15063 results:

10431. IFJ Welcomes Bahrain Pledge over Threats to Media as Journalists Launch an Ethics Committee  

  The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed two significant developments for Bahrain journalism during yesterday’s World Press Freedom Day Celebrations.   The Bahrain Journalists Association (BJA) announced the creation of a media self-regulatory body to promote journalists ethics as an alternative to the government controlled model contained in the draft media law. On the same day, the King of Bahrain, Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifah, said, in a public statement, that he will not accept any journalist to be imprisoned nor any newspaper closed down for exercising their constitutional rights to free expression.   “This is very good news…  
10432. EFJ presentation at European Commission hearing on Collective Rights Management  

At a hearing held in Brussels on 23 April, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) called on the European Commission (EC) to ensure journalists benefit from collecting societies. Pamela Morinière, Authors' Rights officer of the EFJ presented an overview of various practices of collecting societies which collect payment on behalf of journalists in Europe for the second-use of their work. In particular, Morinière stressed that although most collecting societies representing journalists function well, not every journalist can benefit from CRM in the EU. She pointed out, "There is a great disparity according to different practices of collecting societies across Europe and…  
10433. Open Letter to China's Leaders Marks World Press Freedom Day  

Hu Jintao, President of China    Wen Jiabao, Premier of China     Esteemed President Hu and Premier Wen,    To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) respectfully asks that you, in your capacity as China’s most senior leaders, and the ruling Communist Party honour public promises to build respect for the independence and rights of China’s journalists and media professionals.   Since the beginning of 2010, propaganda departments across China have issued numerous orders that restrict journalists in conducting their work in the public interest. These…  
10434. EFJ Supports Third Greek Journalists’ Strike against Austerity Measures  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), today backed Greece's journalists and media workers who will take part in another day of strikes on Wednesday 5 May.Following the drastic "cost cutting" plan imposed by the Greek Government over the public, including journalists, the Journalists' Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers, Journalists' Union of Macedonia Thrace daily Newspapers, the Periodical and Electronic Press Union along with other unions representing media workers under the auspices of the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists Unions are all participating in the strike under the following…  
10435. Monitoring Change in Journalism - April 2010 Archive  

29 April   France: Social Media Club Told Journalists to Create More Interactive Multimedia The Social Media Club, a group of French journalists specialised in new media, argued that journalists should produce more interactive multimedia in order to attract audiences. They said journalists should look to movies and television for ideas to present their news in a more attractive and interactive way.   http://socialmediaclub.fr/2010/04/le-storytelling-digital-formes-emergentes-nouveaux-metiers-business-models/   28 April Australia: Nine Network to Become the First Broadcaster Offering 3D Live Programmes The Australian broadcaster Nine Network will roll out…  
10436. EFJ Stands Up for Unions' Rights and Journalism on May Day 2010  

Today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) encouraged its member organisations throughout Europe to mark this year's May Day by putting professional standards, decent working conditions and unions' rights at the centre of the debate on the future of journalism and the future of democracy in Europe."This is the time to stand up for unions' rights and to fight together for our rights to practice journalism in decent conditions. It is a day when we give real meaning to the notion of professional solidarity. We want to continue our dialogue with social partners, but also with civil society and politicians," said EFJ President Arne König. "We in journalism understand…  
10438. Reporter Threatened As Philippines Mourns Slain Colleagues  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands the Philippines Government urgently investigate a threatening message sent to Philippines Daily Inquirer and GMA7 News TV correspondent Williamor Magbanua in the southern Philippines yesterday.   According to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), Magbanua, 30, received a wreath containing a threatening note at his home in Kidapawan City, Cotabato Province, Mindanao.   The note, purporting to have been sent by New People’s Army (NPA) regional commander Valentine Palamine, accused Magbanua of defamatory reporting about a political candidate.   The NUJP, an IFJ…  
10440. Serbian Journalists Commemorate 11 Years of Bombing of RTS  

Journalists demonstrated at the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the bombing of Radio Television Serbia (RTS) in Belgrade. On 23 April 1999, 16 journalists and media workers were killed in the bombing of the broadcaster by the NATO. Their message reminded that media should never be targeted by the military.The photo was made in front of the building which was hit.  
10441. EFJ Demands End to "Anti-Authors' Rights" Contracts by Bauer Media Group  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today condemned the German publishing company Bauer Media Group for imposing " anti- authors' rights " contracts on freelance journalists and photographers in the UK. "Once again, Bauer is attempting to exploit loopholes in UK copyright law by using unfair contracts to strip away authors' rights of journalists," said EFJ President Arne König. The EFJ has learned that 200 freelance journalists and photographers working at Bauer's music magazines Kerrang!, Mojo and Q were given an ultimatum to sign away all their rights by 16 April 2010. The EFJ says these contracts require freelances to give ‘an exclusive, irrevocable…  
10442. International Copyright Day: IFJ Calls for Dialogue Over “Free Use”  

To mark International Copyright Day on April 23, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today calls on groups representing those who exploit free access to media content to begin a dialogue with journalists' unions on the importance of defending authors' rights and the right of journalists to be paid for the use of their work. "Protecting authors' rights of journalists is increasingly important," said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. "Internet portals, thousands of information websites, and millions of online users are getting a free ride for unauthorised use of journalistic material. Plagiarism is rampant." To confront this crisis the EFJ and its parent…  
10443. International Copyright Day: IFJ Calls for Dialogue Over “Free Use”  

To mark International Copyright Day on April 23, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today calls on groups representing those who exploit free access to media content  to begin a dialogue with journalists' unions on the importance of defending authors' rights and the right of journalists to be paid for the use of their work. "Protecting authors' rights of journalists is increasingly important," said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. "Internet portals, thousands of information websites, and millions of online users are getting a free ride for unauthorised use of journalistic material. Plagiarism is rampant." To confront this crisis the EFJ and its parent…  
10444. IFJ Condemns "Fat Cat" Millions for New York Times Bosses as Staff Pay for Crisis in Jobs and Pay  

The International Federation of Journalists today slammed the hypocrisy of New York Times company chiefs who took millions of dollars in extra pay while their journalists and media workers were having their salaries cut or being sacked.  Furious staff at the Boston Globe have told the management of the New York Times Co, which owns the newspaper, that they want their money back after  last year's savage $10 million cut in payroll costs which management imposed after threatening to close the paper. A recent report filed at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission showed that in 2009, New York Times Chief Executive Janet Robinson received a 32 percent pay…  
10445. IFJ Denounces Suspension of Editor in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that China’s Southern Metropolitan newspaper suspended an editor from work due to pressure by the Guangdong Provincial Propaganda Department.   The newspaper’s Forum Page editor, known as Zhu, was suspended on April 13 after approving the publication of an article with the headline, “Love of Country is not equal to Love of Government”.   According to local reports, the article was a hot topic among Chinese web-users just hours after it was posted online. Local media workers believe that the intense cyber activity generated by the article was likely to have drawn attention…  
10446. Philippines Presidential Candidates Must Defend Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on all candidates running for President in the Philippines to make a public commitment to overturn the country’s culture of impunity for the killing of journalists and to observe and respect the independence of the judiciary.   The call comes as the Philippines Government announced it would drop charges of multiple murder against Zaldy and Akmad Ampatuan.   The pair have been implicated in the massacre of 58 people, including 32 members of the media, in the southern province of Maguindanao on November 23.   “Less than a month before national elections on May 10, and five months after the…  
10447. IFJ Condemns Killing of TV Cameraman in Suicide Attack in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the "mindless violence" behind a targeted suicide attack in Pakistan which led to the killing of a journalist and injuries to five others at a hospital in the town of Bajau in the tribal areas of the country.   Seven people were killed in the attack including Malik Arif, a veteran cameraman of Samaa TV. He was one of a group of media staff filming a gathering of friends of a local businessman who had himself escaped assassination and was being treated at the hospital. The bomber opened fire on the group before blowing himself up.    "We mourn another media victim of mindless violence," said…  
10448. IFJ Challenges Somali Extremists and International Community over Independent Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global voice of journalists, has expressed fresh concern over efforts on all sides in Somalia to wipe out independent media. The intervention follows a serious deterioration of the situation for private media outlets operating out of Somalia's densely populated and war-torn capital city of Mogadishu. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, the Somali Islamist insurgent group, Hisbul Islam, has imposed bans on radio stations instructing them not to air music and songs and to refer to foreign fighters fighting the country not as "foreigners", but as "Muhaajiriin". Some 14 radio…  
10449. IFJ Condemns Threats and Harassment against Female Editor in Cameroon  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today denounced the convocation on Monday in Douala, of Mrs. Henriette Ekwe, Director of the Weekly newspaper, Bebela by officers of the Secret Information Service, the military security and the Head office of External Research (DGRE), over her appearance on a programme broadcast on Equinox TV on April 6th.   “This convocation worries us because it occurs after those of other journalists who were later hauled before the courts accused of having exercised their right to freedom of expression,” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. On Monday April 12, Henriette Ekwe, founding member and…  
10450. IFJ Condemns Islamist Gagging Order against Radio Stations in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today vigorously condemned the decision of the Hizbul Islam group on Tuesday 13 April 2010 to force fourteen   private radio stations based in the Somali capital, Mogadishu to stop airing music after a ten-day ultimatum. “We condemn this order which is a direct interference in media affairs designed to control media output,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “We are outraged by the lack of reaction from the international community to end the chaos in Somalia” The insurgent group, Hizbul Islam, ordered radio stations to stop broadcasting music which the group called…  
10451. IFJ Welcomes Acquittal of Five Basque Journalists Prosecuted since 2003 in Spain  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed the acquittal of five journalists and leaders of Egunkaria newspaper which was the only title published entirely in the Basque language (Euskara) until its closure in February 2003 following allegations of association with the terrorist organisation ETA. "The Closure of a newspaper is not something to be decided lightly in a democracy," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, "And it should not have happened in this case where in the end even the prosecutor had to drop charges against the five accused journalists. It has caused lasting damage to the…  
10452. EFJ Backs Romanian Journalists in Row Over Prime Minister's Attack on Media  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European network of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc of "intolerance" over the ruling party's call for an official boycott of media in a dispute over coverage of his government's work. The dispute is focused on the work of two networks -- Realitatea TV and Antena 3 -- which the Prime Minister has accused of not giving the government an opportunity to reply to critical reports. "The actions of the Prime Minister illustrate a degree of intolerance that is chilling for press freedom," said EFJ General Secretary Aidan White. "Romania…  
10453. IFJ Concerned by Threats to Khuzdar Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by reports of a series of threats levelled against the Khuzdar Press Club in Pakistan’s Balochistan Province over the past 12 months.   The threats are in the form of letters, phone calls and the persistent presence of armed men at the club premises in the central Khuzdar district.   The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, reports the threats have been made by Baloch Musallah Difah Tanzeem (BMDT), a separatist organisation angered by local journalists’ coverage of nationalist parties and politics.   The BMDT has also reportedly threatened individual…  
10454. IFJ Strongly Condemns the Assassination of a Journalist in Democratic Republic of Congo  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today  condemned in the strongest terms the assassination of Patient Chebeya Bankome , 35, independent journalist-cameraman in Béni, 3rd city of North Kivu Province in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, on Monday,  April 5, 2010. “We strongly condemn the murder of this colleague and demand that the continuous attacks against journalists in the Eastern Congo be halted with immediate effect and the perpetrators severely punished” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “Violence and assassination of journalists in the Eastern DRC constitutes a systematic attempt to intimidate and…  
10455. Fiji Media Decree Must be Opposed, Says IFJ  

  A new media decree proposed for Fiji by the military regime of Commodore Frank Bainimarama is nothing more than reinforcement of the sweeping censorship that has been in force in Fiji since “temporary” emergency regulations were imposed in April 2009, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said today.   The IFJ has obtained a copy of the draft Media Industry Development Decree 2010, which was only delivered to media stakeholders in Fiji hours before so-called public consultations on the decree began in Suva today. Stakeholders were reportedly not permitted to allow copies to leave the location of the discussions.   The IFJ is alarmed…  
10456. Foreign Journalist Feared Abducted in Afghanistan  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) holds grave concerns for the welfare of  Japanese freelance journalist Kosuke Tsuneoka, 40, who has not been seen since April 1 while travelling in a Taliban-controlled region of northern Afghanistan.   According to the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, Tsuneoka was travelling from Kabul through the Markazi-Baghlan district of Baghlan province near Pulikhumri city when he was kidnapped by unidentified gunmen. It is not clear whether an Afghan fixer or driver was accompanying Tsuneoka at the time.   A provincial police chief told AIJA it is believed Tsuneoka is…  
10457. IFJ Urges China and Yahoo to Investigate Email Infiltration  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned to learn that the Yahoo email accounts of 10 Beijing-based foreign journalists and the IFJ’s Hong Kong-based China coordinator were infiltrated during March.   Staff from Yahoo Hong Kong reportedly contacted some of the affected journalists to alert them to unusual movement in their accounts but did not provide further details.   The IFJ understands the journalists do not know how their accounts were hacked, or by whom. However, some of journalists reported that their private mails had been forwarded to unknown people.   The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC)…  
10458. Monitoring Change in Journalism - March 2010 Archive  

31 March   US: Yahoo!  News Recruits Journalists to Create Original Content The Internet search engine Yahoo !  recently hired a dozen of professional journalists hoping to produce more original news content to increase the popularity of its online  search site Yahoo! News. According to the company, it aims to create more original news articles and videos on various topics following its success for original sport coverage launched three years ago. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/31/technology/31yahoo.html?ref=technology   30 March   US:   Sports are Laboratory for Automated  "Journalism" StatSheet,…  
10459. IFJ Welcomes Admission of Barred Media on Fiji Consultation  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes reports that Fiji’s interim government has said it will permit the Fiji Times and Fiji Television to participate in consultations on a government-devised Media Decree, after initially barring the two media outlets from the process.   The move, announced by interim attorney-general Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum during a press conference on March 30, follows the administration extending its emergency regulations by one month to the end of April.   The regime of Commodore Frank Bainimarama is reported to have said it will lift the regulations once the Media Industry Development Decree 2010 is finalised.…  
10460. EFJ Adds to Growing International Pressure on Estonia to Reject "Anti Press Freedom "Draft Law  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has joined European and global press and journalists' organisations in calling on the Estonian Parliament to reject a proposal for a new law that would force journalists to reveal their sources or risk being sent to prison. Newspaper publishers and journalists have expressed their deep concern that the draft law now being considered by the Estonian Parliament "poses a serious threat to freedom of the press"."Unfortunately we are seeing a lot of threats against the journalists sources in many European countries, to fight this trend is a priority for the journalist organisations in Europe", says Arne König, President of the…  
10461. Journalists Banned from Reporting on Public Health Case in China  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that China’s Central Propaganda Department banned media reporting on the trial of public health campaigner Zhao Lianhai in Daxing District Court, Beijing, on March 30.   It further prevented media personnel from attending the trial of Zhao, 38, who was charged in November with inciting social disorder for his alleged involvement in organising public protests from September 2008 to 2009.   After Zhao’s child was among 300,000 victims affected by contaminated milk powder in 2008, he set up a website on the public health crisis and organised the victims’ families to seek…  
10462. IFJ Calls for Release of All Detained Journalists after Editor is Freed in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed  the release of Hisham Bashraheel, Editor of Al Ayyam newspaper who was arrested in January following a three day siege by Yemeni security forces. The Federation also called for the release of all journalists currently in detention. "It is indeed good news that the Yemeni authorities finally heeded the call from journalists worldwide and consented to release Hisham," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "The cases of at least three journalists are still pending including that of Mr. al Maqaleh, editor of Al Eshteraki, who is in bad health and has been tortured and denied medical assistance." Bashraheel was…  
10463. IFJ Condemns Court Rejection of Press Rights Claim by Belarus Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned a decision by the Belarus Supreme Court rejecting a complaint by the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) over a Ministry of Justice warning against them in January. The journalists' association say they are suffering legal intimidation over their rights to support their own members by issuing press cards and giving them legal advice and support. But on 22 March the Supreme Court has upheld an official warning by the Ministry of Justice which accused BAJ of breaching the media law by issuing press cards when it is registered as an NGO and not a media organisation.  The Ministry also says the…  
10464. Philippines Editor Receives Death Threats  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Philippines government to urgently investigate a series of threatening messages sent to Newsbreak editor-in-chief Marites Danguilan Vitug in the national capital region of Manila in the past week.   According to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ affiliate, Vitug received two text messages from an unknown mobile phone number.   One of the messages reportedly said,“Your kind is the reason why journalists are being killed. Ampatuan had valid reason to kill those journalists. I wish you were one of them.”   The message refers to the…  
10465. IFJ Urges Iran to Release Detained Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today renewed its call to Iranian authorities to release up to thirty journalists, including the General Secretary of the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), an IFJ affiliate, who are still detained following a massive media clampdown in the wake of the controversial presidential election of June last year. The call came ahead of the celebrations of Iran's New Year which are taking place on 21st March."We demand the release of all journalists whose continued detention has only served to show the country' intolerance of democratic debate," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The New Year should usher in a new chapter…  
10466. IFJ Calls for Release of Two Radio Journalists in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about the security and safety of journalists in Somalia following the detention of Mohamed Salad Abdulle, of Somali Broadcasting Corporation and correspondent of Markabley radio in Kismayo and Mohamed Abdikarim, a correspondent with Hornafrik and Markabley radio station. The two were arrested on Tuesday 16 March 2010 by the Al Shabaab Administration in Jubba and Gedo regions. “We firmly condemn these arrests which add to our concerns for the safety of our colleagues in Somalia. This climate of terror against the journalists is unacceptable,” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office.…  
10468. IFJ Questions Limited Consultation on Fiji Media Decree  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Fiji’s administration to reconsider its process for holding public consultations on a controversial Media Decree, and ensure all stakeholders are given the opportunity and adequate time to provide input on the decree.   The IFJ is concerned that the administration of coup leader Frank Bainimarama has said it would allow only one week for consultation on the decree before implementing it at the end of March, while two leading news outlets have been banned from participating in the process.   Fiji’s Permanent Secretary for Information, Lieutenant Colonel Neumi Leweni, announced on March…  
10469. Unexplained Closure of Indonesian Radio Station Concerns IFJ  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by the Indonesian Government’sorder to halt broadcasts by the Batam-based Era Baru Radio station. The order against the station, which broadcasts mostly in Mandarin, came on February 15.Shortly before, Era Baru began legal action in Indonesia’s Supreme Court to protest the RadioFrequency Monitoring Agency’s unexplained refusal to issue it with a licence earlier in the year,despite the station’s compliance with relevant regulations. The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), an IFJ affiliate, said in a statement this week thatthe agency’s actions demonstrate a lack of respect for legal…  
10470. African Journalists Oppose ‘Unsound’ Draft Press Law in Uganda  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African Regional Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), today strongly criticized the Press and Journalists Bill in Uganda on the grounds that it is unsound and constitutes a major stumbling block to press freedom and democratic standards in the country. According to Uganda Journalists Union (UJU), an affiliate of FAJ and IFJ, the proposed bill has several draconian, autocratic and vaguely worded articles and clauses which will restrict severely freedom of the media and the right of journalists to provide impartial, independent and credible information to Ugandan people ahead of elections. Under the bill,…  
10471. IFJ Denounces ‘Punitive’ Fines against Media Houses in Ethiopia  

he International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the ruling of Monday, 8 March by the Ethiopian Supreme Court which reinstated the hefty fines which had been imposed by the country’s High Court against four publishing houses which had successfully appealed a judgment of the High Court following the infamous treason trial of 2005. The High Court had ordered Serkalem Publishing House to pay 120,000 birr (about 12,000 US dollars), Sisay Publishing House 100,000 birr (about 10,000 US dollars), Zekarias Publishing House 60,000 birr (about 6,000 US dollars), and Fasil Publishing House 15,000 birr (about 1,500 US dollars). “The ruling of the Supreme Court flies in the…  
10472. Detail  

After more than six years of on-going negotiations between the German newspaper publishers and the journalists unions over common rules of payment for freelancers, an agreement was finally reached. The agreed new rules will give freelancers equitable remuneration that is compliant with the German legislation on authors' rights contract. The new rules will come into force on 1 February once they are adopted by the boards of both unions and publishers' associations. However, an agreement between publishers and the journalists unions DJV and ver.di on fair remuneration for photojournalists has not been reached. An on-going negotiation is still taking place among the dispute parties. …  
10473. German Newspapers Agree Equitable Fees for Freelancers  

After more than six years of on-going negotiations between the German newspaper publishers and the journalists unions over common rules of payment for freelancers, an agreement was finally reached.   The agreed new rules will give freelancers equitable remuneration that is compliant with the German legislation on authors' rights contract. The new rules will come into force on 1 February once they are adopted by the boards of both unions and publishers' associations. However, an agreement between publishers and the journalists unions DJV and ver.di on fair remuneration for photojournalists has not been reached. An on-going negotiation is still taking place among…  
10474. IFJ Accuses Yemen of "Brutal Inhumanity" as Outrage Grows over Abuse of Jailed Editor  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today accused the Yemeni authorities of "brutal inhumanity" in their treatment of a leading editor who has been subject to kidnapping, detention and denial of access to basic medical treatment for six months. "The ordeal of Mohammed al Maqaleh is a scandalous story of neglect and brutal inhumanity," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "We fully support our colleagues in the Yemen who demand his immediate release and an end to all the violations of his rights." The IFJ is backing protest by the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate over the case and has written to the country's President Ali Abdullah…  
10475. EFJ Supports New Strike of Greek Journalists  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today backed Greece's journalists and media workers who take part in the 24-hour nationwide strike declared by the country's trade unions between, 11 March, 6am, and 12 March, 6 am.The Journalists' Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers (ESIEMTH), the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (ESIEA) under the auspices of the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists' Unions (POESY), is taking part in the strike in demand of the following: - Withdrawal of the recent anti-labor measures that are injurious not only to the media workers, but harm the…  
10476. Afghan Media and Security Agencies Agree on Coverage Protocols  

Afghanistan’s media community and state security agencies have agreed on protocols for media coverage of insurgent and terrorist actions, according to the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).   The IFJ welcomes the Afghan Ministry of Information’s effort to ensure the views of the Afghan journalists’ community are heard in developing the protocols, rather than seeking to enforce state-directed restrictions on media content.   The AIJA said a three-day meeting convened by the Minister for Information and Culture, Sayed Makhdom Raheen, has agreed on mutual obligations and…  
10477. IFJ Urges China to Honour Open Media Promise  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is dismayed to learn that China’s Central and provincial propaganda departments have issued a new order banning media reporting on any matter related to threats made by Hubei province governor Li Hongzhong against a Beijing Times reporter on February 7.   The order bans all media reporting and online discussion about an incident on February 7 in which Li refused to answer a Beijing Times journalist’s question, demanded the name of her employer, confiscated her recording device and threatened to contact her boss. The journalist had reportedly asked Li about a case in Hubei in May 2009 when a hotel…  
10478. IFJ Supports Coalition Protests Over Threats to Public Broadcaster in Israel  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is backing protest demonstrations in support of the Israeli Broadcasting Authority (IBA) led by the Jerusalem Journalists Association, a group within the National Federation of Israeli Journalists, which is an IFJ affiliate."Journalists and other media staff are angry that their working rights are being threatened as well as the rights of Israeli citizens to an independent public broadcaster," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "We fully support our Israeli colleagues because Israel, like any other vibrant and democratic society, needs public service broadcasting, free of political and commercial interference. It is…  
10479. IFJ Urges Indonesia and Australia to Act on Balibo Killings  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Indonesia’s Government to reverse a ban on an award-winning film depicting the murder of Australian journalists in 1975, and urges Australia’s Government to raise the killings with Indonesian President Bambang Yudhoyono when he visits Australia this week.   Christopher Warren, a member of the IFJ Asia-Pacific steering committee and Federal Secretary of Australia’s journalists’ union, the Media Alliance, has written to Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Stephen Smith, urging him to raise the issue of the killings and the ban on Balibo with Dr Yudhoyono this week.   The…  
10480. IFJ Deplores Illegal Sackings at Pakistan Newspaper  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the JS Group’s illegal sacking without notice or pay of more than 100 staff at Pakistan’s Business Day newspaper.   According to IFJ affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), the Karachi-based national English daily was closed suddenly on February 27.   All staff were reportedly locked out of the paper’s premises. Many had worked at the paper for more than four years.   “The IFJ is appalled by the complete disregard shown by Business Day’s owners for their staff and for Pakistan’s labour laws, and demands that governing authorities hold the owners…  
10481. IFJ Demands More Action to Strengthen Rights of Women in Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on media owners to take steps to raise women's profile in the news, both as professionals and as news topics.The IFJ says too few women have so far reached leadership positions in media houses. An IFJ survey covering the Middle East and the Arab World to be released on 8 March in Bahrain found that despite scores of universities and journalism schools female graduates, women continue to lag behind men in the region with regard to access to leading roles in the newsroom and in the unions. "The situation is deplorable," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Media organisations remain dominated by men the…  
10482. IFJ Calls for Reversal on New Afghanistan Censorship  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), in expressing concerns about efforts by Afghanistan’s Government to censor television live coverage of militant attacks.   The proposed ban was discussed at a meeting at Afghanistan’s National Security Directorate between authorities and some key media outlets on March 1. Official notice of the new restrictions was sent out by the Kabul police chief on March 2.    “These new broad restrictions can only be termed government censorship,” IFJ General Secretary Aidan White said.   “Blocking…  
10483. IFJ Condemns Closure of Newspapers in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused Iranian authorities of seeking to wipe out independent media following a ban on three reformist newspapers, including the country's biggest circulation paper, the Etemaad which authorities alleged has breached media laws. "These closures play to a Government agenda that is more about stifling of independent voices and free reporting than about compliance with the law," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It is further proof that media continue to be primary victims of a crackdown by government to avoid hard truths and public exposure over the regime's political troubles." Media reports say Iranian authorities…  
10484. IFJ Joins London Call on President Arroyo to Stamp out Impunity in the Philippines  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists in Great Britain and Ireland (NUJ), joined the Campaign for Human Rights in the Philippines and Amnesty International at a rally yesterday at the Human Rights Action Centre in London to mark 100 days since the massacre of 23 November 2009, which left 58 people dead, including 32 journalists in the southern province of Maguindanao in the Philippines. "The Arroyo government is responsible for allowing a culture of impunity to grow over the past decade that created the conditions in which the Ampatuan Town massacre could take place," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. The IFJ is…  
10485. Nepal Government Urged to Act on Killings and Threats Against Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Nepal’s Government to act immediately to protect journalists facing increasing attacks and threats in Nepal’s Tarai region, following the murder of Today media group chairman Arun Singhaniya on March 1 and threats against other journalists in recent days.   According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ-affiliate, Singhaniya was shot dead in the south-eastern Nepali town of Janakpur as he returned home from celebrating the festival of Holi.   News reports indicate that two local armed groups – the Tarai Janatantrik Party (Madesh) and the Janatantrik Tarai Mukti Morcha…  
10486. UNESCO launches Women Make the News 2010  

On this occasion of International Women's Day (8 March), UNESCO join forces with international and regional media organizations to launch the annual Women Make the News (WMN) initiative. Under the theme, "Towards Gender Sensitive Indicators for Media: Best practices for gender perspective in media and in media content", WMN 2010 is intended to initiate a global exchange on the importance and the need for gender sensitive indicators for media organizations.  Fifteen years ago the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, adopted at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in September 1995, highlighted the key role of media to promote gender…  
10487. Sri Lanka Court Orders Inquiry into Victimisation of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is encouraged to learn that Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court has ordered an inquiry into the alleged political victimisation and interdiction of eight media workers in the state-run broadcaster, the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC).   According to IFJ affiliates in Sri Lanka, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court heard the petition from eight employees claiming a severe infringement of their fundamental rights, and directed a former judicial officer to conduct an inquiry and file a report within two weeks.   Kanchana Marasinghe and seven other SLRC staff claim that they suffered verbal and physical abuse…  
10488. Call for Inquiry into Illegal Detainment of Jaffna Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins Sri Lanka’s five leading organisations of journalists in calling for an immediate inquiry into the illegal detainment of a senior Jaffna journalist by supporters of Sri Lanka’s ruling coalition on February 27.   N. Parameswaran, Jaffna correspondent for the Daily Mirror, Lankadeepa and the BBC Tamil service, was held by supporters of the Sri Lanka Peoples’ Party (SLPP), a party within the ruling coalition, as he gathered information from internally displaced peoples (IDPs) from Vanni outside the party’s office in Jaffna.   Parameswaran told the Five Media Collective (also known as the…  
10489. IFJ Report on Hacking Row Exposes Weakness of UK Press Complaints Commission: "Case for Reform is Unanswerable"  

A report prepared for the International Federation of Journalists into a controversy over illegal telephone hacking in the tabloid press in Britain says that the country's self-regulator is in need of urgent reform to enhance the reputation of British journalism. The report was commissioned by the IFJ after the British Press Complaints Commission carried out two inquiries following claims of illegal tapping of the telephones of celebrities by journalists at The News of the World, the flagship title of the Rupert Murdoch press in Britain. The claims, made by The Guardian, were dismissed by the PCC which accepted the tabloid management's view that the actions of two employees who…  
10490. Monitoring Change in Journalism - January-February 2010 Archive  

26 February UK:BBC to Close Two Radio Stations and Cut Web Page StaffIt has been reported that the BBC is to close two radio stations and cut 25% of its staff working on the corporation's web pages. The Times reported that the BBC's decision to scale down its operation came out of the "strategic review" which is due to be announced to the public next month. The review contains proposals to cut its online services, spending on imported TV programmes and on broadcast rights for sport events as well as other spending cuts. The National Union of Journalists launched a petition against these cuts:http://38degrees.org.uk/page/s/bbccuts#petition…  
10491. IFJ Welcomes Arrest in Venezuela in Case of Murdered Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed police action which has seen the arrest of a suspect in the investigation into the killing of Venezuelan journalist Orel Sambrano, who was killed on 16 January 2009 after been shot at close range in the central city of Valencia. The arrest came after a huge police operation against drug traffickers in the city of Morón, in central  Venezuela on Sunday. "This is a sign that the authorities are moving to confront impunity in the killing of journalists," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It is long overdue but we welcome this as a positive step to bring justice to those in…  
10492. IFJ Supports Striking Journalists in Ukraine over Salary Arrears  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its concern about the situation of journalists at the Ukrainian media holding "Glavred" where journalists are on strike for non-payment of their salary."The non-payment of wages is a serious violation of workers' rights. It's not just illegal, it's also an attack on journalists' integrity," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary.  "We support the demand of striking journalists and our affiliate in Ukraine, the Independent Media Trade Union".The Glavred media company is owned by businessman Igor Kolomoisky and the Central European Media Enterprises (CME). Its media portfolio includes Glavred, Profile, Telecity…  
10493. Pakistan’s Newspaper Owners Must End Stalling on Fair Wages  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned to learn of a new effort by Pakistan’s newspaper owners to secure a judicial order that declares the law on wages and working conditions in the industry contradicts constitutional freedoms.   According to reports received from the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, a bench of the High Court of Sindh in Karachi held one hearing of the petition brought before it by the All Pakistan Newspaper Society (APNS) and the Herald Newspapers group yesterday and will resume hearings tomorrow.   “The IFJ is appalled that these long-running stalling tactics by newspaper owners…  
10494. Sri Lankan Journalist Missing for One Month  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) appeals to Sri Lanka’s President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, who has recently also assumed the role of Media and Information Minister, to do all in his power to investigate the disappearance of journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda and ensure his safe return to his family.   The Lanka-e-News.com online reporter and cartoonist disappeared on January 24, two days before the country’s presidential elections. Eknaligoda is reported to have written several articles during the election campaign in favour of defeated candidate Sarath Fonseka.   Eknaligoda’s wife, Sandhya, publicly appealed to Sri Lanka’s…  
10495. EFJ Backs Strike by Greek Journalists over Respect for Social Standards  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today gave its full backing to the Greek journalists' union (J.U.A.D.N, J.U.M.-TH.D.N, P.F.J.U, E.S.P.I.T) for their participation in the 24-hour strike organised by the General Confederation of Greek Workers."As the country is going through a terrible financial and economic crisis, Greek journalists and media workers are put under pressure, but they should not suffer from a situation which they are not responsible for," said EFJ President Arne König. "All over Europe we see social standards attacked in the name of the crisis, but unions will oppose this and…  
10496. EFJ Backs Strike by Greek Journalists over Respect for Social Standards  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today gave its full backing to the Greek journalists' union (J.U.A.D.N, J.U.M.-TH.D.N, P.F.J.U, E.S.P.I.T) for their participation in the 24-hour strike organised by the General Confederation of Greek Workers."As the country is going through a terrible financial and economic crisis, Greek journalists and media workers are put under pressure, but they should not suffer from a situation which they are not responsible for," said EFJ President Arne König. "All over Europe we see social standards attacked in the name of the crisis, but unions will oppose this and…  
10497. EFJ Says Romanian Media Crisis No Basis for Attack on Labour Rights  

The journalists of Romania must not be made scapegoats for the country's media crisis, says the European Federation of Journalists following demands by employers to revise their collective agreement with the Romanian Journalists Federation (FRJ) MediaSind."The current media crisis has its roots in the irresponsible greed of owners who have put profit before policies that can deal with difficult conditions," said Aidan White, EFJ General Secretary. "Journalists and media workers must not be forced to sacrifice their labour rights or be made the scapegoats for the crisis."The EFJ is backing its affiliate MediaSind in opposing attempts to…  
10498. Sri Lankan Editor Freed, But Fears Grow for Missing Journalist  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of Chandana Sirimalwatte, editor of the Sinhala newspaper Lanka, on February 16 after 18 days in detention without charge.   According to IFJ sources, Sirimalwatte’s unconditional release was ordered by a magistrate’s court after the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the Sri Lankan police failed to present charges against him.   Sirimalwatte was taken into custody on January 29, two days after incumbent president Mahinda Rajapaksa was declared re-elected to a second term in office.   Lanka is aligned with a political party that had strongly backed the rival…  
10499. Journalists’ Groups Demand Hamas Free Detained British Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate in the United Kingdom, the National Union of Journalists, today challenged the Gaza authorities over the unprecedented action of security officials to detain a British freelance journalist. The arrest and detention yesterday of documentary filmmaker Paul Martin came as he was about to give evidence at a military tribunal. His detention was a "shocking violation of journalists' rights" according to the IFJ, who demanded his immediate released. Martin was told he was suspected of security offences and would be held for 15 days, in an action that has raised fears for the safety of all foreign correspondents in the Gaza…  
10500. EFJ Condemns "Rogue" Romanian Media Company  

The European Federation of Journalists today condemned a "rogue" media management in Romania over anti-union policies and victimisation of journalists which have undermined efforts to create a new culture of industrial relations in Romanian media. The EFJ says the actions of the Adevarul media group in failing to meet its legal responsibilities over workers rights is a shameful betrayal of efforts to improve social dialogue and co-operation between unions and media in Romania. "We firmly condemn the actions of this company which reflect an anti-union culture that prevails in much of Romanian media," said EFJ…  
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