15062 results:

8051. Pakistan Journalist Freed in Afghanistan  

Pakistani Journalist Freed in Afghanistan Pakistani journalist Faizullah Khan, who works for the ARY News and was reported missing in April, was handed over to Pakistan at the Torkham border with Afghanistan where he was met by a delegation of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists( PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate. An Afghan representative handed over Faizullah to Pakistan's political agent Shahab Shah at the border. Khan’s wife and children were also present on the occasion. Khan was freed on the orders from the Nangarhar High Court on Sunday of September 28 after outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai ordered his release. Khan was reported missing on April 22 after he…  
8052. IFJ Leaders Address Russian Journalists’ Festival  

The Russian Union of Journalists, an affiliate of the IFJ, opened on Thursday night its annual festival of journalism in Dagomys, Sochi, at a launch ceremony attended by journalists, media professionals including editors and employers, academics and trade unions leaders. IFJ president Jim Boumelha, IFJ executive committee member and Italian journalists’ leader Franco Siddi, Bulgarian journalists union’s general secretary Snezhana Todorova, and OSCE representative Aidar Botagarov headed the opening ceremony of the 18th festival of journalism on the theme of “Journalism as a Mission” attended by over 800 journalists from over 70 Russian regional unions. “Our member union in Russia has…  
8053. Nadeem Hayder  

The correspondent of Dunya News was shot dead the town of Hafizabad, Pakistan. Reports said that two gunmen opened fire at Hayder and fled away. He died on the spot. The local police registered the case and started investigation, media reports added.  
8054. Link to unfair contracts in German (Ver.di)  

click here  
8055. Link to unfair contracts in German (DJV)  

Click here  
8056. Serbia: B92 to drop critical talk show amidst political pressure  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has joined their affiliates in Serbia, the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS), the Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) and the Journalists Union of Serbia (SINOS) in protesting against the decision taken by the private radio and TV station B92 to drop the political talk show following political pressure. Utisak nedelje (‘‘The Impression of the Week’’ in English) has been run by the well-known journalist Mrs. Olja Bećković. The talk show has been broadcasting for 24 years and has been well received among the audience. It is considered as one of the few programmes critically scrutinizing the government of Prime Minister…  
8057. IFJ Blog: “The media amidst the #UmbrellaRevolution”  

By Serenade Woo Since September 22, tens of thousands of protesters have choked the streets of Hong Kong to protest for universal suffrage against the Central Government of China. Serenade Woo explores the challenging environment that journalists and media workers have had to overcome in the last ten days. Since the first tear gas was fired by the Hong Kong Riot Police towards unarmed Hong Kong protesters on September 28, the veil of the Hong Kong Government has been lifted. Many people, including Hong Kong’s journalists, understand how this government treats her citizens. On September 22, the Hong Kong Federation of Students began a week of student strikes and encouraged secondary…  
8058. IFJ Demands Respect for Media in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), to call for all factions involved in the continuing violent unrest in Yemen to uphold and respect the rights and freedoms of media workers in the country. The IFJ has issued the call following reports that the ‘Al Yemen El Yawm’ TV station, based in Yemen’s capital city, Sanaa, has now been closed for over three months. The Yemeni government closed the station in June accusing it of inciting rebellion against it. Members of Hadi’s Presidential Guard stormed the television station which is affiliated to Abdullah Saleh, looting the building and confiscating equipment. …  
8059. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: October 2014  

To IFJ Asia-Pacific affiliates and friends Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on November 1 2014, and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific In this bulletin: Petition against media laws delivered to East Timor GovernmentPolitical protests impact on journalist safety in PakistanAustralia’s security laws threaten press freedomFemale journalist brutally murdered in AfghanistanMedia blackout in lead up…  
8060. Xinjiang government again delays reports of massive loss of lives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticises the government of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region for deliberately delaying reports by at least four days after  a series of explosions occurred in the region, killing at least 50 people. On the night of September 25, the Tianshan website, controlled by the Xinjiang government, reported that a series of bomb explosions occurred on September 21. The incident killed 50 people and injured 54. According to Global Times, the explosions happened in several locations in Xinjiang around 5pm on Sunday. The places included a shop in Luntai County and two police stations in the townships of Yangxia and Terakbazar. It was reported…  
8061. IFJ calls on journalists to oppose abuse of powers by Chinese authorities  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly opposes the actions of the authorities in Beijing and Shanghai in searching and shutting down a media outlet without any indication of proper legal procedure. The IFJ urges the All Chinese Journalists Association and the state-controlled journalists’ organisation to continue to defend their rights as journalists in face of such violations. In the past month, ten staff members of 21st Century Business Herald have been accused of involvement in an “extortion” scandal. The latest are two senior managers. On September 25, Shen Hao, 43, the editor-in-chief, and Chen Dongyang, the general manager, were taken from their office by…  
8062. IFJ Working with Global Union Federations on Strategies for Middle East and North Africa  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is currently taking part in a regional coordination meeting in Amman, Jordan, involving a number of Global Union Federations (GUFs) working in the Middle East and North Africa. Organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), the aim of the meeting is to share information and working programmes between GUFs in the region and explore areas where closer coordination or cooperation can take place. The FES is presenting its national and regional programmes and seeking input and advise from GUFs for its future programmes in the region. The meeting is also discussing other union related issues including workers and migrant workers, the…  
8063. Chinese authorities censor reporting from pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly criticized the internet censorship being employed by Mainland Chinese authorities as pro-democracy protests enter their fourth day in Hong Kong and has demanded that the media should be allowed to report freely in the wake of a series of attacks on media workers over recent days. Since the start of the protests across Hong Kong on Saturday, September 27, all reports and information of the protests, including images, have been removed from the internet in Mainland China by authorities. Information and reports about Martyrs’ Day and the 65th Anniversary Concert were also censored. The pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong also…  
8064. Afghanistan hands over freed journalist to Pakistan union delegation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ)  and Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) have commended the Afghanistan government on its decision to release Pakistani journalist Faizullah Khan. Khan was handed over to Pakistan at the Torkham border yesterday, Monday, September 29, 2014. The IFJ also congratulates the work of its Pakistan affiliate in its efforts to facilitate Khan’s release. A delegation of the PFUJ senior officials comprising Rana M Azeem, Raja Riaz, Zia ul Haq and Sher Khan Afridi received the ARY News journalist at Torkham, on the Pakistan-Afghan border. An Afghan representative…  
8065. Security laws attack Australia’s press freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) in describing the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill No 1 as an outrageous attack on press freedom in Australia. The amendment bill was ‘urgently’ pushed through the Senate receiving 44 votes to 12 on the night of Thursday 25 September with bipartisan support from the Labor Party. The amendments which include imposing up to 10 years in jail for journalists for ‘unauthorised disclosure of information’, means that journalists and media organisations would be susceptible to between 5 to 10 years in jail sentences for any ‘disclosure by any…  
8066. La FAJ condamne l'assassinat de trois professionnels des médias en Guinée  

La Fédération des Journalistes Africains (FAJ) a aujourd'hui exprimé sa consternation et sa tristesse suite à la mort de trois professionnels des médias en Guinée. Selon des sources indépendantes y compris celles de l'Association des journalistes de Guinée, un affilié de la FAJ, une mission de sensibilisation des populations de la localité de Womé dans la préfecture de Nzérékoré  (nord-ouest) sur la lutte contre l’épidémie de la fièvre hémorragique à virus Ebola a viré au drame occasionnant  la mort de neuf personnes dont trois professionnels des médias. <u1:p></u1:p>   « Nous présentons nos sincères condoléances aux familles et…  
8067. IFJ/EFJ Welcome Call to Re-Open O'Hagan Murder Investigation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have joined their affiliate, the National Union of Journalists, UK and Ireland (NUJ), to welcome a call by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media for a re-opening of the investigation into the murder of Sunday World journalist Martin O’Hagan in September 2001. On Friday Dunja Mijatović called on the UK authorities to re-launch a criminal investigation into the murder which happened 13 years ago. “It is unacceptable that all this time has passed and not one person has been held responsible for what was a public execution,” Ms Mijatović said. “The failure to prosecute can…  
8068. IFJ Blog: "Pursuing the journalistic dream in Nepal"  

By Uma Khatri Chetry I was born into a poor family in Nepal and after the death of my two sisters and brother, my parents lived in constant fear of losing me too because these births weren’t “lucky” for them. I also had five younger brothers after me and the poor economic conditions meant life was difficult. My father, being a journalist, knew the importance of education and sent me to school nearby irrespective of our circumstances. Every day I would complete my household chores and look after my siblings and only then would I go off to school. My curiosity and interest in radio grew just when I was in the third standard year of school. My father used to carry a small radio and roam…  
8069. Hong Kong police use force to block reporting of pro-democracy rallies  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly criticised the abuse of power by Hong Kong Police when they attacked journalists, students and citizens at pro-democracy demonstrations on September 27 and 28 and calls on the Hong Kong authorities to investigate the circumstances surrounding the attacks. More than 10,000 people rallied in support of genuine universal suffrage for the election of the next Chief Executive of Hong Kong in 2017. A number of journalists from outlets including Hong Kong-based Hong Kong Asia Television, Digital Broadcasting Cooperation, Hong Kong-based Apple Daily and Hong Kong-based online publisher InMedia suffered brutal treatment by police.…  
8070. Three arrested over disappearance of Maldivian journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the arrest of three suspects in connection to the disappearance of journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla in the Maldives. The 28-year-old journalist with Minivan News has been missing since August 8, 2014, and there has been little progress in the subsequent investigation to locate him. Maldives Police Services on Sunday, September 28, confirmed three men were arrested in connection to the disappearance. The men faced the Criminal Court the same day, which extended the detention of two 22-year-old men for five days and a 24-year-old man for seven days. Police have declined to reveal details on the suspects and what they knew about…  
8071. Jailed Pakistani journalist freed in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in welcoming a decision by the Nangarhar High Court in eastern Afghanistan this week to release a Pakistani television journalist imprisoned in the country since April 22, 2014. The IFJ has also commended Afghanistan’s court and leaders for their support in this significant case and has welcomed it as a victory for journalist solidarity in South Asia. Faizullah Khan, a reporter of ARY News TV channel, was freed on Sunday, September 28 and handed over to the Pakistani diplomat in Jalalabad city. He is expected to return to Pakistan today via the Torkham border where he is…  
8072. Pakistan union demands government upholds landmark sexual harassment case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in strongly condemning a long-running sexual harassment case of a female journalist by an official of the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) and welcomes the successful prosecution of the perpetrator as a victory against the impunity of sexual harassment in the media. The IFJ and PFUJ also urges Pakistan’s government to stand firm in the landmark sexual harassment case by rejecting any appeal and upholding the Ombudsman’s orders on the matter. This week the Federal Ombudsman for Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace found the Executive Director of AAP,…  
8073. Minivan News office attacked in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalist Association (MJA) in condemning the attack on the office of Minivan News on Thursday, September 25 in capital Male. According to Minivan News, a machete knife was lodged into the door of their office building in the afternoon shortly after a notorious gangster removed a CCTV camera from outside the building. The MJA said: “Minivan News is an established and active news organization, and this attack is a clear attempt to threaten and intimidate journalists in the Maldives. MJA calls upon the authorities to investigate this incident with utmost urgency.” The MJA added: “Differences with regard…  
8074. ​IFJ Presses UN Rights Body on Review of Press Law in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the review of the new press law in Somalia which has been widely condemned as repressive and an attempt to silence independent reporting. The call was made during an Interactive Dialogue on the report of the Independent Expert, Bahame Tom Nyanduga, on the situation of human rights in Somalia which took place at the 27th Session of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Mr. Nyanduga raised concerns over the protection of freedom of expression in Somalia, citing reports of ‘harassment, intimidation and arbitrary killings of journalists and threats directed at media houses, such as the closure of private radio…  
8075. ​IFJ Backs UN Call for Accountability for Violence against Media in Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today supported the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' report on Ukraine to the 27th of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva for investigations in reported cases of violence and intimidation against journalists. The report on the situation of human rights in Ukraine said that " Foreign and domestic journalists have been threatened, abducted and killed," among many violations of rights and freedoms of media in the country. In its recommendations, the report called for "an environment in which the public can benefit from pluralistic information, while calls for hate speech and violence are…  
8076. IFJ Presses UN Rights Body to Call for Review of Press Law in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the review of the new press law in Somalia which has been widely condemned as repressive and an attempt to silence independent reporting. The call was made during an Interactive Dialogue on the report of the Independent Expert, Bahame Tom Nyanduga, on the situation of human rights in Somalia which took place at the 27th Session of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Mr. Nyanduga raised concerns over the protection of freedom of expression in Somalia, citing reports of ‘harassment, intimidation and arbitrary killings of journalists and threats directed at media houses, such as the closure of private radio stations.” …  
8077. Call for action to ensure safety of journalists in conflict zones  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the Swiss professional association of journalists Impressum, Amnesty International, the University of Fribourg, Reporters Without Borders and Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) adopted a joint resolution at the end of the third Forum on the journalism this Sept. 24 in Lausanne. The resolution calls: - Publishers to provide sufficient human and material resources to journalists to ensure the freedom of the press; - Governments to ensure the protection of journalists' sources; - The Swiss government to launch the necessary consultations with the international community to develop an international mechanism for the protection of journalists in…  
8078. ​Shafat Sidiq  

The 40 –year-old photojournalist was on assignment for Dainik Jagran,a Hindi daily when he went missing in the floods on September 7. His body, with his cameras still hanging around his neck, was found five days later. According to reports, Sidiq was sent out to take photographs after receiving a call from the newspaper and never returned. He was covering the floods-ravaged situation near the Civil Secretariat in Srinagar and is believed to have slipped from a flyover into the heavy flow of water gushing from the nearby Jhelum River. He published photos on the Dainik Jagranfor many years but was said to be working for it only as a “stringer” where freelancers are only paid…  
8079. En Ecuador una sentencia de la Corte Constitucional descerebra la Constitución  

Sentencia y LOC carecen de eficacia jurídica por inconstitucionales La sentencia de la Corte Constitucional sobre las impugnaciones a la constitucionalidad de la Ley Orgánica de Comunicación LOC, descerebra la constitución y por inconstitucional carece de eficacia jurídica declaró el presidente de la Federación Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador FENAPE, Marcelo Larrea. La Constitución en el Artículo 225, establece que el sector público comprende a los organismos y entidades creados por la Constitución o la Ley o por acto normativo de los gobiernos autónomos descentralizados (GADS) para la prestación de servicios públicos. Un servicio público no puede ser prestado por organismos o…  
8080. FAJ Calls on Ethiopia to Free Jailed Journalists  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has today called on the government of Ethiopia to free all journalists in jail and to create the conditions for tens of journalists in exile to return home and work for their country’s development.   “We are very concerned about persistent reports of press freedom violations in Ethiopia and the increasing number of journalists in jail and in exile” said Mohamed Garba, President of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ). “I join my voice to call on the Ethiopian Government to engage the media through genuine dialogue and self-regulation” The Ethiopian Government Minister for Communication Affairs, Mr. Redwan Hussien on Thursday 18…  
8081. IFJ Backs Calls at UN for Accountability for Violence against Media in Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today supported the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' report on Ukraine to the 27th of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva for investigations in reported cases of violence and intimidation against journalists. The report on the situation of human rights in Ukraine said that " Foreign and domestic journalists have been threatened, abducted and killed," among many violations of rights and freedoms of media in the country. In its recommendations, the report called for "an environment in which the public can benefit from pluralistic information, while calls for hate speech and violence are…  
8082. IFJ Call to Affiliates: Please add IFJ Logos to Your Websites  

We are asking our affiliates across the world to help us raise awareness of the work of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) by using our logos and information on your websites and other publications. We ask you to put the logos and information below about the IFJ on your websites, publications and communications  so that we can help make journalists in your country aware that you are affiliated to the IFJ, while also ensuring they understand the financial support and safety guidance the IFJ offers. The logos can also be downloaded direct from the IFJ website, via the link: http://www.ifj.org/resources/ifj-logos-for-download/ Your actions…  
8083. IFJ concern over journalist assaults in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins IFJ affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) Sri Lanka in condemning a series of assaults on journalists in Uva and the North provinces in recent days. Chandana Kuruppuarachchi, a journalist with Sirasa TV and MTV Sports, and Palitha Ariyawansa, a correspondent of Lakadeepa newspaper were assaulted on Monday, September 22 when the cadres of the ruling parties and opposition clashed at Hali-ela, Bandulla of Uva province. During the attack, Kuruppuarachchi was seriously injured and vehicle of Ariyawansa was damaged. Following these incidents, journalists in Badulla protested and condemned the violence against the…  
8084. Floods in Kashmir killed photojournalist on duty  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the All India Newspapers Employees Federation (AINEF), the Indian Journalists' Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists, India (NUJI) are saddened by the death of a respected Kashmiri photojournalist on duty covering the floods in India’s Kashmir Valley and has called on India’s media organisations to do more to protect workers sent into the field to cover disasters. Photojournalist Shafat Sidiq, 40, was on assignment for Dainik Jagran, a Hindi daily when he went missing in the floods on September 7. His body, with his cameras still hanging around his neck, was found five days later. He is survived by wife…  
8085. Event alert: Saturday, September 27: International media to discuss new media challenges – Hong Kong  

Today’s media are rapidly evolving in response to revolutionary change in technology and society. Some new ventures will survive and thrive, others will die – but which ones, and why? Challenges of New Media, a special conference in Hong Kong this Saturday, September 27, will put these questions to a gathering of eminent media figures from Greater China and overseas. This event is proudly hosted at City University by the International Federation of Journalists and Amnesty International (Hong Kong). Our distinguished speakers will share their experiences and lessons learned, discuss their visions for the future, and offer tips for running an online media outlet. To provide an…  
8086. IFJ/FAJ Condemn Murders of Three Media Workers in Guinea  

The International Federations of Journalists (IFJ) and its African group, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today expressed its shock and sadness following the killings of three media workers in Guinea. Independent sources and the Association of Journalists in Guinea, affiliated to the Federation of African Journalists, said that a visit to raise the awareness about the Ebola in the Womé village in the northwestern province of Nzérékoré ended in a tragedy in which nine people, including three media workers, were killed. "We strongly condemn the murders of our colleagues who were just doing their job and extend our condolences to their families and colleagues,” said IFJ…  
8087. Sri Lankan television journalist assaulted by political cadres  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) and the Free Media Movement (FMM) in condemning the attack on a TV journalist while covering a clash between political forces at Hali-Ela of Badulla district, Uva province on Monday evening, September 22. Chandana Karuppuarachchi, a News1st TV correspondent, was attacked while he was filming a clash between supporters of ruling United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) and the main opposition United National Party (UNP). The clash began after the UPFA supporters attacked UNP office. Karuppuarachchi was admitted to Badulla Hospital with injuries to his face. He had…  
8088. IFJ/​FAJ Condemn Murder of Three Media Workers in Guinea  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its African group the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today expressed their shock and sadness following the killings of three media workers in Guinea. Independent sources and the Association of Journalists in Guinea, affiliated to the Federation of African Journalists, said that a visit to raise the awareness about the Ebola in the Womé village in the northwestern province of Nzérékoré ended in a tragedy in which nine people, including three media workers, were killed. "We strongly condemn the murders of our colleagues who were just doing their job and extend our condolences to their families and…  
8089. Luis Carlos Cervantes  

The journalist and director of Morena FM radio station based in the municipality of Taraza was killed when two unidentified gunmen stopped the car he was travelling in and shot him nine times in the head. He died on the spot. Reports said that Cervantes had received death threats since 2010, some of them reportedly related to his denunciations of criminal organisations, dealing in drugs. He was given protection (a car and two bodyguards) until July 2014, when the authorities withdrew the protection, claiming that the level of threat to his life was ordinary.His wife complained that his protection withdraw was not gradually phased out as provided in law and left him…  
8090. Knife wielding man injures three at Hong Kong media outlet  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that a man carrying two knives was able to enter the headquarters of Hong Kong Cable Television and injure three people, according to police reports. At around 11 o’clock on September 22, a man aged about 20, armed with two knives, entered the building at Tsuen Wan in the New Territories and attacked three persons, including a security guard and a staff member of the news department. According to police, the alleged attacker wanted to meet a person from Cable TV to discuss his service contract with the company. When the security officer refused to let the suspect into the building, the suspect slashed at the guard. According…  
8091. Pakistan Opposition leader Imran Khan condemns attacks on media  

The IFJ welcomes the outcome of a of a meeting between the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and the chairman of opposition party Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan, on Friday, September 19, to draw attention to the recent attacks on journalists and media across Pakistan at opposition party rallies. The PTI has been demonstrating against the government since August 14 in the capital Islamabad. During rallies demonstrators have repeatedly attacked journalists, media and media staff. The increased hostility against media prompted the IFJ to issue a letter to PTI leader Imran Khan, along with letters to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and PAT leader Dr Muhammad…  
8092. IFJ Joins international Condemnation of Latest IS video  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined international condemnation of the latest video released by the so called IS group in which British photo-journalist, John Cantlie, delivers a scripted message under duress while aware that his life hangs in the balance. John Cantlie is a British war photographer and correspondent who was kidnapped in Syria in November 2012. “It is clear that this video, in which John Cantlie has been forced to deliver a message from ISIS knowing that his life is on the line, is clearly an attempt to intimidate and strike fear into journalists covering the region and to prevent them from doing their jobs and reporting the truth,”…  
8093. Facély Camara, Molou Chérif, SidikiSidibé  

Facély Camara, journalist at Liberté FM N’Zérékoré, Molou Chérif et SidikiSidibé, both technicians for radio N’Zérékoré were killed along with three health workers during a mob attack in Womey, near N'zérékoré, a city near Guinea’s southern tip, media reports said. The journalists had gone to report on a visit by a group of doctors to the Ebola-stricken area to raise awareness about the virus which has claimed over 2600 lives in the region. They had been missing since Tuesday but officials said they discovered their bodies in the septic tank of a primary school in the village on Thursday 18 September. The Government spokesman Damantang Albert Camara told Reuters that the…  
8094. IFJ Demands Immediate Halt to Bombardment of Yemen State TV Offices  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its deep shock following disturbing reports of an ongoing bombardment by militants from the Houthi group on the offices of Yemen state TV station ‘Al Yemen.’ The IFJ has demanded an immediate halt to the attack and called for those responsible to be held to account. According to IFJ affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), the Al Houthi group started its bombardment of the Al Yemen building, located in the Al Jaraf area of Yemen’s capital city Sanaa, on Thursday evening at 9pm. Eyewitness accounts say the intense bombardment came from all directions.  "We strongly condemn this appalling attack on…  
8095. Three Journalists Killed by Mob in Guinea  

Officials in Guinea have said that three journalists were killed along with three health workers during a mob attack near Nzerekore, a city near Guinea’s southern tip, media reports said. The group of doctors and journalists was in the Ebola-stricken area to raise awareness about the virus which has claimed over 2600 lives in the region. They had been missing since Tuesday but officials said they discovered their bodies in the septic tank of a primary school in the village on Thursday 18 September. The Government spokesman Damantang Albert Camara told Reuters that the workers and journalists were brutally beaten to death. "“The eight bodies were found in the village latrine.…  
8096. Trial of Uyghur Scholar IIham Tohti called into question in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticises the move by the People’s Procuratorate of China to not allow access to independent and foreign media to the trial of a Uyghur scholar. The IFJ is also concerned with reports that Ilham Tohti has experienced a number of human rights violations while in police custody. The 44-year-old, a well-known scholar from the Nationalism University in Beijing, was  on trial for several ‘separatism’ charges including hatred and forming an anti-government organisation, on September 17. However no independent or foreign media were allowed to enter the court room in Urumqi, Xingjiang. Ilham’s defence lawyers, Liu Xiaoyuna and Li…  
8097. Shots fired at home of senior leader of Pakistan journalist union  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) reiterates its serious concerns towards safety of journalists in Pakistan after the senior leader of the IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), had shots fired at his home this week. Unidentified people fired shots at the home of Rana Mohammad Azeem, the Lahore-based president of the PFUJ, on September 16 in a move he believes was intended to intimidate and silence him. The PFUJ said this was the second time in a week that shots have been fired. No-one was hurt in either incident. Rana Azeem said: “By the grace of god, I’m safe. The incidents seem to be part of a series of threats and attacks on the journalists…  
8098. Filipino broadcaster receives death threats for drug sting report  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists in the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning recent threats made to a radio broadcaster from Maramag town, in Bukidnon in the Northern Mindanao region of the Philippines. Mars Downyben Medina, a program director at Radyo Abante-Maramag and host of the daily morning news program and a weekly program for the provincial government, said he began receiving death threats via text message after five suspects of a drug raid in the nearby town of Kalilangan were arrested on Friday, September 12. Medina had been reporting on an anti-illegal drug operation, which saw the seizure of approximately…  
8099. ​IFJ Condemns Attack on BBC Team in Russia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have joined calls for a thorough and immediate investigation into an attack on a BBC news team in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan. According to the BBC, the team was in the city to investigate reports of Russian servicemen being killed near the border with Ukraine. They were confronted by individuals who violently grabbed the team’s camera and smashed it on the road, and then escaped with it in a getaway car. During the attack, the team’s cameraman was knocked to the ground and beaten. “We join international condemnation of this attack and we call on Russian…  
8100. Attackers of BBC News Team in Russia Must Answer for Crimes, say IFJ/EFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have joined calls for a thorough and immediate investigation to be carried out into an attack on a BBC news team in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan. According to the BBC, the team was in the city to investigate reports of Russian servicemen being killed near the border with Ukraine. They were in their car when they were approached by a number of aggressive individuals who confronted them, violently grabbed the team’s camera and smashed it on the road, and then escaped with it in a getaway car. During the attack, the team’s cameraman was knocked to the ground and beaten. “We join…  
8101. Palwasha Tokhi Miranzai  

The female journalist was murdered by unidentified men in northern Balkh province of Afghanistan, according to the news agency Kaama Press. Miranzai, who worked as a media analyst for Bayan-e-Shamal news network, was repeatedly stabbed by unidentified men inside her house in Mazar-e-Sharif city, reports said. Source: Kaama Press  
8102. Shots Fired at Home of President of Pakistan Union  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned an attack on the the home of Rana Muhammed Azeem, President of IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ).   According to reports, in the early hours of this morning unknown assailants fired shots at Azeem's home. This is the second attack on the President's home in the last week.  The PFUJ has stated that it will continue to fight for the rights and freedoms of journalists in the country.  More news to follow.......  
8103. Filipino journalists denied entry to Ampatuan Massacre trial in Quezon City  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists in the Philippines (NUJP) in strongly condemning the action by the Quezon City Jail in refusing entry to three journalists to the make-shift court where the trial for the 196 accused in the Ampatuan Massacre case is currently being held. Journalists Mike Firalde, of The Philippine Star; Evan Orias, of Malaya; and Ces Drilon, of ABS-CBN, were refused entry to the makeshift court inside the Quezon City Jail Annex in Camp Bagong Diwa on Wednesday, September 17. The defence team was set to present their first witness for the hearing of bail petitions for the accused. The three journalists…  
8104. Female journalist brutally stabbed and murdered in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) strongly condemn the brutal murder of a female journalist in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif in the Balkh province of northern Afghanistan on Tuesday, September 16. An unidentified man repeatedly stabbed Palwasha Tokhi Miranzai, a journalist who worked for the Bayan-e-Shamal news network from 2008 to 2012. Miranzai had recently returned from completing her Master’s Degree in Thailand and was planning a return to journalism shortly.   Palwasha Tokhi Miranzai was believed to have opened the door to her attacker was alleged to be in disguise of a man without arms asking for…  
8105. MedMedia Project Launches Dynamic Web Portal  

A dynamic new web portal aimed at tracking the progress of media reforms in the Southern Mediterranean Region was launched today. The MedMedia Portal, developed as part of the EU-funded MedMedia project, a consortium which includes the IFJ, aims to become a “one-stop shop” for information and resources relating to media law, regulation, union activity and public service broadcasting in the region. Published in Arabic, English and French, the website includes a digital library which offers a wealth of source and research material on media with a focus on reform in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon. Activities organised in the framework…  
8106. IFJ Executive Committee meeting - London  

The documents and information for Excom members attending the meeting will be available in the Members Area of the IFJ website in due course.   
8107. IFJ responds to UN Consultation on impact of intellectual property regimes on the right to science and culture  

The IFJ has responded to a public consultation launched by the UN special rapporteur in the field of cultural rights under the theme “The impact of intellectual property regimes on the right to science and culture”. In its response the IFJ said that the right of people to enjoy and access cultural heritage without discrimination was a core element of any democratic society and formed an integral part of international human rights laws.  As authors of literary and artistic works, both in print and audio-visual, journalists also need to access cultural heritage. The IFJ stressed however that a fair balance should be put in place to  concililiate the protection of authors’…  
8108. Erkan Koyuncu  

The photojournalist died at the training facility of the Galatasaray professional football club in Istanbul. Koyuncu was on assignment for daily Sabah, reports said, when his head was accidentally caught in the facility’s front door. He sustained severe injuries and was taken to a hospital, but could not be revived. Source:IPI  
8109. FIP realiza una Misión de Solidaridad en México  

La misión demanda acción contra la impunidad y mejora de las condiciones de trabajo para los periodistas La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha pedido a las autoridades mexicanas y a los propietarios de los medios intensificar los esfuerzos para proteger la seguridad y la libertad de los medios de comunicación en el país e introducir procedimientos para ayudar a enfrentar la impunidad de la violencia contra los periodistas. La FIP pidió que participe a esta tarea su miembro mejicano, el Sindicato de Redactores de la Prensa. El llamado fue hecho por una misión de la FIP que celebró una visita de investigación de dos días (9-11 septiembre ) a México, donde se reunieron con…  
8110. South Asia Media Solidarity Network Bulletin: September  

The SAMSN Bulletin: September 2015 Welcome to the e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on October 15, 2014, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know what you are doing; to seek solidarity and support from other SAMSN members; and to find out what others are doing in the region. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] SAMSN is a group of journalists’ trade unions, press freedom organizations and journalists in South Asia that work together to support freedom of expression and association in the region. For further information on SAMSN, visit:…  
8111. International pressure mounts on East Timor Press Law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has led an alliance of journalists, press unions and media organisations from across the world in condemning the proposed media laws expected to be legislated in East Timor this month. SBS TV’s Mark Davis; international journalist and Filmmaker John Pilger; veteran international correspondent George Negus; The New York Times’ Declan Walsh; Seven Network’s Chris Bath and The Sydney Morning Herald’s Ruth Pollard are among a list of 48 respected Australian and international journalists and media identities who have penned a letter and petition delivered to East Timor’s government yesterday protesting its new press law. A wider petition of 245…  
8112. IFJ Carries Out Solidarity Mission in Mexico  

Mission Demands Action to End Impunity and Improve Conditions for Journalists The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on Mexican authorities and media owners to step up efforts to protect the safety and freedom of the media in the country and to introduce procedures to help tackle impunity for violence against journalists. The call was made by an IFJ mission which held a three-day fact-finding visit to Mexico from 9-11 September where they met with journalists and government officials from the Federal District and the State of Guerrero to learn more about the issues affecting journalists in the region including self-censorship, a lack of government intervention,…  
8113. IFJ condemns media blackout in Fiji  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the media blackout that started today ahead of the Fijian elections on Wednesday, September 17, and said the media in Fiji must be free to report the next few critical days if the interim government is serious about the country’s return to a democratically-elected system of government. The media blackout, which bans all political advertising on radio and television and requires all campaign posters to be taken down, also bars any story relating to the election to be vetted by the country’s media authority. “This is a gross violation on the freedom of the media ahead of one of the most pivotal election in Fiji’s…  
8114. Journalists denied access to trial in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticises the Guangzhou City judiciary department for denying journalists entry to a court room to attend the trial of two activists on September 12. Guo Feixiong and Sun Desheng, who are fighting for good governance and freedom of the press in China, were charged with gathering crowds to disturb public order in January 2013. Several representatives of foreign and Hong Kong media were denied entry to the court room in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, without explanation. Police demanded that the journalists allow their press accreditation to be checked. An overseas journalist told the IFJ: “We tried for a long time to follow their…  
8115. Sadrul Alam Nipul  

The reporter of the local Bengali-language newspaper Dainik Mathabhanga was killed by unidentified people and his dismembered body found at a railway station in the southwestern district of Chuadanga, on the border with India, the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalist said, quoting news reports. His family told journalists he had left his house after receiving a phone call and did not return home that night. His brother was quoted as blaming drug traffickers for the killing. The journalist had covered had written stories on local drug trafficking and his family said that he had received death threats from local drug traffickers and groups who he had accused in his…  
8116. ​Bill Strothman, Gary Phitzner  

Bill Strothman, a photojournalist and Gary Phitzner, a helicopter pilot both working for Komo TV in Seattle died when the station’s helicopter crashed near the Space Needle, reports said. The chopper appeared to have fallen to the street as it attempted to take off from a helipad at the top of a television news station, Seattle Fire Department spokesman Kyle Moore told reporters. It crashed and burst into the flames, killing the two passengers onboard and setting three cars on fire in the popular tourist area, officials said. Bill and Gary were found dead in the wreckage of the helicopter when emergency responders arrived at the scene, while the occupants of three vehicles that…  
8117. IFJ Joins African Colleagues to Call on Media to Cover Ebola Outbreak in Balanced Manner  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) and the West Africa Journalists Association (WAJA) have today called on the International and African media to exercise balanced and proper coverage of the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa. The outbreak of the Ebola virus disease in West Africa is unprecedented and the number of cases and casualties has kept increasing in the three countries, namely Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone which have become the epicentre of the epidemic. The countries and communities affected, the health personnel and stakeholders are unfamiliar with the disease and the complexities of dealing with the appropriate equipment, facilities, and the…  
8118. Chinese news anchor accused of spying  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned that a Chinese news anchor for a state-owned TV channel has been accused of espionage after a message was posted online by a researcher at a central government think tank. Hong Kong-based newspaper Ming Pao Daily reported on September 11 that Rui Chenggang, 37, has been accused of spying. Rui, who speaks fluent English, became the Chinese economic news anchor for China Central Television (CCTV) in 2003. He has been held in detention since July 11, 2014. Ming Pao said Wang Guoxiang, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, wrote on social platform Sina Weibo: “You (Rui) do so much more money but are also…  
8119. ​IFJ Led Delegation Visits Gaza to Provide Solidarity and Support to Journalists  

In the first visit by an international organisatipon since the ceasefire in Gaza on 26 August, leaders of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), and a number of leading Egyptian journalists have concluded a two-day solidarity visit to journalists in Gaza. The mission was organised by the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ). For more, please visit: www.ifj.org  
8120. IFJ Led Delegation Visits Gaza to Provide Solidarity and Support to Journalists  

First Visit by International Delegation since Ceasefire Leaders of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), and a number of leading Egyptian journalists have concluded a two-day solidarity visit to journalists in Gaza – the first by a trade union delegation following the cease fire on 26th August. The mission was organised by the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ). The joint delegation – led by IFJ president, Jim Boumelha, PJS president, Abdelnasser Najjar, the president of the Federazione Italiana de la Stampa Italiana, Franco Siddi, and PJS vice-president Nasser Abu Baker, had to wait three days in Cairo to…  
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