583 results:

561. IFJ Condemns "Brutal Slaying" of Leading Tamil Journalist in Sri Lanka  

… a prominent journalist and leader is killed,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren today. “This horrific murder underlines that work must continue on the peace process in Sri Lanka, and that media should never have to pay the ultimate price for ongoing internal conflict,” said Warren. Nadesan was known for his fearless and credible journalism and…  
562. IFJ Annouces Finalists of Journalism for Tolerance Prize in South Asia  

… Hindustan, New Delhi, India. Jagadish Pokhrel, Associate Editor (Features), The Rising Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal. Sunil Wijesirwardena, Media critic and Lecturer at the Sri Palee Campus, Colombo University Colombo, Sri Lanka. The finalists are (in alphabetical order): Print/Online- English · Massoud Ansari (Pakistan), “Valley of…  
563. IFJ Concerned About Growing Trend of Intimidation of Journalists in Sri Lanka  

… of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is deeply concerned over the reports of a raid on the home of a Sri Lankan Tamil journalist, Sivaram Dharmeratnam (Taraki), by the Sri Lankan Police on Monday, 3 May 2004 – World Press Freedom Day. According to our information, on 3 May, scores…  
564. IFJ Documents Press Freedom and State of Journalism in South Asia  

… by the International Federation of Journalists, the global voice for journalists. The report, covering Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, the Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka records and spotlights a worrying trend of increasing violence against journalists, including the deaths of at least 12 journalists and other media workers in the 12 months…  
565. IFJ Protests Over Violent Attacks Against Journalists in Sri Lanka  

… of Journalists has protested to Jathika Hela Urumaya over the attack by its members on a Young Asian Media television crew covering a political rally of the JHU in Kandy, Sri Lanka. The IFJ has protested to the leader of the JHU and the President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka in the following letter: 15 March 2004 Mr Tilak…  
566. IFJ Protests Over Crackdown on Free Expression in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists has protested to the Government of Sri Lanka over the security investigation into political columnist and journalist Upal Joseph Fernando, after an anti-Christian extremist group filed a formal complaint against Fernando for allegedly writing a defamatory leaflet against Buddhists. The IFJ asks the Government of Sri  
567. The Challenge of Public Broadcasting in Asia  

… The IFJ organised a meeting on The Challenge of Public Broadcasting in Asia on 1-3 December in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The meeting was organised with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation and affiliates in Sri Lanka. The meeting launched the IFJ's Public Service Broadcasting for All campaign for Asia. The aim of the meeting was to focus attention on the state of…  
568. The Challenge of Public Broadcasting In Asia - Conference, Colombo 1-3 December 2003 - FINAL DECLARATION  

… region. Initially, the representative at this meeting will be the contact person.Colombo, December 3rd 2003 Back to Main Page of PSB Asia Campaign PARTICIPANTS FROM: Sri Lanka India Pakistan Nepal Indonesia Thailand Cambodia Timor Loro’sae Australia The Philippines Hong Kong Korea Taiwan  
569. Declaration on Media Situation in Sri Lanka  

… 1-3rd 2003 under the auspices of the International Federation of Journalists global campaign Public Broadcasting for All, having considered the situation facing media in Sri Lanka, Declare That the creation of tolerant, peaceful and just society depends upon the freedom of citizens to have access to quality media that respect the principles of…  
570. IFJ Launches Global Journalism Prize to Promote Tolerance, Combat Racism and Discrimination  

… representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, today launched the 2003 IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize at a meeting of Asia public service broadcasters in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize aims to combat racism and discrimination, through recognising the work of journalists from all media who contribute to a better…  
571. IFJ Protests Against Government Pressure on Media Outlets in Sri Lanka  

… 13 November 2003 Her Excellency Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga President Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Presidential Secretariat Colombo-1, Sri Lanka Fax: +94 1 333 703 Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghae Prime Minister Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 58 Sri Ernest de SilvaMwatha, Colombo –7 Sri Lanka Fax: +94 1 422073…  
572. IFJ Appeals for Government Withdrawal from Editorial Process in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists has appealed to the President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka to maintain freedom of the press and respect for the independence of journalists, particularly in the state-owned media, during the current political uncertainty that has swept the nation. The IFJ has stressed the importance of a free media in times of…  
573. Statement of Solidarity for Critical Media Situation in Nepal  

… Journalist’s Organizations and the IFJ on critical situation facing journalists in Nepal Representatives of journalists’ trade unions and organizations from India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, meeting in Kathmandu under the umbrella of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), are extremely concerned about the critical situation facing journalists in…  
574. IFJ Protests Against Intimidation of Journalists in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists, the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, has called on the Chairman of Sri Lanka's largest and government owned newspaper group to apologise publicly for intimidation of two journalists involved in union activities. The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon (ANCL) Chairman, Mr.…  
575. The IFJ presents the 2003 Natali Prize Jury  

… journalist and former Vice-President of the International Press Association (API) (Spain) Mr Sunanda Deshapriya, senior journalist and convenor of the Free Media Movement (Sri Lanka) Mr Nawab Khan, Bureau Chief of the Islamic Republic's News Agency in Brussels (India) Mr Max Römer, Director of the School of Journalism at the Universidad Andréas Bello…  
576. IFJ Protests death Threats to Sri Lanka Journalist  

… The International Federation of Journalists has protested to the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, the Minister for Communication, and the Chairman of the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon over the death threats received by journalist Poddala Jayantha from the Silumina newspaper. …  
577. EFJ Public Broadcasting Committee / Comité de la Radio-TV Publique  

… E-Mail: [email protected]. Co-Chair: Mr John BARSBY (NUJ Great-Britain and Ireland) E-Mail: [email protected] Mr B.R.R.U.S.B BASNAYAKE (FMETU, Sri Lanka) E-Mail: [email protected] Mr Heinrich BLEICHER-NAGELSMANN (DJU-Ver.di, Gemany) E-Mail: [email protected] Mr Rolando CRUZ CASTILLO (Sindicato Nacional…  
579. IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize : Announcement of winner for South Asia  

… of cultural, religious and ethnic differences. The Prize carries a cash award of Euro 1500 (Rs 75,000). The winner of the Prize for South Asia is: Muzamil Jaleel (India) Srinagar Bureau Chief of The Indian Express, for his entry “Setting out in Search of Kashmiriyat” which appeared in Indian Express, March 24 2002. Comments of the jury: “In…  
580. IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize: Announcement of finalists in South Asia  

… submitted to the Prize in South Asia and were judged by a well respected Jury from around the region. The South Asia Jury members are: Rosanne Therese Koelmeyer Anderson (Sri Lanka): Associate Editor, the Sunday Observer. Ajit Bhattacharjea (India): Director, Press Institute of India, New Delhi. N. Ram (India): Editor, Frontline. Rama Krishna…  
582. Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association  

… 276/3 Pradeepa Mawathe Maligawatthe Colombo 10 Sri Lanka Telephone: +94-1-429.248 Fax: +94-1-429.240 President: Daya Perera Status: Full Member  
583. IFJ Emergency Appeal to Aid Colleagues Under Fire in Palestine  

… broadcasting may serve to strengthen morale in some quarters, but for us it raises the prospect of further attacks and deaths in other regional conflicts such as those in Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Colombia, Central Africa, the Philippines, and a handful of other places, where declared and undeclared conflicts cause great suffering. We fear this cycle of…  
Search results 561 until 583 of 583