15063 results:

11691. IFJ Applauds Initiatives Promoting Freedom of Information (FOI) Laws in Africa  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) applauds the efforts taken by coalitions to promote Freedom of Information (FOI) Laws in Africa and reaffirms its unflinching support and collaboration with the stakeholders involved in the process.Today as we commemorate the International Right to Know Day, the IFJ reiterate its support to the FOI coalitions in Africa and calls on its affiliates to join the movement in order to guarantee access to information and protection of sources in Africa“Most journalists in Africa do rely on rumours when they have no access to public information,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. “FOI laws will allow citizens, including…  
11695. Creators’ call for the inclusion of authors’ and performers’ rights in the European cultural agenda  

(a PDF version is available here) The undersigned organizations represent the interests of hundreds of thousands of Europe’s creative talents, including writers, screenwriters, journalists, photographers, visual artists, performers or other creators. We welcome the European Commission’s Communication on a European agenda for culture in a globalizing world. In particular, we welcome the Commission’s ambition to further develop the dialogue between the cultural sector and the EU institutions, notably through a “Cultural Forum”. We congratulate the Portuguese Presidency for taking the initiative to organize the first Cultural Forum for Europe on 26-27…  
11703. IFJ Supports Russian Union as It Sets Plans for “Battles and Challenges Ahead”  

Over one thousand members of the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) gathered in Sochi on the Black Sea with the support of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) for a four-day festival of journalism, the biggest of its kind. IFJ President Jim Boumelha, addressing the official opening ceremony, paid tribute to the RUJ’s tradition of internationalism and thanked the journalists for the commitment and dedication of their union over the years to the cause of international solidarity. The annual festival of Dagomys brings together journalists from all the regions of Russia to discuss the main issues of the day, debate solutions, showcase their achievements, agree on…  
11711. IFJ Fears Detained Journalist Killed in The Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its fear that Chief Ebrima Manneh, who has been missing for more than a year and was reportedly being held incommunicado, has been killed in jail in The Gambia. “This information is extremely devastating for the media community in The Gambia and journalists around the world,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. “We call on the Gambian Police, the NIA and government to provide evidence that Chief Ebrima Manneh is alive as we firmly believe that they know his whereabouts.” Manneh, a reporter with the pro-government Daily Observer newspaper has been missing since 7 July 2006 and…  
11713. IFJ Calls on Niger to Release Journalist Accused of Links with Rebels  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of Niger to release journalist Moussa Kaka, who has been arrested and detained on charges of endangering the safety of the state for suspected links with Tuareg rebels. “The accusations against Moussa are baseless and this masquerade only aims to intimidate journalists who cover the Northern Niger rebellion,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the government of Niger to release immediately and unconditionally Moussa and to withdraw all the charges against him.” Kaka, local correspondent of Radio France International (RFI) and director of the…  
11714. IFJ Warns over US Detention of Al-Jazeera Cameraman, Calls for International Campaign for His Release  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today issued a new call for the immediate release of Al-Jazeera cameraman, Sami al-Haj, the only journalist being held by the United Sates in Guantanamo Bay, after his lawyers described him in “a serious physical and mental decline,” following a 250-day hunger strike. Sudan-born Sami Muhyideen al-Haj has been held at Guantanamo since he was picked up at the Pakistan/Afghanistan border in December 2001. He has been tortured and accused of terrorism offences, although he has never been charged or brought to trial. “Our colleague’s health is rapidly deteriorating and his relatives now fear for his life. The time…  
11715. IFJ Demands Safety Guarantees for Zimbabwe Journalists after Media Hit List Leaked from Government  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of Zimbabwe to guarantee the safety of 15 journalists named on a hit list that appeared to have been leaked from official sources. “The government of President Robert Mugabe must make it clear to the international community that it is not targeting journalists,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “It can do that by guaranteeing the safety of all the journalists named and all other journalists in Zimbabwe.” The IFJ was shocked to learn of what appears to be a list of journalists who are accused of working with “hostile anti-Zimbabwean western [sic] governments”…  
11721. IFJ Calls for Probe After Targeted Attack on Investigative Reporter in Brazil  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the shooting of an investigative journalist in Brasilia who has been writing a series of articles about drug-trafficking violence. “It is unacceptable that investigative journalists remain exposed to thugs and gangsters and have to face serious dangers just for doing their job,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “We urge Brazilian media employers to ensure that their staff are properly trained in risk assessment and we are calling on Brazilian authorities to make a swift investigation into this incident and to bring those responsible to justice.” Amaury Ribeiro Jr., a reporter for Brazilian…  
11722. IFJ Demands Somali Government Allow Radio Shabelle Back on the Airwaves Immediately  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today demanded that the Somali government allow private radio station Radio Shabelle to return to the airwaves and start broadcasting immediately. “We are calling on the government to end its attacks on Radio Shabelle and allow it to resume its broadcasts,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. “The government must stop its harassment and intimidation of media and allow all media organisations to operate freely.” Radio Shabelle has been off the air since Tuesday, the second day its offices in Mogadishu were besieged by government troops. Staff were evacuated from the building on Tuesday…  
11724. Pakistani journalist abducted, interrogated  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed anger at the Pakistani Government for allegedly abducting and interrogating senior a DAWN TV correspondent. According to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, Babar Hussain was reportedly arrested by members of the intelligence agency and was subjected to intensive questioning about his family, work and political leanings.It appears that his mistreatment occurred in response to his recent reporting on the latest suicide bombing in the capital.IFJ Asia Pacific Director Jacqueline Park condemned Hussain’s treatment as ‘horrendous’ and a breach of the most very basic of human…  
11728. IFJ Slams “Terror Tactics” of Somali Government as Troops Lay Siege to Radio Station  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to stop terrorising media after security forces besieged Shabelle Radio, a private radio station, and opened fire on at the building. A security guard is thought to have been wounded in the assault. The attack comes just three days after the police force raided Shabelle Radio and briefly detained 17 journalists and other staff. “The terror tactics of government forces are putting the lives of Shabelle Radio journalists at risk,” said Gabriel Baglo, the Director of IFJ Africa office. “It is shocking intimidation that must be stopped.” This…  
11729. China Frees New York Times Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of New York Times journalist Zhao Yan after serving a three year term for fraud in Beijing. Yan was detained in 2004 on allegations that he had leaked state secrets after the Times published a story correctly predicting the resignation of former president Jiang Zemin, who gave up his post as chairman of the Central Military Commission. Yan has always vigorously denied being the source of the story. While Yan’s release has long been promised by the Chinese government, IFJ Asia Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said China had a long way to go before journalists were granted basic freedom of…  
11732. IFJ Calls for the End of Intimidation of Journalists Reporting on Good Governance in Côte d’Ivoire  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the recent interrogations, threats and harassment of journalists reporting on government spending in Côte d’Ivoire. Three journalists have been interrogated for the last three days by criminal police and threatened with death by a Member of Parliament, in relation to articles said to be defamatory towards the President and some members of the ruling party. The MP and the First Lady have filed slander complaints against the private daily newspaper Le Rebond. “There are efficient media self-regulation bodies in Côte d’Ivoire where this kind of cases should be solved instead of in courts or…  
11735. IFJ Calls on Palestinian Factions to End Pressure on Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today warned warring factions in Palestine to stop using the media and pressurizing journalists in their political struggle. The IFJ says that both Hamas and Fatah factions in Palestine are putting unacceptable pressure on journalists following a series of recent incidents in which journalists have been harassed and subject to intimidation. “The political problems of Palestine will not be solved by the violent intimidation of journalistic freedom,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “All sides in Palestine must allow journalists to report freely and a free press to function.” On Sunday security…  
11736. IFJ Condemns Ukraine Government “Sabotage” in Investigation of Journalist Gongadze’s Murder  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today launched in Kiev its third report on the investigation of the murder of Ukrainian journalist Georgy Gongadze. The report was launched in advance of the seventh anniversary of his death on September 16th. The case of Gongadze, the founding editor of the Ukrainska Pravda web site, concerns above all the impunity of those in power who sanction violence and intimidation against journalists “Seven years after the assassination of Gongadze, this new report provides once again ample evidence that, despite prima facie evidence that senior politicians colluded in harming him, the Ukranian government continues to frustrate and…  
11738. Pakistani Prime minister causes uproar  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned statements recently attributed to Pakistani Prime Minister Shoukat Aziz, in which he claimed there was ”disunity” amongst newspaper workers in regards to the implementation of wage awards. IFJ Asia Pacific Director Jacqueline Park expressed her disapproval of the Prime Minister’s statements and urged the Government to implement better wage awards immediately. ‘’Workers’ rights are imperative in any organisation and the installation of better wage awards, particularly the Seventh Wage Award, is crucial,’’ Park said. ‘’Shifting the blame onto the heads of…  
11739. IFJ Urges Zimbabwe to Stop “Choking” Independent Journalism  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged the government of Zimbabwe to put and end to the ongoing crackdown on the media in the wake of increasing attacks on media professionals and the enactment of a draconian communication bill that could lead to monitoring of journalists’ communications. The attacks have been on both local and foreign media. On September 3 Shinji Ito a journalist with the South Africa office of Japanese Kyodo News Agency was arrested, detained, and interrogated for three hours by Zimbabwean police after he was seen taking photographs in the capital city Harare. Ito was shooting people queuing to buy basic commodities, which are in short…  
11742. IFJ Calls on DRC Authorities to Release Detained Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo to release Noëlla Mwambikwa, a journalist with Congolese National Radio and Television station (RTNC), who has been detained since her arrest by army intelligence on Tuesday for alleged links with a rebel leader. “We condemn the illegal detention of Noëlla and the continuing harassment of media professionals in DRC,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the Goma and Kinshasa military authorities to release her immediately and unconditionally.” Noëlla Mwambikwa was arrested by officers of the…  
11744. IFJ Condemns Murder of Colombian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the killing of Colombian journalist Javier Darío Arroyave, who was found stabbed to death in his apartment in the city of Cartago on Wednesday morning. His killing comes amidst a wave of attacks on journalists throughout the country. On Tuesday in the city of Santa Marta, Idinael Fernández, a Radio Galeón journalist, was threatened by the President of Santa Marta Association of Attorneys, who was upset about the coverage he had received in his trial for sexually abusing his two daughters. In another recent attack in the oil port of Barrancabermeja, two journalists working for the recently…  
11747. EFJ Condemns Rugby World Cup Plan to Control Photographers  

Today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European branch of the International Federation of Journalists, condemned a plan by the International Rugby Board (IRB) to limit the rights of photographers covering the sport’s World Cup, which opens this Friday in France. “The sport business, just like show business, strips off journalists’ rights by threatening basic rights such as authors’ rights and access to public events”, said EFJ Chair Arne König. “It’s not acceptable that a sports organisation only give media accreditations to certain journalists who give the IRB control over their work. We had similar experiences…  
11751. IFJ Condemns Death Threats against a Leader of Journalists Union in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the end of the death threats against Ali Moallim Isak, a leader of the Somali journalists union after he received anonymous threatening telephone calls and two armed men went to search for him at the union office in the capital Mogadishu. “We condemn these threats against Ali and express our solidarity with him and his colleagues working in this chaotic situation,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “Ali and his colleagues are now targeted because their work disturbs some people who claim they are fighting for democracy but ignore the fact that press freedom is one of the bases of…  
11753. IFJ Urges President of Guinea-Bissau to Support Journalists Reporting on Drug Trafficking  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today wrote to President Joao Bernardo Vieira of Guinea Bissau urging him to put an end to the harassment of journalists reporting on drug trafficking in Guinea-Bissau. “We are dismayed that one reporter who interpreted for ITN News, a British television investigating drug trafficking has been charged with libel after the head of the navy filed a complaint against him,” wrote Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “Threats against another reporter who has written about the drug trade have pushed him into hiding.” Albert Dabo, a journalist working with Reuters and the private radio station Bombolom…  
11754. Bargaining Victory Ends Six-month Battle for Freelance Union Rights in Denmark  

Only days after a Danish labour court granted freelance journalists the right to be represented by their union in bargaining arrangements a landmark collective agreement has been reached with one of the country’s major publishers. The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed the signing of an agreement between the Danish Journalists’ Union and Aller Press, which controls 80 per cent of the Danish magazine market, ending a six-month struggle to establish the right of freelancers to be represented like employed staff in negotiations. One key point of the deal is agreement protecting authors rights' of freelance journalists at the company. “This is a great way to end a…  
11757. Bargaining Victory Ends Six-month Battle for Freelance Union Rights in Denmark  

Only days after a Danish labour court granted freelance journalists the right to be represented by their union in bargaining arrangements a landmark collective agreement has been reached with one of the country’s major publishers. The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed the signing of an agreement between the Danish Journalists’ Union and Aller Press, which controls 80 per cent of the Danish magazine market, ending a six-month struggle to establish the right of freelancers to be represented like employed staff in negotiations. One key point of the deal is agreement protecting authors rights' of freelance journalists at the company. “This is a great…  
11759. IFJ Condemns Latest Attack on Journalist in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the assault on journalist Abdul Karim Al-Khaiwani who has been repeatedly harassed by the government for his critical views and was attacked last Monday by unknown assailants suspected of being security officers. “Our colleague is being singled out and targeted in an attempt to stifle independent voices in the media,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “The Yemeni authorities must prove their commitment to free journalism and punish those responsible for this attack.” Al-Khaiwani was set upon in broad daylight in the centre of Sana'a just after meeting with European Union officials,…  
11760. Sri Lankan Defence Journalist in Danger After Exposing Government Corruption  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed to learn of several recent threats to the security of a defence journalist Iqbal Athas after his exposure of a major arms deal with the Ukrainian Government. The IFJ views these threats as blatant attempts to silence this respected investigative journalist and discourage reporting on Government affairs According to IFJ affiliates, including the Free Media Movement (FMM), a demonstration attended by more than 50 protesters and conducted in front of Athas’ Colombo home in Negegoda, was allegedly led by government politicians who accused Athas of abusing freedom of expression and exposing national security issues. The…  
Search results 11691 until 11760 of 15063