15060 results:

6931. Zakaria Ibrahim  

The cameraman for Al-Jazeera Arabic was killed while covering fighting in the Syrian city of Holms, according to the AFP quoting a statement from the Doha-based cable network. Zakaria Ibrahim was injured during shelling in Homs, the statement added. His death was also confirmed by colleagues on social media. Source: AFP  
6932. Indonesian journalist beaten photographing police attack on students  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI – Indonesia) in condemning the actions of police in Pekanbaru in the Riau Islands in north-western Indonesia against a local journalist. The IFJ joins AJI and several local media organisations in demanding local police bring the case to court and provide compensation for the victim. On December 5, Zuhdy Febryanto, a journalist with online media RiauOnline.co.id, was covering the congress of the Islamic Student Association, when he witnessed a student being dragged from the congress and attacked by police. The journalist started filming and photographing the incident, which led to…  
6933. Press Freedom in China Bulletin: December  

Welcome to IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly Press Freedom in China Campaign e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on Jan 13, 2016. To contribute news or information, email [email protected]. To visit the IFJ’s China Campaign page, go to http://www.ifj.org/regions/asia-pacific/press-freedom-in-china/ Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. For the simplified Chinese version click here For the traditional Chinese version click here   In this bulletin: 1) Gao Yu sentence reduced and released under medical parole 2) Shaanxi Propaganda Department official carried press card, recorded journalists 3) China Central Television disconnected President of…  
6934. IFJ Global Youth Survey  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) launched a global survey  to assess the changing nature of employment in the media sector as well as  unions & associations' strategies in terms of services to and recruitment of  future generations of journalists. This is a first attempt to conduct a global survey. The survey takes 30 minutes but provides crucial information about the status of journalists, journalists unions and the underlying trends affecting the profession.  All IFJ members are called to respond to the survey.  Results of the survey will be introduced at the IFJ World Congress in Angers, June 2016 and will help the IFJ meet the…  
6935. Newsletter: Zuliana, the Voice of the People with no Voice  

Zuliana Lainez Otero is Secretary General of the National Association of Journalists of Peru (ANP). She has been a member of the IFJ Executive Board since 2010. Portrait. Everyone at the IFJ knows that Zuliana doesn’t necessarily need a microphone. Her voice carries beyond the bounds of the profession and trade unionism. Now aged 38, the editor-in-chief of Cronica Viva, the online opinion magazine in Lima discovered the passion for her trade when still young. “My father was a journalist at La Republica,” she explains. “I often remember the hectic spirit in the editorial offices when the editions were being finalised, people rushing into the office to finish off their articles and the…  
6936. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 27 November to Friday 04  December: 1. OSCE, Journalists Urge Turkey to Free Reporters Arrested With Espionage 2. FIP realizó seminario sobre seguridad para periodistas en México 3. Libya: IFJ Condemns Threats By Libyan Official Authorities Against the Journalism Community 4. Africa: Reporting Climate Change With a Gender Lens 5. Was the #BrusselsLockdown just the latest in a series of Belgian media violations?  6. RSF launches international appeal for release…  
6937. IFJ condemns the murder of a female journalist in a car bombing in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in condemning the murder of Hindiyo Haji Mohamed, the female journalist for the Somali national TV station (SNTV) who was killed when an explosive device attached under her car went off yesterday in the capital, Mogadishu. According to the NUSOJ, Hindiyo Haji Mohamed (27), who worked for Radio Mogadishu and Somali National TV (SNTV), was returning home from Somali International University (SIU), where she was a student, when a bomb under her car went off. She was critically injured in the blast and later died of her wounds at…  
6938. 12th IFJ focus on Safety - December 2015  

Welcome to the 12th issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety, a monthly blog which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis of safety-related events of concerns to journalists. The blog is part of the IFJ strategy to promote the safety of journalists and to combat the issue of impunity. Please check out the IFJ International Code of Practice for the Safe Conduct of Journalism at the end of this issue. We value your feedback and would like to hear about your safety experience in the field as well as any safety-related stories you would like to share with members of the IFJ family, the global journalists’ community. The issue covers the following safety-related events and activities…  
6939. Hindiyo Haji Mohamed  

The female journalist, who worked for the national television station (SNTV), was killed when a bomb exploded under her car in Mogadishu on Thursday, colleagues reportedly said. Mohamed was returning home from university when the bomb went off. She was critically injured in the blast and later died of her wounds. Her late husband, also a journalist with the same television station, was killed in a suicide attack on a Mogadishu restaurant in 2012, the AFP said. Source: AFP  
6940. Newsletter: IFJ Launches Solidarity Fund for Yemeni Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has launched a Solidarity Fund to provide financial aid and humanitarian assistance to Yemeni colleagues and their families, who are in desperate need for help. The decision follows the action plan agreed at a meeting on "International Partnership for Yemen- Supporting Journalism and Freedom of Expression on the Front Lines" hosted and co-organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) and the International Media Support (IMS) on 26 October in Brussels.  
6941. Newsletter: IFJ Participates in Training of Burundi Journalists in Covering Armed Conflict  

A group of 30 Burundian journalists , both exiled and from inside the country, attended a four-day training in covering armed conflict on 23 – 26 November in Kigali, Rwanda. The training, organised by the IFJ affiliate -Union des journalistes burundais (UJB) - with the support of the International Federation of Journalists and the Norwegian Union  of Journalists, covered protection of journalists under International humanitarian law, the  practical aspects of security for covering armed conflict as well as ethics and principles of professional journalism.  
6942. Newsletter: IFJ Moderates Panel on Successful Cases in Ending impunity for crimes against journalists at International Conference  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) was invited to attend an international conference on ending impunity for crime against journalists held on 9-10 October 2015 at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in San José, Costa Rica. The conference, organised by UNESCO, the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights with the support of 20 international partner institutions, including the IFJ, brought together judges, prosecutors, lawyers, NGOs, experts, journalists, governmental authorities and representatives of multilateral organizations from all continents to exchange on the fight…  
6943. Newsletter: African Union and European Union Agree to Jointly Mark UN Day v. Impunity for Crime against Journalists in 2016  

The African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) held this year's AU - EU Human Rights Dialogue on 24 November in Kigali, Rwanda. They adopted a series of recommendations which were submitted by the joint African Union and European Union Civil Society Seminar which was also held in Kigali on 21-21 November under the theme of Freedom of Expression. One of the recommendations submitted and adopted by the AU -EU Dialogue on Human Rights concerned the protection of journalists and the need to fight impunity for crime targeting them. In this regard, the AU- EU Dialogue adopted the recommendation and agreed to jointly mark on 2 November 2016 the UN Day v. impunity for crime targeting…  
6944. Journalists attacked in two separate incidents in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI – Indonesia) in strongly criticizing the actions of local police in Indonesia, in two separate incidents where journalists were harassed and attacked. The IFJ and AJI demand an immediate investigation into both incidents. On December 1, Topilus B Tebai, editor of majalahselangkah.com, was covering the preparations to commemorate the declaration of West Papua independence in Nabire in West Papua. Topilus was taking pictures of police vehicle inspections at the Heroes Cemetery. A police officer, allegedly claiming to be a police leader, kept distracting Topilus. Shortly after two other…  
6945. Journalists attacked in two separate incidents in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI – Indonesia) in strongly criticizing the actions of local police in Indonesia, in two separate incidents where journalists were harassed and attacked. The IFJ and AJI demand an immediate investigation into both incidents. On December 1, Topilus B Tebai, editor of majalahselangkah.com, was covering the preparations to commemorate the declaration of West Papua independence in Nabire in West Papua. Topilus was taking pictures of police vehicle inspections at the Heroes Cemetery. A police officer, allegedly claiming to be a police leader, kept distracting Topilus. Shortly after two other…  
6946. IFJ and EFJ condemn 'Foreign Agent' labelling of leading Russian Media Freedom group  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ) and (EFJ) have today joined their affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), in condemning the decision of the Russian government to add the Glasnost Defense Foundation (GDF), a Russian media non-governmental organisation, to the Justice Ministry’s list of so-called “foreign agents” last 19 November following an unscheduled inspection. The labelling of GDF follows a 2012 law which requires Russian-based NGOs that receive funding from abroad and engage in “political activity” to register as “foreign agents”. Under this law, organisations added to the list – around 100 groups, according to the OSCE – are required to…  
6947. President Erdogan, free Cumhuriyet’s editors and all other detained journalists  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), in partnership with their affiliate the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS), Journalists Association of Turkey (TGC), Reporters without Borders (RSF), the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), the International Press Institute (IPI), World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN­IFRA), World Press Freedom Committee (WPFC) and the Ethical Journalism Network (EJN), launched the following international appeal for the release of Cumhuriyet journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül at a press conference held yesterday in Istanbul: International appeal – First as prime minister and now as president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan…  
6948. Reporting climate change with a gender lens  

From a journalism perspective there is a tendency of becoming overly technical when addressing climate changes. A useful way of reporting on this topic is to find cases in which the effects of climate change are being directly experienced and to tell the stories of the people affected. It is important to recognise that women experience the impacts of global climate change in a different manner from men. UN Women describes women’s vulnerability to climate change as follows: “In many of these contexts, women are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than men—primarily as they constitute the majority of the world’s poor and are more dependent for their livelihood on natural…  
6949. Foreign journalist harassed following critical reporting in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the harassment and attack against a foreign journalist in China following the publishing of an article. The IFJ demands the Chinese government investigate the threats made against the journalist and the Global Times issues an apology to the journalist following a critical editorial it published. On November 20, the Global Times published an editorial which said that Ursula Gauthier, a correspondent for French magazine, Le Nouvel Observateur, was ‘seriously distorting the reality of Xinjing’, ‘bias’ and ‘lost the basis of common sense’ following an article she published on November 18, which cited examples of ruthless…  
6950. Women in the media: beyond clichés  

The Conference of the International Francophone Press Union (UPF) held on 25-27 November in Lomé, Togo, brought together 300 participants who debated the place of women in the media. Journalists from 39 countries shared their experiences in the field and expressed their determination to bring about change. Women badly represented in news reporting The results of the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) announced on 23rd November indicated that women represent only 24% of the people seen, read and heard about in reporting. “Women are quantitatively underrepresented and qualitatively poorly represented,” concluded Martine Simonis, Secretary General of the Belgian Association of…  
6951. UPDATE: IFJ condemns the killing of a TV manager in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the murder of Amanullah Ataee, the managing director of private channel Asia Television in the Karta-e-Now region of Kabul on November 29. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the killing. According to police, Ataee was shot dead in front of his house in the evening of Sunday, November 29. The Kabul Police detained two of his relatives on charges of murder on the basis of initial investigations. The gun used in the murder has already been recovered. The motive behind the murder is not yet clear, the police said. Asia TV has recently started transmissions in Herat, Balkh and Nangarhar provinces. According to…  
6952. TV manager killed in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the murder of Amanullah Ataee, the managing director of private channel Asia Television in the Karta-e-Now region of Kabul on November 29. The IFJ demand an immediate investigation into the killing. According to police, Ataee was shot dead in front of his house in the evening of Sunday, November 29 The Kabul Police detained two of his relatives on charges of murder on the basis of initial investigations and the gun used in the murder has already been recovered. The motive behind the murder is not yet clear, the police said. Asia TV has recently started transmissions in Herat, Balkh and Nangarhar provinces. According to…  
6953. SNRP y FIP celebran seminario sobre fortalecimiento sindical y seguridad para periodistas en México  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su afiliado mexicano, el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP), han organizado en conjunto un seminario nacional como culminación de la primera etapa del proyecto trianual financiado por la central canadiense UNIFOR. El evento se desarrolló en México DF entre los días 26 y 28 de noviembre.  Read the full article in Spanish here.  
6954. IFJ condemns threats by Libyan official authorities against the journalism community  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the threats by the Director of Media and Culture Commission in the Libyan Transition Government, Omar Quary, against the Libyan Cloud News Agency (LCNA), the country's self-proclaimed first independent newswire service. The official state’s news agency published on 21 November a message from Quary describing LCNA’s journalists as “stupid spies who are supported by the foreign governments” and calling on the Army to catch them. LCNA agency went live online on 29 November following a launch event in Brussels, which was attended by the IFJ representatives. The project, led by Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche…  
6955. ​African Union and European Union Agree to Jointly Mark 2016 UN Day v. Impunity for Crime against Journalists  

The African Union (AU) and the European Union(EU) held this year's AU - EU Human Rights Dialogue on 24 November in Kigali, Rwanda. They adopted a series of recommendations which were submitted by the joint African Union and European Union Civil Society Seminar which was also held in Kigali on 21-21 November under the theme of Freedom of Expression. One of the recommendations submitted and adopted by the AU -EU Dialogue on Human Rights concerned the protection of journalists and the need to fight impunity for crime targeting them. In this regard, the AU- EU Dialogue adopted the recommendation and agreed to jointly mark on 2 November 2016 the UN Day v. impunity for crime…  
6956. IFJ launches a Solidarity Fund to help journalists in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has launched a Solidarity Fund to provide financial aid and humanitarian assistance to Yemeni colleagues and their families, who are in desperate need for help. The decision follows the action plan agreed at a meeting on "International Partnership for Yemen- Supporting Journalism and Freedom of Expression on the Front Lines" hosted and co-organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) and the International Media Support (IMS) last 26 October in Brussels. The gathering sought to raise awareness of the increasing media safety crisis and to…  
6957. End Oppression and Incitement against Yemen Journalists  

The safety of journalists in Yemen has deteriorated since the start of 2015 amid fighting between the Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition.  Already in April it was clear that urgent measures needed to be taken following the Houthis’ occupation of media houses in the capital, Sana'a, forcing journalists to either leave or to follow the Houthi's editorial line. Most reporters have since fled Sana'a as the increasingly precarious and hostile atmosphere towards independent journalists grew. The IFJ’s affiliate in the country, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), has recently launched a report which records around 200 cases of violations against press freedom this year,…  
6958. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 20 to Friday 27 November: 1. Trabajadores de prensa piden correcta categorización para evitar perjuicio salarial 2. Tunisia: IFJ Denounces Use of Anti-Terrorism Law Against Tunisian Media 3. La FIJ accuse le gouvernement tunisien de museler la presse 4. La FIJ inquiète face au recours du gouvernement tunisien à la loi antiterroriste pour museler la presse 5. La Fédération internationale des Journalistes dénonce le recours à la loi antiterroriste pour museler la presse 6. Presse…  
6959. IFJ and EFJ urge Turkey to immediately release journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) today called on the Turkish authorities to immediately release journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül and to drop all charges against them. The two reporters working for the daily newspaper Cumhuriyet were arrested yesterday in Istanbul following a judicial complaint initiated by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on charges of “obtaining secret information concerning state security”, “political and military espionage”, “publishing confidential information” and “doing propaganda on behalf of a terror organization.” According to media reports, all the charges are related to an article and footage released…  
6960. Palestinian journalists plan national code of ethics and self-regulation for the profession  

Palestinian journalists, editors and government officials today discussed in Ramallah the promotion of ethical journalism, the preconditions for quality journalism and the responsibilities of the management and the state in creating an environment where quality journalism can flourish. The meeting was organised by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate's ethics committee and led by the committee’s chair, Husam Ezzedin. Participants included Mr. Mahmoud Khleifa, Deputy Minister of Information, and PJS Vice-President Naser Abu Baker. The General Secretary of the British and Irish National Union of Journalists (NUJ), Michelle Stanistreet , and the General Secretary of the Syndicat national…  
6961. IFJ joins Palestinian journalists in discussing the role of media in covering conflicts  

A delegation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined yesterday in Ramallah city the national conference organised by the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) on the ‘Role of Media in Covering Conflicts’. Over 130 journalists, editors, civil society organisations and Palestinian officials participated in the debates which tackled the safety crisis that journalists face in Palestine and ways to provide them with protection. According to the PJS reports, more than 70 Palestinian and international journalists were injured or assaulted by the Israeli army since the beginning of October this year, some of whom were present in the meeting and shared their…  
6962. UPDATE: Gao Yu released on medical parole following sentence reduction  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of Gao Yu on medical parole following her sentence reduction handed down by the High Court of Beijing. The IFJ urge the Chinese government to immediately release the journalist and repeal her sentence and the charges against her. Today, on November 26, the High Court of Beijing, following a one-day closed-door appeal trial, overruled the original sentence handed down to veteran journalist, Gao Yu from seven years to five years. The judge cited Gao Yu’s televised confession as reason for not overruling her conviction. Gao Yu’s defence lawyer, Mo Shaopping said: “We do not think Gao should be prosecuted and found…  
6963. IFJ condemns cyber-bullying against female journalists ahead of the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women  

Each year, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Gender Council stand in solidarity with the UN Campaign to Eliminate Violence Against Women on November 25 by highlighting its campaign to eliminate violence against women journalists.  "Thanks to our Gender Council, the IFJ is urging journalists and their unions to raise awareness and take action against violence against women and girls," said the IFJ President, Jim Boumelha. "This violence is almost universally under-reported. Nevertheless, the prevalence of such violence suggests that globally, millions of women are experiencing violence or living with its consequences.  I urge all our unions…  
6964. Indian journalists injured by police  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJI) in strongly criticizing the actions of police who charged at a group of journalists in northern India. The IFJ call on the local and state authorities to investigate the incident and guarantee the safety of journalists. On November 24, journalists were covering a dharma (a non-violent, sit-in protest) between the Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Shri Ramshankar Katheria, BJP MLA and local traders in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. During the protest, police tried to disburse the group and ‘baton charged’ at the journalists. During the incident, over 10 journalists were…  
6965. Orange the World: End Violence Against Women and Girls  

Today, on International Day to End Violence Against Women and Girls, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with its Asia Pacific affiliates on the issue of violence against women working in the media. Specifically, this year the IFJ is calling on journalists and their unions to raise awareness and take action against gender violence, highlighting the damaging and rapidly increasing incidents of cyber-bullying and threats online. IFJ President, Jim Boumelha said: “This violence is almost universally under-reported. Nevertheless, the prevalence of such violence suggests that globally, millions of women are experiencing violence or living with its…  
6966. La FAJ soutient le SNJT pour la liberté de la presse en Tunisie  

 La Fédération Africaine des Journalistes (FAJ), le groupe Africain de la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), a exprimé aujourd’hui sa vive inquiétude et sa préoccupation suite au recours du gouvernement  tunisien à la loi relative à la lutte contre le terrorisme pour régenter la presse.   « Nous interpellons le Gouvernement de la Tunisie sur cette décision qui va handicaper les journalistes dans leur travail », a déclaré Maria Luisa Rogerio, Président intérimaire de la FAJ.   Le directeur général de la télévision nationale, Mustapha Ben Letaeif a été limogé le dimanche 15 novembre 2015, suite à la diffusion la veille par la chaîne d'images de la…  
6967. La FAJ soutient le SNJT pour la liberté de la presse en Tunisie  

La Fédération Africaine des Journalistes (FAJ), le groupe Africain de la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), a exprimé aujourd’hui sa vive inquiétude et sa préoccupation suite au recours du gouvernement  tunisien à la loi relative à la lutte contre le terrorisme pour régenter la presse.   « Nous interpellons le Gouvernement de la Tunisie sur cette décision qui va handicaper les journalistes dans leur travail », a déclaré Maria Luisa Rogerio, Président intérimaire de la FAJ.   Le directeur général de la télévision nationale, Mustapha Ben Letaeif a été limogé le dimanche 15 novembre 2015, suite à la diffusion la veille par la chaîne d'images de la tête…  
6968. Ukraine journalists press President Poroshenko for action against impunity  

A Ukraine journalists' delegation, led by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)’s affiliates the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU), participated yesterday in a working group organized in Kiev on journalists’ safety and established by the Presidential Administration of Ukraine to tackle impunity. The group was first launched on 16th September when Ukraine journalists marked the 15th anniversary of the death of the Ukraine reporter Georgy Gongadze by presenting a report with 325 cases of journalist’ violations since the election of President Poroshenko in June 2014. The main goal of the…  
6969. Latin America and the Caribbean: 24 journalists killed in 2015. FEPALC urges to fight impunity  

In the framework of the IFJ's global campaign against impunity, the Federation of Journalists of Latin America and the Caribbean (FEPALC, in Spanish), stands up against the climate of widespread impunity suffered in the region and the high rate of self-censorship in the countries where the killers are not taken into justice. Read the full article in Spanish here. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 139 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook  
6970. Six years on: Justice denied in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in expressing sympathies to the victims and the families of those killed in the Ampatuan Massacre six years ago. The IFJ and NUJP condemn the Philippine government led by President Aquino III for its continued inaction in bringing those responsible to justice and providing support to the families left behind. On November 23, 2009 58 people including 32 journalists were brutally murdered in Maguindanao in the south of the Philippines. It is the largest massacre of journalists in history. The victims were travelling in a political convoy when they were ambushed,…  
6971. Pakistani journalist killed in Peshawar  

The International Federation of Journalists condemns the murder of a journalist in Peshawar in northern Pakistan. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the murder, the second this month in Pakistan. On Sunday, November 22, Pakistan journalist Hafeez-ur-Rehman was shot near his home by two unidentified assailants on a motorcycle. Rehman was shot three times and died instantly. Rehman had been working as a journalist for over 12 years, and was employed with Neo TV. He had also been publishing his own daily, Asia, until earlier this year. Rehman is the second Pakistani journalist to be killed this month, following the murder of Zaman Mehsud in Tank in KP/FATA on November 3. The…  
6972. Pakistani journalist killed in Peshawar  

The International Federation of Journalists condemns the murder of a journalist in Peshawar in northern Pakistan. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the murder, the second this month in Pakistan. On Sunday, November 22, Pakistan journalist Hafeez-ur-Rehman was shot near his home by two unidentified assailants on a motorcycle. Rehman was shot three times and died instantly. Rehman had been working as a journalist for over 12 years, and was employed with Neo TV. He had also been publishing his own daily, Asia, until earlier this year. Rehman is the second Pakistani journalist to be killed this month, following the murder of Zaman Mehsud in Tank in KP/FATA on November 3. The…  
6973. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Monday 14 to Friday 20 November: 1. Demand accountability for missing journalists in Asia Pacific 2.  La FAJ Interpelle le Burundi sur le harcèlement des journalistes 3. Fijian photojournalist dies from injuries sustained during 2006 attack  4. Philippines: Nov. 22 concert to honor memory of slain journalists 5. Council of Europe platform tracks violations of press freedom, attacks against journalists 6. La FIP demanda investigar y castigar los crímenes…  
6974. FETRACOSE y FIP organizan seminario “Reformas Laborales, Luces y Sombras” en Chile  

El pasado 16 de noviembre, la Federación de Trabajadores de las Comunicaciones, la Gráfica y Servicios Conexos (FETRACOSE), con el auspicio de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), realizó el seminario “Reformas Laborales, Luces y Sombras”, orientado a discutir el estado del proyecto de reforma laboral chilena y analizar los avances y retrocesos que esta reforma podría significar en los derechos de los trabajadores en su conjunto. De la actividad participaron dirigentes sindicales de Santiago de Chile y el interior del país, quienes atendieron a las exposiciones de representantes del gobierno, impulsor del proyecto de reforma, y del especialista de ACTRAB – OIT Carlos…  
6975. The IFJ denounces the use of anti-terrorism law against Tunisian media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) have expressed their concerns over the use by the Tunisian government of the anti-terrorism law to muzzle media. The latest event involves the sacking of the CEO of the Tunisian public television, Mustapha Ben Letaief, by the Tunisian government. His dismissal follows the broadcasting by the public TV channel El Wataniya 1 of images showing the decapitated head of a young shepherd by a terrorist group. Read the full article in French here  For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 139…  
6976. IFJ asks Ukrainian President to end impunity for killers and attackers of journalists  

In a letter addressed yesterday to President Petro Poroshenko, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) asked the Ukrainian president to commit to end impunity for killers and attackers of journalists. The letter points at the blatant injustice journalists and their families face when it comes to investigating brutal violations of journalists’ rights in the country and cites several circumstances where attacks and killings of journalists have remained unpunished. Since the beginning of 2014, eight journalists have died in Ukraine, seven while covering the war from the frontline in the East of the country, and one shot on the streets of Kiev. Many more have been…  
6977. IFJ Blog: Disappearances of Journalists in Sri Lanka: Lessons Learned  

Sri Lanka has seen decades of abductions and disappearances by state security agencies. Campaigning against such repressive acts too has become part of our political culture.  Enforced and involuntary disappearance of persons has been a permanent feature in Sri Lankan political culture over the last three decades. The second highest number of unsolved disappearances reported to the United Nations Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances are reported from Sri Lanka. As the editor of a weekly Sinhala language newspaper during 1990 – 2000, I came to know and worked with many family members of the disappeared who were campaigning for justice. Dr. Manorani Saravanmuttu…  
6978. La FAJ Interpelle le Burundi sur le harcèlement des journalistes  

La Fédération Africaine des Journalistes (FAJ), le groupe Africain de la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), a interpellé aujourd’hui le Gouvernement du Président Pierre Nkurunziza sur le harcèlement des journalistes travaillant pour les rédactions des organes de presse en ligne dans la capitale Bujumbura.   « Nous demandons au Président Pierre Nkurunziza d’ordonner la fin du harcèlement contre les journalistes travaillant dans le pays », a déclaré Maria Luisa Rogerio, Président intérimaire de la FAJ.   Le directeur du journal en ligne www.iwacu-burundi.org,  Antoine Kaburahe a reçu le 12 novembre dernier une convocation pour se présenter au parquet…  
6979. IFJ joins Iraqi affiliate in condemning killing of media worker  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today joined its affiliate, the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate (IJS), in condemning the killing last week of cameraman Imad al Jabouri, of Al Furaat TV, in Najaf city, south of the capital Baghdad. Both organisations have urged the authorities to conduct a thorough and open investigation into his murder. According to the IJS, the cameraman’s family reported that al Jabouri disappeared on Wednesday 11th November and the Police found his body on Saturday 14th. Media reported that he had a second job as a taxi driver whom the killers hired and took to an isolated area where they killed him. The IJS showed its concerns regarding the…  
6980. Hong Kong journalist barred entry to the Philippines for APEC Summit  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in strongly criticizing the decision to bar a Hong Kong journalist from entering the Philippines to cover the APEC Summit. The IFJ demands an immediate explanation from the Philippines authorities. On November 15, a Hong Kong-based journalist from Commercial Radio (CR) was barred entry to the Philippines. The journalist was travelling to the Philippines to cover the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, for which he had successfully registered prior to commencing his journey. According to Commercial Radio, the journalist was barred entry because of an incident at…  
6981. Fijian photojournalist dies from injuries sustained during 2006 attack  

The International Federation of Journalists expresses condolences following the death of Fijian photojournalist, Sitveni Moce, on Friday November 13. The IFJ calls on the Fijian authorities to investigate the attack in 2006 and bring those responsible to justice. Sitiveni Moce, a photojournalist with the Fiji Times and Fiji Sun died from injuries sustained in the line of work as he covered the semi-civilian coup in Suva in 2000 and then again during the December 2006 coup. According to reports, Moce was beaten and attacked by rebel supporters in the 2000 coup and then during the 2006 coup, he was confronted as he tried to take pictures of soldiers escorting a person from the Methodist…  
6982. Paramilitary force in Nagaland issues directive to local media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists, India (NUJI) in condemning the directive made to editors of six Nagaland-based media houses in northern India by a Colonel of the General Staff for Assam Rifles, a paramilitary force, on October 25. The IFJ believes the directive stifles press freedom and urges that it be immediately withdrawn. The directive issued by the Assam Rifles, the oldest paramilitary force in India, bans the re-publication of press statements from the banned organization, NSCN(K). The directive said that ‘publication of press statements of a banned organization was…  
6983. IFJ in the News: Special #endimpunity campaign  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights for last week, following the launch of the IFJ's #endimpunity campaign last Monday 2 November: 1. La FIJ plaide pour une extension de la coopération judiciaire contre les ’’assassins de journalistes" 2. L'invité BBC AFRIQUE 02/11/2015 : Anthony Bellanger 3. Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon, deux ans après 4. Crimes against journalists 5. Filipino broadcaster shot dead in Quezon City  6. La UE denuncia crímenes contra periodistas y pide una…  
6984. Thirty-six affiliates joined IFJ #endimpunity campaign  

Thirty-six IFJ affiliates across the globe have joined the IFJ campaign against impunity. Activities included conference and events, press releases, motions to parliament, news coverage, minutes of silence and posting of videos and photos on social media. The IFJ campaign against impunity will continue until 23 november with a special focus on Yemen, Mexico, Ukraine and the Philippines.  IFJ regional offices will put additional emphasis on other countries where impunity is at its worse. To date, IFJ affiliates supportive of the campaign are: ANP - Peru; AJI – Indonesia; NUJ- UK and Ireland; NUJI – India; SNRP- Mexico; IMTUU- Ukraine; NUJU- Ukraine; AJTL- Est Timor; MJA…  
6985. IFJ welcomes ILO’s report condemning trade union rights violations in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today welcomed the conclusion and recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s Committee on Freedom of Association which made a landmark ruling against the Federal Government of Somalia following a complaint made jointly by the IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Somalian Journalists (NUSOJ) and the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), with the support of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). The ILO Governing Body, at its 325th session of 11th November, endorsed the findings of the report accepting the allegations made by the complainants and concluding that it found gross violation of the…  
6986. ​Guillaume Barreau-Decherf  

The 43-year-old journalist and music critic for ‘Les Inrocks’ magazine was among the victims of the terrorist attacks at Bataclan in Paris. The French newspaper Libération, where the journalist , aka Guillaume B. Decherf and fan of metal music began his career in 1999, paid him a moving tribute,. He worked as Libé special correspondent in Chicago in 2000 and contributed to Rolling Stone and Metro. He then joined Hard Rock Mag as editor-in-chief before moving to Inrocks in 2008, where his main speciality was Hard Rock. His last publication of 28 October 2015 was on Zipper Down, the latest CD of Eagles of Death Metal group in which he announced their Paris concert at the…  
6987. IFJ Asia-Pacific launches “Without A Trace” campaign for missing journalists  

Today, November 16, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Asia-Pacific launches Without A Trace: Media workers missing in the Asia-Pacific , an online record highlighting the stories of 10 media workers who disappeared and  currently remain   missing in the region. To date, their cases are unsolved and largely uninvestigated by authorities. The campaign focuses on the cases of Juanita Nielsen (Australia), Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla (Maldives), Joey Estriber (the Philippines), Prakash Singh Thakuri, Chitra Narayan Shrestha, Milan Nepali, Madan Paudel (all of Nepal), and Prageeth Eknaligoda, Subramaniam Ramachandran and Vadivel Nimalarajah (all of Sri Lanka).…  
6988. IFJ urges Financial Times and new owners Nikkei to honour pension commitments to staff  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged Nikkei, the Financial Times’ new owner, and the newspaper’s management to honour promises they made to their member union in the UK and Ireland, the National Union of Journalists, over maintaining pensions after they acquired the newspaper.   NUJ members in FT editorial voted on 9th October to ballot for industrial action over what journalists there are calling a "£4m pensions robbery" to pay for rent and other costs. Unite is also prepared to ballot members.   The NUJ will announce the result of the ballot on November 19th.   “The IFJ and its unions worldwide support the staff at the FT in…  
6989. La FIP pide a México medidas más severas para castigar los crímenes contra periodistas  

Una delegación de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), liderada por el secretario general Anthony Bellanger, se entrevistó ayer en Bruselas con el Embajador de México, Sr. Don Juan José Gómez Camacho, para pedirle a su Gobierno medidas más severas a la hora de investigar los crímenes cometidos contra los periodistas y castigar a sus responsables. El encuentro tuvo lugar en la Embajada de México ante la región de Bélgica y el Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo en Bruselas y contó igualmente con la presencia de Ernest Sagaga, responsable de Derechos Humanos y Seguridad de la FIP, y Pamela Moriniere, responsable de Comunicación. Si bien Anthony Bellanger felicitó al señor Embajador…  
6994. IFJ joins International Delegation calling on action on media freedom concerns in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) joins the International Partnership Mission to Indonesia (IPMI) in calling on Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, to address media freedom concerns regarding journalist safety and an environment that poses significant threats to freedom of expression. The IFJ welcome the increased dialogue with the Indonesian government and President Widodo and look forward to working with the government to continue improving media freedom in Indonesia. The International Partnership Mission to Indonesia, which included members from international human rights and freedom of expression organisations,…  
6998. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: November  

Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on December 15, 2015, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know what you are doing; to seek solidarity and support from other SAMSN members on your campaigns and activities. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] Please feel free to distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. This e-bulletin and South Asia related contents are available at the SAMSN Digital Hub: https://samsn.ifj.org  In this bulletin: 1.    Without a Trace launching November 16 2.    IFJ…  
6999. IFJ launches 2015 global campaign to end impunity for crimes against journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today launched its annual global campaign to hold world governments and de facto authorities accountable for impunity records for crimes targeting journalists. The campaign will run from 2 November, the UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists, to 23 November 2015. The UN Day to end impunity was adopted on 18 December 2013 to be marked 2 November, the anniversary of the killings of two RFI reporters, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, murdered in Kidal, Mali in 2013. It comes ahead of 23 November which commemorates the 2009 Maguindanao massacre in the Philippines when at least 32 journalists lost their lives in…  
7000. IFJ welcomes UNESCO's roundtable on ethical standards in Libya and calls media to protect journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the four-day roundtable to enhance professional and ethical standards in Libyan media management organized by UNESCO in Casa Arabe Cultural Centre in Madrid from 26 to 29 October. Following the meeting, the IFJ also called on Libyan media owners to do more to protect journalists and media workers, 6 of whom have been killed this year and tens more have been forced to flee the country. Attended by twenty managers and owners of Libyan media outlets broadcasting from inside the country as well as the region, discussions focused on the practical challenges they confront daily in their work, as well as on strategies to…  
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