasting in Ireland. It should examine ways to improve Irish radio and television services. In the context of the Public Broadcasting for All Campaign, it is essentiel to ensure the defence and viability of RTE. DOCUMENTS : Submission of the NUJ Ireland to the Forum on Broadcasting,…  
Search results 14351 until 14420 of 15063