15063 results:

11761. IFJ Condemns Dismissal of Eight Journalists by Newspaper in DRC  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the dismissal of eight journalists at Congolese newspaper L’Avenir after the management said they had to cut jobs due to economic concerns and then subsequently advertised for new workers to replace them. “The management of L’Avenir should have at least had the courage to be honest with the journalists when it dismissed them,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “Unless there is a legitimate reason for these sackings, they must be reinstated.” On 2 August, journalists Jeriva Mukumadi, Tantia Sakata, Ferdinand Kato, Anselme Mia Pongo, Fifi Nyakio, Mukendi Octave,…  
11763. IFJ Welcomes Politkovskaya Arrests But Says More Evidence Needed of Russian Action to Counter Impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today gave a cautious welcome to news that 10 people have been arrested for their involvement in the murder of Russian investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya. “We are pleased that arrests have been made,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “But like our colleagues in Russia we are anxious for more information. We need to know that not only the hired killers of Anna Politkovskaya are brought to justice, but also those who ordered her assassination.” The IFJ, which is supporting an investigation of unexplained killings of journalists in Russia over the past 15 years, says it will watch developments…  
11764. IFJ Condemns Hamas Harassment and Targeting of Journalists’ Union Leadership in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned an attempt yesterday by armed Hamas militia to arrest a journalists’ union leader in Gaza. The attempt failed only because local reporters formed a human chain around his home in protest. "The IFJ gives its full support to the journalists of Gaza in their fight against harassment of journalists and media by Hamas armed groups,” said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President, today. “We demand that the authorities in Gaza ensure that journalists can do their job in full security. They must bring an end this targeting of journalists and allow Palestinian media to function without any interference.” The IFJ reacted…  
11765. Detail  

The The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed a court victory that gives new hope to thousands of freelance journalists who support union action and collective bargaining to defend their working conditions. The Danish Labour Court has ruled that a union blockade of the magazine publisher Aller A/S because of its policy of trying to impose non-negotiated contracts on freelance journalists is not contrary to labour law. “This is a watershed verdict because it destroys the employer argument that freelance journalists are only self-employed business people and not, as the union argues, wage-earners with…  
11769. IFJ Condemns Brutal Killing of Journalist in Paraguay  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the killing in Paraguay of journalist Tito Alberto Palma, who was shot by gunmen in military uniform at his girlfriend’s home on Wednesday after receiving numerous death threats. He had been targeted because of his reports on illegal fuel trafficking, drug trafficking and political corruption. “This killing is another horrifying example of the risks facing investigative journalists, of contempt for the rule of law, and of the need for government to counter impunity by bringing these killers to justice,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “We are outraged by Tito’s death and we call…  
11773. Injuries to Canadian Media Staff in Afghanistan Attack Reveal “Perilous Reality” of Embedded Journalism Warns IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said the injuries sustained by two journalists embedded with Canadian troops in Afghanistan were a further indication of the dangers facing media staff in conflict zones – even for those travelling under the protection of armed forces. “This attack shows the perilous reality of embedded journalism,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Media staff covering conflict are always at risk and when they are travelling with armed combatants, that risk becomes ever-more real.” On Wednesday, cameraman Charles Dubois and journalist Patrice Roy, who work for Radio-Canada Television, were injured when a…  
11774. Radio Commentator Survives Shooting in Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned the attempted assassination of broadcast journalist Manuel Kong and regards the incident as a severe threat to media workers’ personal safety as well as a brutal violation of freedom of speech. According to IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), Radio DSXN commentator Kong was shot by an unidentified gunman outside the station in Surigao City, around 12:30pm on August 20. Kong suffered a bullet injury to his left cheek and a pierced throat, requiring surgery at hospital. “This recent attack on Kong’s life is a horrendous and blatant threat to those media…  
11776. IFJ Appeal for Solidarity with Media Victims of Earthquake In Peru  

The International Federation of Journalists has called on journalists’ groups around the world to provide support to Peruvian journalists and their families who have been made homeless in the earthquake disaster which shook the country last week. The IFJ issued an appeal to its member unions today and sent an immediate 3,000 Euro from the Gustl Glattfelder Fund, a special fund aimed at supporting media victims of natural disasters named after the former German Vice President of the Federation and chair of the European Federation who died two years ago. The National Association of Peruvian Journalists (ANP) appealed for international support as first reports revealed the…  
11778. Attacks Against Sri Lankan Journalists Signal Choking Press Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its anger and called upon the government to act immediately in relation to the recent reports of several attacks and threats made against Sri Lankan journalists over the space of a week. “So long as journalists continue to be subjected to fear and attacks on their personal security, Sri Lanka cannot be assured of a free press that is capable of serving the public’s fundamental right to know”, IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said. Defence reporter subject to acid attack According to IFJ affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), defence reporter and military affairs specialist for Tamil language…  
11779. IFJ Calls for Concrete Actions for the Security of Journalists Covering Drug Trafficking in Guinea-Bissau  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of Guinea-Bissau to take concrete and effective action to put an end to threats and intimidation of journalists reporting on drug trafficking in the country after threats have pushed one reporter into hiding and another has been harassed by the court system. “We are calling on the government to protect journalists who report on drug trafficking in Guinea-Bissau and ensure that no officials are involved in attacking our colleagues,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. Between July 3 and August 14, Albert Dabo, a journalist working with Reuters and the private radio station…  
11781. IFJ Unions in Latin America Stand in Solidarity with the People of Peru and Their Journalist Colleagues  

The participants in the “Union Structures Modernization and Invigorating Program” (FORMES) Central America and the Caribbean Group, meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica, under sponsorship of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), in the face of the regrettable tragedy suffered by the Peruvian people, express our solidarity with our colleagues in our sister union Asociación Nacional de Periodistas of Peru (ANP). We and take as ours their sorrow, wishing them a prompt recovery from the consequences of the terrible disaster affecting thousands of families, including many of our journalist colleagues, and which has caused damage to the historical ANP…  
11784. IFJ Calls on Kenyan President to Reject Media Bill that Could Force Journalists to Reveal Sources  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki to reject a draconian media bill that could require journalists to reveal their sources in court. “Protection of confidential sources is a cornerstone of press freedom and without it, investigative journalism is impossible,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We condemn this dangerous attack on press freedom in Kenya and we call on President Mwai Kibaki to reject this draconian bill and on the Parliament to remove the clause compelling journalists to disclose their confidential sources.” On August 2, the Kenyan Parliament passed a media…  
11787. IFJ Condemns Jail Terms for Moroccan Journalists in “Politically-Motivated” Prosecution  

 The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the decision by a Casablanca court to issue jail sentences against the two journalists at the weekly Arab-language daily Al Watan Al An after they were arrested last month for publishing material quoting security sources. Mustapha Hurmatallah, the author of the feature entitled “Secret reports behind the state of alert in Morocco” was given an eight-month jail sentence and fined 1000 Moroccan Dirham (around 90 Euro). The managing director of the publication, Abderrahim Ariri, who was freed on bail, received a suspended sentence of six months and a similar fine. “This is a day of shame for the Moroccan…  
11789. IFJ Calls for End to Trial of Journalist Who Criticised Tunisian Lawyers Association  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the case against journalist Omar Mestiri who faces defamation charges in a Tunisian court on Thursday to be thrown out. The journalist is accused because of an article over a decision by the bar association to allow a lawyer convicted of fraud and perjury to continue practising. “This case is a clear example of the attacks that independent journalists face in Tunisia,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “This case should be thrown out and there must be an end to the practice of bringing charges against journalists who publish critical articles.” Mestiri published criticism of the…  
11792. Outsourcing News Journalism Will Damage Quality and Further Harm Failing Newspapers Warns IFJ  

Newspapers that break up their editorial departments and outsource journalistic work to money-saving information production factories will only hasten the demise of the traditional press in developed countries, warned the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today. The IFJ was responding to plans by New Zealand’s biggest daily newspaper – The New Zealand Herald – to outsource editorial production in a move that will cut 30 jobs. “This is a panic measure to save money, but in the end it is crazy economics because it will only further reduce the quality of journalism and accelerate circulation decline,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary.…  
11793. IFJ Condemns “Savage Killings” as Wave of Attacks in Somalia Claims Media Victims  

The International Federation of Journalist has demanded urgent international action to confront the targeting and killing of journalists in Somalia following a brutal double attack in which one media chief was shot dead and another killed only hours later in a car bombing while returning from the funeral of the first victim. Ali Iman Sharmarke, Managing Director of HornAfrik Radio, died when his car was blown up as he and colleagues in a convoy of media mourners were returning from the burial of Mahad Ahmed Elmi, Director of Radio Capital Voice, who was shot dead earlier today in Mogadishu. These deaths are the latest in a series of attacks that has claimed six media lives in Somalia…  
11796. IFJ Condemns Wave of Violence Against Journalists in DRC after Killing of Photojournalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the killing of Patrick Kikuku, a freelance photojournalist, shot dead yesterday evening in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by unidentified men in army uniforms. He was the second journalist killed there in the last two months. “DRC is now the most dangerous place for journalists in Africa after Somalia,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. “We firmly condemn this murder and we call on the authorities of DRC to conduct a serious investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice. The impunity for journalists’ killers must end.” Patrick Kikuku was a freelance…  
11799. IFJ office in Colombia condemns FARC attack against the press  

In the last few hours, broadcast media outlets in the department of Arauca, have received pressures from Front X of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), an illegal armed organization, to read a pamphlet about the organisation on the air or will be declared a military target. The department of Arauca, at 746 kilometres north east of Bogotá, is located on the frontier with Venezuela. On August 7, at 11:34 am, la Voz del Cinaruco radio station received a fax signed by “Guadalupe Salcedo”, Front X of the East Bloc of the FARC. In it, the organisation announced an “armed stoppage” starting at 00 hour of that same day, in the entire department of…  
11800. Canadian and US Court decisions on the re-use of freelance contributions in database and CD-ROM  

In Canada and in the US, copyright law allows newspapers publishers, as owners of the copyright in a collective work, to reproduce freelance contributions when as part of the collective work. Outside the context of this collective work, newspapers publishers are not allowed to reproduce the individual contribution without the authorization of the freelance author. The following question regularly arises before courts: are the re-uses of articles or photos in databases and CD-ROM simply a reproduction of the collective work permitted by law or a new form of use laying outside the scope of this privilege? In its 2001 landmark case News York Times v. Tasini, the US Supreme ruled that the…  
11802. IFJ Calls for Investigation into Shooting of Journalist in South Africa  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on South African authorities to conduct a thorough and swift investigation into the shooting of Abel Mutsakani an exiled Zimbabwean journalist and news website editor based in South Africa. “We condemn this attack which raises again the need for more security for journalists and other citizens in South Africa,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa office. “We wish a speedy recovery to Abel and we call on the South African authorities to conduct a thorough investigation that will swiftly bring those responsible to justice.” Abel Mutsakani was shot on July 23rd after three unidentified men…  
11807. Pamphlet 'Seven important reasons NOT to introduce an employer's rule in the Danish Copyright Act'  

Samrådet for Ophavsret (Joint Council on Copyright), a Danish umbrella organisation for organisations representing authors and performers rights, issued a pamphlet entitled 'Seven important reasons NOT to introduce an employer's rule in the Danish Copyright Act'. Dansk Journalistforbund, the Danish Union of Journalists, took part in the drafting of the pamphlet. The English version is available here.  
11809. IFJ Calls for Release of Two Journalist Union Activists Detained in DRC  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the DRC authorities to release Michel Shango and Vincent Hata, two journalists and trade unionists of the state-owned Congolese National Radio and Television station (RTNC), who have been detained since July 27 in connection with their trade-union activities. A third journalist Risasi Tambwe, arrested with them, was released last Tuesday. “We condemn this arbitrary detention, which aims to intimidate RTNC workers and hence a violation of their trade-union rights,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa office. “We call on President Joseph Kabila, to intervene for the immediate and unconditional…  
11810. EFJ strongly condemns attack on protection of sources in Germany  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists today fiercely condemned the preliminary proceedings against 17 journalists in connection with the committee of inquiry of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) in Germany. The IFJ and EFJ joined their German affiliates, the Deutscher Journalisten Verband and Deutsche Journalisten Union in ver.di, in criticising this move. According to the EFJ/IFJ this contradicts the recent judgement by the German Federal Constitutional Court in the case of Cicero, and therefore is ‘constitutionally inadmissible’. “This series of investigations is one of the most…  
11816. Media Black-out in Response to Attempted Bombing of Indian Newspaper  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates in condemning the attempted bombing of an english-language newspaper in Manipur, north east India, which has seen media outlets throughout the region stop work. Following the attempted attack of The Sangai Express on July 31 by a suspected militant group, a media meeting at the press club in Manipur resolved to protest the incident by immediately ceasing publication of all cable broadcasts and newspapers for an indefinite period of time. IFJ Asia Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said the IFJ supports the media organisations who have taken a stand against the attempted attacks and in defence of their safety. …  
11817. Report on IFJ's Ethical Journalism Initiative, July 2007  

This paper, from July 2007, describes the origins of the Ethical Journalism Initiative, a programme that aims to raise awareness among journalists about the challegnes they face in reporting from within an increasingly polarised world, dominated by extremism in religion and culture, public mistrust of traditional politics, and rising anxiety among communities about their future and their relations with their neighbours.  …  
11819. Afghan Journalists Catalogue Threats  

Attacks on freedom of expression, of movement, of information, and the right to be a member of a journalist union, and also a lack of respect for professional journalists going about their jobs are just some of the media rights violations taking place in Afghanistan according to participants at a national meeting held in Kabul today. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has been training a cadre of specialist media rights violation monitors to report instances of attacks on press freedom. The team of almost 40 monitors from across the country reported a tragic catalogue of press freedom attacks and almost all could cite recent instances that had occurred to them…  
11820. IFJ Call on Afghan Employers to Ensure Journalist Safety  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the increased harassment and intimidation of Afghan journalists and the lack of effort by employers to adequately address the issue of journalist safety. The concerns have been raised during an IFJ-sponsored national meeting of Afghan journalists in Kabul that aims to promote media rights and develop a national Charter on Media for Democracy. The IFJ is concerned that journalists have not been given proper support after they have received death threats and that employers are not making practical efforts to ensure the safety of their employees. The issue has arisen after the murder of two women journalists earlier…  
11822. 49 Journalists Unfairly Sacked  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked and disappointed to hear that 49 journalists have been sacked without due cause in Nepal. According to IFJ affiliate the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), 49 journalists working for government-owned Gorkhapatra Corporation were sacked on Thursday July 26. Some of the sacked journalists had been working at Gorkhapatra Corporation for up to 11 years. IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said it was disturbing that the mass lay-off appeared to have been motivated by political interests. “According to our sources, the journalists were dismissed without any genuine evaluation of their work, and on the…  
11824. IFJ Renews Call for United States to End  

The International Federation of Journalists today renewed its call on the United States authorities in Iraq to immediately release Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein who has been detained since April 12th -- but who has not been charged or put on trial. "In the months that have passed since he was detained it has become clear that a massive injustice has taken place," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "This man poses no threat. He is the victim of suspicion and prejudice and there is clearly no evidence against him. Keeping him locked up only continues the ordeal of a man who is behind bars for simply doing his job." The IFJ is backing its affiliate The Newspaper…  
11826. New Anti-terror Laws Threaten Press Freedom: Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned about the effect a new anti-terrorism law will have on press freedom in the Philippines. According to local news reports the new law, known as the Human Security Act, was brought into effect on July 15 and includes provisions for the phone tapping and detention of suspects for three days without charge. Despite government assurances that the law will not be used against political opponents or dissenting voices, IFJ affiliate the Nation Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) says it remains unclear whether journalists will be considered accessories to terrorism if they report the statements of terror…  
11827. IFJ calls for release of second journalist held in Morocco  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the release by the Moroccan authorities of Abderrahim Ariri, managing director of the Moroccan Arab-language weekly Al Watan Al An (The Homeland Now), arrested last week following the publication of a feature entitled “The Secret Reports Behind the State of Alert in Morocco” quoting military intelligence documents. Ariri and the author of the article Mustapha Hurmatallah were arrested last Tuesday in Casablanca and their detention later extended by 96 hours by the Casablanca prosecutor on Saturday. “We are delighted that Ariri has been released and the serious charge of undermining state security dropped” said IFJ…  
11830. IFJ Calls for Reprieve for Journalists Facing Execution in Iran after Secret Trial  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for an urgent reprieve for two journalists reported to be facing the death sentence after a trial held behind closed doors. The IFJ has been told by its affiliate in nearby Iraq, the Kurdistan Syndicate of Journalists, that Adnan Hassan, who formerly worked for the magazine ASOW, which has been closed and banned since August 2005, and his colleague Hewa Botemar, a journalist working for the magazine and a member of an environmental NGO, have been condemned for subverting national security. The two men are thought to be political activists and were accused of writing articles calling for regime change in Iran. “If…  
Search results 11761 until 11830 of 15063