15060 results:

5321. Police complaint filed over investigative report in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in condemning the registration of a police case by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) against The Tribune daily and its reporter Rachna Khaira over an investigative story on January 7. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in condemning the registration of a police case by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) against The Tribune daily and its reporter Rachna Khaira over an investigative story on January 7. The IFJ demands immediate withdrawal of the First Information Report (FIR) against…  
5322. Sayed Mehdi Hosaini  

According to Afghan media reports, the journalist who worked for Jomhor News Agency was among people killed in the multiple blasts at a Shia cultural centre in the Afghan capital Kabul. The blast, for which the so-called Islamic State claimed responsibility, claimed the lives of at least 40 people and left over 80 more injured.  
5323. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 29th December to Friday 5th January. 1) At least 81 journalists killed in 2017: report. Al Jazeera  2) Media group: 81 reporters died, threats soared in 2017. The Washington Post  3) Media Group: 81 Reporters Died, Threats Soared in 2017. The New York Times  4) Media group: 81 reporters died, threats soared in 2017.…  
5324. ILO announces the four winners of the 2017 Global Media Competition on Labour Migration  

GENEVA (ILO news) - To mark this year’s International Migrants Day on 18th December, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has announced the four winners of its 2017 Global Media Competition on Labour Migration (GMCLM). GENEVA (ILO news) - To mark this year’s International Migrants Day on 18th December, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has announced the four winners of its 2017 Global Media Competition on Labour Migration (GMCLM). The GMCLM has proven to be one effective way to encourage exemplary media coverage on labour migration and the fair recruitment of migrant workers. The idea is to share and promote the winners’ work as a model of fair global media coverage as…  
5325. Turquie/France: Erdogan est indésirable en France  

Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan doit se rendre en France le 5 janvier à l’invitation de son homologue français Emmanuel Macron. Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan doit se rendre en France le 5 janvier à l’invitation de son homologue français Emmanuel Macron. La FIJ s'associe à ses affiliés français (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT) pour dénoncer la venue en France du président turc,venue qui est perçue  comme "une véritable provocation" compte tenu du fait que 148 journalistes sont actuellement derrière les barreaux en Turquie.  "Depuis le coup d'Etat manqué de juillet 2016, le pouvoir turc n'a eu de cesse d'arrêter et poursuivre en justice les…  
5326. Argentina: despidos masivos a trabajadorxs de medios públicos  

Una nueva oleada de despidos afecta a periodistas y trabajadorxs de los medios públicos. Realizan hoy un cese de actividades, y convocan una movilización junto al gremio de trabajadores estatales. Una nueva oleada de despidos afecta a periodistas y trabajadorxs de los medios públicos. Realizarán hoy un cese de actividades, y una movilización junto al gremio de trabajadores estatales. Para continuar con la política de vaciamiento que vienen sufriendo los medios públicos argentinos, el pasado martes 2 de enero fueron despedidxs 16 trabajadorxs de Radio Nacional sin previo aviso, enterándose de la desvinculación al no poder ingresar a sus puestos. Según un…  
5327. Karam Qabisho  

The cameraman working for pro-regime TV network Sama was killed while covering clashes on the edge of the northwestern province of Idlib, the French news agency, AFP, quoted Syrian state news agency SANA as reporting. SANA accused rebels, dominated by Fateh al-Sham, a former Al-Qaeda affiliate, of targeting the Sama satellite crew near the village of Umm Haratain. The channel's Facebook page confirmed Karam Qabisho had died, but it gave no further details on the circumstances of his death. Source: AFP  
5328. IFJ welcomes lowest number of killings of journalists for a decade but warns “no room for complacency”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today warned there is no room for complacency despite recording the lowest number of killings of journalists since 2007. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today warned there is no room for complacency despite recording the lowest number of killings of journalists since 2007. The IFJ welcomed the fall from last year’s tally of 93 to 82 in 2017 but cautioned that unprecedented numbers of journalists were jailed, forced to flee, that self-censorship was widespread and that impunity for the killings, harassment, attacks and threats against independent journalism was running at epidemic levels. The IFJ's Killed List, published…  
5329. IFJ Publishes Lowest Number of Journalists' Killings since 2007 but Warns against Complacency  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today warned there is no room for complacency despite recording the lowest number of killings of journalists since 2007. The IFJ welcomed the fall from last year’s tally of 93 to 81 in 2017 but cautioned that unprecedented numbers of journalists were jailed, forced to flee, that self-censorship was widespread and that impunity for the killings, harassment, attacks and threats against independent journalism was running at epidemic levels. The IFJ's Killed List, published today, details the 80 journalists and media staff killed in targeted killings, car bomb attacks and cross fire incidents around the world during 2017. The number is…  
5330. IFJ Welcomes Lowest Number of Killings of Journalists in Decade but Warns “No Room for Complacency”  

<o></o> The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today warned there is no room for complacency despite recording the lowest number of killings of journalists since 2007. The IFJ welcomed the fall from last year’s tally of 93 to 81 in 2017 but cautioned that unprecedented numbers of journalists were jailed, forced to flee, that self-censorship was widespread and that impunity for the killings, harassment, attacks and threats against independent journalism was running at epidemic levels. The IFJ's Killed List, published today, details the 80 journalists and media staff killed in targeted killings, car bomb attacks and cross fire incidents around…  
5331. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 22nd December to Friday 29th December. 1) IFJ Urges Paris to Ignore 'Insidious' Demand to Withdraw RT France's Licence. Sputnik News  2) Fourth Estate. India Legal  3) Grèce: le syndicat des journalistes ESIEMTH et deux médias locaux attaqués à Thessalonique. Agence News Press  4) Liberté syndicale et droits du travail…  
5332. Una aproximación al estado de la Negociación Colectiva en América Latina y El Caribe  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), desde su Oficina Regional, realizó una investigación que analiza el estado de situación de la Negociación Colectiva en países de la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) para conocer las implicancias que tiene en condiciones laborales de los trabajadores de prensa así como el derecho a la comunicación de la sociedad en su conjunto. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), desde su Oficina Regional, realizó una investigación que analiza el estado de situación de la Negociación Colectiva en países de la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) para conocer las implicancias que tiene en condiciones laborales de los…  
5333. 2017 Killed List - Excel  

The 2017 IFJ Killed List is available here. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 146 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
5334. Argentina: se aprueba la fusión Cablevisión-Telecom  

El pasado jueves 21 de diciembre el Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM) aprobó la fusión de las compañías de telecomunicaciones Cablevisión y Telecom. Será la Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDH) la que confirmará la asociación definitiva El pasado jueves 21 de diciembre el Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM) aprobó la fusión de las compañías de telecomunicaciones Cablevisión y Telecom. Será la Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDH) la que confirmará la asociación definitiva. Por medio del Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM), se aprobó el pasado 21 de diciembre la fusión entre Cablevisión y Telecom, dos de las compañías de telecomunicaciones…  
5335. Greece: journalists’ union ESIEMTH and two municipal media attacked in Thessaloniki  

The International and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) condemn the attacks that took place in Thessaloniki (Greece) on 20 and 21 December 2017, against the Journalists’ Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers (ESIEMTH) and two municipal media. Today at noon, the ESIEMTH headquarters were attacked by around ten hooded assailants. The staff were threatened and asked not to move as the intruders said that “an intervention (was) about to take place”. The attackers destroyed two PCs, a TV set and other material such as chairs and a printer before leaving the office. ESIEMTH told the EFJ that the police has launched an investigation.…  
5336. México: asesinan a periodista en el estado de Veracruz  

Se trata del periodista Gumaro Pérez Aguilando, quien fue baleado por dos personas cuando participaba de un acto en la escuela de su hijo, en Acayucan. Se trata del periodista Gumaro Pérez Aguilando, quien fue baleado por dos personas cuando participaba de un acto en la escuela de su hijo, en Acayucan. El pasado 19 de diciembre, el periodista mexicano Gumaro Pérez Aguilando fue asesinado por dos sujetos que le dispararon cuando se encontraba en un acto escolar de su hijo en Acayuan, Veracurz. Se trata del reportero del portal de noticias La Voz del Sur, quien ya había sido atacado a golpes anteriormente. Según varios medios locales, Pérez Aguilando, también empleado del…  
5337. Gumaro Pérez  

The 35-year-old reporter, who covered security and narcotrafficking, was shot dead while attending the nativity play at his child’s school in the municipality of Acayucan located in Veracruz state. Media reports quoted a witness as saying that a gunman entered the class of Pérez’s child and shot directly at the journalist four times. He became the 13th media professional killed in Mexico since the start of 2017.  
5338. Argentina: reprimen y detienen a periodistas frente al Congreso Nacional  

El pasado 18 de diciembre, periodistas y trabajadorxs de prensa fueron fuertemente reprimidxs y detenidxs por las fuerzas de seguridad nacionales durante la cobertura de una movilización masiva frente al edificio del Poder Legislativo. El pasado 18 de diciembre, periodistas y trabajadorxs de prensa fueron fuertemente reprimidxs y detenidxs por las fuerzas de seguridad nacionales durante la cobertura de una movilización masiva frente al edificio del Poder Legislativo. En el marco de una movilización masiva que intentaba frenar la sanción de una Ley de Ajuste previsional, y ante un violento reaccionar de las fuerzas policiales por reprimirla, varios periodistas y trabajadorxs de la prensa…  
5339. Turkish authorities seek to expand censorship to Cyprus  

Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika and its staff have been seriously threatened since the newspaper published a cartoon of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan which is considered as an insult by Turkish authorities, media reported. Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika and its staff have been seriously threatened since the newspaper published a cartoon of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan which is considered as an insult by Turkish authorities, media reported. The cartoon, published by Afrika on 14 December under the title “Through Greek eyes”, shows a Greek statue urinating on the head of President Erdogan. The visual had been originally published in a Greek daily. Following the publication, parties and…  
5340. UK: IFJ backs fight for right to report  

The IFJ has pledged to back its affiliate the National Union of Journalists in defending the right to report, after it was revealed that legal action had been initiated against the BBC and The Guardian in respect of the ‘Paradise Papers’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has pledged to back its British affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in defending the right to report, after it was revealed that legal action had been initiated against the BBC and The Guardian in respect of the ‘Paradise Papers’. In response to news that the offshore company Appleby had initiated breach of confidentiality proceedings against just two of the 96 news organisations…  
5341. No EU trade agreement with Mexico without ex-ante sustainability impact assessment!  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today issued a joint statement with a coalition of non-governmental organisations urging the EU-Mexico trade agreement not to be signed until a full human rights impact assessment is completed. In the statement, the coalition welcomes the European Commission's decision to fully explore the potential economic, social, human rights and environmental impacts of the Free Trade Agreement through a Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) but it thinks that it is "completely unacceptable" that the SIA will only start at a time when the negotiations are nearing completion. Both negotiating parties have repeatedly stated that…  
5342. Paraguay: Declaran culpable a un ex intendente acusado de asesinar al periodista Pablo Medina  

El ex intendente de Ypehú, Vilmar Acosta, fue declarado culpable por el asesinato del periodista Pablo Medina y de su asistente, Antonia Almada, hecho ocurrido en 2014. La condena se decidirá en segunda fase del juicio, que está prevista para el martes 19 de diciembre. El ex intendente de Ypehú, Vilmar Acosta, fue declarado culpable por el asesinato del periodista Pablo Medina y de su asistente, Antonia Almada, ocurrido en 2014. La condena se decidirá en la segunda fase del juicio, que está prevista para el martes 19 de diciembre. El pasado jueves 14 de diciembre el ex intendente de Ypehú, Vilmar Acosta, fue declarado culpable por el Tribunal de Sentencia, presidido por el juez Ramón…  
5343. Naveen Gupta  

The 35-year-old correspondent for the Hindustan was shot dead by bike-borne assailants as he came out a public toilet behind his brother’s shop. He died on his way to hospital with five bullets to his face and torso.  
5344. Sudip Datta Bhowmik  

The 49-year-old senior journalist with the Bengali language Syandan Patrika and contributor to local television channel News Vanguard was shot at point-blank range by a trooper at the battalion headquarters of the paramilitary Tripura State Rifles (TSR) near state capital Agartala. Bhowmik had recently exposed financial irregularities in the TSR. He was taken to the hospital only three hours later, where he was declared “brought dead”.  
5345. En finir avec l’impunité des tueurs de journalistes, au Mexique et ailleurs  

Une délégation des syndicats de journalistes a rencontré ce 14 décembre l’ambassadeur du Mexique en France, M. Juan Manuel Gomez Robledo, afin de lui faire part de notre vive inquiétude sur la situation d’insécurité terrorisante à laquelle sont confrontés nos confrères mexicains et de demander à son gouvernement de contribuer à la lutte contre l’impunité menée par la Fédération Internationale des Journalistesauprès de l’ONU. Une délégation des syndicats de journalistes (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes, membres de la Fédération internationale des journalistes, FIJ) a rencontré ce 14 décembre l’ambassadeur du Mexique en France, M. Juan Manuel Gomez Robledo, afin de lui faire part de notre…  

The security guard of Shamshad Television was killed when gunmen stormed the TV station's offices in Kaboul. Naqibullah was killed as he patrolled the front gates to the building.  
5347. Asadullah Kuhzad  

The report for Peshkeswat newspaper was killed by unknown gunmen in a targeted attack in Pul-u-Khumri in Baghlan province.  
5348. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 8th December to Friday 15th December. 1) Nothing but praise back home. By Pantelis Boukalas, Ekathimerini  2) European Union Election Observation Mission releases preliminary statement on Nepal elections. Kathmandu Tribune  3) IT is impossible for global media to report on Kashmir: IFJ. Kashmir Media Service  4) JRL to…  
5349. Palestine: Facebook must act against death threats  

The IFJ has called on Facebook to take action to remove death threats against Palestinian journalists posted on the social media network. Palestinian journalists covering recent protests against the decision by the US government to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel have been targeted by online trolls. The IFJ has called on Facebook to take action to remove death threats against Palestinian journalists posted on the social media network. Palestinian journalists covering recent protests against the decision by the US government to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel have been targeted by online trolls. Writing in Hebrew one post calls says: “The journalists are…  
5350. Korean photojournalists attacked in Beijing  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK) in condemning the attack on two Korean photojournalists in Beijing, China on December 14, 2017. The IFJ and JAK call for an immediate apology from the Chinese authorities. According to reports, two Korean photojournalists, Koh Young-Kwon, from Hankook Ilbo, and Lee Chung-Woo and Maeli Business News, were part of the media covering the first official visit of Korean President Moon Jae-In, when security guards attacked them. Koh and Lee were with the media, as President Moon visited the China National Convention Centre. As President Moon entered the first hall, security guards…  
5351. Editor charged under Arms and Ammunition Act in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning the continued detention of journalist Prakash Dumre in Rupendehi, Nepal. The IFJ demands immediate release of the journalist. Editor Dumre was arrested from the office of Garjan Post weekly on November 21 and was initially held in detention without any charges. On December 6, the Supreme Court while hearing a Habeus corpus filed by FNJ Rupandehi, ordered the Area Police Office of Butwal, Rupandehi to provide a written answer within three days. However, ignoring the court order, the police has charged Dumre under the Arms and Ammunition Act. Dumre is…  
5352. Missing Myanmar journalists found in police detention  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Myanmar Journalists Association (MJA) condemn the arrest of two journalists in Yangon on December 12, 2017. The IFJ and MJA demand the immediate release of the journalists. According to Reuters, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe, who both work for Reuters, went missing after being invited to meet police officials over dinner in Yangon on December 12. The following day, the Ministry of Information released a statement saying that the two journalists had been arrested for having documents that related to the unrest in Rakhine state. The Government statement Myanmar said that the pair had been arrested for illegally acquiring…  
5353. Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed  

The 28 - year-old journalist, also known Gabow, was killed when an explosive which had been planted underneath his car's driving seat blew up in Mogadishu's Madina district. According to media reports, Ibrahim had taken a break from work on Monday in order to spend time with his children. The explosion occurred when he got back into his car. Mohamed Ibrahim was a news anchor working for privately-owned Kalsan TV, reporting primarily on political issues.  
5354. Ali Nur Siad Ahmed  

The 31-year old cameraman was killed in a massive suicide bombing at the busy KM5 junction in Mogadishu when the militants blew up a truck in the capital. The blast was described by media reports as the” deadliest and most powerful single attack” in Somali in recent times. Over 250 civilians,including four journalists were also injured in the bombing.  
5355. Abdullahi Osman Moallim  

The broadcast journalist who worked with Jubbaland TV died of injuries that he had sustained during a suicide bombing by the Al- Shaabaab militants in Beledeweyne on 10 September. Two other journalists, Abdi Shakur Mohamed Hassan and Abdulkadir Omar Ibrahim were also injured in the attack when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest outside a restaurant in the Hiiraan region.  
5356. Ikechukwu Onobogu  

The 50-year-old cameraman with Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS) based in the state capital, Awka, was found dead four days after he was reporting missing by his family. According to Premium Times newspaper, Onubogu left home on 12 November after receiving a phone call from an unknown person. After failing to return home or report at his office the following day, he was reported missing by his family. The police later found him dead with bullet wounds on 15 November at Obosi, Idemile North near Onitsha.  
5357. Lawrence Okojie  

The journalist with the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) in Edo State, was shot and killed while returning home from work by unknown gunmen on 8 July.  
5358. México: El SNRP se reunió con la Fiscalía Especial para la Atención de Delitos contra la Libertad de Expresión  

El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa se ha reunido en la oficina del Fiscal Especial para la Atención de Delitos contra la Libertad de Expresión quien prometió reuniones cada dos meses. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa se ha reunido en la oficina del Fiscal Especial para la Atención de Delitos contra la Libertad de Expresión quien prometió reuniones cada dos meses. El pasado lunes 11 de diciembre el Secretario General del Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa, Fernando Olivas Ortiz y el Secretario de Trabajo Rogaciano Méndez, fueron recibidos por el Fiscal Ricardo Sánchez Pérez del Pozo, responsable de la Fiscalía Especial para la Atención de Delitos…  
5359. MEDMEDIA report on Journalists’ unions in the Southern Mediterranean region  

The report launched on 13 December examines unions’ role in supporting journalists and media in 9 countries of the Southern Mediterranean region. The report launched on 13 December examines unions’ role in supporting journalists and media in 9 countries of the Southern Mediterranean region. It provides regional and international actors with key recommendations on media development in the region. More  For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 146 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
5360. French journalist arrested in Kashmir  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concern over the arrest and continuing detention of French freelance journalist Paul Comiti in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir region, India on December 10, 2017. The IFJ demands immediate release of the journalist.  On Sunday, Kashmir police arrested Comiti for ‘violating visa regulations’ by filming protest activities in Kashmir, and presented him to the court, which remanded him on custody for five days. Comiti, 47, was visiting Kashmir to research for his documentary on a business visa valid until December 2018. According to media reports the police charged him with violating the Passport Act and carrying out…  
5361. Ruling party cadre attack journalists in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) condemn the attack on four journalists in Pabna of Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh on November 30. The IFJ demands fair investigation to ensure the perpetrators are punished. Saikat Afroz, 35, of Somoy TV, Rizvi Joy and Milon Hosssain, 25, of ATN News, and Partho Hasan of DBC News were beaten up by a gang while on duty. The journalists said a group of 25 to 30 people carrying sticks and iron rods attacked them on instructions from Shirhan Sherif Tomal,  the son of Land Minister Shamsur Rahman Sherif. The journalists were  recording footage of people damaging banners and posters…  
5362. Argentina: grave caso de censura a periodista británica durante la Cumbre de la OMC  

Se trata de la periodista británica Sally Burch, quien fue deportada por decisión del Gobierno Nacional el pasado 7 de diciembre cuando intentaba ingresar al país para cubrir la Conferencia Ministerial de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. La periodista británica Sally Burch fue deportada por decisión del Gobierno Nacional el pasado 7 de diciembre cuando intentaba ingresar al país para cubrir la Conferencia Ministerial de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC). En el marco de dicha cumbre, que se lleva a cabo en Buenos Aires entre el 10 y el 13 de diciembre, la periodista y directora ejecutiva de la Agencia Latinoamericana de Información (ALAI), Sally Burch, fue retenida varias…  
5363. Somalia: journalist killed by car bomb  

TV journalist Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed, also known as Gabow, was killed by an explosive device planted beneath the driver’s seat of his car in Mogadishu’s Madina district on 11 December. TV journalist Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed, also known as Gabow, was killed by an explosive device planted beneath the driver’s seat of his car in Mogadishu’s Madina district on 11 December. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemned the attack, joining its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in mourning the death of another journalist in Somalia and called on the authorities to take urgent action to protect media workers. Media reports say that Mohamed…  
5364. Hawker Faisal Mohammed  

The journalist was injured in roadside car bombs in Abu Fas village in the south of Hassakah on 12 October, where he was reporting with his colleague Dilshan Ibish who died on the same day. Mohammed used to work for the radio station Sound of Kobane until she joined Hawar News Agency in 2015. Hawker was working at Hawar New Agency.  
5365. Dilshan Ibish  

According to Hawkar News and the Syrian Journalists Association, Dilshan Ibish and Hawker Faisal Mohammed were killed by roadside car bombs in Abu Fas village in the south of Hassakah where the two journalists were reporting on the displacement of the village’s inhabitants. Ibish died on the same day and Mohammed died 3 days after the attack. Ibish used to work for the radio station Sound of Kobane until she joined Hawar News Agency in 2015.  
5366. Abdulghafar Al-Badawi  

The journalist was killed from shrapnel after a rocket launched by the so-called Islamic State which exploded near him. This mortar attack took place during fighting between IS and opposition forces as a part of what was called Fateh Al-Futouh battle in Al-Sheikh Saad village of Daraa, which Al-badawi was covering for Shahid Media Institution.  
5367. Mohamed Abuzaid  

Abuzaid, also known as George Samara, was killed while covering clashes between opposition and the Syrian regime forces in Al-Manshiyya area of Daraa in the southeast of Syria. He had been working as a reporter in Darraa for the Syrian Media Organization -an opposition news website- since 2015.  
5368. Mohammed Hallaq  

The 30-year-old reporter was killed in Russian bombing while covering the events in rural Hama for Al-Jiser Channel. Hallaq was one of the channel’s most prominent reporters and had covered different events in various parts of Syria.  
5369. Palestine: IFJ condemns Israeli forces' attacks on journalists  

The IFJ today condemned attacks and obstruction by Israeli soldiers against journalists working in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The IFJ today condemned attacks and obstruction by Israeli soldiers against journalists working in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Palestinian and international journalists were attacked and prevented from working while trying to cover protests and demonstrations against yesterday’s decision by the US government to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. Israeli forces attacked journalists – including the crew of Al-Manar TV – while they were covering demonstrations in Ramallah. BBC journalist Iman Oraykat had to abandon a live broadcast  after…  
5370. Omar Abu Nabbout  

The freelance cameraman was killed by a Syrian army sniper while covering the clashes between the opposition and the regime forces in Al-Manshiyya neighborhood of Daraa. The young cameraman also contributed to Nabaa Media Foundation.  
5371. Shaaban Al-Taweel  

The Syrian journalist, also known as Abu Zaid Al-Homsi, was killed by a bomb that was planted by unknown people on a car which he was using in Beit Jinn village of Rural Damascus. The car belonged to Abbas Zuraifa, one the people who were leading the conciliation process with the Syrian Army in south-west Damascus, and it was believed that Al-Taweel himself took part in the process. Both were killed in the car bomb. Al-Taweel had covered events in Syria since the beginning of the uprising during which he was kidnapped by Al-Nusra Front. He worked for Al-Arabiyya channel and Al-Khutwa local agency.  
5372. Rana Al-Ajeeli  

According to media reports, Rana was killed while covering the clashes between the Iraqi Army and ISIS in Al-Anbar on the Iraqi-Syrian border. She was reporting while embedded with one of the groups of the Popular Mobilization Units and was killed by an IED that targeted the armed group.  
5373. Louay Sadiq Meshaal  

The 23-year-old cameraman and photographer was killed by a car bomb while covering the fighting to retake the city of Salahuddin. He was reporting while embedded with Al-Nujabaa movement, which is one of the groups of the Popular Mobilization Forces during the liberalization attempt of Mak-hool mountain in Salahuddin. According to the head of Al-Nujabaa TV station, He was killed in a car bomb by ISIS that targeted members of the armed group that he was accompanying in order to cover the events. Meshaal started working at Al-Nujabaa TV station since 2014, during which he covered many clashes.  
5374. Suhaib Al-Heeti  

According to Asiasat TV network, the freelance journalist was killed while on a mission to report for them in Hit in the north of Anbar District. The suicide bombing was targeting civilians who have gathered to light candles in solidarity with victims of a car bombing that took place the night before in Baghdad. Suhaib was among the 17 people who were killed in the bombing.  
5375. Tuba Akyilmaz  

The female Turkish Kurdish journalist, also known as Nujiyan Arhan, was hit by a bullet on the head on 3 March while covering the clashes between different Kurdish armed groups in Sinjar. She was taken to hospital in Al-Hasakah in northern Syria where she died on 22 March of injuries sustained from the gunshot. She had worked in journalism for 12 years in different Kurdish areas and for different media outlets, such as Roj News and Ozgur Politica. She also ran the feminist Kurdish web journal Sujin.  
5376. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 1st December to Friday 8th December. 1) In Russia, Independent Media Voices Are Becoming Targets Again. By Nadezda Azhgikhina, The Nation  2) Rwanda: The right of freedom of expression and of free media remains in jeopardy. Jambonews  3) Int’l media body concerned about fate of 30 journalists held by Houthis. Kuwait News…  
5377. Fiscalía y Procuraduría piden condena contra torturadores de periodista Claudia Julieta Duque  

Luego de más de dos años de juicio y de múltiples prácticas dilatorias, el 23 y 24 de noviembre pasados tanto la Fiscalía como la Procuraduría General de la Nación (PGN) pidieron sentencia condenatoria contra Ronal Harbey Rivera Rodríguez y Rodolfo Medina Alemán, ex agentes de la inteligencia colombiana acusados de torturar a la periodista colombiana Claudia Julieta Duque. Luego de más de dos años de juicio y de múltiples prácticas dilatorias, el 23 y 24 de noviembre pasados tanto la Fiscalía como la Procuraduría General de la Nación (PGN) pidieron sentencia condenatoria contra Ronal Harbey Rivera Rodríguez y Rodolfo Medina Alemán, ex agentes de la inteligencia colombiana acusados de…  
5378. Tanzanian journalist reported missing for two weeks  

A Tanzanian journalist has gone missing since 21 November. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) asks the government to do its utmost to find the journalist and bring him back safe. A Tanzanian journalist has gone missing since 21 November. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) asks the government to do its utmost to find the journalist and bring him back safe. Journalist Azory Gwanda, who works for Mwananchi Communications Limited, ( a subsidiary of Nation Media Group) and Citizen Newspapers, reportedly has been missing since Tuesday, 21 November. Media report that he was last seen when he left home in a white Toyota Land Cruiser with four occupants. Reports said…  
5379. Malta: IFJ urges for an independent investigation into the killing of reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IMJ), in welcoming the charges against three suspects in the killing of investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia, but has also highlighted the need for an impartial investigation into the evidence. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IMJ), in welcoming the charges against three suspects in the killing of investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia, but has also highlighted the need for an impartial investigation into the evidence. The reporter was killed on 16 October 2017 by a powerful car…  
5380. México: Relatores Especiales de la ONU y la CIDH instan al Gobierno a reforzar medidas de protección a periodistas  

Desde el 27 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre, dos Relatores Especiales designados por la ONU y la CIDH realizaron una visita conjunta oficial con el objetivo de evaluar la libertad de expresión y la seguridad de los periodistas en México. En este marco, presentaron sus observaciones preliminares y solicitaron a las autoridades mexicanas el refuerzo de los mecanismos de protección para periodistas. Desde el 27 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre, dos Relatores Especiales designados por la ONU y la CIDH realizaron una visita conjunta oficial con el objetivo de evaluar la libertad de expresión y la seguridad de los periodistas en México. En este marco, presentaron sus observaciones preliminares y…  
5381. Yemen: IFJ raises concerns about the fate of 30 TV journalists held by the Houthis  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today raised its deepest concerns about the safety and lives of at least 30 journalists and media workers of the TV channel Yemen Today. *UPDATE (14/12/2017): Yemen's Huthi rebels freed the journalists and staff of Yemen Today, Saba news agency reported on 13 December. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today raised its deepest concerns about the safety and lives of at least 30 journalists and media workers of the TV channel Yemen Today. The staff are being held inside the Television building in the capital Sana'a, following the Houthis militias’ raid on the station of 3 December 2017. During the attack, at…  
5382. More journalists arrested under ICT law in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) express serious concern over the continuation of arrests of journalists under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act in Bangladesh. The IFJ urges the Bangladesh government to drop all charges and immediately release the journalists. Anisur Rahman, a 33-year-old journalist with Daily Sangbad in Roumari upazilla, Rangpur in northern Bangladesh was arrested under the controversial Section 57 of the ICT Act on November 21. He was charged with taking a “screenshot” of a Facebook post involving the president and the prime minister and for showing it to the local people. The…  
5383. Journalists attacked by political gang in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning the attack on a journalist in Sindhupalchowk district on November 25. The IFJ demands arrest and legal action on the perpetrators. Dinesh Thapa, the FNJ Sindhupalchowk district chapter secretary and local correspondent of OnlineKhabar.com was attacked at his home by a gang led by a cadre of a political group on the eve of first phase of the general election. Thapa sustained injuries on his chest and back. FNJ Secretary Rem Bahadur Biswokarma in a statement, said: “An attack on a journalist is an attack on press freedom. The FNJ demands investigation into the incident to punish…  
5384. El Salvador: amenazan a fotoperiodista por redes sociales  

El trabajador del medio salvadoreño La Prensa Gráfica, Frederick Meza, ha denunciado que recibió amenazas de muerte en redes sociales cuando a través de una página vinculada al personal policial, fue acusado de entregar información de agentes un grupo de pandilleros. El trabajador del medio salvadoreño La Prensa Gráfica, Frederick Meza, ha denunciado que recibió amenazas de muerte en redes sociales cuando a través de una página vinculada al personal policial, fue acusado de entregar información de agentes un grupo de pandilleros. El fotoperiodista salvadoreño ha denunciado amenazas hacia él y su círculo familiar a raíz de una acusación que lo culpaba de entregar información de…  
5385. El Salvador: amenazan a fotoperiodista por redes sociales  

El trabajador de La Prensa Gráfica, el medio salvadoreño, Frederick Meza ha denunciado que ha recibido amenazas de muerte (cuándo) en redes sociales vinculadas aparentemente al personal policial, cuando fue acusado de entregar información de agentes un grupo de pandilleros. El trabajador de La Prensa Gráfica, el medio salvadoreño, Frederick Meza ha denunciado que ha recibido amenazas de muerte (cuándo) en redes sociales vinculadas aparentemente al personal policial, cuando fue acusado de entregar información de agentes un grupo de pandilleros. El fotoperiodista salvadoreño ha denunciado amenazas hacia él y su círculo familiar a raíz de una acusación que lo culpaba de entregar …  
5386. Canada: massive shutting of local newspapers threats media diversity  

The two media giants Torstar Corp. and Postmedia Network Inc. announced on 27 November that they would cut nearly 300 jobs as they plan to shutter more than 30 mostly local newspapers and weeklies across the country, most of whom are based in Ontario. The two media giants Torstar Corp. and Postmedia Network Inc. announced on 27 November that they would cut nearly 300 jobs as they plan to shutter more than 30 mostly local newspapers and weeklies across the country, most of whom are based in Ontario. The massive closures are a natural result of the federal government’s failure to address the crisis in the newspapers industry, said in a statement Canada’s media union Unifor, affiliated…  
5387. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 24th November to Friday 1st December. 1) Una de cada dos mujeres periodistas sufre violencia machista en el trabajo. Publico  2) 58 reporters killed in 2017 – IFJ. Panorama  3) Balochistan journalists caught 'between the stick and the gun'. By Secunder Kermani, BBC.  4) Nearly half of women journalists face abuse:…  
5388. Another journalist shot dead in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists (India) condemn the killing of a journalist in Bilhaur, Uttar Pradesh, India on November 30. The IFJ demands immediate arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists (India) condemn the killing of a journalist in Bilhaur, Uttar Pradesh, India on November 30. The IFJ demands immediate arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators. Naveen Gupta, a 35-year-old correspondent of Hindustan Hindi daily, was shot dead on November 30 at 7 pm by three or four bike-borne unidentified assailants while he was coming out of a public…  
5389. IFJ Blog: Celebrating Australian Journalism  

This speech was delivered by MEAA chief executive Paul Murphy at the 62nd annual Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism in Brisbane on the evening of November 29 2017. Good evening and welcome. I’d like to acknowledge and pay my respects to the custodians of the land on which we meet, the Elders, past and present, of the Turrbul and Jagera peoples. An important aspect of modern journalism is the growing contribution of freelance journalists. MEAA and the Walkley Foundation recognise that contribution across all media platforms and in July this year, the Walkley for Best Freelance Journalist went to Jo Chandler for her report “Climate of Change” produced in The Monthly magazine and…  
5390. Kashmir’s media in peril: A Situation Report 2017  

The IFJ Situation Report on Kashmir is based on meetings with journalists, young reporters, press photographers, editors and media owners in Kashmir in November 2017 and highlights the situation of journalists, media and other relevant issues on the ground. The IFJ Situation Report on Kashmir is based on meetings with journalists, young reporters, press photographers, editors and media owners in Kashmir in November 2017 and highlights the situation of journalists, media and other relevant issues on the ground. More  For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 146 countries Follow the IFJ…  
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