15063 results:

9871. Creators' Joint Statement on Proposed Orphan Work Directive  

Click HERE to download the joint statement made by the European Federation of Journalists, European Writers' Congress and European Visual Artists on the proposed Orphan Work Directive.  
9872. IFJ Marks Fifth Anniversary of Politkovskaya’s Murder with new Russian Database on Attacks on Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists, last week marked the fifth anniversary of the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya with the launch of its ‘Russia – Conflicts in the Media’ database that records all attacks on journalists in Russia. The database is the latest stage in the IFJ’s campaign to end the culture of impunity for journalists’ attackers that took off in the wake of Politkovskaya’s 2006 stairwell shooting.  While the IFJ welcomed further progress made in the announcement of new prosecutions last week, it notes that those who ordered the killings…  
9873. IFJ Urges Hong Kong Police Commissioner to Ensure Transparency  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that Hong Kong’s police failed to properly release information regarding a number of attacks in Hong Kong’s Tseung Kwan O district and have breached the police department’s own commitments to transparency.   Four people were physically attacked in separate incidents in Tseung Kwan O over a twelve-hour period on October 2 and 3. However, police did not release official information to the media about the incidents until after reports of the attacks emerged in Hong Kong newspapers almost a week later, on October 9.   Delays in the release of police information have previously been…  
9874. Police Must Establish Motive for Murder of Journalist in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in calling for an immediate investigation into the murder of journalist Johnson Pascual, in Alicia, in Isabela province in the northern Philippines.   Pascual, editor-in-chief of Prime News and a columnist with several other newspapers in Isabela, was shot while driving to Cauayan City by two unidentified men on a motorcycle on October 7. He was shot in the head and torso, and died after losing control of his vehicle and crashing into a ravine.   Police are yet to identify any suspects or establish a motive for the murder. In addition…  
9875. Release our Freelance Colleagues Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson  

Today European freelance journalists from many countries gathered in a  seminar in Florence, Italy, organized by the European Federation of Journalists, expressed their support for an immediate release of the two Swedish freelance journalists who are held by the Ethiopian government since the beginning of July. The journalists entered the country without permit and they will appear in court on the 18th October, charged with being terrorists. They are risking 20 years in prison, according to the harsh Ethiopian terrorist legislation.  "Our colleagues were doing their jobs", says the European freelancers, "they were trying to report from the Ogaden region, a conflict…  
9876. IFJ Welcomes Nobel Peace Prize Award to Yemeni Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomes the news of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize which was awarded to Yemeni journalist Tawakkul Karman. She shares the prize with Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her fellow Liberian Leymah Gbowee "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work."  "This is excellent news and we warmly congratulate Karman whose tenacity, courage and humanity have been deservedly rewarded," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "This is also the recognition of her remarkable campaign for press freedom in Yemen which the IFJ and our Yemeni affiliate, the…  
9878. EFJ Condemns Police Violence against Greek Journalists  

  The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the use of force by the police against media workers covering protest on Syntagma Square in Athens.   "The public in Greece and around the world have the right to know what is happening as the country is go through a major crisis," said EFJ President Arne König. "It is intolerable that journalists and media workers are prevented to work in public places or even worse, be specifically targeted by police violence."   On Wednesday 5 October, during the general strike in Greece, seven journalists and photojournalists from…  
9879. "End injustice of Impunity, protect safety of journalists" Says FAJ to AU legislative Body  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), called on the legislative body of the African Union (AU), Pan-African Parliament (PAP) to end injustice of impunity and protect safety of journalists. "As parliamentarians, you are readily expected by the journalists' community in Africa to end the injustice of impunity for crimes against journalists that has been rocking the continent and contributed to the lack of safety for journalists," said Omar Faruk Osman, FAJ President, addressing yesterday PAP's select committee on justice and human rights. It was the first time since its establishment…  
9880. IFJ Calls for Full Inquiry into Death of Investigative Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its shock and sorrow at the death of Ramesh Singla, a freelance investigative journalist who reported on illegal mining in districts neighbouring the Indian national capital of Delhi.   According to reports in the Indian media, Singla, a resident of Mewat district in the state of Haryana bordering Delhi, was killed on the afternoon of October 4, when the motorcycle he was riding was hit by a heavy vehicle on one of the main arterial roads in the district. The vehicle that caused the accident then reportedly fled the scene.   Singla, 48, had published a number of articles about illegal mining in Mewat and…  
9881. EFJ Warns of Collapse of Journalism as a Public Good in Hungary  

  A  delegation of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today told reporters in Budapest that the media law which has been enacted earlier in the year threatens the survival of journalism as a public good in the country. The EFJ delegation held a press conference in the Hungarian capital where it holding  round-table discussions with professional representatives and media experts.   "We are appalled by the anxiety and the uncertainties among the profession," said Roberto Natale, member of the EFJ Steering Committee and president of the Italian journalists' union…  
9882. EFJ FOCUS October 2011  

EFJ Focus is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels.   The newsletter is now available in English,German and French.  Further Information:Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02Fax: 32-2-235.22.19E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]    
9883. EFJ FOCUS October 2011  

EFJ Focus is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels. The newsletter is now available in English,German and French. Further Information: Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]  
9884. Compensation Claims Used to Intimidate Journalists in Solomon Islands  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF) and the Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) in condemning the use of compensation claims to intimidate journalists in Solomon Islands.   On September 21 a demand for SBD 75,000 (USD 9,300) compensation from the Island Sun was made by supporters of West Honiara Member of Parliament Namson Tran.   The compensation demand was reportedly made in response to a story published in the newspaper which reported Tram's purchase and private registration of his government vehicle. The story quoted Chairman of the Solomon Islands Public Accounts Committee Matthew Wale referring to…  
9885. FAJ Statement on the Right to Know Day  

On the occasion of this year’s Right to Know Day, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African Regional Organization of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has today commemorated the starring role that journalists play in promoting this right and the challenges facing journalists in the African Continent as the messengers that deliver information.Journalists in the continent continue to face serious challenges including intimidation, arrests, risks of being jailed and even death, in the process of gathering, processing and disseminating information to promote and facilitate people’s right to know.“We celebrate the modest gains we continue to…  
9886. IFJ Supports Fiji Citizens’ Calls for Press Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF) in renewing calls for Fiji’s military regime to end the Public Emergency Regulations (PER) and Media Decree which regulate censorship in the country.   The IFJ’s demands follow a report released on September 7 by Sydney-based think tank the Lowy Institute for International Policy, reaffirming Fiji citizens’ overwhelming support for freedom of expression and a media free from censorship.   The report, Fiji: At Home and in the World, contains the results of a face-to-face opinion poll conducted in Fiji between August 19 and 21, 2011 using a random sample of…  
9887. Iranian Cameraman Dies After Kabul Attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates and partners in the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) deeply mourn the death of Farhad Taqaddosi, cameraman for the Iranian news channel Press TV after serious injuries suffered in the insurgent attack in Kabul on September 13.   Taqaddosi, 23, was an Iranian national who had been working in Kabul for Press TV for two years. According to reports received from IFJ affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), Taqadossi suffered serious shock when a rocket propelled grenade fired by insurgents exploded near him.   He was hospitalised immediately after the…  
9888. IFJ Mourns Death of Journalist in Southern Thailand  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply distressed by the death of Thai journalist Phamon Phonphanit who was killed in a bomb blast in the Sungai Kolok district of Narathiwat province in southern Thailand on September 24.   According to Bangkok Post reports, Sue Samut Atyakam reporter Phamon, 61, is the sixth person to die as a result the attack, after succumbing to severe burns sustained in the blast on September 16.   Phamon was injured by a third blast while reporting two earlier blasts, each set to detonate 20 minutes apart. A fourth bomb was discovered and defused prior to detonation. On September 24, police arrested two suspects for the…  
9889. ITVS Launches Initiative to Promote Women and Girls' Leadership  

Women and Girls Lead is a multiyear public media initiative to focus, educate, and connect citizens worldwide in support of the issues facing women and girls. Combining independent documentary film, television, new media, and global outreach partnerships, Women and Girls Lead amplifies the voices of women and girls acting as leaders, expands understanding of gender equity, and engages an international network of citizens and organizations to act locally and reach out globally.Download the Overview PDF. http://www.itvs.org/women-and-girls-lead/about   
9890. EFJ signs EU Key Principles for Digitising Out-of-print Books  

(20.09.2011) The EFJ represented by the Vice-President, Philippe Leruth signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with key stakeholders to enable mass digitisation of out-out-print books whilst upholding authors' rights. Leruth took the opportunity to present the EFJ handbook on authors' rights to EU Commissioner Michel Barnier, who witnessed the signing of the MoU. The MoU signed by authors, publishers, libraries and collective management societies offers a practical solution that allows the negotiation of a voluntary collective agreement to licence the out-of-print work between the users and authors or rightholders. Most importantly, it recognises the role of…  
9891. IFJ Welcomes UN Statement on Attacks on Media in Vanuatu  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF) in commending a UN Pacific Regional Office of the High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR) statement voicing “serious concern” over media rights abuses by a Minister of the Vanuatu government.   In an opinion piece published on September 20, OHCHR Pacific Regional Representative Matilda Bogner notes the importance of a free media in good governance and lists guidelines for leaders in Vanuatu to help address the culture of impunity for the harassment of journalists.   Bogner’s comments were made in relation to lenient sentences being imposed on Vanuatu…  
9892. Call for submissions for 2011 IAWRT International Awards for Excellence in Documentary Making  

Invitations are now open for the 2011 IAWRT International Awards for Excellence in Documentary Making. The IAWRT Awards celebrate outstanding documentaries made by women and are open to all female producers, directors and journalists working with radio, television and film documentaries anywhere in the world. http://www.iawrt.org/awards  
9893. Call for submissions for 2011 IAWRT International Awards for Excellence in Documentary Making  

Invitations are now open for the 2011 IAWRT International Awards for Excellence in Documentary Making. The IAWRT Awards celebrate outstanding documentaries made by women and are open to all female producers, directors and journalists working with radio, television and film documentaries anywhere in the world.   http://www.iawrt.org/awards  
9895. EU Employment Affairs Chief Says Cost Cutting in the Media is Dumbing Down Quality Journalism  

EU Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs László Andor, said in yesterday's meeting with a delegation of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) that the cost-cutting policy in the media is undermining quality journalism. Commissioner Andor agreed with the EFJ that, "There is a need to improve media workers' working conditions to counter this trend". The EFJ, the regional organisation of the IFJ representing over 260.000 journalists in Europe, says that the working conditions of freelance journalists are particularly acute. "In Europe, the number of freelance journalists is growing rapidly but they are often in the forefront of the firing line in time of…  
9896. IFJ Joins Protest against Threat to Confidentiality of Sources from Police in UK  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the Federation of European Journalists (EFJ) today joined the chorus of condemnation which greeted news that the Metropolitan Police are invoking the Official Secrets Acts 1989 to force journalists to reveal their sources. Media reports in the United Kingdom revealed that Scotland Yard last week sought an order under the Official Secrets Act to compel the Guardian newspaper to disclose the source of information published by the paper on the phone hacking scandal. The news drew widespread criticism from journalists and the political establishment with senior politicians calling for the Attorney General, the…  
9897. News wires join forces to fight piracy  

Read more on IJNet  
9898. News wires join forces to fight piracy  

Read more on IJNet   
9899. Found one! We re-unite an author with an “orphaned work.”  

The Authors' Guild claimed that it tracked down the author of one of the orphan works that US universities plan to release this fall—and that it did so with a simple Google search. Read more  
9900. EFJ Launches Handbook to Help Journalists Protect Authors’ Rights  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today launches a handbook titled "The Right Thing" to help journalists protect their authors' rights. "Journalists, whether they are employed or freelances, face increasing difficulties in securing their authors' rights," said EFJ President, Arne König, "The handbook rightly addresses these challenges and provides a set of guidelines and best practices to help our colleagues face the new challenge." According to Mike Holderness, author of the handbook and Chair of the EFJ authors' rights expert group, the biggest challenge faced by journalists is the unreasonable demand coming from publishers and broadcasters.…  
9901. IFJ Questions Defamation Action Against Journalists in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates and partners in the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) caution against drastic action in a case involving three journalists from the Bangla language daily Jugantor, after defamation charges were laid against them by a Minister in the Bangladesh Government.   Editor Salma Islam, executive editor Saiful Alam and reporter Jashim Chowdhury were issued a summons by the Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate on September 13, after Bangladesh’s Minister for Shipping, Shahjahan Khan, filed a defamation case against the trio.   This followed the publication of two reports in Jugantor which questioned…  
9902. IFJ Calls for Dismissal of Terrorism Charges against Swedish Journalists in Ethiopia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the Ethiopian authorities of waging an intimidation campaign against the independent media after four journalists, including two Swedish reporters, were charged with terrorism in Addis Ababa. Swedish reporter Martain Schibbye and photographer John Persson are facing trial for reporting on the situation in the country.  Their Ethiopian colleagues Woubshet and Reeyot Alemu who work for independent media outlets in the country and have been in detention since June 2011."These are outrageous accusations designed to intimidate journalists who seek to work independently in Ethiopia," said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ…  
9904. SAMSN Partners Denounce Attacks on Media Persons in India and Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins affiliates and partners in the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) in denouncing violent attacks on journalists and media staff in India and Bangladesh.   David Devadas, a senior journalist who has written extensively over the years on the Kashmir issue in the Indian media, was assaulted by a police patrol on September 5 in Srinagar, capital of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.   Devadas was driving through slow moving traffic in the city that day when he was hit from behind by the escort vehicle of a high state government functionary, according to a letter he has since written to Omar Abdullah,…  
9905. IFJ Fears Erosion of Editorial Independence in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Hong Kong Journalists’ Association (HKJA) in voicing deep concerns about the appointment of a civil servant as director of broadcasting of publicly-owned Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) on September 9.   Hong Kong’s Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, which oversees public broadcasting, appointed deputy secretary for labour and welfare Roy Tang Yun-Kwong as director of broadcasting despite his lack of experience in the media sector.   Tang, who has been a civil servant since 1987, was appointed after no candidate was found to be suitable among 26 applications for the role. His…  
9907. IFJ Voices Concerns over Police Probe of Investigative Reporter in UK  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today voices concerns over the action of Police in the United Kingdom after a reporter with the Guardian newspaper was questioned over a story related to the phone hacking scandal by journalists of the News of the World, the British tabloid which closed in June. The journalist, Amelia Hill, was questioned by officers following an article in the Guardian which revealed the arrest of a former News of the World showbiz editor, James Desborough, as part of the Operating Weeting inquiry into illegal phone tapping. "Journalists are entitled to publish information obtained through fair and legal means," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President.…  
9908. IFJ Calls for Dialogue after ISAF Admission in Journalist’s Death  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) note the official media release from the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan admitting that one of its soldiers, engaged in active combat operations, was responsible for the killing of journalist Ahmad Omaid Khpalwak.   According to the ISAF statement, Khpalwak, a journalist with the BBC Afghanistan service and the Pahjwok Afghan News agency, was shot dead during combat between U.S. army troops and armed insurgents who breached the compound of the state-owned Radio Television Afghanistan in Tarin Khot, Uruzgan province on…  
9909. IFJ Joins Call for Release of Palestinian Journalists Held in Israel  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined the call by its affiliate in Palestine, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), and Al Jazeera for the immediate release of journalist Samer Allawy who was arrested and detained by Israeli soldiers on 9 August. Samer, who is Al Jazeera Bureau Chief in Afghanistan, was arrested on the West Bank border with Jordan after spending his vacation with family in the Nablus city, according to the PJS. "The Israeli authorities have failed to provide any reason for Samer's arrest and we urge them to release him to his family and colleague," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "His detention is a violation of his fundamental…  
9910. Malaysian Cameraman’s Death Reinforces Need for Safety Protocols  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of Malaysia (NUJM) in calling on employers to ensure the safety of media workers working in conflict areas, after the death of Malaysian cameraman Noramfaizul Mohd Nor in Mogadishu, Somalia on September 2.   Noramfaizul, 39, a cameraman with Malaysia’s state-owned news agency Bernama, was killed by a sniper while covering an aid mission of Putera 1Malaysia, a humanitarian organisation with ties to UMNO, the major party in Malaysia’s governing coalition.   Organisers of the aid mission to the war-torn country have attracted criticism in Malaysia…  
9911. Call to uphold press freedom in Hong Kong  

Open Letter: Hong Kong                                                                                  August 29, 2011     Donald Tsang Yam-Kuen Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region   Re: Call to uphold press freedom in Hong Kong   Dear Chief…  
9912. FAJ Conference Adopts Declaration on Gender and Media  

The All-African Conference on Gender and Media organised by the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has concluded today in Kigali, Rwanda, after three days of debate. The following is the text of the Declaration adopted by the conference: We, the participants  to the All-African Conference on Gender and Media gathered  in Kigali from 26-28 August 2011, on  the theme "Empowering African Women Journalists: Stepping up to the Challenge of Gender Equality": - Conscious of the huge challenges facing the African region in its quest to enhance gender equality in the media institutions, unions, associations and the society at large; - Underscoring that African…  
9913. Detail  

Leading women journalists in Africa called for solidarity among journalists, men and women, to effect a durable change and achieve greater fairness in the profession. The call was made during the second day of the All African Conference on Gender and Equality in Media taking place in the Rwandan capital, Kigali. The main challenges which were debated include sexual harassment, the lack of transparency in news room and the pay gap among men and women journalists. Participants urged women journalist to improve communication by sharing experience and best practices to drive the change which is likely to do away with the inequality. "The fight for gender equality requires solidarity…  
9915. Detail  

The All-African Conference on Gender and Media organised by the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has concluded today in Kigali, Rwanda, after three days of debate. The following is the text of the Declaration adopted by the conference: We, the participants to the All-African Conference on Gender and Media gathered in Kigali from 26-28 August 2011, on the theme "Empowering African Women Journalists: Stepping up to the Challenge of Gender Equality": - Conscious of the huge challenges facing the African region in its quest to enhance gender equality in the media institutions, unions, associations and the society at large; - Underscoring that African women journalists…  
9916. FAJ Holds Conference on Gender Equality and Media in Kigali, Rwanda  

An all -African conference on Gender and Media opened today in Kigali, Rwanda, to debate ways of redressing challenges facing African female journalists at the workplace across Africa. The three day conference ‘Empowering African Women Journalists: Stepping Up to the Challenge of Gender Equality' is organised by the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) with the support the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Ministry of Information of Rwanda and the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. Journalists and their unions' leaders, diplomats and African and international policy makers will discuss a wide range of issues, including pay gap between genders and working…  
9917. FAJ Holds Conference on Gender Equality and Media in Kigali, Rwanda  

An all -African conference on Gender and Media opened today in Kigali, Rwanda, to debate ways of redressing challenges facing African female journalists at the workplace across Africa. The three day conference ‘Empowering African Women Journalists: Stepping Up to the Challenge of Gender Equality' is organised by the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) with the support the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Ministry of Information of Rwanda and the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.  Journalists and their unions' leaders, diplomats and African and international policy makers will discuss a wide range of issues, including pay gap between genders and working conditions…  
9918. IFJ Demands Investigation into Murder of Philippines Broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of Philippines (NUJP) in calling for an immediate investigation into the murder of broadcaster Niel “Lito” Jimena in Negros Occidental province in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines on August 23.   Jimena was shot five times by unknown assailants. Sources cited in local media reports suggested his murder is not related to his work as a broadcaster. Police are yet to establish a motive.   The online news portal Interaksyon.com quoted Supt. Louis Garonga, deputy chief for operations of the Western Visayas police, as saying Jimena was shot at…  
9919. IFJ Concerned by Attack on Journalists in Kashmir  

The International Federation of Journalists expresses serious concern after two photojournalists were attacked by security forces in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir on August 19. Both the journalists suffered serious injuries and a reporter seeking information from the police on what transpired was in turn threatened with dire consequences by senior officers.   Mexican photojournalist Narciso Contreras, working with the U.S.-based press agency Zuma, was detained in the Nowhatta area of Srinagar city, summer capital of the state on August 19. He was allegedly chased from the scene of a confrontation between political demonstrators and security forces and roughly…  
9920. IFJ Condemns Attack on News Crew in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning an attack on an AVT Khyber News reporting team in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, on August 22.   Bureau chief Hazrat Khan Momand, resident editor Akhbar-i-Khyber Nisar Khan and news controller Syed Waqas Shah were reportedly intercepted by unknown men on a motorcycle near the Peshawar High Court building as they returned to their office in the afternoon.   According to the PFUJ and its affiliate, the Khyber Union of Journalists (KhUJ), the assailants verbally abused the team before hurling bricks and stones at them. They fired shots…  
9921. IFJ Joins Australian Journalists in Mourning Loss of News Crew  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Australian Media Alliance and journalism community in expressing great sadness to learn of the feared deaths of a highly respected three-man reporting team for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).   Senior journalist Paul Lockyer, cameraman John Bean and pilot Gary Ticehurst are feared to have been killed when their helicopter crashed near Lake Eyre on the evening of April 18.   The Alliance reports that police are still investigating the crash in a remote part of outback Australia, about 700 km north of Adelaide,   Lockyer, a journalist with more than 40 years’ experience,…  
9922. IFJ Questions Arbitrary Detention of Journalists in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Hong Kong Journalists’ Association (HKJA) in questioning the manner in which police in Hong Kong detained three journalists who had been testing the security system of a government building.   On August 11, the three journalists of Hong Kong-based newspapers Ming Pao, Sing Tao and Capital Weekly were held for at least six hours and accused of attempted burglary.   According to the Ming Pao reporter, she and the other two journalists registered and received a visitor’s permit at the reception office of the Hong Kong Government’s new headquarters. They were stopped and questioned by police…  
9924. IFJ Condemns Killing of Journalist in Balochistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed to learn of the killing of another journalist in Pakistan’s Balochistan province on August 14. According to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), Muneer Shakir was attacked by unknown persons who opened fire on him at 12.20pm as he headed home from the press club in Khuzdar, in central Balochistan. Shakir died at District Headquarters Hospital in Khuzdar. Shakir, who was aged in his early 30s, worked for Online News Network and was a correspondent with Balochi television station Sabzbaat.   Members of the Balochistan Union of Journalists (BUJ) reported that Shakir was not known to have…  
9926. IFJ Urges Swift Action to Locate Abducted Journalist in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in demanding authorities in Pakistan take swift action to locate and safely recover a senior tribal journalist who was abducted in North Waziristan on August 11.   Rehmatullah Dawar, who works with AAJ TV and the Urdu daily Ausaf, was abducted at a bazaar in Miranshah, the capital of the militancy-gripped agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), by unidentified men travelling in two cars with tinted windows.   The men fired shots in the air to keep people away as they bundled Dawar into one of the cars, according to reports.   The…  
9927. SAMSN Partners Express Solidarity as Journalists Assaulted, Detained  

Partner organisations of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) express solidarity with journalists who have suffered assault and detention in India and Pakistan recently.   In an incident in India that has led to widespread expressions of concern, photographer Bhaskar Deka was assaulted by personnel of the Indian army as he was filming a scuffle between soldiers, villagers and students at Misamari, near Tezpur, in Sonitpur district of Assam state, on July 31.   Residents were aggrieved by an army decision to close a road near a military camp, since this blocked off an important route of access for school-going children.   Deka suffered bruises in…  
9928. IFJ Demands Safety Guarantee at Massacre Trials in Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in calling on the Government of the Philippines to direct its authorities and security forces to ensure the protection of all involved in legal proceedings to prosecute suspects accused of the Ampatuan Town massacre.   The call came as the IFJ and its affiliate expressed concern about alleged threats against an interpreter and lawyer who had been assisting in the trial hearings into the massacre in Maguindanao, Mindanao, on November 23, 2009.   Thirty-two media personnel were among the 58 people killed. The trials are dealing with 57 counts of…  
9929. IFJ Condemns killing of Journalist in Mogadishu  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned in the strongest terms, the violent killing of Somali journalist, Farah Hassan Sahal, who was  shot dead at Bakara Market in Mogadishu allegedly by a soldier from the peace keeping troops of the Africa Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on Thursday, 4 August, 2011. Farah Hassan Sahal was working as a newscaster with the private radio station, Radio Simba.   “The killing of Farah Hassan Sahal is shocking and unbelievable” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “The nature of the killing denotes that Farah Hassan Sahal was specifically targeted and it is just hard to believe that…  
9930. Bangladesh Authorities Must Prove Absence of Malice in Editor’s Arrest  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned over the arrest of Mohammad Ekramul Haq, editor of the Sheersha News web portal and the associated weekly newspaper Sheersha Kagoj in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on July 31.   According to reports received from the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Songbadik Forum (BMSF), Haq was arrested from his home in a neighbourhood of the capital during the early hours that day on charges of extortion.   He was reportedly led away blindfolded and his family was allegedly dealt with roughly by the police making the arrest. Haq has since been remanded to police custody.   Haq is alleged to have sent two reporters to…  
9931. IFJ Demands Reinstatement of Journalist Suspended Over China Disaster Reports  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands the immediate reinstatement of a China Central Television producer who was suspended from his job over coverage of a high-speed rail disaster in China’s east.   The IFJ has learned that Wang Qinglei, producer of 24 Hours, was suspended on July 27 after the program’s host queried the Railway Ministry’s speedy resolution of the July 23 accident in which at least 40 people were killed. The host also questioned officials’ dismissal on July 26 of safety concerns about China’s high-speed rail network.   “The IFJ calls on Cai Fuchao, Director of State Administration of Radio, Film…  
9932. IFJ Outraged by Brutal Attack on Senior Journalist in Jaffna  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Sri Lankan affiliates in expressing outrage at a brutal attack on Gnanasundaram Kuhanathan, news editor of the Tamil daily Uthayan, in the northern city of Jaffna on July 29.   According to reports received from Sri Lanka, Kuhanathan, 59, was left for dead after being attacked with iron rods by two unidentified men while on his way home in the evening. He was discovered in a critical condition by passers-by and taken to Jaffna General Hospital where he is on life-support.   “The IFJ is shocked at the viciousness of the attack on Gnanasundaram Kuhanathan, which extends a long sequence of targeted…  
9933. IFJ Condemns Killing of Afghan Reporter  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) in condemning the killing of journalist Ahmad Omaid Khpalwak in an armed attack in Uruzgan province in southern Afghanistan on July 28.   Khpalwak, 25, a reporter with the BBC Pashto Service, Pajhwok Afghan News Agency and the state broadcaster Radio Television of Afghanistan (RTA), was killed in Tarin Kowt, the capital of the troubled province.   Up to 19 people were killed and 37 others injured in a coordinated triple bomb blast and shooting attack near the city’s market and the local RTA offices.   The Taliban claimed…  
9934. IFJ Backs Strike for Jobs and Quality Journalism at BBC  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today gives its backing to BBC journalists who are on a 24-hour strike in their second stoppage to protest the cuts and compulsory redundancies, which will be followed by a non-stop work to rule as of 2 August. The strike by thousands of National Union of Journalists' (NUJ) members has created serious disruption to several flagship programmes, nationally and in the regions. Following the first stoppage last 15 July, the NUJ attempted to get the BBC to find alternative solutions to avoid compulsory redundancies but to no avail. The union says that the BBC is wasting thousands of pounds making skilled and experienced people…  
9935. IFJ Gender Newsletter August 2011  

Please click to download the IFJ Gender newsletter.  
9936. IFJ Gender Newsletter August 2011  

Please click to download the IFJ Gender newsletter.  
9937. Email Account of China Investigative Journalist Infiltrated  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned to learn that the email of a journalist conducting sensitive investigative work in mainland China has been hacked.   Caixin Media investigative journalist Zhao Hejuan had her Google email (Gmail) account infiltrated by a hacker between July 19 and 22 after she went to Shaoyang, Hunan Province as part of her investigation into illegal trafficking of children.   According to a statement by the company on July 23, the hacker’s IP address was from Longhui County, Shaoyang, Hunan Province where Zhao was following up a Caixin report from May 8. It is alleged that local babies and toddlers were…  
9938. Propaganda Department Blocks News on China Rail Disaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned that the Guangdong Propaganda Department tried to interfere with local media coverage of a high-speed rail disaster on July 23 in Wenzhou, in China’s east, which killed at least 35 people.   The IFJ has learned that the Guangdong Propaganda Department used records which noted the journalists that attended a July 24 press conference arranged by the railway ministry, to contact employers and pressure them to ask the journalists to leave the scene of the accident.   “Six local media outlets were asked to demand that their journalists leave Wenzhou by the Guangdong Propaganda…  
9939. EFJ Urges European Politicians to Take Lessons from Hacking Scandal in Great Britain  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed David Cameron, the British Prime Minister's call for a new, independent media regulator to ensure quality and pluralism in the British media. What started on the British isle as a scandal of the News of the World, has developed into the biggest media scandal of the post-war era. The phone-hacking scandal at the News of the World, revealed corrupted police men and the cosy relationship between politicians, police and the media. It created an unprecedented crisis in British  politics and shaked the foundation of  quality journalism.   "We welcome this long, overdue commitment from the British Government to…  
9940. Drop 'Bogus Charges' against Gambian Journalists' Leader, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined its African regional organisations, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) and the West African Journalists Association (WAJA), in condemning in the strongest terms the decision by the Gambian Government to charge Ndey Tapha Sosseh, FAJ Treasurer and former President of the Gambian Press Union (GPU), an IFJ affiliate, with treason and sedition and called for these charges to be dropped. Sosseh was charged last Tuesday by the State prosecutor's office along with three other persons, including Mathew K. Jallow, Famara Demba and the already detained former information Minister Amadou Scattered Janneh, with conspiracy to…  
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