15060 results:

5811. Judicial harassment against journalists in Turkey  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) are strongly concerned about the judicial harassment in Turkey against journalists and media workers detained for allegedly “being member” or “doing propaganda on behalf of an illegal organisation”. The IFJ-EFJ has received a detailed report about the critical situation of the young (27) female Turkish journalist and law student Aysenur Parildak, arrested for more than 9 months, released by court on 2nd of May 2017 and immediately re-arrested the same day with new charges related to the same facts (being correspondent for Zaman newspaper). Similarly mid-April 2017, 12 journalists (Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Yakup…  
5812. Press freedom undermined on several fronts in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by the recent incidents undermining press freedom in various states of India. The IFJ urges the governments at the centre and states to ensure a safe environment for independent journalism. On May 9, the Supreme Court of India issued an order banning news media from publishing statements by Calcutta High Court judge CS Karnan, who accused other senior judges of corruption. A bench headed by Chief Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar while sentencing Justice Karnan to six months in prison on charges of contempt of court ordered that "since the incident of contempt includes public statements and publication of orders made by the…  
5813. Attacks and arrests of journalists ahead of local elections in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in expressing concern over incidents of violation of journalists’ rights ahead of elections to local bodies. The IFJ urges the Nepal government to take action against those responsible and ensure safety for journalists and the media. Tilak Adhikari, editor of Janata Jindabad weekly, was arrested from his residence in Makwanpur district on May 11 and Thakur Prasad Timalsina and Gambhir Pathak, FNJ members in Kathmandu district, were arrested on May 10. In Parbat district, journalist Gopal GC of Nabadristi Online was arrested on May 4 and Pustaman Gharti was arrested on May 8 in…  
5814. Canada: IFJ joins global coalition urging Trudeau to strengthen media freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists is backing calls to defend and strengthen media freedom in Canada following a series of violations in the past 18 months. The IFJ joined a coalition of media rights groups in signing an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urging him to strengthen press freedom in the country. In the letter, which was published yesterday, the coalition urges Trudeau's government to support the Journalistic Sources Protection Act, which was passed in first reading in the House of Commons on 3 May. The law has been strongly supported by unions representing journalists across the country such as the Communications Workers of America (CWA Canada), an…  
5815. Australian government announce inquiry into the future of journalism  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) in welcoming the decision to establish a Senate select committee that will inquire and report on the future of journalism in Australia. The IFJ calls on the Australian government to ensure that the committee engages all stakeholders to fully investigate the current media situation and find suitable solutions to the key issues. The announcement, on May 10, was backed by several Australian senators, and outlined that the inquiry will examine the structure of media organisations and their tax arrangements, fake-news, as well as the impacts of Facebook and Google on the…  
5816. Venezuela: más de 200 periodistas agredidos en 2017  

El Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Prensa (SNTP), afiliado a la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), calcula que más de 200 periodistas han sido agredidos en lo que va de año en Venezuela. Además, la ola de protestas que se han suscitado en Venezuela desde el 30 de marzo, cuando el Tribunal Superior de Justicia tomó la decisión de asumir temporalmente el Poder Legislativo –medida que luego fue revertida-, ha acentuado el escenario de vulnerabilidad para los trabajadores y las trabajadoras de prensa, cuyos ataques se han disparado en el último mes. En el marco de los enfrentamientos entre manifestantes opositores y fuerzas de seguridad –a consecuencia de los cuales…  
5817. Webinar on Insurance for Journalists  

On 9 May at 12h30 CEST, IFJ and EFJ together with their German affiliate DJV ran a webinar on "Insurance for journalists".  The webinar was moderated by IFJ Head of Communications Pamela Morinière with presentations from IFJ Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Dear and  'Insurance for Journalists' Managing Director, Hugh Brumfitt. The presentation of the webinar (slides) is available here. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6kVq3j3BcSw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> The video file can also be downloaded from Dropbox here. Have a look at the worldwide cover…  
5818. Copyright challenges in using eyewitnesses’ works in news reports  

Eyewitnesses armed with smartphones have contributed to enriching media reporting. However, addressing authors’ rights requirements remains a challenge in newsrooms. Eyewitness media is any type of visual content made and shared online by people around the world which is reproduced by broadcasters, publishers, online news and creative agencies or brands. People create such content every day, every hour, every minute, capturing unexpected and amusing, important and newsworthy moments. In this way, eyewitness media is a great tool providing the journalists with easier and faster access to the events and stories that they are covering. However,  the advantages and opportunities that…  
5819. La justicia colombiana considera prioritaria la lucha contra la impunidad  

“La justicia colombiana va a dar prioridad a la lucha contra la impunidad, de la cual se siguen beneficiando los asesinos de periodistas”, dijo el Fiscal General de Colombia, Néstor Humberto Martínez Neira, tras una reunión con el presidente de la Federación Internacional de los Periodistas (FIP), Philippe Leruth, y Adriana Hurtado, presidenta de la Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (Fecolper) que está afiliada a la FIP. La lucha contra la impunidad era el tema de esta entrevista. Al respecto, Philippe Leruth recordó que el 90% de asesinatos de periodistas se quedan impunes en el mundo, y que esta tasa de impunidad es más alta en Colombia. Como posibles explicaciones a esta…  
5820. Police attack journalists in Kashmir  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in strongly condemning the police attack on journalists at Sopore in Jammu and Kashmir on Friday, May 5. The IFJ demands immediate action against policemen involved in the attack. The police ruthlessly beat up journalists while they were covering protests after the Friday prayers in Sopore. The Station House Officer (SHO) of Sopore Mudasir Geelani reportedly led the police attack, in which photojournalists of Varmul Post Eeshan Peer and Mohd Younis of Gulistan were injured. In a statement, the IJU said the repeated attacks on journalists covering the on-going volatile situation in the Kashmir…  
5821. Bangladeshi editor arrested on allegations of fabricated news  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) condemn the arrest of an editor under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act in Dhaka, Bangladesh on May 1. The IFJ demands immediate withdrawal of cases against the editor. Ahmed Razu, the executive editor of natunsomoy.com, was arrested on May 1 from his office under the Section 57 of the ICT Act. He was arrested following a couple of police complaints by a private business enterprise, the Walton Group, accusing him of tarnishing the company’s image by deliberately publishing fabricated news. Natun Somoy has published a number of news articles which criticised…  
5822. World press freedom day: Jakarta Declaration  

On 4 May 2017, more than 1500 participants convened in Jakarta, Indonesia, to celebrate World Press Freedom Day UNESCO International Conference and adopted a joint Declaration restating freedom of expression and press freedom as “cornerstones” of democracy.   In particular, 29th point of the Declaration concerns working conditions for journalists and recognises “the importance of a decent work agenda, as set out in SDG 8, in creating an environment in which journalists are able to operate free from corruption, poverty and fear, and to develop professional solidarity and their social and professional rights”.  See the full text of the Jakarta…  
5823. #Journalismisnotacrime: Video from Istanbul's workshop  

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ppsY_TyYAa0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>  
5824. Fighting ‘fake’ news in ‘post-truth’ digital era  

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes,” says the quote by Mark Twain which speakers used as an introduction for a debate on journalism in a ‘post-truth’ climate at Difference Day. The event was hosted by the Centre for Fine Art (BOZAR) in Brussels on World Press Freedom Day (WPFD).  One of the five panels talked about the role of quality media in the context of the post-truth climate and especially, the role of investigative journalism. Speakers stressed that quality journalism is not just an answer but the answer to ‘fake’ news. In this context, journalists should also re-think their societal role: today they can’t be spectators they…  
5825. La investigación que le cambió la vida a la periodista Claudia Julieta Duque  

Por Marvin David Del Cid Enviado especial a Bogotá de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) Aquella noche, como suele suceder en julio, era fría en Bogotá, y las personas caminan más a prisa. Así lo hizo la periodista Claudia Julieta Duque Orrego al salir de una reunión con funcionarios de la Embajada de Austria, quienes le ayudaron a tomar un taxi cerca del hotel donde se encontraban. El piloto empezó a manejar de manera rápida por las calles de la ciudad y sin que ella le dijera hacia dónde iba en pocos minutos estaba frente a su casa. Los taxis en la capital colombiana son todos amarillos, por lo que distinguir cuál puede ser manejado por un delincuente es muy…  
5826. Macedonia: It is high time to stop violence against journalists!  

Following ECPMF-EFJ-SEEMO-OBCT fact-finding mission to Macedonia, on 25th-28th April 2017, the four organisations issued this statement today, regarding rising violence against journalists in Macedonia: We hereby express our deep concerns about the yesterday‘s violent attacks against journalists in the parliament of the Republic of Macedonia. From the beginning of 2016 until yesterday at least 21 attacks against journalists in Macedonia have been registered by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (ZNM), out of a total of several dozens within the last years. All this clearly demonstrates a rising trend in violence against journalists. The state of media freedom in the…  
5827. Sharing practices to organise journalists in Turkey  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) organised on 2nd of May 2017 a workshop for TGS trade unionists (Journalists Union of Turkey) in Istanbul with Tim Dawson (NUJ President) as the trainer. In the training, the NUJ example in the UK was discussed and TGS branch and national leaders debated various issues including collective bargaining, signing recognition agreements, recruiting members accross all sectors, the impact of social media, producing stress surveys, distributing flyers, proposing legal services and planning activities in the country. Have a look to the video report (activate subtitles in English by pressing on CC) about this training and the…  
5828. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 28th April to Friday 5th May: Fairfax Media staff on strike say the message is clear: 'It's time to invest in journalism', by Chloe Brice and Emily Sakzewski, ABC News  ‘Nepali media still under threat, remains unsecure’, Post Report, The Kathmandu Post 70 cases of press freedom violation in a year: FNJ, My Republica Press freedom under threat worldwide, Matangi Tonga 26 Palestinian Journalists Arrested by Israel Go on Hunger Strike, Asharq Al-Awsat ISESCO urges…  
5829. Chinese government tighten grip with new media regulation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) voices concerns for the online media regulation that will be implemented in June 2017. The IFJ calls on the government to withhold the regulation’s implementation until proper public consultations are held. On May 2, the Cyberspace Administration Bureau of China issued a new set of regulations for online communication channels under the guise of safeguarding national interest. Under the new regulations, online communication channels will not be allowed to report, publish or disseminate any kind of news unless they apply for a license from the Bureau. Additional Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should provide ‘positive guidance’ for the…  
5830. Filiberto Álvarez Landeros  

The 65-year-old journalist was shot dead in his car by unidentified gunmen in the municipality ofTlaquiltenango. Landeros, who presented a radio programme of poetry and music on Jojutla station, was taken to the nearby hospital where he subsequently died.  
5831. Journalists attacked in Papua as Indonesia hosts WPFD  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) express concerns for the attack on a journalist in Papua in Indonesia on May 1, 2017. The IFJ calls on the Indonesia government to take a strong stand against the press freedom violations in Papua as it hosts World Press Freedom Day. On May 1, Papuan journalist Yance Wenda was beaten by police and arrested as he covered a protest in Sentani. Wenda told BenarNews.com that he was released after four hours detention with a swollen back and bloodied lip. Wenda, who was covering the protest for Papuan new site Jubi, said that he was about to get his press card out when the police started…  
5832. New IFJ Study Finds Press Freedom under Threat with Journalists Facing Attacks, Bans, Intimidations and Killings  

The ongoing threats to independent journalism across the world are exposed in a report issued by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. But the survey of the press freedom situation in more than a dozen countries also shows that journalists unions have led protests, industrial action, campaigns, legal challenges and other actions to defend media freedom and the labour rights of journalists. Read more here  
5833. New IFJ Study: ​Press Freedom under Threat with Journalists Facing attacks, ban, intimidation and Killings  

The ongoing threats to independent journalism across the world are exposed in a report issued by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. But the survey of the press freedom situation in more than a dozen countries also shows that journalists unions have led protests, industrial action, campaigns, legal challenges and other actions to defend media freedom and the labour rights of journalists. For the second year, the IFJ surveyed its members on the situation of press freedom and the trade union rights in journalism around the world. From Manila to Lima through Kuala Lumpur, Kiev and Ouagadougou, the survey’s findings…  
5834. Les syndicats de journalistes français dénoncent les menaces sur la liberté d’informer en Europe  

A l’occasion de la journée mondiale pour la liberté de la presse, les syndicats de journalistes français, membres de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), publient une déclaration (ci-dessous) appellant «la profession à prendre la mesure des dangers et les citoyens à se mobiliser pour leur droit d’être informés» alors que ces libertés sont de plus en plus menacées aux quatre coins de l’Europe. DECLARATION DES SYNDICATS FRANÇAIS (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes) La liberté d’informer menacée par la vague réactionnaire en Europe : Ne laissons pas faire ! Jamais la journée de la liberté de la presse n’aura pris une telle importance devant la montée en…  
5835. SEAJU call for action to defend press freedom on WPFD  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asian Journalist Unions (SEAJU) mark World Press Freedom Day in calling for action to defend press freedom. In Jakarta as part of the UNESCO WPFD events, SEAJU has taken a strong stand for action in defence of journalists across the region and globally. On May 1, the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen and the IFJ hosted a SEAJU meeting in Jakarta to discuss the state of press freedom, journalist safety, working conditions and future of the media in South East Asia. Today, on World Press Freedom Day 2017, we the Southeast Asian Journalist Unions (SEAJU), declare: 1. Threats to freedom of the press and expression in…  
5836. New Fronts, Brave Voices: Press Freedom in South Asia 2016-17 report released  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) marked World Press Freedom Day 2017 today by releasing “New Fronts, Brave Voices: Press Freedom in South Asia 2016-17”.   The 15th edition of the annual report documents the deteriorating press freedom situation, media rights issues, and national and regional activities to empower journalists to confront the challenges relating to press freedom of South Asia over the past year. Nineteen journalists, bloggers and media workers were killed in the period under review (May, 2016 to April, 2017) with Afghanistan recording eight killings continuing to be one of the most dangerous…  
5837. Australian journalists strike after 125 jobs cut at Fairfax  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) in strongly crticising the latest decision by Fairfax to cut 25 percent of its journalists to save money. The IFJ stands in solidarity with the Fairfax staff, who received the news of World Press Freedom Day. Today, May 3, Fairfax management issued an internal notice to all staff telling them that 125 full-time positions would be cut in an attempt to save the company AUD30 million. According to reports, in the notice to staff, editorial director, Sean Aylmer, said: “We will shortly open a voluntary redundancy program to achieve a reduction in staff of up to 125…  
5838. Warning: Press freedom under threat  

Journalists face killings, attacks, violence, bans and intimidation on a daily basis, a new study shows.   The ongoing threats to independent journalism across the world are exposed in a new report  issued by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May.   But the survey of the press freedom situation in more than a dozen countries also shows that journalists unions have led protests, industrial action, campaigns, legal challenges and other actions to defend media freedom and the labour rights of journalists.   For the second year, the IFJ surveyed its members on the situation of press freedom and the trade union…  
5839. México: quinto periodista asesinado este año  

El periodista Filiberto Álvarez Landeros fue asesinado el último sábado en el estado de Morelos al ser atacado con armas de fuego por desconocidos. Álvarez Landeros, de 65 años, conducía el programa Poemas y cantares en La Señal de Jojutla. El sábado 29 de abril por la noche se hallaba a bordo de su vehículo en el municipio de Tlaquiltenango, cuando varios sujetos lo atacaron a disparos. El comunicador fue trasladado al hospital más cercano, donde finalmente falleció. Aún no hay hipótesis claras respecto a las motivaciones del crimen. Pero tratándose del segundo asesinato contra periodistas en el mes de Abril y el quinto en el año, no puede descartarse el móvil profesional. La…  
5840. Chinese government crackdown continues: Media outlets threatened  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) voices concerns over the continuing crackdown for dissent and freedom of expression in China, following threats to four media outlets and the disappearance of a vocal veteran member of the Communist Party in recent days. On April 28, Zi Su, a veteran member of the Communist Party of China posted an open letter urging the Communist Party to implement a direct democratic election internally at the upcoming 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. However after the letter was reported, Zi was reportedly ‘disconnected’ his friends. In the open letter, Zi said that Chinese president Xi Jinping did a great job fighting against…  
5841. Iran: Isa Saharkhiz sentenced to another prison term  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the new jail sentence handed down on 26 April to prominent Iranian journalist and political figure Isa Saharkhiz.   The journalist was released in November 2015 from prison after serving 21 months  for  "insulting Iranian officials" and "propaganda against the regime". Two days ago, he was sentenced to one year jail term after he was recently charged with "insulting the former president" and "insulting the head of the judiciary". His lawyer Mahmoud Alizadeh Tabatabaee said they filed an appeal against the new sentence before the Tehran Province Court of Appeal. Correspondents…  
5842. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 21st April to Friday 28th April: India tops in imposing virtual curfews; International Federation of Journalists TEXT BULLETIN 1200 HRS Asahi survey: Press freedom in decline around the world Why the world is up in arms over the murder of a Maldives blogger EBU JOINS INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY IN PLEA TO SAVE PSM IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Maldives: Regime stoops to “conquer” Press, Critics Independent Press Council is great news for democracy DRAW FOR HAJJ APPLICATIONS…  
5843. May Day: Unions must be at the heart of fight for decent working conditions and quality media, says IFJ  

Unions must be at the forefront of the fight for decent work and at the heart of the debate on the future of the media, the IFJ said to mark International Workers' Day on 1 May. Pointing to global research that workers covered by union agreements enjoy, on average, higher wages, better conditions and improved health, safety and welfare rights the IFJ has backed journalists organisations building stronger, more representative unions. Journalism is increasingly precarious and the challenges resulting from growing concentration of media ownership and corrupt and dictatorial governments put freedom of speech and ethical journalism under threat. Today, unions are at the forefront of the…  
5844. Kashmir crack down: twenty two social media channels blocked  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concerns over the one-month ban on access to 22 social media websites and messaging apps in Jammu and Kashmir, India declared on April 26, 2017. The IFJ demands that the ban order to be immediately withdrawn and citizens’ rights to information and communication be respected. On April 26, the Jammu and Kashmir government ordered all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to ban 22 social media sites and messaging apps including Facebook, WhatsApp, Google, Skype, Viber and Twitter in Kashmir for one month on ground that they were being “misused by anti-social elements by transmitting inflammatory messages in various forms”. The…  
5845. Greek and Turkish Cypriot journalists sign joint agreement  

The IFJ has backed a joint agreement signed between representatives of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot journalists at a meeting in Nicosia. The Memorandum of Understanding – designed to promote cooperation between journalists from both communities, was signed by IFJ affiliates the Union of Cyprus Journalists and the Turkish Cypriot press workers' union Basin-Sen as well as the Association of Turkish Cypriot Journalists at the meeting organised by the OSCE. Representatives of the three journalist unions agreed to mutual co-operation and solidarity on issues of journalists’ safety, access to information, and adherence to professional standards as part of the MoU.…  
5846. The Council of Europe’s Assembly voted to re-open monitoring procedure against Turkey  

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has today (25/04/2017) voted to re-open the monitoring procedure on the functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey. The re-opened exceptional procedure was closed in 2004. The adopted resolution notes that “with respect to freedom of the media and of expression, the Assembly is alarmed by the repeated violations of freedom of the media, the large number of journalists currently detained and the pressure exerted on critical journalists, which is unacceptable in a democratic society. Council of Europe member States have a positive obligation to ensure freedom of expression, protection of journalists and access to…  
5847. Cameroun : un journaliste de RFI condamné à 10 ans de prison  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes (600.000 membres), a interpellé le gouvernement du Cameroun mardi 25 avril à propos de la lourde peine de 10 ans d’emprisonnement et de l’amende de 56 millions de francs CFA (85000 euro) infligées  au correspondant de RFI en langue haoussa par le tribunal militaire de Yaoundé le 24 avril. Ses avocats clament son innocence et entendent faire appel du jugement. A la suite d’une longue procédure et plaidoirie lundi 24 avril le journaliste camerounais Ahmed Abba a été condamné à 10 ans de prison ferme et une lourde amende de près de 56 millions de francs CFA (environ 85 000…  
5848. Journalist physically attacked covering dispute in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the attack on a female journalist in Jiangzi province on April 25, 2017. According to several reports, Xie Wanru, a journalist with Jiujiang TV was physically attacked as she was trying to report a dispute between an owner and a developer in Jiujiang city, Jiangxi. Wanru had received a complaint from the owner of Cheng Sheng Residential Building regarding delays from delays from Jiangxi Cheng Sheng Development Ltd in providing the deed of the apartment. Wanru when to investigate, and as she was recording the argument between the two parties, two unidentified persons used force to take away Wanru’s camera. During the…  
5849. Turkey: IFJ/EFJ welcome the release of Italian journalist Gabriele Del Grande  

UPDATE (24.04.2017). Italian journalist Gabriele Del Grande has been released in Turkey. The Italian affiliate of the International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ), the Federazione nazionale della stampa italiana (FNSI), gathered in Rome on Tuesday 11 April to call for the release of Gabriele Del Grande, an Italian journalist arrested by the Turkish authorities at the border with Syria. “We hope his swift release and immediate return to Italy, while we thank the Italian diplomatic authorities, which is closely following the case”, said the General Secretary and the President of the FNSI, Raffaele Lorusso and Giuseppe Giulietti. Gabriele Del Grande was detained on…  
5850. IFJ runs safety training for Syrian journalists in Turkey  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has organised its first three-day safety training for Syrian journalists in Turkey.  The training took place in Gaziantep on April 17-19 and brought together a group of twenty journalists, camera operators and photographers from Gaziantep, Antakya, Othmania and Mersin. It was organised in cooperation with the Syrian Journalists Association (SJA). “Through this training we demonstrate our solidarity with all our colleagues, journalists and media practitioners in Syria in these difficult times their country is facing,” said IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger.  The training aims to help participants acquire important…  
5851. ​Famous Giobaro  

The journalist who worked for state-owned Radio Glory FM 97.1 was killed by two unidentified gunmen who broke into his home in Yenagoa, a local government area in the Bayelsa State, and shot him several times in the stomach.  
5852. Council of Europe documents unwarranted interference, fear, self-censorship  

In many European countries journalists are under pressure, facing a variety of threats from governments, bosses and advertisers. The Council of Europe is marking World Press Freedom Day by underlining its support for independent journalism, free from unwarranted influence whatever the source. Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjorn Jagland is publishing his annual report on the state of democracy and human rights in Europe. This year he focuses on several new topics, including the rise of populism and the spreading of fake news. Also published today, a new survey sponsored by the Council of Europe into the prevalence of unwarranted interference, fear and self-censorship amongst a…  
5853. Unions worldwide demand an ILO convention to stop gender-based violence at work  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will join a global coalition of trade unions and civil society groups to seek to put an end to the daily violence faced by women at work. The worldwide coalition will join forces to call on governments to support an international convention to stop the “epidemic” of gender-based violence (GBV) in the workplace. JOIN US! The risk of exposure to violence is often greater in journalism and media. For women journalists, violence and intimidation don’t just happen in conflict zones, they are every day experiences. Almost 2/3 of the women journalists polled by the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) had experienced…  
5854. Journalist threatened by provincial police chief in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Afghan Independent Journalist Association (AIJA) in expressing serious concern over recent incidents of press freedom violations in Afghanistan. The IFJ demands a thorough investigation to ensure that such incidents are not repeated in the future. On April 19, Ariana News reporter Atillah Noori was threatened and insulted by the guards of the chief of provincial police Mohammad Pahlawan in Sar-e-Pul province in northern Afghanistan. Policemen tried to attack him, and it was only an intervention from local people that saved Noori. The journalist was denied access to anyone in the police department except the Pahlawan on April 7…  
5855. Prominent blogger stabbed to death in Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) in deploring the brutal killing of blogger and social media activist  Yameen Rasheed in Male’ on April 23, 2017. The IFJ demands a major investigation from the authorities into the murder as well as threats made prior to his death. Rasheed, 29, was a prominent blogger and social media activist advocating for rule of law, human rights and social justice in the Maldives. He was found with multiple stab wounds in the stairway of his apartment building at 3am on Sunday, April 23, and was taken to hospital where he died soon after due to excessive bleeding. Reports indicate he…  
5856. Chinese government threatens foreign media over live-streamed interview  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the recent actions by Chinese authorities against foreign journalists, threatening to revoke visas following an interview. On April 19, Voice of America (VOA), a US government-funded, independent media outlet, livestreamed an interview with Guo Wengui, a Chinese billionaire, currently in exile in the US. Guo has made a series of allegations of corruption against relatives of high-ranking Communist Party officials. In the interview, which VOA streamed, Guo made new alloegations about businesses secretly controlled by Chinese leaders, including one allegation involving Chinese President Xi Jinping, as well as the nephew…  
5857. Brasil: FIP respalda demanda de reincorporación de Celso Schröder  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se une a la Federación Nacional de Periodistas de Brasil (FENAJ, por sus siglas en portugués) y a decenas de organizaciones de trabajadores de prensa para condenar el despido de un destacado dirigente sindical nacional e internacional. Celso Augusto Schröder –presidente de FEPALC, órgano regional de la FIP- fue despedido por el periódico Correio do Povo, donde trabajó durante 30 años. La FIP adhiere a los fuertes llamados por su reincorporación que se han suscitado. Ex vicepresidente de FIP, actual director de Relaciones Institucionales de la empresa y miembro del Consejo de Comunicación Social del Congreso Nacional, Schröder fue despedido…  
5858. IFJ welcomes establishment of independent Press Council in Tunisia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the setting up of an independent Press Council in Tunisia to help reverse the decline in media freedom in the country. IFJ affiliate the Tunisian National Union of Journalists (SNJT) was central to efforts to establish the council – which it believes will help promote quality journalism - which was officially launched on 20 April. "This is a historic day, not just for journalists (...) but also for Tunisian democracy and freedom of expression in general," said SNJT President Néji Bghouri. The Self-Regulatory Council, which has been in the making for several years, will be responsible for drafting a code of…  
5859. Nikolai Andrushchenko  

The 73-year-old co-founder of the weekly newspaper Novy Petersburg, who was attacked in St. Petersburg on 9 March by unidentified assailants and had remained unconscious at the hospital since then, died of his wounds. According to Radio Free Europe,quoting Andrushchenko's colleagues and lawyer , the veteran journalist underwent surgery after the attack and initially had been connected to a ventilator but was later able to breathe on his own. However, they said he never regained consciousness and died on April 19. His attackers have not been found. Novy Petersburg's editor Denis Usov linked the attack against Andrushchenko to articles that the newspaper had written about…  
5860. Russia: IFJ/EFJ express their condolences following death of journalist Nicolay Andrushchenko  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have joined the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in expressing their deepest condolences to the newspaper Noviy Petersburg after the death of its investigative journalist and co-founder of the newspaper Nicolay Andrushchenko who died on 19 April in Mariinsky hospital at the age of 73. The IFJ has also backed calls for a full investigation in to his death. Andruschenko was a prominent journalist famous for his investigative reporting on such dangerous topics as local crime, corruption, and police brutality. He was reported to have been severely beaten by unidentified people on 9 March and put into a…  
5861. Brazil: IFJ backs demand for reinstatement of Celso Schröder  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined Brazilian journalists union, FENAJ and dozens of media workers organisations in condemning the dismissal of a leading national and international trade unionist. Celso Augusto Schröder – President of the IFJ’s regional body, FEPALC and a former IFJ Vice-President and FENAJ President - was fired by Correio do Povo newspaper, where he had worked for 30 years. The IFJ backed widespread calls for his immediate reinstatement. Currently director of Institutional Relations at the company and a member of the Social Communication Council of the National Congress Schröder was dismissed following the receipt of a telegram from the paper’s…  
5862. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 14th April to Friday 21st April: Rights group slams Yemen journalist's death sentence Contexto/Fernando Ramírez de Aguilar L Casi 3 mil 300 periodistas fueron asesinados en los últimos 25 años: FIP Sacrificio pesaroso For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
5863. Apple blocks content for China, Hong Kong and Taiwan users  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) opposes the decision by Apple to block the downloading of certain apps by mobile users in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. According to Globe Voices, China Uncensored, a satirical news show was censored by Apple TV through the app store if users trying to access the show were based in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The curator, Chris Chappell issued a statement noting that content regarding the two-party system in Hong Kong and Taiwan was censored. Chappell also wrote a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook urging Apple to remove the block on China Uncensored to Hong Kong and Taiwan-based users, threatening to take legal and political…  
5864. ​Russia: Novaya Gazeta’s Journalists Threatened by Chechen Religious and Public Leaders  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have joined their Russian affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (the RUJ), in expressing their concern over serious threats by religious and public opinion leaders in Chechnya against journalists and media staff at Novaya Gazeta, the leading independent newspaper in Russia. The threats followed an article published by the newspaper on 1 April, entitled “Murder of Honour”about mass detentions, torture and extrajudicial reprisals of Chechen citizens for allegedly homosexual practices. The Novaya Gazeta’ article named three people who have been murdered and said many more people have…  
5865. Africa Region GUFs Holds a Forum  

Global Union Federations (GUFs) in the Africa Region met in a Forum from 10-12 April 2017 in Johannesburg, South Africa to deepen their understanding of the African Labour Market and Trade Union Development, and to exchange ideas and formulate strategies on how to strengthen the African Trade Union Movement. The meeting was attended by representatives of BWI, IFJ, IUF, ITF, IndustriAll, UNI, PSI, ITUC-Africa, with the participation of trade union movements of OTUWA, EATUC, SATUCC, COSATU, FEDUSA, NALEDI,  3F, SASK and with the support of the FES. In strengthening the structure of the Africa Forum, the meeting adopted a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the “Structure,…  
5866. IFJ demands immediate release of Palestinian woman reporter  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the detention of a Palestinian woman reporter held for over a week in Gaza and demanded her swift release. Taghreed Ahmed Abu Dharifa, a journalist with Palestine TV, part of the Palestine Broadcasting Corporation, has been arrested on April 13 at her home in Abasan, east of Khan Younis, by Hamas Security apparatus. Yesterday, her detention was prolonged 15 days by the Gaza military court for “spying for Ramallah”.  The Palestinian journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) which issued protests at her arrest, called the accusations false and unacceptable and strongly condemned the decision as a blatant violation of the…  
5867. FIJ et FEJ appellent l'UE à sauvegarder Euronews  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ et FEJ) ont reçu ce mercredi 19 avril une délégation de journalistes d'Euronews, avant leur rendez-vous avec le président de la Commission Européenne, Jean-Claude Juncker. LA FIJ et la FEJ apportent leur soutien aux salariés de la chaîne d’information internationale fondée en 1993 à Lyon, qui fait face actuellement à un plan social drastique. Au cours de l'entretien avec M. Juncker, ce dernier a réaffirmé l’engagement de la Commission européenne en faveur de la chaîne pour les années à venir tout en assurant le contrôle des accords récemment signés avec Euronews, tant sur le plan de la mission éditoriale, que celui de…  
5868. Armenia: Radio Free Europe journalist attacked reporting on fraudulent activities during elections  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have condemned an attack on Armenian correspondent Sisak Gabrielian by activists of the Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) while he was covering parliamentary elections in Yerevan on 2 April, 2017. Reporting for the Armenian service of Radio Free Europe (RFE) during the parliamentary elections, Sisak Gabrielian was hit in the face by one of the ruling HHK party activists and forced out of the office by polling station attendants after having noticed and started filming alleged fraudulent activities. According to the RFE Armenian service, Gabrielian noticed that many residents voting in Kond, one of Yerevan’s…  
5869. Nigeria: IFJ condemns murder of radio journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) in condemning the murder by two unidentified gunmen of journalist Famous Giobaro, who worked for state-owned Radio Glory FM 97.1. According to reports two unidentified gunmen broke in and shot Giobaro several times in the stomach at his residence in Yenagoa, a local government area in the Bayelsa State in Nigeria, on 16 April, 2017. No reason has been given for this attack so far. Baysela Council of the NUJ described the attack as “shocking”. NUJ Chairman John Angese and General Secretary Stanley Imgbi expressed their deepest condolences saying that Giobaro’s death was a huge loss for…  
5870. Publisher found stabbed to death in Myanmar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the brutal murder of Wai Yan Heinn in Myanmar last week. The IFJ calls for an immediate and thorough investigation into the murder. Wai Yan Heinn, the 27 year old weekly magazine editor at the Iron Rose was found dead on Sunday, April 16, at the publications offices in Rangoon’s Pazundaung Township. Heinn published a number of articles that have been critical of the elites in Myanmar particularly the military, business and government. Police captain Yin Htwe told Reuters that Heinn was stabbed 15 times in the chest and abdomen. The exact date of his murder is unknown as it was neighbors who contacted the publication’s chief…  
5871. Journalism student lynched in Pakistan for alleged blasphemy  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the gruesome killing of journalism student Mashal Khan in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan on April 13, 2017. The IFJ demands immediate investigation into the incident, and prosecution of the perpetrators to ensure justice. Khan, 23, was lynched by a violent mob in his hostel at Wali Khan University in Mardan of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, allegedly for uploading blasphemous content on social networking site Facebook. The police however have found no evidence of the alleged blasphemous content. Graphic video footage of the lynching showed Khan lying on the floor and his body which bore multiple marks of severe torture was not moving.…  
5872. Russia: “Novaya Gazeta” journalists threatened by Chechen religious and public leaders  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have joined their Russian affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (the RUJ), in expressing their concern over alleged serious threats by religious and public opinion leaders in Chechnya against journalists and media staff at Novaya Gazeta, a leading independent newspaper in Russia. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have joined their Russian affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (the RUJ), in expressing their concern over alleged serious threats by religious and  public opinion leaders in Chechnya against journalists and media staff at Novaya Gazeta, a leading…  
5873. México: cuarto periodista asesinado en el año  

Maximiliano Rodríguez Palacios perdió la vida al ser atacado con armas de fuego el pasado viernes 14 de abril en La Paz, capital de Baja California Sur. Durante el mes de marzo tres periodistas fueron asesinados y otros dos sobrevivieron en ataques de similares características. El periodista conocido como Max Rodríguez, reportero del blog Colectivo Pericú, fue asesinado el pasado viernes en la ciudad de La Paz cuando se encontraba en el interior de su automóvil en compañía de su esposa. Según indican las primeras investigaciones, el comunicador de 72 años estaba arribando a una tienda cuando fue atacado a tiros desde una camioneta y perdió la vida, mientras que su acompañante resultó…  
5874. Venezuela: persiste la detención de periodistas extranjeros  

El periodista franco-uruguayo Sebastián Pérez, fue detenido junto a su camarógrafo, Didier Barral, el pasado martes 11 de Abril por el Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN). En una práctica que se ha tornado recurrente, el SEBIN tiene retenidos a dos reporteros extranjeros de la agencia CAPA desde el martes pasado, según ha informado el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Prensa de Venezuela (SNTP), organización gremial afiliada a la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP). El hecho ocurrió cuando ambos comunicadores se disponían a tomar su vuelo de regreso a Francia en el Aeropuerto Simón Bolívar de Maiquetía. Como en otros casos ocurridos durante el último año,…  
5875. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 07th April to Friday 14th April: Int'l press body condemns death sentence against Yemeni journalist by Houthis Rebel court sentences Yemen journalist to death FIP y Fecolper se reúnen con Gobierno para garantizar condiciones dignas de periodistas Director UNICARIBE resalta importancia de la democracia Carlos Dada: "Nuestra misión es explicar dinámicas de violencia, eso requiere mucho más que contar cadáveres” “Una fuerza, todas las fuerzas”, lema convocante de fraternidad…  
5876. Turkey: Court acquits 12 journalists in OdaTV case after six-year trial  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) welcome the acquittal of all defendants in the Oda TV case, including Ahmet Şık and 11 other journalists, charged with terrorism, incitement, and obtaining secret documents. On 12 April 2017, after a six-year trial, the Istanbul's 18th Court for Serious Crimes found that prosecutors had failed to provide enough evidence to convict journalists Ahmet Şık, Soner Yalçın, Barış Pehlivan, Barış Terkoğlu, Ayhan Bozkurt, Nedim Şener, Müyesser Yıldız, Doğan Yurdakul, Coşkun Musluk, Sait Çakır, Yalçın Küçük, İklim Bayraktar and former police chief Hanefi Avcı. Following the acquittal, Ahmet Şık - who is currently in pre-trial…  
5877. Yemen: IFJ condemns state security court death sentence on journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), in condemning the death sentence passed on 12 April by the Houthi Security Court against a veteran Yemeni journalist. Reporter and former professor Yahya Abdulraqeeb Al-Jubeihi, 61, was yesterday sentenced to death on charges of spying for Saudi Arabia, the country that has been leading a deadly military intervention against the Houthis in Yemen since 2015. The rebels have controlled all government and media institutions in Sana’a since they overran the capital in September 2014 and are accused by the YJS of undermining press freedom. Another 18 journalists also…  
5878. Malaysian government ordered to pay for damaged cartoons  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the decision by the High Court in Malaysia against the government to pay compensation to cartoonist Zunar for damaged works. The IFJ calls on the Malaysian government to end its attack on Zunar and drop all the sedition charges. On Tuesday, April 11, the High Court of Malaysia ordered the Malaysian government and police to pay political cartoonist, Zulkiflee SM Anwar Haque, whose pen name is Zunar, RM18,000 (USD 4,000). The ruling against the government was made due to damages to Zunar’s works which were seized seven years ago in 2009. Zunar has originally sued two police officers, A Arikrisna and Marina Hashim, along with the…  
5879. Chinese government espionage scheme puts media in danger  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) voices concern over the latest government scheme introduced on April 10, which may endanger the media community. On Monday, the Beijing-based National Security Bureau announced the anti-espionage scheme, ‘Report on Espionage’, in its latest attempt to influence and censor the free flow of information in China. The scheme aims to use citizens as the eyes and ears of the government, asking them to report any suspicious activity to the Bureau. By participating in the program, citizens would be eligible for monetary rewards, with a successful ‘tip offs’ able to receive between 10,000 and 500,000 yuan (USD 1,500 – 73,000). According to…  
5880. Somaliland: IFJ condemns "flagrant violation" following journalist's jail sentence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today joined its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in condemning the 2-year jail sentence imposed by a Somali court on a journalist on 8th April. Independent reporter Abdimalik Muse Oldon was arrested on 15th February upon arrival at the capital Hargeisa's airport over comments he allegedly made on social media against Somaliland's President and a video showing his "support" for the Somali President, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo. Last Friday, judge Ahmed Dalmar Ismail, Chairman of Marodi Jeeh Regional Court, found Oldon guilty of breaching articles 212 and 328 of Somalia's 1960 penal code…  
Search results 5811 until 5880 of 15060