15063 results:

11973. Colombian Journalists Mark Press Freedom Day with Historic Launch of National Union  

In the early hours of May 3rd delegates from around Colombia finalized the launch of a new national union – a landmark event in one of the world’s most dangerous regions for journalists. The foundation of the Colombian Federation of Journalists, the country’s first national union, was welcomed by the International Federation of Journalists at United Nations celebrations for World Press Freedom Day held in the city of Medellin in Colombia, a notorious centre of crime and drug-running, which has seen dozens of attacks on journalists over the past decade. IFJ General Secretary Aidan White, in a keynote address to the UNESCO-sponsored conference on impunity in the…  
11976. Set Journalists Free on May 3rd Says IFJ as Impunity and Kidnapping Crisis Threatens Media Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for World Press Freedom Day 2007 to be marked with the release of journalists in jail or taken hostage. “This year we celebrate World Press Freedom Day at a time when more colleagues than ever are victims of ruthless hostage-taking and kidnapping,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. Recent high-profile kidnapping cases of foreign correspondents in Gaza, Afghanistan and Iraq have captured the media spotlight, but in fact kidnapping is a serious danger for media workers around the world, says the IFJ. “May 3rd is a day of celebration for free expression, but we have nothing to celebrate…  
11977. OSCE Representative to present 56-nation survey in Brussels on journalists' access to information and protection of sources  

/pdfs/OSCEevent260407.pdf OSCE The Representative on Freedom of the Media Miklós Haraszti For information - not an official document PRESS RELEASE OSCE Representative to present 56-nation survey in Brussels on journalists' access to information and protection of sources VIENNA, 26 April 2007 - On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, will present the results of a survey on media access to information. The survey of the 56 OSCE participating States, a first of its kind, reviews the legal structures which affect the ability of the media to seek and receive information on the…  
11979. Nepalese journalists intimidated for critical reporting, workers demand better conditions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed by the continued harassment of Nepalese journalists for their critical reporting. “The sustained personal threats and attacks made by various groups is having a detrimental effect on press freedom in Nepal, and is undoing the very foundations of democracy the Nepalese people are trying to rebuild,” IFJ President Christopher Warren said. Editor receives death threats In the most recent incident to be reported by the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), an affiliate of the IFJ, Santosh Neupane, editor and publisher of Narayani Express National Daily, received death threats from Maoist supporters on April 22.…  
11981. IFJ Issues New Warning Over Venezuela Media Closure Threat  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said President Hugo Chavez’s decision to close a television station that has been critical of his government and his recent remarks calling into question the future of free trade unionism signal a worrying development for media pluralism and union rights in Venezuela. “For there to be true media freedom in Venezuela, there must be a plurality of voices, both on the airwaves and in newsrooms,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “Shutting down a broadcaster without due process and threatening to curb free trades unionism could lead to more attacks on fundamental rights.” On Sunday, Chavez again…  
11983. IFJ Urges Somali Government, Ethiopian Forces, Other Armed Groups to Stop Targeting Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, Ethiopian Forces and the armed groups opposing them to stop targeting journalists and media houses in Somalia after recent bomb attacks on two television broadcasters and a newspaper in Mogadishu injured two journalists and killed a civilian bystander. At least three media house were shelled last week during violent battles in Mogadishu. The situation has become so dangerous, the IFJ said, that several local media have stopped operations due to fears for workers’ safety. “We strongly condemn these attacks and express our solidarity with Somali journalists…  
11988. Ceso-FIP denounces two Colombian journalists are in danger; one assaulted by guerrilla and another colleague threatened to death  

Two unknown men who identified themselves as FARC fighters, arrived yesterday at 1 am to the Para Mi Hotel, in Planadas, Tolima, 352 km south of Bogotá, to threaten independent journalist, Afranio Franco Ballesteros. The two armed men intimidated the colleague and his cameraman and store their equipment, identification documents and money. In another incident, Diego Waldrón, director of the monthly magazine Gente, of the oil port of Barrancabermeja, located 403 km north of Bogotá, received a threatening phone call on Wednesday morning. He was told: “For bothering, what happened to Ricaurte in San Mateo is going to happen to you”. The comment made…  
11989. IFJ in Gaza Brings Plea from Almost 200 European Law Makers for Release of BBC Hostage Alan Johnston  

The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) today is delivering an appeal backed by nearly two hundred European parliamentarians from across the political spectrum for the immediate release of BBC journalist Alan Johnston. The appeal, signed by 197 members of the European Parliament, is to be presented later today to the leaders of the Palestinian Authority including the offices of President Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and the Palestinian Legislative Council. At a meeting this morning with the Head of Security in Gaza, Brigadier Mohamed Al Massri told the IFJ that earlier reports of the execution of Johnston were unfounded. He claimed that the evidence…  
11990. IFJ Demands Release of Guantanamo Cameraman after 100 Days of Hunger Strike  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) called on the US government to release Al-Jazeera cameraman, Sami al-Haj, who this morning started his 100th day of hunger strike after almost five-years of detention at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Centre. Al-Haj was first arrested crossing into Afghanistan with a legitimate visa on 15 December 2001. He was held by the US military at the Bagram base before being transferred to Guantanamo on 13th June 2002. Since then he has been interrogated over 150 occasions, tortured, and accused of terrorism offences. He has never been charged or brought to trial. “In over five years the US Government has failed to produce any credible…  
11991. IFJ Condemns Grenade Attack on Serbian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the grenade attack on Dejan Anastasijevic outside his home on Friday night. Anastasijevic is a well known journalist and expert on war crimes for Belgrade’s weekly Vreme magazine. He had recently criticised the verdict of the Serbian Special court for war crimes on the members of the Scorpions, a unit accused of involvement in the 1995 Srebrenica massacres. “This shocking attack on a respected Serbian journalist should be rapidly and thoroughly investigated,” said Oliver Money-Kyrle, IFJ Director of Programmes. “The authorities must do everything they can to protect Anastasijevic and his family, and…  
11993. IFJ Says Palestinian Authorities Must Ensure BBC Correspondent Is Released Immediately  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on Friday repeated its call for the immediate and unconditional release of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston who was kidnapped over a month ago in Gaza by a group that has yet to make any public statement about holding him. On Monday the IFJ will participate in a vigil being held by the BBC in Brussels to urge his captors to free him. IFJ affiliates in Gaza, the West Bank, the UK and elsewhere have been demonstrating for Johnston’s release. “We are extremely worried about Alan and we call on the Palestinian government to do everything in its power to make sure he is released immediately,” said IFJ General Secretary…  
11995. Schweizer Journalisten sollen nicht vor ein Militärgericht treten müssen, sagt die EFJ  

Die Europäische Föderation der Journalistinnen und Journalisten (EFJ), die regionale Gruppe der Internationalen Föderation der Journalistinnen und Journalisten, verurteilte heute das Schweizer Militär für seine legalistischen Versuche, Journalisten unter Druck zu setzen, die Beweise für Geheimgefängnisse der CIA in Europa publik machten. Am 17. April werden die drei SonntagsBlick-Journalisten Sandro Brotz, Beat Jost und Christoph Grenacher vor einem Militärgericht antreten müssen. Ihnen wird vorgeworfen, ein Dokument des schweizerischen Auslandgeheimdienstes veröffentlicht zu haben, in dem die Existenz von geheimen Gefangenentransporten…  
11996. IFJ Welcomes Ethiopian Judge’s Ruling that 25 Journalists Must Be Released  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the ruling of Ethiopian Judge Adil Ahmed who said 25 journalists who had been held in custody since December 2005 should be released immediately because prosecutors failed to prove treason and genocide charges against them. The journalists had been among about 111 people, including teachers and members of the opposition, who had been rounded up following the aftermath of the 2005 general elections, which was brutally suppressed by the Ethiopian security forces, resulting in a number of deaths. All the prisoners were accused of attempted genocide and treason and faced life imprisonment or the death penalty if convicted.…  
11998. test  

http://www.ifj.org/default.asp?Issue=Excom-March%202007&Language=EN   test  
12001. Four New Media Deaths in Iraq as Carnage and Solidarity Mark April 8th Anniversary of Injustice  

• Media Deaths in 2007 Reach 23 After Bombing and Assassinations • Iraqi Prime Minister matches IFJ aid for media victims • April 8th Campaign Demands Answers from US Military • IFJ Organises New Safety meeting in Irbil The fourth anniversary of the still unexplained killing of three journalists by United States troops in Baghdad on 8 April 2003 will be marked this weekend following a week of shocking attacks on journalists contrasting with a momentous demonstration of solidarity for media victims of violence in Iraq. Yesterday saw the brutal assassination of Khamaail Mohsin, a mother of three and journalist with Radio Free Iraq, the US funded Radio station…  
12002. IFJ Protest over Shooting of Journalist as Wave of Gangland Violence Sweeps Mexico  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the killing of a journalist in Mexico who died in a brutal execution-style killing in the resort of Acapulco. The murder came as a wave of killings involving warring drugs gangs has swept across the country in recent days. Amado Ramirez, Televisa correspondent in the beach resort, was shot in the back three times by an unknown gunman as he left a radio interview yesterday. The television network, one of the major media organisations in the region, gave no reason for the attack. The attack was one of 12 other similar killings throughout Mexico, which is in the midst of a government offensive led by the army against feuding…  
12003. Four New Media Deaths in Iraq as Carnage and Solidarity Mark April 8th Anniversary of Injustice  

• Media Deaths in 2007 Reach 23 After Bombing and Assassinations • Iraqi Prime Minister matches IFJ aid for media victims • April 8th Campaign Demands Answers from US Military • IFJ Organises New Safety meeting in Irbil The fourth anniversary of the still unexplained killing of three journalists by United States troops in Baghdad on 8 April 2003 will be marked this weekend following a week of shocking attacks on journalists contrasting with a momentous demonstration of solidarity for media victims of violence in Iraq. Yesterday saw the brutal assassination of Khamaail Mohsin, a mother of three and journalist with Radio Free Iraq, the US funded Radio…  
12005. IFJ Condemns Callous Murder of Journalist in Zimbabwe  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today strongly condemned the brutal and cowardly murder of Edward Chikombo, a part-time cameraman for Zimbabwe state broadcaster ZBC. According to reports published by The Independent in Zimbabwe, eyewitnesses saw a group of armed men abduct Chikombo last Thursday from his home in Glenview Township outside Harare. His body was later found on Sunday near the village of Darwendale, 80 km west of the capital. According to sources, Chikomba was suspected of having leaked the footage of the demonstrations and images of brutalised opposition activists which flooded international media organisations like the BBC and CNN. Specifically…  
12007. IFJ Investigation Reveals Reporting in Pakistan "Now More Dangerous Than Ever"  

The abduction and beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in 2002 provided a horrific snapshot to the world of the dangers journalists face whilst reporting in Pakistan. However, while Pearl’s death made international headlines, Pakistani journalists face the harrows of life and death everyday barely noticed. To address the sickening crisis facing the Pakistan media, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), have released A State of Denial: The Crisis of Press Freedom and Journalist Safety in Pakistan. This report contains the findings from a joint international media mission from…  
12011. IFJ Supports International Appeal to Taliban for Release of Kidnapped Afghan Media Worker  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said the Afghan government must secure the release of Ajmal Naqshbandi, who was working as a translator when he and the Italian journalist he was working for were captured by the Taliban. “Kidnapping media workers is becoming and alarmingly common tactic among extremist groups in various parts of the world and it threatens to jeopardise not only these workers’ safety but their ability to report on conflict zones at all,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “We are backing an international call for Ajmal’s release and calling on the government as well to make sure that he is soon released. The…  
12012. Resolutions adopted by EFJ General Meeting 2007, Zagreb 23-25 March  

12016. IFJ Says Arrest, Detention of Journalist in The Gambia Is Attempt to “Silence Media”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the seemingly arbitrary arrest and detention by the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) of journalist Fatou Jaw Manneh as she arrived in The Gambia from the United States of America to pay tribute to her late father. Manneh, a former reporter for the Daily Observer in The Gambia, has been residing in the United States for about a decade. She was arrested on 28 March when she arrived at the airport. The reason behind Fatou’s arrest is unknown as she has not been charged, but sources in Banjul have said it is due to Manneh’s critical views and commentaries on the Gambia’s political scene in online…  
12017. IFJ Welcomes Breakthrough for Press Freedom in Kyrgyzstan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called upon the president and government of Kyrgyzstan to follow up quickly on the decision of the Parliament to decriminalise libel and slander. The IFJ says that the Parliament’s decision is momentous for the region and should now lead to similar actions in all states of the former Soviet Union. “The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan is blazing a trail for press freedom by ending the threat of imprisonment for journalists who are doing normal job,” said Rachel Cohen, IFJ Human Rights and Information Officer. “It is a signal that should be immediately converted into meaningful law by the government and the president.” On Monday…  
12019. IFJ Welcomes Breakthrough for Press Freedom in Kyrgyzstan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called upon the president and government of Kyrgyzstan to follow up quickly on the decision of the Parliament to decriminalise libel and slander. The IFJ says that the Parliament’s decision is momentous for the region and should now lead to similar actions in all states of the former Soviet Union. “The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan is blazing a trail for press freedom by ending the threat of imprisonment for journalists who are doing normal job,” said Rachel Cohen, IFJ Human Rights and Information Officer. “It is a signal that should be immediately converted into meaningful law by the government and the…  
12020. EFJ Protests Greek Court Decision That “Criminalises” Trade Unionism  

Today the International Federation of Journalists and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), condemned a Greek court’s decision to send journalists’ union leader Dimitris Trimis to jail for his union activities during a 2004 strike. Trimis, the General Secretary of the Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspaper (JUADN) Executive Board, was convicted of engaging in “illegal violence” against SKAI 100.3 radio station executives and owner Ioannis Alafouzos, who attempted to cross the picket line during a strike in July 2004. The Piraeus Penal Court of First Instance has sentenced Trimis to five months imprisonment and three years…  
12021. IFJ Urges Somali Government to Stop Media Harassment after Closure of TV Office, Threats to Other Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to stop harassing media after it recently forced Al Jazeera TV to close its office in Mogadishu, threatened to shut down two private radio stations, and held two media workers in custody for three days. “We urge the Transitional Government to immediately put to an end this media harassment,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Office Director. “This move to control the media is an unacceptable press freedom violation and we call on the government to let the media in Somalia work in total independence and safety.” On 22 March, the Transitional Federal…  
12024. EFJ Supports Croatian Affiliates in their Fight for Quality and Media Rights  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), met in Zagreb, Croatia, for its General Meeting on 23-25 March 2007. Delegates discussed the future of journalism, quality issues and the need for social dialogue with employers, adopted a working program for the next three years and elected a new steering committee. The meeting included a special session to discuss the media industry in Croatia. While there has been an improvement, in general, in press freedom in Croatia, delegates from 28 European countries said they were concerned about several violations of social, professional and ethical rights of…  
12027. IFJ Calls for End of Press Intimidation in Liberia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the end of the intimidation of the press after reports that security officers were monitoring newspapers stories at printing houses and that newspaper editor Sam Dean is in hiding after he published photographs of a minister that started a political sex scandal. “We call for the government to take efficient measures to put an end to this attempt of intimidation,” said Gabriel Baglo Director of IFJ Africa office. “There is no point for individuals to try to exert their own justice. We urge the government to protect Sam Dean and to conduct investigation on his threats.” Dean’s newspaper,…  
12028. IFJ Urges Ukraine to Withdraw Honor for Prosecutor Who Botched Investigation of Journalist's Murder  

President Victor Yushchenko Kyiv, Ukraine Fax: +380 44 255 75 71 22 March 2007 Dear Mr. President, The International Federation of Journalists, representing over 500,000 journalists all over the world, is writing to urge you to withdraw your recent decree awarding the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise to Mykhaylo Potebenko, one of the people responsible for the shoddy investigation into the death of the journalist Georgiy Gongadze. On February 17, 2007 you signed a decree awarding the prize to Mr. Potebenko, an adviser to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. As you know, he was the head of the General Prosecutor Office of Ukraine from 1998 to 2002. During…  
12031. IFJ Urges Nigerian President to Sign Freedom of Information Bill  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is urging the President of Nigeria to sign into law the freedom of information bill that will allow Nigerian citizens, researchers and the media to have access to information on government business, from government agencies or from private bodies performing public functions. “The freedom of information bill represents a very important tool for the President’s campaign against corruption,” said Gabriel Baglo Director of the IFJ Africa Office. “President Obasanjo should not hesitate and sign the bill into law. It would be a big step on the path to freedom of expression in Nigeria and the rest of Africa.”…  
12033. IFJ Condemns Storming of Pakistan TV Station  

The International Federation of Journalists condemned the Pakistan police force for storming the private broadcaster, Geo TV, during public demonstrations in Islamabad earlier today. According to reports several media employees were beaten as the police run amok destroying equipment and furniture and breaking windows. “This is an outrageous attack on an independent broadcaster attempting to report events as they happen,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The police occupied the TV station in the afternoon after it had provided full coverage of public protests being organised against the dismissal Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry of the head of…  
12039. Molotov Bomb Attack on Radio Station, “Alarming Twist in Targeted Violence”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked by the latest violent attack on the media in the Philippines, which involved a Molotov bomb strike on a radio station in the early hours of Tuesday morning. According to IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), at around 2am on March 13 a lone motorcycle rider lobbed a Molotov bomb (also known as a petrol bomb) at dxCC radio station in Cagayan de Oro City, before speeding off. “This is an alarming twist in the targeted violence against the media in the Philippines,” IFJ President Christopher Warren said. Only the news director, who was preparing for the early morning…  
12040. The March 2007 issue of the IFJ/EFJ Authors' Rights Newsletter is available for download  

Download here the March 2007 issue  
Search results 11971 until 12040 of 15063