15063 results:

10641. Joint Statement on Ninth Anniversary of Gyorgy Gongadze's Death  

It is now nine years since the murder of our colleague Gyorgy Gongadze on 16 September 2000, and on this occasion we once again call on the Ukrainian authorities to undertake a proper investigation of those who ordered the killing. The brutal kidnap and murder of Gyorgy, which took place after senior Ukrainian politicians had discussed harming him, was notorious, because it underlined the impunity with which those with power could use assassination as a means to silence journalists. This summer there have been important developments in the case. Olexiy Pukach, who has been named by investigators and in court proceedings as the murderer, has been arrested. It has been reported…  
10642. IFJ Calls on Uganda to Lift Suspension of Four Radio Stations  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its concerns over the closure of  four independently-owned radio stations by Uganda Broadcasting Council (UBC)  and the suspension of  their operating licenses for what it called “flouting rules by inciting people, mainly the Baganda tribe against President Yoweri Museveni, his government and against other tribes”.   “The circumstances within  the past few days have been disheartened and it is necessary for all parties concerned to engage in a dialogue to avoid further violence,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office.   On Friday, Independent…  
10643. IFJ Welcomes Expert Report on Jailing of Journalist in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said that the report of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) on the trial of Sri Lankan journalist J. S. Tissainayagam vindicates the criticism of the 20 year jail term imposed on him by the High Court of Colombo on 31 August.Tissainayagam was found guilty of "causing communal disharmony" and "receiving money from Tamil Tiger rebels to pay for his website" in a case that sparked global condemnation from journalists and human rights' groups. "The report is a clinical analysis of a flawed judicial process," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It shows, in particular, lack of reliable evidence…  
10644. IFJ Calls for Opening of Journalists' Association's Office in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Iranian authorities to reopen the office of the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ) which was closed down on 5 August on the order of the government's general prosecutor. The Association said the decision was illegal and has submitted an application signed by 325 Iranian journalists to the prosecutor general for the reopening of their office. "This measure was clearly designed to disrupt the work of the Association," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "One month after the office's closure, there has been no explanation for it, making it yet another act of media repression played out in recent months in…  
10645. IFJ Calls for Safety Review after Media Tragedy in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the rescue of a British journalist in Afghanistan but called for a safety review after his Afghan interpreter was killed in the military operation. According to reports from Afghanistan, Nato troops raided the place where Taliban militants were holding Stephen Farrell and Sultan Munadi in the Char Dara district at dawn on 9 September. Farrell was rescued but Sultan, 34, died in the fire fight between Nato soldiers and the militants. One Nato soldier and two civilians were also killed. "The good news of Stephen's successful rescue has been overshadowed by Sultan's tragic killing," said Aidan White, IFJ General…  
10646. IFJ Protests over Tunisian Police Violence at Journalists' Headquarters  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today protested to the Tunisian government over the action of police who laid siege to the offices of Tunisian Syndicate of Journalists and assaulted the union's President after he tried to enter the building. "This is heavy-handed and violent interference in journalism," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It is unacceptable and demonstrates the intolerance of a regime which puts power politics before democracy." According to reports from the Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT) the union President Neji Beghori was today barred from entering the offices, assaulted and dragged away by police. The offices were…  
10648. Afghan Journalist Kambakhsh Freed with Presidential Pardon  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) warmly welcomes an official pardon from Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai for a young Afghan journalist sentenced to 20 years’ jail on charges of blasphemy.   Sayed Parvez Kambakhsh, 24, was pardoned, freed from imprisonment and is now in exile in Europe, Reporters Without Borders reported on September 7.   “Kambakhsh’s pardon and release from prison is a rare victory for journalists, media workers and press freedom advocates who remain constrained by the authority of clerical powers to overrule Afghanistan’s constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom of expression and the press,” IFJ…  
10649. IFJ Sends Letter to China Vice-President Re Police Abuse of Media  

    Xi Jinping, Vice President of China Wen Jiabao, Premier of China Meng Jianzhu, Minister of Public Security Sir Donald Tsang Yam-Kuen, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Peng Qinghua, Director of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council     September 7, 2009   Dear Sirs,   Re: Police Abuses in Xinjiang and Sichuan Provinces   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed to receive reports that Chinese authorities used force and violence to prevent journalists and media workers reporting on matters of major public interest in Xinjiang and Sichuan provinces.   The IFJ is informed that Xinjiang…  
10651. IFJ Welcomes Release of “Courageous” Journalists in Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the release by presidential pardon of six journalists who were sentenced on 6 August to two years in jail and fined US$ 20,000 each by the High Court in Banjul for seditious publications criminal defamation.   “The IFJ and journalists worldwide celebrate today the release of the six Gambian journalists and the dropping of the case against them,” said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. ”We applaud their courage, resilience and determination in risking their freedom to uphold the principles of a free press in the Gambia. We also congratulate their union, the Gambia Press Union, for standing by them and…  
10652. China Issues New Bans Ahead of National Day  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns a new series of bans and restrictions on the media issued by China’s Central Propaganda Department, saying the bans appear designed to control media content in the lead-up to the country’s National Day on October 1.   Local sources told the IFJ that all media outlets have been ordered not to report on events related to the lead-poisoning of more than 2000 children in Huana, Shanxi and Yunan provinces in mid-August. Public displays of anger outside government offices and the detention of protesting parents of poisoned children are reportedly off-limits.   A ban also has been ordered on reporting…  
10653. IFJ Statement on the Death of Treasurer Uli Remmel  

                                                        The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has learnt with great sadness the death of its treasurer Uli Remmel.   Uli died at the age of 54. He was elected treasurer of the IFJ in 2007 and elected on the Executive Committee in 2004. In a letter to the President of Uli's union, the Deutscher Journalisten-Verband, the IFJ General Secretary Aidan White…  
10654. Photographers protest at Guardian News & Media  

(The Guardian) More than 30 photographers held a protest outside Guardian News & Media's central London offices today. The protest was held to protest an alteration to GNM's standard terms for commissioned photography, under which it will no longer pay to reuse commissioned pictures. GNM publishes the Guardian, Observer and guardian.co.uk, the website network that includes MediaGuardian.co.uk. Author: Spehen Brook read: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/sep/01/guardian-photographers-protest  
10655. Photographers protest at Guardian News & Media  

(The Guardian) More than 30 photographers held a protest outside Guardian News & Media's central London offices today.The protest was held to protest an alteration to GNM's standard terms for commissioned photography, under which it will no longer pay to reuse commissioned pictures. GNM publishes the Guardian, Observer and guardian.co.uk, the website network that includes MediaGuardian.co.uk.   Author: Spehen Brook   read: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/sep/01/guardian-photographers-protest  
10656. Monitoring Change in Journalism - July-August 2009 Archive  

28 August   France: Gamma Agency Facing Danger of Closing Down Gamma, the renowned French photo agency is facing the danger of closing down as it can no longer pay its bills, according to it’s owners, the Eyedea Presse group. Eyedea Presse CEO Stephane Ledoux said the business of photojournalism is no longer viable as it has to adapt to globalisation and technical developments. Many French professionals and public figures signed a petition to save Gamma. On the same topic, the European Federation of Journalists is finalising a survey on press photographers in Europe that shows the difficulties faced by the profession: high competition with…  
10658. EFJ Condemns Berlusconi's Media Vendetta  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi is putting press freedom to the sword by launching a legal vendetta against media at home and abroad for reporting on his troubled personal life."It's understandable that Prime Minister Berlusconi wants to keep his colourful personal life out of the headlines," said Aidan White, IFJ and EFJ General Secretary. "But he puts press freedom at risk by trying to use the law to intimidate journalists and to stifle media reporting."The EFJ says that Berlusconi often used his power as both media magnate and political leader to…  
10659. IFJ Condemns Brutal Jail Term for Sri Lankan Journalist Tissainayagam  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned a 20-year jail term against senior Sri Lankan journalist J.S. Tissainayagam as "brutal and inhumane" and accused Sri Lankan authorities of abusing anti-terror laws to silence peaceful critics. The High Court of Colombo today convicted Tissainayagam, a prominent Tamil journalist, of "causing communal disharmony" and "receiving money from Tamil Tiger rebels to pay for his website". He was detained last year and later charged with inciting violence in articles in his magazine, the North Eastern Monthly, which has since closed. The landmark ruling makes Tissainayagam one of a handful of journalists in the world to be…  
10660. Police Assault Journalist Covering Kandahar Blast  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns a police assault on radio reporter Dawa Khan Meenapal at the site of a bomb attack in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar, in which at least 40 people were killed and 65 wounded on August 25.   According to the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, Meenapal was recording witness accounts of the attack in his job as a reporter for Radio Free Afghanistan when he was detained. His wrists were bound and his recording equipment was confiscated by police.   Meenapal told the AIJA that police assaulted him with rifle butts and pushed him around, ostensibly because he…  
10661. IFJ Gives Cautious Welcome to Pledges of Media Reforms in Zimbabwe  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate in Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ), cautiously welcomed recent announcements made by the coalition government in its effort to turn over a new leaf on six years of intimidation and stifling of independent journalists. "There have been in recent weeks a flourish of announcements by government officials of the start of a new era of free expression in Zimbabwe. But the jury is out and, in the next few months, we will be watching intently to see what is going to come out of that process," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha following his visit to Zimbabwe early this month with a solidarity…  
10662. Provincial Authorities Undermine Press Freedom in China  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges China’s Central Propaganda Department and Central Government to investigate the manner in which provincial governments are overriding constitutionally guaranteed rules about media access and rights in reporting on issues of public interest.   On August 25, the deputy editor of the Nanning-based Nanguo Morning Post, Liu Yuan, 35, was reportedly forced to resign after reporting on the murder of a teenage boy on August 4.   A senior editor at a sister paper, Modern Life Daily, received a suspension order from the newspaper management, reportedly under pressure from Guanxi Province’s propaganda…  
10663. IFJ Opposes Repressive Amendments to Media Law in Serbia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today urged Serbian lawmakers to throw out a package of controversial draft amendments to the Public Information Act proposed by the government of Serbia. In a letter to the President of Serbia, Mr Boris Tadi?, IFJ President Jim Boumelha urged him to withdraw the amendments. He wrote: "We are concerned about the Serbian Government's haste to adopt these amendments at an extraordinary session of Parliament, without any prior public debate, or even consultation with media associations, journalists and/or experts." According to a thorough analysis by independent legal experts…  
10664. Pakistan Government Must Order Full Inquiry Into Murder  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands that Pakistan’s Government launch a swift and full inquiry into the murder of a veteran Afghan journalist in Pakistan yesterday.   Peshawar-based journalist Janullah Hashimzada was shot dead by four unidentified gunmen in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) as he travelled from Afghanistan’s Eastern Nangahar Province to Peshawar, in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).   The minivan in which he was travelling was ambushed near Jamrud in the Khyber tribal district. Two gunmen entered the van and shot Hashimzada four times, according to the Pakistan…  
10665. Journalist Assaulted and Arrested in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) notes with alarm that police in Nepal brutally assaulted Bimal Bista, a correspondent for Nepal Samachar Patra, before taking him into custody in the district headquarters town of Doti in the country’s far west on August 23.   According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, Bista was on a reporting assignment, seeking information on some local disputes, when he was hustled into a police van and badly beaten up. He is reportedly still in custody.   “The IFJ endorses the FNJ’s demand that Bista be released immediately,” IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said.…  
10666. IFJ Welcomes Release in China of IIham Tohti  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the reported release in China this week of the founder of an online discussion forum who disappeared for more than a month after riots erupted in Xinjiang Province in early July.   IIham Tohti, who established Uyghur Online at www.uighurbiz.cn and is a professor at the Central National University in Beijing, disappeared from his home in Beijing on July 7.   He had reportedly told friends he had received a “formal notice” from local authorities late on July 7 referring to articles posted that day on Uyghur Online criticising the Chairman of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regional People’s…  
10667. IFJ Calls for Release of Online Journalist in Mauritania  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today called for the release of Hanevy Ould Dehah, editor of Taqadoumy  website, who was charged with  “offending public decency” and sentenced to six months imprisonment by the court in Nouahchott.   “This is an unduly severe and political judgment, especially as only one of the charges was finally retained,” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “Our colleague must be released,” he added. Following a complaint on 22 May 2009 against him for  publishing a report on the sudden wealth  of one of the presidential candidates who  bought a house in one…  
10668. IFJ Calls to Lift Suspension of Radio in Cameroon  

The International Federation of Journalists (FIJ) has called today to lift the suspension meted to Sky One, a private radio station broadcasting from Yaoundé, capital of Cameroon. “The suspension of the radio is disproportionate, more especially that this programme for the past two years has done nothing but only allowing citizens to voice their points of view in the public debates” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. On Monday August 17, 2009, the Minister of Communication Mr. Issa Tchiroma Bakary said at the national radio that the decision was taken to close “temporarily” Sky One radio for many professional misconducts in particular…  
10669. IFJ Calls to Lift News Blackout Over Kabul  

The IFJ has called for the lifting of all censorship reporting from Afghanistan as rumours spread of violence and chaos in the wake of presidential elections taking place today. "The world needs to know about what's happening in the streets of Kabul," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The ban on reporting is only encouraging ignorance, speculations and fear". The Afghan government issued a statement on 18th August asking all news agencies to refrain from covering any incidents of violence between 6 am and 8 pm on election day, fearing that such coverage would dissuade people from voting. The IFJ this morning received a number of reports of violence across the country and…  
10670. Indictment of Journalists Involved in "Sting" Operation Deeply Objectionable  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) notes with great concern that two journalists from India’s web-based news portal cobrapost.com have been charged with corruption offences for their role in a “sting” operation that exposed a “cash for questions” racket among elected members of parliament in India.   Along with 11 former members of parliament, who face prosecution under India’s Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA), the two journalists, Aniruddha Bahal and Suhasini Raj, have been charged with abetment of an offence.   The telecast of the “sting” over several Indian television channels in 2005 led to great…  
10671. New TV channel to broadcast Arab women's interests  

(GFMD) A new Arab satellite channel specializing in women's affairs recently launched in Cairo, Egypt. The channel, Eve, aims to present Arab women's identity via social, economic, and cultural programs. Issues including fashion, sports and female activities across the world will be portrayed. For more information (in Arabic), go to http://www.sho3a3.com/mag/post.php?partid=8&id=1777Source: http://www.ijnet.org/gfmd/media_development_news/new_tv_channel_to_broadcast_arab_women_s_interests  
10672. New TV channel to broadcast Arab women's interests  

  (GFMD) A new Arab satellite channel specializing in women's affairs recently launched in Cairo, Egypt. The channel, Eve, aims to present Arab women's identity via social, economic, and cultural programs. Issues including fashion, sports and female activities across the world will be portrayed. For more information (in Arabic), go to http://www.sho3a3.com/mag/post.php?partid=8&id=1777 Source: http://www.ijnet.org/gfmd/media_development_news/new_tv_channel_to_broadcast_arab_women_s_interests  
10674. IFJ Sends Letter to China Officials about Detention of Media Workers in Sichuan Hotel  

  Xi Jinping, Vice President of China    Wen Jiabao Premier of China   Meng Jianzhu , the Minister of Public Security   Jiang Jufeng , Governor of Sichuan Province    Peng Qinghua , Director of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State…  
10675. Concerns for Journalists' Safety Ahead of Afghanistan Elections  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its local affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), reiterate their concerns for ensuring the safety of media personnel working in Afghanistan in the run-up to presidential elections on August 20.   A photographer and a cameraman for the Associated Press (AP) were seriously injured when a road-side bomb exploded near Kandahar, in Afghanistan’s south, on August 12.   The two journalists, identified by AP as Islamabad-based Spanish reporter Emilio Morenati, 40, and Indonesian reporter Andi Jatmiko, 44, were travelling with United States military personnel.   At a national…  
10676. IFJ Demands Explanation for Detention of Hong Kong Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the unexplained detention of two Hong Kong journalists by local police at a Sichuan hotel yesterday.   A journalist, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the IFJ that two Beijing-based journalists who work for the Hong Kong-based Now Television broadcaster were detained by police at their hotel in the early morning as they were leaving to report on the court case of poet, writer and environmental activist Tan Zuoren.   Tan is charged with inciting subversion of state power. According to Amnesty International, it is believed that Tan’s detention is linked to reporting on the May 2008 Sichuan…  
10677. Elecciones en Prensa Renovaron autoridades en los gremios de Ushuaia y Misiones  

El sábado anterior hugo elecciones en el Sindicato de Prensa de Ushuaia, organización afiliada a la FATPREN, para renovar autoridades por finalización de mandato. La lista Blanca "Unidad y Compromiso", única oficializada, presentó candidatos y recibió el apoyo del 53 por ciento del padrón de afiliados Integran la nueva conducción Pamela Demartín como secretaria general; Fernando Quiroga, secretario adjunto; Horacio Ferreira Da Cámara, secretario gremial; Walter Maciel, administrativo y de actas; Walter Idone, tesorero; Miriam Azcurra, en acción social y Carlos López como secretario de prensa y organización; los vocales titulares son Alejandro Heis y Marcelo Charadía. En la…  
10678. Elecciones en Prensa Renovaron autoridades en los gremios de Ushuaia y Misiones  

El sábado anterior hugo elecciones en el Sindicato de Prensa de Ushuaia, organización afiliada a la FATPREN, para renovar autoridades por finalización de mandato. La lista Blanca "Unidad y Compromiso", única oficializada, presentó candidatos y recibió el apoyo del 53 por ciento del padrón de afiliados Integran la nueva conducción Pamela Demartín como secretaria general; Fernando Quiroga, secretario adjunto; Horacio Ferreira Da Cámara, secretario gremial; Walter Maciel, administrativo y de actas; Walter Idone, tesorero; Miriam Azcurra, en acción social y Carlos López como secretario de…  
10679. Journalists Ordered Not to Report China Rape Case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is worried by reports that two journalists were asked to file a self-assessment report explaining their motivations for covering a rape case in Beijing on August 6.   A journalist, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the IFJ that two journalists and their senior supervisors at Southern Weekend were reportedly asked by the newspaper’s chief editor to file a self-critical assessment after publishing information about a rape case in which police were alleged to be involved.   The journalists told the IFJ they were made to write a self-critical assessment of how their professional work in reporting this case…  
10680. IFJ and INSI Join Global Call for Release of Journalists in Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International News Safety Institute (IFJ) today called for the urgent release of jailed journalists in Gambia, adding their voices to growing global protest at the press freedom crisis in the country after judges jailed six journalists for two years last week because they had supported a statement by the country’s press union criticising the government.   “Intolerant government has created a culture of neglect for free speech and human rights,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “The jailing of journalists simply because they express dissent is a sign of a country betraying the…  
10681. IFJ Demands End to Intimidation as Iran Shuts Journalists' Association  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Iranian authorities to end the campaign of intimidation of journalists in the country following the closure last night of the Association of Journalists in Tehran whose offices were raided and sealed by armed men. In a meeting this morning with the Iranian Ambassador to the European Union and Belgium, the IFJ General Secretary Aidan White said that up to 42 journalists held in jail should be set free and the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), an IFJ affiliate, should be allowed to function. "There must be an end to intimidation of journalists if there is to be a new dialogue," said White. The IFJ says…  
10682. IFJ Condemns Harassment against Female Journalist in Sudan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned  the charges brought by Sudanese authorities against Amal Habani, a female journalist and  editor of the column "Tiny Issues" in Ajrass Al Horreya newspaper for having denounced the prosecution of Sudanese women who wear trousers. “This is a blatant violation of freedom of expression. Our colleague just expressed a candid opinion in her column,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “These charges are nothing more than harassment and must be dropped.“ Amal Habani published an article on 12 July 2009, entitled "Lubna, a case of subduing a woman's body," in which she…  
10683. IFJ Condemns Venezuela over Unprecedented Media Clampdown  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the international community to denounce the action of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez who has cut deep into the fabric of press freedom in the country with his government's announcement of a widespread attack on independent media voices. The IFJ says the Government's decision to revoke licences of a dozen of private radio stations with up to 200 others facing the same fate is an unprecedented attack on independent journalism. "Free media in Venezuela are facing a complete wipe out," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "If these actions stand, they spell the end of alternative and dissident opinion. They…  
10684. Russian Bill Extends Copyright Protection to News  

(Moscow Times)The government has drafted legislation that would make it easier for news agencies to contest plagiarism of their reports, drawing cheers from big outlets like Interfax and RIA-Novosti, but critics say the bill is too vague to be effective. The law, drafted by the Communications and Press Ministry, would extend copyright protection to news reports, with the threat of fines and the possible confiscation of publications to dissuade media from using information without properly attributing its source. Read: http://www.moscowtimes.ru/article/1010/42/379728.htm Author: Natalya Krainova  
10685. IFJ Condemns Prosecution of Court Reporter in Burundi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today denounced charges against Burundian journalist Jean Bosco Ndayiragije, head of the private radio station, Radio Publique Africaine(RPA) who was interrogated on July 27 by  Mrs. Capitoline Havyarimana, a deputy prosecutor in the province of Ngozi (Northern Burundi), for broadcasting information which was critical of the justice system in Burundi. “This summon is not justified, especially as the radio only relayed the opinions of the populations on the problems which they encounter with the judiciary,” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “These media reports contribute to reinforce…  
10686. Journalists Covering Industrial Accident Attacked by Factory Staff  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns a group attack on three mainland China journalists who were reporting on an accidental fire at a factory in Xiegang town in Dongguan city in China’s in the south of the country on July 27.   Local sources told the IFJ that the journalists have been identified as Dong Zhe from Guangzhou Daily Newspaper, Mo Xiaodong from Southern Metropolis Daily and Jiang Yun of Yangcheng Evening News.    Staff from the factory reportedly attacked the journalists, causing injuries on their faces and necks, and threatened them with death in an attempt to block coverage of the incident.   Jiang’s…  
10687. Afghan Authorities Must Respect Journalists During Elections  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) in condemning a police attack on a group of journalists working in the western province of Herat on July 29.   The journalists have been identified by the AIJA Herat office as Ariana TV reporter Fawad Ahmadi, Reuters reporter Jalil Ahmad Rezai, Saba TV reporter Sayed Abdullah, Tolo TV reporter Reza Shir Mohammad and Sharaf-u-din Stanekzai from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty(RFERL).   The journalists were reportedly attacked by police as they attempted to cover a public demonstration against the killing of a fruit seller in Herat…  
10688. IFJ Calls for More Investigations as Trial of Journalist's Murder Ends in Acquittal  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is dismayed by the acquittal of the sole surviving suspect in the murder of journalist Parag Kumar Das in the state of Assam in India in 1996.   Das, who was the executive editor of the Assamese-language daily, Asomiya Pratidin, was shot dead in broad daylight in a busy part of Guwahati city in the northeastern Indian state, as he was fetching his son from school.   At the time, the state government responded to widespread public outrage of its handling of the case by handing it over to the police agency controlled by India’s union government: the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).   Four…  
10689. IFJ Condemns Suspension of RFI Programmes In DRC  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today denounced the decision of the authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to suspend Radio France Internationale (RFI) broadcasts in the country. “The suspension of the programmes which follows that in the eastern part of the country on May 5th is an unjust measure that constitutes a violation of freedom of expression and press freedom, especially in a country where independent information is most needed,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “We ask the Congolese authorities to lift the suspension immediately and restore RFI programmes on air in the DRC”.     On…  
10690. Sixth Media Worker Killed in the Philippines in 2009  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) reports with distress the murder of a radio broadcaster in the Philippines, as the country joins Somalia as leaders in the world league of infamy in media worker deaths this year.   According to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ affiliate, Godofredo Linao Junior was shot dead in the early hours of July 27 in Barabo town, Surigao del Sur, after reportedly receiving a threatening text message about 1am. Linao is the sixth journalist killed in the Philippines this year.   Linao was the coordinator of the Radyo Natin program “Kapamilya Walan Iwanan” and also…  
10691. Serious Investigations Required to Trace Missing Journalist in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply worried over reports of Shiva Oli, a journalist in Doti district of Nepal, remaining missing after leaving his home with three men on July 25.   According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, Oli left his house in the company of three men who approached him with the ostensible purpose of discussing a news report he recently filed documenting corruption allegations against them.   Shiva Oli’s wife filed a complaint with the local police, naming the three persons he went away with that night, the FNJ reports.   All three have reportedly been apprehended and…  
10692. Somali Journalists Confront Challenges of Security, Impunity and Standards  

A Somali national journalists' conference launched in Nairobi, Kenya, today (Friday) focused on the threats posed by the high rate of killing of journalists, kidnappings, torture and intimidation of media professionals, and heard calls for an end to the culture of impunity that has been the scourge of media activity in Somalia since 1991.Also on the agenda of the meeting is the challenge of setting professional standards for media in one of the world's most dangerous hotspots for journalists.The three-day conference (24- 26 July 2009), held under the theme: Professional Journalism: Responsibility in a Situation of Violence and Insecurity, and organized by the National Union of Somali…  
10693. EFJ Welcomes Court Victory for Protection of Sources in The Netherlands  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its Dutch affiliate, the NVJ, have welcomed yesterday's decision by the court in Amsterdam  which ruled that tapping of  journalist Jolande van der Graaf's telephone by the Dutch secret service (AIVD) during their investigation into a departmental leak was illegal. "We have been appalled by the far-reaching investigations by the Dutch secret service and the surveillance of Ms van der Graaf and the tapping of her telephone as well as that of De Telegraaf's editor-in-chief," said Arne König, EFJ President. "We welcome this court victory for protection of sources which adds to an impressive case law in favour of…  
10694. Exiled Journalists Call For End to Impunity in Sri Lanka  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) endorses a call by a newly formed network of Sri Lankan journalists in exile urging Sri Lanka’s Government to take immediate action to end the safety and censorship crisis confronting journalists and media workers in Sri Lanka.   A statement issued on July 22 by Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka (JDS) highlights unprecedented levels of self-censorship in the Sri Lankan media as a result of intimidation, harassment and violence against the media, both during the war between the Government’s forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and since the war ended.   Since the election of…  
10695. Ukraine Must Seize Opportunity of Confessions to Reporter's Murder to Reveal Truth, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said that the arrest on Tuesday of General Oleksiy Pukach, the main suspect in the murder of Ukrainian journalist Georgy Gongadze who was killed in 2000, and his reported confessions to the killing provide authorities with a unique opportunity to reveal the truth about this vicious crime and bring to justice all those who were responsible for it.   "This is the moment of truth which Georgy's family and colleagues have been waiting for," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "The authorities must not miss this opportunity to uncover the ring leaders in this crime." According to reports quoting senior police sources in…  
10696. IFJ Warns of Press Freedom Deterioration in Somaliland  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today voiced its concerns over the deterioration of press freedom in the self-declared republic of Somaliland following the arrests of two journalists, Mohamed Osman Mire and Ahmed Suleyman Dhuhul of radio Horoyaal. "We are deeply concerned about the press freedom situation in Somaliland," said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. "These latest arrests confirm a worrying pattern of intimidation and harassment of the independent media in the country." According to the National Union of Somali Journalists( NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, Mohamed Osman Mire, also known as Siyad and Ahmed Suleyman Dhuhul, respectively Director and…  
10697. IFJ Condemns lack of Fair Trial for Journalists in Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today raised serious concerns about the fairness of the trial at the Gambian High Court in Banjul of the seven journalists charged with six counts of seditious publication and criminal defamation after the judge, Justice Wowo, overruled all the applications made by the defence team.  "Judge Wowo is showing little impartiality. By conducting the hearing in camera, he is denying people all over the world who have been following this trial the ability to hear the arguments. This is a gross miscarriage of justice and the trial must be opened to observers," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. The seven defendants - Gambia Press…  
10698. Journalists Refused Entry to Trial of Blogger in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns China’s use of orders and charges against journalists after journalists and members of the public were refused entry to the trial of blogger Duan Lei in Shandong province on July 17.   Duan faces criminal charges of “endangering social stability” for an article published on July 3 in which he detailed alleged corruption of a Communist Party Committee Secretary in Cao County.   In what would be considered a case of alleged defamation under civil legislation, Duan could face imprisonment if convicted.   Bloggers and online media reporters in China have faced a major clampdown by…  
10699. IFJ Welcomes Lifting of Ban on Al-Jazeera in West Bank  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the decision of the Palestinian Authority to revoke its order of 15 July to close Al-Jazeera's office in the West Bank, blaming the television network for "bias and incitement" in its broadcasts. "This is a step in the right direction and we welcome it," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "But, the Authority must drop the lawsuit, as well, as a mark of their commitment to press freedom." According to reports from the West Bank, the Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr. Salam Fayyad, on 18 July issued a decision "to halt the suspension of work of the Aljazeera's office in Palestine, and allow the office to carry…  
10700. IFJ Calls for Protection of Journalists as Tensions Mount in Afghanistan Ahead of Elections  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called upon the government of Afghanistan to protect journalists and set "model standards" for democracy if it wants upcoming elections in the country to be fair.Speaking at a national assembly of journalists' leaders from across the country in Kabul at the weekend, IFJ General Secretary Aidan White said Afghanistan needed to provide more access to information to media, more guarantees of safety for journalists and more professionalism in the state broadcasting system, which is heavily biased in favour of governing parties."There is no democracy when information is politically controlled, when journalists work in conditions of fear, and…  
10701. China's List of Bans on Media Reporting Keeps Growing  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on China’s Government to explain why reporting on the forced closure of a research centre and human rights organisation was banned on July 17.   A journalist told the IFJ they received the ban order on July 17. The order stated that no media was permitted to publish any information about the closure of Gongmeng Legal Research Centre, also known as the Open Constitution Initiative, by the Civil Affairs Bureau of Beijing.   The centre, run mainly by human rights lawyers, had been providing legal support to minority groups in China, most famously during the 2008 tainted milk powder scandal. Officers…  
10702. European Commission releases study on the impact of culture on creativity  

On behalf of the European Commission KEA European Affairs carried out a study on the impact of culture on creativity. The study was released in June 2009. The study aimed to answer the following questions - How can culture contribute to the development of creative skills within a lifelong learning framework? - How can culture contribute to the development of creative solutions at the workplace, including through social innovation? - How can culture contribute to the creation of new services and products? The study comes to the conclusion that the EU should better exploit the potential of culture to beef up creativity and innovation. It suggests strategies to be developed at all…  
10703. IFJ Calls for Swift Delivery of Justice for Slain Activist in Chechnya  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today strongly condemned the murder of Natalya Estemirova, a prominent journalist and human rights activist who was found dead in Ingushetia, following her kidnapping on Wednesday at her home in Grozny, the Chechen capital."We condemn this appalling murder of Estemirova who showed remarkable courage in exposing the atrocities committed in Chechnya," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "The authorities in Russian and Chechnya must leave no stone unturned in the hunt for her killers."According to the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), an IFJ affiliate, Natalya who worked for the Memorial human rights society and wrote for…  
10704. Open Letter to His Excellency President Mahinda Rajapaksa  

The following is a joint open letter of the International Federation of Journalists and other press freedom organisations addressed to President  Mahinda  Rajapaska of Sri Lanka over the situation of journalists in the country. The International Press Freedom Mission to Sri Lanka, which is comprised of representatives from the world's media community, is extremely concerned over the ongoing spate of violent attacks against the media.  In spite of the military victory over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the deterioration of the press freedom situation in the country has continued.   We welcome your recent statement ensuring the safety of…  
10705. Bloggers Detained by Police for Online Content in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns actions by Chinese authorities to locate and detain bloggers and delete online content and debate concerning controversial issues.   The IFJ received information that a blogger and signatory to the democratic reform and human rights-focused Charter 08 petition in China was reportedly detained by Mawei District Police in Fujian Province on July 16 in relation to comments he posted about the failure of police to properly report the suspicious death of a woman in hospital in February 2008.   Five bloggers including human rights activists Fan Yanqiong and Wu Huaying were detained in late June in relation to the…  
10706. IFJ Welcomes Court's Rejection of Indonesia Libel Case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a decision by the South Jakarta Supreme Court to reject a libel suit against local newspaper Koran Tempo by Islamic Troop commander Munarman.   Munarman reportedly filed the civil suit in relation to images published in Koran Tempo on June 3 last year depicting the commander strangling a man during a rally on June 1 in at the Monas National Monument in Jakarta.     The judge dismissed the suit on the basis that Munarman’s claims were unsatisfactory, and said Koran Tempo had acted in accordance with the 1999 Press Law, local news reports said.   “The judge’s decision to consider…  
10707. Accountability To Women Could Upset Business-As-Usual  

(IPS) - A public presentation of the "Progress of the World's Women" report by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) in Pretoria, South Africa this week suggests that one of the most powerful constraints on realising women's rights and achieving the Millennium Development Goals is a lack of accountability to women's needs. Author: Sholain Govender-Bateman source: http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=47663  
10708. Accountability To Women Could Upset Business-As-Usual  

 (IPS) - A public presentation of the "Progress of the World's Women" report by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) in Pretoria, South Africa this week suggests that one of the most powerful constraints on realising women's rights and achieving the Millennium Development Goals is a lack of accountability to women's needs.   Author: Sholain Govender-Bateman   source: http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=47663    
10709. IFJ and National Federation of Israeli Journalists  

On 7 June 2009 the IFJ Executive Committee at its meeting in Oslo, Norway, agreed unanimously to expel the National Federation of Israel Journalists from membership of the IFJ. The IFJ wrote to the NFIJ confirming the decision and offering them the opportunity to appeal the decision which can be heard at the Congress of the IFJ in Spain in May 2010.A Financial Decision, not a Political Decision The decision to expel the NFIJ was based upon financial matters alone. There was no political element in the decision. It was taken unanimously. The NFIJ has not paid any fees to the IFJ for more than five years. (The last payment made was on 26 April 2004.) The IFJ systematically warns…  
10710. IFJ Urges Immediate Release of Uyghur Online Writer  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Government of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region to immediately release Iham Tohti, founder of Uyghur Online Web, and refrain from detaining journalists reporting on the conflict between the Uyghur and Han ethnic minorities in China’s north-west.   Tohti reportedly told friends he had received a “formal notice” from the Xinjiang authorities at midnight on July 7 referring to articles posted that day on Uyghur Online Web criticising the Chairman of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regional People’s Government.   The IFJ understands Tohti was subsequently arrested but…  
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