15063 results:

13724. Letter to Thomas Bodström, Swedish minister for Justice, 9th January 2004  

Minister for Justice Thomas Bodström Ministry for Justice 10333 Stockholm Sweden Dear Sir The European Federation of Journalists, representing more than 200 000 journalists in Europe, is deeply concerned over the recent moves by the Nordic Newspaper Publishers’ Cooperation Board (Nordiska Tidningsutgivarnas Samarbetsnämnd) to amend the authors’ rights acts of the Nordic countries by introducing the Anglo-American work-for-hire doctrine. The Danish Chapter Three Committee is currently discussing a possible revision of the Danish authors’ rights legislation and the EFJ strongly recommends that this committee maintain the current and…  
13725. IFJ Launches 2003 Journalism for Tolerance Prize in Central and Western Africa  

On 30 December, the IFJ launched the Central and Western African edition of the 2003 Journalism for Tolerance Prize at a ceremony under the title "Tolerance in the language of the media" organised at the Press House in Lome, Togo. The ceremony was presided over by the representative of the European Commission's delegation in Lome in the presence of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information and the General Co-ordinator of the IFJ Africa office. The IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize is about promoting tolerance, combating racism and discrimination and contributing to an understanding of cultural, religious and ethnic differences. The Prize is an annual competition among…  
13728. Letter to Valgerd Svarstad Haugland, Norwegian Minister for Culture, 6th January 2004  

Minister for Culture Valgerd Svarstad Haugland Ministry for Culture Post box 8030 Dep 0030 Oslo Norway Dear Madam The European Federation of Journalists, representing more than 200 000 journalists in Europe, is deeply concerned over the recent moves by the Nordic Newspaper Publishers’ Cooperation Board (Nordiska Tidningsutgivarnas Samarbetsnämnd) to amend the authors’ rights acts of the Nordic countries by introducing the Anglo-American work-for-hire doctrine. The Danish Chapter Three Committee is currently discussing a possible revision of the Danish authors’ rights legislation and the EFJ strongly recommends that this…  
13729. Ugandan Journalists Condemn Bodyguards' Assault Against a Journalist  

Statement from the Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) The Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) has noted with great concern an incident in which a journalist from the New Vision Jinja Bureau office, Mr. Abubaker Mukose, was roughed up by security operatives at attached to Deputy Speaker Rebecca Kadaga's security detail. Mukose's alleged crime was to take Kadaga's picture as she danced at an end-of-year/new year party organised by the Jinja municipal authorities. We condemn this unprovoked attack on the journalist who was simply executing his duties at a function to which he was officially invited by the Jinja Town Council authorities. This attack is at variance with the principles of a free…  
13731. IFJ Calls on United Nations to Investigate Death of Indonesian Journalist in Aceh  

31 December 2003 Kofi Annan, Secretary General, United Nations, UN Plaza, New York, NY. Dear Secretary General, On behalf of the International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists´ group, I am appealing to you to intervene in the case of kidnapped Indonesian reporter Ersa Siregar who has been killed in the war-torn Aceh province of Indonesia. On 29 December, Siregar, a senior reporter for Jakarta-based RCTI private television network, was allegedly killed during a clash between rebels of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and state troops in the east Aceh district of Sumatra. We believe this incident, and the circumstances around his detention, must be…  
13732. IFJ Protests Arrest of French Journalists in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is calling for the immediate release of French journalists, Marc Epstein and Jean-Paul Guilloteau, and their colleague, local freelance journalist, Khawer Mehdi Rizvi, all of whom are currently being held in detention by Pakistani authorities. According to our information, Marc Epstein, photographer, and Jean-Paul Guilloteau, journalist, both of well-known French weekly publication L’Express, were arrested in Karachi on 16 December by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for violating regulations governing the visit of foreigners to Pakistan, in…  
13733. Journalists Condemn Government Indifference As Media Death Toll Grows in 2003  

The impact of war and conflict on the work of news media cast a long shadow over journalism in 2003 says the International Federation of Journalists which today released its annual report on killings in journalism giving details of at least 83 journalists and media staff killed during the year – 13 more than last year. “War, regional conflict, organised crime and government indifference are the greatest obstacles to justice for journalists and their safety,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “We see journalists being targeted for their work in many parts of the world, but many governments simply don’t care about what these tragedies mean for democracy and free expression.”The…  
13734. Journalists Condemn Government Indifference As Media Death Toll Grows in 2003  

The impact of war and conflict on the work of news media cast a long shadow over journalism in 2003 says the International Federation of Journalists which today released its annual report on killings in journalism giving details of at least 83 journalists and media staff killed during the year – 13 more than last year. “War, regional conflict, organised crime and government indifference are the greatest obstacles to justice for journalists and their safety,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “We see journalists being targeted for their work in many parts of the world, but many governments simply don’t care about what these tragedies mean for democracy and free…  
13736. Rabat Conference on PSB in the Mediterranean : Links and Documents  

Back to Main Page of the Conference Links : - Report on the Website of the de Institute for Professional Journalism (Beyrouth) - Websited of the Syndicat National de la Presse Marocaine (Moroccan Journalists' Union) - Link to the Media for Democracy in the Mediterranean Programme - Website of the CoPeAM, Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators Documents : - Presentation of the IFJ Campaign (WORD file, in French) - Intervention of Mr. Jean-Noël Dibie, EBU (WORD file, in French)  
13737. IFJ Day of Action to Free Indonesian Journalists Ersa Siregar and Fery Santoro  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, yesterday delivered a letter of protest to Indonesian Government representatives in nine countries protesting the continued detention of Indonesian journalists Ersa Siregar and Fery Santoro. Journalist Ersa and cameraman Fery were abducted while on assignment in Langsa in Aceh, Indonesia, six months ago on 29 June 2003 and are being held hostage in Aceh by the Gerakan Aceh Merdeka or Free Aceh Movement (GAM). The IFJ demanded the Government of Indonesia remove obstacles to allow the release of journalists. The representatives of the IFJ yesterday met with…  
13741. Rabat Declaration : PSB in the Mediterranean  

Towards Public Broadcasting in Morocco and in the Region : Conference on Public Broadcasting in the Mediterranean Rabat, 16-17 December 2003 Click HERE for the Programme of the Conference Declaration Representatives of journalists’ associations and unions from the region, media professionals and representatives of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), meeting in Rabat on 16-17 December 2003 in the framework of the Public Broadcasting for All Campaign, Declare that The creation of a tolerant, peaceful and just society depends upon the freedom of citizens to have access to quality media that respect the principles of pluralism, diversity and universal respect…  
13742. PSB Campaign in the Mediterranean Region  

Les 16 et 17 décembre 2003, the IFJ and its Moroccan affiliate, the SNPM, organised a conference on PSB in the Mediterranean region, in the context of the adoption the Moroccon law of liberalisation of the radios and televisions. This activity was supported by the “Media for democracy in the Mediterranean” Programme of the European Commission. Declaration on PSB in the Mediterranean Region See Picture Gallery of the Meeting Links and Documents Towards Public Broadcasting in Morocco and in the Region Regional Conference on Public Broadcasting Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP) 122, Avenue Allal Ben Abdellah, Rabat 16-17 December 2003 PROGRAMME Tuesday 16…  
13743. Journalists Welcome Italian President’s Decision to Block New Law: “A Victory for Democracy and Media Pluralism”  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists today welcomed the refusal by Italian President Carlo Ciampi to sign into effect a new law drafted by the Italian Parliament which critics say will increase the stranglehold of media companies owned by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s on Italy’s concentrated media market. “The Italian President has struck a welcome blow for democracy and media pluralism,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary in Brussels today. “This new law is bad for journalism, bad for Italy and bad for Europe. The President is speaking for democrats everywhere when he says the government of Italy needs to…  
13746. IFJ Protests Over Violent Attacks Against Journalists in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists has protested to the Government of Bangladesh over the violent attacks against journalists by those associated by the ruling party in Bangladesh. The IFJ has protested to the Government of Bangladesh in the following letter: 15 December 2003 The Hon Begum Khaleda Zia Prime Minister Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh VIA FACSIMILE: 0015 880 2 881 0407 Dear Prime Minister, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is deeply concerned over the violent assault against seven journalists by agents associated with the…  
13747. The IFJ Announces the Nominees for The 2003 Europe Prize  

The International Federation of Journalists today announced the nominees for The 2003 Europe Prize: Journalism for a Changing World. The winner - who will receive a Europe Prize certificate and a financial award of EUR 8,000 - will be announced at a special prize-giving ceremony to be held on 05 February 2004 at the International Press Centre Résidence Palace in Brussels. The 2003 Europe Prize - which is co-funded by the Network of European Foundations' European Drug Policy Fund - is awarded for outstanding reports, which focus on the social, economic and political impact of drug policy in Europe and thereby promote better understanding within civil society and media about existing drug…  
13753. Austria : Gewerkschaft Kunst, Medien, Sport, freie Berufe (Sektion Kommunikation und Publizistik, Elektronische Medien)  

Maria Theresien-Strasse 11 A-1090 VIENNA Oesterreich (Austria) Telephone: +431 31316 83800 Telefax: + 43 31316 7700 [email protected] Chairman of the Craft union: Peter Paul Skrepek General Secretary of the craft union: Dr. Herbert Stemüller Status: Full member  
13756. Global Unions Call for “Stronger and Deeper” Action to Protect Workers in the Information Society  

The international trade union movement today welcomed the fact that new jobs are being created through the introduction of new communication technologies, but said that governments attending the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society, which opens tomorrow in Geneva, must do more to protect rights at work. “Millions of workers are being drafted into forms of new economy employment that are clearly unfit for the information age,” said Philip Jennings, General Secretary of Union Network International. “But the question of action to ensure that fundamental workers’ rights are respected has been side-stepped.” Global union federations representing millions of…  
13757. IFJ and IPI Condemn Ban on Ethiopian Free Press Journalists' Association  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world's largest journalists' organisation and the International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in over 115 countries, sharply protested the Ethiopian government's ban on the only independent journalists' and editors' organisation in the country, the Ethiopian Free Press Journalists' Association (EFJA). According to reports, EFJA, a non-profit organisation representing the country's independent printed press, was suspended by the Justice Ministry on 10 November for failing to renew its annual licence for the past three years. "It is blatantly clear that…  
13762. IFJ Condemns “Surge of Political and Legal Attacks” Against the Algerian Press  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the Algerian authorities responsible for a “new wave of political and legal attacks” against independent journalists in Algeria. During recent weeks, the independent Algerian journalists in question - Hassan Bourras, Sid Ahmed Simiane and Farid Alilat – have been either fined or handed down prison sentences for the publication of articles critical of high-level state officials. “It is absolutely unacceptable that journalists can be sent to prison for carrying out their professional duties,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “The only purpose of such draconian measures is to silence independent media and to block…  
13764. The Challenge of Public Broadcasting In Asia - Conference, Colombo 1-3 December 2003 - FINAL DECLARATION  

Back to Main Page of Asia PSB Campaign More Information on the IFJ Asia-Pacific Website Journalists’ unions and associations from 13 Asian countries, meeting in Colombo from December 1-3rd 2003 under the auspices of the International Federation of Journalists global campaign Public Broadcasting for All, having considered the situation facing public broadcasting in Asia, Declare That the creation of tolerant, peaceful and just society depends upon the freedom of citizens to have access to quality media that respect the principles of pluralism, diversity and universal respect for human rights. That public service media should: Inform, Educate, Empower and Entertain, based on…  
13765. Declaration on Media Situation in Sri Lanka  

Back to Main Page of PSB Campaign in Asia Journalists’ unions and associations from 13 Asian countries, meeting in Colombo from December 1-3rd 2003 under the auspices of the International Federation of Journalists global campaign Public Broadcasting for All, having considered the situation facing media in Sri Lanka, Declare That the creation of tolerant, peaceful and just society depends upon the freedom of citizens to have access to quality media that respect the principles of pluralism, diversity and universal respect for human rights. We believe that the political and social crisis in Sri Lanka requires a unified national approach to the creation of a participatory democracy…  
13772. Jordan Press Association  

P.O. Box 6788 AMMAN Jordan President: Tarek El-Momani Director: Fakhri Abu-Hamdah Telephone: 00 96 26 4644780 Telefax: 00 96 26 4623612 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.jpa.jo Status: FULL Member  
13775. ReporStag-e User Requirements Report  

Word Version PDF Version  
13777. Euronews October 2003  

Euronews October 2003 Euronews is the bimonthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced in the Secretariat in Brussels.  
13778. IFJ Accuses Tunisian Authorities of Targeting Journalists in a Bid to Silence Critics  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused the Tunisian authorities of misusing the law to silence critics, after a court in Tunis gave journalist and human rights activist Neziha Rejiba an eight-month suspended sentence and a fine of approximately 810 euros. According to one of Rejiba’s lawyer’s, she could be “picked up for even a minor infraction of the law and jailed”. “Charging a journalist as a criminal on an absurd and minor charge over a foreign currency technicality is unacceptable,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “This is a barefaced attempt to silence a well-known defender of civil rights in Tunisia and to stifle the voice of dissent”. Upon…  
13782. IFJ/LOTCO Trade Union Development Workshops in Uganda - Interim Report  

Report from the Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) The Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) conducted four one-day Trade Union Development Workshops for upcountry journalists who work for media outlets in East, Western, Northern, Southern and Central parts of the country. The training workshops were supported by the Swedish unions LO-TCO under the framework of the IFJ trade union development programme. The workshops were conducted by the UJU executives Michael Wakabi {President}, Herbert Lumansi {Treasurer}, Stephen Ouma Bwire {General Secretary} and Esther Nakkazi Women wing chairperson. A total of 30 journalists in each region, including UJU contact/Regional coordinators, were targeted and…  
13783. Djibouti: a Report From Daher Ahmed Farah  

This document is only available in French.  
13784. The IFJ Supports a New Publication on Freedom of Information in Nigeria  

Statement from the International Press Centre, Lagos The International Press Center (IPC) Lagos has just published a 140-page book on FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and Civil Society. The content is based mainly on the proceedings of five round tables/public hearings on the FOIA and Civil Society held by the IPC with the support of its Media-for-Democracy in Nigeria (MFD) partners – Media Rights Agenda (MRA), Independent Journalism Center (IJC) and Journalists for Democratic Rights (JODER) - in Benin, Ibadan, Kaduna, Port Harcourt and Abuja between December 2001 and June 2002. The publication of the book has been made possible by LO/TCO, Sweden and the International Federation of…  
13785. IFJ Announces Launch of Independent Inquiry into Murder of Ukraine Reporter Gongadze  

The International Federation of Journalists today announced the official launch of an independent inquiry – “Working Against Impunity – A Review of the Gongadze Case” - into the three-year legal and judicial stalemate surrounding the case of Gyorgy Gongadze in the Ukraine. On 04 November, a preliminary meeting of the working commission for this case was held at the IFJ headquarters in Brussels. “After 3 years of frustration and unsuccessful attempts to get to the bottom of this case it is time to carry out a full and detailed review,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “We must not allow the passage of time to frustrate the legitimate demand for conclusive answers and the need to…  
13787. IFJ Protests Against Attacks on Media Workers in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has protested to the Government of Bangladesh over a bomb attack on five journalists in Feni in south-eastern Bangladesh on November 10, and the case of a photojournalist who was charged and then denied bail for ten days. The IFJ has protested to the Government of Bangladesh in the following letter: 14 November 2003 The Hon Begum Khaleda Zia Prime Minister Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh VIA FACSIMILE: 0015 880 2 881 0407 Dear Prime Minister, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is deeply concerned…  
13789. IFJ Condemns Murder of Journalist in Colombia and Warns Against ‘Culture of Impunity’  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the murder of a radio journalist in northern Colombia and warned against a “culture of impunity” in the region. On 11 November, Zully Ester Codina Pérez who hosted the "Entérese" opinion programme, broadcast every Saturday on Radio Rodadero Todelar was killed in the city of Santa Marta, in the department of Magdalena. Two hitmen riding a motorcycle ambushed her and shot her four times. “The safety of journalists working in this part of the world has to be protected in order to avoid creating a culture of impunity in this region,” said White. “Colombia has developed into one of the most dangerous areas in the world for…  
13790. IFJ Welcomes Decision of Indian Supreme Court to Uphold Right to Free Expression  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, welcomes last Monday's decision of the Supreme Court of India to stay the execution of arrest warrants for five senior journalists from The Hindu newspaper and the editor of Murasoli newspaper. “It was totally inappropriate for the Tamil Nadu Assembly to resolve to sentence these journalists to jail in the first place,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren today. “Now the Supreme Court has granted the stay, we are calling on the Tamil Nadu Assembly to immediately revoke the resolution against the journalists,” says the IFJ. Warrants for the…  
Search results 13721 until 13790 of 15063