15060 results:

4201. Malaysia: Government minister intimidates Malaysiakini reporter  

A Malaysiakini journalist was harassed and intimidated by Entrepreneur Development Minister Mohd Redzuan Yusof following a series of racial comments during a press conference and posted to his personal and professional Facebook pages. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the behaviour towards the journalist and demands an official apology from the minister. During an interview between Redzuan and several reporters on Monday, August 19, Ng Xiang Yi, a journalist of Malaysiakini asked the minister to elaborate on his previous claims that the Malays have compromised too much with “racists” and urged all to adhere to the Federal Constitution.   Redzuan is one of…  
4202. Iran: journalists sentenced to heavy jail terms  

Three Iranian journalists were sentenced to heavy jail terms by the Tehran Revolutionary court in August. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned these "outrageous" jail terms and urged the Iranian authorities to stop attacking journalists. Marzieh Amiri, working for Shargh daily newspaper was sentenced by the Revolutionary Court to 148 lashes and 10 and a half years jail time on 13 August on charges of "assembly and collusion against the state" and "propaganda against the state" and "disrupting of public order". The journalist who was attending the World Labour day protest on 1st May to report for the Shargh newspaper was arrested and has been held in custody…  
4203. Serbian journalist and media owner on hunger strike to protest against economic pressure  

Maja Pavlović, the owner of the independent regional TV Kanal 9 in Serbia, has been on hunger strike for 14 days to protest against the economic pressure facing the broadcaster. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their Serbian affiliates NUNS, SINOS and UNS in backing Maja Pavlović's demands. With this hunger strike, the third in 15 months, Pavlović denounces the excessive fees charged by the music authors' organisation (SOKOJ), the phonogram producers' organisation (OFPS), the regulatory authority for electronic media (REM) and the Broadcast Network Operator (ETV). She demands more affordable fees for local broadcasters to be consistent with their…  
4204. Turkey: at least seven journalists detained by police for reporting on the protests against trustees  

At least seven journalists were taken in custody on Tuesday 20 August after reporting on protests taking place in three southeast Turkish cities, Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van, as well as in Istanbul. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliate in Turkey in calling for their immediate release. Turkish people have been demonstrating for four days against the Ministry of Interior’s decision to replace three pro-Kurdish new-elected mayors by State appointed mayor (trustees), on 19 August. Several demonstrators and members of Parliament have been injured in police riots involving rubber bullets, water cannons and tear gas.   In Mardin,…  
4205. Tanzania : Journalist detained for 2 days for publishing "false information"  

Tanzanian journalist Joseph Gandye was arrested on Thursday 22nd August for allegedly “publishing false information” and released two days later. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounces a “very disturbing” pattern of repression and intimidation against journalists working in Tanzania. Joseph Gandye  works for Watetezi TV, a not-for-profit online Television established by the Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) . He is also the producer of human rights programme aired every Friday and produced by Watetezi TV . The journalist was arrested in Dar es Salam on 22 August for allegedly publishing false information in relation to a…  
4206. Zimbabwe : Journalist arrested while reporting on  teachers' union protest  

Zimbabwean journalist Leopold Munhende was arrested and detained by the police in Zimbabwe in the capital Harare on 23 August while performing his professional duties. He was released after spending a day in custody. The IFJ joins its affiliate the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in protesting this arbitrary detention. Munhende was arrested and bundled into a police truck on Friday morning while he was filming members of the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union (ARTUZ) who were picketing outside the new government complex. Despite the fact that he  showed his press pass to the police, he was nevertheless bundled into the truck and spent the day in custody before being released at the…  
4207. Hong Kong: Journalists violently harassed during weekend protests  

As protests broke out across Hong Kong again over the weekend, journalists and media workers were targeted and harassed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) condemned the attacks and demanded immediate action from the Hong Kong authorities. According to HKJA statement on August 24 there were several incidents involving the media across the city. A group of people claiming to belong to a pro-China group called ‘Politik Social Strategic’ surrounded the RTHK (government owned radio/TV channel) building. In a separate incident, journalists were covering protests, when protesters tried to cover cameras with towels,…  
4208. Indonesian journalist ‘doxxed’ over coverage of internet shutdown in Papua  

Following the government-led internet shutdown in Indonesia’s eastern provinces of Papua and West Papua a journalist has been doxxed and harassed online. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia have condemned the attack on the journalists and called on the local authorities to ensure the media are protected as they work. Victor Mambo, a journalist with Koran Jubi and jubi.co.id, as well as a member of AJI’s executive committee was harassed and doxxed online on Thursday, August 22, after the internet shutdown continued into a second day. In one tweet from user @antilalat Victor was linked to the Free Papua…  
4209. Nevith Condés Jaramillo  

The 42-year-old journalist for El Observatorio del Sur, Nevith Condés Jaramillo, was murdered in the municipality of Tejupilco, south of the State of Mexico. Media reports quoted the Office of the Attorney General's Office of Justice of the State of Mexico (FGJEM), as saying that his body was found in the Cerro de Cacalotepec, with wounds from sharp objects which would have caused his death. Jaramillo’s work was widely recognised in the region for his accuracy in reporting, reports added. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
4210. IFJ delegation highlights the plight of journalists to the Somali Head of State  

Leaders of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) met yesterday the President of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo, at Villa Somalia - Somalia’s governing house. The delegation led by IFJ President Younes Mjahed, included the President of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed, the Vice President of Eastern Africa Journalists Association (EAJA) Stephen Ouma Bwire, the Secretary General of National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) Omar Faruk Osman, and IFJ Gender Council Member Mounia Belafia. The discussions centred on press freedom developments in Somalia, in particular on safety and security of journalists, professionalisation of…  
4211. IFJ in the News  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Monday, August 12th  to Friday, August 23rd 2019: 1. Raad van Europa op de hoogte van nieuw wetsontwerp over Belgische staatsgeheimen, Metro 2. Somalia: Subject - IFJ, NUSOJ Hold National Workshop On Gender Responsive Journalism to Inspire Equity, Allafrica 3. IFJ Calls On Lebanon To Reform Media Sector, Lift Regulations Undermining Freedom Of Press, Urdu Point 4. Women journalists and online harassment: the resistance in Bosnia, OBCT 5. Lift ban on socialist…  
4212. Indonesia: Government blocks Internet in Papua and West Papua  

Following riots and demonstrations in Papua and West Papua, the internet has been blocked in Indonesia’s eastern most provinces since Wednesday, August 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia in condemning the block and urge the government to restore access to the Internet and cease the policy of blocking internet access in Indonesia. Riots broke out in Manokwari, West Papua on Monday, August 19 following demonstrations against racial abuse towards Papuan students in Surabaya. The protest started peacefully, but turned violent. The West Papua Regional Legislative Council building was burnt, while…  
4213. IFJ launches campaign on safety of journalists in Africa  

Today the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) launched in Mogadishu, Somalia, a continental campaign on the safety of African journalists, jointly with the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ). Launching the campaign while attending the 5th General Assembly of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), IFJ President Younes Mjahed received first-hand information on the risks facing journalists in the country and discussed with families of the victims about the need for safety by ending widespread impunity for crimes against journalists. “Somalia has been the focus of IFJ 's campaign for the safety in media for many years because it is a country where journalists are…  
4214. Yemen: stop targeting the press, says IFJ  

On 10th August Yemeni separatists from the Southern Transitional Council took control of the city port of Aden, Yemen, after days of fighting with the government forces. Media have been the subject of a series of attacks ever since. The International Federation of Journalists 5ifj° joined its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in condemning these violations and has called on the warring parties to stop targeting the press and let journalists report freely. YJS reports that  an armed group broke into the house of journalist Ali Saleh Al-Essa who works for the daily 14th October  while he was abroad and seized some of his personal effects. Another…  
4215. Kashmir: Lift the information siege  

The IFJ has called on the Modi government and authorities in Kashmir to lift the information siege imposed on the region as journalists continue to face harassment, obstruction and threats and media face a continued communications blackout, as the lockdown enters its third week. IFJ affiliates across South Asia have called for urgent action to protect the rights of journalists and to end the gag on press freedom in Kashmir - which has faced an unprecedented lockdown since 5 August - with all communications including mobile and internet services blocked and media’s access to information having been curtailed. Whilst information on the ground is hard to verify due to the communications…  
4216. IFJ, NUSOJ hold national workshop on gender-responsive journalism to inspire equity   

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) yesterday launched a National Workshop on Advancing Gender-Responsive Journalism in Mogadishu in partnership with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and UN Women. A special acknowledgement and appreciation are accorded to UN Women for rendering major and tireless support in making this workshop a success.    Organised under the theme “Promoting Ethics, Achieving Fairness and Empowering Women Journalists in Somalia” the workshop brought together more than 55 journalists from all regions of Somalia given that the media in Somalia plays a central role in gender stereotyping. NUSOJ representatives highlighted the fact that media…  
4217. Lebanon: time for government to protect press freedom, says IFJ  

The Lebanese Journalists Syndicate (LJS) organised a sit-in in Beirut yesterday in solidarity with journalists and media workers to protest against attacks on the press. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate in calling for media reforms that protect press freedom. Since 2016, the press in Lebanon has faced its worst crisis ever. It is estimated that over 70% of the newspapers and magazines have been closed down, leaving hundreds of journalists without jobs and most of the time without any compensation. The crisis is now spreading to other media platforms, especially the audiovisual sector where some journalists have not been paid for several…  
4218. Malaysia: Union win for Utusan journalists  

Utusan Melayu Berhad, the publisher of the oldest Malay daily Utusan Malaysia, has agreed to pay outstanding salaries for around 800 media staff following a protest picket by Utusan workers over ongoing payment issues and concerns for the publication’s future. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the decision and calls for support for a stronger, independent media in Malaysia Utusan Melayu Berhad, the publisher of Malay daily Utusan Malaysia, has not paid journalist salaries for nearly three months. Staff employed by Utusan are facing significant financial difficulties, with many forced to borrow the money to support themselves as the company endured yet another period…  
4219. 香港示威中的傳媒:2019年6月至今  

Since June 2019, protests have taken over the streets of Hong Kong on a weekly basis. As journalists and media workers attempt to cover these protests, they are often assaulted and attacked, for simply doing their job. The IFJ and its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) have developed an ongoing log of media violations: See IFJ monitoring log in English here 2020年3月8日:將軍澳 於將軍澳悼念集會期間,有線電視記者與警方同一方向行,背後原本沒任何警員,但防暴警察突然打斜走到記者背後,用盾牌推撞記者,令她在毫無防避下跌傷,警員事後不顧而去。 2020年3月8日:大埔 有網民下午發起集會及遊行,一度走出馬路及用雜物堵路。防暴警察舉藍旗後向前推進,有警員突然向退後到行人路的記者施放胡椒噴劑,本台記者及攝影師被噴中,鏡頭沾滿大量胡椒噴劑,兩人感到不適。在場急救員為他們洗眼。 2020年2月19日:太子:警察情緒激動向記者及其器材直射胡椒噴劑…  
4220. Bulgaria: let the press report freely, says IFJ ahead of Prosecutor's election  

Bulgaria will elect a new Prosecutor General this autumn and a series of statements made by public officials against the press have raised journalists' concerns about the process.  The IFJ joins its affiliate the Union of Bulgarian Journalist (UBJ) in calling for better protection of the rights of journalists and the media.    A new Attorney General  will be elected in Bulgaria on 24th October. The only person nominated as a candidate for the position is the current Deputy Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev who has expressed his opposition to the separation of powers in Bulgaria. UBJ reports that Geshev has repeatedly been the focus of public…  
4221. Malaysia: Utusan ends print edition, thousands owed in unpaid wages  

Utusan Melayu Berhad, the publisher of Malay daily Utusan Malaysia, has announced that August 21 will be the final print edition of the paper as it continues to struggle financially. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists, Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) have demanded the immediate payment of outstanding wages to all staff. In a staff briefing on August 19, management announced that Wednesday’s edition would be the last print edition of the over 80 year old newspaper, as the company continues to struggle financially. The announcement comes as around 100 Utusan Malaysia staff and former staff protested over unpaid wages, an ongoing…  
4222. UK: journalist Owen Jones attacked by four men  

Guardian journalist Owen Jones has been physically assaulted in London while celebrating his 35th birthday with friends in the early hours of Saturday morning. The IFJ and the EFJ have condemned the outrageous attack on the journalist and called on the British authorities to investigate the case and bring the perpetrators to justice. After leaving a bar near King’s Cross in London on the night of Saturday 17th August, at about 3am, a group of men approached Owen Jones and his friends and began hitting him in the head from behind. According to reports, Jones fell on the ground after being kicked in the back by one of the men. The other attackers proceeded to kick him in the back and head.…  
4223. Somalia: journalist killed in bomb blast  

A cameraman embedded with the Somali National Army (SNA) was killed in a bomb attack targeting a military base on 14th August. The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in calling for more security for journalists in the country. Cameraman Abdinasir Abdulle Ga’al, 24, working for government-controlled Radio Station of Somali National Army was killed in Awdheegle in the Lower Shabelle region - 70 kilometres southwest of capital Mogadishu-  after the Al-Shabaab group carried out two car bomb attacks at the SNA military base.  NUSOJ reports that the cameraman was traveling…  
4224. IFJ Blog: Kashmir Valley has seen many a lockdown but why this time it is so different  

The Kashmir Valley’s connection with the inside and the outside world has been cut — all internet connectivity, cellular, landline, and cable TV services have been snapped. A question mark the size of the Kashmir Valley hangs over its residents who are under an unprecedented lockdown as security personnel patrol deserted streets, two former Chief Ministers are in detention, one is under house arrest and several activists of major mainstream parties are being rounded up. So staggering is the sweep of the change scripted in New Delhi and passed by Parliament today, the amendments to Article 370, scrapping the special Constitutional position of Jammu and Kashmir and its reduction to a…  
4225. Nancy Parker  

The 53-year-old veteran anchor of Fox affiliated WVUE (Fox 8) in New Orleans died when a small stunt plane in which she was shooting a story crashed, killing her and the pilot. Investigators said the plane was planning to land when it crashed in an open field. Ms Parker had worked at the station for 23 years, according to media reports. Journalists' safety, Accidents, United States, IFJ  
4226. Hong Kong: China state media journalist attacked at airport protests  

Global Times’ journalist Fu Guohao was attacked during protests at Hong Kong International Airport on August 13. The International Federation Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) have condemned the attack, calling on the Hong Kong people to ensure the media are free to do their job. According to the Global Times, which is a Chinese state run tabloid, Fu was ‘illegally seized and brutally assualted’ at Hong Kong Airport. According to reports, Fu was tied up and beaten after he failed to produce a press pass when questioned by protesters.  In a statement, HKJA said that they were disappointed by the attack on Fu and urged Hong Kong residents…  
4227. Haití: agudización del clima de inseguridad y de violencia afecta el trabajo de lxs periodistas  

El 6 de agosto el periodista de la agencia de prensa Loop Haïti, Luckson Saint-Vil, fue atacado a balazos mientras se desplazaba en su automóvil por la comuna de Léogâne, al sur de Haití. El 16 de julio pasado, individuos en motocicleta atacaron el vehículo que conducía Kendi Zidor en Delmas 60. La Asociación de Periodistas Haitianos (AJH) ha denunciado que durante varios meses se ha registrado un aumento de los actos de inseguridad en el país que, entre las víctimas, encuentra a periodistas. Los casos de Luckson Saint-Vil y Kendi Zidor son los más recientes. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadorsxs en el mundo, se une a su…  
4228. Abdinasir Abdulle Ga’al  

The 24-year-old cameraman working for government-controlled Radio Station, Somali National Army, was killed Mogadishu in a bomb attack targeting the local military base located in Awdheegle of the Lower Shabelle region 70 kilometers southwest of capital Mogadishu. The blast was one of the two attacks carried out by the militants of Al-Shabaab group. According to the National Union of Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, Ga’al was travelling with the SNA’s command to conduct interviews with elders of Awdheegle locality following its liberation by the SNA. Five other persons were also killed in the attack, NUSOJ adds. Journalists' safety, Somalia, IFJ, Impunity  
4229. India: Kashmir lockdown blocks media, silences critical reporting  

Communication in and out of the Indian region of Jammu and Kashmir has been blocked since August 4 following changes to the region’s autonomy in India’s Constitution. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalist Union (IJU) have strongly criticized the restrictions imposed on the media under the unprecedented lockdown and called on the authorities to guarantee the media’s access to information and right to work. In early August, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, used a presidential order to repeal Article 370 and 35a of the Indian Constitution, stripping Jammu and Kashmir of its special autonomy. In the following days mobile, landline and…  
4230. Russia: communications regulator demands censorship on information about Moscow demonstrations  

On 11th August, the Russian national communications regulator Roskomnadzor published a statement demanding Google to prevent its video-sharing service Youtube from distributing information on the recent protests in Moscow. The agency said, it wants to prevent “advertising for unauthorized demonstrations”. Otherwise, counter measures could be taken. IFJ and EFJ condemn this act of censorship and demand Russian authorities to respect the citizen’s right to information. “According to available information, several entities possessing YouTube channels have bought advertising instruments [such as push notifications] with the aim of distributing information about unsanctioned…  
4231. Paraguay: alerta por despidos masivos en ABC  

El Grupo Zucolillo, propietario del medio ABC y la Editorial Azeta S.A., ordenó el despido sin causa de veintiocho trabajadorxs de prensa durante la semana del 5 de agosto. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadorsxs en el mundo, repudia esta ola de despidos que se da en un escenario de pauperización de las condiciones de vida del pueblo paraguayo. El día 5 de agosto el conglomerado empresarial Grupo Zucolillo, dueño de los medios ABC Impreso, ABC Digital, ABC TV y ABC Radio y Editorial Azeta, comenzó el proceso de desvinculación de veintiocho trabajadores y trabajadoras que se encontraban empleadas en distintas plataformas del…  
4232. Philippines: American journalist shot and injured  

Brandon Lee, a journalist with Northern Dispatch Weekly, was shot and injured outside his house in Tungngod, Lagawe in Ifugao province, on August 6. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) have strongly condemned the attack and called the authorities to investigate the attack. Lee, an American citizen who has a permanent residency in the Philippines, was shot in the face, with the bullet exiting his neck, and he was also shot in the back. Police have not identified the suspect and motives behind the assault. Lee had just picked up his daughter from school when he was shot. He had serious…  
4233. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, August 3rd to Friday, August 9th 2019: 1) At least two killed in Afghan TV bus bombing in Kabul, KDAL 610 2) At least two killed in Afghan TV bus bombing in Kabul, Reuters 3) Collaboration among media organizations key to survival in digital era: Journalists, The Jakarta Post 4) Sanchez: Killing the messengers, Sun Star Philippines 5) Stenin's Mother: 'When Andrei Left for Ukraine, I Had the Thought That I Could Lose My Child', Sputnik 6) Gaza…  
4234. Hong Kong police must stop use of abusive force towards journalists  

As protests broke out on the streets of Hong Kong over the weekend, journalists were again the targets of police brutality. One journalist was arrested for simply protecting an injured journalist. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) have reiterated calls on Hong Kong authorities to protect the media, and condemned the police violence towards the media as they cover the protests. On August 5, a general strike took place in Hong Kong and the streets filed with protesters. According to the HKJA police started clearing the Shum Shui Po area that evening, during which tear gas was aimed at the ground near the crowd. A…  
4235. Sri Lanka: Ten years on: Two army personnel charged with assault  

Two Sri Lankan army spies were charged with serious assault on a journalist and his wife as they drove to work in January 2009. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) welcome the charges against the two army officials, yet note the failure to file charges against those responsible for other attacks and killings of journalists. Prema Ananda Udulagama and Rajapaksage Lalith Rajapakse, military intelligence officers with the Sri Lankan Army were charged with serious assault on August 7, following the brutal attack on Rivira editor Upali Tennakoon and his wife. Upali and his wife were driving to work in January…  
4236. Israel must stop harassing Palestinian journalist and grant him permanent residency  

Israeli authorities have been detaining Palestinian journalist Mustafa Al-Kharouf since 22nd January and tried to deport him to Jordan on 21st July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) have condemned the actions as serious violations of Al-Kharouf’s fundamental rights and called on Israel to stop obstructing Palestinian journalists’ work. Mustafa Al-Kharouf, aged 33, was born in Algeria and arrived in Palestine with his family at the age of 12. He now lives in occupied East-Jerusalem, but the Israeli authorities repeatedly denied him permanent resident status, which makes him stateless. He was arrested on…  
4237. Palestine: Journalist kicked by police officer  

Eyad Moghrabi, a journalist and prominent member of IFJ affiliate the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), was kicked by a police officer while covering a protest on 2nd August. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned the attack as "an act of violence and intimidation" against media workers. Eyad Moghrabi was filming a demonstration by Palestinians in Wadi Al Hummus in the West Bank when he was hit on the shin, although he was clearly identified as a journalist by the PRESS sign on the front and back of his jacket, according to reports. His leg was bandaged at the hospital. Eyad Moghrabi had earlier been detained for one hour before the protest while the…  
4238. Turkish court imposes access block on news portals  

The International and the  European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) call on Turkish authorities to cancel the outrageous decision of Ankara 3rd Peace Judge to block access to 136 websites and social media accounts. Ankara 3rd Peace Judge Hasan Demirtas decided on 16 July to block access to 136 internet resources, including bianet and Gazete Fersude news portals, on the basis of “national security” (article 8/A of İnternet Law). The ban targets 15 websites and dozens of social media accounts (on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest). The court’s unjustified ruling prevents access to at least 200,000 news stories which has been broadcasting on bianet since November…  
4239. Côte d’Ivoire: lancement d'une campagne de syndicalisation dans les médias numériques  

A l’initiative de la Fédération internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) et de son affilié ivoirien, le Syndicat national des professionnels de la presse de Côte d’Ivoire (SYNAPPCI), une vingtaine de jeunes journalistes et professionnels des médias numériques ont pris part un atelier de deux jours qui marque le début d’une vaste campagne de syndicalisation dans les médias numériques du pays. Cet atelier qui se déroulait du 30 au 31 juillet 2019 était consacré à l'organisation syndicale des jeunes journalistes et professionnels du secteur des médias numériques en Côte d’Ivoire, fait partie du programme mondial de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ)  mis en œuvre  dans…  
4240. Russia: twelve journalists detained in Moscow demonstrations  

On 3rd August, Moscow’s police has detained at least ten journalists covering a rally organized by opposition groups. Continuing the protest of 27 July, about 1500 people had gathered in the capital of Russia in order to demonstrate for fair elections to the city council. The IFJ, the EFJ and their affiliate, the Russian Federation of Journalists (RUJ), strongly condemn this violation of press freedom and demand the Russian authorities to respect the journalist’s right to report. According to Moscow police, about 600 people were arrested during the riots. Among these, there were at least twelve journalists and photographers, RUJ reported: Elena Vavina…  
4241. México: asesinan al periodista Celestino Ruiz Vázquez, quien se encontraba bajo la tutela de protocolos de seguridad  

El 2 de agosto fue atacado a tiros y asesinado el periodista Jorge Celestino Ruiz Vázquez, en el municipio de Actopan (Veracruz). Ruiz Vázquez ya había recibido amenazas de muerte con anterioridad y en el año 2018 su vehículo había sido atacado a balazos. Ruiz Vázquez, quien trabajaba en el periódico El Gráfico de Xalapa, contaba con protección estatal que había sido ordenada en octubre del año pasado por parte de la Fiscalía Especializada en Delitos Electorales y en Delitos contra la Libertad de expresión. Pese a esto, al momento de ser atacado en la vía pública, no contaba con custodia de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública. Según declaraciones realizadas a la prensa por parte del…  
4242. Ivory Coast: workshop on organising in the digital media  

The Syndicat national des professionnels de la presse de Cote d’ Ivoire (SYNAPPCI) and the IFJ conducted a two day workshop on « Organising in the digital media, trade union reform and youth recruitment” from 30-31 July, in the Ivorian Capital, Abidjan.  The seminar which was financed under the UTU project 2019, brought together 20 young participants under the age of 35 to deliberate on strategies for the recruitment of young journalists who work online. The deliberations at the workshop focused on the use of the internet and the growth of the digital media in the Ivory Coast, the social responsibility of journalists working online and challenges facing young journalists and the issue of…  
4243. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, July 27th to Friday, August 2nd 2019: 1) Brazil: IFJ Condemns Attempts to Harass Journalist Glenn Greenwald, The Wire 2) Sudan - FAJ's President Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed Has Been Released, All Africa 3) The horrendous online abuse a female sports journalist received highlights dangers of media that must change, Women’s Agenda 4) En defensa de La Manada y criticas a la víctima: una investigacíon analiza los commentarios de la noticias del caso,…  
4244. Celestino Jorge Ruiz Vázquez  

The journalist who worked for El Gráfico newspaper and had state protection ordered by the Special Prosecutor's Office for Election Crimes and Crimes against Freedom of Expression following death threats received in 2018, was shot dead in the municipality of Actopan in Veracruz State. Last year, he had survived an attempt to his life when gunmen opened fire on his car. According to media reports, Vázquez had no security detail when he was shot and killed. He had accused the mayor of Actopan, José Paulino Dominguez, reports added. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
4245. Indonesia: Student reporter attacked by university chancellor  

A student journalist was attacked and hit by the chancellor of State University of Makassar during the university’s 58th anniversary celebration. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia in condemning the attack. On July 31 the chancellor of the State University of Makassar in South Sulawesi, Husain Syam, hit the upper lip of Wahyudin, who is a reporter for the university press LPM Profession at an event celebrating the university’s 58th anniversary. The attack followed an argument concerning LPM Profession’s reportage on the number of students being admitted to the university via in-house entrance exams…  
4246. Indonesia: Arson attack targets journalist and press group  

Indonesian journalist Asnawi Luwi’s house was burned down, followed by an arson attack at the office of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) two days later in what is believed to be a related incident. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia to condemn these attacks and call on the authorities to hold the perpetrators to account. At around 2am on July 30, Asnawi, his wife and their three children were asleep when their neighbour noticed their house burning in the village of Lawe Loning Aman, South East Aceh. Although their house burnt down, Asnawi and his family were able to escape through the…  
4247. México: atacan con bombas Molotov las oficinas del diario El Monitor de Parral, en Chihuahua  

En la madrugada 31 de julio un grupo de personas atacaron con explosivos a las oficinas del periódico impreso y digital El Monitor de Parral, ubicado en la ciudad del mismo nombre en el norte de México. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) exige a las autoridades que garanticen la seguridad de lxs trabajadores de El Monitor de Parral y hagan justicia con lxs agresores. Según informó la policía local, lxs agresores desconectaron las cámaras de seguridad y lanzaron explosivos similares a cócteles molotov dentro de las oficinas del diario. Por fortuna, ninguno de lxs trabajadores presentes en el interior de la sede del medio resultó  herido. A raíz del ataque sufrido por…  
4248. Tanzania: Police arrest prominent investigative journalist  

[Updated on 5th August] Tanzanian police arrested prominent investigative journalist Erick Kabendera on Monday 29 July for questioning over his citizenship. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the authorities to release him immediately and clarify the reasons for his detention. Kabendera, a well-known freelance journalist who works for several local and international media, was forcibly taken from his home by six police officers. Police sources claimed the arrest was for questioning over his citizenship. However, local and international press freedom bodies have raised doubts about the real reasons for his detention. At first, the police confirmed his detention but…  
4249. México: la periodista Lydia Cacho sufre robo de información sobre casos de pedofilia, tras invasión a su hogar de Quintana Roo  

Lydia Cacho, reconocida comunicadora especializada en casos de violaciones de derechos humanos de niñas, niños y mujeres, fue víctima del robo de material de investigación el domingo 21 de julio por la tarde. Quienes protagonizaron la agresión a la periodista mataron a sus mascotas, destrozaron objetos personales y dejaron pintadas con amenazas de muerte en las paredes de su domicilio. La periodista Lydia Cacho se ha encargado durante su larga trayectoria profesional de investigar y denunciar casos de pedofilia y redes de explotación sexual que involucran a personas pertenecientes a altas esferas del poder económico y político mexicano. En el año 2005, Cacho había sido víctima de torturas…  
4250. Rogelio Barragán Pérez  

The body of 49-year-old online journalist was found in the trunk of his own car in the town of Zacatepec of central Morelos state, according to local media reports. Pérez was a veteran local journalist who worked for two news organisations, Ecos de Guerrero and Agencia Informativa Guerrero. He later founded an online news website, Guerrero Al Instante, focusing police and court matters, reports added. Reporters Without Borders quoted Pérez’s friends as saying that the journalist had ceased signing his articles, out of fear for his safety. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
4251. Sudan: FAJ’s president Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed has been released  

Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed, president of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) and head of the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) was released by the Sudanese military authorities on July 29 after five days of arbitrary detention. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomed his release but demanded the Sudanese military explain the reasons for his arrest. He was detained on 24 July with no reason given to his colleagues at the SJU. “We lost contact with the President of SJU since Wednesday afternoon, July 24TH, 2019 and later it became clear that he was detained but we did not have any information on the reason for his arrest”, the SJU said in a statement. The…  
4252. Brazil: Government threatens and harasses journalist Glenn Greenwald  

[Updated on 9th August] Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, has publicly threatened to imprison American journalist Glenn Greenwald following the publication of reports which he alleges undermined the government. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Brazilian affiliate FENAJ in condemning the persecution of Greenwald and calls on the international community to denounce Bolsonaro’s autocratic decisions against media freedom. The case stems from the publication by The Intercept on 9th June of leaked chats compromising Sergio Moro, a former prominent judge who is now Justice Minister. According to these reports, Sergio Moro gave prosecutors strategic advice and tips…  
4253. China: Court sentences journalist to 12 years in prison  

Huang Qi, an investigative journalist and publisher of the human rights news website 64 Tianwang, was sentenced to 12 years in prison after months of secret court proceedings without lawyers present. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the authorities to drop all charges against Huang and release him immediately. On Monday, July 29 the Mianyang Intermediate People’s Court in Sichuan Province sentenced the 56 year-old to prison on charges of “deliberately leaking state secrets,” and “illegally providing state secrets to foreign countries,” according to a statement published on the court’s website. This comes after Huang’s arrest on November 28, 2016 for posting a…  
4254. France : l’AFP de nouveau condamnée pour discrimination syndicale  

Le 3 juillet, la Cour d’appel de Paris a une nouvelle fois condamné l’Agence France-Presse (AFP) pour discrimination syndicale à l’égard d’un de ses journalistes. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et ses syndicats affiliés en France (SNJ/SNJ-CGT/CFDT-Journalistes) saluent cette décision et appellent l’AFP à respecter la liberté syndicale. L’AFP avait été condamnée en première instance en septembre 2014 pour avoir mis au placard un journaliste actif syndicalement. Malgré une cinquantaine de candidatures, celui-ci n’avait reçu aucun poste de production ni connu aucune promotion pendant douze années. C’est la quatrième fois que l’agence est sanctionnée par la justice pour…  
4255. Australia: Inquiry finds Google, Facebook threat to public interest journalism  

A report from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has found that the rise of Google, Facebook and similar businesses is a threat to public interest journalism in Australia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) have welcomed the findings of the ACCC report, calling on the government to urgently act on the report’s recommendations. The ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry report came after the Australian Government directed the ACCC to conduct an inquiry into digital platforms in December 2017. The inquiry looked at the effect that digital search engines, social media platforms and other digital…  
4256. Cambodia: Journalists facing incitement charges granted bail  

Bail has been granted to two Cambodian journalists facing incitement charges, however they must remain under court supervision. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has reiterated its appeal for Cambodian authorities to respect the rights and freedom of the media and drop the incitement charges. On July 23, Preah Sihanouk Provincial Court has granted bail to Hun Sokha, the publisher of Facebook-based CPNTV who also the president of the Club of Independent Journalists, and Keo Ratana, a reporter for TN TV Online. The pair were arrested July 19 as they covered an ongoing land dispute in Sihanoukville’s Bei commune. They were accused of incitement after they took video footage of…  
4257. Colombia: “No pasar de lo objetivo a lo subjetivo”: la orden que censura a Claudia Julieta Duque  

Por Marvin David Del Cid Enviado Especial de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) Bogotá, 25 de julio de 2019 Lo que se preveía ha sucedido. La Jueza Segunda Penal Especializada de Bogotá, Nidia Angélica Carrero López, emitió este jueves una resolución en la que limita la libertad de expresión de la periodista Claudia Julieta Duque, quien deberá abstenerse de dar su opinión respecto a lo que sucede en el juicio por los crímenes de lesa humanidad de los que fue víctima en Colombia. En adelante, Duque sólo podrá emitir informaciones respecto a la fecha y hora de las audiencias o los testigos citados en su caso, pero acorde con la jueza, sus puntos de vista nunca deberán “pasar…  
4258. Sudan: Free detained African journalists' leader!  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), joins in solidarity with its Sudanese affiliate, the Sudan Journalists Union (SJU), to condemn in the strongest possible terms the arrest of Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed (Sadiq Rizaigi), President of SJU and FAJ President. UPDATE: Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed was released on Monday 19 July, 2019. FAJ has been informed by the Sudan Journalists Union (SJU), that Sadiq Rizaigi was arrested on Wednesday, 24 July 2019, and is still being detained incommunicado by Military Intelligence services for unrevealed reasons. The Steering Committee of FAJ is convinced that Sadiq Rizaigi is…  
4259. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, July 20th to Friday, July 26th 2019: 1) Sushchenko imprisoned for 1,000 days, The Ukrainian weekly 2) India slightly improves journo-murder index, Afternoon Voice 3) India: Bharat Expects To Improve On Journalist-Murder Index – OpEd, Eurasia Review 4) Increase in online harassment of India's journalists by troll armies, hate messengers, Counterview 5) Arrest of French TV crew 'jeopardises media freedom', Scoop 6) Gambia: Ex-President Jammeh…  
4260. Paraguay: Manifestantes y policía atacan a periodistas en Asunción  

Varios periodistas y reporteros gráficos fueron agredidos y atacados por manifestantes y agentes de policía cuando informaban sobre una protesta de taxistas las plataformas MUV y Uber el pasado 23 de julio en Asunción. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y el Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) repudian estos ataques y urgen a las autoridades a investigar los hechos y garantizar la seguridad de los/as periodistas. El reportero gráfico Fernado Riveros recibió ocho impactos de balines de goma disparados por agentes de policía, quienes le dispararon a una distancia de menos de dos metros. El reportero Jorge Escurra sufrió una agresión similar por parte de los agentes,…  
4261. Romania: IFJ and UNI MEI condemn union-busting in public broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and UNI MEI Global Union, have written a joint open letter to several Romanian authorities expressing serious concerns over union-busting actions in Romanian Public Service Television (SRTV). The IFJ and UNI MEI Global Union have received numerous reports about repeated violations of labour rights, including attacks and threats on their affiliated organisation, the Romanian Union of Journalists, FAIR-Mediasind. The letter was co-signed by IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger and head of UNI MEI Global Union, Johannes Studinger. Both organisations urge the Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, and other officials to do their…  
4262. Sri Lanka: Media obstructed by security forces  

A journalist was obstructed from reporting on a Sri Lankan Air Force Commander’s visit to a Buddhist monastery in Kandy on Sunday, July 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) in condemning the obstruction of press freedom. On Sunday journalist M.N. Aminullah from local newspaper Lake House was blocked by security personnel from covering a Sri Lankan Air Force Commander’s visit to the chief incumbent of the Asgiriya prelate – a Buddhist monastery. Despite being invited officially by the air force to cover the visit, Aminullah was denied from carrying out his job without…  
4263. India: Labour code bills threaten press freedom  

The National Democratic Alliance has introduced two labour codes that threaten journalism by abolishing the wage board and removing the Working Journalist Act. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in challenging the repeal and urge members of the parliament to ensure that the provisions of the proposed bills are scrutinized minutely. In two Labour Code Bills, one on Working Conditions and the other on Wages, introduced in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday, July 23, the government proposed to repeal the Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act of 1955, and the…  
4264. Sudan: IFJ demands release of journalists’ union leader seized by military  

The IFJ has backed demands for the immediate release of the head of the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) after he was seized by the country’s military authorities. UPDATE: Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed was released on Monday 29 July, 2019. Sadiq Rizaigi, President of the SJU and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) was detained on 24 July – although no reason has been given to his colleagues.  Following an emergency meeting on 25th July the SJU issued the following statement:  The Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) held an emergency meeting this Thursday morning, July 25th, 2019, to discuss the arrest of Mr. Sadiq Rizaigi, President of the SJU, President of the Federation of…  
4265. UK: IFJ welcomes NUJ’s recognition at VICE UK  

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) today secured representation rights for journalists at VICE UK after four months of negotiations with management at the digital media company. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly welcomed the recognition agreement that will give VICE UK staff a formally acknowledged, independent voice at work and the right to collective bargaining. VICE UK media workers announced their intention to unionise in March 2019, following the examples of VICE US and VICE Canada, which successfully unionised in recent years. An earlier attempt to unionise was rejected by VICE UK management in April 2016, alleging that the NUJ was “not used to…  
4266. IFJ Gender council chair elected to GAMAG board  

The IFJ Gender Council's chair Maria Angeles Samperio was elected deputy chair of the Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) on 8th July at GAMAG 2nd General Assembly in Madrid, Spain. Elected  together with Aimée Vega (President) and Sara Macharia (General Secretary), Maria Angeles, will be representing the IFJ in this body and speak up for equal treatment of men and women in the media, in the unions and in news content. GAMAG was launched by UNESCO and more than 500 organizations at the first Global Forum on Gender and Media held in  Bangkok, Thailand, in 2013. Its aim is to promote gender equality through the media. In particular, it monitors the implementation of…  
4267. Gambia: Ex-president Jammeh must be tried for the murder of journalist and union leader  

On 22nd July a Gambian army officer accused ex-president Yahya Jammeh of ordering the 2004 murder of journalist and former head of the Gambia Press Union (GPU) Deyda Hydara and confessed he was himself involved in the killing. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) joins its affiliate the GPU in demanding that Jammeh is brought to trial in the Gambia. Deyda Hydara was shot in his car near the Gambian capital Banjul on 16 December, 2004. He was editor of the independent daily The Point  and a correspondent for AFP news agency. He was known for being critical of the government. The accusation was made before Gambia’s Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations…  
4268. Pakistan: Broadcaster blocked amid Prime Minister visit to Washington  

Pakistan’s private broadcaster Geo News was forced off air and its channel number abruptly changed in many parts of the country during Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to the US. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this media blockage and calls on the authorities to end the restrictions on press freedom. The blockage began on July 21, just hours before Prime Minister Imran Khan, Pakistani army chief general Qamar Javed Bajwa and the head of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) lieutenant general Faiz Hameed arrived in Washington D.C. for an official visit. According to the broadcaster’s managing director Azhar Abbas, the channel was blocked without any…  
4269. Pakistan: Journalists attacked by group of lawyers  

Mohammad Tayyab and Ali Raza, two reporters of Channel 24 News, were brutally beaten by a group of lawyers in Faisalabad, the second-largest city in the east of Punjab province on Tuesday, July 23. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands with its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) to strongly criticise the attack and demand immediate arrest of the perpetrators to punish them. The two journalists were picked up by a group of lawyers and taken to an undisclosed location, where they were then brutally beaten by the group. The attack comes as the press freedom situation in Pakistan continues to worsen. Journalists are facing physical assault, online…  
4270. Cambodia: Two journalists arrested over the coverage of land dispute  

Two reporters were arrested in Preah Sihanouk province in the south-west of Cambodia after they covered the protest of an ongoing land dispute on Friday, July 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Cambodian Association for Protection of Journalists (CAPJ) in condemning the arrest and urge the authorities to drop all charges and release the two journalists immediately. Hun Sokha, the publisher of Facebook-based CPNTV, and Keo Rattana, a reporter for TN TV Online were reporting from Sihanoukville’s Muoy commune, when they were arrested on Friday. They were covering a land dispute between the villagers and the Thai Boon Roong company, which has been…  
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