15041 results:

281. Yemen: Journalists’ union leader survived a shooting in Sana’a  

On 7 May, the Secretary General of the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS) and Assistant Secretary General of the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ), Mohammed Shubaita, was shot while travelling in a vehicle with relatives in the capital Sana’a . The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the YJS in condemning the heinous attack, wishing a speedy recovery to YJS’ Secretary General Shubaita and urges the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the crime. An armed individual stopped the car where Shubaita, his cousin and another relative were travelling near the Ministry of Information in Sana’a. They opened fire towards the union leader, the YJS…  
282. Palestine: The UNESCO Guillermo Cano Prize 2024 awarded to journalists in Gaza  

The UNESCO Guillermo Cano Prize was awarded to journalists in Gaza on Thursday 2 May in Santiago, Chile, as part of World Press Freedom Day. Nasser Abu Baker, President of the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS) and Vice-President of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), received the Unesco prize on behalf of his colleagues in Gaza. UNESCO has recognised the unique suffering and fearless reporting of Gaza’s journalists by awarding them the annual Guillermo-Cano World Press Freedom Prize. More than 100 journalists and media workers have been killed by Israeli strikes in Gaza since 7 October, nearly all the rest have been injured, displaced or bereaved. In February, the…  
283. Tunisie: des atteintes à la liberté de la presse indignes d'une démocratie  

Le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) a présenté le 3 mai, lors de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse, son rapport annuel sur la liberté de la presse en Tunisie pour la période s’étendant du 3 mai 2023 au 3 mai 2024. Le syndicat dénombre un nombre considérable d'attaques envers la presse, y compris une augmentation des poursuites judiciaires, qui ont concerné 39 journalistes et qui ont été entamées hors du cadre du Décret-loi n°2011-115 du 2 novembre 2011 relatif à la liberté de la presse, de l’imprimerie et de l’édition. Le rapport fait également état de 211 agressions perpétrées contre des journalistes, correspondants et…  
284. Germany: community media journalists to report politics through a gender lens  
Rewriting the story/Mahtab Dadarsefatmahboob

Eight community media journalists convened in Freiburg, Germany, on 27 April, for an International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)’ one-day training on reporting politics through a gender lens. Community media play an important role in informing local communities, usually providing an alternative to mainstream media narratives and representing an extraordinary variety of opportunities for local communities to express themselves freely.  The training formed part of IFJ-led project Rewriting the story and was a first opportunity to involve community media journalists in the programme. The workshop was organised in cooperation with Radio Dreyeckland and run by IFJ trainer Mahtab…  
285. Mustafa Ayyad  

On 6 May, freelance photojournalist Mustafa Ayyad, who worked for Al Jazeera Live, was killed after being critically injured in an Israeli strike on his home in the Zeitun neighbourhood, northern Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera reported. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, safety, IFJ, union, solidarity, killed, journalism, FIP, FIJ, Arab world, Israel, war, rights, journalist,  
286. Israel: Al Jazeera shutdown is dangerous and wrong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) in condemning the Israeli government’s shutdown of Al Jazeera, and called for the broadcaster to be allowed to resume operations. The Federation also raised concerns about the confiscation of journalists’ personal work equipment and phones. On 5 May, the Israeli government voted to close the Qatari-based channel in Israel – raiding its offices, removing its broadcasts from menus of Israeli broadcast providers and blocking its websites.  Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on X that the government had "unanimously decided that the incitement channel Al…  
287. Italy: Solidarity with journalists on strike at public broadcaster RAI  

Journalists at Italy’s public broadcaster RAI are on strike on 6 May to protest against the “stifling control” exercised over their work by Giorgia Meloni‘s government, Rai Union of Journalists (USIGRai) said in a statement. The International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their Italian affiliate, the Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI), in giving its full support to the strikers. The USIGRai union has criticised political attempts to “turn RAI into a mouthpiece for the government”, which were strongly condemned by the IFJ on 12 April. This is one of the main grievances behind the 24-hour strike that began on 6 May. Other reasons include staff shortages,…  
288. Pakistan: Journalist killed in bomb blast on World Press Freedom Day  

Khuzdar Press Club President and senior journalist Muhammad Siddique Mengal was killed on May 3, after an unidentified man placed and detonated an explosive device inside his vehicle in Khuzdar, Balochistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), strongly condemn the targeted killing of Mengal and urge the Pakistani government to launch a thorough investigation into the incident and ensure the safety of journalists. Mengal was killed by a magnetic bomb blast attack in the Chamrok area of Khuzdar on Sultan Ibrahim Road, on the national highway in the Khuzdar district of Balochistan. According to law…  
289. Maldives: Media houses face arson threats  

Independent media outlets RaajjeTV and Channel 13 were victims of threats against their operations, with RaajjeTV seeking police protection. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) condemn the threats against the outlets and call for a thorough and transparent investigation into the incident. On April 28, an anonymous individual posted a comment on the social media platform Instagram threatening to set the offices of independent news outlet RaajjeTV ablaze and end its operations, with comments also targeting Senior Video Journalist Laisa Ahmed. In response, the news outlet has referred an official complaint to the…  
290. Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa: la situación en América Latina y el Caribe  

América Latina vuelve a ser el escenario elegido para las actividades por el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa y un repaso por la situación de la región se vuelve necesario. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas alerta sobre los crecientes desafíos que enfrentan lxs trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación en el continente y demanda que las autoridades de los países de la región establezcan la defensa de la libertad de prensa como parte de sus compromisos democráticos. En un nuevo Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa, es imprescindible realizar un repaso por la situación de América Latina y el Caribe, en donde las restricciones a la labor periodística muchas veces tienen un…  
291. African Journalists Demand Better Conditions and Safety to Combat Climate Crisis  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan-African regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), joins the global community in commemorating World Press Freedom Day, saluting African journalists who address environmental challenges, highlight the devastating effects of the climate crisis and expose the damaging impacts of extractive industries on the continent, thereby playing an indispensable role in practicing journalism as a public good. Africa suffers disproportionately from climate change, with severe consequences like drought, famine and unprecedented flooding threatening over a third of its population. Environmental degradation, fuelled by…  
292. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 27 April to 3 May 2024. English  World Press Freedom Day: Gaza conflict deadliest for journalists - Al Jazeera Palestinian journalists covering Gaza war win UNESCO press freedom prize - Al Jazeera Support Gaza press freedom, says IFJ - Relief Web Palestine: new hub for journalists in Gaza - NUJ Vigil held in London to commemorate journalists killed in Gaza - Anadolu Agency  The World Press Freedom Prize Honors Killed Palestinian…  
293. Muhammad Siddique Mengal  

Khuzdar Press Club President and senior journalist Muhammad Siddique Mengal was killed on 3 May, after an unidentified man placed and detonated an explosive device inside his vehicle in Khuzdar, Balochistan.  Mengal was killed by a magnetic bomb blast attack in the Chamrok area of Khuzdar on Sultan Ibrahim Road, on the national highway in the Khuzdar district of Balochistan. According to law enforcement, at least nine others were injured in the explosion, with Mengal and two other men killed. According to SHO City, Muhammad Siddique Mengal was travelling to attend Friday prayers at the Khuzdar Engineering University mosque at the time of the attack. Muhammad Siddique…  
294. Support Gaza press freedom, says IFJ  

Ahead of World Press Freedom Day on 3 May, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) spotlights Gaza, Palestine, and condemns the killing of more than one hundred journalists and media workers since the war started. This has been a prolonged onslaught on press freedom and the world’s ‘right to know’, as have the arbitrary arrests and intimidation. The Federation calls on governments across the world, and particularly the Israeli government, to protect the lives of journalists and press freedom in accordance with international obligations. The journalists’ death toll in Gaza is without precedent. At least 109 journalists and media workers have been killed in the Gaza war…  
296. World Press Freedom Day 2024 - What IFJ affiliates are doing  

Many IFJ affiliates are taking action to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. Here is a non-exhaustive list of their initiatives. Belarus: The Belarus Association of Journalists (BAJ) and the Lithuanian Journalists’ Union will hold an action of solidarity in Vilnius, Lithuania, to support 36 Belarusian journalists who are behind bars.  Italy: The Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana (FNSI)  general secretary Alessandra Costante will participate in the main event organised by the National Federation of the Italian Press in Conselice (Ravenna) where the only Monument to Press Freedom in Italy is located. Other initiatives are planned in Rome, Palermo, and Naples. More…  
297. South Asia: IFJ launches 22nd annual South Asia Press Freedom Report  

To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), on behalf of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), releases its 22nd annual South Asia Press Freedom Report, entitled ‘Artificial Independence: The Fight to Save Media and Democracy’. The IFJ’s South Asia Press Freedom Report for 2023-2024 (SAPFR 23-24), Artificial Independence: The Fight to Save Media and Democracy’, explores the complex interactions between democracy, media economies, and the fundamental freedoms of the press and expression across the eight nations of South Asia from May 1, 2023, to April 30, 2024. Produced with support from the United Nations Educational,…  
298. Artificial Independence: South Asia Press Freedom Report 2023-24  

To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), on behalf of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), releases its 22nd annual South Asia Press Freedom Report, entitled ‘Artificial Independence: The Fight to Save Media and Democracy’. The IFJ’s South Asia Press Freedom Report for 2023-2024 (SAPFR 23-24), Artificial Independence: The Fight to Save Media and Democracy’, ​explores the complex interactions between democracy, media economies, and the fundamental freedoms of the press and expression across the eight nations of South Asia from May 1, 2023, to April 30, 2024. Produced with support from the United Nations Educational,…  
299. IFJ Gender Council Midterm Meeting: "Gender equality is a union issue"  

The IFJ Gender Council Midterm meeting took place in an hybrid format in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan and online on 22-23 April 2024. Check all the panelists' presentations and speeches. The meeting focused on “Empowering Women Journalists: Breaking Barriers to union leadership and combating violence and harassment”, and was an opportunity for Gender Council members to foster the work of unions to tackle gender equality and improve the state of play, in particular on issues such as violence at work, sexual harassment, access to leading roles. Gender Concil members adopted a declaration calling for a safer and more equal workplace for women journalists.  In his speech, IFJ General…  
300. Palestine: New hub for journalists in Gaza will be a source of relief  

Journalists in Gaza will soon benefit from a new solidarity centre in Khan Younis where they will be able to access electricity, the internet and other equipment. It will also provide a social hub, and space for training and recuperation. The solidarity centre will be opened in the coming weeks by the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). It is made possible by significant donations from the Social Justice Fund of Canadian union Unifor and the Norwegian Union of Journalists Solidarity Fund. Nasser Abu Baker, president of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate said: “Journalists in Gaza have suffered like no group of media…  
301. Pakistan: Journalists detained at election site  

Several journalists were reportedly illegally detained and abused in Punjab’s Gujrat district while covering local by-elections on April 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge the local authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into and ensure journalists are able to work without fear of harassment and obstruction. On April 21, journalists covering by-elections in Punjab’s northern Gujrat city were reportedly illegally detained by both police and individuals in plain clothes, with law enforcement assaulting the media workers and damaging their equipment. Among those affected were reporter Bilal…  
302. Russia: IFJ/EFJ demand immediate release of journalists Konstantin Gabov and Sergey Karelin  

Konstantin Gabov and Sergey Karelin are the latest journalists to be arrested in Russia for "extremism" following their alleged work with Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). Both journalists were previously employed by international news platforms. Gabov worked for Reuters, Karelin for Deutsche Welle and Associated Press. While they have denied the charges, they will face up to six years in prison if convicted. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) demand the immediate release of the journalists and reiterate the condemnation of the Russian authorities' continued crackdown on independent journalists. On 27 March 2024, Sergei Karelin, who has dual…  
303. IFJ launches gender-responsive guidelines to cover EU elections  

In view of upcoming European parliament elections on 6-9 June, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has launched guidelines to encourage journalists and head of news to produce unbiased, non-sexist coverage of women and men political candidates. “The way that some media represent women involved in politics seems to be more about their gender than the policies for which they stand “ explains Pamela Morinière, IFJ’s Gender expert. “Too many news reports featuring women politicians will concentrate on issues that have nothing to do with politics such as their looks, family status, sexual orientation, or their emotional behaviour.  These types of reports impact voters’…  
304. México: secuestran y asesinan al periodista Roberto Figueroa  

El comunicador fue asesinado el viernes 26 de abril en Morelos luego de haber sido interceptado en las cercanías de su hogar por un grupo de desconocidos armados, informaron las autoridades. Figueroa es el primer periodista asesinado este año en México, y si bien aún se desconocen las motivaciones detrás del crimen, es imprescindible que el mismo se investigue contemplando su labor periodística como posible motivo. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este hecho y demanda a las autoridades celeridad en el esclarecimiento del caso. Roberto Figueroa, director del medio online Acá en el Show, fue hallado sin vida en el interior de un auto en el poblado de Coajomulco en Huitzilac,…  
305. Yemen: YJS reports 17 cases of violations against media freedom in the first quarter of 2024  

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), in cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), launched its first 2024 quarterly report on media freedom in Yemen, which has listed 17 violations of press freedom since the beginning of the year. The IFJ condemns the threats posed to journalists and media workers in the country and calls on warring parties to end the enduring climate of danger facing Yemeni journalists. Published in April, the YJS quarterly report provides a clear overview of journalists’ unacceptable working conditions. It also highlights the persisting state of impunity for all violators of press freedom.  Among the major violations, the syndicate…  
306. Belgium: Police raided two Kurdish TV newsrooms and seized journalistic materials  

On the night of 22-23 April 2024, the Belgian federal police searched the premises of the Kurdish television channels Stêrk TV and Medya Haber (Medya News) in Denderleeuw, Flanders. The police operation was conducted as part of a European Investigation Order (EPO) on terrorist financing. The news channels reported serious material damage and equipment seizure. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joined the Belgian union, the Flemish Association of Journalists (VVJ), in strongly condemning the show of force that accompanied the search and urged authorities to guarantee that the confidentiality of journalists’ sources is respected. The search lasted from 1 am to…  
307. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 20 April to 26 April 2024. English  Erbil to host Third International Summit of Journalists, focus on protecting women journalists - Kurdistan24 PM Barzani emphasizes media freedom at Erbil International Summit of Journalists - Kurdistan24 Italy: Petition against attacks on Domani newspaper - Article19 Italy: Press freedom under attack as three reporters face up to nine years in prison - Statewatch Parliament calls on world to intensify…  
308. Roberto Figueroa  

El periodista Roberto Figueroa, director del medio online Acá en el Show, fue asesinado el 26 de abril en el estado de Morelos tras haber sido interceptado en las cercanías de su hogar por un grupo de desconocidos armados, informaron las autoridades. Figueroa es el primer periodista asesinado este año en el país.  Roberto Figueroa, Mexico, Mexican, Latin America, journalism, impunity, safety, journalist, IFJ, union, killing, killed, list, FIP, FIJ,  
309. Mohammed Basam Al Jamal  

On 25 April, Mohammed Basam Al Jamal, who worked as a correspondent for Palestine Now news agency, succumbed to his injuries following an Israeli airstrike that hit his home in Al-Jenenah neighbourhood in Rafah, in southern Gaza, PJS and media reported. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, safety, IFJ, union, solidarity, killed, journalism, FIP, FIJ, Arab world, Israel, war, rights, journalist,  
310. Iraqi Kurdistan: IFJ Gender council adopts declaration to support a safer and more equal workplace for women  

“We condemn the dangers endured by women journalists in many parts of the world, putting their lives and health at risk when they do their jobs, keeping members of their communities and countries informed.” The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)’s Gender Council adopted a Declaration in Erbil Kurdistan on 23 April calling for renewed efforts to improve safety and achieve equality for women journalists as well as a revision of the objectives of the Beijing Platform for action (1995) relating to the efforts applied by news platforms to to advance equality by breaking down gender stereotypes in the media. The IFJ Gender council met in an hybrid format for its mid-term meeting on…  
311. Italy: Petition against attacks on Domani newspaper, and for media freedom  

Three reporters at the Italian newspaper Domani – Giovanni Tizian, Nello Trocchia, Stefano Vergine - are facing up to 9 years in prison. They are under investigation by Perugia Prosecutor’s Office for allegedly having requested and received confidential documents from a public official, and for allegedly breaching the secrecy of the investigation through the request and publication of information contained in those documents. The investigation started on October 2022, after Domani published articles outlining a conflict of interest concerning Italy's Defence Minister Guido Crosetto. We revealed that for years, before being appointed minister, he was paid by the arm industry as an advisor.…  
312. Palestine: Launch of Palestinian Media Sector Coordination Group  

Four media associations and organisations met online on 17 April to launch the “Palestinian Media Sector Coordination Group-PMSCG.” The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the launch of the group which will aim to support journalism in Palestine. The group is composed of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), the Palestinian Publishers Association/Founding Committee (PPA), the Palestinian Association of Private Radios (PAPR), and the Media Development Centre (MDC) at Birzeit University. The group’s establishment comes amid the worst crises facing journalists and media in Palestine since the start of the war in Gaza on 7 October. Over 100 Palestinian journalists and…  
313. Pakistan: Body of female journalist identified in Punjab  

Police in Punjab have reported that a previously unidentified body discovered on March 11 near the Lehri National Park has been confirmed to be Pakpattan print journalist Tahira Nosheen Rana. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), strongly condemn the journalist’s killing and urge authorities to conduct an immediate and comprehensive investigation into her murder. The journalist’s body was discovered on March 11 near the Lehri National Park within the Sohawa district of Jhelum in Punjab’s north, approximately four hundred kilometres from Rana’s home in Pakpattan. Local police formally initiated an…  
314. #IFJBlog - Ukraine: “We had to go back to a primitive form of communication ”  

Two years after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, journalist, activist, and TheBuchaCity CEO Oleksandr Ostapa shares the tragic story of Bucha. The Ukrainian city is 30km away from Kyiv, and was invaded by Russian troops in the early stages of the war. Ostapa talked to us about how his job as a journalist has changed over that period, and the fundamental role that TheBuchaCity played in informing the citizens. Journalist Oleksandr Ostapa decided to leave Bucha at the early stage of the invasion in February 2022 with his wife and his two-year-old daughter. During that time, he recruited volunteers and found ways to let in humanitarian aid, including food, batteries, and so on. As…  
315. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 13 April to 19 April 2024. English  Media officials, bodies denounce Israeli attack on Al Mayadeen's crew - Al Mayadeen English  War on Journalists - Israeli Attack Targets Reporters in Nuseirat - Palestine Chronicle UN experts condemn journalist killing amid rising West Bank violence - Daily Sun  Israeli attack against Al Mayadeen team denounced in Lebanon - Prensa Latina English  South Africa: Daily Maverick Shuts Down for…  
316. Togo : arrestation, mauvais traitements et expulsion du journaliste français Thomas Dietrich  

Alors qu’il couvrait l’actualité politique et sociale togolaise, le journaliste français Thomas Dietrich a été brutalement arrêté, humilié et fortement malmené à Lomé, lundi 15 avril. Le SNJ, le SNJ-CGT, la CFDT-Journalistes, le SGJ-FO et la FIJ s’indignent de ces pratiques scandaleuses, visant à l'empêcher d'exercer sa mission de journaliste. Dans la nuit du 25 au 26 mars dernier, l’Assemblée Nationale togolaise adoptait un projet de réforme constitutionnelle promettant un passage « test » vers un régime parlementaire. Le président de la République serait alors élu par une majorité de députés. De fait, ce projet de loi annule les élections prévues en 2025 et donne une dimension toute autre…  
317. South Africa: Daily Maverick shuts down for 24-hours to protest against journalism crisis  

The South African online news website, The Daily Maverick, which also runs a weekly newspaper, closed down its operations on 15 April for 24 hours to protest against dominance of big tech companies and the global crisis that journalism faces. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) adds its voice to the call of The Daily Maverick urging Internet giants that do not produce any form of news content to financially compensate journalists and media outlets whose articles are used by the tech corporations. With its action, The Daily Maverick warns against the devastating effects of ongoing business models of tech giants, which make benefits by distributing words, images and sounds that…  
318. France: Journalists’ union calls for the opening of a parliamentary inquiry into Euronews takeover  

A direct link between entities close to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and company Alpac Capital, a Portuguese investment fund, which acquired the Euronews TV channel in 2022 has been revealed in a major investigation. The takeover was approved by the French government(Euronews, previously headquartered in Lyon, was a company incorporated under French law). The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) back the call of their French affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (SNJ), for the opening of a parliamentary inquiry aimed at shedding light on the origins of the funds used to buy Euronews. The investigation published on 11 April by a European media…  
319. #IFJBlog: Journalists rally globally to support Gaza's brave reporters  

Food, bedding and clothes for journalists in Gaza will be available in greater quantities as a result of a surge in donations to support them, through the IFJ’s International Safety Fund. In recent weeks, Australian and New Zealand journalists have donated €9,000, the International Transport Federation €8,000, €920 has come from the Industrial Workers of the World Freelance Workers’ Union, €250 from journalists at Ireland’s national broadcaster RTÉ, and €583 from a branch of the British trades union Unison. Some acts of kindness were prompted my memories of departed colleagues who had worked in Palestine, or in other conflict zones. For example, more than €3,000 was been donated in memory…  
320. Italy: Public service RAI becomes a “megaphone” of the government  

Public service broadcaster RAI has decided to grant ministers and undersecretaries unrestricted airtime on its programs when referring to institutional matters. On 11 April, journalists and news hosts on the main channels of RAI interrupted news programs to read a statement from the Rai Union of Journalists (USIGRai) statement explaining RAI’s new policy, and condemning it, comparing RAI to the government’s “megaphone”. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) together with their affiliate the Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI) condemn this further attempt to politicise public information services for propaganda purposes and demand that RAI respects…  
321. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 6 April to 12 April 2024. English  Uniting to advocate for the UN recommendations, fight fake news and promote peace education - Education International TRT crew seriously injured in Israeli attack in Gaza's Nuseirat camp - TRT Biden says US 'considering' dropping charges against Julian Assange - LBC Journalists' federations seek immediate probe into attack on justice Afghan journalist in Pakistan - Amu TV Afghan journalist shot by armed…  
322. Ukraine: Four journalists injured in drone strikes in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia  

On 4 and 5 April, Russian drone strikes hit respectively the Ukrainian regions of Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia injuring at least four journalists, with some ending at the hospital in serious and worrying health conditions. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) together with their affiliates the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) call for Russian authorities to put an end to these attacks, that endanger the safety not only of civilians but also of journalists engaged in the performance of their duties. On 4 April, Russian drone strikes hit the Kharkiv region, injuring two journalists, Yuliya Boyko,…  
323. Cyprus: IFJ and EFJ back journalists’ union demands for decent salaries and better working conditions  

The Union of Cyprus Journalists (UCJ) has launched the campaign ‘Journalists have a voice’ to raise awareness of the difficulties journalists face in the country. Low salaries, precarious working conditions and a collective agreement for press workers that has not been renewed over a decade could have a devastating impact on the quality of information, media pluralism and democracy, warns the UCJ. The International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) fully back the demands of their affiliate UCJ, and urge employers to start negotiations to improve journalists’ working conditions and end precarity in the media sector. Journalism is in danger in Cyprus. The UCJ has sounded…  
324. IFJ Voice- April 2024: Editorial  

Our affiliate SINOS in Serbia has just signed over 50 permanent contracts with RTV, the regional public broadcaster. This success is the result of a key agreement reached by SINOS with the support of the IFJ. Around 135 media professionals had been working for RTV for many years on short-term, occasional and precarious contracts. After realizing that they were subject to similar precarious working conditions, they decided to join forces to demand their employment rights. And united they stand. This Serbian success illustrates how collective action strengthens our ability to defend fair wages, better working conditions, equal treatment for all and ethical standards in our sector.…  
325. IFJ Gender Council Midterm Meeting  

The IFJ Gender council will meet in an hybrid format for its mid-term meeting on 22-23 April under the theme "Empowering Women Journalists: Breaking Barriers to union leadership and combating violence and harassment". Download the full agenda in three languages:  English here.  Spanish here.  French here.  IFJ, gender council, hybrid meeting, midterm meeting, irbil, kurdistan,  
326. Belgique: La persécution de Julian Assange est un scandale antidémocratique  

Julian Assange, le fondateur de Wikileaks, est en prison depuis 5 ans aujourd'hui. Communiqué Joint FIJ/FEJ- Comité Free.Assange.Belgium  Julian Assange, éditeur et journaliste australien a, depuis qu'il a fondé la plateforme WikiLeaks en 2006,  reçu de nombreux prix de journalisme. Cette plateforme qui permet à des lanceurs d'alerte de déposer des documents tout en garantissant leur anonymat, a, dès sa création, permis de révéler des corruptions, des pollutions, des malversations, des crimes que des gouvernements ou des dirigeants d'entreprises voulaient garder secrets. Après 2010, WikiLeaks s'est retrouvé sur le devant de la scène en publiant plusieurs centaines de milliers…  
327. Paraguay: absuelven a una periodista querellada por injurias tras defender a colegas  

En medio de numerosos intentos de criminalización de la labor periodística en el país, Angie Prieto fue absuelta en los cargos por presunta injuria contra Marcelo Fleitas, gerente de Albavisión. La periodista había sido despedida por alzar la voz por colegas que denunciaron acoso sexual en su lugar de trabajo y luego querellada por críticas que hizo sobre la forma en la que la empresa se había manejado ante la situación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) celebran junto al Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) este fallo, a la vez que se mantienen en alerta ante el uso de la justicia para la…  
328. #IFJBlog: Don't let your blower make you a sucker  

Fergal Crehan dispenses simple advice to journalists when they go out to work. “Don’t take your phone”, he says. Smart phones are sieves through from data flows, compromising sources, jeopardising privacy and endangering their users, he warns. Standard fare from a tin-foil-hat-sporting conspiracy theorist. Crehan, however, is an eminent barrister, who specialises in data security, and who for many years worked for the mobile phone industry. He was speaking to the Freelance Forum, a regular, day-long event organised by the NUJ’s Dublin Freelance Branch. His guidance could not have been blunter. Nor was he sparing of other everyday working norms. “Don’t use Gmail”, he said. “Secure services…  
329. Serbia: "I wish to tell every worker that our strength is in the unions"  

Ljiljana Sasic has worked for Radio-Television of Vojvodina (RTV), the regional public service broadcaster in the Serbian province of Vojvodina, northern of the country, for about 20 years. She has held senior positions such as editor, reporter and presenter - all without a permanent working contract. However, everything changed when Ljiljana sought help from the Syndicate of journalists of Serbia (SINOS), and unionised. To date, more than 50 media professionals at RTV have signed indefinite term-contracts, thanks to a groundbreaking agreement won by SINOS with the support of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). It’s a union win, and there are more to come. Ljijana’s case…  
330. #IFJBlog - Giulia Cecchettin: trailblazer of Italy’s media coverage of femicide  

"Burn it all down for Giulia" – the furious cry demanded action in streets the length and breadth of Italy. The slogan appeared on walls and placards and echoed around cafes, bars and workplaces, as far as Europe's borders. Giulia had broken a spell. Finally there was a conversation about the murder of women. In 2023, 109 women died of femicide in Italy. Yet, the way media portray these killings falls short of reporting that would contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon and a better eradication of the issue. Giulia Cecchettin’s murder at the end of the year and the media's narrative changes thanks to her family’s approach, have paved the way for better coverage.…  
331. Pakistan: Journalist attacked in office in Islamabad  

Senior journalist and Rawalpindi Islamabad Union of Journalists (RIUJ) Secretary General Dr Furqan Rao was attacked in his office by a group of people following recent union elections at the Associated Press of Pakistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the attack, and urge authorities to ensure the safety of journalists. Rao, the head of the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP)'s China desk, was attacked at approximately 11:00pm on March 29, allegedly by Rana Imran Latif and his colleagues, who forcibly entered the agency’s Islamabad offices. The group proceeded to Dr Rao’s offices, before…  
332. #IFJBlog: Journalists' safety deserves a convention  

A year or so ago, I spoke at an event to commemorate British journalist Dom Phillips who was murdered while reporting from the Brazilian Amazon. His union, the NUJ UK and Ireland, hosted an exhibition of Phillips’ work. Members of his family travelled to the union’s headquarters in London to participate; it was an evening of tears and laughter. I felt privileged to make a modest contribution. Cycling home that evening, I fretted about how easy warm words about the departed are, likewise vague commitments to future action. To the question of what one can personally do to make journalists safer, my ride home provided no answer. Fast forward to March of 2024 when I led an International…  
333. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 30 March to 5 April 2024. English  Watching the watchdogs: Israel’s attacks on journalists are backfiring | Freedom of the Press - Al Jazeera Israel’s Crackdown on Critical Media: Al Jazeera First Target - OCCRP Why Gaza Has Been the Worst Conflict for Journalists? - Kashmir Life  ‘Alarming escalation’: Rights groups on Israel’s Al Jazeera ban plan - Newslaundry Deadliest Place for Journalists - CPJ, Media Organizations Call for…  
334. Syria: SJU reports 74 media rights violations in 2023  

The Syrian Journalists’ Union (SJU), in cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has launched its annual press freedom report. This registered 74 media rights violations in the country in 2023, a slight increase from the 68 reported in 2022. The IFJ welcomes the exhaustive work carried out by its affiliate, the SJU, condemns all attacks against journalists and calls on the Syrian government and all other groups to take concrete action to end the climate of violence and harassment against media workers in the country. The SJU published its third annual press freedom report in March, developed in cooperation with the IFJ. The comprehensive report provides an…  
335. Pakistan: Prominent exiled Afghan journalist shot in Islamabad  

Prominent Afghan journalist Ahmed Hanayesh was shot by a group of armed men in Islamabad on the evening of April 3, sustaining serious injuries to his leg and head. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU), urge the authorities to conduct an immediate investigation and ensure the perpetrators are brought to swift justice. Hanayesh, the founder of private media outlets Radio Kahkashan and Radio Donya and a journalist with the United States Congress-funded Radio Azadi, was shot by two gunmen on a motorcycle while returning home in Islamabad’s south-eastern residential G6 area at approximately 11:00pm on April 3.…  
336. Indonesia: Reports denounce poor conditions of freelancers and prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace  

The Media and Creative Industry Workers Union for Democracy (SINDIKASI), an IFJ affiliate, released on 24 March two groundbreaking reports that address issues of sexual harassment and the precarious living conditions of freelancers in the Indonesian media landscape. The findings of these reports paint a harsh picture of the realities confronting freelancers, with a significant majority grappling to make ends meet amidst inadequate earnings. SINDIKASI's research underscores the strong imbalance between living expenses and inadequate incomes. Their latest research, titled "A Decent Wage for All: Wage Model for Media and Creative Industry Freelancers," surveyed 55 freelancers across various…  
337. Russia: Journalists Antonina Favorskaya and Olga Komleva detained on charges of extremism  

Women journalists Antonina Favorskaya, known for her independent reporting, and Olga Komleva, a dedicated correspondent for RusNews, were arrested in March on charges of “extremism” linked to the coverage of the trials of the Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny. If convicted, they will face up to six years in prison. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), together with their affiliate the Journalists’ and Media Workers’ Union (JMWU), express deep concern over the unjust detention of Favorskaya and Komleva, in the context of a wider crackdown in Russia on press freedom. SotaVision journalist Antonina Favorskaya, who recorded the last video of the…  
338. UNCSW68: Championing Gender Equality in Media and Digital Spaces  

The IFJ took part in the 68th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68), the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Held in New York on 11-22 March 2024, the event was a great opportunity for trade unions to push for more gender equality and workplaces for women, as well as to connect with women’s groups worldwide. The event focused on the priority theme, ‘Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective’. For the second consecutive year, IFJ Gender Council chair María Ángeles Samperio represented the…  
339. Serbia: RTV journalists sign permanent contracts after union wins historic agreement  

[UPDATED 04.04.2024] Thirteen media professionals from Radio Television Vojvodina (RTV), who were forced to work for years on short-term and precarious contracts, have signed indefinite-term contracts thanks to a groundbreaking agreement won by the Union of Journalists of Serbia (SINOS). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which supported the campaign to end precarious work through its Union to Union (UTU) project, welcomed the agreement with the employer and the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications and pledged to continue supporting SINOS and RTV workers in their fight for decent working conditions for all. “After two decades of working in positions such as editor,…  
340. Israel: New law allows government to temporarily shut down Al Jazeera  

On 1 April, the Israeli parliament passed a bill that grants the government the power to temporarily ban the broadcasting of international news outlets in Israel, if they are deemed threatening to national security. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced his intention to act immediately to halt Al Jazeera’s operations in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Israeli government not to shut down the Jerusalem bureau of Al Jazeera and to stop using "national security" as an excuse to censor critical media. The IFJ is concerned at the government’s drift towards restricting press freedom and curtailing journalists’ capacities to operate in Israel,…  
341. UN: International support growing to stop the killing of journalists in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) and the League of Arab States organised a parallel event at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, on 25 March to call for the protection of Palestinian journalists. Journalists have paid a bloody price to report the Gaza conflict, Wael Al-Dahdouh told international representatives in Geneva, Switzerland on 25 March 2024.  “My wife, my children, my grandson and my relatives were killed in deliberate attacks”, said the veteran Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief, struggling to contain his emotions. “We journalists are not party to this conflict. We are only…  
342. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 23 March to 29 March 2024. English  'Silencing Palestinian Voices' - Three More Journalists Killed by Israel in Gaza - Palestine Chronicle Media Freedom Organizations Urge Serbia to Stop Targeting Journalists - OCCRP Serbia: Escalating threats and attacks against journalists in Novi Sad - Article 19 Serbia: Increase in threats and attacks on journalists in Novi Sad - IFEX IPI joins 38 other rights groups calling on Media Freedom Coalition…  
343. Nigeria: FirstNews Editor released after two weeks in military custody  

The editor of FirstNews, an independent digital news network, Segun Olatunji, was abducted by at least ten armed men ‘two of them in military uniforms’ from his home in the Iyana Odo, Abule Egba area in Lagos on 15 March. Olatunji was released on 28 March by the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). He was handed over to the General Secretary of the Nigeria Guild of Editors, Iyobosa Uwugiaren in Abuja. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes his release, but condemns this act of brutality and intimidation by the Nigerian military on an unarmed journalist. According to local news reports, armed men arrived at Olatunji’s residence a few minutes past 6:00 pm and forcefully took…  
344. Tariq al-Sayed Abu Shakil  

On 28 March, digital media editor for Voice of Al-Quds radio, Tariq al-Sayed Abu Shakil, lost his life during Israel's military raid on Al-Shifa hospital and surrounding areas in Gaza City, according to media reports. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, safety, IFJ, union, solidarity, killed, journalism, FIP, FIJ, Arab world, Israel, war, rights, journalist,  
345. Russia: Moscow court extends detention of journalist Evan Gershkovich by three months  

[UPDATED 25.04.2024] On 26 March, a Moscow court extended US Moscow-based Wall Street Journal correspondent Evan Gershkovich’s detention for an additional three months, until 30 June 2024. On the eve of Gershkovich’s first anniversary in jail, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Russian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release journalist and US citizen Evan Gershkovich and drop all charges against him. On 26 March, a Moscow court announced it had "extended the term of detention of Evan Gershkovich until June 30, 2024" while awaiting trial on espionage charges.  The 32-year-old journalist has been detained since 29th March 2023  and is…  
346. UK: Potentially granting Assange’s appeal gives British courts a last chance to safeguard public interest journalism  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the possibility that Julian Assange is given leave to appeal his extradition to the United States, handed down at the Royal Courts of Justice in London on 26 March by Judges Victor Johnson and Dame Victoria Sharp. Their decision is contingent on fresh assurances from the US and the UK, who have been given further time for submissions. IFJ President Dominique Pradalié said: “Since the indictments against Julian Assange were published it was clear that this prosecution created significant jeopardy for journalists the world over. Determining that there could be grounds to appeal the judgement of the first hearing is an…  
347. Palestine: IFJ and 38 others urge Media Freedom Coalition member states to act on Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined other 38 other media freedom organisations in calling out the “collective official silence” of the Media Freedom Coalition member states regarding the killings of journalists in Gaza and further warned that this silence seriously diminishes their ability to stand up for media freedom globally. The Media Freedom Coalition is a group of 52 countries that have pledged to protect media freedom at home and abroad. MFC Member States your credibility is on the line: we need your meaningful action for the safety of journalists and access to information in Gaza We write you today as a collective of concerned members of civil society working…  
348. Serbia: Urgent action needed to address threats against journalists  

In a letter to Serbian authorities, the International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joins partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) in urging them to address death threats faced by journalists Ana Lalić Hegediš and Dinko Gruhonjić, in Serbia. We are deeply concerned that no decisive action has been taken to conduct a thorough investigation, arrest the perpetrators and provide the journalists with adequate protection. To: Mr Vucic, President of Serbia Mr Stamenkovic, Public Prosecutor in General Public Prosecution and member of the Standing working group Ms Brnabic, Prime Minister and President of National Parliament Mr Gasic, Minister of Interior Mr…  
349. Italy: Solidarity with striking journalists at Giornale Radio Rai  

The journalists of the Giornale Radio Rai are on a 24-hour strike today, 25 March, against the cuts announced by the national public service media (PSM) Rai company. The broadcaster intends to merge the sports editorial team with Rai Sport and Giornale Rai Parliament with Rai Parliament. The International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) together with its affiliate, the Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana (FNSI), stand in solidarity with journalists at Giornale Radio Rai and urge Rai’s management to consider all alternative options to avoid lay-offs and downgrading broadcast output. On 20 March, Rai Radio 1 journalists announced on their social media platforms…  
350. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 16 March to 22 March 2024. English  Malawi: Death of Juma's General Secretary Charles Mkula - All Africa The Big Collab: In Solidarity with Julian Assange - The Badger Several journalists detained by Israeli forces at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza - Anadolu Ajansi Iran Sentences Journalist to Over 6 Years in Prison - IranWire Appeal: protect exiled Russian journalists in the Czech Republic - International Press Institute Spanish  La FIP…  
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