15060 results:

4691. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 1st of December to Friday 7 of December.  1. FIP condena a la Ucrania por prohibir la entrada de periodistas en Dombas Sputnik  2. Macau | Portuguese and English Press Association issues first international press cards for local reporters Macau News Agency 3. EBU members in western balkans make study visit to YLE  EBU 4. International Federations of Journalists slams Kiev for barring media from entering Dombas  United News of India 5.…  
4692. CWA president calls on Canadian Senate to support IFJ convention on safety  

CWA Canada President Martin O’Hanlon addressed the Canadian Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights on 5 December, calling for support for the IFJ-backed draft UN convention on journalists’ safety.  Martin O’Hanlon, President of CWA media union, an IFJ affiliate, was invited to speak about the rights of journalists to the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights, on the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In his statement , delivered on behalf of the IFJ,  O’Hanlon highlighted that “freedom of expression and more specifically, freedom of the press, are under serious threat around the globe (...)”.  He pointed out that attacks and threats on…  
4693. Journalist unions need to adapt to a digital ecosystem  

‘Journalist unions need to adapt to the digital ecosystem and become inclusive to digital media workers to remain strong and relevant’ was one of the key messages from the two day workshop of the union leaders and digital media activists from the Asia pacific region. The meeting held in Bangkok on November 3 and 4, explored the growing issues that unions need to address in order to adapt to the changing media industry and to ensure the protection and regulation of digital media. Despite traditional media currently being accepted as the mainstream, digital media is slowly challenging them with it to soon overtake as the new mainstream media. However one of the more pressing issues mentioned…  
4694. Afghan radio director & owner abducted, driver killed  

Unidentified armed men abducted Engineer Zalmay, director and owner of the Enikass radio and television stations, after killing his driver on December 4 at Jalalabad, Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the abduction; and urges the Afghan authorities to urgently act for the safe recovery of Zalmay. Zalmay was kidnapped at 5 pm during a shopping trip. He was taken by a group of armed men who arrived in an armoured vehicle. His driver was shot and taken to hospital where he later died. The police arrived at the area soon after the incident and…  
4695. TV journalist shot dead in Peshawar, Pakistan  

Noor ul Hassan from Royal News TV was killed and cameraman Sabir was injured on December 3, 2018 in Peshawar of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, northwest Pakistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the killing; and demands the urgent action from the authorities to arrest and punish the perpetrators. Two gunmen on a motorcycle opened fire on a moving car in which the journalists were traveling from Peshawar to Hassan’s hometown Nowshera. The perpetrators were driving a 125cc motorcycle and fired shots from a 9mm pistol and fled the scene. The journalists were taken to a nearby hospital, where Hassan died to…  
4696. Diego García Corona  

The 35-year-old reporter for Morelos, a weekly, was gunned down while driving in Ecatepec, Mexico. According to local press reports, the journalist was shot by two unidentified gunmen who immediately fled the scene after the attack. Journalists' safety, impunity, IFJ  
4697. Africa: IFJ leaders and young activists plan action on recruitment, digital media and communications  

Union leaders and young activists from seven African countries joined forces to discuss the challenges facing journalists in the digital age at a workshop in Namibia. The five-day workshop – held in partnership with the Friedrich – Ebert- Stiftung (FES) in Windhoek– focused on union strategies for improving communication and recruitment in the digital economy. 18 young journalists and union leaders from The Gambia, Ghana, Botswana, Republic of South Africa, Angola, Uganda and Kenya pledged to strengthen their commitment to winning more young members to the unions, particularly among those working in digital media. Central to the workshop was developing skills on…  
4698. Somalia : journalist seriously injured in targeted car bomb attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in strongly condemning the attempt of assassination of journalist Ismail Sheikh Khalifa, who survived after a bomb attached to his car exploded in Mogadishu, on 4th December. The IFJ and NUSOJ have also demanded a full investigation into this criminal act. Ismail Sheikh Khalifa is a veteran radio journalist, working as a freelancer. He is also a media rights activist, Chairman of Human Rights Journalists (HRJ) Ngo and a university lecturer. His vehicle exploded at around 4:00 pm local time in Mogadishu’s Waberi district. According to NUSOJ, an improvised…  
4699. Journalist arrested in India over Facebook video  

Television journalist Kishorchandra Wangkhem was arrested twice and detained for a total of 10 days for a Facebook video criticizing the ruling party, in Imphal, Manipur, India. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in condemning the arrest; and demanding that all charges be dropped immediately. Wangkhem, the former anchor and sub-editor at Information Service Television Network (ISTV), was arrested on November 20 after he posted a video criticising Chief Minister N Biren Singh and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Facebook. The police charged him with sedition, inciting hatred and defamation. However, on November 26, the…  
4700. Proposed encryption bill threat to journalism in Australia  

The proposed encryption legislation in Australia has raised serious concerns about journalism and possible threats. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) have called on the Australian government to address the concerns and make necessary changes. The draft bill proposes three fundamental things: create obligations for what organizations must do to assist law enforcement; create warrants to allow law enforcement to seize information directly from a device; and allow law enforcement to access more data through current warrants. MEAA’s submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security…  
4701. México: asesinan al primer periodista en la nueva gestión de López Obrador  

El cuerpo del comunicador fue identificado con un disparo en la nuca el pasado 2 de diciembre en Nayarit. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo acompaña a su afiliado en méxico, el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) en el reclamo a las autoridades de agotar todas las investigaciones. Se trata del periodista Jesús Alejandro Márquez Jiménez, quien fue asesinado de un balazo el pasado 1 de diciembre e identificado por su familia el día siguiente, en el estado occidental de Nayarit. Su cuerpo fue encontrado en una zona cercana al aeropuerto de  de Tepic. Según la prensa local, el…  
4702. Job opening: Regional Director in Dakar  

The IFJ is seeking to appoint a Regional Director, based in Dakar.   Read full job description and conditions for application here. Closing date for application: 15 December 2018, midnight (Brussels time).  
4703. Job opening: Regional Director in Sydney  

The IFJ is seeking to appoint a Regional Director, based in Sydney.   Read full job description and conditions for application here. Closing date for application: 15 December 2018, midnight (Brussels time). job offer, IFJ, regional director, Asia Pacific, director, press freedom, journalism, unions  
4704. Turkish court upheld prison sentences for 5 journalists  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemn the confirmation of prison sentences for five journalists by the Third Penal Chamber of the İstanbul Regional Court of Justice in Turkey. In the lawsuit filed against five journalists for participating in the Editors-in-Chief on Watch campaign that was launched in solidarity with Özgür Gündem, a Kurdish daily newspaper, which was subsequently banned per the Statutory Decree no. 675, the İstanbul 13th Heavy Penal Court gave its verdict for Ayşe Düzkan, Ragıp Duran, columnists of the newspaper Mehmet Ali Çelebi and Hüseyin Bektaş and…  
4705. Noor ul Hassan  

The journalist for Royal News TV was shot and injured by two gunmen on motorcycle who opened fire on the car he was travelling in with his cameraman Sabir who was also injured, according to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ). The victims were taken to hospital where Hassan later died of his injuries. Journalists' safety, impunity, IFJ  
4706. IFJ joins calls for defamation charges against activists to be dropped in Thailand  

On October 12, the Thai company Thammakaset Co. Ltd., which operated chicken farms in Lopburi Province, filed a defamation complaint at the Bangkok Criminal Court against activist and human rights defender Sutharee Wannasiri. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined calls for the defamation charges to be dropped immediately. On December 3, an international joint statement was issued calling for charges to be dropped, on the same day that the Bangkok Criminal Court is scheduled to hold preliminary hearings on the criminal defamation complaints. The complaints relate to short, 107-second video by Fortify Rights, which was shared on social media by former Fortify Rights…  
4707. Arrest warrant issued for Rappler editor in the Philippines  

Maria Ressa, the editor of Philippine online new outlet, Rappler, returns to the Philippines with a warrant issued for her arrest over tax fraud. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) have condemned the arrest warrant and called for the warrant to be cancelled. In October, the government accounted that they would be charging Ressa and Rappler with five counts of tax fraud. The Department of Justice confirmed last week it was charging Rappler with three counts of failure to file returns, and one count of tax evasion. The charges carry heavy fines and jail sentences of up to 10 years. On Sunday,…  
4708. Jesús Alejandro Márquez Jiménez  

Media reports said that the body of the journalist, who lived in the district of Tuxpan of Western state of Nayarit, was found with gunshot wounds near the state’s capital airport. He had left home on his motorbike after receiving a phone call and was never seen alive again. According to police sources, he was reported missing after he failed to return home. Márquez Jiménez was known for his hard hitting reporting and as a founder of “Orión Informativo” News outlet. Journalists' safety, impunity, Mexico, IFJ  
4709. Ghana: GJA at forefront of fight for right to information law  

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) has joined a nationwide coalition aimed at securing support for the Right to Information (RTI) Bill in the country's Parliament. It will also join other members of OccupyGhana in the Red Friday campaign, during which people will wear red on Friday, November 30, and all Fridays in December, to pressure members of Parliament to vote in favor of the Right to Information (RTI) bill.  The GJA has also called on media organizations to give coverage to the movement until members of Parliament take action. For the GJA it is “a worthy cause for the prompt passage of a bill that is long overdue”. It has been more than twenty years since the…  
4710. G-20: Alto a la Impunidad. No seas cómplice de los crímenes contra periodistas  

En el marco de la cumbre del G-20 que tiene lugar el 29 y 30 de noviembre en Argentina, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas y la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y Caribe (FEPALC) expresan su firme condena a los continuos ataques contra periodistas perpetrados en dichos países. La FIP/FEPALC, ven con especial preocupación la presencia en dicha cita mundial del Príncipe heredero del Reino de Arabia Saudita, Mohamed Bin Salman, acusado de instigar el secuestro, tortura y asesinato de Jamal Khashoggi, en el consulado de ese país en Estambul, Turquía. Dicho crimen debe ser condenado inequívocamente por los mandatarios reunidos en Buenos…  
4711. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 24 of November to Friday 30 of November. 1. 64 % des femmes journalistes ont déjà été cyberharcelées Numerama  2. Cyber-harcèlement des journalistes: les femmes aux premières loges RTBF  3. Tunisia civil society protests upcoming visit of Saudi crown prince MbS Daily Sabah Africa 4. À Tunis, des manifestants dénoncent la visite du prince saoudien MBS France 24 5. Campagne…  
4712. Hungary: new pro-government media conglomerate threatens pluralism  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliates in Hungary, HPU and MUOSZ, in calling on Hungarian authorities to obstruct the formation of a huge media conglomerate that questions media pluralism. The owners of a majority of Hungary’s pro-government media outlets said Wednesday they are donating their companies to a foundation, the “Central European Press and Media Foundation”. This new right-wing media conglomerate will include cable news channels, online news portals, tabloid and sports newspapers and all of Hungary’s county newspapers, several radio stations and numerous magazines. Among the media companies to be…  
4713. RDC : former des journalistes en période électorale  

Dans le cadre du projet “Couverture des élections et sécurité en République démocratique du Congo”, 181 journalistes de dix régions considérées comme "très sensibles" ont participé aux ateliers organisés avant le début de la campagne présidentielle de 2018,  à l’approche des élections du 23 décembre. Le projet “Couverture des élections et sécurité en République démocratique du Congo” a vu le jour grâce au soutien financier de Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI) et de l’appui technique et humain des autres partenaires de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) : son affiliée belge…  
4714. Nepali editor arrested over political reporting  

Nepal Police arrested Gopal Chand, the editor of an online news portal postpati.com, on November 27 under a cyber law for publishing news about a co-chairman of the ruling party. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in expressing concerns over the arrest; and demands immediate release of Chand. Editor Chand was arrested from Manamaiju, Kathmandu by the Central Intelligence Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police after the online published a news that a local in Chitwan district attempted to attack former Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, also co-chairman of the ruling Nepal Communist Party, during a…  
4715. Renowned Chinese photojournalist detained by authorities  

Award-winning Chinese photojournalist, Lu Guang has been located in police custody after he went missing on November 3, during a trip to Xinjiang in China. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for the authorities to immediately disclose Lu’s whereabouts, and release him. Lu Guang, a US permanent resident and Chinese national arrived in Urumqi, Xinjiang on October 23, where he was meeting local photographers. According to VOA, Lu’s last contact with his family was on November 3. A few days later his wife learned that he was in custody by local authorities. No official statement on Lu’s whereabouts or detention has been released by authorities. Lu Guang…  
4716. Journalists assaulted outside Sri Lankan court  

Several journalists were assaulted while covering the court appearance of the Chief of Defense Staff Ravindra Wijegunaratne at the Fort Magistrate’s Court, Colombo, Sri Lanka on November 28. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka in strongly condemning the attack on the journalists; and demands immediate action by the authorities to arrest and punish the attackers. Several photojournalists and cameramen who were at the court to cover the case were attacked by several men who arrived on motorcycles. The journalists were also threatened by the group not to record or take photographs of Wijegunarathne. Indika Handuwala, a…  
4717. Vives tensions politiques en RDC : un autre journaliste emprisonné  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et ses affiliés, l'Union nationale de la presse du Congo (UNPC) et le Syndicat national des professionnels de la presse (SNPP) condamnent fermement les attaques contre la presse et l’emprisonnement de plusieurs journalistes en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) ces dernières semaines. La FIJ, première organisation mondiale avec 600.000 membres dans le monde, exige du gouvernement le respect de la liberté d’expression. Peter Tiani est le directeur du magazine d’informations télévision « Le vrai Journal », en République démocratique du Congo. Il est accusé de  «diffamation,…  
4718. High Court halts Press Trust of India’s mass layoff  

The Delhi High Court passed an order on November 27 halting the retrenchment of 297 employees of the Press Trust of India (PTI). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) and the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in welcoming the court order and congratulating the Federation of the PTI Employees Union for their struggle for labor rights. Justice C Hari Shankar passed the order on the petition filed by the Federation of PTI Employees Union saying the ‘arbitrary policy of the management didn’t follow the rules of retrenchment’. The PTI, the largest news agency in India incorporated in 1947, had laid off 297…  
4719. México: balean a un periodista en Veracruz  

Un periodista fue baleado en la puerta de su casa la noche del 23 de noviembre en Veracruz, cuando llegaba a su hogar. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, condena esta arremetida contra la libertad de expresión y exhorta a las autoridades a iniciar una investigación que determine a lxs responsables. Se trata de Rodrigo Acuña, director del sitio informativo Diario de Tepetzintla y colaborador de La Voz de Tantocuya, quien fue atacado mientras regresaba a su casa, en Veracruz. Estaba acompañado de su hijo de un año, que resultó ileso, cuando dos personas no…  
4720. Malaysia: Serious concerns over delayed salaries at Utusan  

Journalists and media workers at Malaysian newspaper Utusan have had their wages paid late, raising concerns over the financial stability of the newspaper. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists, Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) have called on management to ensure all salaries and benefits are paid on time. In September 2018, it was reported that staff salaries at Utusan were going to be delayed for the second consecutive month due to ‘unforeseen circumstances’. In a staff circular, September salaries were due to be paid by October 7. This came after salaries for executives in August were delayed. In an attempt to…  
4721. Perú: a 30 años del asesinato del periodista Hugo Bustíos, la FIP exige justicia  

Este 24 de noviembre se cumplen 30 años del asesinato del periodista Hugo Bustíos Saavedra, quien fue asesinado en 1988 mientras realizaba el ejercicio de su profesión. Se trata de un caso emblemático en la batalla de lxs periodistas contra la impunidad. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, demanda una vez más justicia a las autoridades peruanas. El periodista Hugo Bustíos fue asesinado el 24 de noviembre de 1988 durante la cobertura de un conflicto armado, donde según indican testigos, fue atacado a disparos por militares de la Base Contrasubversiva de Castrompampa, Ayacucho. Este…  
4722. Raed Fares, Hamoud Jneed  

Media reports said that Raed Fares, a presenter at Radio Fresh which he founded was gunned down along with Jneed who worked as a photographer at the station. They were shot by unidentified attackers as they left the station. Journalists' safety, impunity, IFJ  
4723. IFJ global survey shows massive impact of online abuse on women journalists  

Almost two-thirds of women journalists have been subjected to online abuse according to a new survey published today. Ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls (25 November), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has published the preliminary results of its global survey on online harassment of women journalists. The findings show that 64% of female respondents have experienced online abuse. The online harassment takes various forms including death or rape threats, insults, the devaluation of work, sexist comments, being sent obscene images, cyberbullying, cyberstalking and account impersonation. Among those who suffered online…  
4724. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 17 of November to Friday 23 of November. 1. Une délégation de la Fédération internationale des journalistes, en visite à Ramallah APS news 2. Territoires palestiniens occupés: des journalistes internationaux malmenés RFI 3. International Federation of Journalists demands answers after Israeli attack on leaders Wafa 4. IFJ demands answers after Israeli attacks on leaders Red Paper 5. IFJ condemns Israeli attacks on…  
4725. IFJ Blog: Nine years on: When will there be justice?  

Today marks nine years since the single deadliest attack on journalists. On November 23, 2009, 32 journalists were among 58 people brutally massacred in Mindanao in the southern Philippines. Since the Ampatuan Massacre, over 100 people have been charged, but not a single person has been prosecuted for the murders. Nonoy Espina, chairperson of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines asks when the anniversary will be a date to celebrate justice for the victim's families. “When will we – will we ever – gather not in mourning and rage, but in celebration?” This was the thought that crossed my mind as I watched vans unloading more than 200 people - officers…  
4726. IFJ Executive reinforces calls for international action to hold Saudi government accountable for Khashoggi murder  

The Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has repeated its strong condemnation of the gruesome murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, on 2 October 2018 by Saudi government operatives. Meeting in Ramallah, Palestine, the IFJ’s governing body denounced the attempts by senior officials of Saudi government to initially deny Khashoggi’s whereabouts to cover up his murder. IFJ Executive Committee members stressed that this “sickening murder of a critical journalist will set a dangerous precedence - if the full truth about this murder is not uncovered and all those who ordered and carried out this…  
4727. Palestine: IFJ welcomes collective agreement strengthening safety of journalists in public media  

The IFJ welcomes the signing of a collective agreement on the safety of journalists between the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) and the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (PBC). The agreement was signed on Monday 19th November by Minister Ahmad Assaf, supervisor of public media in Palestine, and Nasser Abu Baker, President of the PJS, and witnessed by Younes M’jahed, Senior Vice President of the IFJ. The preamble of the agreement emphasizes the importance of protecting freedom of expression for a democratic society, the value of public service broadcasting and stresses the need to guarantee journalists' social and professional rights as the foundation for media…  
4728. #DontTroll testimonies : Laura Crespo (España)  

Laura Crespo (24) es una joven periodista española que sufrió el acoso en redes por parte de un troll por su interés y cobertura periodística del fútbol femenino. "Al principio recibía comentarios despreciando al fútbol femenino en general, diciendo que las chicas que íbamos a verlo o lo cubríamos a nivel periodístico deberíamos financiarlo, que era algo que le daba igual a todo el mundo, que las mujeres no sabían jugar al fútbol... Después eso pasó a insultarme directamente, desde "gilipollas", "imbécil", "feminazi" a "puta" y "golfa", además de buscar en el apartado multimedia de mi cuenta de Twitter…  
4729. #DontTroll testimonies : Myriam Leroy (Belgique)  

Myriam Leroy est journaliste freelance et auteure belge. Il a quelques années, elle a été victime de cyberharcèlement, recevant un torrent d'insultes extrêmement violentes, des menaces de viols et de morts par milliers sur les réseaux sociaux. Aujourd'hui, elle poursuit son combat en justice. " Le harcèlement, en ce qui me concerne en tant que femme journaliste, c'est tout le temps, sous toutes les formes. Ainsi, j'ai porté plainte il y a deux ans contre un homme qui, entre autres agissements, me bombarde d'insultes à caractère sexiste depuis 2012. Depuis, j'attends des nouvelles de la justice, qui a manifestement autre chose à faire. Mais j'ai…  
4730. #DontTroll testimonies : Julie Hainaut (France)  

Julie Hainaut est une journaliste française qui travaille en freelance. Elle a été insultée, menacée de viol et de mort, pour avoir rapporté les propos choquants de propriétaires d'un bar sur l'époque coloniale. Elle raconte son combat. "En septembre 2017, suite à un article dénonçant les propos plus que choquants de deux patrons de bar sur la colonisation, un site néo-nazi se déclarant ouvertement « le site le plus raciste de la fachosphère » a publié 3 articles sur moi avec photos volées, insultes sexistes, racistes, diffamatoires, xénophobes… illustrés de photos sur l’esclavage et de gifs…  
4731. #DontTroll testimonies : Noelia Díaz Esquivel (Paraguay)  

Noelia Díaz Esquivel (38) es periodista de televisión en Paraguay y secretaria general del Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay. Ha sido y sigue siendo acosada en las redes por su actividad periodística y su defensa del feminismo. "Desde hace varios meses, ante mis posicionamientos políticos feministas y sindicales, vengo siendo atcada a través de redes sociales no solo por parte de perfiles falsos y no falsos sino además por colegas periodistas radicalizados/as, la mayoría hombres, que abiertamente en contra el feminismo se hacen eco de los hostigamientos de los cuales soy víctima para venderlo morbosamente en sus programas de radio, televisión y…  
4732. #DontTroll testimonies : Florence Hainaut (Belgique)  

Florence Hainaut est une journaliste belge travaillant aujourd'hui en freelance. Figure célèbre du petit écran belge, elle a été victime de cyber harcèlement. Elle raconte ce qu'elle a vécu et comment elle continue sa lutte, aujourd'hui, contre le harcèlement en ligne des femmes. " Le tout premier harcèlement dont je me souviens, c’était en 2008. Je présentais des journaux radio, un auditeur s’est pris pour moi d’une passion malsaine qui a viré à la haine. Il contactait entre autres des collègues chez qui il pensait sentir le même genre de sentiments. Je leur ai demandé de le bloquer. L’un a refusé : « ça me fait rire ». Une autre m’a demandé pourquoi, à la base, je lui avais…  
4733. Press freedom and journalist safety under threat in Sri Lanka  

Sri Lanka’s government has transferred police inspector Nishantha Silva, who was investigating several major investigations into attacks on journalists during former president Mahinda Rajapaksha’s tenure out of the Criminal Investigation Department with immediate effect raising concerns about the future of his investigations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) in expressing serious concerns over the events that threaten press freedom, justice and labor rights movement amid the political crisis after the appointment of Rajapaksha as prime minister. Silva was the chief investigator on several major…  
4734. China’s online crackdown continues with Twitter, Weibo and Wechat shutdowns  

The Chinese Government’s online crackdown has continued with the shutdown of thousands of social media accounts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has voice strong concerns for freedom of expression in China with this latest crackdown by the Government. According to Hong Kong Free Press (HKFP) activists in China have been pressured by police to delete sensitive tweets, and in other instances there have been reports of the authorities gaining access to accounts and shutting them down. HKFP reported that Yaxue Cao, founder of the human rights site, China Change, was referring to the action as a ‘silent slaughter’. On November 17, China Change reported that the…  
4735. Financial journalists jailed for spreading ‘rumours’ in China  

Zou Guangxiang and Liu Chengkun were sentenced to one year and eight months in jail respectively for defamation and causing a disturbance in Inner Mongolia on October 25, 2018. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly criticized the ruling and demanding the immediate release of the two journalists. Zou and Liu, financial journalists from Inner Mongolia in China’s northeast, were arrested in Hohhot earlier this year. Zou was arrested from his home on March 28, two days after he published an article on his personal financial blog Guangxiang Caijiang about Pan Gang, the director of Yili Group, which said that Pan was suspected of running the business remotely…  
4736. Non-Chinese accredited media blocked from APEC meetings  

During the APEC Summit that was held in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea between November 12 to 18, 2018 accredited non-Chinese media were barred from covering several meetings. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticized the move by Chinese officials, who blocked several local journalists from covering China’s President Xi Jinping’s meeting with Pacific leaders. President Xi Jinping held a forum with leaders from several Pacific nations including, Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, Niue, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu and PNG, as part of the APEC Summit. According to Reuters several accredited journalists had their media access barred by Chinese officials, citing space and…  
4737. IFJ demands answer after Israeli attack on leaders  

IFJ leaders came under a tear gas attack today after Israeli soldiers fired on a peaceful assembly demanding the right to freedom of movement for Palestinian journalists. One member of the IFJ's Executive Committee was injured after being hit on the shoulder and many others were left choking after the attack.In an open letter to the Israeli Prime Minister, the IFJ - whose Executive Committee is meeting in Ramallah - has demanded an urgent response to the unprovoked attack on the peaceful demonstration in support of the rights of Palestinian journalists.In the letter, copied to the United Nations and Unesco, the IFJ leadership said:After having held a brief press conference the…  
4738. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 10 of November to Friday 16 of November. 1. City Law School academic authors UN Draft Convention on the Safety and Independence of Journalists and other Media Professionals City University of London 2. La CNN demanda a Donald Trump y a la Casa Blanca por retirar la acreditación al periodista Jim Acosta El Mundo  3. CNN demanda a Trump por retirar acreditación a periodista Publinews 4. La FAPE y la FESP piden al Gobierno respaldar en la ONU…  
4739. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: NOVEMBER  

Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on December 15, 2018, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know about your activities; to seek solidarity and support from SAMSN members for your campaigns and initiatives. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] Please feel free to distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. This e-bulletin and South Asia related content are available at the SAMSN Digital Hub: https://samsn.ifj.org                           …  
4740. Gaza : Israeli air strikes destroy TV building  

Al-Aqsa, a television station in Gaza linked to Hamas, was destroyed on Monday 12 November after a series of targeted airstrikes by Israeli forces.The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) in condemning this latest Israeli attack on media houses and journalists in Palestinian territories. The strike came after further violence between Israeli and Hamas  forces in Gaza. No casualties or injured media workers have been reported. Workers were believed to have evacuated after Israeli forces fired a series of warning shots. Hamas confirmed that the building was entirely destroyed and vowed to respond. The military…  
4741. Nepal government withholds Cabinet decisions from the media  

Nepal government withheld the decisions of the meeting of the Council of Ministers from the media on November 11. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in expressing concerns over the denial to access to information and urges Nepal government to provide information about its decisions as soon as conclusion of the meeting. Nepal Government’s spokesperson and Minister for Communication and Information Technology Gokul Prasad Baskota on November 11 told the media that ‘the decisions will be known in due time’ and didn’t read out the decisions breaking a long…  
4742. Independence concerns grow for Australia’s public broadcaster  

Following the dismissal of Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) managing director and the resignation of the chairman in September 2018, concerns about the future of the ABC and political interference have continued to grow. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) have called for an overhaul of the ABC board and management processes to ensure editorial independence and freedom from political interference. Concerns and allegations of political interference have been raised against the former ABC chairman Justin Milne. They were again raised in a report on ABC’s Four Corners program on Monday, November…  
4743. Journalist attacked and injured in West Nepal  

A dozen cadres of ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) attacked journalist Lokendra Khanal of Nagarik daily in Rukum distrist in west Nepal on November 9. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in condemning the attack on Khanal and demands immediate action against the perpetrators. Lokendra Khanal was attacked by a dozen assailants with knives while on his way to a religious ceremony at Magma of Bafiyakot in Rukum on the evening of November 9. Khanal, also the secretary of district chapter of NPU, sustained injuries to his head and needed a few stitches during treatment. Police has…  
4744. Unions launch new regional group to fight for free and independent journalism  

Journalists unions across the Mediterranean and Black Sea region have launched a new group – Med-Solidaire - to build solidarity and a stronger voice for journalists in the fight for free and independent journalism. 21 unions and associations of journalists from 16 countries met in Athens to discuss the growing threat to journalists and journalism across the region from 4-6 November. Delegates adopted a strong declaration rejecting the politics of division, manipulation and intolerance and committing themselves to campaigning to rebuild trust in journalism and sustain journalism as a common good. The meeting, organised by the IFJ’s Greek affiliates JUADN and ESPIT, discussed the…  
4745. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 3rd of November to Friday 9th of November. 1. End impunity for crimes against journos: FNJ The Himalayan Times 2. Dozens attend vigil for Jamal Khashoggi outside Saudi embassy The Irish Times 3. Our leaders must stop killers of journalists acting with impunity The Guardian  4. Ending impunity for crimes against journalists SBS news 5. Southeast Asian journalists flag culture of impunity Business World 6. Les assassinats de journalistes restent…  
4746. Cameroun : la liberté de la presse est menacée  

MIS A JOUR 13.11.18 Journaliste anglophone reconnue de la télévision camerounaise, Mimi Mefo est accusée d’avoir publié de fausses informations sur les affrontements entre l’armée et les séparatistes. Arrêtée mercredi 7 novembre, elle doit être jugée par un tribunal militaire lundi 12 novembre pour “atteinte à la sûreté de l’Etat”. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession, se joint à son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes camerounais (SNJC) en dénonçant son arrestation et demande à ce qu’elle soit immédiatement libérée. Mimi Mefo est la rédactrice en chef adjointe et présentatrice vedette de Equinoxe…  
4747. Argentina: alerta por despidos en Canal 9  

La empresa a cargo presentó un preventivo de crisis para despedir a 167 trabajadorxs y el pago de 50% de las indemnizaciones. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo se declara en alerta ante esta arremetida contra lxs trabajadorxs de prensa del canal Telearte S.A, la empresa mexicana a cargo de Canal 9 anunció el despido de 167 trabajadorxs amparado por un procedimiento preventivo de crisis. También anunció que pagará las indemnizaciones al 50% y el congelamiento de sueldos de aquellxs trabajadorxs que no sean despedidxs. La prensa local informa que el plan presentado…  
4748. Algérie : Vague d’arrestations de journalistes sur fond d’élection présidentielle  

MISE à JOUR 09.11.18 La vague d'arrestations qui s'est abattue sur la presse en ligne depuis le 22 octobre soulève l'indignation de la communauté internationale des journalistes. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), représentant 600000 journalistes dans 146 pays du monde, exige la libération immédiate de ses confrères et davantage de sécurité dans un pays où l'approche de l’élection présidentielle en 2019 laisse planer de sérieux doutes sur la liberté d'informer. Adlène Mellah, directeur des sites d'information Dzair Presse et Algérie Direct a été arrêté le 22 octobre, pendant la Journée nationale de la presse en…  
4749. Journalism Under Threat: IFJ & SEAJU launch research on impunity  

In South East Asia, one in two journalists have felt insecure because of their work, in the past year. Today, on International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) launch the preliminary findings into the IFJ-SEAJU survey on journalist safety & working conditions, and call on governments to talk immediate action to guarantee safety for the media. At the IFJ-SEAJU meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, findings from a survey of almost 1,000 journalists in South East Asia revealed that the single biggest threat to the safety and security of journalists at work are working conditions. The…  
4750. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: November  

Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on December 1, 2018 and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific  Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific  Join the IFJ Asia-Pacific mailing list here    In this bulletin: IFJ marks #IDEI calling for change and action India: two journalists killed in last than 24 hours Good news story: Japanese journalist abducted in Syria, released Political crisis in Sri Lanka raises concerns…  
4751. IFJ Blog: No Press Freedom in Myanmar  

Press freedom is derived from the fundamental human right to freedom of expression and is the foundation of a free and democratic society. Writes Latt Latt Soe - Myanmar journalist and former executive member of the Myanmar Journalists Association Press freedom is important for everyone. The media is the largest source of information needed for personal development, good governance, and the protection, promotion and exercise of all human rights. As such, an attack on press freedom is far more than an attack on a journalist. It is an attack on the journalist’s entire audience, and on everyone’s right to information. All UN member states including Myanmar have committed to…  
4752. Brasil: La FIP se declara en alerta tras amenazas a la prensa de Jair Bolsonaro  

El presidente electo amenazó con retirarle la publicidad oficial al diario Folha de Sao Paulo por comentar en su contra. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, se declara en alerta tras esta arremetida contra la libertad de expresión y la pluralidad de voces. El reciente mandatario electo, Jair Bolsonaro,  en una entrevista con el noticiero Jornal Nacional, se mostró irritado con el periódico Folha de Sao Paulo, tras acusarlo de divulgar información falsa en su contra. Cuando se le preguntó sobre este tema, el futuro representante respondió: “La prensa…  
4753. Global coalition backs campaign for UN action on impunity  

Journalists groups, editors, media owners and press freedom campaigners will join forces on 2 November to demand urgent action by the United Nations to tackle impunity for crimes against journalists. With figures showing the number of killings of journalists rising in comparison to the same period last year and impunity in 9 out of 10 cases, the unprecedented coalition of professional journalists’ organisations is calling on UN member states to back media industry demands for a convention on the protection of journalists. Representatives of the International Federation of Journalists, the World Association of Newspapers (WAN-IFRA), the European Broadcasting Union and UNI-MEI, the…  
4754. SEAJU calls for criminal case against journalists to be dropped  

Indonesialeaks, an online collaborative whistleblower platform, has been accused of publishing a non-credible report and one of the founders, president of the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) has had a criminal case brought against him. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) have condemned the criminal case and called for it to be dropped immediately. In early October, several Indonesian media outlets including Tempo.Co, KBR, Suara, Independen.id and Jaring published investigative reports following on from a collaborative report from Indonesialeaks, which according to the Jakarta Post reported that two former Corruption…  
4755. India: Two journalists killed in separate attacks in less than 24 hours  

In less than 24 hours, two journalists have been killed in attacks in Chhattisgargh and Jharkhand, India. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists, India (NUJI) and the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) have condemned the murders and demand immediate action from the Indian government to end the culture of impunity and violence against media workers. On October 30, videojournalist Achyutananda Sahu was killed as he covering preparations for upcoming state elections in Chhattisgargh. Sahu was part of a media team from government-run Doordarshan, embedded with local police. He was killed from crossfire when the group came under attack…  
4756. Achyutananda Sahu, Chandan Tiwari  

The cameraman for government-run Doordarshan was killed as he was covering the campaign for upcoming state elections in Chhattisgargh. Sahu was part of a media team embedded with local police when the group came under attack by a Maoist militant group. He died in the crossfire while his two Doordarshan colleagues were uninjured in the attack. In a separate incident, Chandan Tiwari, a journalist with Aaj News was last seen on Monday, October 29 in the Chatra district of Jharkhand. Early on Tuesday, Tiwari was found unconscious in the jungle, with injuries from blunt objects. He was  rushed to hospital where he was declared deceased. According to investigations Tiwari had lodged two…  
4757. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday 27th of October to Friday 2nd of November. 1. Foreign journalist intimidated in Sri Lanka Tamil Guardian 2. India Listed Yet Again Among World's Worst for Unsolved Journalist Murders The Wire 3. For crying out loud, the US isn't more dangerous for journalists than Russia Washington Examiner 4. Wan-Ifra connects with consortium for protection of media professionals Biz Community 5. Take appropriate stepsto protect journalists The…  
4758. UK: MPs call on government to back IFJ Convention  

A group of 21 British MPs are the latest to back the IFJ’s call for a UN Convention on the protection of journalists. UPDATE: 27 MPs are now backing the motion The MPs, from across the political spectrum, have tabled a motion in the UK parliament calling on the government to provide full support for the Convention which seeks to combat impunity and provide greater safety and security to journalists. The motion recognizes that “the killing of journalists is a global problem, with an average of two such deaths every week…that UNESCO has reported that just one in 10 killings of journalists results in a successful prosecution; asserts that there is an unacceptable international…  
4759. Concerns for media safety in Sri Lanka amid political crisis  

Newsrooms of the state-owned media in Sri Lanka were targeted and editorial staff harassed following the controversial appointment of former president Mahinda Rajapaksha as the new Prime Minister by President Maithripala Sirisena on October 26, 2018. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) to expressing serious concerns over the implications of ongoing political situation on media and journalists; and urges all to uphold press freedom, editorial independence and journalists’ rights. After Mahinda Rajapaksha was sworn-in on October 26, members of the unions loyal to Rajapaksha’s Sri Lanka Podujana…  
4760. Japanese journalist abducted in Syria released and returns home  

Japanese journalist Jumpei Yasuda was released, three years after he was abducted in Syria. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Japan Federation of Newspaper workers' Unions, Shimbunroren and Nipporo (Labour Union of Japan public broadcasting company) in welcoming the release of Mr Yasuda and calling on the Japanese people to welcome him home safely. Jumpei Yasuda was abducted in June 2015, after travelling from Turkey to Syria to report on the country’s civil war. According to BBC, Yasuda was held by the al-Qaeda-linked group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which was once known as al-Nusra Front. He was released on Wednesday, October 24 and arrived back…  
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