15060 results:

4271. Nigeria: Journalist shot dead while covering protest  

Precious Owolabi, a reporter for Channels Television, was shot dead on 22 July while covering a protest by members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) in Abuya. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) mourn his killing and urge authorities to open a thorough investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice. According to the NUJ, Precious Owolabi was covering the protest when he was hit by a stray bullet that killed him instantly. The NUJ was not able to confirm who fired the fatal shot. He was among at least 13 other people, including a police officer, who were killed and several others injured during clashes between protesters…  
4272. Palestine: Israeli soldiers attack journalists with live bullets and teargas bombs  

Israeli military forces attacked Palestinian journalists when they were covering a protest march in the Gaza border. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Palestine Journalists Syndicate (PJS) today condemned in the strongest possible terms the attack on civilians and the targeting of media workers who are witnessing human rights violations in Palestine. According to media reports, up to ninety-seven Palestinians were wounded during altercations with the Israeli military along the border between Israel and Gaza, some of them injured by live fire. The PJS reported that two journalists were among the victims. Sami Misran, a photographer working for Al-Aqsa tv, was hit by…  
4273. Hong Kong: IFJ writes to Chief Executive over on-going media violations  

Since the outbreak of large scale demonstrations in Hong Kong in June, the IFJ has logged a string of violations against the media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has recently sent a letter to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Carrie Lam to express concern and highlight the government’s responsibility in ensuring Hong Kong’s press freedom. In the open letter, the IFJ listed all recent violations against media including the obstruction of work, harassment of journalists and the use of excessive force by the Hong Kong police. The IFJ also noted the failure of the police to protect its people during a recent attack by assailants dressed in white chasing train commuters at…  
4274. Australia: French TV crew arrested and charged after covering protest  

UPDATED 25.07.2019 A French TV crew was charged with trespassing while covering a protest against Australian coal mining giant Adani’s Carmichael coal mine in northern Queensland. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) condemn the arrest and demands all charges against the French TV crew to be dropped. French journalist Hugo Clement and three crew members, who work for French public broadcaster France 2, were arrested at around 7:00am on Monday 22 July for trespassing over a railway line at the entrance to Adani’s Abbot Point coal-loading facility. Clement, who is well known in France for his documentaries about…  
4275. Precious Owolabi  

The reporter for Channels Television was shot dead on 22 July while covering a protest by members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) in Abuya. According to the National Union of Journalists in Nigeria (NUJ), an IFJ affiliate,  Owolabi was covering the protest when he was hit by a stray bullet that killed him instantly. The NUJ was not able to confirm who fired the fatal shot. He was among at least 13 other people, including a police officer, who were killed and several others injured during clashes between protesters and security officers, local media reports say. Violence broke out during a march organised by the members of IMN to demand for the release of their leader,…  
4276. Poland: newspaper plans to circulate homophobic stickers  

The Polish weekly Gazeta Polska announced on 17th July plans to distribute “LGBT-free zone” stickers to its readers in its next issue. Together with their Polish affiliates, the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) strictly denounce an "irresponsible attitude" that violates fundamental principles of journalism ethics. The stickers featuring a black cross over a rainbow flag alongside the slogan are due to be printed on 24th July. The announcement has caused a public outcry in a country where hate speech against the LGBT-community is on the rise, particularly from the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS), heavily supported by Gazeta Polska. Warsaw’s…  
4277. Hong Kong: Journalists attacked as protests erupt  

Hundreds of masked assailants dressed in white assaulted residents, protesters, journalists and a lawmaker in Yuen Long, Hong Kong, hours after an anti-extradition bill march ended. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the violence towards the media, and again calls on the Hong Kong authorities to guarantee the safety and rights of the media covering the protests. According to a statement issued by IFJ affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), two reporters were beaten and pushed to the ground, one of them left bleeding inform his mouth. Another reporter’s camera was thrown to the ground and damaged. At least one reporter went to hospital for…  
4278. Pakistan: Journalists strike over unpaid salaries  

Journalists in Pakistan are facing financial instability with reports that some have not been paid for over three months, while others have had their salary cut between 10-40 percent in the past six months. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands with its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in demanding media houses immediately pay outstanding wages, and call on the government to take action to resolve the growing financial instability. The issue of withheld salaries was raised as early as February 2019 and remains an on-going issue. On February 1, journalist from Geo News staged protests in newsrooms across Pakistan demanding unpaid salaries. They…  
4279. Malaysia: Journalists ejected from opposition party annual meeting  

UMNO’s Lembah Pantai division expelled non-Malay reporters from covering its annual general meeting on Sunday, July 14. The International Federation of Journalists strongly criticises the decision to block the media and obstruct journalists’ work. At the Lembah Pantai division meeting, non-Malay journalists were asked to leave the meeting before the officiation ceremony began. The meeting was held at the Persatuan Alumni University Malaysia clubhouse in Petaling Jaya. The excuse given to the journalists was that UMNO is a Malay party and it is a ‘Malay meeting’ so there only Malays are allowed to cover the main speech, which was delivered by the vice president of UMNO Ismail Sabri Yaakob.…  
4280. Anas al-Dyab  

The freelance photojournalist who worked on a casual basis for Agence France Press (AFP) was killed in air strikes against his hometown of Khan Sheikhun in the northwestern governate of Idlib. According to a UNESCO’s statement, Bakir who also a volunteer a rescue worker with the White Helmets group, was among at least ten civilians who died in the shelling. Journalists' safety, Syria, IFJ, Impunity  
4281. Turkey: numerous journalists in court this week  

Turkish courts this week handed down several prison sentences against journalists and decided to keep others in detention after adjourning their trial. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ / EFJ) have demanded the immediate release of the detained journalists and the dropping of charges against the ones still facing the court. On 16th July, Deniz Yücels’ trial was adjourned for the fourth time until 17th October 2019, although the court has already published its judgment qualifying Yücels’ one-year-detention as ‘unlawful’. The correspondent for the German newspaper Die Welt was detained on 14th February 2017 and charged with “sedition and propaganda for a terrorist…  
4282. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, July 13th to Friday, July 19th 2019: 1) Murdered journalists highlighted in global media forum in London, Daily Sabah 2) The truth on the ground, Inquirer 3) Philippine Journalists Targeted By Smear Campaign - Media Union, Urdu Point 4) Jungler reveals Jammeh’s hit-squad was to kill prominent journalists, The Point 5) Media Advocates Decry Burundi's Increasing Restrictions, VOA 6) Int'l Federation Of Journalists Demands Yemen To Immediately…  
4283. Brasil: amenazas y persecución al periodista de investigación Glenn Greenwald ante revelaciones sobre el caso Lava Jato  

El abogado y periodista estadounidense Glenn Greenwald, residente en Brasil desde el año 2005, ha denunciado una serie de intimidaciones y amenazas a raíz de la publicación de informes que revelarían el armado de una persecución judicial contra el expresidente brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Los informes, difundidos a partir del 9 de junio desde el sitio The Intercept Brazil, revelan conversaciones privadas -recibidas de una fuente anónima- mantenidas entre fiscales del caso Lava Jato y el exjuez y actual ministro de justicia Sergio Moro; las cuales demostrarían una ilegal coordinación entre el juez y una de las partes para direccionar las etapas, pruebas y contenido del juicio que…  
4284. Ukraine: IFJ calls on all political parties to commit to defending freedom of speech  

On the eve of Ukraine’s July 21 extraordinary parliamentary elections, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine's (NUJU) call on all political parties to sign a Declaration on the Defense of Freedom of Speech. The Declaration was prepared by Ukrainian journalists and experts from the IFJ and EFJ and comprises a list of obligations and commitments on freedom of speech, the protection of journalists’ rights and the fight against impunity. The text includes the following seven principles: Respect for freedom of speech and expression. Do not take any action that illegally restricts these freedoms. Publicly condemn attempts to…  
4285. Italy: Ukrainian solider sentenced to 24 years in prison for the murder of two Italian media workers  

An Italian court sentenced on 12th July Vitaly Markiv, a Ukrainian former national guard commander, to 24 years in prison for the murder of photographer Andrea Rocchelli and his translator Andrei Mironov, in the early days of the conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014. The International/European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) welcome the court’s decision, putting an end to five years of impunity. While on assignment, the pair were hit on 24th May 2014 by shrapnel from mortar shells during a firefight near the flashpoint of Slavyansk, in the rebel-held east. French photographer William Roquelon, who was travelling with the two, was also seriously wounded. The three reporters had press…  
4286. Yemen: journalist Yahya al-Sawari must be released immediately  

Freelance journalist Yahya al-Sawari was arrested on 3rd July by Yemeni security forces loyal to Saudi Arabia and has been held incommunicado since that day. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in calling for his immediate release and condemns the silence over his whereabouts. At the time of his arrest, Yahia Al-Sawari was working as a photographer in the central hospital of Al-Ghaydah, the capital of the Al-Mahra governorate. According to the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies, for whom he was reporting, he was attempting to interview protesters injured during a raid led by forces aligned with the Saudi-led…  
4287. Pakistan: Censorship continues in Imran Khan’s Pakistan  

An interview with vice president of the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) Party Maryam Nawaz Sharif was pull off air from Pakistan’s news channel Hum News on July 11. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning ongoing censorship of opposition parties in Pakistan. Nadeem Malik, senior journalist and program host, Tweeted about the incident on July 11 saying, "Just came to know Maryam Nawaz Sharif's interview has been stopped forcefully just [a] few minutes after it started live." He then broadcasted the interview on his Twitter and YouTube accounts. Hum News released a statement on Twitter, saying,…  
4288. India: Finance minister curbs journalist access to government  

The Indian government has implemented new restrictions for journalists, including asking journalists to seek appointments to enter the country’s finance ministry. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) to condemn the imposition of the new restrictions and demands authorities revoke the order in keeping with a government commitment to press freedom in India. Newly-appointed finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, imposed the controls for all journalists, even those with Press Information Bureau accreditation cards. The minister defended the ruling as a means to “streamline the system”. Now, instead of allowing journalists to…  
4289. Turkey: The IFJ-EFJ call for acquittal of Özgür Gündem guest editors  

[UPDATED, 17TH JULY] The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) call on the Turkish court to acquit journalist Erol Önderoğlu, facing a 14 years and six months in jail over "terror propaganda". Erol Önderoğlu was charged because of his participation in 2016 as temporary editor-in-chief to the production of Özgür Gündem daily newspaper as part of the Editors in Chief on Watch campaign. The verdict is expected on 17 July. The Editors in Chief on Watch was a solidarity action organised from May to August 2016 by the now-closed Özgür Gündem newspaper, a pro-Kurdish publication subjected to multiple investigations and lawsuits. Önderoğlu was…  
4290. Afghanistan: Radio journalist found murdered after disappearance  

Nader Shah Sahebzadeh, a talk show host for Radio Gardez Ghar, was found killed in the Gardez, the capital of Paktia province in Afghanistan’s east. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands with its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning his murder and demands Afghanistan’s authorities thoroughly investigate the case and bring his killers to justice. Aminullah Amiri, editor-in-chief of Radio Gardez Ghar, told AIJA that Sahebzadeh went missing after leaving his home for friend’s house ‪on the evening of Friday, July 12 . Police found Sahebzadeh’s dead body In the early hours of Saturday‬, July 13. Police chief Mohammad Hosman…  
4291. Said Haji, Charles Wandwi, Salim Mhando, Florence Ndibalema, Silvanus Kasongo  

Five media professionals from Azam Media Group, a privately owned news organisation in Tanzania, died in a road accident when the vehicle they were travelling in collided with a lorry in Kizonzo, between Igunga (Tabora) and Shelui(Singida) on their way to cover an event in Chato to be presided over by President Pombe Magufuli. The Azam Media Group named the five victims as cameramen Said Haji, vision mixer Charles Wandwi, sound technicians Salim Mhando and Florence Ndibalema and broadcasting technician Silvanus Kasongo. Journalists' safety, Tanzania, IFJ, Impunity  
4292. Freedom of assembly blocked, activists arrested in Cambodia  

Cambodian activists Kong Raiya and Soung Neakpaon remain in detention for alleged criminal incitement for their participation in a memorial march for murdered human rights defender Kem Ley. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest of the men and calls on Cambodia’s authorities to drop charges. A joint statement of human rights groups in Cambodia has denounced the “unjustified use of security personnel during the third anniversary of political commentator Kem Ley’s death” and the ongoing detention of activists Kong Raiya and Soung Neakpaon. Kong Raiya and three family members were detained on Tuesday, July 9, after Raiya posted on Facebook that he was selling…  
4293. China: Wife of Australian writer blocked from leaving Beijing  

The wife of a detained Chinese-Australian writer has been interrogated by Chinese officials and denied from leaving China. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Chinese authorities to respect individual’s rights and requests the Australian government to do more on the case. According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Yuan Xiaoliang, the wife of a former Chinese government official and turned author, Yang Hengjun, was taken by a group of Chinese Ministry of State Security officers on the morning of July 7. Ms Yuan had been preparing to speak to the broadcaster before scheduled plans to leave the country when she was detained. She was reportedly questioned…  
4294. Pakistan: journalists targeted on Twitter  

A nationalist hashtag hate campaign on social media platform Twitter has targeted journalists for attacks for being allegedly “pro-India” and “anti-Pakistan”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the use of social media to spread threats to journalists and demand the authorities and the social media giant to do more to guarantee the safety of journalists and media workers. The social media hashtag #ArrestAntiPakJournalists began spreading on the morning of July 4, following a tweet by an account claiming to be the leader of a group called Imran Khan Warriors (derived from the name of Pakistan’s…  
4295. Philippines: IFJ affiliate accused in communist smear campaign  

Propaganda posters found in Northern Mindanao on July 7, accused members of IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) as being members of communists parties in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and NUJP condemn the so-called “red-tagging” of journalists as a dangerous threat to journalist safety in the country. The posters were found on Sunday, July 7, on the wall of of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI) church in Cagayan de Oro City, Northern Mindanao, listing NUJP along with the Union of Peoples’ Lawyers in Mindanao and Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI) church as being fronts of the Communist Party of the Philippines,…  
4296. Pakistan: Three TV channels taken down after airing opposition leader’s live speech  

Three television channels in Pakistan were taken off air after broadcasting an “unedited live telecast” of an opposition politician on Saturday July 6. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) to condemn the actions by Pakistan’s media regulatory authority. The speech by the vice president of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Maryam Nawaz, was recorded at a press conference in Lahore. The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) issued notices to 21 TV channels and has since taken three channels - Abb Takk, 24 News HD and Capital TV - off air. The media regulatory body also directed networks…  
4297. Nader Shah Sahebzadeh  

The talk show host for Radio Gardez Ghar, was found dead in Gardez, the capital of Paktia province in east of Afghanistan. Aminullah Amiri, editor-in-chief of Radio Gardez Ghar, told Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, that Sahebzadeh went missing after leaving his home for a friend’s house ‪on the evening of Friday, 12 July 12. Nader Shah Sahebzadeh was employed by Radio Gardez Ghar for three years. Journalists' safety, Afghanistan, Impunity, IFJ  
4298. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, July 6th to Friday, July 12th 2019: 1) Online tracker reminds government it’s ‘time to do its job’, The Shift News 2) IFJ joins call for investigation into alleged tortured journalists, Ghana Web 3) Pakistan: TV host shot dead, AA.com 4) Pakistan TV host shot dead in Karachi, Yeni Safak 5) Journalists around the world must be able to report on ‘dark side of power’, says Hunt, The Independent 6) Threats to female journalists “driving women out of…  
4299. Mohamed Omar Sahal , Hodan Nalayeh  

The two TV journalists were among the victims of a suicide attack on the Media Hotel located in the Somali port city of Kismayo. 35-year-old Sahal was the correspondent of SBC TV in Kismayo and 43-year-old Ms Nalaye was a prominent TV journalist. She had returned to Somalia from Canada and started an online TV called Integration TV, to promoted Somalia’s transformation. After the car blast, gunmen forced their way in the hotel and went on a shooting spree, which left 26 people killed and 53 others injured, according to media reports. Journalists' safety, Somalia, IFJ  
4300. Philippines: Journalist shot dead following death threats  

Eduardo Dizon, an anchor working for the Brigada News FM radio was shot dead on 10th July when he was driving home after hosting his daily news commentary show. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) backs the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the killing and urging the authorities to bring his killers to justice. Dizon was on his way home in Kidapawan City, in the southern Philippines island of Mindanao, when two men riding a motorcycle assaulted and shot him five times around 10.35 pm. He managed to steer his car to one side of the road but he died a few minutes after due to the gunshots wounds. A few days before his assassination, Dizon…  
4301. Greece: newsroom vandalised by anarchist group in Athens  

Around 15 members of The Rouvinokas, a Greek anarchist group, ransacked the Athens Voice’s headquarters on 4th July following a publication that the group took offence at. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ – EFJ) joined the Journalists Union of the Athens Daily Newspaper (JUADN) in condemning this violent attack and all attempts to muzzle the media. According to media reports, the assailants used iron bars to smash furniture and equipment and threw black paint on the offices’ walls. No one was injured in the incident. The Rouvinokas, an anarchist and anti-establishment group, claimed responsibility for the attack in a post on the Indymedia website. In the post,…  
4302. Eduardo Dizon  

The anchor working for the Brigada News FM radio was shot dead when he was driving home in Kidapawan City, in the southern Philippines island of Mindanao after hosting his daily news commentary show when two men riding a motorcycle assaulted and shot him five times. He managed to steer his car to one side of the road but he died a few minutes after due to the gunshots wounds. A few days before his assassination, Dizon reported to the Kidapawan police that he had been challenged to a “duel”. In addition, Brigada News FM radio had received a threatening message from an unidentified sender saying “Watch out Brigada because you will die, just wait someone will shoot you.” Journalists' safety,…  
4303. Somalia: Policeman condemned to five-year jail term for killing a journalist  

A military court in Somalia on 8th July made public its ruling of 1st November, 2018, convicting policeman Ahmed Nur of murdering Abdirisak Qasim Iman, a Somali journalist who was killed on 26th July, 2018. The court sentenced the officer to a five-year jail term. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) welcomed the ruling as an important step forward to end the impunity of crimes against journalists in Somalia. The court decision was taken on 1st November 2018, but was only made public on 8th July, 2019, after the NUSOJ, with the consent of Iman’s family, pushed for its disclosure to dispel doubts about the killer's…  
4304. Global Media Freedom Conference: new pledges not credible without action, press freedom groups say  

On 9 July, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and 32 other press freedom and media development organisations met in London in advance of the Global Media Freedom Conference to call on all participating States to ensure the protection and safety of all journalists and media workers in compliance with their existing obligations and international standards. The group, representing and working with hundreds of thousands of journalists and media workers, said new pledges will only be credible if States immediately: Release all imprisoned journalists; Stop killing, attacking and denigrating journalists; Investigate and prosecute all murders of journalists. The group…  
4305. Hong Kong: Citizens' Radio office vandalized in Hong Kong  

The office of Hong Kong broadcaster Citizens’ Radio was vandalised the same day as a major anti-extradition law protest rally on July 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the government to investigate the incident swiftly. At around 2:45am, four men wearing masks forced their way into the Citizens' Radio’s office and smashed its door, windows and broadcasting equipment. Despite the loss of equipment in the attack, the station was still able to cover the July 1 protest which was held to coincide with the 22nd anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover from Britain to China. The proposed Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment)…  
4306. Hong Kong: Police attack journalists, block reporting in Hong Kong  

Police attacked journalists and denied their right to report during a police operation to disperse protesters taking part in a peaceful rally to the China express rail station on July 7. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) express ongoing concern over police intimidation and the use of excessive force during Hong Kong’s current political upheavals and protests. Demonstrators took to the streets in Mongkok, Hong Kong, to take part in the rally to the West Kowloon high-speed rail terminal. Participants in the rally were demonstrating against the proposed Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal…  
4307. Turkey: Union takes legal action against blacklisting of journalists  

The Turkish Journalists’ Union (TGS), member of the International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ), is taking legal action against a think tank over the publication of a report which allegedly blacklisted journalists working for foreign news media. The IFJ and EFJ condemned the targeting of journalists as the latest attempt by the authorities to silence independent journalism and fully support the actions taken by the TGS. The Foundation for Political Economic and Social Research (SETA), a pro-government organisation, published a 202-page report containing information about journalists working for the Turkish language services of international media, including the BBC…  
4308. Two Punjab journalists attacked in separate incidents  

Two journalists in Pakistan, Shaikh Rizwan and Bashir Malik, were physically attacked in two separate incidents. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the assault and calls on authorities to prosecute those responsible for the crimes against journalists. Shaikh Rizwan is a local journalist working for Sargodha Khabrain in Sargodha city, 185 km from Islamabad, in Punjab province. He was beaten up by the local land grabbing mafia in Sargodha. In a different incident, Bashir Malik, a local journalist with 24 News in Khushab, also in Punjab, 218 km from Islamabad was beaten and received death threats…  
4309. Hong Kong: Government accused of omitting sensitive content from press conference transcript  

The Hong Kong government was accused of omitting sensitive questions in the official transcript of a press conference held after a major protest in the city. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), together with its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) urges the government transparency on its reporting and for amendment of the official transcript of the press conference to accurately reflect the proceedings. Hong Kong CEO, Carrie Lam, held the press conference on July 3 following a break-in by protesters into the Legislative Council Building on the evening of July 2. However, in the official transcript of the press conference, HKJA determined that four…  
4310. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday, June 28th to Friday, July 5th 2019: Interview with former Pakistani president taken off air, journalists and activists decry censorship, Global Voices IFJ condemns increasing attacks on journalists in India, Kashmir India GJA calls for independent investigation into arrest of two journalists, GhanaWeb IFJ condemns Kashmir editor’s arrest, demands apology, Kashmir Media Service IFJ condemns Kashmir editor’s arrest, demand apology, Kashmir Reader Are our journalists safe…  
4311. Ghana: IFJ joins call for investigation into the arrest and torture of two journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed its affiliate, the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), in calling for an independent investigation into the arrest, detention, and alleged torture of journalists Emmanuel Ajafor Abugri and Emmanuel Yeboah Britwum. Both journalists, who work for Ghanaian digital media ModernGhana, were arrested and charged with cybercrime on June 27, following the site’s publication of a story criticizing the national security minister. During the raid, laptops  were seized from ModernGhana’s office by national security agents. National civil society organisations denounced the “Rambo style” of the raid. The journalists…  
4312. Pakistan: Network forced to pull interview with ex-president  

An interview with Pakistan’s former president was taken off air within minutes of commencing broadcast on Geo News on July 1, drawing criticism of high level interference and attempt at controlling Pakistan’s media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) to strongly condemn the censorship of the broadcast and criticised attempts to silence further media debate following the incident. The interview by leading Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir with Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) chairman Asif Ali Zardari commenced airing on Capital Talk, a popular talk show on Geo News, when the network abruptly stopped the program.…  
4313. Germany: Big media failing to credit photojournalists’ work, union campaign says  

Big German media are failing to properly credit photojournalists’ pictures they use, a campaign launched by the Deutscher Journalisten Verband (DJV) shows. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports the DJV's call on all media to always respect journalists’ authors’ rights. The DJV campaign “Photographers do have a name” aims to raise awareness about how photojournalists are often deprived of their right to be credited when media use their work. Based on a study of 87 newspapers, the DJV warned about the common belief among employers that small photos do not deserve a name credit. The union highlighted particularly the responsibility of big newsrooms, where name…  
4314. Hong Kong: Journalists attacked in pro-government rally  

Hong Kong journalists reporting a rally in support of Hong Kong police were attacked, insulted and kicked by government supporters on June 30. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in denouncing all threats to journalists’ safety following ongoing anti-extradition law protests and the broader damage being wrought on press freedom. According to a statement co-issued by HKJA and the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association (HKPPA), journalists reporting on the Sunday rally were insulted, kicked, spat at, splashed with water and their cameras damaged by rally-goers. Police were called in on multiple occasions to…  
4315. Shutdown in Myanmar blocks internet in conflict areas  

Four telecommunication companies in Myanmar were ordered by authorities to temporarily suspend internet services in nine townships amid military crackdowns on ethnic rebels. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the government-ordered blocking of Myanmar’s internet and urges its government to respect the public’s right to obtain and access information in the online spaces. On June 21, Myanmar’s Ministry of Transport and Communications ordered telecommunication and mobile phone operators to shut down internet services across at least eight townships in Rakhine state, as well as at least one town in neighbouring Chin state. The government order was justified by the…  
4316. Afghanistan: Deathly day for Shamshad TV with one dead and seven injured  

A media security guard has been shot and killed, while another seven media workers have been injured from a car bomb blast near private broadcaster Shamshad TV in Kabul. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghanistan Independent Journalist Association (AIJA) in strongly condemning the two separate attacks in yet another deathly day for the media in Afghanistan. At 8am on Monday, July 1, a car packed with explosive devices was driven into the area of Kabul near the private broadcaster Shamshad TV. Five men and two women media workers were injured in the explosion which is reported to have been targeting defence and government offices in the area. The…  
4317. IFJ launches new Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists  

Hundreds of delegates from journalists unions around the world adopted a new Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists at an historic International Federation of Journalists congress. Now the document, endorsed by representatives of more than 500,000 journalists and following months of consultations across the world, will form the core of strengthening ethical standards for journalists worldwide. Meeting in Tunis for the 30th IFJ Congress the 300 delegates backed the new charter,  which builds on and reinforces the ethical standards laid down by the 1954 IFJ Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists, the most widely recognised text on journalistic ethics to date.…  
4318. Kashmiri editor arrested for 27-year-old terrorism case  

A Kashmiri editor was arrested in a late night raid on his home in Srinagar on June 24. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Indian Journalists Union (IJU) strongly criticise the circumstances of the raid and the misuse of law as yet another attempt to muzzle the freedom of press in Kashmir. The respected veteran editor of Daily Afaaq, Ghulam Jeelani Qadri, was taken from his home by police and arrested on a non-bailable warrant issued in relation to a case dating back to 1992. He was later released on bail by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Gowhar Majeed, when police were unable to provide any clear details and specific justification for the arrest of Qadri…  
4319. Myanmar: Three journalists sued for reporting farmer protest  

Myanmar’s military has launched legal action against three local journalists following their reporting of a farmer protest in the Kayah State capital, Loikaw. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the action and urges all the charges to be dropped. On 19th June, Captain Aung Myo Tun from Myanmar’s military filed a lawsuit with Demoso Township Police Station under Article 12 of the Law Protecting the Privacy of Security and Citizens against 12 people. This included three journalists working for the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), Eleven Media Group, and Kantarawady Times. According to reports, the battalion had taken possession of the village area in 1989 without…  
4320. Cambodia court rejects appeal of two former RFA reporters  

Cambodia’s court has rejected an appeal by two former Radio Free Asia (RFA) reporters accused of espionage. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) continues to condemn the case against the journalists and urges authorities to drop all charges. An appeal against the Cambodian court’s decision to place former Washington-based RFA reporters, Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin under court supervision was rejected on June 21. The case dates back to 2017, when Chhin and Sothearin were detained on November 17 for “illegally collecting information for a foreign source” and charged under the Article 445 of the Criminal Code for allegedly providing information that could cause damage to…  
4321. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, June 22nd to Friday, June 28th 2019: 1) IFJ condemns exclusion of journalists from WHA, Taipei Times 2) Georgia: EFJ/IFJ condemn police’s heavy handed action against journalists amid riots at Parliament, The Financial 3) Taliban threatens media in Afghanistan, Al-Jazeera 4) Taliban condemned for threats to media in Afghanistan, Reuters 5) Angola: Head of State Congratulates Journalist Luísa Rogério, All Africa 6) International Federation of Journalists…  
4322. India: IFJ calls on PM Modi for action into journalist murders and attacks  

India’s increasing spate of attacks and murders of media workers has prompted a direct call to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for urgent action into India’s poor record on journalist safety. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Indian Journalist Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists – India (NUJI), strongly condemn recent attacks including the killing by immolation of a journalist in Madhya Pradesh and a night attack on a female journalist in New Delhi. According to the IJU, family sources reported that journalist Chakresh Jain was set upon by local Janpad Panchayat administration official Aman Choudhary and two accomplices. The brother…  
4323. Politician punches press club leader  

The president of Karachi Press Club (KPC) was punched and pushed from a chair by a politician from Pakistan’s ruling party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) during a live TV broadcast on June 24. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the physical assault and urge the PTI government and authorities to take formal action against the perpetrator. PTI leader Masroor Siyal launched the assault on the KPC president, Imtiaz Khan Faran, during their appearance as panellists on the live talk news program News Line with Aftab Mugheri on K21 News. Footage of the attack shows a heated argument break out…  
4324. Gambia: Union at forefront of push for authorities to strengthen press freedom  

A consortium of more than a hundred civil society organisations, unions and citizen groups handed a draft Freedom of Information Bill to the Gambian government on 24th June as part of a push for legislative changes to strengthen press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes this collective effort to promote press freedom and calls on authorities to listen to the voice of civil society. The CSO Coalition on Freedom of Information, which includes representatives of IFJ affiliate the Gambia Press Union (GPU), presented the draft bill as part of an ongoing dialogue between civil society and the authorities to improve freedom of information and media in the…  
4325. Argentina: a un año de los 357 despidos en Télam, la lucha no se detiene  

El día 26 de junio se cumple el primer aniversario del inicio de la lucha por la reincorporación de lxs trabajadorxs despedidxs por la gestión del secretario del Sistema Federal de Medios y Contenidos Públicos, Hernán Lombardi. La desvinculación del 40% de la planta de trabajadorxs significó el virtual vaciamiento de la Agencia de Noticias TELAM en su funcionamiento federal y plural. Luego de la campaña nacional e internacional encabezada por lxs trabajadorxs organizadxs de TELAM, que incluyó la permanencia pacífica en las instalaciones de la Agencia y la presentación amparos en la justicia para lograr la reincorporación, lxs compañerxs en lucha conquistaron durante los años 2018 y 2019…  
4326. Botswana: Politician ridicules female journalist on social media  

An opposition leader in Botswana has been accused of abusing a female journalist on social media. The Botswana Allied and Media Workers Union (BOMAWU) accused the leader of the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC)  Dithapelo Keorapetse, of posting a picture of a female journalist on social media in a clear attempt to intimidate her when reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned the public labelling of journalists. Keorapetse posted personal pictures of the journalist, whose identity will not be disclosed in order to protect her privacy, and added abusive comments about her online. Freedom of the press in Botswana has become increasingly threatened in…  
4327. Egypt: IFJ supports Al-Tahrir journalists  

Egyptian media company Al-Tahrir is in danger after its website was blocked for unknown reasons and could be insolvent within two months, according to its board. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with Al-Tahrir workers and condemns the forced shutdown. With the vast majority of its revenue coming from its online site the move threatens the future of the company in what activists called the latest attempt to silence critical media in Egypt. The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression reports that at least 103 news websites have been blocked since May 2017, including the independent media Mada Masr, the privately-owned Daily News…  
4328. Palestine: IFJ welcomes Prime Minister’s commitment to improve journalists’ safety  

Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, today committed to work on improving journalists’ safety and fighting against impunity following a meeting with the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) called on the new Palestinian government to turn their words into action and take immediate steps to reform the legal and regulatory media framework in Palestine. Mohammad Shtayyeh addressed the challenges of safety and impunity for crimes against journalists in a country where attacks on media professionals are common. Last year, two journalists were killed in Palestine by the Israeli army and many more were injured. Overall, the…  
4329. Greece: IFJ supports journalists in defence of their social rights  

Greece's State Council today heard an appeal filed by media owners which would lead to the closure of the fund which provides healthcare and pensions for all Greek media workers and their families. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with its affiliate the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN) and calls for the EDEOAP fund to be maintained. The appeal to abolish the 2% media employers’ contribution to the fund was filed by the Union of Private National Broadcasting TV Stations representing TV owners and joined by other media owners, who consider these basic social protections as a "privilege". Abolition of the media employers’ contribution…  
4330. Burkina Faso : la FIJ appelle au retrait de la réforme du Code pénal  

L’Assemblée nationale du Burkina Faso a adopté le 21 juin une réforme du Code pénal qui prévoit jusqu’à dix années de prison pour la diffusion d’informations relatives aux opérations militaires. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et l’Association des journalistes du Burkina (AJB) appellent à l’abandon de cette loi qui constitue une violation caractérisée de la liberté de la presse. La réforme est présentée par le gouvernement comme un moyen de renforcer la lutte contre les groupes terroristes, notamment l’organisation Etat islamique et le Groupe de soutien à l’islam et aux musulmans, dont les attaques se font de plus en plus fréquentes sur le territoire burkinabé. Au total,…  
4331. IFJ hails ILO adoption of a Convention on violence and harassment at workplace  

Today, the final day of the Centenary International Labour Conference in Geneva, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has adopted a Convention on violence and harassment in the world of work. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a major step forward in terms of labour rights. The Convention recognizes that violence and harassment in the world of work “can constitute a human rights violation or abuse” and are “a threat to equal opportunities, unacceptable and incompatible with decent work.” It provides with broad definitions of what violence and harassment in the world of work mean, where they can take place and who can be concerned. The Convention will enter…  
4332. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, June 15th to Friday, June 21st 2019: 1) International Federation of Journalists elects first African president, DNT Ghana 2) Liberia: PUL Gets Full Membership At The IFJ, -Charles Coffey Disclosed 3) Kuwait wins IFJ Seat, MENAFN 4) Kuwait wins International Federation of Journalists seat, Kuwait Times 5) New charter on journalist working conditions adopted: IFJ, Africa News 6) Russian Journalists' Union Calls Proceedings Against Assange Gross…  
4333. Georgia: IFJ condemns police's heavy handed action against journalists amid riots at Parliament  

According to the Independent Association of Georgian Journalists (IAGJ), an IFJ affiliate, journalists were forcefully removed from the Georgian Parliament building and at least ten more were injured while covering protests around Parliament in the capital Tbilisi on 20th June. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have urged the authorities to stop targeting journalists and to respect press freedom and the right to information. Reports say that clashes between the riot police and the protesters started after Sergei Gavrilov, a Russian national who supports the independence of the Georgian breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and a supporter of…  
4334. Vadym Komarov  

The Ukrainian journalist, who was attacked in the city of Cherkasy, Ukraine, on 4 May 2019, died in the early hours of 20 June. After the brutal assault, the 57-year-old journalist fell into a coma at a local hospital where he was admitted into an emergency ward. He never regained conscience and died one month and a half after the attack. The police have not so far identified his attackers. Komarov was known for his investigations and his hard hitting reporting on local authorities. The journalists who knew Vadym Komarov are convinced that the attack on him was motivated by his professional activity. Journalists' safety, Ukraine, IFJ, Impunity  
4335. Romario da Silva Barros  

The founder and director of the local news outlet Lei Secca Maricá was shot three times by at least two unidentified as he was in his car, killing him on the spot.  According to police sources quoted in the O Dia newspaper, the motive for the journalist’s killing might have been ordered due to his work. Journalists' safety, Brazil, IFJ, Impunity  
4336. Ukraine: Journalist Vadym Komarov dies after one and a half months in coma following assault  

Journalist Vadym Komarov died in the early hours of 20th June, a few weeks after he was attacked and left in coma in May in the city of Cherkasy, Ukraine. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), in condemning the murder and urging authorities to carry out a thorough investigation into this despicable crime and bring the perpetrators to justice. Vadym Komarov was known for his investigations and his hard hitting reporting on local authorities. Komarov reported on corruption and organised crime in Cherkasy and had been attacked before, according to local media reports.  The…  
4337. Algérie : la FIJ solidaire des travailleurs du groupe Médias Temps Nouveaux  

Journalistes et techniciens du groupe algérien Médias Temps Nouveaux ont organisé mercredi 19 juin un sit-in en signe de protestation contre un plan social qui menace 130 emplois. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) leur apporte son soutien et appelle au respect de leurs droits. Le groupe Media Temps Nouveaux comprend Dzaïr News, Dzaïr TV et Le Temps d’Algérie. Il souffre de graves difficultés financières depuis que son propriétaire, le milliardaire Ali Haddad, a été arrêté fin mars puis condamné à six mois de prison pour obtention injustifiée de documents administratifs. Il détenait deux passeports, ce qui est illégal en droit algérien. Depuis trois mois, les salaires des…  
4338. Brasil: Asesinan al periodista Romario da Silva Barros en la localidad de Maricá  

El periodista brasileño Romario da Silva Barros fue asesinado la noche del martes 18 de junio en la localidad de Maricá. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se une a su afiliado brasileño, la Federación Nacional de Periodistas (FENAJ), en repudiar este terrible asesinato y exigir una investigación urgente que lleve a los responsables materiales e intelectuales del crimen ante la justicia. Romario da Silva Barros, fundador y director del portal de noticias local Lei Seca Maricá, fue asaltado por al menos dos hombres cuando se encontraba en su vehículo particular, donde recibió tres disparos que acabaron con su vida. Según fuentes policiales citadas por el diario O Dia, la muerte…  
4339. France : non au détricotage de la loi sur la liberté de la presse  

Voici un communiqué de presse publié conjointement mercredi 19 juin par nos affiliés français, le SNJ, le SNJ-CGT et CFDT-Journalistes. Dans une interview accordée le 16 juin au Journal du Dimanche, Nicole Belloubet, ministre de la Justice, envisage de sortir l’injure et la diffamation de la loi de 1881 sur la liberté de la presse, pour faire rentrer ces délits de presse dans le droit pénal commun, afin « d’accélérer la réponse ». Sous le prétexte de lutter contre les « discours de haine » sur Internet, cette mesure porterait un coup extrêmement grave à la liberté de la presse, garantie par la loi du 29 juillet 1881, texte fondateur de la liberté d'expression,…  
4340. Former editor of Beijing News detained in China  

Dai Zigeng, the former editor-in-chief of state media group Beijing News, was detained earlier this month for allegedly committing "serious violations of disciple and law", according to China’s Communist Party discipline commission. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly crticises the authority’s attempt to stifle freedom of expression. On Monday June 10, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China disclosed that Dai was undergoing a disciplinary review and investigation, however it did not offer any details on his alleged wrongdoings. Dai was working as the general manager and vice chairman of Beijing Cultural Investment Development…  
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