15042 results:

2101. México: despidos masivos en el diario Novedades Acapulco  

Casi un centenar de periodistas fueron despedidxs tras el cierre del periódico Novedades Acapulco. Los directivos de la empresa les están negando las liquidaciones correspondientes a lxs trabajadorxs, violentando todos sus derechos laborales. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) se pronunció ante esta situación y le exige a la familia dueña del medio que cumpla con los compromisos establecidos por ley. Redactorxs, editorxs, reporterxs, fotógrafxs y trabajadorxs administrativxs fueron despedidxs masivamente de Novedades Acapulco y se les ha negado la liquidación correspondiente. La empresa, propiedad de la poderosa familia O’Farril, decidió el cierre del medio por la…  
2102. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 29 October and 5 November 2021. English PUBLISH pitches world’s first decentralized identity solution for journalists to International Federation of Journalists, Econotimes Crimes against journalists weaken democracy and remain mostly unpunished, Fair planet IFJ’s Asia-Pacific regional online meeting begins, The Arunachal Times ICC: Complaint alleges Israel systematically targets Palestinian journalists, Middle East Eye Journalists' unions…  
2103. China: Foreign press group calls for full access to Beijing’s Winter Olympics  

International coverage of the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing is being “continuously stymied” despite efforts to address the issue with the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) and International Olympic Committee (IOC). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses deep concern and urges the BOCOG and IOC to take immediate action to ensure international press’ full access to the Beijing Olympics. In a statement on November 2, the Foreign Correspondents Club of China (FCCC) said that foreign journalists are being “continuously stymied in [their] coverage of Winter Olympic Game preparations, denied attendance at routine events, and prevented from…  
2104. Pakistan: Blogger’s tortured body found at home of PPP lawmaker  

On November 3, Nazim Jokhio’s body was found at the farmhouse of a Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) lawmaker in Malir, after publishing a video of a foreign guest poaching an endangered species. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemn the brutal murder of Nazim Jokhio and demand that the Pakistan government administer justice. On November 2, Jokhio was abducted from his home and taken to the farmhouse of Jam Awais, a member of the provincial assembly (MPA) of the ruling party, sources told the IFJ. According to a local police officer, Khalid Abbasi, Jokhio’s tortured body was found at the…  
2105. Hong Kong: The IFJ expresses solidarity with Amnesty Hong Kong  

Amnesty International announced on October 25 it would close its Hong Kong base, citing the National Security Law, the imposition of which has led to the prosecution of the city’s journalists, activists and politicians as well as the disbandment of dozens of rights groups and trade unions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Hong Kong authorities to stop targeting civil society groups.  On October 25, Amnesty announced its plan to shut down its Hong Kong operations, with a local section office ceasing operation on October 31 and a regional office set to close by the end of 2021.   The organisation said the decision to depart…  
2106. Global Unions Statement for the UNCSW66  

Global Unions call to action for a gender-transformative and inclusive just transition for a green and caring world Read the whole statement here Statement, unions, global, gender equality, UNCSW66, statement, IFJ, International Federation of Journalists  
2107. UK: Four in five journalists have experienced threats and violence at work  

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) reports on a UK government survey findings on journalists' safety at work. Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary said: “This evidence demonstrates that much more needs to be done to tackle the growing scourge of harassment and attacks against journalists. The Action plan endorsed this year by the government’s National Committee for the Safety of Journalists is a vital part of that work. We need a cultural change to stop this abuse and unacceptable behaviour from being normalised – this is not, and must not be allowed to become, part of a journalist’s job. No worker should have to contend with threats of violence and intimidation. We want to…  
2108. Belarus: Government must restore access to Deutsche Welle website  

The Belarusian government has blocked access to Deutsche Welle’s website as well as other foreign news portals. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) join their German affiliates, the German Journalists Association (DJV) and the German Journalists Union (dju in ver.di), in condemning this censorship and calling for the website to be immediately re-enabled. The Belarusian government has blocked access to Deutsche Welle’s website as well as other foreign news portals. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins its German affiliates, the German Journalists Association (DJV) and the German…  
2109. #EndImpunity: IFJ demands Kosovo Prime minister investigates killings of journalists  

In a letter adressed to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti Armend on November 4, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged the government to dispel the impression of indifference in the face of deadly assaults against journalists and unsolved cases of disappearances and murders. Twenty journalists were killed or disappeared in Kosovo between 1998 and 2005. In 19 of these cases, no one was held accountable. Download the letter here Letter, end, impunity, end impunity, Kosovo, prime minister, investigation, killings, journalists, IFJ, international federation of journalists  
2110. Brasil: un periodista recibió cientos de amenazas por investigar el accionar policial en una masacre  

Marcelo Hailer se encuentra recibiendo amenazas por redes sociales desde el domingo, tras publicar un artículo en la revista Forum sobre un operativo que dejó como resultado 25 muertos. El Sindicato dos Jornalistas Profissionais del Estado de São Paulo (SJSP) y la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) se solidarizaron con Hailer y exigieron acciones inmediatas para abordar la situación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas suscribe a lo expresado por su organización afiliada y demanda medidas urgentes para proteger la integridad del trabajador de prensa. Desde el domingo, el periodista Marcelo Hailer se encuentra recibiendo Mensajes de odio, comentarios homofóbicos y amenazas de…  
2111. Finland: three journalists face jail term for allegedly “disclosing state secrets”  

On October 29, three journalists from Finland’s largest national daily Helsingin Sanomat were charged with “attempted disclosure of a security secret” and face jail term. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined their affiliate in Finland, the Finnish Journalists’ Union (UJF), in expressing solidarity with the journalists and condemning Finland’s deputy prosecutor general’s decision to prosecute them. Laura Halminen, Tuomo Pietiläinen and Kalle Silfverberg face four months to four years in prison for publishing in December 2017 an article about the Finnish Defence Intelligence Agency (VKoeL), at a time when…  
2112. #EndImpunity: Journalism under fire in Kosovo  

On the evening of 21 September 1999, UNMIK (United Nations in Kosovo) police responded to a call reporting that something terrible was happening in the family house of photojournalist Momir Stokuća, in the Pejton neighborhood of Pristina. When law enforcement officers arrived, a side door was open. On the bedroom floor they found Momir’s lifeless body. Stokuća was 50 years old when he was murdered. A longtime associate of the Serbian daily newspaper Politika, and photojournalist for the weekly magazine Vreme, one of the few independent media in the early 90's in Serbia, he was a passionate book reader, described as a person who loved photography and who loved Kosovo. A…  
2113. Vietnam: Five journalists sentenced to a combined total of almost 15 years in prison  

On October 28, a court in the city of Can Tho in south Vietnam sentenced five journalists to prison following their convictions in 2020 under Article 331 of the Penal Code for criticising the Vietnamese government. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the journalists’ detainment and severe sentences and calls for their immediate release. All five journalists worked for independent news outlet Bao Sach (Clean Newspaper), which is hosted on Facebook, with the court ruling that the page published alleged misinformation and content that defamed the government. Founder and editor, Truong Chau Huu Danh, was sentenced to four and half years in prison, while journalists Doan…  
2114. Philippines: Journalist shot and killed by unidentified gunman in Davao del Sur  

On October 30, Philippines reporter Orlando Dinoy was murdered in his home by a gunman in the southern province of Davao del Sur. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), strongly condemn the murder of Orlando Dinoy and call on authorities to expedite investigations into his death and charge the perpetrator. Filipino reporter Orlando ‘Dondon’ Dinoy died instantly after he was shot six times at close range in his apartment in Bansalan, Davo del Sur at 6pm on October 30. According to the NUJP, Dinoy was killed inside a makeshift…  
2115. Afghanistan: Justice for less than 6 percent of crimes against journalists  

Although 87 journalists were murdered in the course of their duties in the last decade in Afghanistan, only 5 cases have been resolved. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) express serious concern that the Taliban’s takeover may further increase impunity for crimes against journalists. According to the IFJ’s documentation, between 2010 and 2021, 87 Afghan journalists have been killed in the line of duty, of which only 5 cases are resolved. This is just 5.7 percent. At least 9 journalists and media workers have lost their lives in 2021 alone, with no justice for a single case. Since the Taliban came to power in August…  
2116. México: asesinan a un fotoperiodista en el estado de Guerrero  

Hoy fue confirmado el fallecimiento de Alfredo Cardoso, quien murió el pasado domingo producto de heridas de bala. Con este hecho, son dos los trabajadores de prensa asesinados en México en el lapso de una semana, y diez en total en lo que va del 2021. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) expresó su repudio ante este nuevo crimen y exigió una pronta investigación para dar con los responsables. La noche del jueves 28 de octubre, el mismo día que fue asesinado Fredy López Arévalo, el reportero gráfico Alfredo Cardoso fue secuestrado de su hogar por un grupo de personas que portaban armas. Horas después, fue hallado cerca de su domicilio herido pero todavía con vida. Fue…  
2117. Palestine: IFJ teams up with leading human rights lawyers for ICC case over systematic targeting of Palestinian journalists  

Legal submissions alleging that there are strong grounds to conclude that Israel’s systematic targeting of journalists working in Palestine and its failure to properly investigate killings of media workers amount to war crimes, are to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC).   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), working with the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) and the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), has retained leading human rights lawyers from Bindmans and Doughty Street Chambers to submit the complaint to the ICC. The complaint will detail the systematic targeting of Palestinian journalists on…  
2118. #EndImpunity: IFJ affiliates stand against impunity  

Check out IFJ affiliates' actions to denounce impunity for crime against journalists France: SNJ issued a press release calling on France to support the IFJ convention regarding impunity for crimes against journalists. Greece: On October 29, the JUADN Executive Board addressed a letter to Mr. Takis Theodorikakos, Minister of Citizen Protection, asking to speed up investigations to apprehend perpetrators of George Karaivaz’s brutal murder. Macedonia: On November 2, the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers has launched an online campaign together with the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and a press-conference to address the large-scale impunity of attacks…  
2119. Alfredo Cardoso  

The photojournalist for Dos Costas based in Acapulco city, Guerrero state, was abducted from his home by unidentified. He was later found nearby a few hours later with injuries but still alive. Despite receiving medical treatment, he died a few days later on Sunday as a results of the wounds he sustained during his captivity.         Journalist' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
2120. India: Journalists arrested for reporting on legislative assembly members  

Journalist Madhukar Dubey, owner of web-portal zeroparty.in, and the portal’s technical assistant Avinash Palliwar, both from Chhattisgarh state, were arrested by police on October 25 for their report on local political leaders. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the misuse of law to arrest journalists and urges the Chhattisgarh state to release the journalists immediately. The two media workers were arrested after Brihaspat Singh and Kuldeep Juneja, both members of the state’s legislative assembly, filed a complaint on October 24 accusing the portal of publishing “misleading and baseless” information about them. The same day, zeroparty.in had published a…  
2121. Orlando ‘Dondon’ Dinoy  

The well-known reporter for community reporter for Newsline.Ph and a block time anchor for Energy FM, covering community development and crime was murdered at his home by a gunman in the southern province of Davao del Sur. Dinoy died instantly after being shot six times from close range in his apartment in Bansalan, Davo del Sur. According to the NUJP, Dinoy was killed inside a makeshift recording booth when his assailant forcibly entered his home.          Journalists' safety, Philippines, IFJ, Impunity  
2122. México: Asesinaron al periodista Fredy López Arévalo  

En vísperas del Día Internacional para poner Fin a la Impunidad en los Crímenes contra Periodistas, México registra el noveno asesinato de un profesional de la comunicación en lo que va del 2021. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) repudió el hecho y exigió celeridad a las autoridades en la investigación del caso. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas continúa en estado de alerta ante la la violencia sostenida que sufren lxs periodistas en el país. En horas de la noche del jueves 28 de octubre, el reconocido periodista Fredy López Arévalo fue asesinado de un disparo ante su esposa y sus hijas en la puerta de su hogar en San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. El crimen…  
2123. Colombia: Protected journalist under surveillance without her consent  

Colombia’s National Protection Unit (UNP) has been accused of unlawfully collecting highly sensitive data about the movements of Claudia Julieta Duque, an investigative journalist who has faced serious death threats and psychological torture at the hands of the Colombian authorities. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins growing calls for the UNP to explain how and why it collected thousands of records without her consent tracking her movements and for all the data to be returned to her In a letter sent to the director of the UNP, the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) claims to have detected "over 25,000 records, collected by the UNP, taken between February and August…  
2124. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 22 and 29 October 2021. English: Information Minister meets Secretary General of IFJ, Times of Oman Belarus: ‘Novy Chas’ newspaper raided, staff interrogated, IFEX Bilawal, IFJ condemn harassment of Asma Shirazi, The News International Pak journalist faces ire of ministers for criticism of Imran Khan government, ANI Journalist Asma Shirazi faces wrath of ministers, DAWN Sudan - Attacks On Media Freedom Amid Military Coup, All…  
2125. Free Assange: "Plots against Julian Assange make it impossible to know what would happen in the United States."  

On October 28, Assange's lead counsel told the court that credible reports of CIA plots to assassinate or kidnap Julian Assange make it impossible to know what would happen were he were extradited to the United States, Tim Dawson, from the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), reports for the IFJ. “Mr Assange has also faced menacing, threatening surveillance, and there have been attempts to steal DNA samples from his children.” All render US assurances unbelievable, suggested Fitzgerald, Assange’s lead counsel. He was responding to James Lewis QC, who is putting the case for the extradition. Lewis painted US penal conditions in sunny terms: “Mr Assange would have a cell mate, the average…  
2126. Impunity: Yemen  

Yemen: 45 journalists killed in the last ten years. Yemen: 45 journalists killed in the last ten years Forty five journalists were killed in Yemen between 2011 and September 2021, many of whom lost their lives since the outbreak of the fighting between the Houthis and the Yemeni government forces supported by the Saudi led-coalition. According to the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), none of the perpetrators has been brought to justice. The bloody conflict, the political instability, the multiplicity of actors in the absence of state authority but also the growing hostility towards the press and journalists have contributed to enshrining the impunity of the perpetrators…  
2127. Impunity: Time to put an end to judicial negligence, abusive legislation and governments' blindness  

To mark the United Nations International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November 2021, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates demand governments stop turning a blind eye to attacks on media workers and bring those who threaten journalists to justice. According to IFJ statistics, more than 35 journalists have been killed this year in the course of their duty - some of whom were hit by bomb blasts, others were killed in cold blood.  On social media, journalists, especially women and those who represent ethnic or racial minorities or LGBTQIA+, are subject to destructive campaigns in an attempt…  
2128. Fredy López Arévalo  

The editor of the magazine Jovel from Cristóbal de las Casas  and an anchor on XERA – Radio Uno was shot dead in front of his wife and daughters outside their home in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. The gunman fled the scene on a motorcycle, and it is suspected that he had been lying in wait for Arévalo. Fredy López Arévalo also worked as correspondent in El Salvador and other Central American countries for the national news agency Notimex, the newspaper El Universal and the magazine Panorama Internacional. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
2129. Impunity: Mexico  

No. of journalists killed since 2011: 106 Cases unsolved: 95%. Fifteen years after the country’s military launched the war on drug trafficking, crimes against Mexican press workers and their disappearances are emblematic of the systemic violence which has flowed from it. Mexico remains one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists. The IFJ has already documented 9 killings in 2021, to be added to over one hundred murders (148 as of the date of this report) since 2006 - the beginning of the so-called "war against the drug trafficking".  A "war" that, following the decision of then President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa to send the Mexican army to fight…  
2130. Free Assange: Julian Assange left trial early because of ill health  

On October 27, a gaunt-looking Julian Assange was able to follow only an hour of the hearing that would determine whether he is extradited to the United States. The Australian’s legal team opened the hearing seeking the court’s permissions that their client be allowed not to attend by video link because of ill health, Tim Dawson, from the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), reports for the IFJ. An hour in, the Wikileaks founder did appear before the camera, wearing an untucked white shirt and tie. Looking increasingly like his father, he seemed distracted and has visibly lost weight. White hair straggles to his shoulders and deep lines etch his face. Before sixty minutes had passed Assange…  
2131. Malaysia: Government secures seat at UN Human Rights Council  

On October 15, Malaysia secured a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for the 2022 – 2024 term with 183 votes. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Malaysian government to fulfil its role in upholding human rights in and create a safe and enabling environment for the media to carry out its responsibilities without fear of discriminatory restrictions or interference. Malaysia has won one of the 18 seats on the UNHRC, reflecting the country’s determination to continue to make progress to protect and promote human rights, both domestically and internationally. The appointment comes at a critical juncture for Malaysia, as the nation recovers from the…  
2132. Impunity: Somalia  

58 journalists have been killed since 2010, only 4 perpetrators have been punished. Somalia is one of the most dangerous countries for journalists in Africa and presents a real risk of death for journalists. State officials and a corrupt judiciary system are a serious obstacle to press freedom, while journalists were killed in crossfire, bombings, terrorist attacks or in targeted attacks. Since 2010, 58 journalists have been killed, with the deadliest year being 2012 with 18 killings. The level of impunity remains at its highest as, until the date, only 4 killers (three Al-Shabaab fighters and one policeman) have been found guilty of murdering journalists by court of law. Widespread…  
2133. Impunity: Kosovo  

Kosovo: Disappeared journalists’ cases still unsolved Between 1998 and 2005, in the aftermath of the Balkan war, there were 20 killings, kidnappings and “disappearances“ of Serbian and Albanian journalists and media workers. In 19 of these cases, no one was held accountable. They include: Serbian journalists Ranko Perenić and Đuro Slavuj who disappeared in 1998 when they were working for Radio Pristina; Journalist Ismail Bërbatovci who disappeared in July 1998; Journalist Nebojša Radošević and photographer Vladimir Dobričić who were kidnapped in October 1998; Journalist Afrim Maliqi who was murdered in December 1998; Journalist and head of the Kosovo Information…  
2134. Impunity: Afghanistan  

Since 2010, at least 82 journalists have been killed with only 5 cases resolved. 2021 has been the most devastating year for Afghan journalists in living memory. As the Taliban’s new regime solidifies, journalists and media workers across Afghanistan have been directly targeted, from the capital Kabul to the outermost borders, caught in the crossfire and deliberately assassinated. Between 2010 and 2021, 87 Afghan journalists have been killed in the course of their duties, and in 2021 alone, at least 9 journalists and media workers have lost their lives. Only 5 of these cases have been resolved, and, under Taliban rule, the remainder are unlikely to ever be given the justice they are owed…  
2135. Free Assange  

On the eve of the US appeal against the dismissal of its application to extradite Julian Assange, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) have reiterated their demand that the charges be dropped and Assange released. NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet said: “The longer this case has dragged on the more issues of concern have been raised. Seeking to prosecute Julian Assange for cultivating a source and encouraging that source to reveal further wrongdoing is an attack on the very process of journalism. The longer this attempted prosecution is pursued, the greater will be the damage to investigative reporting.” IFJ General…  
2136. Afghanistan: Taliban fighters beat journalist reporting on Torkham border crossing   

On October 24, Taliban militia attacked freelance journalist, Sadaqat Ghorzan, while reporting on the recently reopened Torkham border crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemn the Taliban’s repeated attacks against journalists and call on the Taliban to uphold their commitments to a free, democratic press.   Sadaqat Ghorzan, a freelance journalist on assignment with TOLOnews, was beaten with rifles on his head and arms by Taliban border forces near Torkham gate, a major crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan.…  
2137. Sudan: Attacks on media freedom amid military coup  

On 25 October, several journalists were arrested and media offices stormed during the unfolding of a military coup in Khartoum. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concerns over such violence against journalists and calls on the military to respect press freedom. The military seized power in Sudan on 25 October, dissolving the eastern African country’s transitional government while ousted Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and other senior officials were put under house arrest. According to media reports, the military forces have also targeted several journalists in a series of arrests. On Monday, Bloomberg/Al Sharq correspondent Maha Al-Talb and her crew were…  
2138. Behind the Headlines: Investigative journalism – opportunities and challenges  

Leading journalists will explain how they conducted major investigations, the tools they use, the ethical considerations, the challenges and threats they face and how to take an investigation from concept to final broadcast or publication. This free webinar will take place on October 27 at 10am CEST. This 90-minute session featuring leading will deliver hints, tips, inspiring stories and a chance to share experience with those at the sharp end of today’s investigative journalism. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83932645042?pwd=Zk1FSDFzUXFTTkV0NFhGUitQK3dTUT09 Agenda: 10am – Welcome – Jeremy Dear, IFJ Deputy General Secretary 10.05 am - Matthew Caruana Galiza – Director at The…  
2139. The business of the media industry – can it survive?  

The rise of the internet, social media and digital services have dramatically disrupted the media industry, yet from these challenges arise new opportunities for media organisations and journalists to adapt and thrive within this new landscape, writes Premesh Chandran for Mediamalaysia. The Malay Mail ceased publishing its print paper in 2018, completing a 122-year run. The Tamil Nesan shut down in 2019, five years shy of its centennial. Chinese daily Oriental Daily is the most recent casualty, shutting down in 2021. They are not alone. A US study found that 1,800 newspapers have shut. In mid-2020, News Corp announced over 100 papers would stop printing in Australia. The papers that remain…  
2140. Maldives: Launch of Report on Media Environment  

The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), working in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Maldives Journalist Association (MJA), today launched an in-depth report into the situation in the Maldives facing the media and journalists, Maldives: Overview of the Environment for Media. This report is part of a wider engagement by the three organisations to try to lever the current political will in the country, which seems to be more open to positive change, to bring laws, policies and practices affecting the media more fully into line with human rights standards. “The Maldives has fluctuated up and down quite a lot in terms of its rules and practices on…  
2141. Alert : Report Launch – Maldives Freedom of Expression Assessment  

On October 23, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) will launch the first major in-depth assessment of freedom of expression in the Maldives in more than a decade. The report, written by CLD’s Executive Director, Toby Mendel, Maldives: Overview of the Environment for Media, looks at all aspects of the Maldives freedom of expression environment including its media regulatory framework, freedom of expression as a human rights, present practice of content restrictions in Maldives among others and provides recommendations for the reform.  The report will be launched at a special online discussion at 4pm (Maldives)…  
2142. Pakistan: Online harassment storm against female journalist  

Famous Pakistani female journalist Asma Shirazi was harassed by a slew of online followers and supporters of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) party following a column published on BBC Urdu. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns online harassment against media and urges authorities and social media companies to act accordingly relating to any threat, intimidation and abuse by online users in breach of protocols and calls for due police investigation. BBC’s journalist Asma Shirazi, known for critical remarks against censorship of journalists, was allegedly harassed and trolled on social media  in response to a recent  article that said the current…  
2143. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 15 and 22 October 2021. English This French daily newspaper sold as an NFT. Is this the media’s future?, Euronews Online Harassment Of Women Journalists Covering Iran, Groups Say, Iran international Global bodies call for release of detained Kashmiri journalists, The Kashmir Walla Afghanistan Journalists Facing Dearth Of Information Despite Engaging With Taliban: Report, RepublicWorld.com Français 20 Minutes se met aux NFT pour vendre…  
2144. Afghanistan: Taliban attacks journalists reporting women’s protest  

On October 21, Taliban militants attacked several journalists covering a protest rally organized by a group of women demanding “work, bread, and education" in Kabul. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Afghanistan affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) express serious concern on the attacks and urges the Taliban to respect the media, freedom of expression and women’s rights. Taliban militants beat several print and electronic media journalists to prevent them from covering the women’s protest held in the morning of October 21 in Kabul.  In a video received by the IFJ, Taliban members are seen punching and kicking journalists. A foreign…  
2145. Belarus: Novy Chas editors and photographer searched and interrogated  
Logo Novy Chas

Staff members of the Belarusian political weekly newspaper Novy Chas were searched by the authorities, temporarily detained and interrogated on 19 and 20 October. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined their affiliate, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), in calling on the authorities to stop persecuting journalists and media outlets in the country. On 20 October in the morning, Novy Chas employees could not be reached, before BAJ later reported that journalists' homes and the editorial offices were being searched. Novy Chas editor-in-chief Aksana Kolb and deputy editor Siarhei…  
2146. Armenia: New law restricts the freedom of the press  

On 5 October 2021, a new law went into effect in Armenia, raising the maximum threshold for “insults” and “defamation” fines by three times their previous amount. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined their affiliate the Union of Journalists of Armenia (UJA) in denouncing this law and its impact on the right of freedom of expression. The defamation law was adopted by the National Assembly in March 2021 after a Facebook user posted a comment regarded as offensive on a picture of the Prime Minister. The law was validated by the Constitutional Court this month. It stipulates that the maximum fine for “insults” will be €5,400…  
2147. Myanmar: 13 journalists and media workers among hundreds freed by military junta  

Myanmar’s military junta has freed 13 journalists and media workers, after its announcement on October 18 that over 5,000 prisoners and wanted persons are to be exonerated in an amnesty on humanitarian grounds. While the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is relieved to hear of the media workers’ release, we are gravely concerned by reports of rearrest. The junta must do more to adhere to international rights conventions and immediately free the scores of media workers who remain unduly imprisoned in Myanmar. On October 18, the nation’s military announced a mass release slated to free over 1,316 detainees and drop charges against 4,320 dissidents, some of…  
2148. Global Conference on Improving the Protection, Security, Integration and Mental Health of Refugee Journalists  

UNESCO and the International Federation of Journalists cordially invite you to participate in the Global Conference on Improving the Protection, Security, Integration and Mental Health of Refugee Journalists which is scheduled for Friday 5th November from 8:30am -11:30am (Costa Rica time.) The start time may differ depending on the time zone in which you are located. The event will generate debates and recommendations concerning improving the welfare of refugee journalists who were forced to flee their homes and countries due to high levels of impunity, insecurity, physical and digital attacks, aggressions and other complex challenges. The international event which will be transmitted…  
2149. La oficina regional de América Latina y el Caribe lanzó la campaña #PrecarizaciónDigital  

Con el objetivo de visibilizar y poner en debate los efectos de las grandes plataformas de internet en las vidas de lxs trabajdorxs, en sus derechos laborales y en las democracias, la oficina regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas lanzó la campaña #PrecarizaciónDigital. Hace pocos días, la caída de más de 8 horas de Facebook, Instagram y Whatsapp dejó sin servicio a más de 3500 millones de usuarixs en todo el mundo, casi la mitad de la población global. Esto reavivó una pregunta que siempre subyace: ¿qué sucede con nuestros datos? La influencia directa de las grandes plataformas de internet en nuestra vida personal, en nuestros derechos…  
2150. Colombia: La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos condenó al Estado por el secuestro y tortura de una periodista  

Jineth Bedoya fue secuestrada y violada en el año 2000 por paramilitares a los que investigaba. El crimen, según la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), cuenta con “indicios graves, precisos y concordantes” de participación estatal. Luego de más de 20 años, la periodista logró que el tribunal internacional condene a Colombia por los tormentos sufridos durante su tortura y luego de la misma, por las dilaciones y revictimizaciones a las que fue expuesta. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas celebra este fallo, que constituye un hito para la lucha de las mujeres periodistas contra la violencia y la impunidad. Este lunes 18 de octubre, la CIDH finalmente condenó al Estado…  
2151. España: Una jueza exige a eldiario.es que revele sus fuentes de información  

La jueza María Cristina Díaz ha exigido al diario español eldiario.es que revele en el plazo de diez días quién les informó de la lista de bienes que se encuentran en el Pazo de Meirás, inmueble que la familia del dictador Franco ocupó durante 82 años, y cuya propiedad se encuentra actualmente en litigio. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y todos sus sindicatos afiliados en España rechazan la petición y exigen que se respete el derecho constitucional de los/as periodistas a no revelar sus fuentes de información. En un documento remitido al director de elDiario.es, Ignacio Escolar, la magistrada reclama lo siguiente: “Indique el día que tuvo acceso ese medio de comunicación al…  
2152. IFJ-ILO organises webinar on reporting migration and forced labour: MENA  

The safety of sources, the impact of Covid-19 and human rights abuses were the hot topics as the International Federaton of Journalists (IFJ) hosted a webinar on reporting migration and forced labour in the MENA region on October 14, 2021. It focused on local journalists’ experiences in covering the issue and tips to help them and their sources stay safe while reporting. This was the last in a series of three regional webinars bringing together migration experts and specialised journalists. Discussions covered issues such as covid-19, human rights stories and emphasized the need for collaboration between journalists. The ILO toolkit on reporting forced labour and fair recruitment was…  
2153. India: Kashmir authorities escalate attacks against media workers  

Kashmir authorities have detained and questioned five journalists and media workers since October 8, two of whom remain imprisoned, as hostility towards media increases in the region. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates, the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists - India (NUJ-I), condemn the intimidation and harassment of journalists in Kashmir and call for the journalists’ immediate release. In South Kashmir’s Anantnag district, editor of weekly digital magazine Kashmir First, Salman Shah, was detained after a raid of his residence on the night of October 12. Freelance journalist and contributor to private news…  
2154. Forbidden stories and beyond: Investigative journalism on the front line across Europe  

Leading investigative journalists and newsroom managers will explain how they conducted major investigations, the tools they use, the ethical considerations, the challenges and threats they face and how to take an investigation from concept to final broadcast or publication. This free webinar will take place on October 20 at 10am CEST. This two-hour session featuring leading investigative journalists from across Europe will deliver hints, tips, inspiring stories and a chance to share experience with those at the sharp end of today’s investigative journalism.  The meeting will be available in English, Serbian, Montenegrin, Russian Day 2: 20th of October…  
2155. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 8 and 15 October 2021. English Press invitation to join the Award Ceremony of the Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism, European Parliament International Federation of Journalists condemns attack on Press Freedom in Kashmir, Free press Kashmir Press freedom organizations abuzz over Nobel Peace Prize, CNN Cambodian Court Condemned for Jailing Journalist, VOA IFJ, news, mentions, international federation of journalists, october 2021  
2156. Women standing for Afghanistan: Afghan women journalists seek solidarity to survive to tell their stories.   

A network of women in media in India have garnered international support for Afghanistan’s women journalists, writes Laxmi Murthy. A sobering statistic that should jolt anyone with a conscience: less than 100 of Afghanistan’s 700 women journalists are still working, according to a survey by the Centre for the Protection of Afghan Women Journalists (CPAWJ). A Time magazine story puts the number of women journalists currently working in Kabul as less than 40. Following the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban in mid-August, a majority of the more than 1000 female media staff were forced to stop working, due to direct threats and intimidation. It was an abrupt…  
2157. Gender inequality still plagues Pakistan’s media  

Despite the rapid development of Pakistan’s media industry and the ratification of many international conventions to protect women’s and labour rights, media workers and women journalists are continuing to be overlooked and undervalued in Pakistan, writes Farhat Perveen. In the last decade of the 20th century, the media evolved greatly due to the global information revolution. Pakistan saw a mushroom growth of print and electronic news media houses – that subsided after the 2010s.  Due to this growth, the centralised information management system in Pakistan could not maintain its hold on information as before. However, the unlimited…  
2158. Kosovo: Several journalists attacked during riots in Mitrovica  

Tensions increased in the Northern part of Kosovo after police undertook an anti-smuggling operation in Mitrovica on 13 October. Several journalists covering the riots, as well as citizens and police officers, were attacked by protesters. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined its affiliates in Kosovo AGK in condemning all violent attacks against journalists and calling on the authorities to ensure their protection. During the clashes, journalists from the local Kosovo Serb language media, KoSSev, reported threats and attacks against them, after which they decided to remove the journalists from the field. In…  
2159. China: Authorities plan to ban private investment in news outlets  

The Chinese government has proposed new directives that seek to prohibit private enterprises from investing in and operating media organisations in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that the authorities’ plan will further suppress the already restricted media environment in China.  On October 8, China’s National Development and Reform Commission, the country’s top economic regulator, revealed the draft negative list for market access in 2021, which lays out areas where investment is prohibited or restricted in China.  In practice, private enterprises are not permitted to invest in areas on the list designated as “prohibited” and are…  
2160. China: Blogger detained over social media comments  

Chinese blogger and former journalist, Luo Changping, has been detained over his social media remarks that were deemed inappropriate by authorities. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Chinese authorities to release Luo and drop all charges against him. On October 7, Luo, who previously served as the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing-based economic magazine Caijing, was summoned by a public security bureau in Sanya, a city in China’s Hainan Province, and later placed under detention. According to the police notice, Luo was accused of ‘defaming heroes and martyrs’ because he referred to Chinese soldiers depicted in a recently released war…  
2161. Perú: una periodista fue atacada con un látigo mientras realizaba una cobertura  

Marleny Margarita Paredes Charca, trabajadora del canal El Objetivo y del portal homónimo, fue violentada por el jefe de ronderos César Mamani Pacompia cuando se disponía a realizar la cobertura de una reunión de dirigentes de la comunidad, para la cual había solicitado la correspondiente acreditación la semana anterior. La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) repudió el hecho y exhortó a las autoridades a investigar los hechos. El pasado sábado 9 de octubre, la periodista se encontraba trabajando en un encuentro de dirigentes de la región de Puno para la cual había solicitado previamente los permisos correspondientes para poder reportar acerca de los temas a tratarse. Al…  
2162. Pakistan: Journalist Shahid Zehri killed in car bomb explosion  

Shahid Zehri, a reporter for a local TV news channel Metro News 1 was killed on October 10 when a bomb exploded in his car in the Hub area of Balochistan province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge the Pakistan government to ensure those involved in the attack are promptly brought to justice. Journalist Zehri, 35, and friend, were travelling to Karachi by car when a bomb detonated around midnight on October 10. Both suffered critical injuries. CCTV footage confirms the bomb was attached to the journalist’s car where it exploded. Some reports suggested it was a homemade device. The injured…  
2163. Shahid Zehri  

The 35-year old reporter for a local TV news channel Metro News 1 was killed when a bomb exploded under his car in the Hub area of Balochistan province. The car bomb blast occurred when Zehri and a friend were travelling to Karachi, serously injuring the pair. CCTV footage confirms the bomb was attached to the journalist’s car when  it exploded, with some reports suggesting it was a homemade device. The injured journalist and friend were initially taken to Hub Civil Hospital then subsequently brought to Karachi for treatment. The journalist, Zehri, was declared dead at Dr Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital in Karachi. Balochistan Liberation Army…  
2164. IFJ congratulates Ressa and Muratov journalists for receiving Nobel Peace Prize  

Filipino and Russian journalists, Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, were today announced as the winners of this year's Nobel Peace Prize for "their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace". The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the news and warmly congratulates the winners, saying that this award is a recognition of the crucial role of journalists around the globe, many of whom are faced with tremendous challenges to serve the public in their countries and the world. Maria Ressa, a former CNN correspondent, founded an investigative website, Rappler, almost ten years ago, where she often denounced President…  
2165. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between October 1 and October 8, 2021. English: The future of Afghan journalism isn't just up to the Taliban, Canberra Times Afghan journalists beaten by the Taliban in viral photos plead for asylum in Australia, SBS news Afghanistan: Rights group expresses concern over Taliban's new media rules, Webindia 123 Journalists criticise gov’s ‘frustratingly’ slow progress securing safety for BBC staff in Afghanistan, Morning star Journalists condemn…  
2166. Vietnam: Eight-year sentence for journalist upheld  

On September 29, citizen journalist Tran Thi Tuyet Dieu’s eight-year sentence under Vietnam’s Penal Code was upheld in the court of appeal in Danang. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the use of the Penal Code to silence critical voices and calls for the immediate release of Tuyet Dieu. Tuyet Dieu’s appeal was refused in Danang’s court, more than a year after her arrest and detainment on August 21, 2020. She was sentenced on April 23, 2021 for breaching article 117 of the Vietnamese penal code, which criminalises “creating, storing and disseminating information and materials against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”. Reports indicate that Tuyet Dieu endured…  
2167. Philippines: Government controls and cyberattacks hit media after critical reporting  

In the past month, the Philippines government has blocked access for journalists to pandemic coordination channels, while its military is alleged to have coordinated cyber-attacks on two key media outlets. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) condemn the authorities attacks on independent journalism critical of the country’s handling of the pandemic. On September 27, Michael Aglipay, the chairperson of the house committee on good government and public accountability, abruptly removed Rappler journalist Rambo Talabong from a media coordination channel. Talabong had recently published a…  
2168. Singapore’s FICA bill a draconian threat to freedom of speech  

Singapore’s newly introduced foreign interference legislation has drawn widespread domestic and international condemnation, posing a ubiquitous threat that aims to quash ‘criticism of Singapore’s further authoritarian turn’, writes Jim Nolan. Journalists and press freedom groups in South East Asia have roundly condemned the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Bill (FICA) recently introduced in the Singapore Parliament.  Like so many laws adopted by authoritarian governments in the post-Trump era, FICA is yet another ruling superficially aimed at one purpose while, in reality, potentially wreaking havoc in other areas.…  
2169. World Day for Decent Work: Firing journalists kills the story  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will mark World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7 October by calling on governments and media to retain jobs and protect the right to quality information under the slogan "Firing journalists kills the story". The #COVID19 pandemic has had devastating impacts on journalists' jobs.  Many media around the world have closed down and countless jobs have disappeared since the beginning of the pandemic, while many journalists are experiencing months-long delays in receiving their wages, the Federation says, highlighting the thousands of media workers who have no means of earning while the earnings of many media owners continues to increase. In…  
2170. Investigative Journalism across Europe – Sharing Experiences Join a FREE online international study tour – October 2021  

Leading investigative journalists and newsroom managers from across Europe will share their experiences, tips and how to tackle the challenges faced to deliver quality investigative journalism on all platforms. This free study tour will take place online on 13, 20 and 27 October 2021. From political challenges to handling sources, from overcoming financial constraints to engage audiences, from securing management support to the tips and tools which help journalists interrogate data and tell stories in an engaging way for varied audiences, this study tour will give media managers and investigative journalists an insight in to how public and private media are tackling such challenges. Meet…  
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