15063 results:

8821. IFJ/EFJ Denounce Greek Government’s Plans for New Public Broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have expressed their deep concern about the Greek government's "unacceptable" plans for the new public broadcaster NERIT, stating that the move will mean the loss of many journalists jobs and create a sub-standard, Athens-focused organisation.   The Greek government has announced the formation of the New Hellenic Radio, Internet and Television (NERIT) which is expected to launch in March 2014 and will only have 132 members of staff. Despite government assurances that NERIT will be a "Greek BBC", the IFJ/EFJ believe that the new station's minimal number of staff…  
8822. FENATRAMCO: Despidos en El Mercurio de Valparaíso en Chile  

El Mercurio de la ciudad de Valparaíso, despidió a 9 profesionales,  todos ellos miembros del sindicato de periodistas. Domingo Vargas, presidente de FENATRAMCO, ha informado que Miguel Campos, presidente del sindicato, señaló que los despidos se producen una vez que termina el juicio que estaba en los tribunales, producto de la contratación ilegal de personal de reemplazo que realizó la empresa durante el mes de huelga que llevaron a efecto el año pasado. La Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de los Medios de Comunicación Social de Chile (FENATRAMCO) lamenta la situación por la que atraviesa su sindicato afiliado, y se pone a su disposición para realizar todas las…  
8823. IFJ Urges Utmost Caution for Journalists Covering Protests in Bangkok  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged journalists covering the protests in Bangkok to protect their safety and remain vigilant at all times. According to media reports, seven people were wounded last Saturday 11 January after gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on anti-government protestors in Bangkok. While this week's protests to "shut down" the capital have so far been peaceful, there are fears of further outbreaks of violence. Two foreign reporters were shot dead in political protests in the country in 2010, while last December a photographer was injured by a rubber bullet while covering clashes in Bangkok. There have also been reports that on Monday,…  
8824. IFJ/EFJ Call for U.S. Journalist David Satter to be Readmitted to Russia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have condemned the Russian government's decision to expel US journalist David Satter and called for them to allow him to return to the country. According to media reports, Satter, a longtime critic of Russian President Valimir Putin, has been banned from Russia in one of the first such expulsions since the Cold War. He had travelled to the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, on December 5 to report on the mass protests there, but was told on December 25 that his application for a new visa to Russia had been rejected on the grounds that his presence was "undesirable," but no other reason was…  
8825. IFJ Urges Utmost Caution for Journalists Covering Bangkok  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged journalists covering the protests in Bangkok to protect their safety and remain vigilant at all times.Last Saturday, 11 January, seven people were wounded after gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on anti-government protestors in Bangkok. While this week's protests to "shut down" the capital have so far been peaceful, there are fears of further outbreaks of violence. Two foreign reporters were shot dead in political protests in the country in 2010, while last December a photographer was injured by a rubber bullet while covering clashes in Bangkok. There have also been reports that on Monday, 13 January, a foreign media…  
8826. Press freedom in Hong Kong at stake after editor’s removal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned over the abrupt removal of a respected newspaper editor in Hong Kong. Kevin Lau, chief editor of the trusted Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao Daily was stood down on Monday January 6, prompting concern among staff and journalists about media freedoms being further curtailed in Hong Kong. About 270 staff members, more than 90% of the Ming Pao Daily editorial staff, have signed a petition demanding that the executive committee explain the reasoning behind the decision and flagging concerns that the newspaper’s editorial independence was being threatened. In addition, it has been reported that a further 300 former Ming Pao…  
8827. IFJ Calls on The Gambia to Release Two Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has called on authorities in The Gambia to immediately release two journalists. According to The Gambia Press Union (GPU) an IFJ affiliate, journalist Musa Sheriff Editor in chief of privately-owned newspaper The Voice was picked up on January 13 at his office by four plain clothes officers of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA). Freelance journalist Sainey M.K. Marenah author of the story is also being detained. Both have been charged with “giving false information to a public officer” over a story titled “19 Green Youths Defect to UDP” published by the newspaper on its edition of December 9, 2013. In The…  
8828. IFJ Calls on Thai Authorities to Issue Licences for Protective Clothing to Journalists ahead of Protests  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on authorities in Thailand to allow journalists reporting in the country to import and possess body armour in order to protect their safety. According to Thai law, it is illegal for local Thai and foreign journalists in the country to obtain body armour such as vests and helmet, with reports suggesting that some journalists have been forced to buy inadequate home-made vests in the country, while others have attempted to bring items into the country via mail or through airports. In a letter sent to the Prime Minister of Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra, the IFJ has expressed its fears for the safety of…  
8829. 105 Journalists Killed in 2013 to Test UN Day to End Impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today issued a desperate appeal for governments across the world to end impunity for violence against journalists and media staff after posting 105 killings for 2013. Fifteen more lost their lives in accidents while on assignments. (Read in French/Spanish) According to the list released by the IFJ, at least 105 journalists and media staff lost their lives in targeted attacks, bomb attacks and other cross fire incidents around the world. The 23rd annual IFJ list shows that the deadliest regions for journalists were Asia Pacific, with 29% of the killings and the Middle East and Arab World with 27%. The number of killings is…  
8830. IFJ/EFJ Welcome Release of Swedish Journalists in Syria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have praised the tireless efforts of their affiliate, the Swedish Union of Journalists (Svenska Journalistförbundet, SJF), in helping to secure the release of two Swedish journalists who had been held in Syria since last November. According to media reports, Magnus Falkehed, a Paris based reporter for Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, and freelance photographer, Niclas Hammarström, were freed separately over the course of the last few days. One of the men was freed on Saturday while the other was transported from the Lebanese border town of Arsal to Beirut on Wednesday. …  
8831. IFJ Urges Thai Authorities to Allow Journalists to Obtain Body Armour  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on authorities in Thailand to allow journalists reporting in the country to import and possess body armour in order to protect their safety. According to Thai law, it is illegal for local Thai and foreign journalists in the country to obtain body armour such as vests and helmet, with reports suggesting that some journalists have been forced to buy inadequate home-made vests in the country, while others have attempted to bring items into the country via mail or through airports.  In a letter sent to the Prime Minister of Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra, the IFJ has expressed its fears for the safety of journalists covering…  
8833. IFJ/EFJ Welcome Release of Swedish Journalists in Syria & Call for Other Journalists to Be Freed  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have praised the tireless efforts of their affiliate, the Swedish Union of Journalists (Svenska Journalistförbundet, SJF), in helping to secure the release of two Swedish journalists who had been held in Syria since last November.According to media reports, Magnus Falkehed, a Paris based reporter for Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, and freelance photographer, Niclas Hammarström, were freed separately over the course of the last few days. One of the men was freed on Saturday while the other was transported from the Lebanese border town of Arsal to Beirut on Wednesday.…  
8834. How can authors' rights in tweet be enforced?  

A newspaper advertisement featuring a tweet by a film critic has prompted debate about social media copyright.More on BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25636009  
8835. IFJ/EFJ Call on Montenegrin Authorities to Protect Media Freedom Following Attacks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have expressed their dismay after learning that an explosive device was recently discovered in the offices of the Vijesti daily newspaper in Montenegro.The IFJ/EFJ have sent a letter to the leaders of the Montenegro Republic, Prime minister Milo Djukanovic, President Filip Vujanovic and President of the Parliament Ranko Krivokapic, expressing their deep concern regarding the attack on the daily newspaper which put the lives of many journalists and media workers in danger.Signed by IFJ President Jim Boumelha and EFJ President Mogens Blicher-Bjerregård, the letter thanks the government of…  
8836. ANP denuncia: Los medios masivos de manipulación no son aceptables en una democracia  

La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú hace recordar al poder político y al poder económico que los diarios y otros medios de comunicación, a la luz de la experiencia, son considerados como instrumentos de control social. A través de los mismos se sugiere a los lectores, oyentes y televidentes qué pensar, cuándo, cómo y hasta dónde pensar, orientando la opinión en un sentido o en otro. Por estas razones no es aceptable en una sociedad cada vez más democrática, la concentración de medios en manos del Estado o de inversionistas privados. De ocurrir ello, los "medios de comunicación social" se convertirían en "medios masivos de manipulación". Ante la…  
8837. Shan Dahar (Odhor)  

The senior reporter for the Aaab Tak News Channel was shot by unidentified assailants on his way home on Tuesday 31 December in the Badha area of the country's Larkana district, according to media reports. He was taken to hospital with critical injuries and passed away in the early hours of New Year's Day. Following Dahar's death, a series of protests led by IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), were held by journalists across Pakistan to call for the government to step up its efforts to protect the safety of journalists in the country.  
8838. First Journalist Killed in 2014: IFJ Condemns Murder of Pakistan Journalist Shan Odhor  

The International Federation of Journalists has called on authorities in Pakistan to carry out an immediate investigation into the murder of journalist Shan Odhor in the Badha area of the country's Larkana district. According to reports, Odhor, a senior reporter for the Aaab Tak News Channel, was shot by unidentified assailants on his way home last Tuesday, 31 December. He was taken to hospital with critical injuries and passed away in the early hours of New Year's Day. Following Odhor's death, a series of protests led by IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), have been held by journalists across Pakistan to call for the government to…  
8839. First Journalist Killed in 2014: IFJ Condemns Murder of Pakistan Journalist Shan Dahar  

The International Federation of Journalists has called on authorities in Pakistan to carry out an immediate investigation into the murder of journalist Shan Dahar (Odhor) in the Badha area of the country's Larkana district. According to reports, Dahar, a senior report for the Aaab Tak News Channel, was shot by unidentified assailants on his way home last Tuesday, 31 December. He was taken to hospital with critical injuries and passed away in the early hours of New Year's Day. Following Dahar's death, a series of protests led by IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), have been held by journalists across Pakistan to call for the government to step up its efforts…  
8840. End Impunity Campaign  

Our End Impunity campaign urges the authorities of the countries with the highest death tolls of journalists to investigate these killings and bring their perpetrators to justice.  The campaign is initially focusing on Iraq, Pakistan and Russia. We are calling on the governments in these three countries to investigate cases of impunity by sending letters, using social media, issuing statements, running protests and events and highlighting specific cases. View our End Impunity campaign page to find out more about the actions the campaign is taking and how you can provide your support.    
8841. Third FAJ Congress, 2013 - Working Document  

The Third Congress of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) was held in Casablanca from 30-31 March, 2013. View the Working Document from the meeting.  
8842. Report of Pan African Safety of Journalists Conference 2012  

The Pan-African Conference on Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity was held in Addis Ababa from 14-15 September, 2012.  Read the report in full HERE  
8843. 105 Journalists Killed in 2013 to Test UN Day to End Impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today issued a desperate appeal for governments across the world to end impunity for violence against journalists and media staff after posting 105 killings for 2013. Fifteen more lost their lives in accidents while on assignments.  According to the list released today by the IFJ, at least 105 journalists and media staff lost their lives in targeted attacks, bomb attacks and other cross fire incidents around the world. The 23rd annual IFJ list shows that the deadliest regions for journalists were Asia Pacific, with 29% of the killings and the Middle East and Arab World with 27%. The number of killings is slightly down by 10% on last…  
8844. Gender Equality Best Practice Handbook - French version  

Click HERE to read the French version of the 'Gender Equality Best Practice Handbook'  
8845. 105 periodistas asesinados en 2013: un test para el Día de la ONU contra la impunidad  

La Federación International de Periodistas (FIP) ha emitido hoy un desesperado llamamiento  a los gobiernos de todo el mundo para que terminen con la impunidad de la violencia ejercida contra los periodistas. En 2013, la FIP registró 105 asesinatos de periodistas y otras personas de los medios de comunicación. Quince más perdieron la vida en accidentes relacionados con su trabajo. Según la lista emitida hoy por la FIP, al menos 105 periodistas y otro personal de los medios fueron víctimas mortales de ataques selectivos, bombas, explosiones e incidentes de fuego entrecruzado, en todo el mundo. La 23ª lista anual de la FIP muestra que las regiones más mortíferas para los periodistas…  
8846. IFJ/EFJ Demand Press Freedom in Ukraine Following Appalling Attack on Journalist  

Press freedom in Ukraine must be upheld, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have demanded, following the brutal attack on journalist Tatyana Chornovol on Christmas Day. According to media reports, freelance journalist Chornovol's car was rammed on a road outside Kiev and she was badly beaten by assailants. On 27 December, as a preventative measure a Ukrainian court detained five suspects believed to be involved in the attack. Police have criminal proceedings against the suspects. Chornolov is well known for her investigative reports into the affairs of Ukraine's top officials, exposing their wealth and accusing many of…  
8847. IFJ Calls For Immediate Release of Al Jazeera Journalists Arrested in Egypt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for Egyptian authorities to immediately release a team of journalists working for Al Jazeera who have been arrested in Cairo.According to media reports, Egytian police are understood to have detained the journalists, who work for Al-Jazeera English, late on Sunday night, 29 December. The journalists are the TV network's bureau chief Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, who holds Canadian nationality, Peter Greste, an Australian who formerly worked as a BBC correspondent, producer Baher Mohamed and Egyptian cameraman Mohamed Fawzy, who is said to have been arrested at home.Egypt's interior ministry issued a statement saying the journalists had…  
8848. Molhem Barakat  

The Syrian photographer who took pictures for Reuters on a freelance basis has been killed while covering fighting in Aleppo, activists said. Molhem Barakat died on Friday as he took photographs of a battle over a hospital between rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. Rebels had accused government forces of turning the Kindi Hospital into a barracks. As well as covering the conflict, Barakat took pictures showing the life of ordinary Syrians in the divided city, which used to be Syria's commercial hub. The civil war in Syria has claimed the lives of well over 100,000 people since 2011 and driven millions into neighbouring countries. …  
8849. Rogelio Butalib  

The journalist for Radyo Natin was shot and killed by gunmen in the southern city of Tagum on Mindanao Island, according to police sources. The attack, carried out by armed riding a motorcycle , was condemned by the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines who suspected that the motive was the victim's work as a journalist. Butalib was a commentator for the local Radyo Natin station and his programme often tackled local issues like corruption.  
8850. Raad Yassin,Jamal Abdel Nasser,Mohamed Ahmad Al-Khatib, Wissam Al-Azzawi, Wissam Al-Azzawi  

The five Iraqi journalists and media staff were killed on Monday, 23 December 2013 in a bomb attack when gunmen carried out a suicide attack on the headquarters of Salaheddin TV in the northern Iraqi city of Tikrit. According to reports, two of the four gunmen detonated their explosive vests while security forces shot the other two before they could detonate theirs. The five Salaheddin TV employees killed by the explosions are reported to be chief news editor Raad Yassin, producer Jamal Abdel Nasser, cameraman Mohamed Ahmad Al-Khatib, presenter Wissam Al-Azzawi and the archives manager Mohamed Abdel Hamid. Four other employees were injured.  
8851. IFJ Mourns Five Journalists Brutally Murdered in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its deep shock following the news that five Iraqi journalists were killed on Monday, 23 December, when gunmen carried out a suicide attack on the headquarters of Salaheddin TV in the northern Iraqi city of Tikrit.According to reports, two of the four gunmen detonated their explosive vests while security forces shot the other two before they could detonate theirs. The five Salaheddin TV employees killed by the explosions are reported to be chief news editor Raad Yassin, producer Jamal Abdel Nasser, cameraman Mohamed Ahmad Al-Khatib, presenter Wissam Al-Azzawi and the archives manager Mohamed Abdel Hamid. Four other employees…  
8852. IFJ Demands ‘End Impunity' in Russia Following Memorial Day for Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has sent a message of support to its Russian affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) following its annual Memorial Day on 15 December which was dedicated to the memory of colleagues who have been killed in the line of duty. The event, held in the Moscow Central House of Journalists, has been organised every December by the RUJ since the 90's to pay their respects to more than 300 media workers who have gone missing or been killed in Russia since 1991. It was a very touching event as relatives and friends gathered together to celebrate the lives and work of the journalists, while also calling for an end to impunity for crimes…  
8853. SPP: Se espera audiencia con Cartes para tratar agresión de guardias a periodistas en Paraguay  

Tras los últimos hechos de agresión protagonizados por la guardia presidencial durante el oratorio de Caacupé, el SPP solicitó reunirse con el presidente de la República, Horacio Cartes, para exponer su preocupación ante este accionar. El SPP espera concretar la audiencia antes de fin de año para exigir que estas prácticas sean censuradas desde su más alta investidura.  “Entendemos que es posible establecer métodos en los que se pueda prescindir de los empujones y patadas, y también que este tipo de prácticas sean censuradas desde la más alta investidura”, señala la misiva enviada el pasado 11 de diciembre, que además subraya que la guardia presidencial, fuerza el silencio del…  
8854. EFJ FOCUS, 23 December 2013  

The 23 December 2013 issue of the EFJ Focus is now available in English, German and French versions will be available soon. Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move!To subscribe, simply click HERE. If you missed the previous issues, see our archives.  
8855. Bashar Abdulqader Najm  

The cameraman for Al-Mosuliya television station was killed by gunmen outside his house, according to police sources quoted in media. He was the third journalist be killed in Mosul in the month of October as violence gripped the media community in the restive northern city of Iraq.  
8856. Nikolai Potapov  

The 66 – year old founder and editor of the Selsovet (Village Council) newspaper, was gunned down in the Stavropol region. Local media reports said the newspaper exposed alleged corruption by local authorities, particularly with respect to land deals in which officials were accused of transferring state property to criminal gangs in neighbouring Caucasus regions. Sources also said that the newspaper’s uncompromising stance was the most likely motive for Potapov’s killing. Authorities took suspects into custody shortly after the crime and in mid-August they said they had identified the mastermind behind the killing, but they did not release that person’s…  
8857. Yasser Faisal al Jumaily  

The Iraqi journalist and a member of the IFJ affiliate in Iraq, the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate (IJS) was murdered by al-Qaeda linked terrorist group in the Idlib region of Syria near the border with Turkey. According to reports, freelance journalist and cameraman Faisal, was travelling with his Syrian fixer and a driver when they were stopped by the Islamist insurgents who shot him dead and injure his driver. The two colleagues were able to bring his body over the border into Turkey. The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate (IJS) has condemned the "heinous murder" and demanded that the perpetrators are brought to justice. It has also urged all relevant authorities in Syria, Turkey…  
8858. Mahmoud Natouf  

The reporter for Sana al-Thawra , a self proclaimed Syrian Arab News Agency for the Revolution) was killed during government shelling of the Damascus suburb of Moadamyat al-Sham, according to his employer, Sana al-Thawra, and media reports. He was filming government shelling in a residential area near the neighborhood mosque when he was hit by rocket fire, the Moadamyat al-Sham Media Center reported on its Facebook page, CPJ said. According to CPJ, the Syrian Arab News Agency of the Revolution is considered a rival pro-opposition news agency to the pro-government Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). The agency provides news and reports from around the country and covers the conflict,…  
8859. Ghaith Abd al-Jawad, Amr Badir al-Deen Junaid  

The two cameramen for Qaboun Media Center were killed by a mortar shell, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. The media center distributed video that was published by a number of international news organizations, CPJ said. Source: IPI  
8860. Youssef Adel Bakri  

The reporter was killed in a government shelling of the Karam al-Tarab neighborhood in Aleppo while filming the bombardment of the neighborhood by government forces, according to HNN and Al-Jazeera. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said that Bakri, also known as Youssef Abu Jad ,worked as a reporter and videographer for the local news outlet Halab News Network (HNN). Halab News Network, based in Aleppo, posts news and reports from around the country and the region, with a focus on Aleppo province. The network covers the conflict, politics, clashes, and protests. Its broadcasts are published by several regional news outlets including Al-Jazeera but it does not…  
8861. Carlos Manuel Artaza  

The journalist was killed when gunmen opened fire on his car in Pedro Juan Caballero city, near the capital of Asunción, according to media reports. The Journalists’ Union of Paraguay condemned the killing, saying that journalists in the area near the border with Brazil receive frequently threats. The organisation cited the cases of Aníbal Gómez, of Radio América and ABC Color correspondent Cándido Figueredo, both of whom had reportedly received death threats. Artaza had been very critical on the radio in the lead up to the elections in Paraguay, La Nación newspaper added.  
8862. Marcelino Váquez  

The 54-year old owner of radio station Sin Fronteras 98.5 FM was gunned down and killed in front of the station’s offices in Pedro Juan Caballero, Paraguay, near the border with Brazil, according to media reports. Reports quoted witnesses as saying that two armed men intercepted Vázquez while he left the station and shot him at point blank as he was en route to a club that he also owned.  
8863. Mario Vendiola Baylosis  

The 33-year-old radio announcer and presenter at Radyo Natin and DXNC-Radyo Suhnan, was killed by two unidentified gunmen on a motorcycle in the town of Kabasalan in the southern province of Zamboanga Sibugay. Baylosis had previously reported a death threat to the local authorities.  
8864. Mario Sy  

The 53- year old freelance photographer and regularly contributor to the local Sapol News Bulletin newspaper, was shot twice by an unidentified gunman in front of his wife and daughter in his home in southern General Santos City. Sy died later at a local hospital. His murder occurred only two days after the double murder of Filipino journalists Richard Kho and Bonifacio Loreto.  
8865. Mario Ricardo Chávez  

The editor of a website ‘El Ciudadano‘ was found dead near the city of Victoria in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas. According to police sources, the journalist had been kidnapped two weeks earlier when he was snatched by armed men while leaving a cinema with his family in Victoria. His body was found partially buried alongside a decapitated body of an unidentified female victim. Chávez’s Twitter feed had been silent since May 22, reports added.  
8866. Alonso de la Colina Noriega  

The journalist for La Vanguardia newspaper was killed in the city of Puebla, media reports said. He had worked as a news presenter for a local TV station called Hechos Guerrero TV in the state of Guerrero, one of the regions in Mexico which had been affected by violence generated by organised crime groups. The 50- year old journalist was shot in the chest as he left the bank in a shopping center in the city of Puebla, according to the Office of the State Prosecutor quoted by media. The Director of the Ministerial Police, Juan Luis Galán reportedly said that the journalist “was approached in the parking lot of the shopping plaza by a man who was about 1.80 meters tall and…  
8867. IFJ Urges Yemeni Authorities to Increase Protection for Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for authorities in Yemen to step up their efforts to protect the safety of journalists and end impunity for violence against media workers in the country. The IFJ call follows an escalation in violence against media personnel in the country in recent months which has seen journalists being threatened, kidnapped, beaten and suffered appalling acts of violence. Earlier this month woman journalist, Saraaa al Shehary, a correspondent for Al Maserah TV, was abducted and beaten in the capital city of Sanaa, while in November a car explosion in Sanaa left Mohammed Al Imad, editor-in-chief of Alhawyah newspaper, seriously injured.…  
8868. IFJ Expresses Sadness Following Death of Iraqi Journalist Muhanad Mohammed  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its deep sadness following the death of Iraqi journalist Muhanad Mohammed in Iraq yesterday, Thursday, 19 December. According to media reports, Iraqi journalist Muhanad Mohammed, who worked for Sumariya TV, and his son were killed in an explosion in front of their house in the Dura area of south Baghdad yesterday, Thursday 19 December. Twenty people were killed and 40 others were injured in the explosion which is believed to have been targeting pilgrims on their way to the holy city of Karbala. "We express our deepest condolences to the family of the respected journalist Muhanad Mohammed and we send our sympathies and…  
8869. Jaime Guadalupe González Domínguez  

The online photojournalist who wrote for a news website Ojinga Noticias was shot while he ate at a taco stand in the Mexican town of Ojinaga, in the state of Chihuahua. In a statement, the website said that the 38-year-old journalist was shot at least 18 times with an assault rifle and described his murder as an attack against journalism. The gunmen stole his camera and a woman who was with him was not wounded in the attack, it added.  
8870. Jaime Napoleon Jarquin Duarte  

The journalist for Nuestro Diario newspaper was shot and fatally wounded in the city of Pedro de Alvarado in the eastern Guatemalan province of Jutiapa near the border with El Salvador, the newspaper said in a statement. The 63 – year old former schoolteacher who joined the paper three years earlier was with three friends when gunmen travelling in a tractor opened fire, killing the journalist and wounding two of his friends. Nuestro Diario is known for its hard hitting coverage of crime and violence in Guatemala, where it is estimated that 16 homicides take place a day. Source: Knight Center  
8871. Luis Alberto Lemus Ruano  

The director of Radio Stereo Café and owner of the TV cable channel Café TV was killed in the department of Jutiapa, near the Salvadoran border, according to the Guatemalan Information Centre. The victim, who was also Vice president of the Jutiapa Association of Journalists, was killed by a gunman who followed him in a pharmacy and shot him. The attacker escaped on a waiting motorcycle driven by an accomplice. He was taken to hospital but died shortly afterwards.  
8872. Aadel Mohsen Husain  

The 43 – year old independent reporter who contributed to a number of news organisations in Iraq was shot to death in the northern city of Mosul. There was no immediate information on who carried out the attack.  
8873. Narendra Dabholkar  

The editor of Sadhana, a weekly Marathi-language magazine, was killed by two unidentified gunmen on motorcycles in the city of Pune early today, according to Agence France-Presse. He was shot in the neck and back, suffering fatal injurines from which he died, police said. Dabholkar’s magazine promotes scientific thought and covers topics including caste, politics, and religion. Dabholkar used to lecture and write on rationalism and scientific thinking in India, a country where superstitious beliefs are still rampant, according to reports.  
8874. Jitendra Singh  

The part-time reporter for Prabhat Khabhar newspaper was killed in Khunti district, Jharkhand state, according to media reports. Members of the People's Liberation Front of India (PLFI), a breakaway Maoist faction, claimed responsibility. In a letter found in Singh's pocket, the PLFI said “"No one can work in the area without approval of the PLFI," according to media, adding that Singh had written about activities of the rebels for the past 16 years.  
8875. Georges Henri Honorat  

The editor–in-chief of the Haiti Progress newspaper was shot dead outside his home in Port au Prince by armed men who were riding a motorcycle. Media reports said that he had received death threats from reportedly political activists who form grass roots organisations in the country.  
8876. Fausto Valdivieso  

The former employee of privately-owned TV stations Ecuavisa, Teleamazonas and TC Televisión, who worked as a freelance journalist and a PR consultant was killed by a gunman who shot him three times. Valdivieso was killed as he got out of his car when his attacker came up to him and opened fire from close range. The victim was rushed to hospital but he died there. Media reports quoted relatives and friends of the journalist as saying that he had escaped an attempted murder the day before.  
8877. Renato Machado Gonçalves  

The manager of Radio Barra FM based in the city of Sao Joao da Barra, Río de Janeiro was shot as he was returning home by a gunman on a motorcycle who called out his name and shot him at least three times. The victim was taken to hospital where he died of his wounds. Media report quoted family sources as saying that the incident was recorded on security cameras but no arrest has been made.  
8878. Walgney Assis Carvalho  

The photographer who worked for Vale do Aço newspaper was killed near the town of Ipatinga in the state of Minas Gerais. He was shot twice in the back by a gunman on a motorcycle as he was sitting in a restaurant. The photographer worked for the “Vale do Aço” newspaper. In March 8th 2013, a reporter who covered police issues for the same newspaper, Rodrigo Neto, was killed in Ipatinga. The MO was basically the same: a gunman, a motorcycle, a bar. According to the Association of Investigative Journalism in Brazil ( Abraji), an anonymous caller to the State House of Representatives claimed that Walgney knew who might have killed Rodrigo Neto, a crime reporter who had been…  
8879. IFJ Demands ‘End Impunity’ in Iraq after Murder of Sixth Journalist since October  

The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) has reiterated its call for the Iraqi government to end impunity for crimes against journalists, following the appalling murder of female TV presenter, Nawras al-Nuaimi, in the northern city of Mosul last Sunday, 15 December.Media reports say that al-Nuaimi, who worked for Al-Mosuliyah TV, was shot as she was walking near her home in the city. Her murder took place on a day of widespread violence across Iraq that left 20 people dead. The presenter's death means that six journalists have now been murdered in Iraq since October, with five of those murders occurring in Mosul, one of the country's most dangerous cities. According to IFJ…  
8880. IFJ/FAJ Condemn Signing of Bad Media Bill in Kenya  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) have today condemned in the strongest terms possible the assenting of the President’s signature to the Information and Communication (Amendment) Bill 2013, which was passed by the National Assembly on 5 December, 2013 despite huge opposition from members of the media fraternity in Africa and beyond.      According to the Kenya Correspondents Association (KCA) an affiliate of the IFJ and FAJ, “The President is reported to have signed the Bill into Law on Wednesday, 11 December, setting the stage for the gagging of the media and the slapping of hefty fines on journalists and…  
8881. Lee Halpin  

The 27 – year old founder and editor of Novel, a magazine covering all aspects of England’s North East culture and presenter ‘The Weekend Starts Here Show’ on Radio Tyneside was found dead in in a boarded-up hostel on Westgate Road, New Castle, according to meda. Local media reports said that Halpin was making a documentary about sleeping rough on New Castle’s streets and had set himself a week long challenge to experience life of those who are homeless. While the cause of his death remains unclear, it is believed he might have died of hypothermia. The Met Office said that the lowest temperature recorded in New Castle early on 3 April was around -4.2C.  
8882. Ikechukwu Udendu  

The editor of the monthly Anambra was shot dead by unknown persons in Onithsa city in Anambra state, south east of Nigeria.  
8883. Issa Ngumba  

The 45-year old journalist for Radio Kwizera) found dead in the West of Tanzania. Sources said he appeared to have been hanged by unknown assailants as his left arm had a deep bullet wound.  
8884. Chris Guerra  

The photographer was killed after being hit by a vehicle while taking pictures of Justin Bieber's sports car, according to police sources in Los Angeles. Guerra was reportedly taking pictures of a Ferrari believed to belong to Justin Bieber on Sepulveda Boulevard in Los Angeles when another vehicle travelling at a high speed hit and killed him. The singer later confirmed that he was not in the vehicle which was being driven by a friend at the time of the accident.  
8885. Time to be positive about authors' rights- IFJ statement at WIPO SCCR  

There has been much talk of "rebalancing" authors' rights. On the proposed broadcasting treaty, the IFJ shares the concern that the Committee's mandate is to consider the protection of "the signal" and believes that very extensive further work is required to deal with the questions raised by the convergence of broadcasting and networking, which are of course fundamental to the protection of journalistic works. Looking ahead to exceptions and limitations: too often, those who speak of "rebalancing" really mean weakening the rights of authors, in favour of their sponsors. To do so in the case of education, for example, raises…  
8886. IFJ Backs Demonstration to Demand Reinstatement of Cape Times Editor  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has given its full backing to a demonstration taking place in Cape Town tomorrow, Tuesday 17 December, outside the editorial office of South African daily newspaper, Cape Times, to demand the reinstatement of the publication's editor Alide Desnois.The Capes Times is owned by Independent News & Media South African (INMSA), which was bought last August by Sekunjalo Independent Media Consortium. According to the IFJ'S South African affiliate, the Media Workers' Association of South Africa (MWASA), the Cape Times last week published an article by reporter Melanie Gosling which questioned the irregular awarding of a major government tender…  
8887. Impunity Must End in The Gambia, IFJ Says  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) had today called for the end of all form of impunity in The Gambia. Today, Monday 16 December, marks the ninth anniversary of the assassination of Deyda Hydara, a prominent journalist, who was gunned down in a drive-by shooting by unknown assailants on 16 December, 2004. His killers are still at large.  The IFJ joins its affiliate, the Gambia Press Union (GPU) to once again call on the Government of The Gambia to expand all its efforts and tools to investigate the assassination in order to bring the culprits to book. "Failure to bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to book will only entrench a culture of impunity in our…  
8888. José Gómez Naudin  

According to eyewitness reports, Gomez was gunned down by two assailants upon his arrival at Radio Guadalajara where he presented a morning ‘Talk-Back’ programme.  
8889. José Darío Arenas  

The newspaper vendor was shot several times by unidentified attackers in the town of Caicedonia in the western province of Valle del Cauca of Colombia, according to media reports. Arenas was attacked while he was selling copies of a regional daily , Extra Quindío, which ran a story of complaints by relatives of inmates at the Caicedonia prison who accused guards of mistreating them. Journalist Andrés Mauricio Osorio said that Arenas, who served as the paper's unofficial stringer because it had no permanent reporter in the town, had approached him with the story, helped find sources and then taken photographs. After his murder, another vendor quoted in the story…  
8890. Édison Alberto Molina  

The presenter for Puerto Berrío stereo community radio was shot dead by a gunman on a motorcycle as he left the station’s offices with his wife. He was hit four times in an attach which left his wife also injured. Molina , who was also a lawyer, hosted a regular program ‘Consultorio Jurídico ‘, a legal advice call-in show and had received death threat s before his murder, according to reports. Two weeks before he was murdered, rocks had been thrown at his law office. A few minutes after the killing, Puerto Berrío city councilman Francisco Villa said he had received a phone call warning that he would be the next victim, according to Reporters Without Borders.  
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