15060 results:

4411. France : la FIJ et la FEJ condamnent les pressions à l’encontre des journalistes d’investigation  

(Mis à jour le 15 mai) Trois journalistes français sont convoqués ce mardi 14 mai devant la Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure (DGSI) après la publication d’informations confidentielles relatives à l’utilisation d’armes françaises dans la guerre au Yémen. Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ/FEJ) et leurs affiliés en France (SNJ-SNJ-CGT, CFDT) dénoncent une atteinte à la liberté de la presse. Les journalistes en question sont les deux fondateurs du média d’investigation Disclose, Mathias Destal et Geoffrey Livolsi, ainsi que Benoît Collombat, membre de la cellule investigation de Radio France. Ils sont convoqués par les services du renseignement dans…  
4412. Turkey: Journalist critical of the government severely beaten-up  

Turkish Journalist Yavuz Selim Demirag was violently attacked by a group of unidentified men armed with baseball bats on May 10 in Ankara. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) strongly condemn the aggression and urge the authorities to protect press freedom. Yavuz, a critic of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and supporter of an opposition party, was attacked after appearing on a TV Show on Friday night. He was immediately sent to the hospital, his newspaper The Yenicag said. His life is not in danger, however. The assault happened in a context of growing political tensions in Turkey after the ruling party AKP demanded a re-run of…  
4413. Former TV presenter shot dead in Afghanistan  

Mina Mangal, a former television presenter who is now working as parliamentary adviser, was shot in broad daylight Saturday, May 11, morning in Kabul. She reportedly has received threats and fear of her life. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) condemns the killing of Mina Mangal and calls the authorities to urgently investigate whether the incident is work related. Mangal was working as an adviser to the Cultural Commission of Wolesi Jirga. She had worked as a television presenter for over 10 years. According to reports, Mangal was shot dead on her way to work. Early reports suggest that she was shot by…  
4414. Marcela Turati: “It is cheap to kill a journalist in Mexico”  

Marcela Turati is a Mexican freelance journalist, co-founder of the journalists’ network Periodistas de a pie and more recently of the online investigative portal El Quinto Elemento Lab. Since the beginning of the Mexican war against drug-trafficking, she has been reporting on human rights violations and more specifically on the people disappearing in Mexico, a phenomenon that has seen more than 37000 persons missing across the country.  Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be a journalist. According to the IFJ’s latest statistics, 5 journalists have already been killed since the beginning of the year. We met Marcela in Brussels last week as she received…  
4415. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, May 4th to Friday, May 10th 2019: 1. Union hits out at growing threats against reporters, Belfast Telegraph 2. World Press Freedom Day Celebrated in Baghdad as Iraq Plans to Establish a National Mechanism to Protect Journalists, Relief Web 3. Press Freedom Day UK Embassy and the Federal Building San Francisco Stream, Indybay 4. Defending freedom of the press in an era of ‘fake news’, Crux 5. Tip of the iceberg: a timeline of Israeli attacks on…  
4416. Media named in alleged plot to ‘overthrow’ Duterte administration  

The Duterte Administration in the Philippines has named several journalists and media organisations as part of an alleged plot to overthrow his government at upcoming mid-term elections. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) have condemned the announcement by the government, calling it an attempt to intimidate the media. On April 22, the Manilla Times published a report on its front page outlining an alleged plot to ‘overthrow the Duterte administration’ at upcoming mid-term elections. The report said that the plot involved journalists who attempted to ‘manipulate public emotion, touch base with…  
4417. Nepal government drafts harsh provisions to Media Council Act  

New provisions to the Media Council Act were tabled by the Nepal government on May 9, which will further tighten control on media in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Nepal Press Union (NPU) have strongly criticized the harsh provisions and called on the government to consult media stakeholders and revise the changes. According to My Republica, the Bill to Amend and Integrate the Media Council Act was registered by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology on May 9, and will have wide ranging implications for the media. Under the proposed provisions, media can be fined up to NPR 1 million (USD 8850) for publishing content…  
4418. Myanmar government sues media outlet over army reporting  

Development Media Group’s chief editor is being sued by the Myanmar Home Affairs Ministry under the Unlawful Association Act. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticizes the charges bought by the authorities, and calls on the authorities of Myanmar to stop various attempts to intimidate the media. According to the Irrawaddy, U Aung Min Oo, the DMG chief editor has been served with charges under Article 17(2) of the Unlawful Association Act. The charges have been filed by the Home Affairs Ministry’s Special Branch. According to the report, DMG which is based in Rakhine State had published a series of reports following the conflict between the Arakan Army and the…  
4419. Journalists attacked covering elections in West Bengal, India  

As India goes to the polls, attacks on journalists in the state of West Bengal were reported on Monday, May 6. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) have condemned the violence and called on state government and election commission to investigate the incidents. On Monday, voting in the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha (India’s national elections) took place, including in seven constituencies in West Bengal. Journalists from NewsX, ABP Ananda and Zee News were attacked, allegedly by Trinamool Congress (TMC) workers. According to The Indian Express two of its journalists were injured when TMC workers allegedly ransacked…  
4420. Burundi : IFJ condemns arrest of broadcast journalist  

[UPDATED ON MAY 8] The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Burundian Union of Journalists (UBJ) have condemned the arrest of journalist Claude Nshimirimana, who works for the National Radio and Television of Burundi (NRTB). According to the latest reports, Claude Nshimirimana was arrested on May 5 and is being held in a police cell in Kabezi about 15 kilometres from the capital Bujumbura. He has been accused of “holding a clandestine meeting”. The UBJ said: “We denounce and condemn the arbitrary detention of our comrade Claude Nshimirimana. We demand his immediate release since the alleged reason for his arrest, that is, participation in a…  
4421. Elena Milashina: “Sometimes I get threats and we just have to deal with it”  

Elena Milashina was in Brussels on Friday, 3rd May, to receive the honoris causa doctor title awarded by Brussels University to mark World Press Freedom Day. The Russian journalist, who works for Novaïa Gazeta – where six journalists have been killed in the recent years - shared her thoughts on the current state of press freedom in Russia and the challenges of being an investigative journalist there. You are becoming honoris causa doctor at the Brussels University. What does this award mean for you? It is a very important support for my work. It means both protection and recognition of what my newspaper and I have achieved. In recent weeks, the government of Russia passed a new law on…  
4422. IFJ welcomes the release of Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo  

After more than 500 days in jail, Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been released with a presidential pardon on May 7. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Myanmar Journalists Association (MJA) welcome their release, and call on the Myanmar government to end the crackdown on press freedom in Myanmar. Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo were released from Insein prison in Yangon on Tuesday following a presidential pardon which was granted to 6,520 prisoners. Their release comes over 511 days after they were detained by Myanmar authorities as they were investigating a September 2017 massacre of 10 Rohingya Muslims in conflict-hit Rakhine state, where the…  
4423. Ukraine: IFJ condemns violent attack on journalist Vadym Komarov  

Investigative journalist Vadym Komarov is in a coma after being assaulted by an unidentified person on 4th May. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) join their affiliate the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) in condemning the attack and urge the Ukrainian authorities to ensure a safe working environment for journalists and bring those responsible to justice. According to the police, Komarov was attacked early in the morning on 4th May as he was walking in the city centre of Cherkasy, Ukraine. He was severely beaten and hospitalised. The police have launched a criminal case into a murder attempt. A local…  
4424. Droit voisin : la FIJ, la FEJ et leurs affiliés en France demandent un partage égal du revenu entre auteurs et éditeurs de presse.  

Adoptée par le Sénat en janvier, la proposition de loi créant un droit voisin au bénéfice des acteurs de presse en France sera examinée par l’Assemblée nationale le 9 mai. Le texte, qui sera présenté par Patrick Mignola, président du groupe MoDem à l’Assemblée, vise à transposer en droit français une partie de la directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur adoptée le 26 mars. D’une durée de cinq ans, ce droit soumet à l’autorisation des entreprises de presse la communication au public de leurs productions et prévoit leur rétribution pour l’usage en ligne de celles-ci. Il devrait permettre de remédier à la crise profonde que traverse le secteur et de rééquilibrer le partage de revenus entre…  
4425. Ghalib Belhash  

The independent photojournalist was killed in al-Dhalea while covering clashes between Houthis militants and their rivals in the civil war in Yemen. Labhash had worked as a videographer for a number of local and international media outlets. Journalists' safety, Yemen, IFJ, Impunity  
4426. Ali Sher Rajper  

The reporter for Awami Awaz, a Sindhi daily newspaper, and chairman of the Padidan Press Club, was killed by unknown assailants who opened fire outside the Padidan Press Club. Rajper had reportedly sought police protection following threats over his investigative reporting which exposed corruption within the local administration. Journalists' safety, Pakistan, IFJ, Impunity  
4427. México: asesinan al comunicador comunitario Telésforo Santiago Enríquez  

El periodista y activista indígena Enríquez fue acribillado en la tarde del 2 de mayo por un grupo comando cuando se encontraba en su vehículo. El homicidio del comunicador oaxaqueño eleva a cinco el número de profesionales de la comunicación asesinados en México en lo que va del año. Telésforo Santiago Enríquez, fundador de la radio comunitaria El Cafetal de San Agustín Loxicha (Oaxaca), fue emboscado y asesinado cuando se encontraba de camino a la emisora. Desde su trabajo como comunicador, Enríquez se destacó como promotor de los derechos indígenas y como crítico de la gestión de las autoridades locales. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) de México destacó en un…  
4428. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, April 27th to Friday, May 3rd 2019: 1) Sri Lanka blocks social media after deadly terror attack, IFEX 2) "In the future they will apologize to our children" - Europe and Central Asia in April, IFEX 3) Holding the institutions to account: Brussels press corps still as relevant as ever, The Brussels Time 4) For The World Press Freedom Day And Beyond: Defend Media Freedom, Forbes 5) IFJ demands release of tortured Yemeni journalists,…  
4429. Uganda: IFJ calls on regulator to halt suspensions of broadcast managers  

Uganda’s media regulatory authority, the Communications Commission (UCC), has ordered the suspension of over 30 broadcast managers on 1st May. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) in calling on the government to lift the suspension immediately and ensure a safe and secure working environment for journalists. On 1st May, the UCC ordered the sacking of over 30 editors including head of news, producers and heads of programs of 13 radios and television channels in Uganda.  The targeted media are Akaboozi FM, BBS TV, Beat FM, Bukedde TV, Capital FM, CBS FM, KIngdom TV, NBS TV, NTV, Pearl FM, Salt TV, Sapientia FM and…  
4430. Truth vs Misinformation: IFJ launches 17th South Asia Press Freedom Report  

Today, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and its affiliates launch the 17th edition of the South Asia Press Freedom Report – Truth vs Misinformation: The Collective Push Back. The report was launched in the Maldives by UNESCO New Delhi. The IFJ said: “This 17th annual review of journalism in the region, Truth vs Misinformation: The Collective Push Back charts the challenges, triumphs and, most importantly, the solidarity of this region’s brave and determined media community over the past year. While battered by the ugly game-changing rise of fake news and the collapse of media’s traditional economic model, journalists, media…  
4431. SEAJU urges governments to respond on report findings  

Poor wages and working conditions are the two dominant threats to journalists in the region, a 2018 survey by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) reveals. Other threats that restricted the press freedom and safety of journalists are censorship, targeted attacks, and legal issues. In this digital era where Internet is highly used, journalists also face cyber-attacks. IFJ together with SEAJU demand the government in each country in the region to response those challenges and take actions to improve both the working conditions and the safety of journalists. On December 19, 2018, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)…  
4432. IFJ executive committee adopts motion in support of Julian Assange  

The IFJ Executive Committee supports our Australian affiliate MEAA in its opposition to US moves for the extradition of Julian Assange. Any extradition and prosecution by US authorities would be a clear attack on the principles of press freedom. We call on the UK and Australian Governments to oppose any US extradition application. press freedom, Julan Assange, Australia, extradition, United States  
4433. Telésforo Santiago Enríquez  

The founder of community radio El Cafetal de San Agustin Loxicha based in Oaxaca was shot dead by unknown gunmen while he was driving to work. Enrique was known for his defence of rights of indigenous people and he was open critic of local administration’s officials. Journalists' safety, Mexico, Impunity, IFJ  
4434. World Press Freedom Day : IFJ stands up for safe and independent elections coverage  

To mark World Press Freedom Day on 3rd May, journalists from across the world are joining forces to launch tips for safe and fair coverage of elections at a time when politicians and their supporters are increasingly turning their fire on reporters. In its campaign, the Federation has exposed the abuse of power, disinformation, internet shutdowns, self-censorship, harassment and violence as ongoing challenges facing journalists when reporting elections.  The campaign is calling on governments to ensure a safe working environment for journalists to allow them to report with full objectivity, impartiality and balance and on all politicians not to stigmatise media.  IFJ affiliates…  
4435. Senior Pakistani journalist killed by bikers  

A senior Pakistani journalist was killed by bikers who opened fire on him in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, situated in the north-western region of the country, on April 30. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the brutal killing and calls on authorities to investigate the case and locate the perpetrators. Aman Ullah Gharro, from Dera Ismail Khan located about 300 kilometres south of the provincial capital Peshawar, was in the jurisdiction of University Police Station near Lunda Sharif attack when he was shot and killed by unknown bikers. Aman Ullah Gharro was working for Janbaz, a local…  
4436. 1° de Mayo: día de lxs trabajadorxs  

El 1 de mayo de 2019 encuentra a nuestra región de América Latina y el Caribe en una situación de franco retroceso en materia del goce de los derechos laborales conquistados por la clase trabajadora latinoamericana. Como en otras trágicas ocasiones de nuestra historia compartida, gobiernos conservadores en lo social y liberales en lo económico pretenden perpetrar la rentabilidad del capital a cuenta de ejercicios de ajuste fiscal, de proyectos de flexibilización laboral y de ataques a los sistemas de seguridad social.  En el rubro periodístico, parece ser especialmente grave en nuestra región la utilización del paradigma de la digitalización como justificación de despidos…  
4437. Aman Ullah Gharro  

The senior journalist was gunned down by unidentified gunmen on bikes in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, situated in the north-western region of the country.  Aman Ullah Gharro was working for Janbaz, a local television based in Dera Ismail Khan located about 300 kilometers south of the provincial capital Peshawar. He was also the correspondent for a local newspaper Meezan-e-Adal. He had filed a report about non-state actors allegedly involved in terrorism. Journalists' safety, Pakistan, Impunity, IFJ  
4438. Tunisie : la FIJ inquiète de de la mise à l’arrêt de Nessma TV  

Suite à la mise à l’arrêt forcée de la chaîne de télévision privée Nessma TV, jeudi 25 avril en Tunisie, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) dénonce une application sélective et politique des décisions de la Haute autorité indépendante de la communication audiovisuelle (HAICA) de la part du gouvernement. Jeudi 25 avril, les forces de l’ordre tunisiennes ont forcé à l’arrêt la chaîne de télévision privée Nessma TV, dirigée par Nabil Karoui, candidat à l’élection présidentielle de novembre 2019. Elles ont procédé à une saisie du matériel de la chaîne et ont coupé son signal. Nessma TV avait à plusieurs reprises été invitée à régulariser sa situation dans le cadre d’une…  
4439. Yemen: IFJ demands release of tortured journalists   

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has demanded the immediate release of a group of journalists abducted by Ansar Allah (Houthis) in 2015 after the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate issued new warnings that they have been tortured. The IFJ and YJS condemned the use of the journalists as bargaining chips in the country's ongoing conflict. Despite warnings from international organisations, including the IFJ, Ansar Allah have repeatedly broken all international conventions and norms on the treatment of prisoners. The journalists - Abdulkhaleq Ahmad Omran, Akram Saleh Al-Walidi, Al-Hareth Saleh Hameed, Tawfeeq Mohammed Al-Mansouri, Hisham Ahmad Tartoum, Hisham Abdulamalek Al-Yousefi,…  
4440. Sudan: IFJ demands military rulers end gross interference in journalists' union  

The IFJ has urged the Transitional Military Council in Sudan to revoke a decree freezing the activities of trade unions, including the journalists union. UPDATED 23.05.2019 The TMC has also ordered unions to hold new leadership elections under the auspices of the Registrar General of Trade Unions - a part of the Ministry of Labour.  The move constitutes a gross violation of the fundamental right to freedom of association and a serious breach of the ILO Conventions governing freedom of association. The IFJ has written to the International Labour Organisation and the UN human rights experts of freedom of association and freedom of expression urging them to intervene in this matter with…  
4441. IFJ's affiliates' activities to mark World Press Freedom Day  

Here is a list of IFJ's affiliates' activities to mark World Press Freedom Day, scheduled on May 3. Democratic Republic of Congo: the Press National Union in Congo (UNPC) organised a forum on May 2 together with UNESCO, MONUSCO and the UN office for human rights in DRC (BCNUDH). On May 3 there was an official ceremony with the participation of the Heads of State or its representative. On May 4 an award ceremony rewarded the best young journalists in all kind of media as well as young female journalists. France: with the support of the SNJ the city of Paris has named a square after Ghislaine Dupont, Claude Verlon and Camille Lepage, journalists that were killed in Mali and…  
4442. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, April 20th to Friday, April 26th 2019: 1) ‘Climate of Fear’ for Journalists Worldwide, Says 2019 Press Freedom Report, Citizen Truth 2) Northern Ireland Police Arrest 2 Men In Connection With Journalist's Killing – Statement, Urdu Point 3) Northern Ireland: Freelance journalist Lyra McKee shot dead during riots, YubaNet 4) Major Journalists' Union Condemns Myanmar Court's Denial Of 2 Jailed Reporters' Appeal, Urdu Point 5) IFJ concludes…  
4443. Ukraine: pressures on investigative journalists during the electoral campaign  

After Ukraine elected its new president on 21 April, Sergiy Tomilenko, chair of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) describes the state of press freedom in the country and his union’s role in upholding quality journalism, warning journalists against propaganda and encouraging political leaders to stand for freedom of speech. Ukrainian authorities’ attempts to muzzle the press Free speech in Ukrainian media and journalism has worsened in the past years. Attacks on journalists began in 2016,  commented Tetyana Popova , an expert of the NGO "Information Security" a partner of NUJU, with the publication of the “Myrotvorets” list containing the personal data of thousands of…  
4444. Sri Lanka blocks social media after deadly terror attack  

Following the deadly terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka on April 21, the Sri Lanka government blocked several social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticised the decision by the government, to block social media, restricting the access to information of the people of Sri Lanka. On Sunday, April 21, there were a series of bombings at churches and hotels in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa. Over 250 people were killed and over 300 were injured in the attacks. Information about the attacks, as well as images and videos quickly spread on social media channels across the island and the globe. In less than 12…  
4445. Argentina: se agrava la situación de la prensa con despidos masivos en el Grupo Clarín  

El grupo económico Clarín despidió a 65 trabajadorxs de prensa de diferentes medios. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo, repudia esta ola de despidos que se da en un contexto de pauperización de las condiciones de vida del conjunto de lxs trabajadorxs argentinxs. El día miércoles 17 de abril el conglomerado empresarial Grupo Clarín, dueño de los medios Clarín, Olé, La Voz del Interior, radio Mitre, el canal de aire El Trece, la señal de cable Todo Noticias y la operadora de TV e internet Cablevisión - Fibertel (entre otros) despidió a 65 trabajadores y trabajadoras de prensa empleadxs en los diarios…  
4446. South Africa: “Disinformation is the biggest threat to any election process”  

South-Africa 58 million citizens will go to the polls on 8 May 2019 for general and regional elections. Tuwani Gumani, general secretary of Media Workers' Association of South Africa (MWASA) points to the deteriorating economic and political environment on the eve of these elections and the union’s work in supporting fair working conditions... #WPFD2019 Times of economic depression for the media South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world. However, protests do not receive adequate in-depth and consistent media coverage unless they are particularly violent and destructive. The economy has provided little support to media  and several media houses , including The…  
4447. France: mobilisation syndicale autour du journaliste Gaspard Glanz  

[Mis à jour le 29 avril] La FIJ, la FEJ et leurs affiliés français (SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CDFT) ont tiré la sonnette d'alarme après que plusieurs journalistes ont été arrêtés ou blessés par les forces de l'ordre alors qu'ils couvraient une manifestation du mouvement des gilets jaunes, samedi 20 avril à Paris. Parmi eux, Gaspard Glanz a été placé sous contrôle judiciaire et interdit de couvrir les prochaines manifestations des gilets jaunes. La FIJ et la FEJ ont alerté le Conseil de l'Europe. Le 20 avril, alors qu'il couvrait un rassemblement des « gilets jaunes », place de la République, à Paris, le journaliste indépendant français Gaspard Glanz, fondateur de l'agence Taranis News, a été…  
4448. L’influence des élections sur le travail des journalistes  

À l’approche des élections du 26 mai 2019, les journalistes belges sont confrontés à une série de défis, mais peuvent compter notamment sur l’autorégulation. Le point de vue de l’Association des journalistes professionnels (AJP). #WPFD2019 Une tendance que nous remarquons, qui n’est pas forcément liée aux élections mais qui peut s’en trouver renforcée, c’est pour les hommes et femmes politiques de réagir aux informations qui ne leur plaisent pas en disqualifiant le travail du/de la journaliste. Cette disqualification peut se faire en parlant de « fake news » même si l’information est correcte et vérifiée, ou en mettant en avant des liens (supposés) du/de la journaliste avec un…  
4449. Thailand: “Authorities must stop using fake news allegations to silence free and fair criticism”  

Chiranuch Premchaiporn is the co-founder of the Foundation for Community Educational Media (FCEM) and Prachatai (meaning Free People), the independent media website. She highlights the limitations on press freedom and the use of fake news to silence the media. #WPFD2019 What are the main challenges that could impede free, pluralistic and independent journalism ahead of elections in your country? New regulation by the Election Commission of Thailand (ECT). Also, there is no free and open environment which causes limitations and concerns for journalists covering the general elections, especially for online media.  What can media and journalists do to uphold ethical standards in…  
4450. Myanmar: Court rejects appeal of two Reuters’ journalists  

The Myanmar Supreme Court today rejected the appeal filed by two Reuters journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, who were sentenced to seven years in jail. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the decision and demands the journalists’ immediate release. According to Reuters,  Supreme Court Justice Soe Naing told the court that the journalists' appeal against a 7-year prison sentence had been rejected. Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been incarcerated since their arrest in December 2017 after being set up by police with a promise of ‘official leaked documents’. This followed their extensive investigation into war crimes against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar’s…  
4451. Indonesia: Journalists must serve the public interest, not politicians’  

Abdul Manan is the Chairman of the Alliance of Independent Journalists Indonesia (AJI). He shares his thoughts on the challenges faced by the media in the country while covering the latest elections in April 2019 and the role played by the AJI in supporting the fact-checking process during the campaign. #WPFD2019 What are the main challenges that could impede free, pluralistic and independent journalism of the elections in your country? The independency of the journalists in the newsrooms are the main challenges in elections times. A number of media owners who are closely connected to politics make the public concerned that the newsrooms will not be…  
4452. Philippines: a need for safe and ethical coverage of election process  

Nonoy Espina is the Chairperson of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP). He shares with us the challenges that threaten independent journalism in his country. The Philippines will hold general elections on 13 May, 2019. Data from the Commission on Elections has shown that 61 million voters have already registered. #WPFD2019 The country has a poor track record when it comes to the protection of journalists. The arrests of Rappler CEO Maria Ressa, the impunity for perpetrators of Ampatuan massacres and cyber-attacks against independent media websites are examples of press freedom violations by the authorities.  What are the main challenges that could impede…  
4453. Un modèle de formation expérimenté avec succès en RDC  

Jean-François Dumont est journaliste, ancien Secrétaire général adjoint de l'Association des journalistes professionnels (AJP) de Belgique. En amont des élections de décembre 2018, il a supervisé des ateliers de formation de journalistes en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Bilan : des résultats encourageants, dans un pays où la liberté est particulièrement en danger. #WPFD2019 Pilotés par la FIJ, des ateliers consacrés à la couverture de la campagne électorale en novembre 2018 ont touché 182 rédactions à travers tout le pays. Avec des résultats concrets pour la liberté de la presse et un journalisme de qualité.  « Un journaliste, directeur de rédaction, a pris le risque de…  
4454. Myanmar: The Irrawaddy targeted under draconian Article 66(d)  

A lawsuit has been filed against The Irrawaddy for its reporting on conflict in Rahkine state in Myanmar. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) have condemned the lawsuit and demanded the charges be immediately dropped. According to a report from The Irrawaddy, the Myanmar military is suing the media outlet until Article 66(d) of the Telecommunications Law for its coverage of recent clashes between the Army and the Arakan Army, an ethnic armed group in the ancient town of Mrauk-U in Rakhine state. The Irrawaddy said that the military’s Yangon Region Command filed the case against the Burmese edition editor U Ye Ni on April 12. Kyauktada Police Station chief Po Htun told The…  
4455. IFJ Blog: ‘We can stop the spread of disinformation!’  

Freelance journalist and filmmaker Yaara Bou Melhem, will deliver the 2019 2019 Press Freedom Lecture in Sydney on May 2, which is being held to raise funds for the Media Safety & Solidarity Fund. Yaara has won two UN Media Peace Awards and several Walkley Awards for her films. On May 2, she will talk about her most recent project: an observational documentary about Time Person of the Year, Maria Ressa as she battles against disinformation and the manipulation of social media giants to undermine democracies worldwide. How did you decide to do a documentary about Maria Ressa and what intrigued you about her? What I find extraordinary about Ressa is that she has actually mapped the…  
4456. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, April 6th to Friday, April 12th 2019: 1) Media muzzled, The News on Sunday 2) Stop Turkey’s ‘Relentless’ Judicial Harassment of Free Expression Champions, hetq 3) Female Journalists urged to strive for challenging positions in their organizations, Ghana Web 4) May 3rd Day Of Action For Journalists &Whistleblowers -Stand Up For Assange & Manning, IndyBay 5) AA urges Israel to review case of detained staffer, Daily Sabah 6) In My Own Voice:…  
4457. Northern Ireland: Freelance journalist Lyra McKee shot dead during riots  

[Updated on April 23rd] Journalist Lyra McKee was shot dead while she was covering the riots at the Creggan housing estate in the city of Londonderry (Derry), Northern Ireland, on Thursday night 19 April. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) join their affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland in condemning this killing and call on a full investigation into her death. A former Belfast Telegraph journalist and a NUJ member, Lyra McKee, 29, was a freelancer and a novelist. She was named by Forbes Magazine in 2016 as one of their "30 under 30" outstanding figures in media. The riots…  
4458. Lyra McKee  

The 29 – year-old freelance journalist and author was shot dead while she was covering the riots at the Creggan housing estate in the city of Londonderry (Derry), Northern Ireland. The riots took place in the run-up to the Easter weekend, which also marks the anniversary of a 1916 uprising against British rule. According to media reports, Lyra McKee was killed after a gunman appeared and fired shots towards the police position near which she was standing. Journalists' safety, UK, IFJ  
4459. Afghanistan: Killers of Abdul Manan Arghand sentenced to death  

Two journalist killers have been sentenced to death for the murder of Afghan journalist Abdul Manan Arghand. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes government action to address impunity but is concerned the case was held in secret and delivered a sentence that does not comply with international standards. According to TOLO News, on April 16 the Attorney General’s Office said in the statement that two suspects had been sentenced to death for killing Abdul Manan Arghand on April 25, 2018. According to the statement the two men murdered Abdul in Kandahar in southern Afghanistan after Abdul’s name was included on a Taliban hit list. All court proceedings relating to the…  
4460. Pakistan journalist charged with cyber terrorism over tweet  

Pakistani journalist has been charged for cyber-terrorism over comments made about the Pakistan Army. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) strongly condemn the charges and demand they be dropped immediately. Shahzeb Jillan, a journalist with Dunya News and former BBC and Deutsche Welle journalist has been charged under Pakistan’s Penal Code and the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act. The charges relate to Shahzeb’s appearance on the Aaj Kamran Khan Show on March 18. During the show, Shahzeb gave his own analysis on the enforced disappearances allegedly carried out by the Pakistan military. In addition, Shahzeb was…  
4461. Syria: IFJ renews calls for action on missing Journalists John Cantlie and Austin Tice  

Despite recent indications they may still be alive, more than six years after they were first seized, British and American journalists John Cantlie and Austin Tice are still missing. The IFJ has now renewed its calls on their respective governments not to forget them and to make every effort to find and free the journalists. John Cantlie is a photojournalist from Hampshire. He was captured by the so-called Islamic State (IS) in November 2012, together with the reporter James Foley who was subsequently beheaded. He was last seen in a propaganda video released by IS in 2016. Austin Tice is an American freelance journalist who collaborated among others with the US McClatchy news…  
4462. Slovakia: IFJ and EFJ support journalists’ call for action in Ján Kuciak murder investigation  

[UPDATED ON APRIL 15, 2019] Slovak journalists are demanding for action in the murder investigation of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancee Martina Kušnírova, which after six months has not given any results [this release was originally published in August 2018]. In an open letter, signed by over 300 Slovak colleagues, journalists call for not forgetting the murder and ensuring the independent investigation. International and European Federations of Journalists stand in support with their Slovak colleagues in asking the state authorities to ensure the continuation of a thorough and effective investigation without further delays. Slovak journalists are raising concerns on the actual…  
4463. IFJ on the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, April 6th to Friday, April 12th 2019: 1) Stirring the hornet's nest: Julian Assange, AA.com 2) Egyptian company first in Arab world to grant women menstrual leave, The New Arab 3) Ireland: Trinity College newspaper faces closure over investigation into all-male student society, Index Censorship 4) Panels, Politics, and Penn (Women) In The Land Of Tamil Nadu, Feminism in India 5) In The News: At least 79 journalists have been arrested in Sudan,…  
4464. Turkey: IFJ joins international call to end judicial harassment of journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined today several human rights and freedom of speech organisations to condemn the judicial harassment against Turkish Journalists Erol Önderoğlu, Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Ahmet Nesin. This is the joint statement: The below-named freedom of expression organisations denounce the lengthy judicial harassment suffered by Reporters Without Borders representative and IPI member Erol Önderoğlu, Turkey’s Human Rights Foundation Chair Şebnem Korur Fincancı and journalist Ahmet Nesin and call for their full acquittal at the hearing on April 15, 2019, when a verdict is expected. The three defendants are charged with “engaging in propaganda for…  
4465. Perú: alerta por persecución judicial a periodistas que denunciaron actos de abuso en la organización Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana  

Lxs periodistas Paola Ugaz y Pedro Salinas enfrentan actualmente procesos judiciales en su contra como represalia de una investigación periodística en la que reportaron testimonios de abuso físico, psicológico y sexual perpetrados por miembros del Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se une a su afiliada peruana la ANP en condenar esta práctica silenciadora, exigir el cese de todo amedrentamiento y demandar la rectificación de este atropello a los derechos de lxs comunicadorxs. La investigación periodística realizada por Salinas y Ugaz, publicada en el año 2015, cuenta con 30 testimonios de sucesos cometidos a lo largo de 40 años y pudo denunciar la…  
4466. Algérie : la FIJ dénonce l’expulsion du directeur de l’AFP  

Sans explication ni notification officielle, les autorités algériennes ont expulsé mardi 9 avril le directeur de l’Agence France-Presse (AFP) en Algérie, Aymeric Vincenot. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) condamne cette atteinte à la liberté de la presse et demande au pouvoir algérien de laisser les journalistes travailler dans de bonnes conditions. Notre confrère n’avait pas obtenu le renouvellement de son accréditation et n’avait plus de titre de séjour depuis fin février. Au mois de mars, déjà, un envoyé spécial de l’agence Reuters avait été expulsé, sans plus d’explication. Les journalistes algériens des médias audiovisuels publics quant à eux rapportent les plus…  
4467. Belarus: IFJ condemns search of Belsat TV premises over a defamation investigation  

Premises of TV Channel Belsat were searched on April 9 by the Investigative Committee of Belarus as part of a criminal investigation of a defamation case. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Belarusian affiliate, the BAJ, in its condemnation of the search and urges the government to stop prosecuting the media under defamatory articles of the Criminal Code and to return immediately all the seized equipment.  The operation lasted for more than four hours and left the premises in a “complete mess”, according to the BAJ. Officers seized two system units, three laptops and all data storage devices. According to Investigative Committee, the investigation was part of…  
4468. Italy: Journalist attacked at work in Vicenza  

An Italian reporter for the daily newspaper Il Giornale di Vicenza, Valentino Gonzato was attacked in the northern city of Vicenza. The assault occurred in a park as he was investigating the presence of drug dealers and the deterioration of the premises. According to various reports, Valentino Gonzato was taking pictures on 2 April when he was surrounded by a group of seven people. The assailants threatened the journalist, spat at him and punched and kicked him. They also stole his phone. The police arrested the men and recovered Gonzato’s phone. The reporter was immediately sent to an emergency room as a result of sustaining several injuries, The International Federation of Journalists…  
4469. Hungarian authorities seek to pressure Slovenian publication  

The Hungarian Embassy in Ljubljana complained to Slovenia's Foreign Ministry after the weekly Mladina published a story it disliked. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have urged the Hungarian government not to interfere in editorial decisions, whether in Hungary or abroad. In recent years Mladina journalists have regularly reported on the increasing influence of Hungary in Slovenian domestic politics and elections. On March 22, they published a story on the role of Slovenian MEPs in preventing Viktor Orban’s political party Fidesz from being expelled from the European People’s Party group in the European Parliament. The…  
4470. Pakistan: Fatwa puts journalists in serious danger  

The former leader of Jamaat-e-Islami’s (JI), an Islamist political party in Pakistan, issued a fatwa on April 8, promoting the killing of journalists in Pakistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) have condemned the fatwa and called on the Pakistan government to take immediate steps to guarantee the safety of the media. Taj Mohammad Wazeer, the former leader of JI and members of Pakistan’s National Assembly, made the announcement at a political rally attended by hundreds of people in South Warizistan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. According to reports, Taj announced the fatwa at the protest saying: “The media has not come to…  
4471. Indian journalist released after four months in custody  

The Manipur High Court has ordered the release of Indian journalist Kishorchandra Wangkhem following his detention on November 21, 2018 under the National Security Act. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) have welcomed the decision to release Wangkhem, and call for all outstanding charges to be dropped. Kishorchandra Wangkhem was first arrested on August 9 charged with inciting public mischief through a series of Facebook posts, under the Indian Penal Code. On August 10 he was placed in 15-day police custody and later released on bail. On November 20, he was arrested again after he posted a video criticising Chief Minister…  
4472. Africa: Working conditions, safety and rights top agenda as FAJ leaders meet in Mozambique  

The Steering Committee of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the regional organisation of the IFJ, pledged to tackle threats to journalists, campaign for improved working conditions and build a stronger voice for journalists across the region as leaders from across the continent met in Maputo. Elected representatives from across Africa met on 3-4 April 2019 at the first statutory Steering Committee Meeting in Maputo, Mozambique since the united congress of the federation - held on 13-14 December 2018 in Khartoum, Sudan - brought together 32 of its 36 member unions and associations in Africa. The meeting, chaired by FAJ President, Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed, was attended by members…  
4473. Iran: IFJ expresses concern over lack of protection for journalists fired by Radio Farda  

Two Iranian journalists working for Radio Farda were fired in a disagreement over editorial issues and for raising concerns with management over the station’s news coverage. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its deep concern over the disregard for and lack of protection of Iranian journalists’ labour rights the sackings demonstrate. Arash Hassan Nia and Arash Salehi, members of the Association of Iranian Journalists, an IFJ affiliate, were working full-time for Radio Farda, the Iranian branch of the United States government-funded Radio Free Europe. RFE has its headquarters in Prague, Czech Republic, and is part of the United States…  
4474. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, March 30th to Friday, April 5th 2019: 1) Arab Civil Society parallel summit to Arab League in Tunis, ANSAmed 2) "Malaysiakini" interns assaulted by political party leaders, IFEX 3) Turkey condemned for deportation of journalist, People’s world 4) Africa: Launching of a New Tool for Safety in News Organisations, allAfrica 5) Gambia: Government Cancels Journalists Screening Process Following IFJ and GPU Complaints, allAfrica 6) Trinity…  
4475. Thai journalist arrested and charged with defamation  

Voice TV host has been charged with defamation following the channel’s broadcast of the general election on March 24. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly criticized the charges against the TV host and called for the charges to be dropped immediately. According to Prachatai Voice TV host Sirote Klampaiboon had defamation charges filed against him, and activist Nuttaa Mahattana. It is reported that the charges relate to the Voice TV broadcast on March 24, during the general elections. On April 5, Sirote wrote on his Facebook that he had been summoned on defamation charges filed by the Election Commission of Thailand (ECT). On the same day Nuttaa was summoned to…  
4476. Pakistani journalist abducted, second in less than a week  

Karachi cameraperson Ali Mubashir was abducted near his office on April 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned the abducted and demand information regarding Ali’s whereabouts and safety. According to reports, Ali Mubashir, a cameraperson with Abb Takk, a privately owned news channel was whisked away from the carpark of his office. Ali’s disappearance came just two days after Daily Jang journalist Matloob Husain Mosavi was abducted from his home in Karachi on March 30.   In its statement, KUJ said it sees these disappearances as an attack on the freedom of media and the right of free expression. KUJ also urge the government to ensure the safety of media in…  
4477. Tanzania: 500 days since the disappearance of journalist Azory Gwanda  

Today marks 500 days since Tanzanian journalist Azory Gwanda disappeared. The IFJ is deeply concerned about his well-being and urges the government to prioritise the investigation to find out his whereabouts. Azory Gwanda, a freelance journalist who contributed to the Mwananchi Communications Limited and Citizen Newspapers, has been missing since November 21. On that day, Gwanda left home telling his wife, Anna Pinoni, that he had “an impromptu journey” and would be back in a day or two. Mrs Pinoni told the media that she “became alarmed after he had failed to return home and all his numbers could not be reached since the day he departed.” According to…  
4478. Serbia: IFJ/EFJ urge restrain from violence against journalists after call for protests at media houses  

Following calls for anti-government protests at the Serbian private TV Pink offices, the International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) today joined their Serbian affiliates NUNS, UNS and SINOS in urging protesters to refrain from all forms of violence against journalists and appealing to all stakeholders to ensure journalists’ safety and the protection of the media’s property. In statement signed by eight media organisation, including three IFJ and EFJ affiliates NUNS, UNS and SINOS said that citizens have the right to express their dissatisfaction with the social or political situation in the country through peaceful actions, including protests in front of any media…  
4479. Russia: IFJ Voices Concerns over New Law on Fake News, Respect for State, Officials and Society  

The International Federation of Journalists (IJF) today expressed serious concerns over the new Russian law on "fake" news and the "lack of respect for the state, the authorities, and society", warning it is likely to have a chilling effect on freedom of expression in the country. The IFJ urges the Russian authorities to review the legislation which came into force on 18 March and to give greater consideration to representation of the Union of Journalists of Russia (RUJ),an IFJ affiliate. Under this law, the "flagrant" disrespect for the state, public authorities, official symbols and society can result in fines of up to 300,000 roubles (US $ 4600) and imprisonment for up to 15 days while…  
4480. News channels blocked in Pakistan  

Pakistani authorities took Channel 24 News and its sister channels offline following a report about Prime Minister Imran Khan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) strongly criticized the decision and called on the Pakistan authorities not to censor the news. On March 31, journalist Najam Sethi reported that Prime Minister Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi had split after a verbal fight. Following the news, PEMRA (Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority) without issuing any notice has forced cable operators to suspend the transmission of Channel 24 News. Channel 24 News has had a partial restoration of services in some…  
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