15060 results:

5951. Cecilio Pineda Birto  

The editor of La Voz de la Tierra Caliente and contributor to La Jornada Guerrero newspaper was shot dead by two youths riding a motorbike in the city of Altamirano, Guerrero State. The crime reporter, who also contributed to El Universo and had reportedly received death threats from organised crime groups, recently revealed the involvement of a PRI representative in drug trafficking. In September, 2015, Birto was attacked by two armed men outside his home and one suspect was detained in 2016 in connection with the attack.  
5952. Shifa Gardi  

The 30-year-old female reporter working for Iraqi Kurdish channel Rudaw was killed in the explosion of a roadside bomb while covering fighting between government forces and jihadists in Mosul, the AFP quoted her channel as saying. Her cameraman was also injured and received treatment at a local hospital. Source: AFP  
5953. International Women’s Day – NO Roll Back on our Rights!  

The IFJ is backing global calls to end violence against women and close the gender pay gap as part of its campaigning on International Women’s Day. IFJ Gender Council co-chair Mindy Ran explains why the IFJ backs the global fight for women workers’ rights. Over the years, International Women’s Day articles have pointed out the exceedingly stubborn gaps that refuse to close in terms of access to training, jobs, promotions, equal pay and the right to work without threat, harassment or violence. However, now there is a real threat to destroy the progress made over the past decades by the rise of right-wing political movements in many countries across the globe. It is a timely…  
5954. BBC crew attacked by thugs in Hunan, China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns an attack on a BBC TV crew by unidentified people when the media team was trying to report on a petitioner in Hunan Province.   BBC journalist John Sudworth reported on March 3 that he and his TV crew were attacked, harassed and forced to sign a statement admitting they had conducted an “illegal interview” with a petitioner. The report said a group of people blocked the way when Sudworth and the crew were going to the interviewee’s house. When the crew kept going, the unidentified people assaulted them and smashed their cameras.   The BBC crew eventually left the village but the group of about 20 people followed and…  
5955. México: asesinan periodista que recibía amenazas del crimen organizado  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) manifiesta su alarma por el asesinato del periodista Cecilio Pineda Birto en el estado de Guerrero este 2 de marzo. El comunicador había denunciado amenazas por parte del crimen organizado. El periodista, colaborador de La Jornada Guerrero y director del diario La Voz de la Tierra Caliente, fue asesinado a balazos por dos jóvenes a bordo de una motocicleta en el día de ayer, 2 de marzo, alrededor de las 20hs, mientras se encontraba en un lavadero de autos de la Ciudad Altamirano. Pineda, quien también fuera colaborador de El Universo, se dedicaba a cubrir sucesos policiales y, específicamente, narcotráfico. En septiembre de 2015 ya…  
5956. Perú: dos periodistas asesinados esta semana  

En el transcurso de esta semana han sido hallados los cuerpos sin vida de dos periodistas que se encontraban desaparecidos desde hace algunos días. Los sucesos han conmovido a la comunidad periodística de Perú. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa su consternación por el hallazgo de los cuerpos sin vida de los periodistas Julio César Moisés Mesco y José Yactayo Rodríguez en las ciudades de Ica y Huara respectivamente. Julio Moisés, periodista y trabajador municipal de 27 años, se encontraba desaparecido desde el 11 de febrero. Hace tres días fue hallado un cadáver en una captación hidráulica cuya descripción coincidiría con las características del joven…  
5957. Women's Day Campaigning material  

Download campaign material! VISUALS   Download the visual here. Download the visual here. Download the visual here. SELFIE CARDS Equal pay Download the selfie card here. Download the selfie card here. Download the selfie card here. Leadership Download the selfie card here. Download the selfie card here. Download the selfie card here. Gender Policies  Download the selfie card here. Download the selfie card here. Download the selfie card here. Gender portrayal in the news  Download the selfie card here. Download the selfie card here. Download the selfie card here.  
5958. Maldives journalists receive death threats  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) strongly condemn the death threat to some journalists and express concern over ‘protective custody’ of journalists on the island of Nilandhoo, Faafu Atoll. The IFJ urges the Maldivian government to investigate the death threats and ensure safety of the targeted journalists and create a conducive environment to safely report on issues of national interest. Raajje Television reported death threats against its staff to the Maldives Police Service (MPS) on Thursday, March 2 after the station received phone calls threatening to kill journalists on the Faafu Atoll. The threat was received after the…  
5959. Ukraine: about 100 workers at risk following revocation of Radio Vesti’s licenses  

The International and European Federations of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), have joined their union, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), in condemning the revocation of the Ukrainian broadcasting company “Radio Vesti” license in Kharkiv city by the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. The council also refused to extend the radio’s license in the capital, Kyiv. Radio Vesti, the largest national professional radio channel in the country, insists they sent the required documents on time in order to renew the licenses, which expired in February. Despite this, the National Council decided to revoke the licenses out of concerns that the ultimate…  
5960. Chile: despido masivo en El Mercurio  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa su profunda preocupación por el súbito despido de 122 trabajadores en el periódico El Mercurio de Santiago, el pasado 27 de febrero. Esto ocurre en los días previos al inicio de la negociación colectiva entre el sindicato y la empresa. Los trabajadores cesanteados fueron notificados cuando intentaban ingresar a las instalaciones de la compañía mediante un improcedente mecanismo que consistió en la revisión, por parte de personal de seguridad, de los automóviles particulares y el autobús de traslado, para identificar a los 122 empleados que ya no podrían continuar desarrollando sus labores. Según la gerencia, encargada de notificar…  
5961. Colombia: dos periodistas declararán ante sus torturadores  

Se trata de las comunicadoras Claudia Julieta Duque y Jineth Bedoya, víctimas de secuestro, tortura y violación, en el marco del enfrentamiento armado que atravesó a Colombia durante las últimas décadas y que cuenta entre sus rasgos más sobresalientes el accionar de grupos guerrilleros, la connivencia de las fuerzas de seguridad, el poder desmedido, incontrolado y delictivo del sector de inteligencia del Estado y sus formaciones paramilitares. Este 1 y 2 de marzo vuelven a verse cara a cara con sus victimarios.   El 1 y 2 de marzo, en lo que constituyen dos casos muy significativos para la comunidad periodística internacional, las comunicadoras y activistas Claudia Julieta…  
5962. Journalists attacked during political protests in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning the incidents of attack on journalists during the political protest on February 22 in southern Nepal. The IFJ urges the Nepali government to arrest and prosecute those responsible for the attacks. Shital Sah, the former treasurer of FNJ who runs the local Radio Janakpur in Dhanusa district, was attacked near the station when he was on his way home. He sustained an injury on his head and needed treatment. Sah said: “The political cadres attacked me while the police stood mute spectators. I was attacked because I didn’t write what they wanted me to write.” Suresh Yadav of…  
5963. Mass lay-offs of media union members in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the blanket sacking of workers from TV5, most of who are union members. The IFJ and NUJP stand in solidarity with our colleagues. Last week, more than 100 employees from TV5 in the Philippines were sacked, including 98 union members. According to TV5 Employees Union, management initially said that lay-offs were due to financial losses and part of a strategy to make the station debt-free by 2019. However the notice issued to those affected said that they were not fit for the job. The lay-offs came after the TV5 Employees Union had negotiated for…  
5964. Indian journalist released on bail after 17 months in jail  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in welcoming the Supreme Court’s decision to grant bail to journalist Santosh Yadav after 17 months in prison on seemingly fabricated charges. The IFJ urges the government to drop charges against the journalist. The Supreme Court (SC) on February 27 granted bail to Yadav, a journalist for Hindi daily Navbharat in Bastar of Chhattisgarh state. He was arrested for alleged Maoist links in September 29, 2015 and charged in February 2016 with rioting, criminal conspiracy and associating with a terrorist organization. The journalist has denied all allegations and his family and friends believe the charges…  
5965. Cambodian media warned, government takes Trump-style approach  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Cambodia Association for Protection of Journalists (CAPJ) strongly criticize the threat by the Cambodian cabinet against the media. The IFJ call for the comments to be withdrawn. On Saturday, February 25, Phay Siphan, a spokesperson for Cambodia’s cabinet in a post to Facebook, threatened to ‘take action’ against any media outlets, which he said are threatening the country’s peace and stability. The statement went on to specifically refer to US-funded Voice of America and Radio Free Asia, calling on all ‘foreign agents’ to self-censor or be shut down. The statement ended with reference to President of the United…  
5966. Kurdish woman reporter killed by bomb blast in Mosul  

A female reporter working for Iraqi Kurdish channel Rudaw was killed by the explosion of a roadside bomb on 25 February during fighting between government forces and jihadists in Mosul. The IFJ and its affiliate the Kurdish Journalists Syndicate (KJS) mourn the death of the journalist. Shifa Gardi, 30, who worked for Iraqi Kurdish channel Rudaw, was killed by a roadside bomb as she covered the advance of Iraqi forces into western areas held by the Islamic State. Her cameraman, Yunis Mustafa, was injured in the explosion. The KJS expressed its deep sadness for the loss of the journalist and its solidarity with Gardi’s family. IFJ president Philippe Leruth said: “The IFJ is deeply…  
5967. BBC journalist faces jail in Thailand over defamation case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists, Thailand (NUJT) in expressing serious concern over criminal defamation charges brought against a BBC journalist in Thailand. The IFJ demands that the charges be dropped immediately. BBC South East Asia correspondent, Jonathan Head, had criminal defamation charges brought against him by Phuket lawyer Pratuan Thanarak following two 2015 news reports filed by Head about how foreign retirees were allegedly scammed out of properties. Head was charged along with Ian Rance, a British businessman who was an interviewee in the reports. On February 23, Head appeared in court in Phuket and…  
5968. Political threats continue against Hong Kong media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins our affiliate, Hong Kong Journalists Association, in expressing outrage at the continued harassment of Sing Pao Daily and its managers by unidentified thugs. We demand that the Security Bureau of Hong Kong intervene in the case. On February 21, Sing Pao released an urgent statement claiming that unidentified people began hanging around its offices in mid-February. The unknown people followed and took pictures of several senior managers, then started loitering near their homes. Posters featuring images of the managers, accompanied by malicious messages, were displayed on the streets. The managers received countless harassing…  
5969. Judicial officer suspended from duty after posting a mocking message  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that the Communist Party of China has over-reacted and punished a judicial officer after he posted a comment about an aged policeman. The CPC appears to have interpreted the comment as mockery of the party. According to several Mainland media reports, whose content is almost identical, the Communist Party Disciplinary section of the Intermediate People’s Court in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, suspended Li Bingxiang, Vice President of the Criminal Court, after he posted a message on social media expressing his feelings about a policeman working in snowy weather. The Party said Li’s message had “a serious influence” and this…  
5970. Independent journalists needed more then ever in the United States  

Press freedom is in danger in the United States : after President Donald Trump's repeated attacks against American media, the escalation grew this week-end with the ban of several media which were denied access to the White House press conference. Press freedom is in danger in the United States: after President Donald Trump's repeated attacks against American media, the escalation grew this week-end with the ban of several media which were denied access to the White House press conference and the announcement by President Trump that he will not attend the White House's correspondents' annual dinner, which has been organized since 1921 in the United States. For the International Federation…  
5971. Iran : IFJ demands immediate release of journalist detained without charges  

Woman journalist Tahereh Riahi was arrested on 27 December 2016 by Iranian revolutionary guards and remains in detention ever since without charges. The IFJ and its Iranian affiliate the Association of Iranian journalists (AIJ) are concerned about her health and demand her immediate release. Tahereh Riahi is the chief editor for the social section of news agency Borna and used to work for Iranian newspapers Shargh and Mardom Emrooz. On 27 December 2016, members of Iran revolutionary guards came to her house, and after searching her home , they arrested her and took her to Evin prison. Riahi’s family claims that she has not been allowed any visit in custody since her arrest, nor…  
5972. German daily “Die Welt” correspondent in Turkey still in custody  

Correspondent Deniz Yücel from German daily Die Welt was taken into custody on 14 February. Yücel, who holds both Turkish and German citizenship, is accused of being a member of a terrorist organisation, spreading propaganda and misusing information. Since the end of December, six other journalists working for Turkish news outlets have been arrested supposedly in connection to the RedHack leaks. The emails revealed media outlets’ control and the use of fake Twitter accounts to favour Erdogan’s AKP party. Under the ongoing state of emergency, anyone can be held in police custody for up to 14 days without a hearing before a judge. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its German…  
5973. A word from our Presdient: One cent  

IFJ member unions expect a lot from their Federation. And rightly so. But, like its affiliates, the IFJ cannot fight for its members’ rights without the financial resources gathered from its affiliates. For IFJ member unions, this contribution to the common effort is the payment of their fees. In these difficult times, such payments may be problematic - but they are essential. Even on a very low salary of one dollar per month, can’t journalists pay at least one cent to defend their dignity? This monthly cent, added to many others, and paid in proportion to unions’ membership, provides affiliates with the necessary strength to act at national level. On an international scale, such…  
5974. Editorial – IFJ Newsletter - March 2017  

Women make up only 24% of those seen, heard or read about it the news, according to the Global Media Monitoring Project’s 2015 report. How can we justify these dramatic results while women make up about half of the world’s population and are active at all levels of political and economic power in our societies? Several initiatives intend to respond to women’s invisibility in the news by developing databases of women experts. This is the case of the MedMedia project – in which the IFJ is central - which launched its new database in the Arab World in time for International Women’s Day. On 8th March 1977 the United Nations made International Women’s Day official to celebrate women’s rights.…  
5975. Ecuador: periodistas reciben sobres con explosivos  

Entre el 15 y 16 de febrero de la última semana, en vísperas de las elecciones nacionales, las periodistas Janet Hinostroza y Estéfani Espín, así como la Presidenta de la Asamblea Nacional, Gabriela Rivadaneira, recibieron sobres -de idéntico formato- que contenían explosivos en su interior. El primer hecho ocurrió el día 15, cuando la Presidenta de la Asamblea Nacional recibió en el edificio de dicha institución un sobre con una caja de DVD que rezaba en su portada “¿Quiénes están atrás de la corrupción? Las pruebas irrefutables” y que al abrirlo contenía cables y un dispositivo de apariencia sospechosa. El paquete fue neutralizado por el Grupo de Intervención y Rescate (GIR). En la…  
5976. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 17th to Friday 24th February: 1.In Face Of Threats And Attacks, Pakistani Media Establish 'Safety Hubs'  2.Child refugees still arrive in Calais & Dunkirk as UK scraps resettlement of 3,000 3. Israel releases Palestinian journalist after 10 months with no trial For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
5977. HK media outlet suffers ‘political retaliation’  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed concern over claims by Sing Pao Daily News that it has suffered political retaliation since it published a series of articles attacking a top official in China and the Mainland’s two chief agents in Hong Kong. On February 21, Sing Pao released an urgent statement claiming that unidentified people began hanging around its offices in mid-February. They followed and took pictures of several senior managers, then started loitering near their homes. Posters featuring images of the managers, accompanied by malicious messages, were displayed on the streets. The statement said the managers had lodged complaints with the police, but…  
5978. Gender Council members  

The elected Officers and Steering Committee are: Co-chairs Mindy Ran (UK and Ireland) and Mounia Belafia (France) Vice-Chair Fatimah Abdulkareem (Nigeria), Steering Committee Maria Angeles Samperio Martin (Spain), Evelyne Toa (Vanuatu), Sukhbaatar Altantsetseg (Mongolia), Kholoud Assaf (Palestine), Sanaa Khaleed Ibrahim Al-Naqashi (Iraq), Kadiatou Thierno Diallo (Guinea), Khady Cisse (Senegal), Adriana Hurtado (Colombia)  Mariela Gonzalez Caballero (Paraguay).  
5979. Argentina: Corte Suprema desconoce fallo de la CIDH en caso sobre libertad de expresión  

El máximo tribunal de la República Argentina determinó que la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) no puede dejar sin efecto sus sentencias, pese a las atribuciones conferidas en la última reforma constitucional de 1994. La CIDH se había pronunciado sobre un controvertido fallo del año 2001 en torno a un caso que involucraba a dos periodistas demandados por el entonces presidente Carlos Menem. Los periodistas Jorge Fontevecchia –titular de la Editorial Perfil- y Héctor D’Amico –director de la revista Noticias-, fueron denunciados en 1995 por el presidente Carlos Menem a raíz de una publicación de la revista Noticias del 5 y 12 de noviembre de 1995, donde se difundía…  
5980. IFJ welcomes the release of Palestinian union leader  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), in welcoming the release of Omar Nazzal, a board member of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate, who was detained on 23 April 2016 by the Israeli authorities without reason. Following his release on 20 February, Nazzal said at the prison's gate: "I spent 10 months in jail. During this period, I was taken 13 times in front of the court and until now I still don’t know what my charges are!” Omar Nazzal (54) was arrested without any reason being given on 23 April 2016 at the border between the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Jordan on his way to…  
5981. Ukraine: Impunity continues amid lack of action over journalists beatings  

Journalists and media organisations in Ukraine have renewed calls for an end to impunity for crimes against journalists and action to protect the safety of media professionals.   The issue was discussed at an event on « impunity for crimes against journalists in times of Euromaidan » organised by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), an IFJ affiliate.   NUJU reports that hundreds of journalists were injured during Euromaidan demonstrations in Ukraine in November 2013 - February 2014. According to NUJU’s data, 271 domestic and foreign journalists were beaten (except Kiev, most attacks took place in Kharkiv, Cherkassy, Dnipro, Zaporizhzhya, Odessa and…  
5982. Army personnel arrested for abducting journalist in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka, in lauding the Sri Lanka Police for arresting an army officer and two soldiers over the 2008 abduction of and assault on a prominent journalist. The Crime Investigation Department (CID) interrogated Major Prabath Bulathwatte, Sergeants Duminda Weeraratne and Hemachandra Perera overnight and arrested them on February 20. Additional Magistrate has remanded them till March 3 and has asked the CID to produce them in Courts on February 23. Keith Noyahr, an associate editor of the English-language weekly The Nation, was abducted and tortured after leaving his office in May 2008. Upon his…  
5983. Army personnel arrested for abducting journalist in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka, in lauding the Sri Lanka Police for arresting an army officer and two soldiers over the 2008 abduction of and assault on a prominent journalist. The Crime Investigation Department (CID) interrogated Major Prabath Bulathwatte, Sergeants Duminda Weeraratne and Hemachandra Perera overnight and arrested them on February 20. Additional Magistrate has remanded them till March 3 and has asked the CID to produce them in Courts on February 23. Keith Noyahr, an associate editor of the English-language weekly The Nation, was abducted and tortured after leaving his office in May 2008. Upon his release…  
5984. Togo : le journaliste agressé le 7 février reçoit des menaces de mort  

Selon le directeur du journal Alternative qui l’a affirmé sur sa page Facebook le dimanche 19 février,  le journaliste Robert Avotor à Alternative agressé et torturé le 7 février par des gendarmes lors d’un reportage, fait  l’objet de menaces et d’intimidations depuis quelques jours. Des individus à bord d’une voiture banalisée se sont rendus dans son quartier pour identifier formellement son domicile. Il reçoit régulièrement des coups de fil anonyme qui tentent de le dissuader de porter plainte. Depuis plus d’une semaine le Secrétariat du procureur de la république refuse de recevoir les deux plaintes qu’il a déposées : l’une contre la brigade de gendarmerie de Sagbado et…  
5985. Police inaction in suspicious ‘hit-and-run’ in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) express concern over Bangladesh Police’s refusal to register a case in a suspicious hit-and-run incident involving a journalist in Dhaka. The IFJ demands immediate registering of a case, followed by a fair probe into the incident. Senior reporter of Daily Observer Mamunur Rashid was severely injured in what appears to be a suspicious ‘hit-and-run’ accident in Kawran Bazar on February 12. A microbus with tinted glass sped towards and hit Rashid’s motorbike. Rashid was at the corner of the street waiting for the traffic to clear when he was hit by the vehicle. Rashid said that the driver…  
5986. Alarming closures and layoffs in Indian media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists (India) express serious concern over the trend of the closure of several print editions by major newspapers and retrenching journalists and media staff in an arbitrary manner in India. In January 2017, the Hindustan Times announced closure of its four regional editions and three bureaus, sacking more than 100 journalists and media staff. Kolkata, Indore, Bhopal and Ranchi editions were closed down from January 9 while the newspaper shut down its bureaus in Allahabad, Varanasi and Kanpur, all in Uttar Pradesh. The decision was taken reportedly to move ahead with massive investments in the digitisation…  
5987. Afghan Cameraman receives death threats  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in strongly condemning the death threat to a television cameraperson by a hospital manager in the Nangarhar province, eastern Afghanistan. The IFJ urges the local authority to take immediate action against the hospital manager and ensure safety of the journalist. Mahmmod Naimi, a cameraman of Ariana News, was threatened to death by Shaker Shinwari, the manager of Sher Ali hospital, when he inquired about the hospital services on February 16. Naimi told AIJA that he went to the hospital for filming after receiving complaints about the lack of medical services in the hospital. The…  
5988. Palestine: IFJ welcomes “long-awaited breakthrough” following adoption of media reform policy  

Key media stakeholders in Palestine including the government, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), the Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) and the Palestinian Broadcast Corporation (PBC) in cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) have adopted a wide-ranging policy paper on media reform. The paper, Media Reform in Palestine – described by IFJ affiliate the PJS as a “long-awaited breakthrough” - was presented on 15 February during a meeting in Ramallah with over a hundred participants representing the media sector, state institutions, universities, senior journalists, official representatives and local and international media development…  
5989. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 10th to Friday 17th February: 1. Togo: Des gendarmes torturent un journaliste en reportage 2. Togo : Pitang Tchalla seul contre tous ! 3. Palestinians Target Need for Media Reform 4. Federación Internacional de Periodistas se une al reclamo por esclarecimiento de crimen contra periodistas 5. Presumed killer of two journalists in Dominican Republic dies in shootout 6. Samaa employee dead in Karachi firing 7. PPF condemns the arson attack on Ukrainian…  
5990. Media Freedom coalition calls on the OSCE to appoint a new Representative on Freedom of the Media  

The Representative on Freedom of the Media, an independent OSCE Institution, has a unique mandate to protect and promote media freedom in all 57 OSCE participating States. The current mandate holder, Dunja Mijatović of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is due to leave the Office on 10th March 2017. To date, there has been no announcement of her successor. The International and European Federations of Journalists, together with a wide coalition of freedom of expression organisations, sent today a letter to OSCE Participating states, urging them to press on the OSCE to select and appoint without delay the new Representative, and by doing so, ensure the best profile possible with a track record of…  
5991. ​Gun Attack on Radio in Dominican Republic Leaves Two Dead  

Two radio journalists have been killed in the Dominican Republic after gunmen opened fire during a news bulletin which was being broadcast on Facebook Live. Luís Manuel Medina, the presenter of the news programme Milenio Caliente – or Hot Millennium – was killed while on air on Tuesday morning. Producer and director Leo Martínez was shot dead in an adjacent office at the radio station FM 103.5. Gunfire could be heard during the Facebook Live video, along with a woman yelling “Shots! Shots! Shots!” before the transmission abruptly cuts off. The station secretary Dayaba Garcia was also injured in the attack and taken to hospital where…  
5992. ​Luís Manuel Medina, Leo Martínez  

Luís Manuel Medina, the presenter of the news programme Milenio Caliente – or Hot Millennium – was killed while on air at the radio station FM 103.5 when gunmen opened fire during a news bulletin which was being broadcast on Facebook Live. Producer and director Leo Martínez was also shot dead in an adjacent office at the radio station FM 103.5. Gunfire could be heard during the Facebook Live video, along with a woman yelling “Shots! Shots! Shots!” before the transmission abruptly cuts off. The station secretary Dayaba Garcia was also injured in the attack and taken to hospital where she needed emergency surgery. Police said the shooting occurred in San Pedro de…  
5993. República Dominicana: asesinan comunicadores durante programa radial  

La FIP alerta por el doble asesinato del locutor Luis Manuel Medina y el director radial Leónidas Martínez este 14 de febrero, en momentos que se hallaban desarrollando un programa radial en San Pedro de Macorís. Esta mañana Medina se encontraba en la cabina de la radio FM 103 de San Pedro de Macorís trabajando en su habitual programa Milenio Caliente, cuando dos o más desconocidos irrumpieron en la estación y lo ultimaron con armas de fuego. En el hecho además falleció Leónidas Martínez, periodista y director de la radio, y la secretaria de la emisora, Dayana García, resultó gravemente herida. Hasta el momento, y según la información aportada por las autoridades, no se…  
5994. Turkey: #JournalismIsNotaCrime  

#GazetecilikSuçDegildir / #JournalismIsNotaCrime Campaign to set journalism free, develop trade union rights and defend freedom of expression in Turkey Partners: The International and European Federations of Journalists and their affiliate, the Journalists' Union of Turkey (Turkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi, TGS) The overall objective is to promote and protect fundamental rights through enhancing the role of journalists in promoting democracy, good governance and public’s right to access information. Freedom of expression is an enabling right for other human rights. Freedom of expression through quality journalism enables the abuse of other human rights to be exposed and those responsible…  
5995. Côte-d’Ivoire : six journalistes arrêtés et écroués !  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes (600.000 membres dans 140 pays), a dénoncé ce mardi 14 février l’arrestation et la détention de six journalistes le 12 février 2017. Selon l’Union nationale des journalistes de Côte-d’Ivoire (UNJCI), affiliée de la FIJ, les six journalistes ont été convoqués le dimanche 12 février 2017 par la brigade de recherche de la gendarmerie nationale, puis arrêtés et écroués à la gendarmerie du camp d’Agban à Abidjan, la capitale. Il s’agit de Coulibaly Vamara, directeur de publication de Soir Info et de l’Inter ; Yacouba Gbané, directeur de publication de Le Temps et LG Infos ; Bamba Franck…  
5996. Présidentielle française : les médias pris pour cible  

Trois affiliés français des Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes, (FIJ) et (FEJ), le Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ), le SNJ-CGT et la CFDT-Journalistes, ont dénoncé les nombreuses attaques visant les médias et les journalistes en cette période de campagne électorale en France. Les syndicats font notamment référence au candidat Les Républicains, François Fillon, empêtré dans une affaire d’emplois fictifs présumés. Alors qu’il avait convoqué la presse lundi 6 février pour s’expliquer sur les révélations du journal satirique le Canard Enchaîné, Fillon s’en est pris à plusieurs reprises aux médias, les accusant d’en avoir « trop fait » pour le «…  
5997. Ukraine: journalist’s car burned ”as a warning”  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have condemned the arson attack by unidentified assailants on the car of journalist Sergey Goos yesterday morning in the central Ukrainian city of Kamianske (Dneprodzerzhinsk). This is the latest case in a worrying and growing number of attacks against independent journalists in the country and was immediately condemned by IFJ affiliates the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU). The attack took place in the courtyard of an apartment building where Goos lives and the unions claimed was a result of recent reporting critical of the local authorities. The…  
5998. Venezuela: expulsan periodistas brasileros que investigaban el caso Odebrecht  

Este domingo, dos periodistas brasileros que se encontraban investigando obras inconclusas de la constructora Odebrecht fueron expulsados del país por el servicio de inteligencia venezolano. El periodista Leandro Stoliar y su camarógrafo Gilzon Souza, de la televisora Rede Record, habían arribado a Venezuela el pasado miércoles 8 de febrero para investigar demoras en obras a cargo de la empresa brasileña Odebrecht en el estado Zulia. El sábado, mientras continuaban llevando adelante su labor, fueron demorados por el Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (Sebin) y dirigidos a la dependencia de dicho organismo en Maracaibo. Luego de 10 horas retenidos, los comunicadores…  
5999. UK: Journalists might face up to 14 years in jail  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), back their British affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), in its concerns over the proposals to update the Official Secrets Act in the United Kingdom. Due to the new way of defining espionage, such as “obtaining sensitive information”, as well as “passing it on”, journalists, whom are simply working on their stories, can potentially face up to 14 years in prison by receiving some secret information. These proposals completely ignore the right of journalists to disclose information in the public interest and would also punish severely whistleblowers, who decide to reveal some sensitive…  
6000. Taimoor Abbas  

The 22-year-old assistant cameraman of privately-owned Samaa TV news channel, was shot in his head and chest when he was traveling in the Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) van in north Nazimabad to report on an attack on the police. He was taken to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital where he died from his injuries. The unidentified assailants on a motorbike had thrown an explosive device on a police armored personnel carrier, and had started shooting when the Samaa TV van arrived.  
6001. Gender equity: Call for entries for IFJ graphic and slogan contest  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is committed to gender equity in all its work, and is launching a contest for creative expressions of women’s rights. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, join up in making Gender Equity a reality! Create a powerful graphic/logo or a witty slogan that packs a punch on any or both the following two themes  Combating online harassment of women journalists Increasing the number of women in media unions Guidelines: There is no age or gender restriction, but entrants must be residents of any country in the Asia Pacific region. Original graphics/logos in colour or black and white must be 3x3 cm, 600 dpi in jpg format. Graphics…  
6002. Cameraman killed in targeted attack in Karachi, Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the brutal killing of a journalist in Karachi, Pakistan on February 12. The IFJ demands immediate arrest of the killers and justice for the killed cameraman. Taimoor Abbas, 22-year-old assistant cameraman of privately-owned Samaa TV news channel, was shot in his head and chest when he was traveling in the Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) van in north Nazimabad to report on an attack on the police. He was taken to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital where he died from his injuries. The unidentified assailants on a motorbike had thrown an explosive device on a police armored personnel carrier, and had started shooting when…  
6003. Yemen: IFJ backs call for investigation in to mysterious death  

The IFJ has welcomed calls by Irina Bokova, the Director-General of UNESCO, for a thorough independent inquiry into the death of investigative reporter Mohammed al-Absi in Yemen. The IFJ had provided support to its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate and Mohammed’s family in their request for an independent analysis to establish the cause of his death. The IFJ today welcomed Unesco's call for “the Attorney general to open a transparent investigation into the circumstances of his death.” Ms Bokova said: “I call on the authorities to launch an independent investigation into the death of Mohammed al-Absi, in order to clarify allegations of foul play and hold those…  
6004. Togo : Des gendarmes torturent un journaliste en reportage  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes (600.000 membres), a dénoncé aujourd’hui l’arrestation et la torture infligée à un journaliste sur son lieu de reportage le 7 février 2017.   Robert Avotor, journaliste pour le bi-hebdomadaire togolais L'Alternative, a été agressé par des gendarmes alors qu’il enquêtait sur un litige froncier à  Akato-Viépé,  une banlieue de la capitale togolaise, Lomé, le 7 février 2017. Sur décision de la Cour suprême, certaines constructions devaient être démolies par une centaine de gendarmes.   Les gendarmes lui ont intimé de quitter les lieux, puis l’ont poursuivi et frappé à…  
6005. New IFJ Focus on Safety Now Available!  

The new issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety has been published. It features an in-depth analysis of the story on the killings of journalists and media staff in 2016, details of a unique insurance for journalists and much more. Read all about it here    
6006. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 3rd to Friday 10th January: 1. Togo Fermeture de LCF et City FM : La FIJ interpelle Pitang Tchalla 2. Grèce: menacé de fermer, le grand quotidien Ta Néa absent des kiosques 3. CPJ and IFJ demand probe into Bangladesh journalist's murder 4. Journalist assaulted for critical reporting of Indian politician 5. La FIJ condamne la fermeture de deux organes de presse au Togo 6. Australian union demands resettlement of detained colleagues 7. Family of Yemeni journalist killed by Carbon…  
6007. 17th IFJ Focus on Safety - January 2017  

Welcome to the new issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety, a blog which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis of safety-related events of concerns to journalists. The blog is part of the IFJ strategy to promote the safety of journalists and to combat the issue of impunity.   Please check out the IFJ International Code of Practice for the Safe Conduct of Journalism at the end of this issue.   We value your feedback and would like to hear about your safety experience in the field as well as any safety-related stories you would like to share with members of the IFJ family, the global journalists’ community.   The issue covers the following safety-related events and…  
6008. Journalists harassed outside Philippines’ Presidential Palace  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) strongly criticize the harassment of several journalists covering protests on Tuesday, February 7, 2017 in Manila, the Philippines. The IFJ calls on the media safety taskforce to investigate the incident. On Tuesday morning, several media outlets were outside Malacanang, the Presidential Palace in Manila, covering a protest by relatives of political prisoners. Tensions at the protest escalated when members of the Presidential Security Group tried to disseminate the protesters. They took banners from the protesters and tried to take equipment from the media,…  
6009. Uruguay: ataque a periodista que denunció maltrato policial  

Este martes 7 de febrero, camino a Montevideo, una comunicadora fue atacada con armas de fuego por desconocidos. El día anterior había denunciado maltrato policial mediante un artículo periodístico. Isabel Prieto Fernández, periodista del periódico Caras & Caretas, había relatado mediante una crónica publicada este lunes el maltrato dispensado por oficiales de la policía cuando intentaba recoger información sobre un femicidio. El martes, cuando la periodista se dirigía en automóvil desde El Pinar hacia Montevideo acompañada por su pareja, dos desconocidos en motocicleta dispararon contra ella, quien logró huir con el roce de una bala en su cabeza. La Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya…  
6010. Une radio et une télévision fermées au Togo  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes (600.000 membres), a interpellé mardi 7 février le président de la Haute autorité de l’audiovisuel et de la communication (HAAC) du Togo sur sa décision du 6 février de fermer des organes de presse.   Dans une décision datée du 6 février, le président de la HAAC, M. Pitang Tchalla, a ordonné le retrait des fréquences radioélectriques de la télévision LCF (la chaîne du futur) et de la radio City FM appartenant toutes deux au Groupe Sud Média, sur la base que ces deux organes n’auraient pas obtenu d’autorisation préalable au démarrage de leurs activités en 2008. Une information…  
6011. Journalist assaulted for critical reporting of Indian politician  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in condemning the assault on a journalist for critical reporting of a politician in Chirala of Andhra Pradesh, India on February 5. The IFJ demands immediate investigation and action against those responsible. According to reports, Nayudu Nagarjuna Reddy, who runs a Telugu-language magazine Matti Chetula Baasa (Language of the Oppressed) and works part-time in a TV station, was chased and thrashed publicly by a gang led by Amanchi Swamulu, a brother of a Telugu Desam Party’s Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA). A video clip of the assault was circulated that shows Swamulu…  
6013. News websites blocked over critical news in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in expressing serious concern over the Nepal Police’s attempt to block news websites over their content. The IFJ urges the Nepal government to ensure such incidents of violation of press freedom do not repeat in future. According to report, Nepal Police corresponded with the National Telecommunication Authority (NTA) to block the access of four news websites – newssewa.com, karnalikhabar.com, diyopost.com and arthiknews.com – for their contents about a senior police official. The NTA, the telecommunication regulatory body, ordered the internet…  
6014. Afghan journalist detained for a day over news  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in strongly condemning the detention of a television journalist on February 4 in Lashkargah, the provincial capital of Helmand, Afghanistan. The IFJ demands that the state authorities refrain from any action that intimidates journalists. Baryalai Sadiq Safi, the Station Manager of Khawar TV channel in Helmand province, was detained for a day by the National Department of Security (NDS) for broadcasting a news report alleging that the governor was helping land mafia and selling government property. Safi denied the governor’s office charge that the news was fake and…  
6015. Macedonia: Strike threat over unpaid wages  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) have issued a call for solidarity for journalists planning a strike over unpaid wages at two daily newspapers in Macedonia. The journalists working for Utrinski and Dnevnik published by Media Print Macedonia (MPM) are to strike with the support of SSNM (Trade Union of Macedonian Journalists and Media Workers, an IFJ-EFJ affiliate) after the company failed to pay their wages for 2 months. Although the level of their salaries is very low, they have not been paid at all since December 2016. “This is totally unacceptable. How can the colleagues do their job properly if they are not being paid ? The…  
6016. Ukraine: journalists safety situation “unacceptable” claim international experts  

The Ukrainian authorities must act to investigate crimes against journalists, a leading panel of international experts has warned. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) – alongside their affiliate the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine – issued the call for action to tackle impunity at a conference in Kiev. EFJ General Secretary Ricardo Gutiérrez and Acting President of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine Sergiy Tomilenko were among the main speakers at the conference Safety of Journalists: An Imperative for Free Media, Freedom of Expression and Public Order  on Friday 3 February. Sergiy Tomilenko, the head of NUJU noted that…  
6017. Australian union demands resettlement of detained colleagues  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) is demanding the immediate resettlement of journalist Behrouz Boochani, actor and Mehdi Savari, and cartoonist ‘Eaten Fish’ in Australia. The IFJ and MEAA call on the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, to bring them to Australia. The three Iranian asylum seekers have been detained at the Manus Island Processing Centre, on behalf of the Australian Government for several years. They each sought refuge from Iran so that they could freely express themselves without fear of persecution or harm, but instead their freedom has been further suppressed in…  
6019. Radio journalist faces intimidation in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the intimidation of a radio journalist by the government officials in Farah province, western Afghanistan. The IFJ demands that the state authorities refrain from any action that intimidates journalists. On January 30, Baryalai Ghafari, the program manager of Radio Farhad, was detained and intimidated by Mr.Dadullah Qane a provincial council member. The journalist was asked to stop writing and broadcasting news against the governor and provincial council members. Qane denied the detention and claimed that as he and Ghafari are related, they regularly…  
6020. Abdul Hakin Shimul  

The local correspondent of the Bangla-language daily Samakal, was shot in the face while covering clashes between two factions of the ruling party, the Awami League, on Thursday 2 February during which gunshots were fired. He was admitted to a local hospital in a critical condition. He died on Friday on the way to capital Dhaka, where he was being taken for further treatment. His condition deteriorated mid-way and he was taken to a hospital in Tangail, central Bangladesh, where he succumbed to his injuries.  
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