15063 results:

9241. EFJ calls on media owners to not let another news outlet die  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today warned of the dangers that come along with the closures of news outlets across Europe. In light of the German news agency DAPD stopping its services, EFJ calls on media owners not to let another news outlet die. "Again we see the commercial aspect being the only interest in connection with journalism and the dissemination of important information to the citizens. News agencies have always played an important role to provide quality journalism on essential issues. We urge media owners in Europe to consider the need of not letting news oulets die," says EFJ President Arne König. Yesterday, DAPD stopped all services following…  
9242. Maldives Journalists Seek Judicial Writ Against Parliamentary Privileges Law  

Media Release: The Maldives                                                                        March 11, 2013 The Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and partner in the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), is seeking the invalidation of certain clauses of the Parliamentary Privileges Act and will make…  
9243. IFJ Condemns Shooting of Palestinian Photographer in Aida Refugee Camp  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the shooting of a Palestinian photographer in a Refugee Camp on the West Bank yesterday evening, 9 Monday April, by Israeli soldiers and called for disciplinary action against the individuals involved in  the shooting. According to media reports, Palestinian photographer Mohammed Al-Azza was shot in the face with a rubber-coated steel bullet by Israeli soldiers as he took pictures of them after they entered Aida Refugee Camp, near Beit Jala, at about 5:30pm.   The incident follows the shooting of another Palestinian photographer in Ramallah on 5 March. "This is the latest example of the Israeli soldiers' disregard…  
9244. Journalists Assaulted in Day-long Political Protests in Bangladesh  

Media Release: Bangladesh                                                                          April 8  2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned to learn of separate assaults on four journalists by political activists during day-long protests in the Bangladesh capital city of…  
9245. IFJ Invites Journalists and Public to Screening of Groundbreaking Documentary  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is inviting journalists and the public to a free screening of renowned filmmaker Nikos Megrelis' award winning documentary ‘Shooting v Shooting: Dying for the Truth' in Brussels on Monday, 8 April, at 2pm. The groundbreaking documentary, which tells the powerful, real time stories of journalists attacked and killed during the war in Iraq, is being held on 8th April to mark the anniversary of the American attack on the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad in which two journalists died. Mr Megrelis, a highly respected Greek journalist and filmmaker with over 30 years' experience in daily newspapers and TV channels, will make a…  
9247. IFJ Calls for Release of Four Arrested Bloggers in Bangladesh  

Media Release: Bangladesh                                                                          April 5, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners and associates in Bangladesh in calling for the release of four men arrested on charges of posting blog content offensive to religious principles. According to information received from the…  
9248. IFJ Demands Government Action Following Attacks on Newspaper offices in Baghdad  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today demanded that the Iraqi government takes urgent action following attacks by a suspected Shiite militia on the offices of newspapers in Baghdad on Monday morning, 1st April 2013. The previous day newspapers had published a story on a Shiite cleric. "We condemn this use of violence against the offices of journalists in Baghdad which shows the risks our colleagues in Iraq continue to face in their daily work," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "We call on the government in Iraq to take swift action to bring those people who are behind the attacks to justice". According to some media reports, gunmen attacked the offices of four…  
9249. Wage Board Hearings Extended to July in Supreme Court of India  

  Media Release: India                                                                                        April 4, 2013                      The…  
9250. IFJ Demands Justice for Journalist Dismissed after Filing Harassment Complaint  

     Media Release: India                                                                                        April 4, 2013            IFJ Demands Justice for Journalist Victimised after…  
9251. Uniform shield law needed to protect confidential sources  

Media Release: Australia                                              03 April, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ joins its Australian affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance in calling for a uniform national approach to shield laws for journalists. The call comes amid an unprecedented assault on press freedom with five Media Alliance members facing court action to reveal their confidential sources. The Media Alliance is asking the Standing…  
9252. Congress Elects Mohamed Garba as New FAJ President  

    The President of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Mohamed Garba,  has been elected today Sunday  31 March, 2013 in Casablanca (Morocco) as the new president of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) following the third congress of that continental body representing the interests of over 50,000 journalists in Africa. Mohamed Garba replaces Omar Faruk Osman Nur, who served as FAJ President for the past six years.   The Congress in accordance with Article 9.4 and 9.5 of the FAJ Constitution, elected a 9 members steering committee, which later elected Mohamed Garba as the new President. In the same vein, Maria Louisa Carvalho of the…  
9253. Third FAJ continental congress kicks off in Casablanca with a call for organising journalists and defending press freedom  

    The third continental congress of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) kicks off today in Casablanca, Morocco, with a call for organising journalists, building stronger unions and defending press freedom in Africa. The event which is hosted by the Syndicat national de la presse marocaine (SNPM) is attended by 38 delegates from 34 countries in Africa.     Journalists’ trade unions and associations affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists have formed since 2008 a continental body representing the interests of their members in all media sectors either electronic, broadcasting or print, working as reporters, presenters,…  
9254. Al -Shabab Militant Convicted of Journalist's Murder in Somalia  

A military tribunal in Somalia has convicted an alleged Al-Shabab militant of killing journalist Hassan Yusuf Absuge, according to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ).Absuge, who worked for Radio Maanta as head of programmes, was gunned down in Mogadishu on 21 September last year. Adan Sheikh Andi Sheikh Hussein was today found guilty of the murder and sentenced to death, NUSOJ says."We hope that the investigation and prosecution of this case signal the commitment to eradicate the impunity for crimes against journalists in Somalia," said Beth costa, IFJ General Secretary. "Many families of Somali journalists who died in violence deserve justice. This conviction raises their…  
9255. IFJ Protests Jail Term on Lèse Majesté Charges against Thai Man  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) deplores the sentence handed down by a court in Thailand to a citizen under the country's lèse majesté laws, for handling press material which the authorities considered insulting to the monarchy. Reports from the Thai capital Bangkok indicate that Eakachai Hongkangwan, a private citizen, has been sentenced to a prison term of three years and four months, for selling videos of a documentary on the Thai monarchy, produced and broadcast in 2010 by the Australian public service channel, ABC.The program was not shown in Thailand and remains unavailable through the internet for residents of the country.Hongkangwan is also accused…  
9256. EFJ responds to EC Consultation on enforcement of intellectual property rights  

The European commission launched a public consultation on the efficiency of proceedings and accessiblity of measures. The EFJ response is available here.   Summary   Societies and democracies depend upon professional media working to the highest ethical and professional standards. These in turn require individual journalists to maintain high standards of reliability, accuracy and integrity of news reporting - and they can only do this if their creativity and independence is strongly protected. The EFJ points at 4 concerns that must be further examined to maintain strong authors' rights protection for journalists. Reinforcement of authorship and economic rights…  
9257. EFJ responds to EC Consultation on enforcement of intellectual property rights  

The European commission launched a public consultation on the efficiency of proceedings and accessiblity of measures. The EFJ response is available here. Summary Societies and democracies depend upon professional media working to the highest ethical and professional standards. These in turn require individual journalists to maintain high standards of reliability, accuracy and integrity of news reporting - and they can only do this if their creativity and independence is strongly protected. The EFJ points at 4 concerns that must be further examined to maintain strong authors' rights protection for journalists  Reinforcement of authorship and economic rights 'protection for…  
9258. EFJ condemns censorship imposed by Nicolas Sarkozy during a public ceremony in Belgium  

The European Federation of Journalists condemns the censorship imposed by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy during the awarding ceremony of the Legion d'Honneur to the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister Didier Reynders. "It is intolerable that journalists are personae non gratae during the official ceremony of the awarding of such an honour to a minister," says Philippe Leruth, EFJ Vice-President. "Quite simply, this is censorship and it constitutes a hindrance to the work of journalists." Yesterday, the former French President awarded the medal to Didier Reynders, the Belgian Foreign Minister. It was decided upon while Sarkozy was still President but…  
9259. IFJ Launches an Interactive Website on Press Freedom Violations in China  

  Media Release: China March 26, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) launches an interactive website on press freedom violations in China, covering the period from 2008 to present.     The website, funded under a National Endowment for Democracy Project, presents a record of press freedom violations including short descriptions of each violation, the date and the location of each incident. The website will be regularly updated as the IFJ continues to monitor attacks against journalists, violations of journalists’ rights, censorship and threats to freedom of expression and the right to information.   Having monitored press…  
9260. IFJ urges Chinese Government to ratify ICCPR  

  Media Release: China                                                March 25, 2013             The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports the call of Chinese citizens urging the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in China to ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in order to protect and promote freedom of the press.   China signed the ICCPR fourteen years ago, but…  
9261. EFJ Welcomes EU Consultation on Media Freedom and Pluralism  

Today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomed the announcement of the official consultation launched by European Commissioner Neelie Kroes about media freedom and pluralism. "After many years of debates among civil society organisations and at the European Parliament, we are glad that the European Commission is now formally launching this consultation process and we hope that it will lead to concrete action," said EFJ President Arne König. The consultation, which was announced Friday last week in Dublin, Ireland, follows recommendations issued by a High Level Group (HLG) on Media Freedom and Pluralism appointed by the Commission. It called citizens and…  
9262. IFJ Condemns Kidnapping of TV Journalist in Nigeria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the kidnapping of OLubunmi Oke, a television journalist in Nigeria. According to the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), an IFJ affiliate, the reporter and presenter with the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), her baby and maid were taken Thursday March 21 by four men who blocked her car as she was leaving her office in Akure, the capital of Ondo state (South West). Her baby and maid were released later while the car was found in another town. The reason of the kidnapping is unknown.  “We are deeply concerned by the kidnapping of our colleague. We call on security forces to do their best to…  
9263. Joint Statement: Cambodia: Mam Sonando Released  

  22 March 2013   Cambodia: Mam Sonando Released   Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LWRC) are pleased to note that Mam Sonando, a Cambodian broadcaster who had been detained for exercising his right to freedom of expression, has been released. He was released only after spending eight months in prison.   At an Appeal Court hearing on 14 March 2013, at the prosecutor’s request, the more serious charges against Mam Sonando, namely insurrection and incitement to take up arms against the State, were dropped, while charges of obstruction of officials and unlawful interference in the…  
9264. IFJ calls for action over the 2003 murder of Australian cameraman Paul Moran  

  Media Release: Australia 22 March 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance, in remembering Australian Broadcasting Corporation cameraman Paul Moran who was murdered by a suicide car bomb 10 years ago today while on assignment in Northern Iraq at the start of the 2003 invasion.   Paul, 39, had been filming a story with ABC correspondent Eric Campbell on Kurdish "peshmerga" guerrilla fighters in the village of Sayed Sadiq. He was filming some final images of a group of fighters when a car drove up next to the group, stopped and exploded, killing Paul…  
9265. IFJ urges investigation into political interference claims at Hong Kong’s public broadcaster  

  Media Release: Hong Kong                                                              March 21, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Hong Kong’s Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting to use the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to investigate claims of political interference at the public broadcaster Hong Kong Radio…  
9266. Ukraine : IFJ, EFJ warn about new attempts to criminalise defamation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today warned against new attempts to reintroduce criminalization of defamation in Ukraine, following a first try last year."Journalists organisations like the EFJ, but also international organisations like the Council of Europe and the OSCE are trying to put an end to criminal procedures for defamation across Europe," said EFJ President Arne König. "Our message is clear: criminal libel laws are not only disproportionate, but they also have a chilling effect on the willingness and ability of journalists to do their job effectively."On Monday 18 March, the…  
9267. Iligan City commentator attacked inside announcer's booth  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists in the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the attack on a radio commentator and long-time Philippine Star correspondent in Iligan City. Lino dela Cruz reported that he was attacked and threatened by three people while anchoring a block-time program for station dxLS, Love Radio - Serbisyo sa Katawhan Una sa Tanan (Service to the People First and Foremost) which is paid for by the provincial government of Lanao del Norte. The incident took place at about 12:30 pm 18th March. Dela Cruz said he was criticizing Casan Maquiling, a former board member of Lanao del Norte…  
9269. IFJ Mourns Journalist Killed in a Bomb Blast in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today mourned a radio journalist killed in a bomb blast in Mogadishu, on Monday, 18 March, 2013.     According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) an IFJ affiliate, a suicide bomber blew up his car near the Presidential Palace and killed 8 people, including journalist Mohamed Ali Nuhurkey, a producer at Mustaqbal Radio, a private radio station in Mogadishu.  Another journalist Abdirashid Nur Ibrahim who is also working for Mustaqbal Radio was wounded in the attack with more than 20 people.   “We mourn our colleague Nuhurkey and send our sincere and heartfelt  condolences to his…  
9270. Why Women Count  

Why Women Count is a series of 41 x 5 minute programmes made by broadcasters and producers in 41 countries focusing on the theme of empowerment - and what it means in the lives of ordinary women and men around the world. The series aims to inspire, increase awareness and stimulate debate about the key role that women’s rights and gender equality play in the social, economic and political development of their countries, communities and families.http://tve.org/whywomencount/index.html  
9271. Safety Workshop for Female Journalists in the Philippines  

Media Release: Philippines March 19, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) congratulates its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) for completing successfully its first all-women safety training for journalists last Sunday, March 17.   A total of 23 female journalists from print, radio and TV outfits based in Mindanao and Manila attended the two-day training held in Cagayan de Oro City, which was conducted to coincide with International Women's Month.   Sessions included lectures and simulations on how to respond to dangerous situations including abduction, hostile situations and surveillance. Other sessions…  
9272. EFJ calls awarding of Hungarian journalism prize to far-right reporter a sinister farce  

Today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) expressed its surprise and concern over a journalism prize awarded to a far-right journalist in Hungary.   “It is a sinister farce to award a journalism prize to somebody who is so blatantly disregarding journalistic ethics” said EFJ President Arne König. “It obviously does not reward outstanding journalism but in fact is being given to those who tell the stories the government wants to hear”.   Every year the Hungarian government awards the Táncsis-Prize to journalists and media workers. This year, one of this top journalism prize was granted to…  
9273. IFJ urges Chinese Premier to lift ban on reporting pigs’ deaths  

Media Release: China                                               March 18, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned China’s Central Propaganda Department has imposed censorship on media outlets after they began reporting the death of thousands of pigs in China’s Shanghai and Zhejiang province. Several Chinese media outlets have been reporting reported that, since March 5, dramatic numbers of pig carcasses are being…  
9274. IFJ Welcomes Indictment of Former Security Operatives over Journalist's Torture in Colombia  

Seven former members of the former secret service in Colombia, the  Administrative Department for Security (DAS), face charges of ‘ psychological torture and intimidation' inflicted on prominent journalist Claudia Julieta Duque, the office of the national human rights prosecutor announced on 10 March.They include a former deputy director general of the service, three former heads of intelligence, a former head of counterintelligence, a former chief of operations and a former chief of the technological intelligence. Five are currently in detention while two are fugitives."We welcome the prosecutor's action which is long overdue," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. …  
9275. EFJ urges Turkish authorities to reconsider Murat Aydin’s court ruling  

On 13 March Turkish journalist Murat Aydin has been convicted to six years and three months in prison on charges of alleged membership in the forbidden Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK). Aydin reports for Dicle News Agency (DIHA) and has been judged upon based on his work with prosecutors citing phone conversations with DIHA and other news outlets as evidence. Reporting on the PKK is not a criminal offence in Turkey.   "It is shocking to see Murat Aydin to have been convicted for nothing other than carrying out his work. We are strongly calling upon the courts to review his case," says EFJ President Arne König.   A regional court in the eastern province of Van has ruled on…  
9276. German unions demand fair pay over "Google bill"  

(1.3.2013) German unions DJV and dju in ver.di are angered by the "Google Bill" recently passed by the lower house of the German parliament that allows publishers to charge Google and other search engines for reproducing the content.Recent amendments made to the law also allows online aggregators to use "individual words or the smallest excerpts of text" for free.The unions condemned the bill for neglecting the interest of journalists and other creators who should receive a fair share of the profits made by publishers and Google. They called on publishers to open talks over measures to ensure fair payment to journalists.  (Read more in German on…  
9277. German unions demand fair pay over "Google bill"  

(1.3.2013) German unions DJV and dju in ver.di are angered by the "Google Bill" recently passed by the lower house of the German parliament that allows publishers to charge Google and other search engines for reproducing the content. Recent amendments made to the law also allows online aggregators to use "individual words or the smallest excerpts of text" for free. The unions condemned the bill for neglecting the interest of journalists and other creators who should receive a fair share of the profits made by publishers and Google. They called on publishers to open talks over measures to ensure fair payment to journalists.  (Read more in German on the DJV and dju in…  
9278. EFJ joins ETUC action day for youth employment and against austerity  

On 14 March 2013 the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) will join with trade unionists and civil society groups across Europe gathering at the European Trade Union action against austerity and for jobs for young people, organised by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). "Thousands of journalists have lost their jobs in the past months, and many more are forced to work in precarious conditions" said EFJ President Arne König. "But what alarms us most is the total growing precarity among journalists, especially the young and women, who are deprived of any job security. Such a disregard for journalists is threatening the necessary professional standards for…  
9279. EFJ Focus, 13 March 2013  

The new issue of the EFJ Focus is available in English, French and German now. Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move! To subscribe, simply click HERE. If you missed the previous issues, see our archives.  
9280. IFJ Calls for Broad Union Participation in Evolution of Ownership Rules for Indian Media  

Media Release: India                                                                                        March 13, 2013                 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the…  
9281. IFJ condemns assault of Hong Kong Journalists  

  Media Release: China                                        March 12, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns two incidents of press freedom violations in China over the past week.   On 8 March, a Hong Kong journalist and activist Yang Kuang, was assaulted by a group of unidentified people and was illegally detained by police. Kuang arrived at the residence of Liu Xia, wife of Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo, who has been under illegal house arrest for more…  
9282. IFJ Condemns the Arrest and Detention of a Journalist in South Sudan  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has condemned the arrest and detention in very inhumane conditions of journalist Alfred Taban in South Sudan. According to the Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS), Alfred Taban, a veteran journalist and chief editor of the Juba Monitor, was arrested and detained for hours on Sunday, March 3, 2013, after the publication of an opinion story written by a citizen from Rumbek, the capital of Lakes State, one of the ten states of South Sudan. The opinion article questioned the integrity of the former governor of Lakes State, Mr. Chuol Tong Mayay, concerning the accountability of public funds which were not…  
9283. IFJ Backs The Journalists In Mali and Calls Authorities for Dialogue with the Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has backed the Day without press that journalists in Mali have started until Boukary Daou is released. Daou who is the managing editor of the daily “Le Républicain” was arrested on March 6 after the publication of an open letter written by soldiers against Captain Amadou Haya Sanogo, former coup leader.   “We are in solidarity with journalists in Mali in this difficult period and call on authorities to release Boukary Daou and start dialogue with the journalists’ fraternity,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director. “The numerous arrests and intimidations by the military…  
9284. Former Tribune reporter under threat a year after his shooting  

Media Release: Philippines                                                                    March 11, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists in the Philippines in expressing serious concern over the recent attack on reporter Fernan Angeles, exactly one year after his near fatal shooting at his Manila home.   In his statement 10…  
9285. Swedish government must put pressure on Turkey  

On the occasion of Turkish President Abdullah Gül's state visit to Sweden, the Swedish Union of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are criticising that the Swedish government is engaging in a strategic cooperation with Turkey. "Last year Turkey had more journalists in jail than any other country in the world. If Sweden and Turkey are to engage in a strategic cooperation I expect the Swedish government to demand from the Turkish to act on matters of press freedom and justice," says Jonas Nordling, President of the Swedish Union of Journalists. Turkey's President Abdullah Gül and his delegation are on a state visit to Sweden from 11 to 13 March. During…  
9286. New Maldives Law on Parliamentary Privilege Could Impact Journalistic Freedom  

Media Release: The Maldives                                                                        March 11, 2013    The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) and partner in the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), in expressing concern on the…  
9287. IFJ Calls for the Immediate Release of a Journalist in The Gambia  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the authorities in The Gambia to immediately release journalist Baboucarr Ceesay, who was arrested on Friday 8 March 2013 by officers from the National Intelligence Agency (NIA).   According to Gambia Press Union (GPU), an IFJ affiliate, journalist Babucarr Ceesay, 1st Vice- President of the Union was arrested by the NIA at his house around 2 pm. No reason was given for his arrest.    “We call on authorities in The Gambia to release our colleague immediately and unconditionally. The Gambia must stop these never ending intimidations and harassments of journalists which have…  
9288. IFJ Calls on Journalists and Media to Rethink Image Stereotypes on Women in News  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today marked the International Women's Day by calling on media organisations to help overcome dangerous stereotypes that contribute to discrimination, by rethinking the way they portray women in the media. This call follows a series of initiatives undertaken by the IFJ in recent years to campaign for a fair and balanced gender portrayal in the news, recognising the role and responsibility of journalists and the media. The IFJ says that the development of guidelines and gender ethical reporting checklists is a starting point to address stereotypes, silence, repression, intimidation (violence) and discrimination. It is now time to…  
9289. Women's Day Special: IFJ Gender Newsletter March 2013  

Download the newsletter. If you want to read it on the move on your smartphone,scan the bar code below. If you are not on our mailing list, subscribe now!  
9290. International Women's Day: IFJ Trains in Safety over Hundred Women Journalists from Middle East and Arab World  

The principles of Safety, Justice and Equality, are at the heart of the International Federation of Journalists' programme to mark this year's International Women's Day in the Arab World and the Middle East, the highlight of which is the training of over a Hundred Women Journalists in Safety and risk awareness skills. Eight 3-day trainings were concluded in the run up to International Women's Day from 5 - 7 March in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. The trainings were run by members of the IFJ's regional safety trainer network and hosted by the IFJ's affiliated unions. ‘Increasing numbers of women reporters in the Arab World and the Middle East are putting…  
9291. IFJ Condemns Attacks on Radio Stations in Guinea-Conakry  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has condemned the attacks on two private radio stations in Guinea. According to Union of Free Radio and Television of Guinea and other independent sources,  the Planet FM and the Renaissance FM stations were attacked on Friday 1 March and Sunday 3 March 2013. Shots were fired at parts of Planet FM’s recording studio as an opposition leader was being interviewed, while other acts of violence targeted the premises of Renaissance FM at night.  No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks. “We condemn the attacks and call on authorities in Guinea to investigate these incidents, arrest perpetrators…  
9292. IFJ Condemns Shooting of Photojournalist in Ramallah  

A Palestinian photojournalist was shot and severely injured by an Israeli soldier near the Ofer prison in Ramallah last Friday evening, according to the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS) which is affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).The IFJ has today condemned the shooting, calling for an investigation to identify and punish the shooter."We condemn the use of lethal force against a working journalist who did nothing wrong and is now fighting for his life," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "This latest incident is another example of the Israeli soldiers' disregard for the safety of Palestinian journalists and their right to life."The…  
9293. Three journalists slain in one week  

Media release: Pakistan                               March 4, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists is appalled at the death of three Pakistani journalists in the space of a week and has called on authorities to thoroughly investigate the cases to ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice. On March 1, Mehmood Ahmed Afridi, a correspondent for the newspaper Intikhab, was killed by gunmen travelling by motorcycle in Kalat, in the southwestern province of Balochistan. Afridi, 56, had worked as a journalist…  
9294. IFJ Calls on Authorities in Somalia to Reopen a Radio Station  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has called on Somalia to reopen a private radio station. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, authorities in Adado town of Galgudud region in central Somalia have decided on Saturday 2 March, to shut down the private Al-Ihsan Radio station. Mohamed Adan, head of the Hibin and Heb administration signed a letter ordering the radio station to shutdown and asked armed men in a four-wheel drive to deliver the letter. It blamed the radio station for compromising the peace in the town and spreading inaccurate and unacceptable information which is contrary to the policy of…  
9295. IFJ calls for more safety of journalists ahead of General elections in Kenya  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has called authorities and security forces in Kenya to safeguard safety and security of journalists ahead of General elections after a journalist was beaten up in the course of his work by security personnel locally known as the General Service Unit (GSU). General elections will be held in Kenya on tomorrow Monday 4 March 2013, electing the President, senators, county governors, members of Parliament, etc. According to Kenya Correspondents Association (KCA), an IFJ affiliate, journalist Habil Onyango with the Star Newspaper based in Homa Bay Town in Western Kenya was on Saturday March 2, beaten up by GSU…  
9296. Journalists attacked in Hong Kong and Mainland China  

    Media Release: China                                              March 1, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns attacks on journalists that took place in Hong Kong and Mainland China last month.   A Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC) statement on 28 February stated that broadcaster ARD’s correspondent Christine Adelhardt and four colleagues were attacked by unidentified thugs on February…  
9297. New initiative boosts fight for journalist Dawit Isaak to be released from prison  

An online initiative has been launched to fight for the release from prison of journalist Dawit Isaak in Eritrea. Isaak is an Eritrean journalist who has been held in prison without trial for more than eleven years and who is believed to be seriously ill. He was arrested along with 21 other independent journalists and is the only European citizen who is imprisoned because of exercising his profession as journalist. Isaak's case has been taken up by the EFJ and IFJ and other press freedom groups with the support of journalists in Sweden where he arrived 22 years ago as a refugee from war in Ethiopia. He returned to his native Eritrea after the country obtained independence. He helped launch…  
9298. Philippines photo correspondent attacked by Davao City policemen  

Media Release: Philippines                                                                                                                              February 28, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the attack on Karlos Manlupig, of the Philippine Daily Inquirer…  
9299. Journalist shot, killed in Pakistan; PFUJ demands arrest of killers  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in strongly condemning the killing of senior journalist Malik Mumtaz in North Waziristan in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) on February 27.   According to reports from the PFUJ, Malik Mumtaz, a correspondent for Jang, The News and Geo News, was returning home after visiting a nearby village when unknown assailants fired at his car, killing him instantly.   Mr Mumtaz was associated with the Jang Group for the last two decades, and had been working for the group’s newspapers as well as its channel, Geo News.   He…  
9300. IFJ backs the mobilization to free a jailed journalist in Burundi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has backed the mobilisation in support of the liberation of jailed RFI Swahili journalist, Hassan Ruyakuki who was arrested by security forces on November 28, 2011, and subsequently convicted by the Appeal court in Gitega to three years imprisonment following an interview with the leader of the opposition to President Pierre Nkurunziza. Ruvakuki was convicted by the Appeal court of Gitega (centre) which found him guilty on 8 January of “participation in an organization formed to attack people and their properties” and to serve three years imprisonment. The Burundi Union of Journalists (UBJ in French), an…  
9301. Journalists Welcome Change of Management at Romanian Press Agency  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), today welcomed the decision by Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta to remove Iona Ro?ca from the management of the national press agency, NPA AGERPRES. "We welcome the development at NPA AGERPRES and appreciate the government's swift action over concerns we shared with the leadership and members of RFJ MediaSind, our affiliate in Romania," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "We encourage the new management to work with journalists in harmony and mutual respect."In a press statement released on Monday 25 February 2013, Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced that…  
9302. Conference of IFJ Mediterranean Affiliates Adopts Action Plan on Economic and Political Crisis  

Journalists' leaders from the Mediterranean region gathered in Tangiers, Morocco on 15-17 February to discuss the deepening economic crisis, particularly in Greece and Spain, as well as the future of journalism in countries like Tunisia and Egypt which are in the grip of political upheaval."This was a tremendous opportunity for our colleagues to exchange their experiences on the impact of the global economic crisis and the region's political developments are having on journalism," said Jim Boumelha, President of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), who helped open the conference. "We believe the implementation of the recommendations will steer our profession…  
9304. Journalists Injured as Political Protests Engulf Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its deep concern at the recent instances when journalists have been injured and on occassions, attacked by political activists in the cities of Dhaka and Chittagong, as protests engulf Bangladesh. Reports from IFJ partners in Bangladesh indicate that ten journalists were injured when activists of the Islamic political party, the Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing, the Chhatra Shibir clashed with police in the national capital Dhaka, after Friday prayers were concluded on February 22. Protesters were reportedly demanding the dispersal of crowds gathered in Shahbagh square, another quarter of the city,…  
9305. IFJ Supports Call for Release of Palestinian Journalists in Israeli Detention  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today backed the call by its affiliate in Palestine, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS), which organised a protest in Ramallah to demand the release of their colleagues held by Israel.The PJS organised the sit-in protest outside the Ofer detention center  in east of Ramallah  while an Israeli court held a hearing in the case of detained Palestinian journalist Amir Abu Arafah and cartoonist Muhammad Sabanah. "We support our Palestinian colleagues' action to demand the release of Arafah and Sabanah," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "Their detention seems to be another arbitrary measure which the Israeli security…  
9306. Google struck deal with publisher behind journalists  

The French affiliates SNJ and SNJ-CGT criticised the deal struck between newspaper publishers and Google saying that the agreement was signed behind the journalists back. The SNJ-CGT said the creation of a 60 million euro fund for digital innovation is a "trap" and that authors are still deprived of their legitimate rights to claim fair payment. According to the French copyright act, journalists are entitled to claim payment from revenues generated from their works by third parties (i.e. Google in this case).  Read more in French at SNJ and SNJ-CGT websites.  
9307. EFJ fears that fight against free unions in Turkey is growing issue after raids of Workers Union  

On 19 February Turkish police arrested 167 people in relation with the 1 February suicide bomb detonation outside the US embassy in Ankara.  All across Turkey, members of DHKP/C, the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front, a militant leftist group which is listed as terrorist organisation by both Turkey and the United States and had claimed responsibility for the attack, were targeted. As part of these raids, the Confederation of Public Workers’ Unions (KESK), affiliate of the International as well as the European Trade Union Confederation, was searched under the justification of being a DHKP/C member. Several union officials were arrested, among them…  
9308. IFJ Calls on New Somali Government to Repeal Press Freedom Restrictions in Media Law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the new government in Somalia to take swift and decisive action to repeal controversial clauses in media law 2007, passed by the former Transitional Federal Government and to make a commitment to genuinely safeguarding media freedom and journalists' rights.According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an affiliate of the IFJ, the media law enacted in 2007 includes many provisions that undermine journalists' rights, media freedom and are contrary to international standards of freedom of expression. "This law has been on the statute books for five years in violation of international standards and has…  
9309. EFJ Focus February 2013  

The new issue of the EFJ Focus is available in English and German. French version will follow soon. Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move! To subscribe, simply click HERE.  
9310. Finnish union successfully lobbies for change in unemployment law  

Since 2013 freelance journalists in Finland enjoy better legal status in case of unemployment. The law now recognises them as freelance journalists and not as entrepreneurs thus permitting access to unemployment benefits. The legislative change came about thanks to successful, constant lobbying of the Union of Journalists in Finland (UFJ).  Additionally, freelance journalists now do not have to wait for months to be able to receive unemployment benefits. The amendments will benefit especially immigrant journalists who often work as freelancers due to the language barrier but could not fall back onto the safety net provided to their Finnish…  
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