15060 results:

4481. Digital Media: Buzzfeed accused of delaying tactics to frustrate recognition of workers’ union  

Journalists at Buzzfeed accused management of refusing to meet with their representatives in an attempt to deny recognition of the recently formed workers’ union, which would legitimately negotiate for employees. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) believes this is a clear example of union busting and urges the management to meet the union’s representatives and to respect workers’ fundamental right to organise in unions. On April the 3rd Buzzfeed News Union’s journalists were supposed to have a crucial meeting with the media executives to move forward in its official recognition. Five minutes before the meeting was scheduled to begin, they were told that the managers…  
4482. Fiji: Three New Zealand journalists freed, following arrest  

Fiji Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, ordered the release of three New Zealand journalists after they were arrested and detained overnight in Suva on April 3. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate E tū condemned the arrest and detention of the journalists. According to reports, Newsroom co-editor Mark Jennings, investigations editor Melanie Reid and freelance cameraman Hayden Aull were arrested and detained over night at Suva central police station. They were arrested after they tried to interview a Chinese resort developer accused of environmental desecration of an island in the Mamanucas. The developer, Freesoul Real Estate accused them of criminal…  
4483. Facebook post sees writer arrested in Sri Lanka  

Sri Lankan artist and writer, Shaktika Sathkumara was arrested on April 3, after posting a short story on Facebook. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) have strongly criticized the arrest of Sathkumara and demand authorities end arbitrary detention. Shaktika Sathkumara was arrested by Polgahawela police after it was deemed that the Facebook post disrespects the Buddhist philiosophy under the International Civil and Political Rights Charter. Sathkumara will be detained until April 9. FMM noted that when Sri Lanka signed the said International Civil and Political Rights Charter the promise given to the people of the country and…  
4484. Pakistani journalist abducted from his home  

Pakistan journalist with Daily Jang newspaper is missing after he was abducted from his home in Karachi in the early hours of March 30, 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has raised serious concerns about the disappearance of Matloon Husain Mosavi and demand an investigation. According to reports, Matloob Husain Mosavi, a reporter with Daily Jang newspaper, was abducted by two dozen people from his home in Karachi on March 30. Masked men climbed walls to gain access to the home and locked the rest of Matloob’s family in a room and then abducted Matloob. The men arrived in several vehicles, including 3 police vehicles. Matloob’s family has reported his abduction to…  
4485. Tunisie : la FIJ clôture un atelier régional consacré à l'organisation syndicale dans le secteur des médias numériques et de la jeunesse  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a organisé ces 1er et 2 avril un atelier syndical à Tunis avec la participation de quatorze jeunes et syndicalistes représentant syndicats et associations de journalistes de la région. Cet atelier consacré à l'organisation des jeunes journalistes et professionnels du secteur des médias numériques fait partie du programme mondial de FIJ qui est mis en œuvre en collaboration avec la Fondation Friedrich EBERT et l'organisation Union to Union. Les échanges ont inclus une présentation de la FIJ sur les derniers développements en matière d'organisation syndicale dans les médias numériques à travers le monde et dans la région, et ses efforts…  
4486. Tunisie: les journalistes de Shems FM arborent le brassard rouge!  

Depuis le 27 mars, les journalistes de la radio tunisienne, Shems FM, organisent des sit-in et portent un brassard rouge car ils contestent l’opacité des discussions entre le gouvernement et le syndicat sur une possible cession du capital de la radio. La FIJ, première organisation mondiale, leur a apporté tout son soutien sur place à Tunis. Ils tiennent à leur outil de travail et sont les seuls à le défendre : les journalistes de Shems FM, une des principales radios tunisiennes, ne désarment pas, portent un brassard rouge comme signe de protestation et organisent des sit-in. La raison? Shems FM, un des médias « confisqués » après la Révolution de Jasmin en 2011, a navigué…  
4487. New safety tool for news organisations launched  

The International Federation of Journalists, together with a number of other organisations, is launching the News Organisations Safety Self-Assessment, a new resource that will help news outlets review and improve their current safety practices and protocols. This resource is a collaboration between the IFJ and a number of press freedom groups, including the ACOS Alliance, the Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma, the International Press Institute, the International Women’s Media Foundation and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers. The News Organisations Safety Self-Assessment comprises a brief set of key questions and guideline notes that should prompt a…  
4488. Burundi must stop silencing critical voices  

On 29th March the Burundi government suspended the BBC World Service from operating and extended Voice of America’s (VOA) suspension. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns continuous violations of freedom of the press in a country where journalism is at great risk. The National Communications Council (CNC)'s decision to withdraw the BBC’s operating license and extend Voice of America’s suspension until further notice follows a first suspension in May 2018 and several years of arrests and attacks against Burundian journalists. Following the decision, the CNC has forbidden Burundian journalists to “provide, directly or indirectly, information that can be…  
4489. The Gambia: Government cancels journalists screening process following IFJ and GPU complaints  

The office of the Director of Press and Public Relations at State House has abandoned plans to allow Security Intelligence Agency (SIS) agents to vet journalists. The decision came after strong complaints and the threat of a boycott from the IFJ and its national affiliate, the Gambian Press Union (GPU), who jointly condemned the plan as an attempt to silence and intimidate the media and lobbied the authorities to drop the scheme. Under the plan, every journalist who wanted to apply for accreditation to cover the presidency needed to go through a selection process under the supervision of the State Intelligence Services (SIS) "as part of press accreditation procedures". Both the IFJ and GPU…  
4490. Open letter to Slovakia's President-elect Zuzana Čaputová  

After lawyer and civil rights activist Zuzana Čaputová was elected as Slovakia's first female president on 30 March 2019, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and other freedom of expression organisations to send her a letter, drawing attention to the press and media freedom situation in the country. Dear President-elect Čaputová, Congratulations for winning the presidential election in Slovakia on 30 March 2019.  Your victory marks a strong demand of the Slovak people for change, for true democracy under the rule of law – one year after Ján Kuciak and his partner were murdered in your country. Ján Kuciak…  
4491. Indonesia: Journalists attacked by a gang leader  

Several journalists were attacked outside in court in West Jakarta by a gang leader on March 27, 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) condemn the assault on journalists and urge the authorities to prosecute the perpetrator. Gang leader, Hercules Rosario Marshal was in court in West Jakarta. When Hercules arrived at court, he stepped out of the car where he was met by waiting media. Hercules immediately started verbally and physically assaulting the media before he was taken to a holding room. As photographers tried to take his photo he was chased and the rest of the media fled the scene. FS, an online…  
4492. Arab World: Journalists’ unions say it is time for Arab states’ leaders to support media freedom and independence  

Journalists unions from across the Arab World meeting in parallel with the League of Arab States (LAS) Summit in Tunis have called on the region’s governments to free all jailed journalists and back demands for media freedom and independence. IFJ affiliated unions from across the Arab World lobbied government leaders as they met in Tunis on the sidelines of the League of Arab States meeting. Journalists unions from countries the region, the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) met on 30/31 March to highlight the crises facing journalism in the region, and to call on the Arab countries to support the ‘Declaration on Media…  
4493. Pakistani government monitoring journalists’ social media activity  

Several journalists were placed on a ‘watch list’ by the Pakistan Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) Cybercrime Wing over criticism of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman during his visit to Pakistan in February 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) have condemn the attempts to intimidate and silence the media. According to reports, at least five journalists and one blogger were placed on the ‘watch list’ as part of a ‘targeted social media campaign’. The register inquiries against the journalists were listed on a letter signed by the FIA Additional Director Cybercrime Wing, Chaudhry Adbul Rauf. According to the…  
4494. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, March 23rd to Friday, March 29th 2019: 1) NUJ defends student paper for ‘bugging’ sport society, The Times 2) Trinity College Dublin law profs split over whether student newspaper bugging halls to expose secret society's "hazing" was legal, Legal Cheek 3) Tamil Nadu Farmers vs Modi; Kochi Biennale Workers Not Paid, The Wire 4) A database of porn users and the 59 journalists serving 417 years on terrorism charges, IFEX 5) IFJ holds training for women…  
4495. Gambia: IFJ backs call for journalists to boycott selection process  

The IFJ-affiliated Gambia Press Union (GPU) has called on journalists not to comply with new rules imposed on journalists seeking to cover events in the Presidency. The GPU confirmed that the Office of the Director of Press and Public Relations (DPPR) is requiring journalists to go through a selection process under the supervision of the State Intelligence Services (SIS) "as part of press accreditation procedures". The IFJ and GPU have strongly condemned the procedure and called on the authorities to allow journalists to work freely and without any form of surveillance. The SIS, formerly named the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) under the Jammeh regime, was a notorious and feared…  
4496. Maria Ressa arrested again on arrival in the Philippines  

Rappler CEO and executive editor, Maria Ressa, was arrested on March 28, as she landed in Manilla returning from the USA. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) deplore the arrest of Ressa, which comes just over a month after she was arrested on libel charges. Maria Ressa was arrested as she disembarked from a flight from San Francisco in Manila on Thursday. She was arrested for violating foreign ownership rules and securities fraud. As she was escorted from the airport, Ressa posted a series of tweets including one from inside the police car as she was led away. The latest charges against…  
4497. Serbia: IFJ/EFJ condemns targeted campaign against N1 television  

N1, a cable, regional news channel operating in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, is facing a targeted campaign of pressures and threats by state officials. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have joined their Serbian affiliates, the Independent Union of Serbia’s Journalists (NUNS) and the Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS), in condemning the attacks on media freedom and urged the authorities to stop targeting and labelling media. In a letter sent to the IFJ, N1 management states that the government’s objective is to “compromise and intimidate N1 by labelling it as an anti-Serb TV”. N1 is exclusive CNN news affiliate…  
4498. Indonesian university disbands student press over LGBTI story  

The website of Suarausu.co was shut down from March 20 to 23 after the Chancellor of the University of Sumatra Utara (USU) disbanded the student press of Suarausu.co after the publication of a fictional story about discrimination of LGBTI people. The International of Federation Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists Indonesia (AJI) in condemning USU for impeding on freedom of expression and the press. On March 12, Suarausu.co published a short fictional story highlighting discrimination LGBTI people face. On March 18, the story was shared on Suarausu.co social media channels, which was widely criticised. The following day, the rectorate of USU…  
4499. Malaysia: Journalists assaulted by political party leaders  

Umno leaders and supporters harassed two Malaysiakini interns as they covered a talk by the former Prime Minister in Kuala Lumpur on March 22. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists, Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) have strongly criticized the attack and demanded an investigation. The two interns, Mariam Nazar and Ramieza Wahid, were verbally and physically harassed as they covered a talk by former Prime Minister Najib Razak. Nazar was harassed by the Chief of Umno Petaling Jaya Selatan Mutalib Abdul Rahim and Umno Supreme Council Member Lokman Noor Adam. Wahid was shoved by supporters and also verbally abused. Mariam said Lokman,…  
4500. IFJ/EFJ hail adoption of Copyright Directive and urge EU Member States to adopt laws that ensure fair and proportionate remuneration for journalists  

The European Parliament today adopted the Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market by 348 votes in favor and 274 against. A call to open the text to amendments was lost by just 5 votes. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) welcome the adoption of this long-awaited piece of legislation, which they have worked tirelessly to promote and improve. The new directive includes key provisions for the publishing industry and authors, including journalists receiving a share of the revenue press publications generate online using their work, the principle of appropriate…  
4501. Sudan: Journalists protest against the continued detention of press editor  

Sudanese journalists took to the streets of the capital, Khartoum on Monday, 25 March to demonstrate against the continued incommunicado detention of their colleague Osman Mirghani, editor -in- chief of the Sudanese independent daily, Al Tayar. UPDATE: Journalist Osman Mirghani was freed on Friday, 29 March. The IFJ welcomed his release and urged authorities to drop all charges on him. Mirghani was arrested in his office on Friday, 22 February by the agents of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) and detained in an unknown location without access to his family or a lawyer.  The journalist’s arrest was allegedly triggered by an interview that he granted to…  
4502. Somalia: Arrests of soldiers over torturing two journalists deal a major blow to impunity  

On Sunday, 24 March, Somali authorities arrested two soldiers and officially charged them for torturing and threatening journalists Abdullahi Dahir Abdi and Said Warsame Sabriye of Dhanbaal. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Somali affiliate, The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), have today welcomed the arrests and demanded an independent and transparent trial. According to the investigation, the soldiers Ali Adan Abdi Gaab and Sakariye Hassan Ibaar of Somali National Army (SNA) tied the hands and the feet of the two journalists behind their back and forced them to lie down on their chests on 18 February 2019 in Mogadishu’s Hodan district. The journalists…  
4503. IFJ renews calls for the adoption of Copyright Directive and Amendment of Recital 35 if the Directive is opened  

On the eve of the final vote of the Copyright Directive, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Members of the European Parliament to adopt a directive that ensures journalists in the European Union will all benefit from the revenues generated from the online use of their work. It also calls on them to support Amendment 256 on Recital 35 (renumbered 59 in the provisional agreement), should the Directive be opened to amendments. As the International and European Federations (IFJ/EFJ) have repeatedly pointed out, the proposal includes important provisions for the publishing industry and authors, including a share of the revenue press publications generate…  
4504. Ireland: IFJ backs University Times coverage of hazing amid threats to its future  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today expressed its support for The University Times, (UT), which is under threat of losing its funding as a result of a backlash against a piece of pioneering investigative journalism into degrading and humiliating initiation rituals by a secretive society at a famous Dublin university. The independent newspaper published in association with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union carried an article detailing its investigation into the activities of members of the all- male Knights of Campanile in the March 19th edition of the newspaper. University Times reporters stood close to the apartment of the president of the society…  
4505. Labour rights activist and journalist detained by police in China  

Wei Zhili, the editor of a China labour rights website was detained by authorities in Guangzhou on March 20. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands the immediate release of Wei and his colleague. Wei is the editor of ILabour.net, a Chinese website that monitors labour rights was with his parents when he was detained by police for ‘disturbing public order’. Wei’s wife Zheng Churan told AFP that police said to his parents when he was arrested that their son was ‘brainwashed’ into helping workers and that they were taking him away to ‘educate’ him.  Police also searched Wei’s parents’ house, where he was staying and confiscated his laptop and cell phone. Wei’s…  
4506. Arrests made over trolling of Indian journalist  

Indian police have arrested four for stalking and trolling journalist, Barkha Dutt. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) welcome the arrests and call on authorities to ensure efforts to end the online harassment of journalists. On February 21, Barkha Dutt filed a First Information Report (FIR) after she was harassed and trolled on social media and via text messages and phone calls. In the FIR Dutt said: “I appear to have been made a victim of some fake news propaganda and my number has been shared on all social media platforms. I have been sent nude pictures and sexually abusive text messages. I fear for my well-being,…  
4507. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, March 15th to Friday, March 22nd 2019: Global media back call for UN to adopt convention on safety of journalists, The Shift Media groups back call for UN convention on safety of journalists after rise in killings, Press Gazette Proposed UN convention aims to better protect journalists, SwissInfo Press groups call on UN to adopt Convention on journalists' safety, IFEX UN Human Rights Council: an answer to burning injustice?, SwissInfo Union leaders attend the UN…  
4508. Pakistan: TV journalist victim of online harassment campaign  

Journalist Gharidah Farooqi has been victim of a malicious online harassment campaign for doing her job in Pakistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the targeted online abuse against journalists and urges authorities to take immediate action to guarantee journalists’ safety and bring harassers to justice. Gharida Farooqi came under fire on social media after tweeting about the New Zealand shooter. Her words were taken out of context and a vicious online campaign against her was initiated. She received hundreds of insults and threats, including some calling for her murder. PFUJ President, GM Jamali, said:…  
4509. Ecuador: alerta por situación de trabajadoras y trabajadores de Gamavisión  

Grupos de trabajadores y trabajadoras del canal de televisión ecuatoriano Gamavisión se encuentran realizando medidas de protesta desde el día 15 de marzo. La empresa de medios adeuda sueldos desde enero y retiene contribuciones a la seguridad social. Mauricio Herrera, secretario general del Comité de Empresa, ha declarado a distintos medios de comunicación  que a partir de las acciones de reestructuración y cambio de propiedad de Gamavisión, junto con el cese de pago de sueldos y contribuciones sociales, se encuentan en riesgo las fuentes de trabajo y de ingresos de 220 familias que dependen directamente este empleo. Ante este panorama, las y los representantes del Comité de Empresa…  
4510. IFJ Voice 2019: Edito  

"The future of journalism in the digital era” will be the theme of the 30th IFJ World Congress, meeting in Tunis (Tunisia) from June 11th-14th 2019. This topic is particularly relevant as it echoes that of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which celebrates its centenary this year by considering “The future of work”. But is the future bright in digital media? According to the latest news, doubts are beginning to surface. Financial difficulties including falling advertising revenue and staff cuts are no longer restricted to the “old” print media. Since the beginning of the year, the global group BuzzFeed has already fired over 200 journalists; HuffPost…  
4511. Ukraine: Journalists urge presidential candidates to guarantee freedom of speech  

The International Federation of Journalists join the campaign of its Ukrainian affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), to call on all presidential candidates to sign the Declaration on the Defence of Freedom of Speech before 2019 elections. IFJ president, Philippe Leruth, sent an open letter calling on "all the candidates of the 2019 presidential elections to commit to guarantee and protect freedom of speech in accordance with international standards if elected as President of the country”. NUJU recorded 86 attacks against media workers in Ukraine during 2018. Read the full NUJU’s statement here: The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) that…  
4512. IFJ Voice April 2019: A word from our president  

Reconciliation and the fight against impunity will be key themes at the IFJ Congress in Tunis, which is on the horizon. With it comes the end of my mandate which I wanted to devote to strengthening the unity of the Federation. The objective was achieved in Africa with the Khartoum Congress in December 2018. This congress achieved the long-awaited reconciliation, which will enable all IFJ African trade unions and member associations to tackle together, within the Federation of African Journalists, the major problems facing all journalists on the continent. Safety is one of these issues, if not the main one, making the fight against the enduring impunity enjoyed by killers of journalists…  
4513. México: intentan asesinar al periodista Hiram Moreno  

El lunes 20 de marzo el periodista Hiram Moreno fue atacado y baleado en la vía pública por un desconocido en la ciudad de Salina Cruz, Oaxaca. El comunicador, que en ocasiones anteriores ya había sufrido intimidaciones, recibió dos disparos y se encuentra fuera de peligro Hiram Moreno, director del medio Evidencias y periodista de investigación, pudo declarar ante medios de comunicación presentes en el lugar del hecho que fue atacado por un hombre armado que se acercó hacia donde él estaba y que sin mediar palabras empezó a disparar en su dirección.   En un comunicado oficial, el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa de México resaltó que Moreno “hizo un llamado de atención…  
4514. Pakistan: Cameraperson attacked by political party members  

A Geo News cameraperson was attacked covering the visit of the Chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) to the National Accountability Bureau in Islamabad on March 20. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) is strongly protesting the attack on the journalist and demanding an investigation. Shrazi Gardezi was covering the visit for Geo News when he came under attack by workers of the PPP. The attack was caught with his own footage. PFUJ president GM Jamali said journalists and media workers in Pakistan continue to face intimidation, threats and attacks in attempts to silence and gag the media. Financial insecurity is…  
4515. Sri Lanka: Union busting tactics, media workers fired for forming house union  

Sri Lanka broadcaster Swarnavahini TV fired 15 employees for union activity on March 18. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) and the Federation of Media Employees' Trade Union (FMETU) have strongly condemned the layoffs and called on the company to respect workers’ fundamental right to create a trade union. On Monday, approximately 270 employees of Swarnavahini TV participated in a meeting in the company’s car park, with the aim to form a union to fight for better working conditions. The meeting was scheduled during staff lunch hour, however at the end of the meeting the…  
4516. Philippines’ radio station harassed by local officials  

Radyo Natin Gumaca in the Philippines has struggled to secure its permits following continued harassment by Gumaca Quezon mayor. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) condemn the harassment against Radyo Natin and call on the National Telecommunications Commission to not be influenced by politics in the decision to grant permits. Radyo Natin operations manager Mitch Hernando complained that the station had not yet been granted it’s ‘mayor’s permit’ despite the organisation completing and submitting all necessary papers. This year, Hernando said that Gumaca Quezon mayor, Erwin Caralian and his brother…  
4517. Honduras: asesinan al periodista Leonardo Gabriel Hernández  

El domingo 17 de marzo un hombre disparó y mató en la vía pública a Leonardo Gabriel Hernández, periodista crítico de las autoridades locales y el gobierno nacional. Su crimen eleva a 77 la cantidad de profesionales de la comunicación víctimas de asesinato desde el año 2001. Leonardo Gabriel Hernández, periodista de Nacaome (sur hondureño), se dedicaba a analizar asuntos de política local y temáticas sociales. Tal como indica el Comité por la Libre Expresión (C-Libre) de Honduras, el comunicador se caracterizaba por realizar críticas de la gestión del alcalde municipal y de diputados al Congreso Nacional por el departamento de Valle desde su programa "El Pueblo Habla", transmitido por el…  
4518. Global media back call for UN to adopt convention on safety of journalists  

Representatives from governments in every continent today joined the IFJ, journalists unions, editors groups, public broadcasters and media organisations in a united call for the United Nations to take action to tackle impunity by adopting a Convention on the safety and protection of journalists. Senior lecturer Carmen Draghici from the university of London and author of the Convention presented the text and answered legal issues. The joint call came during the 40th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Last year, on average, two journalists were killed every single week – yet impunity for crimes against journalists remains at 90%. Now a coalition involving the…  
4519. México: ejecutan al periodista Santiago Barroso  

El 16 de marzo fue asesinado en su domicilio Santiago Barroso Alfaro, quien había denunciado el día anterior la presencia de personas vinculadas a la trata de personas y al narcotráfico en Sonora. Su crimen constituye el segundo dirigido a comunicadores en menos de un mes en el país norteamericano. Santiago Barroso Alfaro, quien conducía el programa de radio “San Luis Hoy”, dirigía el portal digital Red 653 y colaboraba en el semanario Contraseña, había dedicado su última columna en el medio digital a denunciar la permanencia del corredor San Luis Río Colorado (Sonora, México) – San Luis (Arizona, Estados Unidos) como vía de tráfico ilegal de personas y estupefacientes. En esta nota,…  
4520. IFJ calls on Hamas government to stop harassing journalists in Gaza strip  

Forty-two journalists have been targeted by Hamas forces in the past five days while covering street protests against falling living standards in the Gaza strip. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) in demanding the de facto government in Gaza controlled by Hamas end the violence against and arrest of journalists.    In a statement published on 18th March, the PJS called on journalists to join a protest in Ramallah to condemn the attacks.  According to PJS, in just the past 5 days 20 arrests, 10 physical assaults, 6 summons, 4 threats, 2 cases of home arrest and equipment seized have been…  
4521. Serbia : Public TV building stormed by anti-government protesters  

A group of around 100 anti-government protesters stormed the building of the Serbian national broadcaster RTS in Belgrade on Saturday 16 March, demanding to be allowed to make a public address live on air. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their Serbian affiliates Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS) in condemning this incident and demanding all parties to respect RTS’s editorial independence. Protesters, who wanted to voice their opposition to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, had to be evacuated from the RTS building after about 50 riot police were deployed to the premises. It…  
4522. Afghan journalist killed on his way to work  

Afghan journalist Sultan Mohammad Khairkhah was shot and killed as he drove to work on March 17 in Khost, south eastern Afghanistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) condemned the brutal murder and demanded an immediate investigation. Khairkhah worked for the Afghan National TV channel and hosted several social programs. He was shot near the police checkpoint in Khost and died in hospital from his injuries. The Taliban denied responsibility for the journalists killing. AIJA vice president Hujatullah Mujadidi condemned the incident and urged the Afghan security community to arrest the…  
4523. Timor Leste, Indonesia strengthen relations in press freedom  

During a visit to Indonesia, the Timor Leste Press Council signed several agreements with local organisations to promote press freedom in Timor Leste and Indonesia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the collaborative work to improve press freedom in the region. On March 14, the Timor Leste Press Council met with the Legal Aid Institute and the Institute for the Press (LBH Pers) and signed cooperation agreements to work together to enhance efforts to protect journalists and press freedom in Indonesia and Timor Leste. IFJ affiliate, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Jakarta chapter supported the establishment of LBH Pers. The Timor Leste Press Council chairperson,…  
4524. Leonardo Gabriel Hernández  

The journalist, an outspoken critic of the local Administration officials and the National government, was shot dead by unidentified gunman. Hernández, who presented the programme "El Pueblo Habla" broadcast on Valle TV, based in south of Honduras dedicated himself to reporting on local politics and social issues. Honduras, Journalists' safety, Impunity, IFJ  
4525. Sultan Mohammad Khairkhah  

The journalist Sultan Mohammad Khairkhah, worked for the Afghan National TV channel and hosted several social programs, was shot and killed near a police checkpoint in Khost, south eastern Afghanistan as he drove to work. He died in hospital from his injuries. Afghanistan, Journalists' safety, Impunity, IFJ  
4526. Santiago Barroso Alfaro  

The radio journalist, who presented a programme entitled “San Luis Hoy” was killed in his home, a day after he had denounced the string of people linked to human and drug trafficking in Sonora. Santiago Barroso Alfaro also edited an online news outlet Red 635 and collaborated with Contraseña, a local weekly where, in his last column, he had reported that the corridor San Luis Rio Colorado in Sonora, México, was one route of illegal human and drug trafficking. He had warned that it would be a grave error to focus on destroying the empire built by the convicted drug baron Joaquín Guzmán Loera, without also addressing the San Luis Rio Colorado corridor. México, Journalists' safety,…  
4527. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, March 8th to Friday, March 15th 2019: Afghan journalist wounded in bombing; 10 troops killed, Alarabiya IJU strongly criticises ‘legal crackdown’ on journalists in India, Kashmir Reader On the journalist’s duty to scrutinise those in power… and their spouses, The Shift Hong Kong Free Press Annual Report 2018, HKFP Journalist successfully appeals libel judgments; articles were not defamatory, Times Malta Netizen Report: Activists reject EU plans to pre-censor copyright…  
4528. IFJ welcomes European Parliament vote to stop harassment of BBC Persian journalists  

The IFJ has welcomed today's historic vote of the European Parliament to call for an end to the harassment and persecution of BBC Persian journalists and their families The European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of a resolution criticising Iran’s treatment of human rights defenders, human rights lawyers and journalists. The resolution states that, “freedom of the press, both on and offline, freedom of association, and freedom of thought are repressed in Iran” and that “Iranian authorities have systematically targeted journalists, including those working for the BBC Persian service, and their families, through the use of criminal investigations, asset freezes,…  
4529. Brasil: FENAJ advierte sobre ataque de Bolsonaro a la libertad de expresión  

El Sindicato dos Jornalistas Profissionais do Município do Rio de Janeiro y la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) denunciaron este lunes 11 de marzo el ataque realizado por Jair Bolsonaro a la periodista Constança Rezende. Desde su cuenta personal en Twitter, el presidente brasileño había acusado este domingo a la periodista Rezende de querer “derrumbar al gobierno con chantajes y desinformaciones” luego de que la periodista comentara sobre una investigación por corrupción. El día 10 de marzo, Bolsonaro acusó en su cuenta personal de la red social Twitter a la periodista del periódico O Estado de S. Paulo de realizar maniobras para perjudicar al gobierno y arruinar la vida de su…  
4530. Venezuela: detienen y liberan al activista de DDHH y comunicador Luis Carlos Díaz  

En la tarde del lunes 11 de marzo, el periodista radial Luis Carlos Díaz fue detenido por funcionarios del Sebin luego de que su casa fuera allanada. Fue liberado por las autoridades venezolanas este martes con medidas cautelares El comunicador hispano-venezolano Luis Carlos Díaz, conocido por su participación en programas radiales y la producción de contenidos para redes sociales, fue detenido y acusado por parte de la justicia venezolana, quien señala a Díaz como una de las personas que se encuentra detrás del masivo apagón eléctrico que afectó al país sudamericano durante el pasado fin de semana. Diosdado Cabello, dirigente del gobierno venezolano, señaló en redes sociales y desde su…  
4531. Afghan journalist survives assassination attempt  

Afghan journalist Nisar Ahmad Ahmadi survived an assassination attempt in Helmand, Afghanistan on March 12. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) condemned the assassination attempt on Nisar and called for an immediate investigation. Nisar, the director of local public television of Sabawoon TV was in his car on the way to work in Lashkargah when a bomb attached to his car detonated. Nisar sustained severe injuries and is due to be transferred to Kabul for further medical treatment. Prior to the attack, Nisar had received death threats. The IFJ said: “We strongly condemn the brutal assassination attempt…  
4532. EU: IFJ and EFJ urge adoption of Copyright Directive and any possible improvements  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) call on the European Parliament to adopt a copyright directive that benefits all journalists. Since it was first introduced, both journalists’ federations have worked jointly and tirelessly, supporting the proposal and working to improve it. The federations continue to seek improvements and clarifications in the lead up to the crunch vote on its adoption this month. The proposed directive, the federations say, includes important provisions for the creative and media industries and for authors. It offers the publishing industry and journalists a share of the revenue their work generates online (Article 11), introduces the…  
4533. Turkey needs to respect foreign media outlets’ independence  

Two German journalists were compelled to leave Turkey on Sunday, 10 March 2019, after their press accreditations were not renewed for 2019 without any explanation.  Jörg Brase, a journalist working for Germany’s ZDF public broadcaster, and Thomas Seibert, reporter at the Tagespiegel newspaper, were long-term correspondents in the country. The Turkish embassy in Germany apparently tried in vain to make a deal to have the correspondents replaced, Tagespiegel’s editor-in-chief reports. A third journalist, Halil Gülbeyaz, with NDR TV also had his accreditation refused and is not allowed return to Turkey. UPDATED 13.03.2019: Turkey removed part of its decision and will grant Brase an…  
4534. #WomenInFront: "A lot would be different and easier in unions if there were more women members"  

Sabina Inderjit is the General Secretary of the Indian Journalist Union and senior vice president of the IFJ. How would you describe the situation of women in media in your own country? What are the challenges they face reaching top level positions? In India, women journalists have made significant strides, but it varies given the nation’s diversity and a pre-dominantly patriarchal society. To a large extent the glass ceiling has been broken in cosmopolitan cities, in English press and TV journalism. But the same cannot be said for the regional and vernacular media, where fewer women would opt for the profession. Sadly, the women in media are shying away from unions! Challenges: changing…  
4535. Journalists targeted with legal crackdown in India  

The editor and a publisher of Shillong Times were fined for contempt of court, while another journalist was threatened with legal action over their reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) have strongly criticized the recent legal crackdown. On March 8, Shillong Times editor Patricia Mukhim and publisher Shobha Chaudhury were fined INR 200,000 (USD 2860) for contempt of court by the Meghalaya High Court. Mukhim and Chaudhury were ordered to sit in a corner in the court hall until rising of the court and fined. If the fine is not paid in a week, they will be imprisoned for six months and the newspaper will be…  
4536. Journalists must be consulted on press council development  

Several journalist groups in Malaysia have come together to urge thorough consultation on the establishment of a press council in Malaysia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the move by several groups, including IFJ affiliate National Union of Journalists (NUJ), Peninsular Malaysia and echoes its calls that journalists must be consulted in the development phases. The Malaysian Media Council Journalists Alliance consists of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Malaysia, IFJ’s affiliate, and other organisations which are Institute of Journalists (IOJ) Malaysia, Gerakan Media Merdeka (GERAMM), Sabah Journalists Association, and Foreign Correspondents Club of…  
4537. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, March 1st to Friday, March 8th 2019: International Journalists' Federation Slams US For Profiling Media Over Migrant Caravans, UrduPoint Croatia’s Journalists Demand End to Pressure and Censorship, OCCRP Croatian journalists protest against mounting number of lawsuits, Emerging Europe Journalists face growing persecution, an impunity win in Indonesia, and much more..., IFEX Press union slams Anadolu Agency photographer arrest, AA FIP condena la inclusión de reporteros en lista de…  
4538. Equality for female staff in the media: media leaders take action!  

On the International Women’s Day, media organisations call upon all media leaders around the globe to stand up and protect the rights of female journalists, both staff and freelancers. The facts shown by recent research are alarming. Female journalists are systematically paid less in the media industry – in the UK alone female journalists earn 17.4% less than their male colleagues. Almost a third of female journalists consider leaving the profession because of the threats, intimidation or attacks they endure, and these figures are even higher in fragile contexts and conflict zones. More than a third of female journalists avoided reporting certain stories for the same reason. Almost half…  
4539. Shirley Yam: "Of the 17 daily newspapers in Hong Kong, only 3 have a female chief editor"  

Shirley Yam is the vice president of the Hong Kong Journalists Association How would you describe the situation of women in media in your own country? What are the challenges they face reaching top level positions? When it comes to gender inequality, the situation of women in media is no different from the rest of the society. While women form the majority of front-line reporters, they are the minority among editors. Of the 17 daily newspapers in Hong Kong, only 3 have a female chief editor. There is also a gender pay gap. According to 2017 census, women of tertiary education (where most journalists belong) were paid 17% less than their male peers.    Cultural attitudes still…  
4540. Namgay Zam: "Stories perpetuate gender stereotypes"  

Namgay Zam was appointed this week as the executive director of the Journalists Association of Bhutan. She talks with the IFJ about the importance of increasing the number of women leaders in media. How would you describe the situation of women in media in your own country? What are the challenges they face reaching top level positions? It can definitely be better. So far, only one media house has a female chief editor in the country. There are many who are capable but are not in leadership positions. I think top-level management need to rethink gender representation at the workplace. Women also need to believe in themselves more. Hopefully, things will change for the better sooner than…  
4541. Inday Espina-Varona: "A younger generation of women journalists are more conscious of their rights as workers"  

Inday is the Convenor, Let’s Organize for Democracy and Integrity arts and media alliance. She is the former chair of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines. What are the consequences of this lack of women in managing positions in media? In the Philippines, women mostly rule the newsrooms across all platforms of legacy and new media. But males dominate as owners and shareholders of many legacy media firms. Many still hew to orthodox paradigms of employer-employee relations that apply in other industries, models that have made it a slog for women workers to win support systems in the work place. Because many owners have business and political interests to protect, these…  
4542. Eih Eih 'Emily' Tin: "The situation of women in the media in Myanmar is gotten worse because there is no job security"  

Emily is the Joint Secretary 1 of the Myanmar Journalists Association and says cultural gender stereotypes are impacting women's leadership in the media. How would you describe the situation of women in media in your own country? What are the challenges they face reaching top level positions? The situation of women in the media in Myanmar is gotten worse because there is no job security, not enough information and no family support. When a woman gets pregnant she is just expected to quit her job. As a woman who reached a leadership position, have you faced any obstacle because of your gender? if yes, which ones? There are some women in leadership positions, but it is very…  
4543. IFJ calls for stronger female representation in the media and unions  

Today, on International Women’s Day the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for necessary and substantial improvement of women’s representation in the media and the unions that represent them at work. “If we want to improve quality journalism, then the media must also accurately reflect society in its ranks. It is only when we have genuine equality inside our media operations and institutions that this can truly be achieved,” said IFJ. The #IFJ WomenLead campaign is part of the IFJ Asia Pacific’s ongoing work to focus on the vital role that unions have in representing women journalists’ rights at work. Releasing figures today on women’s representation in media unions, the…  
4544. Chris Yeung: "Diversity will be lacking if there are few women in senior, decision-making positions"  

Chris Yeung is the president of the Hong Kong Journalists Association and chief writer at Citizen News. We talk with him about gender equality in media and the situation of women in Hong Kong. How would you describe the situation of women in media in your own country? What are the challenges they face reaching top level positions? Major challenge is for women to try to find a difficult balance between family and work, in particular for those who have children. Moving up to senior and top positions means more time for work. The mainstream thinking in society remains women should give priority to family when there is conflict with their work. What are the consequences of the lack…  
4545. IFJ is looking for four media development experts!  

The International Federation of Journalists is looking for four media development experts to conduct a mapping of current trends in the media sector, of existing donor support to media development and a gap analysis and needs assessment to make recommendations to the EU on new assistance programmers in the media sector of countries in the European Union’s neighbourhood region. The call falls under the European Union’s FWC SIEA 2018- Lot 3 - Human Rights, Democracy and Peace programme Experts sought include 1 Team leader and 3 Experts on Media Development Each applicant must be fluent in either English and Arabic Or English and Russian They should also have experience of…  
4546. Lubna Jerar Naqvi: "Media organisations and unions need to have a specified number of leading positions reserved for women"  

Lubna Jerar Naqvi is a member of the Executive Committee of the Karachi Union of Journalists (Pakistan). She talks with us about women's situation in the country and her personal experience. How would you describe the situation of women in media in your own country? What are the challenges they face reaching top level positions? In recent years Pakistan has seen a rise in women entering the media - which is a positive change. Despite a high level of misogyny and chauvinism in the society, men are understanding that media is not their domain and they are making room – although very slowly – and accepting women doing jobs that were once considered to be gender based. However, despite the…  
4547. #WomenInFront: Women in the unions: "commitment is key" says Ratna Ariyanti of AJI, Indonesia  

Ratna Ariyanti is a journalist, a board member of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), Indonesia and IFJ South East Asia Coordinator. She describes the challenges facing women journalists and provides some useful tips to change the face of media and unions. How would you describe the situation of women in media in Indonesia? What are the challenges they face reaching top level positions? Female journalists in Indonesia are less numerous than men. And the media industry  is still male dominated. As a result, only a small percentage of female journalists can reach top level positions or become decision makers in the newsroom. Women face a double burden: working as…  
4548. International Women's Day: Time for more women to lead media and unions, says IFJ  

To mark International Women's Day on 8 March, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has issued a rallying cry to media and union leaders to make women more visible in their organisations. The IFJ #WomenInFront campaign has brought together key data and inspiring testimonials from media and union leaders around the world who work to "make a change" for gender equality as part of a drive to empower others to follow suit. While women make up more than half of journalism students, they represent just 23% of top decision-making positions in the media worldwide and occupy less than half of media jobs (IWMF report). "My biggest frustration is the obstacles I have to face in…  
4549. Womens Day: IFJ hails Somali Women’s Charter as “grounding-breaking success” for gender equality  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today joined its Somali affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in hailing the Women’s Charter adopted at the National Women's Convention as a ground-breaking success for women’s rights, ahead of international women’s day.  The IFJ welcomed the explicit and strong commitments in the Women’s Charter which underpin fundamental principles of gender equity, women's empowerment and inclusive gender representation which unambiguously support the growing demands for equality of opportunities for both men & women, equal rights & pay and the promotion of a balanced, non-stereotyped portrayal of women and girls in the…  
4550. Mozambique: Journalist illegally detained and incommunicado (UPDATED)  

Amade Abubakar, a Mozambican journalist working for the state –owned radio and television Communitaria Nacedje de Macomia Cabo Delgado has been illegally detained since January 5 on charges of espionage. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the Federation of African Journalists have condemned his arbitrary arrest and called on the authorities to release him "immediately and unconditionally”. UPDATE: Amade Abubakar was released on April 23, 2019. According to local media reports, Abubakar was arrested by the police while photographing and interviewing people fleeing violent attacks by local militants. Police arrested him when he was collecting…  
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