15058 results:

3431. Pakistan: Killer of Wali Khan Babar arrested after a decade on the run  

Nearly a decade after the murder of Geo News journalist Wali Khan Babar, Pakistan police finally arrested one of his murderers ‘at large’ in an operation on June 15. The International federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) welcome the arrest and urge the Pakistan government to move proactively to coordinate stronger action to end the country’s dire record of impunity for attacks on journalists. Pakistan police arrested Kamran (alias Zeeshan Shani) in a joint raid on June 15, six years after he and five others killed the journalist. Kamran absconded after Geo news journalist Wali Khan Babar was gunned down in the…  
3432. Hong Kong: Apple Daily founder, Jimmy Lai arrested for Tiananmen vigil  

Jimmy Lai, high profile chairman of Next Gen and founder of Apple Daily was arrested on the June 11 on incitement charges relating to the Tiananmen commemoration vigil. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Hong Kong government to drop all charges against Jimmy Lai. Jimmy Lai was charged with inciting others to participate in an unauthorized assembly along with three other pro-democracy organisers. Nine more activists and protesters were arrested on the June 12 over their involvement in the Tiananmen vigil on June 4. Lai’s court hearing is set for June 23. The candlelit vigil, commemorating the victims of the Tiananmen massacre, has been an annual occurrence in…  
3433. Zimbabwe: Government bars private media journalists from covering official event  

Security officials barred private media journalists from covering an official event held in Chinhoyi city on 12 June that the president Emmerson Mnangagwa was attending. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ), in condemning the ban and urges the authorities to ensure access for all journalists to official events. 12 journalists reported to the ZUJ Head Office in Harare that they had been barred from attending the event. They claimed that the President’s security guards had a hostile attitude towards them and accused the journalists of arriving late to the event. The…  
3434. North Macedonia: Union secures Covid-19 aid package for media workers  

A special aid package to protect journalists wages and support struggling media is to be introduced in North Macedonia thanks to the efforts of the union representing the country's media workers. The North Macedonian government accepted wideranging proposals put forward by the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) to help journalists and media cope with the harsh conditions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have congratulated their affiliate, the SSNM, in negotiating the plan. Applicable to June, July and August, the plan will provide subsidies to all media employers…  
3435. COVID-19: New FAJ report shows virus has deeply infected the media industry  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan–African Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has launched today a report highlighting worrying trends for the media industry as a result of COVID-19 outbreak on the continent.   “African journalism in the eye of the pandemic storm” is the result of a survey conducted among FAJ’s members and to which 20 unions replied, representing 57% of its affiliates in Africa. The reports shows that African governments’ programmes to respond to the economic impact of the pandemic have had a “negative” impact on the media sector and lacked proper support of media workers.   Unions point in particular at…  
3436. Iran: Journalists call on Romania to prosecute judge for human rights violations  

Iranian journalists are calling on the Romanian authorities to take judicial action against judge Gholamreza Mansouri for human rights violations against media and journalists in Iran. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with victimised Iranian journalists and support their calls for justice. Gholamreza Mansouri, a former judge of Iran's Culture and Media Court has been involved in dozens of cases of jailing and torturing journalists and shutting down media. Detailed accounts by journalists of arrests and torture of them and family members have been documented.  He has now also been officially accused by Iranian authorities…  
3437. Timor-Leste: The stink of criminal defamation stirs again  

An attempt to reintroduce criminal defamation in this tiny democracy should be fought off at all costs, writes Jim Nolan. The coronavirus pandemic has provided cover for a variety of authoritarian moves against free expression in the South East Asia region. In the Philippines, a full frontal attack on the free media has occurred with the Duterte government’s cancellation of the broadcasting licence of the country’s largest broadcaster - television network ABS-CBN.  In Malaysia the Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA) continues to be used to prosecute media workers who are reporting the pandemic despite the relevant minister’s commitment to review the act’s restrictions on press…  
3438. Philippines: Rappler’s Maria Ressa and Rey Santos Jr found guilty of cyber libel  

The drawn-out case against Maria Ressa and Rey Santos Jr has come to an end as the Manila court finds the two guilty of cyber libel charges, a verdict that could mean six years in prison. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) express disdain at the Duterte administration who have made repeated attempts to criminalise journalism and undermine democracy in the Philippines. Rappler’s chief executive officer and former Rappler writer Rey Santos Jr were convicted by judge Rainelda Estacio-Montesa in the Manila Regional Trial Court (RTC), sentencing Ressa and Santos to jail on June 15. The charges were…  
3439. Indonesia: Student press threatened for organising Papuan racism discussion  

Student journalists from the University of Lampung (Unila) were the targets of digital attacks on June 10, amid preparations to hold an online discussion on racism in Papua. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia condemn the digital attacks and call the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation immediately. Writing for the student publication, Teknokra, two journalists, Chairul Rahman Arif and Mitha Setiani Asih received threats after they planned an online discussion on racial discrimination against Papuans. While Chairul received intimidating messages on WhatsApp, sending him his identity…  
3440. Indonesia: Feminist websites hit by digital attacks  

Online feminist newsgroups, Magdalene and Konde.co experienced a range of digital attacks in the last month. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia condemn the digital attacks and silencing of feminist voices. Magdalene revealed in a Twitter post on June 10, the newsgroup’s website was not accessible as a result of a series of cyberattacks in the last month. The site was the target of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, where a perpetrator maliciously overloads the server to prevent people from accessing the website. Established in September 2013, Magdalene is a bilingual news website…  
3441. México: matan a otro periodista en Sonora y ya son dos los comunicadores asesinados en menos de 30 días  

El cronista y dueño de "Prioridad Máxima" José Castillo Osuna fue asesinado a puñaladas en la mañana del jueves en su casa de Ciudad Obregón. La Fiscalía General de Justicia de Sonora investiga el caso, mientras el Estado norteño se convierte en epicentro de la violencia hacia periodistas. En lo que consistió en el segundo asesinato de un periodista en menos de 30 días en Ciudad Obregón, el dueño del periódico Prioridad Máxima José Castillo Osuna fue asesinado en su casa en la mañana de ayer. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condenamos este crimen, exigimos que la Justicia mexicana castigue a los autores intelectuales y materiales y alertamos sobre la situación de los…  
3442. José Castillo Osuna  

The owner of Prioridad Máxima newspaper was stabbed to death outside his home in Ciudad Obregón. Media reports quoted Sonora State Attorney General’s office said that Osuna, who also worked as a crime reporter for his newspaper, was attacked by a person wielding a knife who stabbed him. He became the second journalist to be killed in less than 30 in Ciudad Obregón. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
3443. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 5 and 12 June, 2020 English Media rights groups protest against Timor's draft defamation law (ASIA PACIFIC REPORT) International trade group condemns Pittsburgh paper for 'racist' ban on Black reporters (URDU POINT) Pacific media react with relief over proposed sale reprieve for AAP (ASIA PACIFIC REPORT) Reporters cop it in the land of the free-for-all (RNZ)   Français Algérie : un millier de journalistes privés de salaire…  
3444. Philippines: ‘Terror Bill’ awaits Philippine president Duterte’s signature  

The Anti-Terrorism Act, also known the ‘Terror Bill’ passed the House of Representatives of the Philippines and the Senate and is now with president Rodrigo Duterte who must sign the bill to be passed into law. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) urging Duterte to respect the fundamental right to freedom of expression. Senate president Vicente Sotto III confirmed he signed the bill on June 9, delivering a soft copy to Duterte’s office and the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office for Duterte’s signature. If Duterte does not sign the bill within 30 days after receipt, the bill will…  
3445. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Ruby So Yuen Ling is a reporter with Nanyang Siang Pau (Malaysia). As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign she talks about importance of journalists regaining the trust of the public in Malaysia. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist or media worker in Malaysia? Journalist shalt not stand with any faction, but be committed to the TRUTH.  Journalists are frontline workers in combating fake news. 2. What can we do to be better? To ensure our survivability we must regain reader’s trust and public confidence. 3. What can we do to ensure media freedom? To ensure media freedom as journalists we must cut political ties and act independently.    The #MYMediaMatters campaign…  
3446. Philippines: Rappler’s Maria Ressa facing court ruling in ‘cyber libel’ case  

A Manila court is expected to rule on the cyber libel case against internationally recognised Philippine journalist Maria Ressa on Monday, June 15. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists in the Philippines (NUJP) stand in solidarity with Maria Ressa who has bravely withstood a long-running and targeted campaign of government-led attacks and intimidation. In February 2019, Rappler’s chief executive officer, Maria Ressa, was charged under the Cybercrime Prevention Act (2012) for an article dating back to 2012 on the impeachment trial of former chief justice Renato Corona. Despite the cyber libel legislation only…  
3447. México: victory for NOTIMEX workers after 108 days of strike and camping  

After 108 days of camping at the doors of the newsroom and fighting against systematic dismissals since last year, the workers of the Mexican state news agency managed to get the authorities of that entity to recognize that their strike is legitimate, to abide by the cessation of activities ordered by the Federal Board of Conciliation of the Ministry of Labor and committed to resolve the conflict. Given the decision of the Governing Board of the Mexican state news agency, NOTIMEX, to recognize the authenticity of the strike maintained by hundreds of workers who were demanding 200 layoffs, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its support towards the journalists have…  
3448. Algérie : un millier de journalistes privés de salaire, une presse menacée  

Plus de 1000 journalistes algériens n'ont pas reçu de salaire depuis un an. Le secteur de la presse en Algérie subit de plein fouet la crise financière et se trouve également confronté à une crise de la formation et du professionnalisme qui nuit gravement à l'éthique journalistique et à la qualité de l’information. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession, s’alarme d’une presse en déliquescence et de l'impact de la crise sur les travailleurs des médias. Elle enjoint le gouvernement à réagir immédiatement en mettant en place des mesures concrètes pour soutenir le secteur et l’information. Dans un communiqué publié le 9 juin 2020,…  
3449. Malaysia: Communication and Multimedia Act targets the media  

Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA) continues to be used to prosecute media workers despite the minister’s commitment to review the act’s restrictions on press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is disappointed that authorities continue to use CMA to delegitimise journalists and undermine dissent. Since Malaysia’s change in the political landscape in February, authorities have used section 233 of the CMA to criminalise dissenting voices and journalists according to CIJ. On June 9, a Kuala Lumpur cyber court charged a blogger, Dian Abdullaha for her posts on Malaysia’s king and prime minister. Authorities alleged Abdullaha shared offensive…  
3450. Hong Kong: Police brutality against journalists’ hits a new low  

A survey conducted by the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) into police violence against journalists has revealed the violent reality of working journalists in Hong Kong, signifying a sharp decline in press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the HKJA call on police to discuss countermeasures to curb police violence. Earlier this year, HKJA published their annual findings into press freedom in Hong Kong and journalists’ safety highlighting the sharpest decline in press freedom since the survey’s launch in 2013. In light of the public concern over the violent treatment of journalists covering public order events, HKJA conducted a “Survey on…  
3451. Timor-Leste: Proposed defamation law petitioned by media rights groups  

The Minister of Justice in Timor-Leste plans to present to the Council of Ministers a proposal to include criminal defamation in the country’s penal code. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Timor-Leste Press Union (TLPU) protest the move that would undermine press freedom and public interest journalism. The proposal to introduce a law of criminal defamation to Timor-Leste’s penal code (Articles 187-A to 187-F) stipulates that any person who publicly states and publishes through social media ‘facts’ or ‘opinions’ that may offend the honour, good name and reputation of a current or previous member of government, church official or any public official can…  
3452. Australia: Media Bargaining Code critical for media survival  

Australia’s journalists’ union, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) said a News Media Bargaining Code is critical for media outlets to survive. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the MEAA in calling for a clear timetable for discussions about developing an industry code to ensure a sustainable future for public interest journalism in Australia. The Australian government has said it will legislate for the code to be mandatory to address bargaining power imbalances between Australian news media businesses and digital platforms. In its submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) regarding the development of the code,…  
3453. African Union: African journalists call for the cessation of hostilities against journalists to ensure safe practice of journalism in Africa  

The Pan-African journalists organisation, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), together with national journalists' unions and associations across the continent have today called on the African Union (AU) to make the immediate cessation of targeted hostilities against journalists a top priority in order to ensure the safe practice of journalism in Africa under the AU’s campaign on “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development”. Reacting to the decision of the African Union’s Peace and Security Council (PSC) earlier this month, which endorsed the call by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, to put an end to conflicts and…  
3454. Sudan: Media crackdown escalates amid Covid-19 pandemic   

The Sudanese authorities crackdown on media, unions and journalists has escalated during the Covid-19 pandemic, with tightening state control over media, journalists being arrested and facing increasing pressure on their freedom to work.  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Sudanese Union of Journalists (SUJ), urge the authorities to stop the harassment and guarantee rights during this critical period. 21 newspapers have been suspended, leaving hundreds of journalists without income and the country deprived of newspapers in a critical moment. According to SUJ, the government currently…  
3455. Venezuela: la policía detiene e intimida a periodistas durante protestas  

En los últimos días en el país sudamericano hubo detenciones de periodistas que estaban cubriendo distintas protestas. En el caso de la joven Carol Romero, la trabajadora fue detenida sin que la fuerza informara su paradero. En la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condenamos las detenciones e intimidaciones contra periodistas venezolanxs que nuestra organización afiliada en ese país, el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Prensa, ha relevado en la última semana. Una periodistaa fue arrestada en el ejercicio de su trabajo y un grupo del canal VPI fue retenido en la via pública durante una hora y media durante la cual sus crediales y equipos fueron retenidos por agentes de…  
3456. Nepal: Journalists suffer increased economic hardship amid Covid-19  

More than two months into the Covid -19 lockdown, journalists in Nepal face severe economic challenges with increased incidents of non-payment of salaries, job cuts, leave without pay and salary cuts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Nepal affiliates; the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) have expressed serious concern regarding the increased hardship and urge media houses to support journalists during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to a media rights monitoring report released by Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), the situation for journalists is deteriorating with non-payment of salaries, lay-offs, salary cuts and leave…  
3457. Argentina: 400 international journalists illegaly spied by Macri's government  

The Argentine Justice revealed an espionage structure which worked within the Federal Intelligence Agency, but outside this entity's law. During the G20 Summit, in December 2018, the organization tracked correspondents from EFE, ANSA, DPA, Xinhua, Reuters, AP and major international outlets. The Federal Court Nº11 of Buenos Aires investigates an illegal espionage structure that was organized during the administration of former President Mauricio Macri, operated within the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI) of Argentina, contacted drug traffickers as "agents" and reported directly to the president's office. The former president, his former minister of security and current political…  
3458. USA: Black journalists barred from covering BLM protests  

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette management removed two prominent Black journalists from covering anti-racism protests sweeping the USA following the publication of a tweet they considered controversial. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and US affiliate, The NewsGuild-CWA stand in solidarity with the two reporters and condemn the management's racist decisions. A tweet by reporter Alexis Johnson's was deemed controversial by management and the following day senior editors at the barred her from covering the protests, alleging her post “violated the social media policy” of the company.   “I was told it violated our social media…  
3459. Indonesia: Trial begins for journalist following news of land conflict  

The trial of Diananta Putra Sumedi, former chief editor of local online media, banjarhits.id, began in Kotabaru District Court, South Kalimantan on June 8. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia calls on authorities to drop the case immediately as it has been resolved by the Press Council. The online trial was held in line with health protocols amid the coronavirus outbreak.  The judges, prosecutors and lawyers were in the court room while Diananta was in the detention room in District Police of Kotabaru’s office. Diananta’s wife flew from East Java to be with her husband after months of not seeing…  
3460. Vanuatu: Media association condemns intimidation of journalist  

Vanuatu Daily Post journalist Kizzy Kalsakau was intimidated by police and ordered to delete photos taken during reporting at Vanuatu’s Port Vila airport on June 3. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, MAV, in urging authorities to allow journalists to do their jobs without fear of harassment or intimidation. On June 3, Kalsakau was ordered to delete photos of the arrival of a plane from New Zealand transporting relief supplies for Cyclone Harold victims and the repatriation the following day of 58 Vanuatu nationals who had been prevented from travelling due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Vanuatu has no recorded cases of Covid-19. After the incident, MAV…  
3461. Philippines: Politician attacks reporter over critical article  

Deputy Speaker Rodante Marcoleta has attacked ABS-CBN reporter Mike Navallo, calling him ‘un-Filipino’ after a report questioning Marcoleta’s criticism of ABS-CBN chairman over dual citizenship claims. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in rejecting this ‘personal revenge’ against the journalist and demand an apology from the politician. On June 3, Navallo reported that Marcoleta questioned ABS-CBN chairman Eugenio "Gabby" Lopez  citizenship despite Marcoleta pushing for a legislation to allow  Filipinos with dual citizenships to run for public office without renouncing their…  
3462. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Farah Marshita Abdul Patah is a journalist working in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She started her career in journalism in 2009 with Malaysia’s leading media house, Media Prima. Farah currently serves as President of the National Union Journalists Malaysia (NUJM) and is the chair of the NUJ branch at New Straits Times Press (NSTP). 1. What is your biggest concern for press freedom in your country? Our growing concerns are laws that restrict journalists both accessing information and getting that information out to the public. There is a general lack of cooperation from various sectors and organisations that impacts on the work we do. If the general public understands the important role of…  
3463. Brasil: dos periodistas como blanco del odio virtual  

En la última semana la Federacao Nacional dos Jornalistas alertó sobre amenazas y agresiones a periodistas que se manifestaron contra las medidas del gobierno. Ante la denuncia de la Federacao Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) de amenazas y agresiones por redes sociales contra periodistas que se manifestaron críticxs de la gestión encabezada por Jair Bolsonaro, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia (FIP) este accionar e insta a las autoridades a dar con los autores de estas intimidaciones que atentan contra la libertad de expresión en un contexto dramático como el que vive el país sudamericano.https://fenaj.org.br/jornalista-paraiba-recebe-ameacas/ En uno de los casos, João…  
3464. Brasil: Bolsonaro deja a los brasileños a ciegas mientras el virus avanza  

El gobierno de Brasil ordenó recortar las estadìsticas sobre COVID, una decisión que según la Federaçao Nacional dos Jornalistas puede agravar la situación en el país, tercero en número de muertes a nivel mundial. Al referirse a estas decisiones, el mandatario celebró porque a los noticieros televisivos "se les acabó el material". A raíz de la decisión del gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro de ocultar las cifras de personas contagiadas y fallecidas por COVID-19 en Brasil, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condena esta actitud por ser nociva para la salud general de la población brasileña y perjudicial para lxs periodistas, que necesitan y deben contar con esos datos para trazar un…  
3465. Belgique: le journaliste Jeremy Audouard intimidé par la police de Bruxelles  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ et FEJ) s’associent à l’Association des journalistes professionnels (AJP) belges pour dénoncer l’intimidation policière inacceptable dont a été victime le journaliste Jeremy Audouard, dimanche, alors qu’il tentait de filmer l’arrestation violente d’un manifestant, en marge de la manifestation “Black Lives Matters”, à Bruxelles. Le journaliste a été bousculé et intimidé par un agent encagoulé de la police de Bruxelles (PolBru) alors qu’il filmait une arrestation violente, rue du Prince-Royal, à Ixelles, le 7 juin, vers 20h30. Le policier a tenté à plusieurs reprises d’empêcher le journaliste, qui montrait pourtant sa carte de…  
3466. The media and the New Normal  

In newspaper columns and on TV news the authorities promise a New Normal in the face of Covid-19. But where is it? The lessons of Covid-19 should make us rethink our way of working, embracing more sharing, more equity, more ethics. Instead of waiting on empty promises the IFJ has put on the table a real recovery plan for our profession, but also for the media sector as a whole - a Global Platform for Quality Journalism.  This document, which has received the support of all global workers' unions, several hundreds million working people worldwide, proposes in particular that governments levy a national tax on the revenues of GAFAMs - Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft -…  
3467. Iraqi Kurdistan: Kurdish journalists repeatedly attacked and excluded from access to official Covid information  

The Kurdish Journalists Syndicate (KJS) has condemned abuses of media freedom by the government and local authorities in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate in urging the authorities to respect the right of every media outlet to access information related to the health of the whole population. Kurdish media outlets have reported several cases of violence against journalists in recent months. According to Rojname website, freelancer Amanj Warte received anonymous threats, while journalist Adnan Rashid was attacked in his own home. KJS also reported that some Kurdish media outlets have been denied access to official…  
3468. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 29 May and 5 June, 2020 English Journalist unions condemn ‘blatant abuse’ of power after CNN reporter arrested (NEWSWEEK) Yemeni photojournalist killed by unknown assailants in Aden (THE ARAB WEEKLY) Calls for media during George Floyd protests as Australian news crew assaulted on air (SBS NEWS) Advocacy group urges Canadian government to condemn US crackdown on media (SPUTNIK NEWS) Union slams US for violence against reporters to conceal…  
3469. USA: New York Times must refrain from spreading further hatred  

[Updated 09/06/2020: James Bennet, opinion page editor of the New York Times, resigned.] The New York Times has accepted that publishing a controversial editorial which could have led to reporters being attacked was an error after the local journalists' union called its publication "irresponsible" and likely to promote hate. Journalists at the New York Times condemned the publication by the US newspaper of an Op-ed from a Republican senator calling on the government to "Send in the Troops" in response to ongoing protests over the murder of George Floyd. The International Federation of Journalists stands by its affiliate the NewsGuild in calling on the NYT to refrain from spreading…  
3470. Australia: AAP Newswire expected to be saved  

The proposed Australian Associated Press (AAP) newswire sale is in the final stages of negotiation with a consortium of investors and philanthropists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) encourage the consortium’s management team to consult the MEAA and look after the interests of media workers. The sale of Australia’s major newswire service, AAP is expected to be finalised by mid-June. The consortium of AAP’s future shareholders includes former News Corporation chief executive Peter Tonagh. According to the MEAA, “The proposed purchase will see the retention of up to 75 editorial jobs that just a…  
3471. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Mohd Rashdan Jamaludin has extensive experience as an editor and business journalist in Malaysia. As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign, supported by the EU, he sees that online media hold the power where media freedom is concerned because print media is overly bound by government regulations. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist in Malaysia? I believe, generally, journalists are still held in high regard, and their profession is well-respected in the country. Personally, from experience (as I came upon the profession by chance), being a journalist allows you access to a wide scope of subject matters and field experts – makes the daily routine a tad more interesting and…  
3472. Hong Kong: Tiananmen vigil defies ban as controversial anthem bill passes  

Hong Kong citizens defied a police ban to mark the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre as the city’s legislature passed a law criminalising mockery of China’s national anthem. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its ongoing concern for the future of freedom of expression in Hong Kong as legislative controls continue to tighten China’s grip. It was the first time that Hong Kong banned a vigil to mark the anniversary, primarily under the guise of Covid-19 controls. Thousands of Hong Kongers proceeded with the vigil on June 4 at Victoria Park in Causeway Bay, under police surveillance. After passing through Hong Kong’s Legislative Council yesterday, the…  
3473. Finland: UJF provides financial support and guidance for journalists in need  

During the Covid-19 crisis, the Union of Journalists in Finland has concentrated on supporting members with advice on how to manage during the crisis and to apply for support from the various sources available to them. The UJF is also lobbying to get additional help for its self-employed members. The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the fact that the most precarious workers need protected and that the Employment Contracts Act needs to be clarified. Among the union's actions to support freelances are: ·       Covid-19 pandemic focuses need to safeguard status in law of…  
3474. Cameroun: un journaliste torturé à mort en prison  

MIS A JOUR 8.05.2020 Le journaliste camerounais  Samuel Wazizi a été retrouvé mort dans un hôpital militaire durant sa détention préventive, a annoncé ce 3 juin dans un tweet le président du Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJC) Denis Nkwebo.  La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le SNJC pour exiger une enquête complète sur les circonstances du décès du journaliste. Samuel Ajiekah Abuwe, alias "WAZIZI", journaliste à la Chillen Muzik Television (CMTV) de Buea, avait été interpellé le 2 août 2019  et incarcéré dans les locaux de la police de Muea avant d'être exfiltré pour une destination inconnue. Il n'a jamais été revu depuis. Son…  
3475. Pakistan: Daily Koshish journalist shot  

Unidentified assailants shot Sindhi daily Koshish journalist Jamil Mahar on June 2 leaving him critically injured. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) strongly condemn the attack and call on the government to investigate the incident.  Jamil was chased by two assailants riding a motorcycle, firing at him indiscriminately in Taluka Lakhi Ghulam Shah located in Shikarpur district. According to the president of the Shikarpur Union of Journalists (SUJ), Ahga Asrar Pathan, Jamil was working when he was shot in the leg and rushed to Lakhi Taluka Hospital. Doctors have since confirmed Jamil is in a stable…  
3476. Indonesia: Court finds internet ban in Papua and West Papua violates the law  

The Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) ruled the government internet ban in Papua and West Papua during the anti-racism protests in August and September 2019 was unlawful. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia welcome the court decision and remind the government of the importance of internet access during the unrest. Three female judges, namely Chief Judge Nelvy Christin SH MH, judge Baiq Yuliani SH and Indah Mayasari SH MH delivered the decision on June 3. The lawsuit was filed by the Press Freedom Defender Team consisting of AJI Indonesia and six other advocacy groups in November 2019. One of…  
3477. Samoa: No plans for a press gallery in the new parliament  

Samoa’s new parliamentary building plan overlooks including a press gallery. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses deep concern about the construction and opening of the Samoa Parliament without giving full consideration to adequate media access and reporting facilities. Following journalists’ restricted access to Samoa’s recent tabling of the next financial year’s budget in parliament, plans revealed Samoa’s new parliament would not include a press gallery. According to the Journalist Association of Samoa (JAWS), years of planning and Australian aid dollars went into Samoa’s new parliament, and it is surprising the government is excluding a press…  
3478. Ukraine: Union secures financial support and offers training for media workers  

Ukrainian journalists are facing multiple problems due to the coronavirus pandemic, a situation that is being addressed by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU). NUJU has developed a special anti-crisis program for support for media. The program was developed by NUJU’s experts and representatives of more than 100 media and is based on the experience in other European countries. The program includes tax, economic and organizational measures. The union is currently negotiating with the Parliamentary Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy for the implementation of this program and it has already reached an agreement…  
3479. Philippines: Police spread false news linking journalists with terrorism  

Surigao Chapter City Police have posted malicious content on their official Facebook account accusing the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) of having links with terrorist organisations. The International Federation of Journalists has supported NUJP in condemning the false accusation and urge the authorities to stop all the attempts to silence the media. Surigao Chapter City Police on May 31 posted a photo captioned: "Ugnayan ng NUJP sa CPP NPA, Bistado!!!" "Layunin ng teroristang CPP-NPA-NDF na pasukin at manipulahin ang mga Media platforms para sa kanilang mga propaganda laban sa Gobyerno. Sa mga propesyonal na mamahayag, mag-ingat sa NUJP /CPP-NPA-NDF!" (Links…  
3480. Yemen: AFP Photojournalist murdered by unidentified men in Aden city  

Unidentified gunmen assassinated photographer Nabil Hasan al-Qaiti on June 2, outside his home in a suburb of Aden city located in the south of Yemen. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) mourn the death of Nabil and urge the authorities to investigate and make justice with the authors of this heinous crime. The 34- year-old photojournalist, who worked with AFP and contributed to other news organisations, was assaulted in his car and shot dead gunned down by unknown individuals after leaving his home. According to official sources, the killers escaped from the crime scene.  Nabil’s journalistic work began in 2007…  
3481. Samuel Waziz  

The reporter for Chillen Muzik Television (CMTV) located in Buea, the capital of the southwest region, was found dead at a military hospital, according the Syndicat national des journalistes camerounais (SNJC). News of Waziz’s death was also announced by Equinoxe TV, a privately-owned channel which quoted sources it described as close to military command as saying that the journalist had died during a transfer to the Yaounde, the nation’s capital city, at an unknown date, the AFP reported. Waziz was arrested on 2 August 2019 for criticism of the government’s handling of a separatism movement which broke out in the region in October 2017. He was initially detained at the police station…  
3482. Philippines: Department of Health blocks access for journalists  

The Department of Health’s Bureau of Quarantine has released a directive which prohibits overseas Filipino workers who are quarantined from granting interviews to the media. The International Federation of Journalists joins it affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) to seek clarification on this directive and call on authorities to uphold the people’s rights to information. Item 6 of the directive reads: “Media interviews and posting on Social Media is [sic] not allowed. Electronic gadgets and cellphones of those who violate this will be confiscated and will be returned after the quarantine period.” It was purportedly given to Filipino workers (OFWs)…  
3483. COVID 19: Women must be at the table to negotiate a post-Covid recovery  

Women trade union leaders and activists joined forces to expose the injustices and abuses facing female workers during the COVID pandemic in a webinar on gender-based violence held on 2 June. Participants demanded more protection and ratification of ILO Convention 190, as evidence showed the impact of Covid-19 lockdowns was hitting women workers the most. Covid 19 is not gender neutral, and everywhere women have been impacted disproportionately by lockdown measures. Stories and data collected, from Australia to Swaziland, point to the need for stronger policy intervention and implementation of key instruments including ILO Convention 190 and Recommendation…  
3484. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Kevin Davasagayam is a journalist with the Sun. As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign, supported by the European Union, Kevin recognises the pivotal role of journalism at this time of a global health and safety pandemic. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist or media worker in Malaysia? To be a journalist in Malaysia is to present the truth to the public in matters of public interest bearing in mind the number of media outlets (not many) currently available. To be the messenger of information during this unprecedented political, economic and health and safety crisis in this country and around the world.   To be the bearer of verified news in this time when the public is too…  
3485. Nabil Hasan al-Quaety  

The 34-year-old photojournalist who contributed to the AFP and other major news organisations was gunned down by unidentified masked gunmen in Yemen’s southern city of Aden, according to the AFP. He was shot while in his car, shortly after leaving his home in Aden, in what the authorities called “ an planned and organised assassination.” He was severely wounded and died later in the hospital. Journalists' safety, Yemen, IFJ, Impunity  
3486. Pakistan: Two journalists killed within a week  

Rao Ghulam Murtaza, a journalist affiliated with Daily Jahan-e-Pakistan was shot dead by robbers in broad daylight in Jodhpur in the Punjab province on June 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the murder and urge the Pakistan government to bring the killers to justice. The journalist was shot when travelling on the Sry Sidhu road in Jodhpur near his home. According to PFUJ, unknown robbers at first stole his mobile phone and cash of PKP 100,000 (USD 615) and shot the journalist’s leg when journalist resisted. Mustafa died on the spot due to excessive blood loss before the rescue team reached…  
3487. Cambodia: Supreme Court upholds seizure of two journalists’ passport  

Supreme Court of Cambodia has upheld the ruling on withholding the passports of two former RFA reporters who were charged with espionage. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) continues to express its concerns on the case against the journalists and calls authorities to return the passports. Supreme Court on May 27 has refused to return the passports belonging to  Yeang Sothearin and Uon Chhin that were seized when the two journalists were charged with illegally providing information, that could harm national security, to a foreign state. The Supreme Court has only returned Chhin’s Khmer identity card. When two reporters were arrested in November 2017 after a late-night…  
3488. Philippines: ‘Terror Bill’ threatens freedom and basic rights  

Lawmakers have approved the Human Security Act or new anti-terrorism law, giving the government more power to restrict dissent. International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate the National Union of the Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the bill and rejecting legislation for its disturbing implications of the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. On May 29 the House committees on Public Order and Safety and on National Defense and Security voted to adopt the Senate’s version of a new Human Security Act.  The House of Representatives are expected to debate and fast-track its approval before they go on a two-month break…  
3489. Asia Pacific: Advocacy groups call for the immediate renewal of ABS-CBN  

The International Federation of Journalists joins 63 global media unions and advocacy groups denouncing the Philippines government’s closure of the country’s largest broadcaster, ABS-CBN. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Philippines government to ensure the timely restoration of ABS-CBN’s broadcast. The Philippines National Telecommunications Commission issued a “cease and desist” order on May 5 to ABS-CBN, a day after the franchise expired on May 4. The order comes after months of protest by media workers and the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines urging the Philippines government to renew the franchise of ABS-CBN, stressing the 11,000 jobs at risk…  
3490. México: Un periodista sufre atentado con una bomba molotov  

Desconocidos tiraron una bomba incendiaria contra el automóvil del director del medio Ciudad Obregón Informa, Marco Antonio Duarte Vargas. El hecho ocurrió por la noche y el periodista estaba durmiendo en su casa cuando fue despertado por la agresión. En esa misma ciudad, hace quince días, el director de otro medio fue asesinado a balazos cuando salía de un restaurant. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condenamos el ataque sufrido por el director del portal mexicano Ciudad Obregón Sin Censura, Marco Antonio Duarte Vargas, quién denunció el pasado miércoles que personas no identificadas lanzaron una bomba molotov a su automóvil mientras el vehículo estaba estacionado…  
3491. USA: IFJ demands end to deliberate targeting of journalists  

The IFJ has demanded an end to the deliberate, outrageous and systematic targeting of journalists covering protests in the US, as the toll of those injured, shot, beaten and arrested continues to grow. Joining journalists’ unions from around the world the IFJ accused the US authorities of crude censorship and a use of excessive force in an attempt to stop journalists scrutinizing police responses to the protest movement which has swept the US in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by the police. Dozens of assaults on journalists have been documented over 4 days of protests including many at the hands of law enforcement officers. Two journalists have each lost an eye and others were…  
3492. Indonesia: Politician charges senior journalist for allegedly spreading misinformation  

An Indonesian Solidarity Party politician sues journalist Farid Gaban for his critique of Teten Masduki, minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia urge authorities to retract the charges. On May 2, Farid tweeted criticism of Teten Masduki, writing “People help the people; the rulers help entrepreneurs. How about this, Kang Teten Masduki? How low can you go?”. Muannas Alaidid, an Indonesian Solidarity Party politician, filed a police report against Farid on May 27 alleging he spread false and misleading information on social media.…  
3493. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Liew Teck Lai is a journalist with the Sin Chew Daily. As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign, supported by the European Union, he says that supporting enduring media freedom needs NGOs and journalists to stand together and work toward legal reform. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist or media worker in Malaysia? Being a journalist means reporting the truth from the perspective of the people and pluralism, without fear of power. 2. Do you see Media Freedom in Malaysia moving forward? Yes. The change of government can improve the environment for journalists and combating self-censorship. 3. What can we do to be better? Media have to offer a fuller and more balanced range of…  
3494. India: Doors close for newspapers in unprecedented economic times  

The Sakal Media Group announced plans to close two of its publications leaving at least 45 editorial staff and non-editorial staff unemployed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJ-I) express concern over mass layoffs and newspaper closures. Sakal Media Group’s chief executive officer, Uday Jadhav held a meeting on May 27 informing staff of the impacts of Covid-19 on the media group, announcing the closure of Sakal Media Group’s newspapers, Gomantak Times on May 27 and Sakal Times on June 1. Sakal Media Group’s requested staff  resign by May 31, offering staff…  
3495. Afghanistan: Journalist and TV station employee killed in targeted bombing  

A roadside bomb killed Khurshid TV journalist, Zamir Amiri and technician Shafiqullah Zabih, who were on a bus carrying 15 Khurshid TV employees. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists' Association (AIJA) condemn the deadly attack and urge the Afghanistan government to bring the killers to justice. The bus carrying Khurshid TV station employees was in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital when it was attacked on May 30, killing Zamir Amiri and Shafiqullah Zabih. According to AIJA at least seven people were injured, including six other Khurshid TV staff and the driver. The interior ministry’s deputy spokesperson, Marwa Amini said the…  
3496. Mir Wahed Shah, Safiq Zamir Amiri, Shafiqullah Zabih  

A roadside bomb attack on a bus carrying 15 Khurshid TV personnel killed journalist Safiq Zamir Amiri, Economics reporter Mir Wahed Shah and technician Shafiqullah Zabih in the Afghan capital city, Kaboul. According to Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJAà, an IFJ affiliate, at least seven other people were injured, including six Khurshid TV staff and the driver.   The interior ministry’s deputy spokesperson, Marwa Amini said the attackers targeted the Khurshid TV vehicle. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS) group, who are responsible for many of the deadliest attacks in Afghanistan in recent years, claimed responsibility for…  
3497. Pakistan: Journalist, Aziz Memon’s killer pleads guilty  

A suspected murderer involved in the death of Aziz Memon pled guilty before a local court in Naushero Feroze district. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) appreciate the progress and urge authorities to continue the investigation until all culprits responsible are brought to justice. Karachi Police chief additional inspector general (AIG) and head of the joint investigation team, Ghulam Nabi Memon addressed the media on May 29 revealing police arrested Nazeer Sehto for the murder of Aziz Memon who also shared the names of his accomplices during questioning. According to the AIG, Nazeer’s…  
3498. India: Journalist sacked due to pregnancy    

A TV journalist was forced by bosses to submit her resignation for being pregnant and not being "mobile" enough to report. The International Federation (IFJ) and its Gender Council have strongly condemned this sexist and inhuman decision and called for her immediate reinstatement Journalist Ranjita Rabha, who worked for 14 years with Prag News AM Production Pvt Ltd based in Guwahati, in the north-eastern State of Assam, India was forced to submit her resignation on May 5 by the Channel’s management after she returned to work after nearly one-and-a-half month’s leave, following advice from her Executive Editor. The management argued that given her pregnancy, she was not…  
3499. Palestine: Union criticises AP for arbitrary dismissal of senior cameraman  

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) has strongly criticized the firing of Associated Press (AP) photojournalist Iyad Hamad in what it considers an “arbitrary and unfair” dismissal. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the PJS in condemning the firing and calls on AP to reconsider its decision. AP said it had warned Iyad in the past about his public actions and views expressed on social media platforms, which were unrelated to his professional role as a cameraman. AP said it took the decision to dismiss him after it received a complaint from the Palestinian police about his behaviour, relating to a demonstration in front…  
3500. Russia: Authorities jail journalist for 15 days and arrest others  

The Russian authorities condemned reporter and activist Ilya Azar to 15 days in prison on 28 May and detained several journalists who rallied in his support close to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in condemning the arrests and urging authorities to explain their arrest. Prominent journalist Ilya Azar was sentenced to 15 days in jail for “repeated violations of the protest law”. The ruling sparked outrage among his colleagues and followers, who gathered at the police offices to protest, claiming it was dangerous to keep the…  
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