15063 results:

8751. IFJ Gravely Concerned for Safety & Freedom of Media in Libya  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its grave concern for the freedom, rights and safety of journalists in Libya as the third anniversary of the country's uprising approaches.Ahead of the anniversary of the 2011 uprising this Monday, 17 February, the IFJ has called on Libyan authorities to improve protection for media workers in the country and end impunity for violent attacks against journalists, while also voicing its fear that steps are being taken to curb the freedom of expression the country's people fought so hard to gain. The IFJ stance follows reports that Libyan authorities have consolidated a Gaddafi-era law that criminalises insults to the state, its…  
8752. IFJ/FAJ Commend ECOWAS Court Hearing on the Killing of Deyda Hydara in The Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today welcomed the hearings of the ECOWAS Court on the killing of Deyda Hydara, former editor and co- proprietor of The Point Newspaper in The Gambia. The hearings took place today during the session of the ECOWAS Court in the Togolese capital, Lomé. This session of the ECOWAS Court outside of its Abuja Headquarters, was held at the premises of the Supreme Court of Togo. Secretary General of the “Union des Journalistes Indépendants du Togo” (UJIT) an IFJ/FAJ affiliate, Credo Tetteh attended the hearing, representing the IFJ and the FAJ. The Court heard the Deyda Hydara family…  
8753. IFJ Report on Journalists & Media Staff Killed in 2013: In Mortal Danger  

The media death toll of 2013 confirms the abject failure of governments to hold accountable those who are responsible for violence against journalists IFJ Publishes Full Report on Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today published its full report on the number of journalists and media staff killed across the globe in 2013. Titled ‘In Mortal Danger: Journalist & Media Staff Killed in 2013', the report provides information on the 105 journalists and media staff who lost their lives in targeted attacks, bomb attacks and other cross fire incidents during the year, while also raising awareness of the continued safety crisis…  
8754. Read All About IFJ Full Report on Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2013  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today published its full report on the number of journalists and media staff killed across the globe in 2013. The report, ‘In Mortal Danger: Journalists & Media Staff Killed in 2013', provides information on the 105 journalists and media staff who lost their lives in targeted attacks, bomb attacks and other cross fire incidents during the year. There are also updates on 15 accidental deaths recorded last year. Asia Pacific was the deadliest region with 29% of the killings, followed by the Middle East and Arab World with 27%, according to the report which ranks Syria, the Philippines, Pakistan, Iraq…  
8755. Medios y periodistas asesinados en 2013  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) publicó hoy su informe completo sobre el número de periodistas y empleados de los medios asesinados en todo el mundo durante el año 2013.  Bajo el título "En peligro mortal: periodistas y personal de los medios asesinados en 2013", este informe ofrece información sobre 105 periodistas y empleados de los medios de comunicación que perdieron sus vidas en ataques selectivos, por explosiones de bombas y en incidentes de fuego cruzado. También expresa su preocupación por la quiebra de la seguridad en todo el planeta. Asimismo, actualiza los hechos al relatar 15 muertes accidentales, relacionadas con la profesión, y que…  
8756. Sacking of Outspoken Radio Host Sparks Press Freedom Concerns in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association, are deeply concerned that press freedom in Hong Kong has been jeopardised by the sacking of Li Wei-Ling, an outspoken radio talk-show host with Commercial Radio of Hong Kong. On February 12, Li Wei-Ling was informed by email that her contract was terminated with immediate effect. Commercial Radio gave no explanation for her termination. Li was sacked three months after she was removed from her popular morning show and assigned to a less prominent evening show. Li has openly criticised certain Hong Kong government policies, as well as the performance of the Chief Executive, Leung…  
8757. Bomb Blast at Media in Iraq Raises Concern of Journalists’ Safety  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has demanded urgent action from the Iraqi government following an attack on the office of independent newspaper, Al-sabah al-jadeed, in the early hours of Monday morning, 10 February. According to reports, windows, furniture and equipment were damaged when a bomb went off at 4.30am at the front of the newspaper's building in Baghdad. Two other bombs were dismantled. No one was injured as the newspaper was deserted for the night. Reports said that the attack followed a campaign demanding the closure of the paper after it published its weekly supplement Zadlast Thursday. The supplement focused on the 35th anniversary of the…  
8758. IFJ/FAJ Condemn the Detention of Journalist in Sierra Leone  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) have condemned the arrest and detention of a journalist in Sierra Leone. According to IFJ affiliate, the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ), journalist Theophilus Gbenda was arrested and charged with seditious libel last Tuesday, 11 February. The SLAJ said Theophilus had produced a radio programme where a guest made comments over a land case, which reportedly angered the country’s vice president, Sam Sumana. As a result, SLAJ says the head of the Independent Media Commission’s (IMC) complaints commission intervened and invited Theophilus to appear before the committee on the…  
8759. IFJ Demands 'Free Press - Free Hong Kong'  

On March 13 the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) delivered a letter to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong H.E. Leung Chun-Ying co-signed by 55 international human rights and media organisations. It calls on Mr Leung to take immediate steps to protect freedom of expression and defend press freedoms. The letter includes a catalogue of press freedom violations that have occurred between June 2013 and February 2014, including the brutal attack with a cleaver on former Ming Pao chief editor Kevin Lau on 26 February 2014. The global signature campaign was initiated by the IFJ Asia Pacific…  
8760. IFJ Calls on Iraqi Government to Guarantee Safety of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has demanded urgent action from the Iraqi government following an attack on the office of independent newspaper, Al-sabah al-jadeed, in the early hours of Monday morning, 10 February.According to reports, windows, furniture and equipment were damaged when a bomb went off at 4.30am at the front of the newspaper's building in Baghdad. Another two bombs were dismantled. No one was injured as the newspaper was deserted for the night. "We condemn this use of violence against the offices of a respected newspaper in Baghdad which shows the risks our colleagues in Iraq continue to face on a daily basis," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha.…  
8761. Police Must Stop the Intimidation of Journalists in Angola, say IFJ and FAJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today called on authorities in Angola to stop the country’s security forces from intimidating journalists while they are carrying out their work.  According to IFJ/FAJ affiliate, the Union of Angolan Journalists (SJA in Portuguese), Queirós Anastácio Chilúvia, deputy editor of the Despertar private radio station, was arrested on Feb 2 for broadcasting the shouts of prisoners calling for help for a very ill fellow inmate. Chilúvia was held for three days before a court gave him a six-month suspended jail sentence on 7 February. “The charges against our colleague must be dropped…  
8762. Santiago Ilídio Andrade  

The cameraman who worked for the Bandeirantes television network was declared brain dead by doctors, according to media reports. He had been in a coma after being hit in the head by an explosive device last week while filming clashes between protesters and police in Rio de Janeiro. Reports added that police arrested a protester in connection with the incident, who admitted to holding the explosive device, but denied throwing it. Read the IFJ full statement here  
8763. Mapping Changes in Employment  

In 2012 the EFJ and EURO-MEI carried out a joint project on mapping changes in employment in the media and journalism industry. The project assessed the impact of employment changes in the media and journalism industry on journalists and media workers. It analysed the employment changes and illustrated how these changes impact on trade union representation and organising. The survey focuses on two case studies, France and the U.K, but also takes into consideration other countries.Click here to download - the summary, conclusions and recommendations (English / Français) or - the Complete survey (English only) Contact: Yuk Lan Wong The EFJ is the European group of the…  
8764. IFJ Demands Increased Protection for Brazilian Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on Brazilian authorities to ensure the safety of journalists covering public demonstrations following the fatal injuries inflicted on cameraman Santiago Ilídio Andrade.According to media reports, doctors yesterday declared Andrade to be brain dead. Andrade, who worked for the television network Bandeirantes, had been in a coma after being hit in the head by an explosive device last week while filming clashes between protesters and police in Rio de Janeiro. Reports say police have arrested a protester in connection with the incident, but the man said he had held the explosive device, but denied throwing it. The IFJ has called for…  
8765. Labour Rights Expert Group 2014  

The Labour Rights Expert Group (LAREG) of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) include representatives of EFJ members. They include, Chair      Philippe Leruth  Renate Gensch  Rainer Reichert  Yannis Kotsifos  Seamus Dooley  Franco Siddi  Marta Barcenilla  Nathalie Weber  Michelle Stanistreet  
8766. EFJ-ETUI Freelance Seminar  

EFJ-ETUI Freelance Seminar "Changing News Industry: How can unions respond to increasing precarious and freelance work in journalism" The Write-up can be found here. Links for the Powerpoint Presentations of Karen Curtis, ILO and Esther Lynch, Irish Congress Trade Unions. The conclusions can be found in English and French  
8767. EFJ Conference on Freelances' Rights  

Interview with EFJ director Renate Schroeder <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Xeik-4FrekQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>  
8768. EFJ FOCUS, 11 February 2014  

The new issue of the EFJ Focus is now available in English, German and French. Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move! To subscribe, simply click HERE. If you missed the previous issues, see our archives.  
8769. IFJ Condemns China’s Refusal to Issue Visas to Taiwanese Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) in condemning China’s refusal to issue visas to two Taiwanese journalists set to travel to China this week. The journalists from Taiwan`s Apple Daily News and Radio Free Asia were excluded from a delegation of journalists covering the visit by Taiwan`s Mainland Affairs Council Chairman Wang Yu-chi to China from February 11 to 14. Significantly, Wang Yu-chi is set to meet China`s Taiwan Affairs Office Director Zhang Zhi-zhong in Shanghai – the first official meeting between ministers of the two governments which formally do not recognize each other`s existence. The ATJ is…  
8770. IFJ Demands Action From Yemeni Authorities Following Journalists Attacks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has repeated its call for Yemeni authorities to step up media protection in the country after a spate of brutal attacks against media staff in recent days.  According to IFJ affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), unidentified gunmen attacked the delivery bus of the Akhbar Al Youm newspaper in the city of Aden at 6am on Wednesday, 5 February. The gunmen forced the newspaper distributor and the bus driver to leave the bus and then drove away in it. The YJS has also reported that journalist Fatek Al Radini, who works for the Saba news agency, was attacked and beaten by four people driving two cars while returning to his…  
8771. test feb news public calendar  

8772. Afzal Khawaja  

The 45-year old correspondent for the Daily "Zamana" Quetta and the Daily Balochistan times in Quetta in Ussta Muhhamad, a district of Jafferabad, was travelling home in a taxi with his son on February 2 when the car was fired upon in a purported attempted robbery. Khawaja died at the scene while the taxi driver died later en route to hospital. Khawaja leaves behind a wife, three sons and two daughters.  
8773. Suon Chan  

The 44-year-old reporter for the Khmer language Meakea Kampuchea newspaper in Kampong Chhnang province’s Cholkiri district, was set upon by a group of fishermen as he left his house in Cholkiri district’s Peam Chhkork commune, according to officials. He had reported on illegal fishing in the commune in the lead-up to his death. Cambodian media also reported that Chan had been photographing and reporting on the use of large electric rods to kill fish in conservation areas. The Cambodian Association for the Protection of Journalists (CAPJ), an IFJ affiliate, said Chan was on his way home when he was attacked with stones and bamboo sticks in the violent onslaught. He received…  
8774. PFUJ member killed and threats to journalists continue in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), to express its sympathy for murdered journalist and PFUJ member Afzal Khawaja in Baluchistan province earlier this week and again calls on government action after a separate incident involving threats to the news director of Karachi-based Geo News TV. Khawaja, 45, a correspondent for the Daily "Zamana" Quetta and the Daily Balochistan times in Quetta in Ussta Muhhamad, a district of Jafferabad, was travelling home in a taxi with his son on February 2 when the car was fired upon in a purported attempted robbery. Afzal Khawaja died at the scene while the taxi…  
8775. PFUJ member killed and threats to journalists continue in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), to express its sympathy for murdered journalist and PFUJ member Afzal Khawaja in Baluchistan province earlier this week and again calls on government action after a separate incident involving threats to the news director of Karachi-based Geo News TV. Khawaja, 45, a correspondent for the Daily "Zamana" Quetta and the Daily Balochistan times in Quetta in Ussta Muhhamad, a district of Jafferabad, was travelling home in a taxi with his son on February 2 when the car was fired upon in a purported attempted robbery. Afzal Khawaja died at the scene while the taxi…  
8776. Cambodian Journalist Suon Chan Brutally Slain  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins IFJ affiliate, the Cambodian Association for the Protection of Journalists (CAPJ) to condemn the brutal slaying of Cambodian journalist Suon Chan, who was set upon by a group of fishermen as he left his house in Cholkiri district’s Peam Chhkork commune on January 31.  According to commune police, the 44-year-old reporter for the Khmer language Meakea Kampuchea newspaper in Kampong Chhnang province’s Cholkiri district had reported on illegal fishing in the local commune in the lead-up to his death. Cambodian media also reported that Chan had been photographing and reporting on the use of large electric rods to kill fish in…  
8777. IFJ Condemns Ban on TV Station in Somaliland  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has condemned the official ban on a private TV station in Somaliland. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, Somaliland Minister of Information, Culture and National Guidance, Mr. Abdullahi Mohamed Dahir (Ukuse) announced on Feb.3 that the operating license of Universal TV is revoked because the station used to transmit “scandals” and “insults” against Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud. “The reason is not fully documented and proved. We call on authorities in Somaliland to lift the ban on the station as it has only given the opportunity to citizens to express themselves on the…  
8778. African Platform on Access to Information - Distribution Book  

The Campaign around Access to Information has seen unprecedented success, with organizations from across the African continent joining hands to ensure that the Right to Access Information is promoted throughout the continent. Read the APAI Declaration  
8779. FAJ Congress Report 30-31 March 2013  

Read the report on the Federation of African Journalists' (FAJ) third triennial continental Congress, held in Casablanca, Morocco, from 30-31 March, 2013.  The theme of the event was Casablanca: Organising Journalists, Building Stronger Unions & Defending Press Freedom  
8780. IFJ/EFJ Condemn Russian Government Threat to Shut Down Independent TV Channel Dozhd  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have joined their affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), in condemning the unprecedented measure taken by Russian authorities to shut down the independent TV channel Dozhd for its controversial online poll about the Siege of Leningrad during the Second World War. The poll, published on 26 January, asked the public whether the Soviet Union should have surrendered Leningrad to the Germans in order to save hundreds of thousands of lives. According to media reports, many people were offended by the poll and questioned whether the questions asked in the poll are ethical. As a result,…  
8781. Turkey: Set Journalists Free  

In 2010, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) launched an international campaign to set free all journalists in Turkey. EFJ unions in Belgium, France, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Hungary, Germany, Spain, Italy and Russia have already been linked with arrested journalists in Turkey. With that help, over 50 other detained journalists could benefit from a direct pairing in this way. In 2010, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) launched an international campaign to set free all journalists in Turkey. EFJ unions in Belgium, France, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Hungary, Germany, Spain, Italy and Russia have already been linked with arrested journalists in Turkey.…  
8782. IFJ/FAJ Condemn Murder of Journalist in Nigeria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has joined its African regional organization the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) to vigorously condemn the murder of a journalist in Nigeria. According to the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) an IFJ/FAJ affiliate, journalist Toyin Ayinla, deputy Editor of Saturday Newswatch newspaper died in Lagos. Toyin was shot and fatally wounded in the night of Friday, January 31, 2014, by armed robbers in Ikorodu area of Lagos State. "We mourn our colleague and send our sincere condolences to his family, coworkers and to all the media fraternity in Nigeria," said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa director. "Authorities in…  
8783. IFJ/FAJ Condemn Murder of Journalist in Nigeria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has joined its African regional organization the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) to vigorously condemn the murder of a journalist in Nigeria. According to the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) an IFJ/FAJ affiliate, journalist Toyin Ayinla, deputy Editor of Saturday Newswatch newspaper died in Lagos. Toyin was shot and fatally wounded in the night of Friday, January 31, 2014, by armed robbers in Ikorodu area of Lagos State. "We mourn our colleague and send our sincere condolences to his family, coworkers and to all the media fraternity in Nigeria," said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa director. "Authorities in…  
8784. IFJ Guidelines for Reporting on Violence Against Women - in English, French and Spanish  

Read the 'IFJ Guidelines for Reporting on Violence Against Women' in:  English French Spanish  
8785. IFJ Gender Booklet: Getting the Balance Right - English, French, Spanish & Croatian versions  

Read the IFJ Gender Booklet: Getting the Balance Right in: English French Spanish Croatian   
8786. Gender Study in Journalists' Unions and media in Central Africa - French version  

Click HERE to read the IFJ report 'Gender Study in Journalists' Unions and media in Central Africa - French version  
8787. Women Journalists partners in trade union leadership - Gender facts sheets - Middle East and Arab World  

Click HERE to read the IFJ Report on 'Women Journalists partners in trade union leadership - Gender fact sheets - Middle East and Arab World'  
8788. Getting the Facts Right: Reporting Ethnicity and Religion  

Click HERE to read the IFJ report on Getting the Facts Right: Reporting Ethnicity and Religion  
8789. Gender Equality Best Practices Handbook - English version  

Click HERE to read the English version of the Gender Equality Best Practices Handbook  
8790. IFJ/EFJ Call for End of Media Suppression in Russia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have joined their affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), in calling for Russian authorities to stop the ongoing suppression and persecution of the country's media.  The call comes just one week before the start of the Sochi Winter Olympics and follows the news that Ruslan Ovchinnikov, editor-in-chief of the website SakhalinMedia, has been named as an official suspect by police investigating allegations that the website wrote a libelous article about Alexander Verhovskiy, Senator of the country's Sakhalin Region. According to the RUJ, the investigation by Sakhalin police…  
8791. Investigative Reporting on Corruption: A Guide for Media Professionals in Sri Lanka  

Click HERE to read 'Investigative Reporting on Corruption, A Guide for Media Professionals in Sri Lanka'  
8792. AUTHOR'S RIGHTS CAMPAIGN: Samples of Unfair Terms & Conditions in Authors' Rights Contracts  

What does an unfair contract look like? See the samples below: Sample I is from an international news organisation based in the US. Sample II is from a news agency in Madrid, Spain. Sample III is from a news magazine in Madrid, Spain. Sample IV is a freelance contract for a German newspaper based in Ludwigshafen. Sample V is from a German publishing house. Sample VI is from a German scientific magazine. For more information about unfair contracts, please visit the IFJ Authors' Rights Campaign.  
8793. IFJ/EFJ Author's Rights Manual - English and French  

Read the IFJ/EFJ Author's Rights Manual in: English French  
8794. EFJ Guidelines for Fair, Creative Competitions  

Click HERE to read the 'EFJ Guidelines for Fair, Creative Competitions'  
8795. IFJ/EFJ Authors' Rights Pamphlet  

Click HERE to read the 'IFJ/EFJ's Authors' Rights Pamphlet'  
8796. IFJ Guiding Principles on Authors' Rights  

Click HERE to read the IFJ 's 'Guiding Principles on Authors' Rights'  
8797. IFJ Demands Release of Al Jazeera Journalists Referred to Trial in Egypt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has reiterated its call for Egyptian authorities to release Australian journalist Peter Greste and his fellow Al Jazeera colleagues after letters he has written from his prison cell in Cairo have revealed the harsh conditions in which they are being held.  Greste and four other Al-Jazeera journalists, Cairo Bureau chief Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, who has dual Egyptian/Canadian nationality, and Egyptian journalists Baher Mohamed, Abdullah al-Shami and Mohammed Badr, are among 20 people who Egypt's chief prosecutor has today, Wednesday 29 January, referred to trial on charges of joining or assisting a terrorist group and spreading false news…  
8798. Ukraine Crisis campaign SOS KIEV  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have launched the 'Ukraine Crisis campaign – #SOS_KIEV', calling on the Ukrainian government to respect press freedom and end attacks against journalists in the country. This campaign page contains updates and analysis about the situation for journalists in Ukraine, information about how affiliates across the world can show their support, and practical guidance for journalists working on the ground such as safety advice and how to apply for the IFJ Safety Fund. For details and updates on the media safety crisis in Ukraine, please visit :…  
8799. Ukraine Crisis: Latest Updates and Safety Advice for Journalists  

As the violence and turmoil escalates in Ukraine's capital city, there have been many reports of widespread abuse, intimidation and violence against journalists covering the protests. To date, over 150 journalists and media workers have been attacked. To respond to the crisis, the International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists have launched a campaign calling for your support to demand the Ukrainian Government to respect press freedom and end attacks on journalists in the country. In this special newsletter, we have gathered the latest information and analysis on: attacks on journalists safety advice & safety fund legal restrictions on…  
8800. IFJ Gives Full Backing to Renewed Call for Reopening of Iranian Union Headquarters  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has given its full backing to a renewed call from Iranian journalists for the Tehran headquarters of IFJ affiliate, the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), to be reopened. Last Sunday, 26 January, 774 journalists in Iran wrote an open letter to the President of Iran, Hassan Rohani, appealing for the lifting of the closure AoIJ office. The office has been closed since 5 August, 2009, following an order from the then government's general prosecutor.   "We offer our full support and solidarity to Iranian journalists in their renewed appeal for the reopening of the AoIJ's Tehran office," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha.…  
8801. Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Analysis of Right to Information Law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) have prepared a Note analysing the Right to Access Information Law, No. 11 of 2013, adopted recently by the government of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The Law is a relatively progressive piece of legislation, garnering 98 points out of a possible 150 on the RTI Rating (www.RTI-Rating.org), which would put it in 28th place globally out of 95 countries. "It is very welcome that the Kurdistan Region has adopted this law, joining other democracies by putting in place a system for ensuring transparency in government," said Toby Mendel, Executive Director, Centre for Law and Democracy.…  
8802. Journalists' Leader Receives Death Threats in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its ongoing concern for the safety of journalists in Pakistan with reports that a senior leader of IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), has received death threats in direct response to his activism and campaigning. The IFJ is calling on the Pakistan government to take heed of the calls by Pakistan's journalists to take action on journalist killings. The threat on Rana Azeem follows increased national actions by PFUJ members since the shooting assassination of three Express News workers last week and the murder of investigative journalist Shan Dahar on January 1. The PFUJ has called…  
8803. Journalists Urge EU Action on Escalating Violence against Journalists in Kiev  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have written to European leaders to express their grave concern about the deteriorating situation of journalists in the Ukraine and appeal for them to take action. In a letter sent to Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General of the OSCE, the IFJ/EFJ state that along with the beating, arrests and harassment of journalists, the Ukrainian government is now increasingly taking action to undermine freedom of speech and…  
8804. Pakistani Journalist Campaigner Receives Death Threats  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its ongoing concern for the safety of journalists in Pakistan with reports that a senior leader of IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), has received death threats in direct response to his activism and campaigning. The IFJ is calling on the Pakistan government to take heed of the calls by Pakistan's journalists to take action on journalist killings.The threat on Rana Azeem follows increased national actions by PFUJ members since the shooting assassination of three Express News workers last week and the murder of investigative journalist Shan Dahar on January 1. The PFUJ has called for "10…  
8805. Ukraine: Euro Leaders Must Take Action  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have written to European leaders to express their grave concern about the deteriorating situation of journalists in the Ukraine and appeal for them to take action. In a letter sent to Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General of the OSCE, the IFJ/EFJ state that along with the beating, arrests and harassment of journalists, the Ukrainian government is now increasingly taking action to undermine freedom of speech and muzzle…  
8806. EFJ Labour Rights Expert Group Meeting, 10 April 2014  

Members of the EFJ Labour Rights Expert Group meets regularly to discuss latest challenges on the rights of journalists. The next meeting will be held: Location: Würzburg Time: 10 am - 4 pm, 10 April 2014 Contact: Yuk Lan Wong  
8807. IFJ denounces media murders and calls on Pakistani government for action  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today issued a letter to Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, calling for “serious and overdue action” to protect Pakistani journalists and bring attackers to justice following the shooting assassination of three media workers from Express News. The IFJ’s Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) is conducting nationwide action to protest government inaction and call for safer working conditions for media workers. The PFUJ has also declared a “10 days of mourning” in honour of the three men. The latest attack brings the number of media workers killed in Pakistan to four in the year to date. The IFJ said…  
8808. IFJ/EFJ Urge EU Leaders to Take Action Following Massive Attacks Against Journalists in Kiev  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have written to European leaders to express their grave concern about the deteriorating situation of journalists in the Ukraine and appeal for them to take action. In a letter sent to Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General of the OSCE, the IFJ/EFJ state that along with the beating, arrests and harassment of journalists, the Ukrainian government is now increasingly taking action to undermine freedom of speech and muzzle…  
8809. IFJ Joins Somali Affiliate To Demand End of Media Repression  

Marking the National Press Day of Somalia, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today joined the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) to highlight the country's abysmal press freedom record and the high level of impunity for those who attack or kill journalists. According to IFJ affiliate, the NUSOJ, the climate for media freedom looks increasingly bleak in almost every region of the country, with intimidation, threats and violence against journalists increasing dramatically over the last year. While media deaths have declined, six media workers have been murdered in the country since 21 January 2013. The Somali federal government has introduced a draft media law…  
8810. Waqas Aziz Khan, Khalid Khan, Ashraf Arian  

The three Express News employees, technician Waqas Aziz Khan, driver Khalid Khan and security guard Ashraf Arian were fired upon as they sat in an Express TV van. A fourth staff member, a cameraman, was reportedly injured but in a stable condition. Express News bureau chief Aslam Khan said the van was parked near the Matric Board Office in Nazimabad for a routine assignment when four gunmen on two motorbikes approached the stationary vehicle and opened fire through the window. The three men were shot multiple times from close range and died soon after. Law enforcers found at least 17 shell casings from 9mm and 32-bore pistols at the crime scene. The Tehreek-e-Taliban…  
8811. An Open Letter to European Leaders  

To date, 60 journalists still remain in prison as a result of their work as journalists. The situation has reached a critical point. Dear President Van Rompuy, Dear President Barroso, Dear President Schulz,  On behalf of the European Federation of Journalists, I am writing to draw your attention to the alarming press freedom situation in Turkey ahead of the visit of Turkish Prime Minister, Tayyip Erdogan, on 21 January in Brussels regarding the EU accession of Turkey.  While we welcome the continuous dialogue and progress made on the EU accession of Turkey, we would like to highlight the regressive developments in the areas of human rights, in…  
8812. Mapping Changes in Employment in Journalism and in the Media  

In 2012 the EFJ and EURO-MEI carried out a joint project on mapping changes in employment in the media and journalism industry.  The project assessed the impact of employment changes in the media and journalism industry on journalists and media workers. It analysed the employment changes and illustrated how these changes impact on trade union representation and organising. The survey focuses on two case studies, France and the U.K, but also takes into consideration other countries.Click here to download  - the summary, conclusions and recommendations (English / Français) or  - the Complete survey (English only) Contact: Marc Gruber - 0032 2 235…  
8813. Safety of journalists in jeopardy in Thai political unrest  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its ongoing concern for Thai journalists after the wounding of another reporter at an anti-government protest and repeats its call for the legalisation of body armour for journalists in Thailand. Ms Sithinee Huangnak, working for the Post Today newspaper, was taken to hospital after an explosive device was thrown near a press tent at Victory Monument in Bangkok on Sunday January 19. At least 28 people were reported injured in the attack. The IFJ said this latest incident highlights the volatile political climate ahead of the February 2 general election. Anti-government protests have been ongoing in Thailand since October and…  
8814. IFJ Demands Action from Iraqi Government Following Latest Journalist Murder  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has issued a renewed plea for Iraqi authorities to step up their efforts to protect the safety of journalists following the murder of freelance reporter, Firas Mohammed Attiyah today, Monday 20 January.   According to media reports, Attiyah, who worked for Fallujah TV, was killed in a bomb attack in the town of Khaldiyah, east of the Iraq’s Anbar provincial capital, Ramadi. The blast occurred as policemen and journalists were travelling to the ceremonial reopening of a local police station.  Muayad Ibrahim, a freelance reporter for Al-Anbar TV, was also wounded in the attack, while two policemen were killed and two more were…  
8815. Firas Mohammed Attiyah  

The 28- year old reporter for Fallujah TV was killed in a bomb attack targeting a police patrol near a conflict-hit city partly held by gunmen west of Baghdad, according to AFP quoting security and medical officials Another journalist and reporter for Al-Anbr TV, Muayad Ibrahim, was also injured. Two policemen were also killed and two more wounded by the blast, AFP added. Source: AFP  
8816. Growing Concerns over Safety of Journalists amid Political Unrest in Thailand  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its ongoing concern for the safety of journalists in Bangkok after a reporter was wounded at an anti-government protest. The IFJ renewed its call for the legalisation on body armour for journalists in Thailand. Ms Sithinee Huangnak, working for the Post Today newspaper, was taken to hospital after an explosive device was thrown near a press tent at Victory Monument in Bangkok on Sunday January 19. At least 28 people were reported injured in the attack. For more information, please read the IFJ statement in full here: http://www.ifj.org/en/articles/safety-of-journalists-in-jeopardy-in-thai-political-unrest  
8817. EFJ FOCUS, 20 January 2014  

The January issue of the EFJ Focus is now available in English, German and French. Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move!To subscribe, simply click HERE. If you missed the previous issues, see our archives  
8818. La FIJ demande à la Guinée-Bissau de payer les salaires des travailleurs de la télévision publique en grève pour un mo  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) a appelé aujourd’hui les autorités de Guinée-Bissau à payer les arriérés de salaires dus aux travailleurs de la télévision publique. Selon le Syndicat des journalistes et techniciens de la communication sociale (SINJOTECS), un affilié de la FIJ,  les 142 agents de la télévision nationale sont en grève depuis le 13 février pour un mois, réclamant le paiement de deux mois d’arriérés de salaire et de bonnes conditions de travail.  « Nous demandons aux autorités de payer les arriérés de salaire et de créer des conditions de travail acceptables pour nos collègues », a déclaré Gabriel Baglo, directeur pour l’Afrique de la FIJ. «Les…  
8819. IFJ Welcomes “Ground-breaking” Decision by Singapore Court to Quash Order on Journalist’s Sources  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today welcomed the landmark decision of a Singapore Court of Appeal to overturn an order that a journalist should disclose his sources for an article he had written on his blog. James Dorsey, a Singapore-based journalist and author of the blog ‘The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer', had appealed against an order to disclose his sources for an article about the relationship between World Sports Group (WSG) and Mohammed Bin Hammam, a former Fifa Vice-President and one-time President of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), who is now banned from the game. In the first ever ruling of its kind in Singapore's…  
8820. IFJ Welcomes “Ground-breaking” Decision by Singapore Court to Quash Order on Journalist’s Sources  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today welcomed the landmark decision of a Singapore Court of Appeal to overturn an order that a journalist should disclose his sources for an article he had written on his blog. James Dorsey, a Singapore-based journalist and author of the blog ‘The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer', had appealed against an order to disclose his sources for an article about the relationship between World Sports Group (WSG) and Mohammed Bin Hammam, a former Fifa Vice-President and one-time President of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), who is now banned from the game.In the first ever ruling of its kind in Singapore's history, the Court of…  
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