15060 results:

6581. Indradev Yadav  

The 35-year-old television journalist based in Chatra of Jharkhand state was shot dead by unidentified people near his home while he was on his motorcycle. The assailants fired at least five shots, two of which hit him killing him immediately. Yadav, also known as Akhilesh Pratap Yadav, was the local correspondent for Taaza TV, a Hindi news channel based in Kolkota. Originally from Bihar state, Yadav had settled down in Jharkhand working as a journalist for five years and was known for his critical reporting on corruption. He is survived by his wife and two children.  
6582. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 6th to Friday 13th May: 1. Timor Leste's Prime Minister Isn't Backing Down on His Defamation Lawsuit Against Two Journalists 2. Pakistani journalists fight for their right to free speech 3. Entretien avec Anthony Bellanger : ''L'Algérie a payé un très lourd tribut pour la liberté de la presse'' 4. Media matters in ways more than one 5. Is free expression on internet shrinking in Nepal? 6. La Federación de Sindicatos de Periodistas sale en defensa de la propuesta de Podemos sobre…  
6583. Critical television journalist shot dead in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in deploring the murder of a television journalist in Chatra of Jharkhand state in India on Thursday, May 12. The IFJ demands urgent action from the authorities to find those responsible and bring them to justice. Indradev Yadav, also known as Akhilesh Pratap Yadav, was shot dead by unidentified people near his home while he was on his motorcycle. Yadav, 35, was local correspondent for Taaza TV, a Hindi news channel based in Kolkota. The assailants fired at least five shots at Yadav, two of which hit him killing him immediately.   Originally from Bihar state, Yadav had…  
6584. Ukraine: Journalists’ security threatened by publication of personal details  

A Ukrainian organisation working on national security published thousands of personal details of journalists on its website on 7 May claiming the journalists had accreditation with pro-Russian separatists in the eastern Ukraine. It further accused them of ‘co-operating with terrorist organisations’ and violating Ukraine law. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) back their Ukrainian affiliates the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) in denouncing this leak which endangers journalists’ safety and urge the Ukrainian government to bring those responsible to justice. The private contact details…  
6585. Yemen: detained journalists on hunger strike  

Ten journalists detained by the Houthis began a hunger strike on 9 May to protest against their maltreatment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of journalists, backed its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in calling for their immediate release and condemned the continuous harassment of journalists. Taoufik el Mansoury, Hasan Anab, Akaram am waledy, Essam belghayth, Hareth Hamid, haytham Shehab, Hesham Al youssify, Hesham tarmoum, Salah al Qaady and Abdelkhalek Omran have been detained by the Houthis in al Habra prison in Yemen’s capital Sana'a for over a year. Their families informed YJS that they began a hunger strike on…  
6586. ​Khurram Zaki  

The 40-year-old editor of the website Let Us Build Pakistan was gunned down in a restaurant in Karachi by four unidentified gunmen riding motorcycles. Zaki's friend, who he was having dinner with and an innocent bystander were also injured in the attack. The website Let Us Build Pakistan promotes “a progressive, inclusive and democratic Pakistan.” Previously, Zaki had worked as current affairs editor for News One TV and was responsible for infotainment and religious programming.  
6587. Syria: Three Spanish journalists released after almost a year in captivity  

Spanish journalists Antonio Pampliega, Jose Manuel Lopez and Angel Sastre were released on May 8 after being kidnapped by the Al-Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda, in Aleppo (northern Syria) last 12 of July. The International and European Federations of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), representing 600,000 journalists worldwide, have joined their Spanish affiliates - FAPE, FeSP, Comisiones Obreras and ELA-Gizalan - in welcoming the good news. Both Federations have also called for all other journalists held captive to be released, as well as backing calls for press freedom to be respected and security guaranteed for reporters still working in the…  
6588. Indian journalist dies in suspicious circumstances  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists - India (NUJI) in demanding investigations into the death of a journalist in suspicious circumstances in Faridabad, Harayana. The IFJ calls on the government to ensure a transparent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the journalist’s death. Pooja Tiwari, 28-year-old journalist working for DNA’s local online news portal, died after falling from fifth floor of her apartment on May 1. Originally from Madhya Pradesh, Tiwari lived alone in the apartment, however on the day of her death; her partner Harayana Police Inspector Amit Kumar and her friend Amreen Khan were with her in…  
6589. Journalist and activist brutally murdered in Karachi, Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in deploring the murder of a journalist and human rights activist, in Karachi on Saturday, May 7. The IFJ demands an immediate investigate into the brutal murder. Khurram Zaki, 40, was gunned down in a restaurant in Karachi by four unidentified gunmen riding motorcycles on Saturday evening. Zaki's friend, who he was having dinner with and an innocent bystander were also injured in the attack. Zaki was an editor of the website Let Us Build Pakistan, which promotes “a progressive, inclusive and democratic Pakistan.” In his previous role, he was a former head of…  
6590. Turkey: Unacceptable verdict and assassination attempt threaten free press  

The International and European Federations of Journalist (IFJ/EFJ) have strongly condemned the assassination attempt on 6 May in Istanbul against journalist Can Dündar (editor-in-chief of Cumhuriyet daily newspaper) and the jail sentences of 5 years and 10 months for Can Dündar and 5 years for Erdem Gül for procuring, revealing and publishing state secrets. Cumhuriyet published footage in May 2015 that showed Turkey’s state intelligence agency ferrying weapons into Syria in 2014. The journalists have since been accused of revealing state secrets. The Federations criticised the "unacceptable" verdict which is in contradiction to Turkey’s Constitutional Court ruling and call on…  
6592. SEAJU criticises attack on media during press freedom event in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) express strong concern over the dispersal by police of the World Press Freedom Day commemoration in Yogyakarta, Indonesia by our member-union and fellow affiliate in the International Federation of Journalists, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI). According to reports, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI), Yogyakarta organized a World Press Freedom Day rally on Tuesday, May 3, which included showing the movie Pulau Buru Tanah Air Beta ( Buru Island My Motherland ), directed by Rahung Nasution. According to the Jakarta Post, the police intervened in the event after they were pressured by…  
6593. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 29th April to Friday 6th May: 1. Iraq bans Al Jazeera 2. Iraq shuts Al Jazeera's operations for inciting 'violence and sectarianism' 3. International Labour Urges Tehran To Set Unionists Free 4. Israel Holding 10 Palestinian Journalists, Six of Them Without Charges 5. Pakistan fourth most dangerous country for journalists 6. Free Press a Casualty of Pakistan's Terror War 7. World Press Freedom Day and challenges for today’s journalism 8. World Press Freedom Day, urges the right…  
6594. Harassment and arrest of Pakistani journalists strongly criticised  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the arrest of journalists in Pakistan by local police. The IFJ demands immediate withdrawal of all the false cases against journalists and assurance of the safe and secure working situation. On April 29, Iqrarul Hasan, the host of popular program Sar e-Aam on ARY TV and his colleague, Kamran Farooqui were arrested on orders of the Sindh Home Minister, Sohail Anwar Siyal, after they entered the Sindh Assembly with a pistol and presented it to the speaker, highlighting poor security. Hassan was released after 24 hours in custody, but Farooqui was held in…  
6595. Colombia: FECOLPER alerta sobre un aumento de violencia y censura  

Con motivo de reflexión en el Día de la Libertad de Prensa el pasado 3 de mayo, la Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER), afiliada de la FIP, presentó un informe que permite evaluar la situación actual del país y realizar un análisis más profundo de la realidad a partir de la caracterización de la violencia contra los periodistas en los primeros cuatro meses que transcurrieron del año 2016. Lamentablemente, resulta necesario resaltar que no sólo se han consolidado y aumentado los hechos de violencia desde el 2015, sino que se han expresado a través de nuevas formas que el pasado año no se habían registrado. En un contexto nacional donde “se ha abierto un debate público sobre el…  
6596. New ‘Companies Registry’ regulation impedes press freedom in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in raising serious concerns about the new regulation for online search functions introduced by the Companies Registry of Hong Kong. The IFJ calls for the regulation to be revoked. According to Ming Pao the Companies Registry of Hong Kong changed the requirement for all companies if they want to make a company search from the online service. Under the new regulations, companies must select one of six options, outlining the reason for the user to search the information regarding the company. Without making the selection, users cannot continue with the search, however none of…  
6597. Call for solidarity as attacks on Egyptian journalists rise  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has hit out at an outrageous and unacceptable attack by the Egyptian authorities on media and union rights as journalists in Cairo meet today in a special assembly to plan their response. The move follows an unprecedented attack by the police on the headquarters of the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS) – and the arrest of two of its members. Omar Badr and Mahmoud al Saqa were seized on 2 May after being accused by the Government of a range of charges including incitement. The EJS has demanded their immediate release – a call backed by journalists unions across the Arab world at an IFJ-organised World Press Freedom Day…  
6598. Morocco: Regional conference adopts Arab Declaration for media freedom  

Journalists unions, human rights campaigners and media groups from across the Arab World today backed a groundbreaking Declaration on media freedom. The Declaration - a clear commitment to the principles of media freedom, independent journalism and the right to information - was overwhelmingly adopted at a meeting hosted by the International Federation of Journalists and the Moroccan journalists union (SNPM) in Casablanca, and supported by a cluster of institutions including UNESCO, the government of Norway, the FES, Union to Union and EU-funded MedMedia programme. The Arab version is available here. The meeting also backed plans to establish a Special Mechanism for Media Freedom…  
6599. Safety Tops List of Press Freedom Violations in IFJ New Survey  

No hiding place for those who violate media freedom To mark World Press Freedom Day 2016, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today released its first  
6600. World Press Freedom Day initiatives around the world  

Check out the activities the IFJ and its affiliates are carrying out to mark this year's World Press Freedom Day Australia The MEAA, along with the IFJ AP and the Walkley Foundation will host the annual Press Freedom Dinner on May 6. The event is important to raise much-needed funds for the Media Safety & Solidarity Fund (MSSF) which supports activities across the Asia-Pacific. Burkina Faso AJB organises a football tournament for media professionals on May 2 and a panel discussion on May 3 on the topic "la presse burkinabè face au renouveau démocratique". Cambodia CAPJ, with UNESCO's office in Cambodia and other local press associations,…  
6601. No hiding place for those who violate media freedom  

In the framework of the World Press Freedom Day on 3 May, journalists unions across the world have demanded that “there must be no hiding place for those who attack journalists or undermine media freedom”. Launching a major new survey of press freedom violations in over 20 countries around the world, International Federation of Journalists President Jim Boumelha also pledged an ”unwavering commitment to pursue all those who intimidate, threaten or attack our colleagues, our rights and our freedoms”. The survey – published on World Press Freedom Day by the IFJ which represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries – exposes the state of abuses of media freedom and journalists’…  
6602. World Press Freedom Day 2016  

There must be no hiding place for those who attack journalists or undermine media freedom. That’s the strong message from journalists unions across the world to mark the World Press Freedom Day tomorrow, as the International Federation of Journalists vowed to step up the pressure on world leaders to act in defence of press freedom.  The call follows the publication of a shocking new survey published by the IFJ to mark this day and which shows the extent of press freedom violations in many parts of the globe. The survey - to be published on World Press Freedom Day - documents cases of killings, attacks, censorship, hate speech and intimidation of journalists in…  
6609. The Road to Resilience: Press Freedom in South Asia 2015-16 report released  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) marked World Press Freedom Day with the launch of The Road to Resilience: Press Freedom in South Asia 2015-16. The 14th annual report outlines the press freedom in South Asia’s media over the past year. In the period under review (May, 2015 to April, 2016), 31 journalists, bloggers and media workers were killed. India is emerging as one of the most dangerous countries for journalists as is Bangladesh with an ongoing trend of violent attacks against bloggers. “Tackling South Asia’s poor record on impunity for crimes against journalists will take more than strong words. For those fighting…  
6610. Les syndicats français demandent la libération du journaliste Omar Nazzal  

Les syndicats français de journalistes  (SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT-Journalistes), membres de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), qui représente 600.000 membres dans le monde, ont envoyé le 2 mai une lettre à l'attention de l'ambassadrice d'Israël en France, Aliza Bin-Noun, pour demander la libération du journaliste palestinien Omar Nazzal. Omar Nazzal, l’un des dirigeants du syndicat des journalistes palestiniens (PJS), devait participer en qualité d’invité à l’Assemblée générale de la branche européenne de la FIJ à Sarajevo (Bosnie Herzégovine) les 25 et 26 avril. Mais il n'y est jamais arrivé car il a été interpellé par les…  
6611. Asia Pacific Bulletin: May  

Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on June 1, 2016 and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific Join the IFJ Asia-Pacific mailing list here In this bulletin: 1.       The Road to Resilience documents the state of press freedom in South Asia 2.       World Press Freedom Day 2016: The Right to Know 3.       Two…  
6612. Iran: three journalists face heavy jail sentences  

Three Iranian journalists who were arrested in November 2015 have been handed lengthy jail sentences after the court in Tehran found them guilty this week of several charges, including spreading propaganda and acting against national security. Ehsan Mazandarani, editor-in-chief of newspaper Farhikhtegan, was sentenced to 7 years in jail while Iran newspaper’s journalist Afarin Chitsaz and Saman Safarzaee, who works for the monthly Andisheh Pouya, both received 5-year sentences. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing over 600,000 journalists across the globe, has today condemned the convictions which continue a dangerous pattern of press freedom’s…  
6613. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 22nd to Friday 29th April: 1. Global media groups urge Timor-Leste PM to drop defamation case 2. FIP pide que prohíban atropellos a derechos de autor en medios 3. A daring escape: tortured journalist Alhagie Ceesay made it to Dakar 4. Croatian Journalists Association President Warns about Media Freedom in Croatia 5. Israel holding Palestinian journalist as terror suspect 6. Israel arrests Palestinian journalist en route to int'l conference 7. Release Journalist Dixit…  
6614. IFJ and EFJ reject Turkish journalists’ two years sentence  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have today condemned the sentencing of two prominent Turkish journalists to two years behind bars for illustrating their columns with a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed published by French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.   Journalists Ceyda Karan and Hikmet Çetinkaya, from the independent Cumhuriyet daily, were sentenced to two years each in jail by an Istanbul criminal court today. They went on trial in January last year on charges of "inciting public hatred" and "insulting religious values" after illustrating their columns with the controversial cartoon. Bulent Utku, lawyer for Hikmet…  
6615. Crimea: journalist Mykola Semena charged with separatism  

Ukrainian freelancer Mykola Semena was today summoned for questioning in Crimea following charges of making calls to separatism and undermining Russia's territorial integrity. If found guilty, he could face five years in prison. The International and European Federations of Journalists join their Ukrainian affiliates, the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) and the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), in urging the Russian authorities to drop the unfounded charges against Semena. On 19 April, the Federal Security Service (FSB) agents in the region of Crimea raided and searched the house of Semena, confiscated his reporting equipment and briefly detained him…  
6616. Iraq bans Al Jazeera  

Iraqi authorities have suspended Al Jazeera’s licence to operate in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world largest organisation of journalists, criticised the decision as “biased and deeply prejudicial in a country that badly needs a free press”.   On 27 April the Iraqi Communications and Media Commission (CMC), a body that regulates broadcast media, shut down the Baghdad bureau of the Qatari Media Network and banned its journalists from reporting in the country. In a letter the CMC accused Al Jazeera of violating “the official codes of conduct and broadcasting rules and regulations".   In 2014, the CMC issued guidelines for media…  
6617. Paraguay: Grupo empresario de medios vinculado al Presidente Cartes censura publicaciones sobre la jerarquía eclesial paraguaya y casos de pedofilia  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a más de 600.000 periodistas a nivel mundial, se une a su afiliado el Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP), en el repudio hacia la censura que han sufrido periodistas paraguayos el día de ayer al intentar publicar su investigación en el Diario La Nación, que advertía sobre la presencia de curas pedófilos previamente acusados en las iglesias paraguayas. En respuesta, los trabajadores realizaron una asamblea para abordar el tema y se manifestaron frente al diario repudiando la censura y exigiendo castigo para los sacerdotes. El periodista censurado, Aldo Benítez, utilizó las redes sociales el pasado martes…  
6618. Defending Media Freedom in the Arab World: A debate on WPFD  

Next week the International Federation of Journalists will be marking World Press Freedom Day by co-hosting an event in Casablanca on how best to protect media freedom and journalists’ rights in the Arab region. On the programme are two key papers for debate, the first a declaration on the principles of media freedom and the second a draft proposal for establishing the mandate of a special rapporteur to be appointed to monitor and report on all violations of press freedom and journalists rights. This effort mirrors previous initiatives for establishing similar mechanisms with the African Union (Commission on Human and People’s Rights), Organisation for Security and Co-operation in…  
6619. Francisco Pacheco Beltrán  

The correspondent of El Sol de Acapulco and columnist of El Foro de Taxco newspapers was shot dead outside his home in Taxco, a twon of Guerrero state, one of the most dangerous areas in Mexico. While he had not reported any threats in recent days, it is believed that Beltrán was investigating corruption and insecurity in his city.  
6620. Mexico: a journalist killed in Guerrero state  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed its Mexican affiliate - the National Union of Press Reporters (SNRP) - in strongly condemning the murder of journalist Francisco Pacheco Beltran in the city of Taxco (Guerrero) on 25 April. The IFJ, representing over 600,000 journalists worldwide, urges the Mexican government to solve the murder of the journalist, who is the third Mexican journalist killed since early 2016. Read the full article in Spanish here. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 139 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Suscribe to IFJ News  
6621. Editor of Bangladesh’s first LBGTI magazine hacked to death  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) condemn the murder of the editor of the country’s first and only LBGTI magazine in Dhaka on April 25. The IFJ demands immediate action from the Bangladeshi government to end the attacks against freedom of expression in Bangladesh. According to reports, Zulhaz Mannan, the editor of Bangla-language LBGTI magazine Roopbaan, a local staffer of USAID and the cousin of former foreign minister Dr Dipu Moni, was hacked to death along with a friend, Tanay Fahim, at his residence in Dhaka’s Kalabagan area on Monday, April 25. Mannan and Fahim were both well-known LGBTI activists in…  
6622. Senior journalist detained in Nepal on corruption allegations  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in strongly condemning the arrest of a senior journalist and publisher corruption charges in Kathmandu on Friday, April 22. The IFJ demands the immediate release of the journalist and an investigation into the charges. Kanak Mani Dixit, the 61-year-old founding editor of Himal Southasia and publisher of the Himal magazine, was arrested in Patan Dhoka, in southern Kathmandu, by the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), a constitutional body to probe corruption by public institutions and officials. He was charged with accumulating millions of rupees as the Chairman of Sajha…  
6623. Greece: strike extended to save social security and welfare  

Striking journalists in Greece have extended their industrial action as they step up their campaign to save social security and welfare protections for media workers. The four IFJ Greek affiliates - JUADN, PFJU, ESIEMTH and ESPIT- began a three day strike on Thursday but have now extended the action across all media until Wednesday morning. The strike began in the face of a government plan to close down a fund which for over 50 years has provided social security and welfare payments for journalists and media workers in Greece. The International Federation of Journalists, representing 600,000 journalists in the world, has backed its Greek affiliates and urged the government to protect…  
6624. Call to act against torture and free Yemeni journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the release of two kidnapped Yemeni journalists – and backed calls for all those still held captive to be freed immediately. Amir Baaweidan was the second journalist kidnapped by Al Qaida to be freed in the past few days following a security operation in the Hadramout region yesterday. His colleague Abdullah Alsily was released last week. The Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS) urged the release of – Mohammed Mokri – who remains in captivity following his kidnapping by Al Qaida in Hadramout and 14 journalists detained for over a year by the Houthis in Sanaa, amid claims of physical and psychological torture. The IFJ,…  
6625. IFJ calls on Palestinian journalists' leader to be set free  

The IFJ condemned the arrest yesterday of Palestinian journalist Omar Nazzal, member of the board of IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate, while he crossed the al-Karameh border. According to the PJS his mobile was confiscated and he was allowed one call to his wife which he told her he was taken to the Etzion interrogation center. Nazzal was on his way to Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, to attend the General Meeting of the European Federation of Journalists taking place on 25-26 April as part a PJS delegation invited to participate. IFJ president Jim Boumelha will be writing to Israel Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu to demand that Nazzal is released forthwith…  
6626. Greece: Journalists strike over bill to close down media fund for social security and welfare  

The four IFJ Greek affiliates - JUADN, PFJU, ESIEMTH and ESPIT- on Thursday began a three-day strike following the government plan to close down the Fund which has over 50 years provided social security and welfare for journalists and media workers in Greece. The unions say that this measure is part of the Greek government’s economic review. The International Federation of Journalists, representing 600,000 journalists in the world, back its Greek affiliates and urges the government to protect the media fund after massive losses of jobs and livelihoods in journalism in recent years. “This will come as sucker punch to Greek journalists who face losing social protection…  
6627. Samples of unfair contractual clauses  

To mark World Book and Copyright Day on 23 April, the IFJ compiled samples of unfair contractual clauses that deprive journalists from their authors' rights. Axel Springer, Germany 1. Der Verlag hat das einfache, zeitlich, räumlich und inhaltlich unbeschränkte Recht, die Beiträge im In- und Ausland in körperlicher und unkörperlicher Form digital und analog zu nutzen. 1. The publishing house has the simple, unlimited right when it comes to time, place and content to use the works home and abroad in physical or virtual form in digital and analogue way. Bauer Media, UK 5. By signing and returning this agreement to us, you irrevocably and unconditionally assign to us in…  
6628. IFJ/EFJ contract’s check list for freelance journalists  

This list is an indication of provisions that should be included in a freelance contract. Agreement between .......................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as ' author') and .................................................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as 'publisher/broadcasting company') Author agrees to undertake the work described in the description below for publisher/broadcasting company under the following terms and conditions: 1. Description of the work: ........................................................................................................... …  
6629. World Copyright Day: Outlaw unfair contractual practices!  

Legislators must take concrete steps against unfair contractual clauses in their laws. This is the message put across by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) to mark World Copyright and Book Day tomorrow 23 April. The organisations warn against the continuing trend developed by media companies to use rights- grabbing contracts. Journalists who sign those contracts not only lose the right to use their works autonomously, but also the (moral) right to protect the integrity of their works. These practices allow for the same work to be used many times for one single payment and deprive news outlets from the quality and…  
6630. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 15th to Friday 22nd April: 1. FYROM police attack reporters during protest 2. Release Shafik, end suppression of press freedom: IFJ 3. Violations de la liberté de la presse en Gambie: La Cour de justice de la CEDEAO se penche sur la question 4. Life of Journalists at risk in Gaza due to Israeli restrictions 5. Maroc : la société civile dénonce la poursuite judiciaire contre le président du SNPM 6. Journalist Federations Condemn Ankara’s Entry Ban to Sputnik's Bureau…  
6631. Global media groups call on Timor Leste PM to drop defamation case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) join international organisations the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and Freedom House in calling on the Timor Leste Prime Minister to withdraw the criminal defamation case against a Timor Leste journalist and media outlet. Today, April 22, the IFJ, SEAJU, CPJ and Freedom House sent a letter to Timor Leste Prime Minister, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, relating to the criminal defamation case brought before Timor Post journalist, Oki Raimundos, former editor Lourenco Vicente Martins, and the Timor Post. The case against Oki and the Timor Post is based on a published report from November…  
6632. Outrage after Ming Pao executive chief editor fired  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in strongly criticizing the sudden termination of contract for the Ming Pao executive chief editor. The IFJ and HKJA demand an immediate explanation from the Hong Kong-based newspaper about the decision. On April 20, Keung Kwok-Yuen, the reputable executive chief editor of Ming Pao, had his employment terminated with immediate effect. Keung had worked at Ming Pao for over a decade. Shortly after the dismissal, Chong Tien Siong, the chief editor said that the decision was based on the declining economic environment of the media industry. Chong said the company was looking to…  
6633. Turkey: foreign press correspondents increasingly banned  

The International and European Federations of Journalists have today condemned the entry ban imposed by Turkish authorities against Russian journalist Tural Kerimov, the Turkey bureau chief for Sputnik news agency, who is the 10th foreign press correspondent banned from Turkey in the last 6 months. Kerimov was stopped by a border control officer who said the journalist was a persona non grata for the Turkish authorities, who seized his press card and his residence permit before sending him back to Russia. Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), an IFJ and EFJ affiliate, has immediately condemned Kerimov being deported from Turkey. RUJ Secretary…  
6634. IFJ condemns media clampdown in Kenya  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today backed its Kenyan affiliate, the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ), which accused the authorities of a major clampdown of media in the past few months, after a series of arrests of journalists by the police in the country. According to a press statement issued by the KUJ on Saturday 16 April, “the police have resorted to the obsolete Section 194 of the Penal Code and the misuse of Section 29 of the Kenya Information and Communication Act to lock up journalists”. KUJ Secretary General, Erick Oduor, said “the union is perturbed by the arbitrary arrests of journalists. Sending journalists to jail does not only contravene Section 34…  
6635. Gambia: IFJ calls for the immediate release of jailed journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed calls by the Gambia Press Union (GPU) for all charges against jailed radio journalist Alhagie Ceesay to be dropped and for his immediate release. The journalist, manager at Taranga FM, was arrested last year and is critically ill in hospital. In an open letter to the Attorney General and Minister of Justice the GPU noted that Ceesay has been “held incommunicado detention for 29 days before he was arraigned in September 2015 and charged with sedition and false news.” Since then, Ceesay has been in and out of hospital and his health has seriously deteriorated. According to the GPU, Ceesay was hospitalised at the Edward…  
6636. Five Journalists Attacked by Police during Protests in Macedonia  

A journalist and four photo reporters were seriously injured by security forces on 13 April in the Macedonian capital, Skopje, while covering an anti-government rally. The protests were reportedly sparked by President Gjorge Ivanov’s dual announcement of early elections and the decision to drop the investigation into the wiretapping scandal that broke in February 2015 when it was alleged the government had illegally engaged in wiretapping over 20,000 people including journalists. Thousands of protesters took to the streets of the capital Skopje, demanding the President either revoke his decision or resign. During the clashes, journalist Goran Naumovski, working for Plusinfo,…  
6637. Macedonia: five journalists beaten by police during protests  

A journalist and four photo reporters were gravely injured by armed police forces on 13 April in the capital, Skopje, while covering an anti-government rally, IFJ and EFJ Macedonian affiliates SSNM and ZNM reported. The protests were sparked by President Gjorge Ivanov’s dual announcement of early elections and a halt to the inquiry into the wiretapping scandal that broke in February 2015 when it was alleged the government was illegally wiretapping over 20,000 people including journalists. Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Skopje, demanding the President either revoke his decision or resign. The Trade Union of Macedonian Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the…  
6638. Second prominent Bangladeshi editor arrested this year  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) in strongly criticising the arrest of a senior journalist in Dhaka, Bangladesh on April 16. The IFJ demands his immediate release and an end to the suppression of press freedom in Bangladesh. Shafik Rehman, 81, was arrested by plainclothes police officers when they gained access to his house on Saturday morning, allegedly posing as Boishakhi television reporters. Rehman was taken to a Dhaka court where he was placed on a five day remand for sedition charges filed in August 2015. The charges relate to the alleged attempts to abduct and murder Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's son Sajeeb…  
6639. Second prominent Bangladeshi editor arrested this year  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) in strongly criticising the arrest of a senior journalist in Dhaka, Bangladesh on April 16. The IFJ demands his immediate release and an end to the suppression of press freedom in Bangladesh. Shafik Rehman, 81, was arrested by plainclothes police officers when they gained access to his house on Saturday morning, allegedly posing as Boishakhi television reporters. Rehman was taken to a Dhaka court where he was placed on a five day remand for sedition charges filed in August 2015. The charges relate to the alleged attempts to abduct and murder Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's son Sajeeb…  
6640. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 8th to Friday 15th April: 1. Tough to pin down how many journalists have been killed in Mexico 2. High Court stays 72 cases against Mahfuz Anam 3. En México, “..la libertad de expresión está amenazada:” Villoro 4. Los periodistas piden en Cartagena que los becarios sean siempre remunerados 5. Presidente de Panamá: "Defenderemos la imagen del país" 6. IPI joins Council of Europe platform to protect journalists 7. Number of murdered journalists in Mexico hard to pin…  
6641. Council of Europe Adopts Protection Guidelines for Journalists  

The Council of Europe has today adopted a set of guidelines aimed at ensuring the protection of journalism and the safety of journalists in its 47 member states. The Committee of Ministers, the organisation's decision making body, adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors encouraging member states to review their national legislation and practice concerning media freedom to make sure they are in conformity with the European Convention of Human Rights.  
6642. Australian police access journalists’ metadata without a warrant  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) in condemning the actions of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in secretly accessing a journalists’ metadata without a warrant. The IFJ and MEAA call on the Australian government to end its assault on press freedom. In February 2016, Australian journalist Paul Farrell from the Guardian learned that the AFP had created a file of 200 pages while attempting to identify and prosecute Farrell's confidential sources in news reports he wrote on Australia's asylum seeker policies. According to the Guardian article published today, the AFP confirmed they had sought to access…  
6643. Turkey: Syrian journalist reportedly killed by ISIS  

Syrian journalist Muhammed Zahir al Shurgat died yesterday of his wounds after being shot in the head on Sunday by a masked ISIS gunman in southern Turkey, according to media freedom campaigners. The International and European Federation of Journalists condemned the outrageous killing and demanded that the Turkish authorities investigate the murder and act to ensure the safety of other journalists. The ISIS-affiliated news agency, Amaq, reported that “a security detachment that belongs to ISIS” shot Zahir al Shurgat, who worked at the Aleppo Today TV channel. Reports claim an ISIS gunman shot him in the head with a silenced pistol outside his workplace in Gaziantep, located near the…  
6644. Syrian Journalist Mohammed Zaher al-Shurqat Dies of Wounds after IS Shooting  

Reports say that 36-year-old Mohammed Zaher al-Shurqat, a Syrian journalist who was shot and wounded in the Turkish city of Gaziantep on Sunday by a masked gunman, died on 12 April from his wounds. The shooting incident was filmed by security cameras which show the attacker approaching Al-Shurqat from behind before firing at him and escaping, Turkish News Agency Anadolu said. The journalists, who had reportedly received several threats from the so-called Islamic State, was hit in the head and critically injured. He died two days later in the hospital. The militant group claimed responsibility for the attack, accusing the journalist of hosting programmes opposing the IS.…  
6645. Mohammed Zaher al-Shurqat  

Reports say that 36-year-old Mohammed Zaher al-Shurqat, a Syrian journalist who was shot and wounded in the Turkish city of Gaziantep on Sunday by a masked gunman, died on 12 April from his wounds. The shooting incident was filmed by security cameras which show the attacker approaching Al-Shurqat from behind before firing at him and escaping, Turkish News Agency Anadolu said. The journalists, who had reportedly received several threats from the so-called Islamic State, was hit in the head and critically injured. He died two days later in the hospital. The militant group claimed responsibility for the attack, accusing the journalist of hosting programmes opposing the IS.…  
6646. Timor Leste prosecution proceeds with investigation into defamation case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) with its affiliates the Timor Leste Press Union (TLPU) and the Timor Leste Journalist Association (TLJA) condemned the actions of the Government of Timor-Leste which has commenced an investigation into a defamation lawsuit against local media. The IFJ, TLPU and TLJA demand the government immediately withdraw the charges and revert the case to the Press Council. On Monday, April 11, Oki Raimundos, and the former editor of the Timor Post Lourenco Martins Vicente were interviewed by a prosecutor from the office of the Timor Leste Prosecutor- General in relation to a defamation lawsuit filed by Timor Leste Prime Minister Rui Maria de…  
6647. Photojournalist covering arrests attacked by police in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning the attack on a photojournalist by local police in Kathmandu on August 10. The IFJ demands immediate action against the police personnel involved in the attack and safe environment to report for all journalists. Kabin Adhikari, a photojournalist with online news outlet onlinekhabar.com, was physically attacked by police as he photographed the arrest of protesters inside the government’s main administrative premises, the Singha Durbar, on April 10. Adhikari was sent to cover the protests, which were organized by a civil employees’ trade union. During the protests…  
6648. IFJ & SAMSN: Digital Security Campaign  

The IFJ along with SAMSN have launched the Digital Security for South Asia's Journalists campaign, running from April 7 to May 15, 2016. The regional campaign is the culmination of the digital campaign works we have done in 2015 under the UNDEF project, bringing together SAMSN members and the media community across South Asia to campaign on digital security.  IFJ and SAMSN will work together with SAMSN members to launch and run the campaign through four key stages:  1.       Digital Security Practice Survey for Journalists: From April 7 to 15, the IFJ and SAMSN survey for journalists on digital security practice will be available online for you to…  
6649. Mauritania: Two journalists arrested on grounds for defamation  

Two mauritanian journalists were arrested on 7 April. They were accused of defaming the son of the president of Mauritania. Read full release in French  
6650. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 1st to Friday 8th April: 1. Croatie: appel à la démission après l'agression d'un journaliste 2. Arrested Journalists Say Maldives No Paradise for Media 3. Time to look beyond box 4. Agression de Ante Tomic : Appel à la démission du ministre de la Culture Croate 5. Journalists' protest in Maldives attracts international attention 6. En la morgue de Xalapa, padres examinan restos; buscan hijos, y ponerle fin a su desesperación 7. Maldives : une manifestation force la…  
Search results 6581 until 6650 of 15060