15058 results:

3361. Russia: Svetlana Prokopyeva found guilty of "justifying terrorism" and fined 6000€  

Radio journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva has been found guilty of "justifying terrorism" and fined 500,000 rubles (around 6.000 €) over a column she wrote about a suicide bomb attack targeting the FSB security service in 2018. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), in calling for her complete acquittal. In November 2018, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva wrote a column about a suicide bomb attack against a local FSB building, linking it to the repression of political dissent under Putin's rule. She said her article was merely an attempt to understand "why a…  
3362. GPU, IFJ hold training on climate change reporting  

Journalists in The Gambia have teamed up with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to boost climate change reporting. GPU, IFJ hold training on climate change reporting Journalists in The Gambia have teamed up with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to boost climate change reporting. The Gambia Press Union (GPU) in collaboration with the IFJ organised the two – day online workshop on 1 – 2 July.  The training course, organised as part of the IFJ’s Union to Union-funded project, brought together 22 journalists from newspapers, radio and television as well as online media. The lead trainers at the training programme, Tijani Bojang from the Meteorological…  
3363. India: investigative journalist Rana Ayyub receives rape and death threats for social media posts about Kashmir  

Rana Ayyub's social media profiles have been flooded with rape and death threats after she wrote posts about a Kashmiri victim killed by the Indian police. The IFJ has welcomed Mumbai police's decision to start an investigation immediately and have called for action to be taken against the abusers. On 1 July, Ayyub tweeted that "when it comes to Kashmir, there are no humanists, just convenient nationalists." The following day, she quoted the wife of Bashir Ahmed Khan, a civilian who was killed by the Indian police. On the same day, she referred to a gruesome picture of the victim's young grandson, sitting on the bloody dead body of his grandpa. Her social media profiles started being…  
3364. COVID-19 en América Latina: 88 periodistas fallecidxs  

Mientras la enfermedad recrudece en América Latina y El Caribe, aumentan contagios y fallecimientos en el sector. Instamos a las autoridades a hacerle cumplir a las empresas de medios los protocolos sanitarios y destacamos la solidaridad de lxs trabajadores organizadxs para enfrentar la pandemia. La Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas recibe periódicamente, a través de sus afiliados en la región, partes sobre los efectos del COVID-19 en lxs trabajadores de prensa de la región. Hasta hoy lunes 6 de julio hemos registrado un aumento de contagios y muertes con respecto a nuestros relevamientos anteriores. En total, 88 compañerxs han…  
3365. Philippines: Duterte signs controversial Anti-Terrorism Act into law  

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte signed the widely criticised anti-terror bill endangering freedom of expression in the Philippines. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) are deeply concerned by the enactment of the law and the potential to silence the media. Duterte signed the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 into law on July 3 following a submission from the Department of Justice and the Office of the Chief Presidential Legal Counsel to Duterte, including a review of stakeholders concerns. While the government purports, the law will not target freedom of expression and limits the definition…  
3366. Nepal: DNA test confirms death of missing journalist Tej Bahadur Khadka  

A DNA test confirmed a body found in November 2019 matched that of Tej Bahadur Khadka, a Bajura-based Radio Budhinanda journalist who went missing on August 27, 2018. The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalist (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) urge an investigation into Tej Bahadur Khadka’s disappearance and death. The Nepal police’s Forensic Science Laboratory on June 30 reported the DNA test of a skeleton discovered in the Kalte area in Bajura district matched that of Khadka, who worked for the state-owned radio broadcaster, Radio Nepal. Khadka was also the first chairperson of Nepal Press Union Doti and a…  
3367. Sri Lanka: On the front line of media rights  

Political upheavals in Sri Lanka have given rise to new challenges. To protect media freedom, journalists and media workers must focus on collective action, writes Viranjana Herath. Sri Lanka, a tiny island in the Indian Ocean but unfortunately a large dot on the world’s media rights violations map. The country experienced particularly grave media rights violations over the 2000-2015 period including killings, disappearances, abductions, assaults against journalists and attacks against media stations. In 2015, the new government led by the President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickramasinghe came to power with a bag full of promises including ending the impunity of crimes against…  
3368. Argentina: lawfare y espionaje a periodistas, dos caras de una misma amenza contra la democracia  

Distintas causas judiciales descubren una estructura ilegal de inteligencia organizada durante el gobierno de Mauricio Macri que espiaba a periodistas de distintos medios y políticos de toda filiación para armar causas judiciales fraudulentas. En lo que se constituye como una serie de causas históricas para la vida democrática argentina, distintos juzgados federales investigan estructuras de espionaje ilegal que funcionaron al interior de la Agencia Federal de Inteligencia de Argentina (AFI) durante el gobierno de Cambiemos / Juntos por el Cambio, partido encabezado por el entonces presidente Mauricio Macri (2015-2019). Las investigaciones comenzaron casi simultáneamente. Una, iniciada a…  
3369. Over 40 Rights Groups Call on UK to Free Julian Assange  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and dozens of press freedom, human rights, and privacy rights organizations across five continents have co-signed an open letter to the U.K. government, calling for the immediate release of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The publisher, who turns 49 years old today in HMP Belmarsh, is facing extradition to the United States where he has been indicted under the Espionage Act for WikiLeaks’ 2010-11 publications of the Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diaries, and State Department cables. If convicted, Mr Assange would face up to 175 years in prison, “tantamount to a death sentence.” The co-signers write, “This [indictment] is an…  
3370. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 26 June and 3 July, 2020 IFJ/EFJ call on Swedish authorities to deny Turkey's extradition request for journalist (STOCKHOLM CENTER FOR FREEDOM) IFJ accuses Hong Kong police of targeting reporters during National Security Law protests (URDUPOINT) DWS seeks thorough inquiry in Hofe Dada assault case, questions reference to Tongam Rina shooting incident (THE ARUNACHAL TIMES) Confronting Southeast Asia's troubled media landscape (THE…  
3371. Hong Kong: Spike in media arrests an ominous red flag  

At least 29 journalists have been arrested in Hong Kong since June 2019, highlighting the severe deterioration in the special administrative region. In the wake of this week’s passing of a National Security Law, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its grave concern for journalists working in Hong Kong, in particular those documenting the city’s ongoing protests. According to data gathered by IFJ affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), of the 29 journalists arrested since June 2019, all but one worked for private media companies. The majority of publications with arrested journalists are known in Hong Kong for strong, independent journalism, including…  
3372. Malaysia: Malaysiakini contempt case will set a dangerous precedent for democracy  

Malaysia’s Federal Court will hear the substantive contempt arguments against online news portal Malaysiakini and its editor-in-chief Steven Gan on July 13, after the court dismissed the application to set aside the proceedings. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is disappointed the attorney-general is continuing with the prosecution of Malaysiakini and Gan. The judgement delivered by Court of Appeal president justice Rohana Yusuf on July 2, on behalf of the seven member panel unanimously found attorney-general Idrus Harun had sufficiently established the facts to initiate the contempt proceedings against Malaysiakini and Gan, while confirming the federal court’s jurisdiction…  
3373. Australia: Police refer ABC journalist Dan Oakes to Commonwealth prosecutor  

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) referred a brief of evidence relating to Dan Oakes and his investigation into the alleged war crimes committed by Australia to the commonwealth director of public prosecutions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) calls on the Australian government to uphold their commitment to press freedom and end the investigation into the ABC journalists. The AFP published a statement on July 2, after having referred documents to the public prosecutor with evidence recommending charges against Dan Oakes, a journalist from Australia’s public broadcaster ABC. The evidence was obtained in…  
3374. Cuba: detienen a periodista y temen que vaya a juicio por "desacato a la autoridad"  

Jorge Enrique Rodríguez, periodista de Diario de Cuba y reportero del medio español ABC, está detenido desde ayer y será sometido a juicio el martes próximo. Había cuestionado la versión oficial sobre el asesinato de un joven a manos de la policía cometido el 24 de junio pasado. Los medios ABC de España y Diario de Cuba informaron ayer que uno de sus periodistas, Jorge Enrique Rodríguez fue detenido luego de publicar una nota de opinión en su perfil de Facebook sobre el asesinato de un joven cubano a manos de la policía de ese país. El texto publicado por Rodríguez cuestionaba el comunicado oficial sobre la muerte de Hansel Hernández Galiano, un joven que fue baleado por la Policía…  
3375. Honduras: asesinan a un periodista y un camarógrafo de 45TV  

Los trabajadores de prensa fueron baleados desde un auto que luego se dio a la fuga. La policía detuvo a las pocas horas a dos sospechosos acusados de ser los autores del crimen La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condena el asesinato de dos trabajadores de prensa hondureños y exige que la Justicia de ese país abra una investigación que termine en castigo de los autores materiales e intelectuales de las muertes. El crimen fue cometido en horas de ayer cuando Germán Vallecillo y Jorge Pozas, reportero y camarógrafo del canal 45 TV de Honduras, fueron baleados mientras trabajan en la ciudad de La Ceiba. Según testigos, a los hombres les dispararon a quemarropa desde un auto en…  
3376. Reporting overseas: "Incidents often occur when we are least prepared for it"  

Hugh King is the business development director for UK and Europe of battleface, the travel insurance firm, the IFJ has been partnering with for a year. He tells us why a well-planned travel scheme matters when reporting overseas and the main steps journalists should consider before travelling abroad. What are the main questions a journalist should consider before buying insurance?  First, you should always inquire about the healthcare support for foreign visitors in the country they are visiting. Second, figure out what you will do if you have an accident and need help. Who will you call to help you? Third, think about the most dramatic situation: you get seriously injured while…  
3377. Russia: Journalist assaulted and seriously injured by police  

Russian journalist and photographer David Frenkel was assaulted and seriously injured by a policeman at a polling station in St. Petersburg on 2 July during voting on a constitutional amendment which would potentially allow President Putin to stay in power. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Russsian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in condemning the incident and urges the authorities to hold the police officers accountable. Video footage shows two police officers assaulting David Frenkel and knocking him to the floor after a brief discussion. Doctors diagnosed Frenkel with a fractured arm after the incident.   Mediazona, the media for which Frenkel works, said the…  
3378. Croatia: Prime minister publicly undermines journalist and union leader  

Croatian Prime minister Andrej Plenkovic accused journalists' union leader Maja Sever of collaborating with his political opponent ahead of a pre-election TV debate.  The  International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have strongly condemned the accusations. PM Plenkovic insinuated that Sever had worked with the opposition to "prepare" his political rival, during a pre-election TV debate on 29 June on private RTL channel - which showcased the two main candidates for Prime Minister, Plenkovic for the ruling conservative Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and Davor Bernardic for the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Sever is…  
3379. IFJ holds Youth Working Group Webinar Meeting  

Young journalists across Africa are facing huge challenges, including job cuts, reduced wages, a lack of protective equipment and working conditions amid the Covid-19 pandemic                            IFJ holds Youth Working Group Webinar Meeting Young journalists across Africa are facing huge challenges, including job cuts, reduced wages, a lack of protective equipment and working conditions amid the Covid-19 pandemic, according to members of the International Federation of Journalists’ Youth Working Group. The IFJ organised a webinar for young journalists’…  
3380. Germán Vallecillo,  Jorge Pozas  

Vallecillo and Pozas, respectively reporter and cameraman for 45 TV were gunned down by unidentified by armed attackers in the city of Ceiba. According to media reports, the victims were working when the gunmen opened fire from a vehicle, killing them before fleeing the scene. Police later arrested two men in connection with the killings, reports added. Journalists' safety, Honduras, IFJ, Impunity  
3381. IFJ/ EFJ ask Sweden to turn down turkish request for extradition of an exiled journalist   

A Turkish court has requested on 9 March the extradition of a Turkish journalist who is living in exile in Sweden for allegedly insulting two officers of the court in 2018. The news of the request to extradite Levent Kenez from Sweden was reported by nordicmonitor.com on 28 June . International and European Federations of journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their the Swedish Union of Journalists (SJ) in calling on Swedish authorities to deny the extradition request. Levent Kenez is accused of defaming a prosecutor and a judge in an article published on the Turkish-language news website TR724 on 17 February 2018, following the court's decision to hand down aggravated life sentences to six journalists…  
3382. Philippines: Police obstruct and intimidate journalists  

In separate incidents on June 25 and June 26, police deliberately obstructed two journalists in Manila as the anti-terror bill enters its final stages of review. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) urges the Philippine National Police to act without prejudice and allow journalists to report uninterrupted. On June 26 police attempted to arrest Habagat Ferrales, an intern for Manila Today, an independent online news outlet, who was covering the Pride March in Mendiola, Manila. Police continued attempting to arrest Habagat Ferrales despite his colleagues vouching for him as a journalist. Police…  
3383. Hong Kong: Police target journalists in the aftermath of the new security law  

Following China passing the controversial National Security Law for Hong Kong, a number of reporters were struck by police with tear gas and water cannons as the city erupted in protest. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) condemns the systematic suppression of freedom of expression in Hong Kong and the arbitrary use of force against journalists. The day after Beijing’s National People’s Congress unanimously passed the law criminalising “separatism, subversion of state power, terrorism and interference”, bypassing the British legislation that allowed Hong Kong to operate semi-autonomously, police targeted…  
3384. Digital Journalism: Supplemental guidance to global charter of ethics for journalists  

In the digital environment anyone can be a publisher. What enables you to gain and retain trust as a journalist is your consistent demonstration of ethical practice. Read the Digital Journalism: Supplemental guidance to global charter of ethics for journalists (English version). Chinese version available here. These guidelines are of particular relevance to journalists working in a digital environment, including but not limited to social and mobile media.          
3385. Malaysia: Court hears contempt case against Malaysiakini and Steven Gan  

Contempt proceedings against Malaysiakini, a leading Malaysian independent media outlet, and its editor-in-chief Steven Gan will be heard today at the Federal Court in Putrajaya. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says the contempt of court case sets a dangerous precedent and urges authorities not to undermine press freedom. Attorney-General Idrus Harun initiated contempt proceedings against Malaysiakini and Gan on June 16 over several readers’ comments. Harun said the accused had facilitated the publication of readers' comments, which were “demeaning attacks” on the judiciary. The five allegedly offending comments appeared in a June 9 article, 'CJ orders all courts to be…  
3386. María José Braga: "Hay que combatir la industria de mentiras que funciona en Brasil y en varios países”  

La presidenta de la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas y una lectura desde el ojo del huracán de la infodemia. Hoy el Senado brasileño le dio media sanción a la primera "ley de fake news" de la región. En el país de la “gripezinha”, que ya tiene 50 mil muertos por COVID19, debatir sobre fake news es casi como respirar. Sin embargo, en tiempos donde hasta respirar es peligroso —la neumonía del siglo lo ha dejado en claro—, se hace necesario mirar con lucidez la realidad experimentada por millones de brasileños desde 2019, cuando asumió uno de los presidentes que más ha hecho por borrar los límites entre la mentira y la verdad. Mientras Jair Bolsonaro continúa forzando la tolerancia de sus…  
3387. Philippines: NTC stops ABS-CBN’s digital broadcast  

The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) on June 30 ordered the independent ABS-CBN broadcaster to stop its digital broadcast on TVPlus in Metro Manila and satellite TV service SKY. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) backs its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in regretting the deliberate efforts to silence the media and urges authorities to allow ABS-CBN back on air. NTC issued the cease and desist order for ABS-CBN to stop operating TVPlus in Metro Manila which aired using Channel 43. The order also affected the company’s pay-per-view channel KBO. ABS-CBN’s  franchise of ABS-CBN expired on May 4 and the the broadcaster was…  
3388. India: Journalist attacked for investigating factory pollution  

On the June 29, journalist Hofe Dada was confronted and assaulted while filming a piece on pollution levels at a factory in Aruachal Pradesh. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, Indian Journalists Union (IJU), denounce the attempts to silence Dada and call on the police to hold the perpetrators accountable. Dada, a reporter from a local media outlet Gyoloo News, had been investigating the excessively high pollution levels produced by SMS Smelters Ltd in Lekhi village when he was attacked unprovoked by four men. The factory has continually produced substantial amounts of smoke, visible to those from surrounding villages. Despite explaining to the men that he…  
3389. Zimbabwe: Journalists beaten and humiliated by security forces  

Two freelance journalists were severely beaten and "dehumanised" by security forces while leaving work on 24 June. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in calling on the government to take urgent steps to ensure the safety and security of journalists. Leopold Munhende, who works for NewZimbabwe.com and Munashe Chokodza who works for 263 Chat, were accosted by security forces in Warren Park 1 suburb of the capital Harare while coming from work, according to a statement issued by ZUJ. Despite identifying themselves as journalists by showing their press cards, the security forces…  
3390. Zimbabwe: Journalists beaten and humiliated by security forces  

Two freelance journalists were severely beaten and "dehumanised" by security forces while leaving work on 24 June Zimbabwe: Journalists beaten and humiliated by security forces Two freelance journalists were severely beaten and "dehumanised" by security forces while leaving work on 24 June. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in calling on the government to take urgent steps to ensure the safety and security of journalists. Leopold Munhende, who works for NewZimbabwe.com and Munashe Chokodza who works for 263 Chat, were accosted by security forces in…  
3391. Hong Kong: China passes controversial national security law  

The controversial national security law for Hong Kong passed in Beijing today, sparking fears that the freedoms enjoyed by the semi-autonomous region will be fundamentally brought to an end. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly opposes the law and condemns the China’ overreach and suppression of basic freedoms and human rights. Just over a month after Chinese lawmakers first proposed imposing an anti-sedition law on Hong Kong, China has pushed through its divisive national security law, in a process that had reportedly been fast-tracked. The law passed unanimously by the National People’s Congress criminalises “separatism, subversion of state power, terrorism and…  
3392. Malaysia: Police question journalist over articles on hospital fire inquiry  

Boo Su-Lyn, editor-in-chief of health news portal CodeBlue, has been summoned by the police for investigation under the Penal Code following the publication of four articles based on findings from an inquiry into a fatal hospital fire in Johor Baru in 2016. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges authorities to stop this intimidation and drop their investigation. In early March 2020, CodeBlue published a series of four articles highlighting the findings of an independent inquiry into a 2016 fire which claimed the lives of six patients. In line with the inquiry’s damning findings, the articles point out that hospital staff were unprepared,  that for over a decade the…  
3393. Philippines: Congressman recommends ABS-CBN stop news coverage  

Congressman Mike Defensor has suggested that ABS-CBN shut down its news and current affairs branches once the network returns to air. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in condemning this undemocratic statement and calls on authorities to respect press freedom. Defensor, vice chairman of the house committee on good government and public accountability, said that he had received complaints about ABS-CBN’s ‘alleged biased coverage of the hearings on its franchise’. He also stated that while he does not have a problem with the network’s entertainment shows, ‘its newscasts have become a…  
3394. Cook Islands: Politicians move to ban journalist from parliament  

Cook Island politicians proposed a motion to ban Cook Islands News journalist, Rashneel Kumar from parliament after they criticised him for ‘unfair’ reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urge politicians to re-consider the ban and the precedent it may set for press freedom. The motion followed a report by Rashneel Kumar during Question Time concerning the increase of travel privileges for spouses of outer-bound MPs. Parliament heavily condemned the article as sensationalist with Prime Minister Henry Puma describing it as ‘incorrect and unfair’ coverage. The Cook Island News editor, Jonathan Milne stood by Kumar’s article, stating that the reporting was both fair…  
3395. Palestine: IFJ calls on authorities to take action on threats against a woman journalist  

UPDATED 3.07.2020 A news anchorwoman has been the target of a smear campaign on Facebook since 21 June. The IFJ joins its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) in condemning the violent online attacks against the journalist.  The IFJ was shocked to learn of the targeting of Maan news anchorwoman Nahid Abu Tuaima, in a Facebook smear campaign that included rape threats. The violence followed a programme she hosted on 20 June, which discussed a draft legislation to strengthen women’s rights and protection against domestic violence.  As well as a high-profile journalist, Abu Tuaima is a well-known activist. She has directed the Gender Equality Unit at Birzeit University…  
3396. Somaliland: Media crackdown intensifies as TV stations raided and shut down by police  

Two TV stations were shut down by police as part of a growing media clampdown in Somaliland.The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in calling on the Somaliland authorities to stop attacking independent journalism. On June 27, authorities withdrew the operating licenses of Universal TV in the region and sent the police to shut down its offices. According to the Minister of Information Suleiman Yusuf Ali, their transgression was that they had refused to broadcast the president’s speech – although the director of the TV station denies these accusations. Two days earlier police had also raided and closed down…  
3397. Yemen: Journalist repeatedly receives threatening phone calls   

Experienced reporter and Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) board member Nabil Al Osaidi has repeatedly received phone call threats over the past few days in a bid to intimidate him. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the threats and urged the Yemeni authorities to investigate who is behind them. Nabi Al Osaidi received the repeated phone threats over the past week from a blocked ID number. Only government officials or individuals with influence in Yemen can have access to this service in Yemen. The YJS has called on the government to immediately investigate these threats, identify and prosecute those who stand behind them. Al…  
3398. Slovakia: Aktuality journalist receives bullet in mailbox two years after Jan Kuciak's murder  

Aktuakity.sk journalist Peter Sabo found a bullet in his mailbox on 25 June, according announced today the news website editor-in-chief Peter Bárdy. The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) strongly condemn the death threat and urge the authorities to swiftly identify those responsible and to protect Peter Sabo. “I would very much like to believe that it was a joke of a child, but after the experience of more than two years ago, I know that if it is not a joke, it can kill,”Bárdy wrote in an editorial. “If they think they will intimidate us, they are wrong.” The case comes more than two years after the murder of investigative journalist Jan…  
3399. Cambodia: Newspaper publisher arrested following criticisms of prime minister  

Ros Sokhet, a publisher for the Khmer Nation newspaper was arrested on June 25 for criticising prime minister Hun Sen on Facebook. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest and calls on police to drop the case. Sokhet criticised Hun Sen on June 24 after the prime minister confirmed he was grooming his eldest son Hun Manet to take over as Cambodia’s leader. Sokhet’s Facebook posts alleged Hun Sen was also not offering a solution for people struggling to repay their debts to banks. The Phnom Penh Municipal Court issued a warrant for Sokhet’s arrest and questioning on June 24 “for incitement to provoke serious chaos in social security,” arresting him the following…  
3400. Inside China’s strategy to influence the world’s media  

China’s sophisticated and systematic strategy to embed itself in the global news landscape and build its discourse power beyond borders is one of the key findings of a new report launched today by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The China Story: Reshaping the World’s Media explores the results from quantitative and qualitative survey data from 58 journalist unions spanning the Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America and the Middle East and casts a new light on the multilayered approach that China is taking to reshape the global news agenda. The global research was undertaken with IFJ’s affiliated unions and journalist representative associations around…  
3401. IFJ Affiliates Initiatives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates are fighting on a daily basis for citizens to receive the most balanced and updated information on Covid-19 and inform journalists about their rights and precautionary measures they should take in these critical times. Information and the right to be informed in this crucial moment are pivotal. At the same time media employers’ duty of care obliges them to comply with a number of precautions that protect workers - staff and freelance - and that all unions should be calling for on behalf of their members. This page aims to highlight initiatives around the globe taken by unions, media organisations and press freedom groups…  
3402. Pakistan: Journalists covering quarantine centre tortured near Afghan border  

After being missing for four days, two Pakistani reporters reappeared on June 20 with their bodies covered in injuries. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges authorities to conduct an independent investigation into the torture of the two journalists. Abdul Mateen Achakzai, a reporter for Khyber News TV and Saeed Ali Achakzai, a reporter Samaa News TV said they were tortured for three days by the Anti-Terrorism Force operated by a paramilitary force known as the Balochistan Levies. Achakzai said the parliamentary force commanders threatened the two on WhatsApp for their coverage of the inadequate conditions in a Covid-19 quarantine centre near the city of Chaman.…  
3403. Indonesia: YouTube censors live stream on homophobia and religion  

YouTube removed the live webinar ‘Exploring non-homophobic religions’ stating the content breached community guidelines. The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia urge YouTube to explain the removal of the live stream. The Association of Journalists for Diversity (Sejuk) broadcast on June 24 was interrupted after 48 minutes by YouTube after users reported the webinar for breaching community guidelines. YouTube did not specify what section of the community guidelines Sejuk breached.  In response, Sejuk noted there was no reason to stop the live stream and it did not break the law. YouTube restored the vide on…  
3404. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 19 and 26 June, 2020 English China is reshaping the global news landscape and weakening the Fourth Estate (GUARDIAN) China targeting non-English-speaking journalists in new push for influence - study (GUARDIAN) Beijing escalates campaign to reshape global news landscape (THE EPOCH TIMES) Int'l journalists federation joins global call for action on climate, jobs protection (URDUPOINT) Suicide or murder? The mysterious death of a fugitive…  
3405. Egypt: Security forces raid newsroom and arrest senior journalist  

Egyptian journalist and human rights advocate Nora Younis was arrested on 24 June by security forces for running an unlicensed website. The IFJ calls on the government to release Younis and to stop immediately the crackdown on media. On 24 June, at least eight undercover officers raided the offices of news outlet Al-Manassa in Cairo and arrested editor-in-chief Nora Younis without an arrest warrant and searched her laptop. Authorities accused her of running a website without proper licensing, a common strategy of President al-Sisi’s regime to silence critical journalists and close down independent media in Egypt. Media organisations in Egypt need the government's permission for their…  
3406. Hungary: independent website faces growing pressure  

UPDATED 24 JULY Independent news website Index.hu has told its readers that the site’s staff and the whole newsroom were in danger due to “external pressures”. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) stand in solidarity with Index.hu workers and urges the Hungarian authorities to guarantee the freedom of information and media plurality in the country. Editor-in-chief of Index.hu, one of the few surviving independent news websites in Hungary, Szabolcs Dull, released a statement on 21 June warning that the website’s freedom was being jeopardised by an “organisational overhaul”. “We are concerned that with the proposed…  
3407. Belarus: at least 14 journalists attacked and arrested during peaceful protests  

Over 200 people, including 14 journalists, were arrested on June 21 during peaceful demonstrations against the arrest of presidential nominee Viktar Babaryka. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliate, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) in condemning the arrests and urge the authorities to stop harassing journalists for doing their job. According to the BAJ, at least 14 journalists were arrested while covering the protests despite wearing badges and press vests to be recognized as media workers. Despite this, the BAJ claimed that journalists were attacked by the police, even while live streaming.…  
3408. The IFJ and its affiliates from East to West, from North to South  

IFJ affiliates around the world have taken key actions in support of media workers amid the Covid-19 pandemic. IN EUROPE, the European Commission will release an emergency fund of 750 billion euros by the end of the year.  Brussels has indicated that the 27 national ministries of Culture and Communication have been assured of receiving their share. The balance of power has titled to the national level and some of our affiliates are already in discussion with the appropriate authorities. In detail, the news in the United Kingdom, in France, North Macedonia, Finland, Ukraine, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Croatia… Most of the measures taken at…  
3409. Editorial: The journalism of tomorrow without the ideas of yesterday  

Since the IFJ’s creation in 1926, there has always been a good reason to think about the future of journalism, and this reason is most often linked to an economic crisis or a technological turning point. The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event in our societies and it will have social and economic consequences that we have yet to fully understand. In this context, the IFJ is already looking to the future. The future of journalism is not just a casual matter; it is an imperative on us. Experts around the world have promised that the Covid-19 crisis, which has crippled nearly 4 billion people around the world, will radically change our lifestyles, the way we think, eat and behave. The…  
3410. India: Journalist killed after exposing controversial sand-mining deals  

Reporter Shubham Mani Tripathi was fatally shot in the Uttar Pradesh’s Unnao district on June 19 in a suspected retaliatory attack for his journalism. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate in India, the National Union of Journalists - India (NUJ (I), call on the government of Uttar Pradesh urgently enact protections for journalists. Tripathi, a 25-year old journalist with Kampu Mail, was covering controversial land mine disputes prior to his death. He actively posted online and petitioned local authorities to stop a member of ‘land mafias’, from claiming large sections of government land. ‘Land mafias’ are a common problem in India, local influential people who…  
3411. COVID19: 63% de lxs trabajadores de prensa en América Latina vieron sus empleos afectados  

El número se desprende de un relevamiento hecho por FIP a nivel regional que también muestra la necesidad de aumentar formalmente la participación de periodistas en sindicatos: sólo el 35% está sindicalizado. La crisis económica del sector de trabajadores de prensa que el COVID19 vino a profundizar provocó que el 63,8 por ciento de lxs periodistas y comunicadores sufriera cambios negativos en su trabajo. El dato, que se desprende del último relevamiento hecho por la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) entre sus organizaciones afiliadas en toda América Latina y El Caribe. “A la hora de puntualizar en los cambios negativos, un 16,7% ha sido suspendido y casi la mitad de los casos se…  
3412. IFJ Report - The China Story: Reshaping the World's Media  

A global survey of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) measuring China’s global media outreach by surveying journalism unions worldwide, found clear indications of the wide-ranging impact of China’s moves to extend its influence through global journalism unions and individual journalists. The China Story – Reshaping the World’s Media draws on quantitative and qualitative survey data from 58 unions spanning Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, and the Middle East to explore the changing global media landscape and foreign influence.  Beijing’s decade-long campaign to boost its global media presence seems to be escalating with almost two-thirds of…  
3413. IFJ Joins Call for Action on Climate and Jobs Protection   

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing over 600,000 journalists around the world, today joined calls by workers' representatives for action to protect the environment and jobs. The IFJ says that weak political will, disinformation and biased media coverage have led to decades of inaction on climate change. Extreme weather events are already destroying livelihoods, scientists have warned we may have crossed irrevocable tipping points, and the International Labour Organization predicts 72 million jobs will be lost by 2030 due to heat stress. It is past time to act!  On 24 June the IFJ joins the ITUC in marking the Global Day of Action to ‘Climate and…  
3414. Colombia: cinco periodistas declarados como "objetivos militares"  

Organizaciones armadas amenazaron de muerte a cinco periodistas del sur de ese país mediante panfletos de dominio público. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) repudiamos las amenazas recibidas por nuestrxs colegas colombianxs de parte de organizaciones armadas y exigimos que las autoridades y la Justicia de ese país garanticen la integridad de lxs comunicadores y abran debida investigación para juzgar a los autores materiales e intelectuales de los hechos. Los amedrentamientos se produjeron la semana pasada cuando cinco trabajadores de prensa del departamento de Putumayo y uno del departamento de Caquetá aparecieron en panfletos donde se los declaraba “objetivos…  
3415. Mongolia: Upcoming election raises concerns for press freedom  

Mongolia’s upcoming legislative council election on June 24 will test the country’s new misinformation laws passed earlier this year limiting freedom of expression. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the government to prioritise the free flow of information during the election and enact reforms to protect media institutions. The legislative council election in Mongolia will feature 670 candidates, including 208 independents under the country’s new electoral laws passed in December 2019. In response to Covid-19 on April 29, the Mongolian government legislated new restrictions on speech targeting misinformation. Under the new law, a person or legal…  
3416. Myanmar: A year of internet shutdowns in Rakhine and Chin State  

A year since Myanmar authorities ordered telecommunication companies to cease internet services in conflict areas of Rakhine and Chin States, a lack of information during the Covid-19 pandemic is deadly. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins 111 press freedom groups calling on the government to restore internet access and telecommunications. The network shutdown began on June 21, 2019, following an order to all mobile phone operators from the Myanmar Ministry of Transport and Communications to temporarily stop mobile internet traffic in nine townships of Rakhine and Chin States. Rakhine and Chin states is marred by the ongoing conflicts between…  
3417. IFJ joins civil society coalition in calling on Turkish authority to unblock radio station Özgürüz  

Together with 38 press freedom groups and civil society organizations, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined an official call for the Turkish government to reverse a Court decision to ban radio station Özgürüz. Özgürüz is based in Germany, and has already been blocked several times by the Turkish authorities since 2017.   Press freedom is already severely threatened in Turkey. Now the government is trying to expand its control to media organization overseas. This cannot be permitted. Read here the full statement Turkey, statement, court, exile media, Özgürüz, Can Dündar  
3418. Shubham Mani Tripathi  

The 25-year-old reporter for Kampu Mail was shot multiple times in the Uttar Pradesh’s Unnao district while riding home and died from his injuries. Tripathi was covering controversial land mine disputes prior to his death and actively posted online and petitioned local authorities to stop a member of ‘land mafias’, from claiming large sections of government land. He had received several online threats following his investigation into the illegal actions of the ‘land mafia’ and had expressed fears on his Facebook page that there would be harsh retaliation for his work.   Three suspects were arrested in connection of his killing and a police statement named one of the…  
3419. Hong Kong: Journalists overwhelmingly oppose China’s National Security Law  

The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) survey on the enactment of Hong Kong’s National Security Law found 98% of journalists disagree with the National People’s Congress (NPC) plan to enact the law. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) stress the importance of freedom of expression in Hong Kong and oppose the national security legislation. China's legislative body, the National People's Congress is pushing Hong Kong’s controversial national security law targeting “separatism, subversion of state power, terrorism and interference.” Press freedom organisations analysis of the law suggest it will…  
3420. Take part in IFJ Survey on Women journalists and COVID-19  

Help us assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women journalists by answering our questionnaire designed by our Gender Council. Help us define a key startegy to support women journalists during the pandemic and beyond.  The questionnaire is available in English, French and Spanish. Deadline to respond: 23 June 2020. Answer it now ! women, journalists, survey, ifj, covid 19  
3421. India: Uttar Pradesh police charge Scroll.in executive editor Supriya Sharma  

Police lodged a First Information Report (FIR) against Supriya Sharma, the executive editor of news portal Scroll.in for her report on the lockdown in India’s prime minister Narendra Modi’s constituency. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJI) urges the Indian government to withdraw the charges. Mala Devi lodged an FIR at Varanasi’s Ramnagar police station in Uttar Pradesh on June 13, alleging Supriya Sharma misrepresented her interview in Domari village, Varanasi. Accordingly, police charged Sharma under section 501 and 269 of the Indian Penal Code for allegedly printing a defamatory story and…  
3422. India: Law enforcement targets journalists during the pandemic  

Since the Indian government imposed Covid-19 restrictions on March 25, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has recorded 17 legal cases brought against journalists in India. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJI) express concern over the increase in violations and urge the government to respect freedom of expression. Under the cover of the pandemic, the Indian government has introduced restrictions on expression, resulting in a growing number of legal cases and summons against journalists. The IFJ's South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) Digital Hub has recorded 17 incidents of law…  
3423. Europe: IFJ and EFJ join major coalition demanding stronger support for the creative industries.  

As Member States start discussing the proposed EU recovery plan, the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ), along with 92 other European and international organisations in the cultural and creative sectors are calling for stronger measures to help the sectors recover.  This call comes a month after the IFlaunched - with the support of Global Unions Federations - a Global Platform for Quality Journalism  to demand urgent measures to support the press sector and media professionals.   Read the call here. EU, COVID-19, recovery, plan, support, press and media sector  
3424. Quality journalism supports diversity and equality  

"The impact of the health and economic crisis brought about by Covid-19 will without doubt have terrible consequences on both men and women journalists, but we already know that impact will be bigger on women, since they are, in journalism as in other labour areas, in the most precarious position and are unfairly paid".  Sofia Branco, President of the board of SJ – Union of Journalists in Portugal. The International Labour Organization itself has already produced a number of studies reflecting the impact of this crisis on women workers. It is of fundamental importance that we stand up for urgent support measures for media professionals, but that we also need to ensure  that there are…  
3425. COVID-19: Critical moment to change the world for women  

Women trade union leaders and activists from all over the world met for the third and last webinar to address the effects of COVID-19 on women workers on June 15. In this final episode, they discussed the most important steps to construct a gender equal new normal after the pandemic   As lockdown measures are slowly being lifted in some parts of the world , the question arises as to how to construct such a new normal. Nine female trade union leaders shared their ideas and beliefs about a post-Covid, more egalitarian world. All speakers agreed that gender equality has to take a concrete form: inclusion is not enough, women need to hold effective decision-making power,…  
3426. Malaysia: Malaysiakini faces contempt of court charge  

Malaysiakini, an independent media outlet, and its editor-in-chief Steven Gan are facing contempt proceedings after the Federal Court's decision to allow an application filed by Malaysia's Attorney-General.The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the decision of the Federal Court and urges authorities to drop the case. Judge Rohana Yusof who led the three member Federal Court panel on June 17 ruled that Attorney-General Idrus Harun had managed to establish prima facie case for the application. The case is being investigated under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 and the Penal Code. This is the first time Malaysiakini has been cited for contempt of court after 20…  
3427. Egypt: Mohamed Mounir detained for “spreading fake news" in third case this month  

Journalist Mohamed Mounir was detained on June 15 on charges of "spreading fake news", a widespread practice of the Egyptian government to silence critical journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for his immediate release and the dropping of all charges against him. Mounir – a member of the Egyptian Syndicate of Journalists and founder of the Front for the Defense of Journalists and Freedoms – was seized by the police from his home in Cairo. He is currently in 15-days pre-trial detention, accused of spreading fake news, joining a terrorist organization and misusing social media. The accusation of ‘spreading fake news’ refers to Mounir’s…  
3428. Cambodia: Journalist summoned for reporting land dispute  

Phal Dam, a journalist with local television TV3 based in Ratanakkiri province, northeast Cambodia, was summoned to appear in court on Monday, June 15 following his story on a land dispute over an abandoned Ratanakkiri airport site. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) regrets the summon and urges all sides to respect press freedom. The provincial court had summoned Dam after the Put Dany, the Deputy Governor pf Banlung town, the capital city of Ratanakkiri province, filed a complaint against the journalist. Dam was alleged to have engaged in ‘incitement to commit a felony’ in his story on land clearing at an abandoned of Ratanakkiri airport site. Dam had witnessed the…  
3429. Vietnam: Journalist Le Tuan arrested on anti-government propaganda charges  

Le Huu Minh Tuan, an independent journalist and member of the Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam (IJAVN), was arrested on June 12. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on authorities to release Le Tuan and cease suppression of freedom of speech in Vietnam. Le Tuan is the latest journalist in Vietnam to be arrested on allegation of the creation and distribution of anti-government propaganda under Article 117 of the Criminal Code. He is the fourth and, at the age of 30, the youngest IJAVN member to be detained after the arrests of high-profile journalists, Pham Chi Dung and Nyugen Tuong Thuy in May this year. Le Tuan has been a member of the IJAV, an…  
3430. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Chin Sung Chew is a journalist with the Sin Chew Daily and the general secretary of the National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJM). As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign, supported by the European Union, Chin fears there is too much political influence in the media landscape in Malaysia. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist or media worker in Malaysia? Being a journalist means to advocate social justice and to help society access information. 2. Do you see Media Freedom in Malaysia moving forward? It is moving forward, slowly and gradually. Press freedom in Malaysia is very much related to the ruling government’s political will. If the government agreed to abolish the draconian…  
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