15042 results:

2241. Afghanistan: Media workers detained while covering Kabul protests  

Taliban militants arrested more than 14 media workers, including reporters and crew members, for their coverage of the anti-Pakistan and Women’s protests held in Kabul on September 7 and 8. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Afghanistan affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), condemn the Taliban’s arbitrary attack and detention of journalists and media workers. On September 7, the Taliban prevented media personnel from covering an anti-Pakistan demonstration in Kabul, seizing camera equipment and detaining several journalists and photographers. Protesters were rallying against Pakistan’s alleged interference with Afghanistan’s internal…  
2242. Malaysia: CSOs call for repeal of Sedition Act and stop the persecution of activists  

The Malaysian Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Platform for Reform are demanding the reinstatement of the moratorium on the Sedition Act 1948 and for the Act’s repeal after police used the law to detain and question seven activists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Malaysian government to drop the activists’ investigations. On September 4, seven activists from Sekretariat Solidariti Rakyat (SSR), a youth coalition, were hauled to district police headquarters in Dang Wang, Kuala Lumpuri. They are being investigated for sedition over the cancelled second #Lawan protest on August 21. The investigation follows Prime Minister Muhyiddin…  
2243. Hong Kong: Support for Next Digital employees as media group files for liquidation  

Hong Kong media group, Next Digital, known for its popular pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily and owned by jailed media magnate Jimmy Lai, filed for liquidation on September 5. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the use of Hong Kong’s national security law to silence press freedom and urges liquidators to distribute finances to the journalists and media staff left unemployed by Next Digital’s closure. On September 5, Next Digital announced its liquidation, with its board of directors resigning to expedite the process. The media group stated they hoped the resignations would result in the Hong Kong government allowing liquidators to authorise payments directly to…  
2244. South Sudan: Western diplomatic missions and press freedom groups raise alarm over media clampdown  

Several countries and press freedom groups have warned of human rights violations in South Sudan, including the harassment of journalists and media organisations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined the call on the new South Sudanese Government to respect human rights and press freedom. On 3 September 2021, a number of embassies (US, UK, EU, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden) issued a joint statement, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and the Council of States which took place on 30 August 2021, to express their concerns over violence against protesters, harassment of journalists and media…  
2245. Guatemala: Desestiman los cargos de sedición contra la periodista indígena Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz  
Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz

Un juzgado de Guatemala desestimó el pasado 3 de septiembre los cargos de sedición contra la periodista indígena Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz, arrestada en septiembre de 2020 acusada de participar en unas manifestaciones en la ciudad de Joyabaj, Guatemala. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) celebra la decisión y pide a las autoridades que respeten la libertad de información. Mejía Tiriquiz, directora de la estación de radio Xol Abaj Radio y Xol Abaj TV, fue acusada por sedición y atentado con agravaciones específicas por supuestamente participar en unas protestas ocurridas en Agosto de 2020, en las que un grupo de manifestantes quemó el edificio municipal de Joyabaj. El alcalde…  
2246. Afghanistan: Local media raise concerns of journalist safety with Taliban officials  

Local media groups left in Afghanistan met with Taliban leaders on September 3 to address concerns around journalist safety. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is cautious over the Taliban’s commitment to combating impunity for crimes against journalists in Afghanistan. The meeting, chaired by Ahmadullah Wasiq, a senior official of the Taliban’s cultural affairs, was attended by the Kabul Police and local media organisations. Hujatullah Mujadidi, vice president of IFJ affiliate, the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), is serving as a focal point for local media groups to report on attacks against the media and journalists.  According to Mujadidi, the…  
2247. Afghanistan: Journalist leader Fahim Dashti killed in Taliban attack in Panjshir Valley  

Fahim Dashti, a veteran leader of the Afghanistan National Journalist Union (ANJU), was killed in Panjshir province on September 5 during a clash between the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRFA) and the Taliban. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates ANJU and the Afghanistan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) express deepest condolences and sadness at the loss of a respected fighter for media freedom in Afghanistan. The 48-year-old former chief executive of ANJU had recently taken up the role as the chief spokesperson for NRFA and had joined forces in the north-eastern Panjshir province. He was killed in the Dashtak area of ​​Anaba district…  
2248. South Asia: SAMSN members appeal to SAARC countries to provide asylum for Afghan Journalists  

Concerns for the state of press freedom and freedom of expression in Afghanistan are escalating following the Taliban militant’s takeover, as mounting attacks and threats against Afghan media and journalists coincide with the United States departure from the country on August 31. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), urge the SAARC national governments and international communities to provide a safe haven to Afghan journalists seeking help. The United States withdrew its remaining troops from Afghanistan on August 31, with the Taliban cautioning the US to ‘be ready to face the consequences’ if the nation’s stay was extended…  
2249. Philippines: One year since the forced closure of 53 regional ABS-CBN stations  

On August 28, journalists in the Philippines commemorated one year since ABS-CBN was forced to close 53 regional radio and television stations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), urge the Philippine government to bring back ABS-CBN. On July 10, 2020, the Philippine House Committee on Legislative Franchises, responsible for granting and renewing broadcasting network’s franchises, voted to deny ABS-CBN’s franchise renewal. As a result, ABS-CBN began shutting down operations that required a legislative franchise on August 28, 2020, retrenching 11,000 media workers and closing 53 regional ABS-CBN…  
2250. Hong Kong: Government proposes new censorship law and clamps down on media independence  

A week after Hong Kong’s public broadcaster, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), published the new partnership with the Chinese Media Group, Hong Kong’s commerce secretary Edward Yau announced the government would be pulling films in breach of the National Security Law. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by the declining media independence and free flow of information in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s chief executive Carrie Lam announced on August 17, the partnership between RTHK and Chinese Media Group – the parent company of China state media outlets, CCTV and China National Radio. Lam explained the purpose of the partnership is to provide viewers with…  
2251. L'UJT et la FIJ organisent un séminaire sur l'organisation numérique, la réforme syndicale et le recrutement des jeunes  

L’Union des Journalistes Tchadiens (UJT), en collaboration avec la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), a organisé du 28 au 29 août 2021, à la Maison des Médias du Tchad, un atelier de formation sur ‘‘l’organisation dans les médias numériques, la réforme syndicale et le recrutement des jeunes’’. Vingt jeunes journalistes tchadiens issus d’autant d’organes de presse, majoritairement électroniques, ont bénéficié de cette formation. L’ouverture officielle des activités de l’atelier était présidée par le Président de la Haute Autorité des Médias et de l’Audiovisuel (HAMA), l’organe de régulation et de contrôle des médias tchadiens. Intrvenaient également la représentante…  
2252. Colombia: preocupa la violencia incesante contra periodistas  

Las denuncias de amenazas, hostigamiento y ataques contra trabajadorxs de prensa de todo el país no cesan. En el marco del Paro Nacional, se incrementaron los hechos de violencia contra aquellxs comunicadorxs que reportaban acerca de las agresiones de las fuerzas de seguridad en las manifestaciones populares. Según organizaciones de derechos humanos los números son lapidarios: desde el comienzo del paro nacional se registraron 129 casos de agresiones físicas, 52 amenazas, 28 casos de obstrucción al trabajo periodístico, 25 hechos de hostigamiento, 18 robos o eliminación de material, y 15 detenciones ilegales. En los cuatro meses que transcurrieron desde el comienzo del Paro Nacional en…  
2253. Malta: Journalists and public figures harassed in disinformation campaign  

In recent days, several Maltese journalists and media outlets have been victims of online spoofing in what appears to be a major campaign to spread misinformation and discredit those who are targeted. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have joined their affiliate, the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IGM), in denouncing these shameful intimidation attempts and call on the authorities to investigate those responsible for them. For the past week, numerous false articles and emails purporting to be written by journalists, organisations or public figures and containing false information have been spread in the country. On 26 June, blogger and activist Manuel…  
2254. Afghanistan: The end of the US mission, but what now for Afghanistan’s media?  

As the last US military forces departed Afghanistan and Taliban leaders celebrated ‘complete independence’ with rifle rounds in the air on August 30, thousands of Afghanistan’s media workers face the prospect of a new battle for their press freedom and survival. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its extreme concern for the thousands of media workers in the country displaced by the Taliban and for their ongoing safety in the coming days, weeks and months.  A massive and chaotic airlift by the United States and its international allies over the past two weeks evacuated an estimated 123,000 people from Kabul, yet tens of thousands who helped Western countries, as…  
2255. Afghanistan: "I don't know what awaits me in the future"  

Farida Nekzad is the managing editor of Pajhwok Afghan News, Afghanistan’s largest independent news agency, a 2008 winner of the prestigious International Women’s Media Foundation Courage in Journalism Award and the director of the Centre for Protection of Afghan Women Journalists (CPAWJ). Often risking her life to defend media freedom and the place of women journalists, Nekzad had to flee Afghanistan on 24 August with her family. From Qatar, where she has taken refuge, she tells the IFJ about her evacuation journey, her fears and hope for the future. When I fled Kabul I was among at least 15 other media workers in the plane. There were well-known journalists from Zen TV, Ariana News,…  
2256. Belarus: Supreme Court liquidated the Belarusian Association of Journalists  

The Belarus Supreme Court dissolved on 27 August the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), the only independent representative organisation of journalists and media workers in Belarus and one of the country’s most prominent champions of freedom of expression. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) strongly condemn this parody of justice. On 27 August the Belarus Supreme Court in Minsk held a hearing on the dissolution of BAJ, the IFJ and EFJ affiliate in Belarus. For over 25 years, BAJ and its membership of over 1,300 media workers has promoted freedom of expression and independent journalism in Belarus, facilitating the exercise of civil, social,…  
2257. Afghanistan: Taliban releases two Pakistani journalists, one remains missing  

Khyber TV reporter Abdul Mateen Achakzai and cameraperson Muhammad Ali were arrested while reporting in Kandahar city in southern Afghanistan on August 25 and released two days later, while another Pakistani journalist Muhammad Iqbal Mengal remains missing. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge the Pakistan government to find and ensure Mengal’s safe release. Taliban militants detained Pakistan journalists Achakzai and Ali for allegedly not getting the Taliban’s approval to report in Afghanistan. The militants confiscated the journalists' phones and interrogated them at an unknown…  
2258. Arrests, torture, beatings and jail - Inside Myanmar’s daily junta reality  

The military’s brutality is a daily reality for all the people of Myanmar. As Myanmar’s army prepares to deploy and reinforce its bases with hundreds of extra troops, the country’s media workers remain exposed to Covid-19 and under extreme threat, writes Phil Thornton. Myanmar’s military leaders used its armed forces to launch its coup and take control of the country from its elected government on February 1, 2021. In protest, millions of people took to the streets. The military responded to these protests by sending armed soldiers and police into residential areas to arrest defiant civilians, workers, students, doctors and nurses. In March, martial law was enforce in Yangon, snipers were…  
2259. Afghanistan: Two journalists among the casualties at Kabul airport  

Afghan journalist Ali Reza Ahmadi, who was reporting from the chaotic scenes at Kabul airport, was among those killed in the deadly bombing outside the Kabul airport on August 26. Another journalist Juhad Hamidi also died the same day at the airport. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Afghanistan affiliates, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) and the Afghanistan’s National Journalists Union (ANJU) continue to draw attention to the plight of the country’s media and the future for freedom of expression. Ali Reza Ahmadi, a reporter for the Raha news agency was killed in the Kabul airport suicide bombing on August 26, which also claimed the lives 170…  
2260. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 20 and 27 August 2021. English Maldives Journalists Association launches report on impunity for crimes against journalists, IFEX Afghanistan Evacuation Efforts Intensify Amid Reports of Taliban Searches for Journalists, Voice of America ‘Fake news’ law revision draws concern from international journalists, The Korea Times EBU joins call for G7 to protect journalists and media workers in Afghanistan, European Broadcasting Union Journalists’…  
2261. Afghanistan: "There is a sense of anger that so many journalists are being abandoned"  

As US troops prepare to leave Afghanistan on 31 August, the IFJ and its affiliates continue to help journalists and their families out of the country and provide support on the ground. IFJ Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Dear, who has been co-ordinating the federation's emergency response to the situation in Afghanistan tells us about the latest attempts to evacuate colleagues, the fantastic solidarity among world journalists and a sense of powerlessness at times. Together with IFJ team and affiliates on the ground you have been helping our colleagues in Afghanistan move to safe houses or leave country. What is the general feeling at the IFJ at the moment? J.D: There is a sense of…  
2262. Afghanistan: Chaos and fear as deadline looms, countries end evacuation efforts  

Despite ever growing requests for emergency evacuation from media workers in Afghanistan, a bomb blast at Kabul airport on August 26 has ended vital evacuation efforts for many countries. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Afghanistan affiliates, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) and the Afghanistan’s National Journalists Union (ANJU) express grave concern for Afghanistan’s media workers – both those still attempting to flee the country and the thousands more who will inevitably be left behind. US forces helping to evacuate Afghans desperate to flee Taliban rule were on alert for more attacks after at least one Islamic State suicide bomber killed…  
2263. Ukraine: President bans opposition media Strana.ua and sanctions editor-in-chief  

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj last week banned the opposition media news site Strana.ua and imposed sanctions on its editor-in-chief, Ihor Huzhva. Lawyers have criticised these measures for their “lack of legal basis”. This decision comes only six months after closing down three TV channels in early 2021. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have joined their affiliate in Ukraine, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), in calling this extrajudicial action a threat to press freedom and media pluralism in the country. On 21 August 2021, it was revealed that President Volodymyr Zelenskyj banned Strana.ua, one of the largest news sites in…  
2264. China: Concerns over journalist’s health on hunger strike  

There are rising concerns about Chinese journalist Zhang Zhan’s physical condition as her long-running hunger strike to protest her lack of guilt causes her health to deteriorate. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Chinese government to release Zhang Zhan so that she can receive proper medical care. Zhang was arrested in May 2020 and then sentenced in December to four years imprisonment for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.” Zhang uploaded dozens of videos to YouTube depicting different parts of Wuhan after the city was placed under strict lockdown rules in February 2020. Zhang’s arrest followed her publication of these videos which criticised the…  
2265. Cambodia: Concerns rise over governments establishment of National Human Rights Institution  

The Royal Government of Cambodia is moving towards the establishment of a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) after the Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) completed its first draft of the legislation to establish the institution. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Cambodian Journalists Association (CamboJA) urge the government to first restore human rights in Cambodia and create a productive environment for the institution to function properly and independently. The first draft of the NHRI legislation was proposed on May 31. A meeting was held to discuss it and to allow members of the CHRC to provide their inputs on it. On June 1 CHRC spokesman…  
2266. Pakistan: Holding governments accountable for Pakistan’s media woes  

A strong and independent media depends on progressive government and state policies. But in a country like Pakistan, where critical voices find little space and attacks on critical media continue, the dream of a free media remains elusive, writes Mazhar Abbas. Never before has Pakistan's media industry come across such challenges as it confronts right now. Setting aside threats to individual journalists - from disappearances to targeted killings or the question of freedom of the press - it is now a battle for survival. As the situation stands today, no-one knows what shape the media will take in the years to come. Not much space is left for independent and critical voices and things are…  
2267. Brasil: En las últimas semanas se registraron tres atentados contra periodistas  

En el municipio de Magé, Estado de Río de janeiro, dos periodistas fueron amenazados mediante ataques a sus vehículos. Lo mismo sucedió con otro comunicador en Belo Horizonte, quien también había sido intimidado el mes anterior. Los sindicatos locales y la Federación Nacional de Periodistas de Brasil (FENAJ) exigen rigor en las investigaciones para dar con lxs responsables de estos actos hostiles. En la madrugada del 17 de agosto el periodista, fundador del portal Impacto News y ex secretario de Comunicación del municipio de Magé, Vinicius Lourenço fue tiroteado mientras circulaba en su vehículo. Gracias a que es propietario de un automóvil blindado, el comunicador salió ileso del ataque,…  
2268. The Gambia: New law on access to information  

Gambian President Adama Barrow has signed on Wednesday 25 August the Access To Information (ATI) Bill into Law. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Gambia Press Union in celebrating this landmark development, noting that the law will not only facilitate the work of journalists but will also empower civil society to access government-held information to enhance accountability and transparency. Gambia's National Assembly passed the ATI Bill on 1 July 2021. Since 2016, various stakeholders and civil society organisations including the GPU had worked together to established the Civil Society Coalition on ATI, which had launched awareness campaigns…  
2269. Ali Reza Ahmadi  

The reporter for the Raha news agency was killed in the Kabul airport suicide bombing , which also claimed the lives 170 people, including 13 US service members. He had been reporting on the chaotic scenes at the airport, with thousands people seeking to leave Afghanistan after the Taliban captured the capital city and stormed back into power. The Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISKP) claimed responsibility for the bombing. Video shot by Afghan journalists showed dozens of bodies strewn around a canal on the edge of the airport. The Afghanistan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) reported that journalist Juhad Hamidi, a…  
2270. Afghanistan: Journalists unions mobilise to protect Afghan media workers  

UPDATED 26.08.21 As the Taliban now control the country, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates have called on governments and the international community to provide immediate support and protection to Afghan media workers and their families who are under threat. Here is a non-exhaustive list of ongoing demands. Europe Belgium: The Flemish Organisation of Journalists (VVJ) and the Association des Journalistes Professionels (AJP) are in dialogue with the State Secretary for Asylum and Migration regarding demands from afghan journalists seeking asylum. The Belgian government has agreed to provide asylum to 3 female journalists facing threats. Croatia: The…  
2271. Sri Lanka: Journalist ordered to 90-day detention for alleged intelligence breach  

Keerthi Ratnayake, a journalist affiliated with Lanka e News, was arrested on August 14 by Sri Lanka’s government and accused of providing intelligence information to the Indian embassy in Sri Lanka. He was charged under the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA). The International Federation of journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Free Media Movement (FMM), the Federation of Media Employees Trade Union (FMETU) and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) urge the authorities to immediately release Ratnayake. Police from the Colombo Crime Division (CCD) handcuffed Keerthi Ratnayake on August 14. Following his arrest, Ratnayake was asked to lead police…  
2272. Pakistan: Underpayment and sacking of journalists on the rise  

Recent studies by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) indicate large-scale forced dismissals of journalists from Pakistani media houses and non-payment of media workers arrears is increasing in Pakistan. The IFJ and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) call on the Pakistani government to take immediate steps to address the structural problems faced by media workers. IFJ’s South Asia Press Freedom Report, Truth In A Time Of Contagion, The Viral Frontline gauged the extent of media jobs lost since the pandemic began with 8,000 out of 20,000, two-fifth of media jobs cut. The PFUJ noted, as a result of the layoffs, “a large number…  
2273. New Survey On Needs Assessment In Reporting Migration And Forced Labour  

Help the IFJ design new training modules for journalists! Take part in the IFJ/ILO survey on needs assessment in reporting migration and forced labour. It will only take you 5 mn. Share our call among your colleagues! Responses needed by 10 September. Link: https://bit.ly/3sOEq4K Thank you! The survey's questions are available in English, French and Spanish. ILO, survey, migration, forced labour, global, reporting, colleagues, affiliates  
2274. Afghanistan: Civil society group calls on G7 leaders to support Afghan media workers  

UPDATED 25.08.21 As G7 leaders convene today, 24 August, to discuss evacuation efforts in Afghanistan over 50 civil society organisations, including the IFJ, have called on G7 countries to commit and take immediate action to support Afghan media workers to ensure their protection and evacuation. The signatories ask that G7 members: 1. Make an explicit commitment to evacuate all journalists, media workers and media advocates at risk, and their families 2. Ease visa restrictions for all Afghan journalists, media workers, media advocates and their families seeking asylum 3. Simplify and secure the process for visa application, and collaborate with third countries when possible 4. Provide…  
2275. Afghanistan: Media groups call on governments to take immediate action  

A group of media support organisations, including the IFJ, has called on the Media Freedom Coalition (MFC) of governments to commit and take immediate action to support Afghan media workers. The media support organisations recommend a number of immediate actions that can be taken by the MFC to support those at risk and urge a coordinated and rapid response. Actions should include: 1) Help journalists at risk and their families who need to get out of the country Actions include the granting of visas, safe passage to the airport and other key routes, keep forces at the airport to secure evacuation 2) Ease funding transfer to Afghanistan 3) Insist on Afghanistan…  
2276. Myanmar: Journalists arrested and held in Yangon interrogation centre  

Sithu Aung Myint, a political analyst for Voice of America and Frontier Myanmar, and BBC Media Action senior producer Htet Htet Khine, were arrested by police and taken to a Yangon interrogation centre on August 15. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the State Administrative Council to release Myint and Khine. Police arrested Myint, Khine and two other people at 10 pm during a raid of Myint’s apartment at Thri Mon Einyar in Bahan township, Yangon. Police threatened Myint and the others to open their door and switch on their laptops. Authorities reportedly also threatened people in the area to turn a blind eye to the arrest. Police are holding the two journalists at Shwe…  
2277. Maldives: MJA launches report on impunity for crimes against journalists  

The Maldives Journalists Association (MJA), the Maldives affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) launches its report entitled 'Chasing Justice on impunity for crimes against journalists' in Maldives on August 22. The report, prepared jointly with the IFJ, provides a broad picture of the violence faced by Maldivian journalists. The report describes the types of violence and threats journalists encounter along with the nature and frequency of different types of violations. The first chapter of the report looks at the political history of the Maldives and the impact of autocratic governments on freedom of expression and press freedom. The chapter highlights…  
2278. Afghanistan: Taliban raid Enikaas TV head’s home  

Armed Taliban militants raided the house of Zalmai Lotfi, the head of Enikaas TV, on August 20. The International Federation of Journalists and its Afghanistan affiliate the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) condemn the attack and calls on Taliban leaders to respect the media. According to the AIJA, Taliban militants raided the home of Zalma at around 10 am, searched for him and took away his car and other office equipment. It is reported that Taliban seized weapons from his house. According to AIJA, Zalmai had earlier gone into hiding fearing the possibility of an attack against him. Despite conciliatory messages toward respect for press freedom by Taliban…  
2279. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 13 and 20 August 2021. English Afghanistan: Germany to cut Kabul embassy staff to ‘minimum’, Deutsche Welle IFJ Expresses Solidarity With Journalists Working in Afghanistan, News Ghana Government must immediately offer refuge to Afghan media workers, says MEAA, Mirage News IFJ Backs UN Experts’ Call For Moratorium On Sale Of Surveillance Tech, UrduPoint Afghanistan Journalists: How You Can Help, Jewish Journal Robber shoots dead Philippines…  
2280. México: asesinan al periodista Jacinto Romero Flores en Veracruz  

El comunicador se encontraba circulando por el área de Potrerillo, en el municipio de Ixtaczoquitlán, cuando fue interceptado y baleado. Flores había denunciado amenazas por su labor periodística, tal como lo informa el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP), quienes condenan el crimen y piden a la Fiscalía General que no abandonen el caso. El periodista de 61 años se desempeñaba como locutor en Radio Oriestereo y realizaba coberturas en el área serrana. En marzo de 2020 había denunciado ante las autoridades una serie de amenazas vinculadas a su trabajo periodístico, en las que lo instaban a dejar de escribir. Por este motivo, había solicitado a la Comisión Estatal para la…  
2281. Jacinto Romero Flores  

The 61-year-old presenter on Radio Oriestereo was gunned down in the locality of Ixtaczoquitlán in the state of Veracruz. According to the Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP, an IFJ affiliate, Flores had received threats in 2020 because of his work. He reported them to the authorities and asked for protection measures. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
2282. South Korea: Concerns over media law amendment  

South Korea’s Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee of the National Assembly have introduced amendments to the Press Arbitration Act, that include additional punitive damages for media reports. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK) call for the repeal of the bill due to the way in which it represses freedom of expression and urge the National Assembly to vote no on the bill in the plenary session on August 25. On July 27, the Democratic Party of Korea held a subcommittee meeting of the National Assembly where the Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee, led by ruling Democratic Party lawmaker Do Jong-hwan, passed a…  
2283. Afghanistan: Taliban takes two female journalists off air  

Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA) news anchor Khadija Amin and news presenter Shabnam Dawran were removed from their posts and taken off air by the Taliban on August 15. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) remains concerned at the situation now confronting women journalists working in the country under Taliban leadership and the impact on media reporting. After the Taliban’s capture of Kabul on August 15, members of the organisation arrived at RTA where amale Taliban ‘official’ is understood to have taken the place of Amin as anchor of the network and relayed statements from the organisation’s leadership. When Amin returned to the station on August 18, she was instructed by…  
2284. Afghanistan: "We have received hundreds of requests for help"  

"We had one instance of a family being threatened and told the only way they would be left in peace is if their daughter - a journalist - married the local Taliban commander." As the taliban now control the country, the IFJ monitoring of the situation on the ground and the many requests for emergency support reveal panic and fear amongst Afghanistan’s media community. Jeremy Dear is the IFJ Deputy General Secretary and is co-ordinating the emergency response to the situation in Afghanistan. He tells us about the situation on the ground and how the federation and its local affiliates are helping journalists in need. How can you describe the situation of journalists and other media…  
2285. Philippines: Editor shot dead in Quezon City  

On August 17, tabloid editor Gwenn Salamida was shot dead by a robber in her recently opened salon in Quezon City. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) call for a rapid investigation into this murder to assure justice for Gwenn Salamida and her family. The shooting took place at Salamida’s salon in Barangay Apolonio Samson at around 3:35pm. Salamida was shot after the murdered barged inside, declaring a heist, and shot the victims when Salamida resisted. Salamida was a former editor of Remate Online and had been working recently for another tabloid, Saksi Ngayon. The Presidential Task Force on…  
2286. Haití: tras el terremoto, es urgente la solidaridad con periodistas que han perdido sus hogares  

Luego del terremoto del sábado 14 de agosto y las tormentas de los últimos días, Haití enfrenta una enorme crisis humanitaria debido a las más de 2100 muertes, lxs 12 mil heridxs y 300 desaparecidxs. A las pérdidas humanas se suman los daños materiales, que han significado la destrucción de más de 50 mil viviendas, dejando a miles de familias a la intemperie. Nuestra organización afiliada, la Asociación de Periodistas Haitianxs (AJH por su sigla en francés) se encuentra trabajando para asistir a lxs colegas heridxs y a aquellxs que han perdido sus hogares. A la ya difícil situación que atravesaba el país luego de la crisis política tras el asesinato del presidente Jovenel Moïse y los…  
2287. Paraguay: el Estado se allana a la demanda por el caso del periodista Santiago Leguizamón  

A más de 30 años del asesinato de Leguizamón, el presidente Mario Abdo Benítez anunció que no se apelará la demanda realizada por la familia del comunicador, en la que acusan al Estado paraguayo de inacción para el esclarecimiento del caso. La causa se tramita en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CorteIDH) luego de que la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) responsabilizara al Estado por omisión en la protección del derecho a la libertad de expresión. Santiago Leguizamón Zaván era director y propietario de la Radio Mburucuyá de Pedro Juan Caballero y corresponsal del Canal 13 y los diarios Noticias y Última Hora en esa ciudad. Conducía y dirigía un programa…  
2288. India: Jammu and Kashmir Police assault journalists covering Muharram procession  

Jammu and Kashmir police chased a group of journalists and attacked them with batons while they were covering the Muharram procession in Srinagar on August 17. The International Federation of Journalists (IF) and its Indian affiliates, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and National Union of Journalists – India (NUJ-I) condemn the police’s behaviour and urge the government to bring justice to the guilty police officials involved in this repressive act. More than twelve journalists, most of them photo and video journalists, were blocked, harassed and beaten up when they were covering the Muharram, a mourning procession conducted by Shia Muslims to mark the martyrdom of the Prophet…  
2289. Afghanistan: Taliban raids belie proclamations, media at heightened anxiety  

Taliban militants carried out search operations in homes of at least three employees of German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) and a freelance journalist and interpreter on August 18. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges for the necessary evacuation of media workers at critical risk in Afghanistan and asks the international community to expedite all evacuation and rescue operations. According to a press statement issued by the DW, houses of at least three of its staffers, who have been reporting from Afghanistan for years and are well known in Afghanistan, were raided. It reported that many DW staffers are living in grave risk. “With the Taliban takeover, the…  
2290. Yémen : formation à la sécurité des femmes journalistes  

En collaboration avec son affilié, le Syndicat des journalistes Yéménites (SJY), la FIJ a organisé une formation sur la sécurité des femmes journalistes dans la capitale provisoire, Aden, dans le sud du pays, les 10 et 11 août dernier. Cette formation, animée par Maiadah Al-Shargabi, membre du réseau des formateurs de la sécurité des journalistes du Monde-Arabe et du Moyen-Orient de la FIJ, a réuni un groupe de 18 femmes journalistes. Des thèmes essentiels ont été abordés tels que les risques spécifiques auxquels sont confrontés les femmes journalistes, agressions verbales et tentatives d'intimidation, travailler dans des zones à risques (foule, manifestation), l'absence de protection…  
2291. Perú: alerta por el hostigamiento y persecución judicial contra un periodista  

La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) denunció que el periodista Carlos Yofré López Sifuentes es víctima de una operación de sectores del poder judicial a los que él habría investigado. Dos miembros de la justicia peruana lo denunciaron por calumnias e injurias, y en uno de los casos ya se falló en contra del comunicador, que se encuentra detenido en una cárcel desde mediados de julio por una supuesta deuda de alimentos que ya habría sido saldada. Carlos Yofré López Sifuentes es periodista del portal Barranca.pe, medio a través del cual reveló irregularidades en la Corte Superior de Justicia de la provincia de Huaura. Luego de sus investigaciones, el trabajador de prensa fue…  
2292. Afghanistán: la FIP lanza una campaña de solidaridad internacional ante la violencia Taliban contra periodistas  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha lanzado una campaña de solidaridad internacional para lxs periodistas afganxs a medida que crece la amenaza de violencia y el cierre de medios de comunicación tras la toma de control de los Taliban sobre gran parte del territorio. En las últimas semanas, los Taliban han logrado grandes triunfos territoriales a lo largo de Afghanistán, acompañados de un crecimiento en la violencia y amenazas contra periodistas y medios independientes. En las regiones que han ganado, medios de comunicación han sido obligados a cerrar o a difundir propaganda. Lxs trabajadorxs han huido o se escondieron. Más de 1200 periodistas y trabajadorxs de los medios…  
2293. Afghanistán: los gobiernos deben ayudar a los defensores y defensoras de los derechos humanos  

Luego de una semana de triunfos constantes de los combatientes Taliban, que ganaron una docena de ciudades a lo largo de Afghanistán en una ofensiva relámpago, la capital del país, Kabul, cayó bajo control del régimen Taliban el 15 de agosto. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas envió un mensaje de solidaridad y fuerza para lxs miembrxs de los medios de comunicación e insta a los gobiernos y a la comunidad internacional a proveer apoyo y protección urgente a los trabajadores de prensa afganos. Mientras el presidente Ashraf Ghani abandonaba el país, combatientes Taliban ingresaron a la capital durante la noche del 15 de agosto, encontrando poca resistencia de las fuerzas de seguridad…  
2294. DRC: Journalist and wife stabbed to death  

The Director of Baronnie de Byakato radio – television, Joel Mumbere Musavuli, was stabbed and killed with his wife at his home by suspected Mai- Mai militiamen, a community based militia group, in the early hours of Saturday, 14 August 2021. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the murders and calls on the Congolese Government to bring the perpetrators to justice. Joel Mumbere Musavuli is a journalist and the director of Baronnie de Byakato, the Biakato Community radio station. According to local reports from Ituri, the troubled north eastern province of the DRC, Musavuli was “stabbed in the ribs and neck” at around 1:30 am while his wife was seriously wounded with…  
2295. Cambodia: Authorities confiscate journalists’ press card and materials  

Authorities from the Meanchey district in the south-eastern part of Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh, confiscated An Vichet, a freelance journalists’ press card, and forced Voice of America (VOA) reporter Lors Lib Lib to delete pictures and videos of the police demolishing a house. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA), condemn authorities intervening with independent journalism. On August 13, An Vichet and Lors Lib Lib reported on the land dispute between authorities and residents in Meanchey district, capturing authorities demolishing resident’s property. According to IFJ’s…  
2296. Pakistan: Journalist in ICU after attack by a political mob  

Ghulam Qadir Shar, a Pakistani journalist, working for Time News and Daily Panhanji Akhbar, was attacked by a local political leader’s supporters in Sanghar, Sindh province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), call on the Pakistani authorities to provide justice for the journalist and create security mechanisms to ensure the safety of all journalists in Pakistan. Ghulam Qadir Shar was attacked by the sons and supporters of Kamal Uddin Shar while returning home on August 13.  Kamal Uddin Shar is the local leader of the Pakistan People’s Party in Workshop City, Sanghar and a prominent…  
2297. Afghanistan: Governments must help Afghanistan’s human rights defenders  

UPDATED 17.08.21 After a week of steady gains by Taliban militants, who captured dozens of cities across Afghanistan in a lightning offensive, the country’s capital of Kabul fell to Taliban control on August 15. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) sent a message of solidarity and strength to the country’s media community and urges governments and the international community to provide urgent support and protection to Afghan media workers. As President Ashraf Ghani fled the country via aircraft, Taliban militants poured into the capital late on August 15, meeting little resistance from security forces and sending the city into chaos as tens of thousands of people attempted to…  
2298. Joel Mumbere Musavuli  

  The Director of Baronnie de Byakato radio – television was stabbed and killed with his wife at his home by suspected Mai- Mai militiamen, a community based militia group. According to local reports from Ituri, the troubled north eastern province of the DRC,Musavuli was “stabbed in the ribs and neck” at around 1:30 am while his wife was seriously wounded with a machete and later died from her injuries. “Joel Musavuli had been threatened after fronting a programme on 26 June, which looked into the activities of the armed groups,” reports quoted family sources as saying. Journalists' safety, Democratic Republic of Congo, IFJ, Impunity  
2299. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 6 and 13 August 2021. English Int’l Federation Of Journalists Making Effort To Secure Assistance For Afghan Reporters, UrduPoint EU foreign ministry raises concerns over violence against journalists in Pakistan, The Times of India Global Media Bodies Condemn Arrest of Two Pakistani Journalists Under Cybercrime Act, The Wire Exiled Pakistanis warned of threats in UK, Dawn Journalists worldwide demand end to Assange’s politically motivated…  
2300. IFJ welcomes UN experts’ call for a moratorium on sale of spyware  

Human rights experts working with the United Nations have called for a global moratorium on the sale and transfer of surveillance technology until countries implement stronger regulation of its use. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports the recommendation, issued on 12 August, and urges countries to agree to the move. On 18 July, an investigation led by 80 journalists worldwide and known as the Pegasus Project revealed that nearly 200 journalists around the world had been spied on using Pegasus software, a tool developed by the Israeli cybersurveillance company NSO and sold to a number of clients, including states. Human rights defenders, political opponents, criminals,…  
2301. Philippines: Cyber-libel charges against Maria Ressa dismissed  

A global coalition supporting Filipino journalist Maria Ressa has welcomed the dismissal of cyber-libel charges against the Rappler CEO and founder. It is the second spurious charge against Ressa to be dropped in just two months. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the #HoldTheLine coalition call for all remaining charges to be immediately dropped and the endless pressure against Ressa and Rappler to be ceased. In a hearing on August 10, a Manila court dismissed the case “with prejudice” after the complainant, college professor Ariel Pineda, informed the court he no longer wished to pursue the cyber-libel claim against Ressa and Rappler reporter Rambo Talabong. The move…  
2302. Pakistan: Proposed media regulatory authority rejected by Pakistani media  

A coalition of Pakistani media stakeholders and leaders is calling for the rejection of the proposed Pakistan Media Regularity Authority (PMDA) which it says will stop the flow of information in the country and restrict free, independent and responsible media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) call on Pakistan’s lawmakers to immediately withdraw the proposal for a new body. The coalition, which includes the All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS), the Council of Pakistan Newspapers Editors (CPNE), the Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA), Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists and the Association…  
2303. Pakistan: Unknown killers murder journalist  

Pakistani journalist, Kashif Hussain, was killed in Wanike Tarrar, a small town in the District of Hafizabad. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) urges the Pakistan authorities to progress with the investigation and arrest the culprit responsible. Kashif Hussain was murdered late at night on August 10 in the Vanike Tarar area of Hafizabad in Pakistan’s Punjab province. He was a correspondent for Daily Khabrain and Daily Qomi Akhbar. Hussain had been living separately from the rest of his family and was found dead in his own home; his throat was cut with a sharp instrument. Local civilians have reported that…  
2304. China/Australia: Media calls on China to release Australian journalist Cheng Lei  

One year on from her detainment by Chinese authorities on “suspicion of illegally supplying state secrets overseas”, a journalist and media collective is calling on the Chinese authorities to show compassion and release Australian journalist Cheng Lei. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) implores the Chinese authorities to release Cheng and to allow her to be reunited with her young family in Australia. Cheng, who was a business anchor with the China state media outlet China Global Television Network (CGTN), was taken into detention on August 13, 2020, and held for five months before being formally arrested on February 5, 2021. If found guilty, the charges of face a prison…  
2305. Uruguay: el gobierno promueve modificaciones a la Ley de Medios que podrían afectar directamente a las radios comunitarias  

La Coordinación por una Comunicación Democrática, de la cual forma parte la Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya, expresó mediante un comunicado su preocupación ante la incorporación de ciertos artículos en la Rendición de Cuentas anual que alteran la Ley de Medios vigente. Estos cambios impactarían principalmente en las radios comunitarias del interior del país. En el proyecto de Rendición de Cuentas que el gobierno del presidente Luis Lacalle Pou envió al Parlamento uruguayo, se introdujeron una serie de modificaciones que implicarían que un importante número de radios comunitarias dejen de existir. Hoy en día, la adjudicación de frecuencias para este tipo de medios implicaba procesos mucho…  
2306. Afghanistan: IFJ launches international solidarity campaign as Taliban violence threatens journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today launched an international solidarity campaign with Afghan journalists as the threat of violence grows and media are forced to close in the wake of the Taliban taking control of large parts of the country. Over the past few weeks, the Taliban have made huge territorial gains across Afghanistan accompanied by a surge in violence and threats against journalists and independent media. In regions that the Taliban have seized, media outlets have been forced to close or carry Taliban propaganda. Staff have fled or have gone in to hiding. Over 1,200 journalists and media workers have already lost their jobs with many more under…  
2307. DRC: Journalist killed in North Kivu Province  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined UNESCO in condemning the brutal murder of a journalist working with the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). Heritier Magayane was killed on Saturday, 7 August when his throat was slit by unidentified attackers. The IFJ joins its affiliates in the DRC in calling for a full investigation and for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. According to local reports, Heritier Magayane, 26 “was killed in the Bunyangula neighbourhood about 70 Km from Goma Town, in Rutshuru territory of North Kivu Province. He had earlier received a call from someone asking to meet him and was killed after reaching the venue”. The…  
2308. Assange extradition threat increases / Tim Dawson  

The threat of extradition grew for Julian Assange yesterday as a judge ruled that the US could expand the basis of its appeal. At the High Court, lawyers for the US government and Wikileaks founder Mr Assange made preliminary arguments before Lord Justice Holroyde and Mrs Justice Farbey. After a multi-week extradition hearing, District Judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled in January that Mr Assange should not be sent to the US, citing a real risk of suicide. The US government was allowed a limited appeal against her decision on three grounds, but the latest ruling adds two further points which open significant elements of the psychiatric evidence to challenge. From the early hours, supporters…  
2309. México: la periodista Azucena Uresti fue amenazada por uno de los cárteles más violentos del país  

El Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) emitió un video en el cual su líder, Nemesio Rubén Oseguera Cervantes, amenazó directamente a la comunicadora y a la empresa de medios en la que se desempeña. Por esta situación, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador se solidarizó con Uresti y aseguró que contará con un mecanismo de protección para garantizar su integridad física. El 9 de agosto, circuló en redes sociales el video en el que el cártel le reclama a medios de comunicación nacionales que “sean parejos” a la hora de comunicar acerca de los grupos criminales que operan en Michoacán. Sobre la periodista dijeron: “Azucena Uresti donde sea que estés, doy contigo y te haré que te comas…  
2310. Poland: Parliament must vote against “lex TVN” bill  

The Polish parliament is discussing measures to ban non-European owners from controlling more than a 49% stake in Polish media companies. The move, dubbed the “lex TVN”, represents a direct attack on the critical and independent US-owned TVN and TVN24. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are urging the members of the Polish parliament, Sejm, to oppose this draft law during the debate on 11 August as it poses a clear threat to media pluralism and ownership. The bill would effectively push the US company Discovery Inc. to sell its controlling stake in TVN. Next to this draft bill, there is an ongoing deadlock over the…  
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