15063 results:

9311. IFJ, EFJ concerned by growing political bias at Ukrainian News Agency  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today expressed their concern over growing  political interference at the Ukraine Independent News Agency (UNIAN).  "We are worried that a press agency which used to be trusted by professionals and by the public is becoming instrumentalised by politicians," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha.  "We support UNIAN journalists in their struggle for journalism as a public good and we call on the management to respect professional standards and stop the ongoing harassment campaign against the staff," said EFJ President Arne König. The…  
9312. EFJ joined Licence for Europe stakeholder dialogue  

The European Commission has launched an initiative called “Licence for Europe” aiming to bring together stakeholders in the creative and cultural sector to find a practical solution to remove barriers to access copyright protected materials online. Stakeholders, including the EFJ, had its first meeting to discuss the main issues at stake. One of the main issues discussed concerns user-generated content (UGC) online which is currently growing in the sector. These contents can consist in adapting existing protected works such as photographs for creating a new content. While the European commission provides no definition of UGC for the time being and expects stakeholders to come up with…  
9314. Journalists on strike in Greece to defend collective rights  

Today 19 February, journalists in Athens and across the country went on strike, ahead of the general strike called by the General Confederation of Greek Workers to take place tomorrow. Journalists went on strike one day earlier in order to cover the general workers mobilization but the media strike coincides with the visit of French President F. Hollande in Athens. The striking  mobilisation was called by the IFJ/EFJ affiliates, the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists' Unions (PFJU) and joined today by the Journalists' Union of Macedonia and Thrace (ESIEMTH). It started two weeks ago and is still going on with…  
9315. EFJ Focus February 2013  

The new issue of the EFJ Focus is available in English and German. French version will follow soon.   Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move!   To subscribe, simply click HERE. If you missed the previous issues, see our archive.   ENGLISH     GERMAN      
9316. Crunch-time on Future of UK Press Regulation  

This feature article on media ethics is written by Barry White, the EFJ Steering Committee member from the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland. The Leveson Inquiry is a judicial public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British media following the phone-hacking scandal in the UK. The inquiry was chaired by Lord Leveson who have held a series of public hearings throughout 2011 and 2012. The EFJ affiliate, NUJ was asked to submit its opinon on the inquiry. It's now almost three months since the Leveson Inquiry published its findings on Culture, Practices and Ethics in the Press and the British government and national press are fighting hard to…  
9317. Another Murder Attempt on Journalist: a Consequence of the Cult of Impunity  

  Media release: Sri Lanka                                                                                   February 18, 2013     The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners and affiliates in Sri Lanka in condemning the murderous attack on Faraz…  
9318. IFJ Backs NUJ Strike over Job Cuts and Future of BBC  

The National Union of Journalists in UK and Ireland (NUJ), an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has called BBC journalists out on strike on Monday 18 February to protest against compulsory redundancies and cuts across the BBC.The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) back the NUJ in its action to protect the quality programming at the BBC."BBC journalists are at the forefront of the global battle to save public service broadcasting," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "Journalists worldwide applaud their courageous stand to save jobs and maintain quality programming."According to the…  
9319. Media freedom and independence: trends and challenges in Europe  

The conclusions of the project MEDIADEM (European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing and Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems) were presented on 7 February at a conference in Brussels in which the EFJ participated. Speakers and participants raised the issue of the crisis in journalism, the increasing frustration of journalists in fulfilling their task as watchdogs in the public interest but also the importance of strong journalists' unions in "protecting professionalism and journalistic independence". The study found that across all countries concerns were voiced in particular on: working conditions of journalists; challenges to an…  
9320. Confidentiality of sources violated when German police raid journalists' homes unions condemn  

German journalists unions Deutscher Journalisten Verband (DJV) and Deutsche Journalistinnen- und Journalisten Union in ver.di (DJU in ver.di) condemned harshly raids that had taken place in the early hours on 6 February in several freelance photographers appartments in various German cities. Both called out of proportion the measures taken to get hold of material the police believed to aid as evidence in a case in relation to a demonstration over a year ago. The photographers are considered innocent of any crime. Both unions criticised that the confidentility of sources as well as the freedom of the press had been violated when police copied files from the freelancers…  
9321. IFJ Devises Strategies to Help Iranian Journalists in Exile after Regime's 'Chilling' Comments  

The comments by the Iranian Intelligence minister on the recent arrests of a dozen journalists amount to a direct threat to independence of media, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said. In a statement released through the Farsi News Agency, minister Heidar Moslehi claimed that the journalists were arrested because of their contacts with staff at the BBC's Persian service in London and warned that more arrests are expected. The statement prompted the IFJ to organise a visit to Turkey last week to discuss plans for providing assistance to journalists who are likely to seek safety outside Iran. "These chilling declarations are an ominous sign that the situation…  
9322. Spanish trade unions demonstrate for strong public broadcasting  

On 7 February 2013, various Spanish trade unions, among them EFJ member unions Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO)  and the Federation of Unions of Journalists (FeSP), took to the streets of Madrid their protest against the national Spanish government's plan to change the law on Audiovisual policy. They warn that the new legislation will open doors for private news corporations to buy public broadcasting stations and lay off staff. Such cost-cutting moves would in consequence lead to the dismantling of state broadcasting and endanger Spanish cultural diversity, its linguistic variety, pluralism, social cohesion and the "proper functioning of a…  
9323. Detention of Journalist in Delhi and Media Shutdown in Kashmir Follow Execution of Terrorism Convict  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply disturbed at the detention and harassment of a journalist in India’s national capital, Delhi and the enforced shutdown of the media in the Kashmir region, following the execution on February 9, of a person convicted of conspiring in the December 2001 attack on the Indian parliament compound.   According to reports from partners in India, a curfew was imposed in several districts of Kashmir early in the morning of February 9, just prior to the execution, which was formally announced shortly after 8 a.m.   At around 10:30 a.m., Iftikhar Gilani, a senior journalist with the multi-edition newspaper, Daily…  
9324. One Year on, Still No Clarity in Traumatic Murder of Journalist Couple in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners in Bangladesh in observing the one-year anniversary of the murder of journalists Sagar Sarowar and Meherun Runi, a married couple found dead in their apartment in Dhaka city on February 11, 2012. Unions and associations in Bangladesh are observing a day of protest today, calling for results that have remained elusive despite judicial scrutiny over the investigation. After the initial failure by local police to identify the murderers or even establish a motive, the investigations were assigned to the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), an anti-terrorism force believed to have greater expertise. The…  
9325. IFJ calls for an investigation into the suspicious death of Ortega murder witness  

The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in calling for an investigation into suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of a witness in the murder case of radio broadcaster Gerardo Ortega. Gerardo Ortega, a commentator with dwAR, in the country’s Palawan province was murdered on January 24, 2011.   Dennis Aranas, the state witness who confessed to being the lookout in the murder of Gerardo “Doc Gerry” Ortega, was found dead in his cell at the Quezon provincial jail in Lucena City on Tuesday, February 5.   According to the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology…  
9326. Webinar on the Charter of Freelance Rights 5th February 2013  

Translated into 12 languages by now, the Charter of Freelance Rights was drafted by the EFJ Freelance Expert Group in 2003 and finally adopted in 2005 to support freelance journalists. The original idea was to draft such a Charter that reflects fundamental rights of freelance journalists in the style of the UN charter. Nevertheless, and this was agreed upon by all of the over one dozen participants of the webinar, it remains as valid today as it was 10 years ago. Having a look at each of the Charter's main points, all issues were discussed and illustrated with various examples form different European countries: 1. Every freelance has the right to organize in a union and…  
9327. Legal challenge threatens the release of journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned to learn of a legal challenge to the decision to drop charges against Naveen Soorinje, now under arrest for over three months on charges of involvement in a July 2012 vigilante attack on a group of partying teenagers in the city of Mangalore, in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. Soorinje, who is a reporter for the Kasturi TV channel based in Mangalore, was alerted to the possibility of an attack by local witnesses and arrived at the site soon after activists of a group that styles itself as the Hindu Jagaran Vedike began assembling. According to the testimony he has filed both before the police…  
9328. EFJ Welcomes Call for Copyright Reform to Guarantee Fair Pay for Authors  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed the call by Antonio Vitorino, the European Commission's mediator on copyright contract law reform, for a fair share of licence revenues for journalists and other creators.  Vitorino, the mediator appointed by the European Commission to review private copying and reprography levies, has recommended the introduction of mandatory rules in copyright contract law or labour law to ensure authors and performers receive an adequate share of income generated from their works. He further pointed out that authors and performers suffer from a lack of bargaining power and there is a need to improve the situation. "We are…  
9329. EFJ Welcomes Call for Copyright Reform to Guarantee Fair Pay for Authors  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed the call by Antonio Vitorino, the European Commission's mediator on copyright contract law reform, for a fair share of licence revenues for journalists and other creators.  Vitorino, the mediator appointed by the European Commission to review private copying and reprography levies, has recommended the introduction of mandatory rules in copyright contract law or labour law to ensure authors and performers receive an adequate share of income generated from their works. He further pointed out that authors and performers suffer from a lack of bargaining power and there is a need to improve the situation. "We are glad…  
9330. IFJ denounces the one-year jail term to a freelance journalist in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has vigorously denounced the one-year jail term to a freelance journalist in Somalia. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, the journalist Abdiasis Abdinur Ibrahim aka Koronto, 25, was sentenced on February 5  by a court in Banadir Region (Mogadishu), to one year in prison for offending “reputation of national institution”, spreading “false news” and “paying money to get false rape story”.  “We called on authorities in Somalia to immediately quash the conviction as the trial is unfair. We encourage the defense to appeal the ruling. The IFJ is concerned…  
9331. NUJP welcomes SC’s indefinite extension of TRO on Cybercrime Law  

Media Release: Philippines                                                                                                                              February 6, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines in welcoming the Supreme Court decision on Tuesday, February 5, 2013,…  
9332. EFJ President Arne König reports on his visit to special security prison Silivri to attend the latest hearing in the KCK case  

In the special security prison Silivri outside of Istanbul in Turkey the trial against 46 journalists and media workers continued on February 4th. They are accused of being members of, or working on behalf of KCK, the so called “city organization” of the illegal and armed PKK, the Kurdish Workers Party.   The EFJ was present in the person of its president Arne König as well as the president of the Turkish Union of Journalists Ercan Ipekci.   The prosecutor is still in the process of reading the 800 pages of indictment to the court. “It was shocking for us to hear that normal journalistic activity can be seen as illegal and as an act of…  
9333. 2012 Annual Report on Press Freedom in China and Hong Kong  

  Press Release: Hong Kong                                                                                                 February 4, 2013     The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) launches…  
9334. EFJ Condemns Smear Campaign of Press Freedom Advocates in Turkish Pro-Government Media  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today accused Star and Yeni Akit newspapers, pro-government media in Turkey, of waging a smear campaign against individuals and press freedom organisations supporting journalists who are currently in prison because of their work. The two newspapers are targeting particularly Necati Abay, a representative of the Platform for Solidarity With Imprisoned Journalists (TGDP), journalists Nadiye Gürbüz, Sedat ?eno?lu and Arzu Demir, as well as two press freedom organisations, the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the Paris-based Reporters without Borders (RSF).   "We are appalled to hear that the Turkish…  
9335. South Asia Press Freedom Report 2013: Building Resistance, Organise for Change  

Click HERE to read the South Asia Press Freedom Report 2013: Building Resistance, Organise for Change  
9336. 2013 Pakistan: State of Journalism - English  

Click HERE to read the 2013 IFJ report Pakistan: State of Journalism in English  
9337. 2013: Back to a Maoist Future - traditional Chinese  

Click HERE to read the traditional Chinese version of the 2013 report about Press Freedom in China  
9338. 2013: Back to a Maoist Future - simplified Chinese  

Click HERE to read the simplified Chinese version of the report about Press Freedom in China  
9339. 2013: Back to a Maoist Future - English  

Click HERE to read the English version of the report about Press Freedom in China   
9340. IFJ/EFJ welcome conviction of Gongadze’s killer in Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today hailed as a step to end impunity in Ukraine the conviction of General Oleksiy Pukach for the murder of Georgy Gongadze by a court in Kiev on 29 January. The Federation joined its affiliates in Ukraine and Europe in welcoming the decision which capped a long and hard campaign waged by journalists and the journalist's family.  "After more than a decade of tireless pursuit of justice for Gongadze, the conviction of his killer is good news indeed," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "Unfortunately, the decision feels like partial justice as others involved in his murder are still being shielded from responsibility."…  
9341. 2010 USIP: Media Working for Peace in South Asia - Tamil  

Click HERE to read 2010 the Press Freedom Report (Tamil version)  
9342. Continuing Assaults on Journalists by Political Cadre in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists joins partners in affiliates in Nepal in denouncing an incident in Kavre district in the central region of the country, in which cadres of the Young Communist League (YCL) assaulted and seriously injured a number of journalists who had gathered to cover an event involving three senior leaders of the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), including Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai.   The YCL is the youth affiliate of the Maoist party, which leads the government in Nepal today.   Reports from the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) indicate that the incident occurred on January 29, and was followed immediately…  
9343. EFJ Focus January 2013  

The new EFJ Focus is available in English, French and German. To subscribe, simply click HERE.  
9344. Gender workshop highlights best practices in unions  

A group of gender experts, including the IFJ gender officer, Pamela Moriniere, was invited by the European Institute on Gender Equality (EIGE) in a workshop finding the best practices on gender equality in workplace and unions.   The workshop highlighted a positive finding that women make up 35% of the decision-making positions. Women are more likely to be recruited in senior position in public service broadcasters.   Before the workshop, the EIGE has interviewed over 160 organisations (including some EFJ affiliates) and selected over 100 examples of good practices. The organisers selected 20 best practices for participants to evaluate, including those developed by the…  
9345. IFJ Joins Chorus of Protest at Jailing of Editor in Thailand  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined widespread criticism of a ruling by a court in Bangkok which last week jailed for ten years Somyot Prueksakasemsuk, the editor of the Voice of the Oppressed (Voice of Taksin), after convicting him on lèse -majesté charges. The accusations followed the publications of two articles in 2010 which the authorities claimed were offensive to the Thai monarch. The court's decision of 23 January drew a sharp condemnation from around the world, including by the European Union and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights."The reactions to the ruling reflect the strength of feeling against the court's decision which has the…  
9346. IFJ calls for Resolution to be withdrawn in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in calling on The Philippines Commission on Elections (Comelec) to immediately revoke Resolution No. 9615, which requires that “prior approval” be given before election candidates can be interviewed by broadcasters.   In a statement, The NUJP has called the Resolution, issued on January 15, unconstitutional since it constitutes ‘prior restraint’.   The Resolution would preclude impromptu interviews, making it both an impediment to press freedom and the public’s right to know.   In addition, the NUJP…  
9347. IFJ condemns assaults against two journalists in Kenya  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has strongly condemned the assaults against two media workers in Kenya. According to local media and independent sources, Dennis Okeyo, photographer from Nation Media Group, and John Otanga, cameraman from channel NTV were targeted by security officers on Sunday 21 January during the course of their professional duties. They were covering riots in the district of Karanja in Kibera at the outskirts of Nairobi the capital city.   "We call on authorities to investigate the case and bring the perpetrators to book. Journalists should be able to conduct their professional duties without risking reprisals from security…  
9348. Growing Threats to Dailekh-based Journalists  

  Media Release: Nepal January 25, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the National Union of Journalists-Nepal (NUJ Nepal) and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in expressing grave concern over the growing number of threats against journalists in Dailekh, a district in the far western region of Nepal.   Following the arrest of ruling UCPN-Maoist party cadres in connection with the murder of journalist Dekendra Thapa, party cadres have been making threats against journalists in the region.   UCPN-Maoist cadres publicly threatened 10 journalists of Dailekh that they would meet…  
9349. IFJ Calls for End to Media Clampdown in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today accused the Hamas administration in the Gaza strip of a major clampdown on journalists, targeting especially members of its affiliated organisation, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS). The Federation joined the PJS in calling for the immediate release of six journalists who were arrested by Hamas security forces."The climate of sheer brutality and ruthless intimidation targeting media in Gaza has again shown that Hamas is no friend of press freedom," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "These journalists are being held with no charges against them while their families and colleagues live in fear of raids and arrests. They…  
9350. IFJ condemns verdict in Publisher indirect contempt of court case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the guilty verdict passed down in the case against Carmelo Rima, publisher and editor-in-chief of the weekly Island Sandigan.   On January 15 Catanduanes police arrested and detained Rima, on an indirect contempt charge issued by Regional Trial Court Judge, Lelu Contreras, following an article published by Rima in the paper Island Sandigan. Judge Contreras felt she was alluded to in the article which stated that a judge was involved in forging Catanduanes Governor Joseph Cua’s naturalization documents.   On…  
9351. Füsun Erdogan writes letter from prison  

Füsun Erdogan was the chief coordinator of radio Özgür Radyo" ("Free Radio") and is imprisoned in Gebze prison near Istanbul since 2006. She is accused of 296 "activities" carried out being "a MLKP [Marxist Leninist Communist party] illegal organization member". She faces a possible life sentence.    Since March 2011 she writes weekly columns for Turkish human rights website Bianet.    Yesterday, she sent a letter to EFJ describing in detail her situation and deteriorating health as direct consequence of her imprisonment.  
9352. Hungary: European Journalists appeal to Hungarian media to keep hate speech out of journalism  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today expressed its grave concern over a recent anti-Roma article by senior editor Zsolt Bayer.   In an article published in the Magyar Hírlap newspaper on January 5, Bayer commented on a recent stabbing involving Roma suspects, writing that “a significant number of Gypsies are unsuitable for co-existence … These Gypsies are animals and act as animals … they should not be tolerated or understood but punished.” Magyar Hírlap is a daily owned by Gábor SZÉLES, a well- known Fidesz supporter.   “We are horrified to read again and again in Hungary media articles that…  
9353. IFJ Condemns Brutal Murder of Somali Radio Journalist  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the murder of Somali radio journalist Abdihared Osman Adan. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate,  Abdihared Osman Adan, 45, who worked for Radio Shabelle was brutally killed today Friday 18 January in an unprovoked attack by three unknown armed men who shot him in the Wadajir district of the capital, Mogadishu.   “The IFJ is deeply concerned over the rampant violence and killings of journalists in Somalia. We stand united in our efforts to condemn the unspeakable violence against media professionals and we will stand firm in demand on the…  
9355. IFJ condemns Attack of Luviana Ariyanti by member of National Democratic Party (Nasdem)  

  Media Release: Indonesia January 17, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) in strongly condemning the violence committed by members of the National Democratic Party (Nasdem) against former Metro TV journalist, Luviana Ariyanti and supporters during a protest outside the Nasdem office on Wednesday, January 16, 2013.   Ariyanti, a member of The Alliance of Independent Journalist Jakarta, protested about disparities in the awarding of staff bonuses at Metro TV. She intended to form a union to improve internal procedures, including the enactment of an objective assessment scheme…  
9356. HK Government proposes subsidiary law blocking media access to public information  

  Media Release: Hong Kong January 16, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in calling on the Government of Hong Kong to withdraw amendments to the Companies Ordinance which limits public access to information.   The IFJ learns that the Hong Kong Government is proposing subsidiary legislation which will restrict access to information contained in the company registries, severely hindering media investigations into crimes such as money laundering and the abuse of power.   Currently, personal information, including names, residential addresses and personal identification numbers…  
9357. The IFJ raises concern about security of journalists after the killing of an editor in Nigeria  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has vigorously condemned the killing of a journalist in the Nigerian city of Onithsa (Anambra state, South East).   According to Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) an IFJ affiliate, the journalist Ikechukwu Udendu, editor of Anambra News a monthly newspaper, was shot dead on Saturday 12 January 2013 by unknown persons.     “We strongly condemn the killing of Ikechukwu Udendu and stand in solidarity with his family and colleagues.  Nigeria has become a country of impunity for those who have attacked and killed journalists. This is a real press freedom regress. The Government must…  
9358. IFJ and EFJ Call for Media Protection after Series of Serious Safety Incidents in Greece  

Today the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) called for strong action from Greek authorities to protect media after a series of violent attacks against journalists and media organisations which took place in recent days."It is important that in time of crisis everybody respects press freedom. This concerns the authorities but also citizens who, for whatever reason, may feel resentment towards the establishment," said EFJ President Arne König. Early morning on Friday 11 January 2013,  the homes of five journalists and members of the EFJ/IFJ affiliate, the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers…  
9360. Journalists Receive Text Messages Regarding Plan to Assassinate Colleague  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Philippines (NUJP) in expressing serious concern about reports of threats made on the life of a journalist in Kidapawan City.   According to reports, two Kidapawan City journalists received separate but similar text messages detailing a plan to assassinate a colleague after the May 2013 elections.   Malu Manar, chairperson of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Kidapawan City Chapter said she and another journalist received text messages in the early hours of Sunday, January 13, from a person claiming to be a hired-assassin stating that a…  
9362. IFJ Deeply Concerned over Criminal Charges against Indian Investigative Reporter  

  Media Release: India                                                                                        January 15, 2013                      The International Federation of…  
9363. International Media Mission Addresses Open Letter to Nepal Prime Minister  

  Media Release: Nepal January 14, 2013    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and partner organisations in the International Media Mission to Nepal, have addressed an open letter to the Prime Minister of Nepal, Dr Baburam Bhattarai, urging that the law be allowed to take its course, unimpeded by politics, in the case of the alleged murderers of journalist Dekendra Thapa.   Five political activists, associated with Nepal’s Maoist party and a breakaway group, were arrested between January 3 and 5 on charges of murdering Thapa, who was abducted from his home in June 2004 and murdered on August 11, 2004.   The investigation was…  
9364. EFJ urges Slovene newspaper group Delo to reconsider unjustified dismissal of journalist  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), urges the management of Delo, the largest national daily newspaper in Slovenia, to reconsider the recent dismissal of   Dejan Karba, who has been employed as journalist by Delo. According to the information we have received by our members in Slovenia, the Slovenian Association of Journalists and the Slovenian Union of Journalists, Dejan Karba was urged by management of Delo to sign the resignation of his employment contract on 8 January due to some critical stories he wrote against high political figures including from the Catholic Church. He was…  
9365. IFJ condemns death of cameraman, photographer in Quetta twin blasts  

  Media Release: Pakistan                                                                                                                                               January 11, 2013    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in…  
9366. Central Propaganda Department continues to suppress media in Mainland China  

  Media Release: China                                                                                                                                       January 11, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns directives made by the Central Propaganda Department to mainstream media to republish editorials of…  
9367. French decision: Posting of a photo under a pseudonym does not prove authorship  

The presumption of authorship (L113.1 of French IP code) only applies when the communication of a work has been done in an unequivocal manner including an intent  from the person behind the communication to present himself/herself as the author. The posting of a picture on the internet under a pseudonym does not presume that this person is the author of the photograph says French TGI on 20th December 2012. See full decision on Legalis: http://www.legalis.net/spip.php?page=jurisprudence-decision&id_article=3578    
9368. French decision: Posting of a photo under a pseudonym does not prove authorship  

The presumption of authorship (L113.1 of French IP code) only applies when the communication of a work has been done in an unequivocal manner including an intent from the person behind the communication to present himself/herself as the author. The posting of a picture on the internet under a pseudonym does not presume that this person is the author of the photograph says French TGI on 20th December 2012. See full decision on Legalis: http://www.legalis.net/spip.php?page=jurisprudence-decision&id_article=3578  
9369. IFJ Calls on ECOWAS and African Union to Address Security of Journalists in the Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has called on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)  and the African Union (AU) to mobilize and address the security of journalists after the arrests and detention in communicado of a journalist in The Gambia.    "Authorities in The Gambia must reveal the whereabouts of journalist Abdoulie John and release him immediately. This journalist was literally kidnapped yesterday by the National Intelligence Agency (NIA). He is in grave danger since he has been undertaking never ending questionings at the NIA all these last two weeks. This is another press freedom violation in a country where…  
9370. IFJ Condemns Arrests of two journalists in South Sudan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the arrest and detention of two journalists in South Sudan. The authorities claim the reporters were involved in protests in which at least ten people died last month in the north of the country, media reports say.   “We condemn these arrests and ask for the immediate release of the journalists. These repressive measures against media reflect the growing insecurity for journalists and follow our recent calls on authorities in South Sudan to promote press freedom and safeguard journalists’ security,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa director.   According to independent sources, Tv…  
9371. IFJ Condemns Continuing Detention of Indian Journalist Naveen Soorinje  

    Media Release: India                                                                                        January 8, 2013                    The International…  
9372. IFJ Welcomes Arrests in 2004 Murder of Nepali Journalist  

    Media Release: Nepal January 7, 2013    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), in welcoming the arrest of five political cadre for the murder in August 2004 of Dekendra Thapa, a journalist with Radio Nepal and the Kathmandu-based Nepal Samacharpatra daily in Dailekh district in the far-western region of Nepal.   Reports in the Nepal media indicate that Lachhiram Gharti Magar was arrested on January 3 on the basis of a complaint filed by Thapa’s wife in 2008. His confession led to the arrest of Harilal Pun Magar, Bir Bahadur KC, Nirak Bahadur Gharti Magar and Jay…  
9373. Journalists strike against censorship in Mainland China  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping to investigate the Chief of the Guangdong Province Tuo Zhen for reportedly interfering with the editorial independence of the Southern Weekly magazine in violation of Article 35 of the Chinese Constitution.   On 1 January 2013 the magazine’s editorial was secretly changed from “China’s Dream, the Dream of Constitutionalism” to “We are now closer to our dream than ever before.” It is suspected that Tuo changed the article to echo the direction of the Central Authority. Journalists have told the IFJ that,…  
9374. The IFJ Calls on The Gambia to Stop Harassment of a Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has vigorously condemned the permanent harassment of a journalist in The Gambia, who is obliged since December 10, to report every week for questioning at the National Intelligence Agency (NIA).   “This continuous harassment and a moral torture of Abdoulie John must stop. As journalist he was just doing his job. Authorities must end these never ending interrogations of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) and let journalist Abdoulie John work freely,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director.     Abdoulie John, editor of an online newspaper, Joloff News, and Associated…  
9375. IFJ Condemns Media Ban in Macedonia Parliament  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today joined their affiliates, the Trade Union of Macedonian Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, in condemning the authorities at  the Macedonian Parliament for the decision to expel journalists from its building ahead of the debate on the budget which took place on Monday 24 December.SSNM said that journalists were removed by force from the Parliament's public gallery from which they were following the debate on the 2013 budget."We condemn the decision to ban journalists from a public debate of such public interest,"…  
9376. 2012: Media at Risk - traditional Chinese  

Click HERE to read the traditional Chinese version of  the 2012 report on Media at Risk  
9377. EFJ Welcomes Release of Journalist in Turkey  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)  has welcomed yesterday's release by the Istanbul main court of Soner Yalcin, international journalist and owner of the Odatv web news-site. Soner Yalcin was first imprisoned in February 2011 along with nine other journalists working for the news-site. They were accused of being involved in the alleged 'Ergenekon' plot to over throw the government. The defendants always maintained that the case was an excuse to bully independent and critical journalists and an attack on press freedom. One journalist, Yalcin Kucuk remains in prison along with former intelligence officer Hanefi Avci. The EFJ has been campaigning for the release of…  
9378. The IFJ Condemns the Detention of Two Journalists in Nigeria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has condemned the detention of two journalists in Nigeria. “We call on authorities in Nigeria to immediately release the two journalists who have only done their job by reporting accurately and independently on behalf of  the right of the public to know”, said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director.   According to Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) an IFJ affiliate, journalists Musa Muhammad Awwal and Aliyu Saleh from weekly Al-Mizan, a Hausa-language newspaper, have been arrested and detained by the county’s security forces since December 24.   NUJ said that security forces on last Monday…  
9379. IFJ Calls For Accountability after Nepali Journalist’s Arrest  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), in calling for full accountability from the authorities over an incident in which a journalist was reportedly taken in by the police and questioned in what appears to be an attempt at intimidation.   According to reports received from the FNJ, Suman Malla, Station In-Charge of Radio Mugu in the mid-western region of Nepal, was arrested at his office on December 14, a few days after his station broadcast a news item on weapons smuggling in the region. The district administration apparently claimed that the arrest was made after Malla refused to clarify certain…  
9380. IFJ Gender Newsletter December 2012  

The new issue of the IFJ Gender Newsletter is ready. Click here to download.  
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