15060 results:

6161. Pakistan: Broadcasting authority PEMRA suspends license of two TV channels  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the action of the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) suspending the license of two television channels on November 26. The IFJ demands that the channels be allowed to continue broadcasting. PEMRA suspended licenses of Din News for a month and Neo TV for a week; and fined them Rs 1 million (approximately USD 9,500) for ‘levelling baseless allegations against the judge of the Supreme Court’. PEMRA also fined Sach TV Rs 1 million for the airing remarks of a caller. The suspension will be implemented from December 1, 2016 and the fine payable within 15…  
6162. Zunar targeted again by Malaysian government and its supporters  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJM), in condemning the harassment and arrest of notable Malaysian political cartoonist Zunar for allegedly insulting Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak following an exhibition of his works in Penang. The incident follows a long pattern of harassment against the cartoonist, including legal harassment under the country’s controversial sedition laws. On Saturday, November 26 Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, commonly known under the pen name Zunar, was detained overnight by police for alleged sedition with an intention to insult Prime Minister Razak. According to NUJM, the cartoonist…  
6163. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 18th November to Friday 25th November: 1. Macedonia, detention and censorship 2. Librarians, Archivists, Call On WIPO Members To Create Safe Harbour Against Copyright Liability 3. Dutch journalist arrested in Panama after criticiszing Canadian businessman 4. Incorporate women in governance – UNESCO 5. Egypt: hands off journalists’ union, says IFJ 6. Media coverage of war atrocities opens debate on INFOCORE research 7. Philippines marks 7th…  
6164. Journalists’ unions warn about “confusing” EU Parliament resolution tackling anti-EU propaganda  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) warned about a “confusing and incoherent” European Parliament non-legislative resolution adopted on Wednesday to counter anti-EU propaganda from countries such as Russia and non-state actors, like Daesh o Al-Qaeda. MEPs suggested to reinforce the EU’s “strategic communication” task force and investing more in awareness raising, media literacy, online and local media as well as investigative journalism. The resolution calls on EU member states to boost funding for counter-propaganda projects. A total of 691 MEPs participated in the vote: 304 (44%) voted in favor of the resolution dubbed "EU strategic…  
6165. Uruguay: la FIP repudia reacción de mandos militares contra la prensa  

En un hecho que contradice la libertad de expresión, un Comandante en Jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas amenazó con iniciar una demanda contra el periódico La Diaria, a partir de un artículo difundido en su sección humorística. El 16 de noviembre el periódico La Diaria publicó en su sección de humor una columna satírica que trataba temas vinculados a la Armada Nacional de ese país. En respuesta, el Comandante en Jefe de esta fuerza amenazó con iniciar acciones legales contra el medio por delito de injuria, de no mediar aclaración y rectificación sobre lo volcado en dicha columna. Se trata, sin dudas, de una reacción que pretende menoscabar con figuras penales desproporcionadas el derecho a la…  
6166. Editorial-IFJ Global Newsletter, December 2016  

The place of social media in journalism has been the subject of discussion for years, and rightly so. While for many years, these new platforms were considered a lucrative source of revenues by media owners, social media yield almost little to no economic benefits. Yet, they are necessary for any media presence online and elsewhere. To date, no media nor journalist can objectively do without them to a point where Facebook has become the first source of information for internet users (!) This represents a double danger for citizens for who the right to information is a fundamental right but, at the same time, quality information can be confronted with rumors without any…  
6167. IFJ affiliates supporting the #IFJVAW  

CCOO, Spain RUJ, Russia AJP, Belgium  NUJ, UK SJN-CNJ, France Cpo-Fnsi, Italy  AJG, Guinea For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
6168. Download the visuals of #IFJVAW  

Download the IFJ visuals here and share them on your social media this Friday, 25 November, to mark International day for the elimination of violence against women and call to end gender-based violence against female journalists at their workplace.   Download the image here Download the image here   Download the image here For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
6169. ​Awaab al Zubayrei  

The Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS), and an IFJ affiliate said that the cameraman for Taiz News Network was killed in a mine explosion in the Askary neighbourhood, east of Taiz. Awaab was covering clashes, particularly the destruction of the houses in the area.  
6170. #Neverforget the Ampatuan massacre  

Today marks the 7th anniversary of the single deadliest attack on the media in history. On November 23, 2009, 32 journalists were among 58 people who were brutally murdered in Maguidanao in the southern Philippines as part of a political attack. To date, no one has been prosecuted and justice has not been served to the families of the victims. #EndImpunity For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
6171. #25N: IFJ backs global call for action on violence against women journalists  

IFJ affiliates across the world will back on 25 November a call for global action against gender-based violence as reports of attacks on women journalists soar. From Kathmandu to Buenos Aires journalists unions will take part in meetings, protests, training sessions and marches to demand an end to attacks on women journalists and for action to tackle the impunity which allows perpetrators to go unpunished.  Read: Gender Council report on November 25 To mark the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls, the IFJ will also formally sign up to the campaign for an ILO Convention to stop gender-based violence at work. Recent studies show that almost 65% of women…  
6172. IFJ marks the UN Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls  

Each year, the IFJ Gender Council highlights reports of violence, abuse and harassment collected by the Council, IFJ affiliates and regional offices for the UN Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls on November 25. And, what we are doing about it. Each year, women journalists are killed, assaulted, threatened, jailed, abused and harassed, most often for doing their job, but also for the ongoing and pandemic discrimination that normalizes violence against women around the globe, and maintains impunity for the perpetrators of these crimes firmly in place. Recent UNESCO statistics show that less than 1 in ten killings of journalists is prosecuted, and 92% of violence used to…  
6173. IFJ condemns new extension of Palestinian journalist’s detention  

*UPDATE: Omar Nazzal's detention without charges has been extended for the second time with 3 more months by Israeli authorities, media reported on 21 November. The journalist and union leader was expected to be released the day after. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), in condemning the 3-month extension of the detention without trial of Palestinian journalist and member of the PJS board. Omar Nazzal (54), who had been due for release for the first time on 22 August, was arrested without any reason being given on 23 April at the border between the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Jordan…  
6174. Peru: Presenter murdered at radio station  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its deep concerns about the killing of radio presenter Hernán Choquepata Ordonez on 20 November in the province of Camaná, Peru. Ordoñez, known by his pseudonym “Randy”, was at the radio station La Ribereña last Sunday where he presented the program “Hablan los pueblos” (The villages speak), when he was attacked by unidentified assailants. After being brutally beaten on the head with blunt objects, he lost his life before reaching hospital. The journalist and his colleagues, who were often critical of the local authorities, had been receiving threats for more than a month and had denounced the incidents to the…  
6175. Egypt: hands off journalists’ union, says IFJ  

The IFJ urged the Egyptian government to “keep its hands off” after a court sentenced the head of the Egyptian journalists’ union (EJS) and 2 board members to a 2-year jail sentence. EJS president Yehia Qalash and board members, Khaled al-Balshy and Gamal Abdel Rahim received a 2-year jail sentence on 19 November after being convicted of harbouring journalists wanted by the police and spreading false information. The journalists' union said it would appeal against the verdict. The IFJ expressed its grave concerns over the escalation of attacks against the EJS, its leaders and press freedom in Egypt and called on the government to take all necessary steps to sustain independent…  
6176. Yemen: Eighth media worker killed in 2016  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), in mourning the death of cameraman Awaab al Zubayrei. Al Zubayrei was killed on 18 November following a mine explosion in the city of Taiz, southern Yemen. The cameraman, who was working for Taiz News Network, was killed during clashes while covering the destruction houses in the Askary neighborhood. “The YJS condemns the continuous targeting of Yemeni journalists covering the war and urges all journalists to follow safety protocols when they are working in the field,” said the union in a statement, while urging media owners to provide safety equipment for frontline media…  
6177. Panama: IFJ/EFJ urge to release Dutch journalist detained over fraud and corruption reports  

*UPDATE: Ornstein's sentence is now of 38 months, not 20. The International and European Federations of Journalists, IFJ and EFJ, together with their affiliate the Dutch Journalists Association (NVJ), have called for the immediate release of a Dutch journalist who faces a 20-month jail sentence. Dutch journalist Okke Ornstein was detained and arrested upon arriving at Panama’s Tocumen International Airport on 15 November. He is facing a 20-month sentence for libel and slander in relation to articles he posted on his blog about the alleged dubious business activities of a Canadian citizen, Monte Friesner, in Panama. The unions claim the libel and slander claims are baseless. The…  
6178. IFJ/EFJ slam UK Investigatory Powers Bill which threatens journalistic sources and whistleblowers  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), joined their UK affiliate, The National Union of Journalists (NUJ), in strongly condemning the UK Investigatory Powers Bill, which threatens the right to privacy, freedom of expression and investigative journalism, giving the Government sweeping spying powers. The new law, also known as Snooper's Charter, gives the UK one of the most extreme spying powers in the developed world whose impact will be felt around the world.  Under the “national security” pretext, the bill, which was passed by the House of Lords on 15 November, will force internet and phone companies to store their users’ browsing data for a year…  
6179. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 11th November to Friday 18th November: 1. SAJA, IFJ hold workshop in climate change reporting 2. 102 journalists killed in Pakistan since 2005 report 3. Liberté pour notre confrère Olivier Bertrand, arrête en Turquie 4. Periodistas apelan a Primer Ministro de Timor-Leste para que retire la demanda por difamación contra reporteros 5. Des syndicats de journalistes demandent la libération d'Olivier Bertrand arrêté en Turquie 6. Women should be encouraged to join the…  
6180. Foreign journalist and crew attacked and harassed in Beijing, China  

The International Federation of Journalists condemns the attack on a BBC journalist and crew in Beijing. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the attack. On November 17, John Sudworth, a BBC journalist and his crew, were trying to interview an independent candidate for the upcoming elections in Beijing. When the crew arrived at the candidates house, they were immediately confronted by six men, who blocked the crews access to the house. Sudworth was eventually able to access the house and knocked on the front door. However when the candidate answered the door, the men pushed the door shut and stopped the candidate from speaking, or let the crew inside. The candidate then opened…  
6181. Journalist attacked and threatened for reporting in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka in condemning the attack and threats made to a journalist for his reporting in Trincomalee, Eastern Province of Sri Lanka on November 15. The IFJ demands immediate investigation and arrest of those responsible. On Tuesday, journalist Mohammed Geeth was attacked by the workers of a restaurant after a person claiming to be a media secretary of a local politician threatened him for reporting about hygiene of the restaurant food. Geeth had filed a report, which claimed the restaurant does not maintain hygiene after public health officials removed some unhealthy food during…  
6182. Abdelkarim Al-Jarbani  

The 25-year-old photographer killed while covering fighting in northwest Yemen between pro-government forces and Houthi rebels. Al-Jarbani , who worked for online media outlets Ma'reb Press and Yemen Al-Aan, was reportedly embedded with pro-goverment forces whe he was shot by a sniper, according to the International News Institute (INSI) quoting media reports.  
6183. Hashem Al Hamran  

The TV cameraman for Al Masirah, a Houthi-owned television channel, was filming bombing raids on 21 January when he was severely injured by an air-strike. He died from his wounds the following day, according to the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate, an IFJ affiliate.  
6184. WIPO: IFJ asks to support creativity and secure authors' income  

The chair of the IFJ/EFJ authors' rights expert group (AREG), Mike Holderness delivered a speech at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) on 17 November calling on WIPO to support creativity and secure authors' income. "Without the work of skilled authors and performers libraries have nothing to share; schools nothing to teach; and this Committee nothing to discuss. This Committee needs to re-focus on supporting creativity." Read the full speech, as delivered, here. Read the IFJ 5 rules for fair contract   
6185. ​Marcel Lubala  

The reporter for the state-TV, Radiotélévision nationale congolasie (RTNC) was killed in Mbuji-Mayi, the third largest city of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Reports said that armed men who forced their way in his home in the early hours of the morning as he slept with his family. He was shot several times as he tried to escape. His murder was believed to have been a targeted killing as his killers first called out his name before breaking down his house' door. They also reportedly shouted " We finally got him", after killing him. Marcel, who presented a programme on hygiene and environment , had worked at the RTNC for 15 years. The authorities announced an…  
6186. Les affiliés français de la FIJ demandent à Hollande de s’engager dans la défense de la liberté de la presse en Turquie  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à ses affiliés en France, les syndicats SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT-Journaliste, qui ont envoyé hier une lettre au Président de la République, M. François Hollande, pour lui demander de s’engager dans la défense des principes de la liberté de la presse et du pluralisme d’opinion en Turquie. Dans la lettre, ils se montrent soulagés de la libération récente du journaliste français Olivier Bertrand, arrêté par les forces turques alors qu’il effectuait un reportage pour le site « Les Jours » dans la province de Gaziantep, mais ils s’interrogent aussi sur la situation des 148 collègues toujours emprisonnés, faisant de la Turquie la plus…  
6187. La FIJ condamne l’assassinat d’un journaliste en République démocratique du Congo  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), a aujourd’hui fermement condamné l’assassinat de Marcel Lubala, journaliste à la radiotélévision nationale congolaise, abattu à son domicile dans la nuit du lundi au mardi à Mbuji-Mayi, dans le centre de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). La FIJ souligne que la mort du journaliste intervient dans un climat de tension politique dans le pays caractérisé par de multiples violations de la liberté de la presse. Elle demande que toute la lumière soit faite sur ce meurtre et que les autorités respectent l’indépendance des journalistes dans leur rôle d’informer le public congolais. « La mort de Marcel Lubala s’inscrit dans un…  
6188. DRC: IFJ condemns new broadcast decree targeting foreign media houses  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned a new decree in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) approved ahead the presidential elections that will affect foreign media, threatening freedom of expression. Under the new decree, which was signed on 12 November by the Minister for Media and Government Lambert Mende, international broadcasters are required to register as local firms or have their transmissions cut. Radio France International (RFI), its television channel TV 5 Monde, Voice of America and the BBC would be the most affected. RFI’s signal has been blocked for over a week now after they carried a news item on a planned opposition protest due to take place…  
6189. Gambia: Serious threats to safety of journalists ahead of December election  

*UPDATE: Photojournalist Alagie Manka has been released on 16 November, our Gambian affiliate reported The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today expressed concerns about the threats, arrests and detention faced by journalists in the Gambia ahead of the general elections scheduled to take place on 1st December. “We call on the Government of the Gambia to uphold press freedom and ensure the safety of journalists while covering the election campaign as well as the entire election process,” said IFJ President, Philippe Leruth. Freelance journalist and documentary producer, Alagie Manka and journalist Yunus Salieu of the Daily Observer were arrested on…  
6190. IFJ Blog: No justice for Maldives journalists  

No justice for Maldives journalists by Mohamed Junayd This blog has been re-posted from The Maldives Independent. The trial of three Raajje TV journalists, charged with obstructing police officers while covering an opposition protest and a bomb scare, is set to close on November 8. If found guilty, the young reporters face up to a year in jail.   Mohamed Wisam, Leevan Ali Naseer and Adam Zareer, are the first Maldivian journalists to be prosecuted since the country adopted a democratic constitution in 2008. Assault charges were also filed against Hussain Fiyaz Moosa, the chief operating officer of Raajje TV, but the trial remains stalled since a first hearing…  
6191. IFJ BLOG: Defending the messenger  

Defending the Messenger Journalists in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh have been under siege for the past several decades while living and reporting on the conflict between the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist) and the Government of India, with the vast majority of adivasi (indigenous people) villagers bearing the brunt. Journalists and human rights activists have been under threat for uncovering violations by the security forces and state-sponsored vigilante groups. With army operations having intensified in Bastar, journalists have been more at risk of harassment, false cases and intimidation, as noted by the IFJ in recent releases and its 2015-2016 South Asia Press…  
6192. ​Dharmendra Singh  

The 35-year-old correspondent from Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar at Rohtas in Bihar was shot by three unidentified gunmen on motor bikes who opened fire on him at point range while he was drinking tea at a tea stall near his home in Sasaram. He was hit in the stomach and died on the way to the hospital. His colleagues believe the incident may be linked to his reporting on illegal stone mining. His murder, six months after the killing of Rajdeo Ranjan in May which is being investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), throws a spotlight on the abysmal law and order situation in Bihar.  
6193. Expertalia: A tool for journalists to diversify sources  

The Belgian Association of Professional Journalists (AJP), a member of the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) launched a web tool Expertalia, an expert directory for media professionals with the aim to diversify media sources in media reporting.  The initiative, supported by the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, aims to bring more equality and diversity in the use of experts by the media. Expertalia is a tool targeting at journalists with the aim to renew their sources of information by offering new experts from a diverse background. To date, Expertalia lists 200 experts in various fields (science, law, economics, society, etc), active in research,…  
6194. ​Mohsen Khazaei  

The reporter for Iran's state television (IRIB) was killed in a mortar attack in the Syrian battlefront city of Aleppo, the broadcaster said. In a statement, the station said Mohsen Khazaei died in the village of Minyan outside the northern city, one of two areas which Syrian government forces had recaptured from rebel fighters. A cameraman was also wounded in the incident, IRIB added.  
6195. Sixth journalist killed in India as deadly year continues  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJ) and the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in deploring the killing of yet another journalist in Bihar six months after the killing of Rajdeo Ranjan, senior journalist and bureau chief of the Hindi daily Hindustan in Siwan. The IFJ, NUJ (I) and IJU demand immediate and decisive action from the Indian authorities to end the culture of violence and impunity against journalists. Dharmendra Singh, 35, correspondent from Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar at Rohtas was shot on the morning of Saturday, November 12. Three unidentified motorcycle-borne assailants shot him in the stomach at…  
6196. Police attack radio journalist during live program in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the attack on a radio journalist by police inside a radio station in Firozkoh, central Afghanistan. The IFJ demands immediate action against the police involved in the attack. On November 12, three police recruits stormed into the studio of Feroz-Koh Radio and violently assaulted journalist Janat Meer while he was presenting a live show. The Ghor Police Chief General Ghulam Mustafa Muhsini said that the police involved have been arrested and an investigation has begun. AIJA President Samandar Khan said: "The entry of police into a media organisation without…  
6197. IFJ BLOG: Why do you need a free media?  

Why do you need a free media? This blog has been re-posted from The Freedom Network.  Hamid Mir is a senior Pakistani Journalist. He survived an assassination attempt in March 2014 when he was shot and seriously wounded in Karachi. The federal government did not release judicial commission’s findings into the attack on him nor the attackers are brought to justice yet. He tweets at @HamidMirGeo. Do you know that only 13 percent of the world population enjoys a free press? According to Freedom House report “Press Freedom in 2016” the safety of journalists is guaranteed in just 13 percent of the world’s population. 41 percent of world’s population has a partly free press and 46…  
6198. Somalia: IFJ welcomes historic victory for trade unions at the ILO  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), together with its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), welcomes the recommendations approved today by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in favour of Somalia´s independent trade union movement against the national government.  The recommendations, approved during the 328th Session of the ILO in Geneva, Switzerland, were made by the Organisation´s Committee on Freedom of Association following a complaint lodged by NUSOJ, the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) against the Federal Government of Somalia. The complaint was backed by evidence of…  
6199. Filipino journalists survives assassination attempt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in denouncing the assassination attempt on a columnist and radio commentator in Dagupan City, Pangasinan in the western Philippines. The IFJ demand an immediate investigation into the incident. On Tuesday, November 8, Virgilio Maganes, a columnist with Watch newspaper and commentator on dwPR radio, was wounded when he was shot in the shoulder while riding a tricycle to work. The assailant who was riding a motorcycle fired at least four shots before speeding off. Maganes was taken to hospital for treatment. According to NUJP, after the attacker sped off and…  
6200. Hamilton Hernández  

The 28-year-old TV presenter at Canal 5 of the show called Punto Rojo was shot dead with his wife in the city of Coatepeque, south west of Guatemala. Unidentified gunmen open fire on the couple who were riding a motorbike.  
6201. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 4th November to Thursday 10th November: 1. Surveillance and anti-press sentiment heightens concerns for journalists safety closer to home 2. Those in power need to believe “freedom of the press,” not just say it 3. La FAPE insta al nuevo ministro de Exteriores a pedir a Erdogan la libertad de los periodistas turcos encarcelados 4. Liberté de la presse : mettre fin à l’impunité du régime turc 5. Turquie : le leader du HDP, Selahattin Demirtas…  
6202. ​IFJ Conference on Impunity for Crimes against Journalists Calls for Codification of Protection Measures  

A conference convened by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on ending impunity for crimes targeting journalists and media workers has called for action to tackle the global crisis of impunity. The conference “Turning words into actions”, which took place at the IFJ headquarters in Brussels on 7 November, recommended addressing current weaknesses in the international legal framework for greater media protection through the adoption of a new convention on the safety of journalists. Delegates to the conference highlighted a series of existing weaknesses in the protection of journalists including the non-recognition of victim status to journalists, the…  
6203. Egypt: IFJ concludes two safety trainings  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) concluded together with the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS) 2 safety trainings for journalists on 29-31 October and on 5-7 November.  The trainings which brought together 42 journalists, were run buy 3 safety trainers from the EJS who graduated from the IFJ regional safety Training of Trainers programme. The programme has built a network of safety trainers working with journalists’ unions across the region. It has been running since 2011 and has helped up to 2000 journalists in the region to receive safety trainings which cover topics such as personal safety planning, reporting on demonstrations, covering wars as well as first…  
6204. Malaysian pro-government protesters demand closure of Malaysiakini  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists, Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) condemns the threats made against independent news portal Malaysiakini, by pro-government group ‘Red Shirts’. The IFJ and NUJM urge police to investigate the threats and guarantee the safety and security of Malaysiakini staff and offices. On Thursday, November 3, Datuk Jamal Md Yunos, a member of the prime minister’s ruling United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) party, issued a statement demanding Malaysiakini explain its funding from Open Society Foundation (OSF). The statement gave Malaysiakini management until 12 pm on Saturday, November 5 to explain the…  
6205. Mexico: alert on reports of journalists’ families threatened and displaced  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) once again expresses its concern about the situation of violence in which Mexico which is targeting Mexican journalists, after several attacks and threats of 29 October against Rosa María Rodríguez Quintanilla, Francisco Cuéllar Cardona and Ilich Cuellar Quintanilla in Tamaulipas. Read the full article in Spanish For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
6206. IFJ conference on impunity for crimes against journalists calls for codification of protection measures  

A conference convened by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on ending impunity for crimes targeting journalists and media workers has called for action to tackle the global crisis of impunity. The conference “Turning words into actions”, which took place at the IFJ headquarters in Brussels on 7 November, recommended addressing current weaknesses in the international legal framework for greater media protection through the adoption of a new convention on the safety of journalists. Delegates to the conference highlighted a seres of existing weaknesses in the protection of journalists including the non-recognition of victim status to journalists, the limited efficiency…  
6207. Sixth journalist killed in Guatemala since the start of the year  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) once again expresses its concern about the situation of violence against journalism in Guatemala, where the killing of another journalist last Sunday brought to death tally of media professionals to six since the start of the year. Hamilton Hernández was intercepted by unknown people while he was driving his motorcycle near Coatepeque, in the country’s south eastern region. The journalist was shot dead with his wife.  Read the full article in Spanish For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe…  
6208. Mahad Ali Mohamed  

According to NUSOJ, the journalist for Radio Codka Mudug (Voice of Mudug Radio) was seriously wounded in the head after a stray bullet hit him as he was leaving his house for work. He was rushed to Galkayo Hospital where he was pronounced dead.  
6209. RFI et Radio OKAPI inaudibles en RDC: menaces sur la démocratie  

Mise à jour 9.11.16 Depuis ce vendredi 4 novembre, les émetteurs de Radio France Internationale (RFI) à Kinshasa et à Lubumbashi, en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), sont coupés. Les programmes de Radio Okapi, la radio des Nations Unies, sont quant à eux devenus inaccessibles à Kinshasa. Ces deux radios sont devenues inaudibles à la veille d'une grande manifestation organisée par l'opposition, samedi 5 novembre, dans la capitale congolaise, et, les auditeurs n'y avaient toujours plus accès au cœur de la RDC ce lundi. « M. Lambert Mende, le ministre congolais de l'Information, a tenté de justifier ces coupures et ce brouillage en accusant les radios concernées d'être “les…  
6210. IFJ mourns death of Radio Journalist in Central Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), have today strongly condemned the killing of journalist Mahad Ali Mohamed in Central Somalia. According to NUSOJ, Mahad Ali Mohamed who was working for Radio Codka Mudug (Voice of Mudug Radio) was seriously wounded in the head on Sunday morning after a stray bullet hit him as he was leaving his house for work and he was rushed to Galkayo Hospital where he succumbed to the wound he sustained and was pronounced dead. There is a renewed armed conflict between forces loyal to Puntland and Galmudug states which are part of Somalia federal states. Both regional…  
6213. TV journalists attacked in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) in condemning the attack on two television journalists in Chawkbazar, Dhaka on November 6. The IFJ demands immediate action from authorities to arrest and punish the attackers. A dozen people assaulted reporter Shakil Hasan and cameraperson Shahin Alam of Jamuna TV as they were reporting on the illegal polythene factories. The gang, including owners of two polythene factories, also tried to burn the reporter with kerosene. “Soon after we went there to report, a few men told us to steer clear of any trouble. As we were leaving, about 10 men came running and began to beat us up,” said…  
6214. IFJ BLOG: The Circle of Impunity  

Circle of Impunity Malini Subramaniam, freelance contributor for online news website Scroll.in, was based in Bastar, Chhattisgarh. She reported on human rights violations perpetrated by the police, security forces and vigilante groups and brought to the fore incidents of sexual violence against women, incarceration of minors, the shutdown of schools, extrajudicial or ‘encounter’ killings, and threats against journalists in the state. Labelled as a Maoist, she was subjected to repeated interrogation, hounding, surveillance and harassment by police and members of a state-backed vigilante group, the Samajik Ekta Manch. In February 2016, members of the Manch gathered outside her house,…  
6215. TV channels banned for a day in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in condemning the Indian government’s decision to ban Hindi news channel NDTV India and News Time Assam for a day on November 9. The IFJ demands the decision be immediately withdrawn. On November 2, the Information & Broadcasting Ministry passed an order to prohibit the transmission or re-transmission of NDTV India channel and News Time Assam for one day on any platform throughout India with effect from 00:01 hrs on November 9, 2016 till 00:01 hrs of November 10, 2016.  The government invoked Rule 6(1)(p) of the Cable TV Network Regulation Act, which prohibits any programme…  
6216. TV channels banned for a day in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in condemning the Indian government’s decision to ban Hindi news channel NDTV India and News Time Assam for a day on November 9. The IFJ demands the decision be immediately withdrawn. On November 2, the Information & Broadcasting Ministry passed an order to prohibit the transmission or re-transmission of NDTV India channel and News Time Assam for one day on any platform throughout India with effect from 00:01 hrs on November 9, 2016 till 00:01 hrs of November 10, 2016’.  The government invoked Rule 6(1)(p) of the Cable TV Network Regulation Act, which prohibits any programme…  
6217. IMPUNITY WIN: Dekendra Raj Thapa  

This month the IFJ is running a campaign to end impunity of crimes against journalists. In this first week we want to highlight triumph stories in the Asia Pacific of cases that have been successfully resolved. These cases illustrate the importance of prosecuting attacks against journalists for maintaining press freedom, and free and fair democratic societies.  This second case tells the story of Nepalese journalist Dekendra Raj Thapa.  To learn more about what #IFJ Asia Pacific is doing to #endimpunity & hold governments to account visit: Our Asia Pacific…  
6218. Nematullah Zahir  

The local reporter for Kabul-based Ariana TV, was killed in a bomb blast when he was on a reporting trip with two other reporters near Lashkargah city. AIJA Helmand president Zainullah Stanekzai and a reporter of Zwandon TV survived the explosion. It was not immediately clear whether the journalists were targeted or fell prey to an ambush. Stanikzai reportedly said: “We were on our way to the 2nd police district where fighting was underway when the vehicle we were traveling in hit a roadside bomb. One reporter was killed another wounded and the blast left an impact on me as well.”  
6219. Yaqub Sharafat  

The senior provincial reporter for the state-run Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA) was shot dead by unknown armed men in Rasala area of the provincial capital Qalat, Zabul probince. He sustained serious gunshot injuries and died on the way to the hospital. The police has begun its investigation but is yet to arrest anyone. No group has claimed responsibility for the killing.  
6220. Journalist killed in explosion in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the killing of a journalist in an explosion in Helmand province, in southern Afghanistan on Friday, November 4. The IFJ demands urgent action from the Afghanistan government to ensure the safety for the Afghan media community. Journalist Nematullah Zahir, a local reporter for Kabul-based Ariana TV, was killed in a bomb blast on Friday afternoon. He was on a reporting trip with two other reporters near Lashkargah city when the incident occurred. AIJA Helmand president Zainullah Stanekzai and a reporter of Zwandon TV survived the explosion. It was not…  
6221. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 28th October to Friday 4th November: 1. Secure Press for a Secure World 2. Scribes rally against the ban on Kashmir Reader 3. The Message and the Messenger 4. EU calls for end impunity for crimes against journalists 5. Over 65 journalists already killed in 2016 6. IFJ reports 66 journalists killed in 2016 7. A pressing case for freedom  8. Crimes against journalists: an epidemic of impunity 9. 2 Novembre: préparation et protection des journalistes en zone de…  
6222. IMPUNITY WIN: Anak Agung Narenda Prabangsa  

This month the IFJ is running a campaign to end impunity of crimes against journalists. In this first week we want to highlight triumph stories in the Asia Pacific of cases that have been successfully resolved. These cases illustrate the importance of prosecuting attacks against journalists for maintaining press freedom, and free and fair democratic societies.  This second case tells the story of Indonesian journalist Anak Agung Narenda Prabangsa. To learn more about what #IFJ Asia Pacific is doing to #endimpunity & hold governments to account visit: Our Asia Pacific…  
6223. IMPUNITY WIN: Wali Khan Babar  

This month the IFJ is running a campaign to end impunity of crimes against journalists. In this first week we want to highlight triumph stories in the Asia Pacific of cases that have been successfully resolved. These cases illustrate the importance of prosecuting attacks against journalists for maintaining press freedom, and free and fair democratic societies.  This first case tells the story of the late Pakistani journalist Wali Khan Babar.  To learn more about what #IFJ Asia Pacific is doing to #endimpunity & hold governments to account visit: Our Asia Pacific impunity webpage: http://www.ifj.org/regions/asia-pacific/end-impunity-campaign/   Our…  
6224. #Impunity: Turning words into action  

To mark 2016 International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists , the IFJ will organise a half-day conference on 7 November in Brussels on "Turning words into action". According to IFJ statistics 112 journalists lost their lives when carrying out their duties in 2015. Today only one out of 10 killings in the media is investigated. The situation for non-fatal attacks on journalists is even worst. Governments fail in their duty to hunt down the harassers, the attackers, the killers of media workers. Impunity not only endangers journalists, it imperils democracy and compromises hopes for peace and development. Legal guarantees exist for the protection of…  
6225. Albanian journalists barred from attending media commission hearing  

The International and European Federations of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), together with their affiliate, the Association of Professional Journalists (APJ) in Albania expressed their firm disappointment and concerns over a  failed Commission hearing in the Albanian Parliament. The session was scheduled on 2 November during a hearing organised by the Commission of the Media with the former director of the TV Channel A1News, Alida Tota, who was sacked due to an investigative report made last August. The investigation was about the tragic death of a 17-year-old man Ardi Gjoklaj, who was illegally working at a landfill under supervision of the Municipality of Tirana. The…  
6226. #endimpunity: Join IFJ’s conference on “Turning words into action” in the fight against violence in journalism  

According to IFJ statistics, 66 journalists and media staff have lost their lives when carrying out their duties since the start of 2016. But the worst statistic yet is on impunity for these levels of violence with only one out of 10 killings of media professionals is investigated. The situation is equally dire for non-fatal attacks on journalists. In many cases, governments continue to fail in their duty to hold accountable those who harass and attack media workers. Impunity not only endangers journalists’ lives , it imperils democracy and compromises hopes for peace and development. There exist legal guarantees for the protection of journalists as civilians which states are duty…  
6227. Québec : la protection des sources journalistiques piétinée par la police montréalaise  

Le téléphone portable d’un journaliste  québécois a été surveillé par le service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) pendant plusieurs mois courant 2016, mettant en péril la protection de ses sources journalistiques. La FIJ se joint à ses affiliés canadiens Fédération nationale des communications  (FNC-CSN) et UNIFOR pour dénoncer des atteintes graves à l’un des principes fondamentaux de la profession. De Janvier à juillet 2016, la police de Montréal a surveillé le téléphone portable du journaliste Patrick Lagacé, travaillant au journal La Presse, à la suite de 24 mandats de surveillance délivré par une juge de paix. Motif : une enquête interne de la police visant à…  
6228. Turkey: international coalition slams Cumhuriyet arrests, media closures  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ and IFJ) on 2 November joined a coalition of international media freedom organisations led by the International Press Institute (IPI), in condemning the closure of 15 pro-Kurdish media outlets and the arrests of Cumhuriyet journalists in a joint letter to Turkish officials. The letter called for government to cease abusing state of emergency decrees to restrict freedom of expression and for the immediate release of the detained Cumhuriyet journalists, as well as all other writers and journalists jailed in Turkey for exercising their right to freedom of expression. The letter can also be downloaded as a PDF in English. The…  
6229. SAMSN, IFJ demand concrete action to end toxic impunity in South Asia  

The South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), together with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), today issued a stern call to governments in the region to make greater efforts to address toxic levels of impunity that continue to blight journalism and the safety of media workers across South Asia. The region is viewed as serial offender on failing to secure justice for crimes against media workers. Marking the UN International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the IFJ has put the spotlight on India as Pakistan as key countries of concern in its global campaign along with two other key international impunity hotspots Yemen and Mexico. “Both India and…  
6230. Lettre d'information Asie Pacifique, Novembre  

Pour lire la lettre d'information en anglais, cliquez ici.  
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