15062 results:

13582. Sweden: An important breakthrough for freelance writers  

The Swedish collecting society ALIS – a collecting society for literary freelancers such as journalists, bookwriters, playwrights –concluded an agreement with one of the major players of the Swedish “on-line-market”, Mediearkivet Svenska AB. Mediearkivet is a company which runs a database ( www. mediearikivet .se ) containing literary works, mainly articles, which have previously been published in newspapers and magazines. The founders of ALIS– amongst others The Swedish Union of Journalists and The Swedish Union of Writers – are together with ALIS parties in the agreement, in which Mediearkivet is obliged to pay 2.9 million Swedish crowns ( 400.000 euro ) in compensation for 1) being…  
13583. EFJ New Chair and Steering Committee Elected in Thessaloniki  

Just a few days prior to the accession of ten countries to the European Union, the EFJ held its triennial General Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece, last weekend, under the theme Trade Union Building and Solidarity in an Enlarging Europe. At a time when social rights are increasing under fire, EFJ members from 22 countries adopted a concrete working program for the next three-year period, calling for the protection of existing collective agreements and the establishment of social dialogue where it doesn’t exist. The importance of uniform labor standards within transnational media conglomerates and enforcing social protection schemes for freelances throughout Europe were two key issues…  
13590. Polish Authors' Rights Act  

The Polish authors' rights Act adopted in 1994 is available here  
13592. "Changing Nordic Mediascene" Conference, Helsinki, 4 May 2004  

The Union of Radio and Television Journalists in Finland organises a conference on Tuesday May 4th 2004 from 1 p.m. to – 5.30 p.m. at Finnish Broadcasting Company’s headquarters, Radiokatu 5, Helsinki. It is a unique opportunity to hear from top experts insights into the future of the television in Sweden, Denmark and Finland. The conference languages are Finnish, Swedish and Danish. PROGRAMME 1.00 p.m. ”Where waves do us carry” Competition and technology in the new mediaworld Chairperson : Bengt K.Å. Johansson, Sweden 1.45 p.m. The future digital-television in Finland What scope of programmes for the Finnish PSB and who’s going to pay for it? Chairperson : Seppo…  
13605. 2004 EFJ Resolution on EFJ Financial Crisis  

Tabled by NUJ – Great Britain This General Meeting is alarmed at the recent review of the EFJ finance, which concluded that “its financial future remains precarious” with the General Secretary advising appropriate cuts to meet the organisation’s legal and social obligation if it proves necessary. The GM notes that some affiliates have expressed concern this financial crisis has kept developing over many years and has now reached a critical point. It is therefore important that swift action is taken to set out an effective plan to ensure (i) that the secretariat continue to implement the day-today working program with maximum efficiency; and (ii) the most effective and efficient…  
13606. IFJ Condemns “Punitive and Absurd” Ban on Journalist in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the Yemeni authorities to release a local reporter following a court sentence, which the Federation described as “punitive and absurd”. On 13 April, Saeed Thabet, a correspondent for Kuds Press was handed down a court order in which he was ordered to stop all journalistic activity for six months in a verdict issued by the western court of Sana'a. “This sentence is an attempt to gag a journalist and to stifle free expression,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It is an absurd and undemocratic response to an issue which should be resolved through professional reflection”. Saeed Thabet, who is also a member of the…  
13607. Estonia Works Council Highlights Drive for Cross-Border Media Solidarity in Europe  

The European Federation of Journalists, which this weekend meets in Greece for its three-yearly review of union work across the continent, today welcomed the commitment of journalists in Estonia to build a works council in the Norwegian media corporation Schibsted, which has major holdings in Estonian newspapers and broadcasting. The Estonian Union of Journalists has nominated leading journalist Kalev Vilgats to represent editorial staff in the works council which will be formally elected on April 19-21. “In a few weeks Estonia will be formally part of the European Union and journalists are determined to be part of the cross-border solidarity that comes with EU membership,” said…  
13609. Authors' rights Section- Journalist Förbundet (Sweden)  

The authors' rights section of the Swedish union of Journalists (Journalist Förbundet) is accessible here  
13610. Portugal: collective agreement for non daily papers  

The collective agreement for non daily papers endorsed by the Portuguese union of journalists (Sindicato dos Jornalistas) adopts specific provisions on authors’ rights. Article 38 (commercialization and trading rights on texts, photos and drawings) expressly states media companies must seek journalists’ consent for the transfer or commercial use of their written or recorded texts, photos and drawings. Moreover, a commercial use of a written or recorded text, photo or drawing should entitle his author to a 50% fee of the selling price. Text in Portuguese Cláusula 38ª Comercialização e cedência de textos, fotografias e desenhos 1 - As empresas só podem ceder ou…  
13614. IFJ Condemns “Brutal Attacks” on Journalists in Armenia  

The International Federation of Journalists condemned today the “brutal assault” of reporters covering an opposition rally in Yerevan, Armenia. On 5 April, the film crews of the Armenian Public TV station and the private TV companies Kentron, HY (Noyan Tapan) and Shant, and reporters of Aravot and Aykakan Zhamanak newspapers were attacked by unidentified men in civilian clothes during a demonstration of the opposition National Unity party. Video and photo equipment was destroyed and several journalists and cameramen injured, despite the massive presence of policemen who did nothing to intervene in their defence. "Such a brutal and violent attack on journalists simply carrying out…  
13618. IFJ Condemns Attacks on Press Freedom in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has written today to Hong Kong’s Commissioner of Police condemning the actions of the Hong Kong police to remove reporters from covering an overnight demonstration in front of the Central Government Offices. The IFJ, the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is extremely concerned over the excessive use of force used in removing two reporters who were covering the demonstration resulting in one reporter receiving hospital treatment. According to information from our affiliate the HKJA, police used excessive force to first remove reporters and then demonstrators carrying out the…  
13620. EFJ Welcomes European Parliament Bid to Counter Media Concentration and to Defend Pluralism  

The European Federation of Journalists today welcomed the positive signal for the defence of media pluralism and press freedom given by a report adopted by the Citizens' Rights Committee of the European Parliament on Tuesday 30 March. “This report is good news for all journalists and media workers in Europe,” said Gustl Glattfelder, Chairman of the EFJ. “It strikes a blow for media pluralism and, coming as it does on the eve of the accession of 10 new Member States and the possible adoption of a European constitution, provides an opportunity to make a fresh start on rules that will limit media concentration and enhance quality in journalism.” The EFJ says that the Parliament’s…  
13621. More Killings, Death Threats and Closure of Paper Deepen Iraq Media Crisis  

More media deaths in Iraq – seven killings that bring the toll since the war began a year ago to close to 40 (38) – and death threats to reporters working for international media have sparked new calls for international solidarity with journalists in Iraq. The International Federation of Journalists today said journalists’ safety was an “urgent priority” and warned the occupation authorities against actions that “smack of censorship” and further weaken the Iraqi media community.Yesterday, Nabil al-Jurani, a freelance photographer working for Associated Press was shot and injured by British forces during clashes with Iraqis in Basra. On March 26, Burhan Mohamed…  
13624. More Killings, Death Threats and Closure of Paper Deepen Iraq Media Crisis  

More media deaths in Iraq – seven killings that bring the toll since the war began a year ago to close to 40 (38) – and death threats to reporters working for international media have sparked new calls for international solidarity with journalists in Iraq. The International Federation of Journalists today said journalists’ safety was an “urgent priority” and warned the occupation authorities against actions that “smack of censorship” and further weaken the Iraqi media community. Yesterday, Nabil al-Jurani, a freelance photographer working for Associated Press was shot and injured by British forces during clashes with Iraqis in Basra. On March 26, Burhan Mohamed Mazhour, a freelance…  
13625. Journalists Welcome Belgian Professional Secrecy Law But Fears Remain Over Security Exception  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional body the European Federation of Journalists has welcomed moves in Belgium to adopt a long overdue law on protection of journalists’ sources, but warned that the bill still had exceptions that worry reporters. “This is an important step forward,” said Aidan White General Secretary of the IFJ and EFJ. “Certainly, it would have caused second thoughts over the police raid on the home and office of a Brussels reporter last week.” He said police action against Hans-Martin Tillack, a reporter for the German magazine Stern, caused anger among the Brussels press corps, the largest in the world, because it raised fears of political…  
13626. IFJ Announces Nominees For Real Life Matters Journalism Prize for Reporting Drugs and HIV-AIDS  

The International Federation of Journalists today announced the two nominees for the Real Life Matters competition for quality journalism reporting on the drugs and HIV-AIDS crisis in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Newly-Independent States of the former Soviet Union (NIS). The two Real Life Matters nominees were selected from a large number of entries from the CEE/NIS, a region where the HIV/AIDS epidemic is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. The two nominees are: Valentina Akimova (from Russia) for her article "Street Walker" published in Kuzbass and Abdulfattoh Shafiev (from Tajikistan) his report "The Life of Drug Users in Tajikistan"…  
13627. Renewal of the Journalists' Union National Executive in Zambia  

Letter from the Zambia Union of Journalists ZAMBIA UNION OF JOURNALIST UNITY IS STRENGTH Office of the General Secretary, P.O. Box 70956, Ndola. Phone 097-788601 02-614229 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 23rd March 2004, The General Secretary, International Federation of Journalists, Dear Mr Aidan White, ZAMBIA UNION OF JOURNALISTS CONFERENCE After the Zambia…  
13629. Warning bells ringing over Indonesia defamation case, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is outraged over the verdict issued by a Central Jakarta District Court, finding the Tempo Magazine guilty of defaming businessman Tomy Winata, in an article published in March 2003. “The alarm bells are ringing long and loud as a result of this and other recent legal cases against media in Indonesia,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren today. On 18 March 2004, the Central Jakarta District Court ordered the Tempo Magazine to pay Tomy Winata 500 million rupiah (approximately US$59,000) after finding Tempo guilty of defamation. In addition Tempo must publish a…  
13631. International Petition in Support of Justice for Journalists and Media Staff Killed in Iraq  

Download Petition in Word Format To date, the United States internal “investigation” of the Palestine Hotel tragedy on April 8th 2003, in which two of our colleagues – Taras Protsiuk and José Couso died – as well as three other incidents in which journalists Mazen Dana, Terry Lloyd, Fred Nérac, Hussein Osman and Tareq Ayyoub were killed, have not been properly investigated and the information regarding their deaths remains classified. No details of these incidents have been released to their families, news organisations, or the public. This is a shameful situation for a nation that prides itself in openness, freedom of information and democracy. The Pentagon has ignored repeated…  
13632. New Turmoil at Serbian Public Broadcaster  

On 19 March 2004, the Director General of Radio Television Serbia (RTS), Aleksandar Crkvenjakov, was dismissed and replaced by Mr. Aleksandar Tijanic. According to Culture Minister Dragan Kojadinovic, the dismissal took place because RTS had failed to respond adequately to the events in Kosovo and had continued its regular programming on Wednesday 17 March 17. However, according to Mr. Crkvenjakov, his dismissal was politically motivated and planned even before the events in Kosovo took place. Mr. Tijanic, the newly appointed Director General of RTS, told Kurir that he decided to accept the position under the condition that Ms. Gordana Susa becomes the RTS News Editor. He said that…  
13635. Justicia para los periodistas matados en Irak - Protesta del 8 de abril  

El 8 de abril 2003es una fecha horrible para el mundo del periodismo. Hace un año hoy que más de 150 periodistas en el Hotel Palestina en Bagdad sufrieron el tiroteo de las fuerzas estadounidenses. Dos periodistas fueron matados y tres otros heridos. Hasta el presente, no se procuraron explicaciones satisfactorias relativas a los motives del ataque. Las autoridades estadounidenses han publicado un simulacro de informe que absuelve sus militares de toda responsabilidad – pero se niegan firmemente a publicar este informe. Un total de siete periodistas fueron matados en cuatro incidentes distintos de llamados “fuego amigo” por tropas estadounidenses en Irak desde el principio del…  
13638. Belgian Raid on Reporter Sparks IFJ Alert Over Threat to Journalists’ Rights  

The International Federation of Journalists today warned of an all-out attack on legitimate investigative reporting following the detention of a leading journalist in Brussels and the police raid on his office. Earlier today, Hans-Martin Tillack, a correspondent of the German weekly Stern in Brussels was arrested by local police. Police searched his private house and subsequently raided the editorial offices of Stern. The searches were ordered by a Belgian judge on behalf of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), after an article about possible fraud within the European Parliament. The home search took place just when the Belgian Chamber of Deputies is about to discuss a bill…  
13642. IFJ Protests Over Violent Attacks Against Journalists in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists has protested to Jathika Hela Urumaya over the attack by its members on a Young Asian Media television crew covering a political rally of the JHU in Kandy, Sri Lanka. The IFJ has protested to the leader of the JHU and the President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka in the following letter: 15 March 2004 Mr Tilak Karunaratne Secretary Jathika Hela Urumaya 659, Elvitigala Mw, Colombo 05. Fax: +94 1 2369820 CC. Her Excellency Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga President Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Presidential Secretariat Colombo-1, Sri Lanka Fax: +94 1 333 703 CC. Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghae Prime…  
13643. IFJ Condemns Targeting of Journalists by Israeli Soldiers  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the “dangerous lack of discipline” within the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), following the shooting of Palestinian journalist Saif Dahla during an Israeli incursion into the city of Jenin in the West Bank On 9 March, Saif Dahla, a photographer for Agence-France Presse (AFP), was injured in his left leg when a soldier in a tank about 20 meters away fired a few rounds from a machine gun. Saif was amongst half a dozen journalists who had been working in the area for over an hour, wearing flak jackets, helmets, and marked clothing clearly identifying them as members of the press. "This is not the first time we have noticed a…  
13649. IFJ Backs Yemeni Journalists’ Call For Union Activist Held by Security Police To Be Freed  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the Yemeni authorities to release journalist Saeed Thabet, arrested less than two weeks after his election to the Yemen Journalists Syndicate (YJS) board. The IFJ says the action is part of a process of intimidation of Yemeni journalists’ leaders. "We are appalled by the Yemeni security forces' disregard of free press and basic human rights and demand the immediate release of Saeed Thabet", said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It is shocking to witness an escalation in threats and detention of journalists following the 3rd General Congress of the Yemen Journalists Syndicate, whose Board is being prevented from carrying…  
13650. Somalia : National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ)  

1st floor, Human Rights House, Talex Street, KM4 Area, Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia, Telephone: +252-1-85 99 44 General E-mail: [email protected] Chairperson of the Supreme Council: Abdirisak Omar Ismail Secretary General: Mr. Omar Faruk Osman E-mail: [email protected] Status: FULL Member For press freedom observations: [email protected] or [email protected]   Baidoa Declaration NUSOJ General Assembly 2006  
Search results 13581 until 13650 of 15062