15063 results:

12535. Media Quality: Questions for MediaChannel’s Danny Schechter  

What impact does product placement, or as it is sometimes called 'surrptitious advertising' , have on film and television in the USA? For Danny’s response, click here: Video 1 (5MB) What do you think the dangers are of product placement? For Danny’s response, click here: Video 2 (15MB) Do you have examples of the use of this advertising technique? For Danny’s response, click here: Video 3 (17MB) What do you think we should do in Europe where product placement, at present banned, will be allowed under new proposals in the Television Without Frontiers directive? …  
12536. IFJ Condemns Brutal Murder of Journalist in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the brutal murder of an Indonesian journalist in East Java. Herliyanto, 38, was found stabbed to death on April 29, 2006, only days before the commemoration of World Press Freedom Day. Although it is unconfirmed whether Herliyanto’s murder was directly related to his work as a journalist, it has been revealed that Herliyanto was actively reporting on the corruption of local officials and according to colleagues had uncovered the misuse of funding for the Compensations of the Poor and the Funds for School Operation (BOS) in a village in the East Java province. There were also reports of the victim being…  
12537. Second Mission to Europe: April 16-22, 2006  

Second Mission to Europe: April 16-22, 2006 ECCP Project: EU-India-Building Paths to Equality in journalism Report by M.L. Talwar, senior assistant, EU-India gender project A delegation of 13 women journalists from different parts of India led by AINEF treasurer M. L. Talwar, visited three European capitals as part of the project EU and India – Building Paths to Equality in Journalism. The first delegation of 10 women journalists led by project co-ordinator Parul Sharma had visited Europe from February 6 to 12, 2006. Reaching Brussels on the evening of April 16, the members of the mission had dinner with Nawab Khan, editor in chief of the news service India News in Europe…  
12540. EU Social Dialogue Committee in the Audiovisual Sector adopts Joint Declaration in Warsaw  

JOINT PRESS RELEASE At the conclusion of a Conference on Social Dialogue in the audiovisual sector in Warsaw on 5-7 May 2006, ACT, AER, CEPI, EBU and FIAPF representing the employers' organizations and EURO-MEI, FIA, FIM and IFJ representing the workers’ organisations jointly adopted a declaration encouraging social dialogue at the European level and stressing the key importance of training in a fast evolving audiovisual sector. The Conference entitled "The Audiovisual Industry on the Move - Social Dialogue as a tool to tackle changing environments", was organised by the EU Committee in the Audiovisual Sector with the support of the European Commission. The event attracted…  
12541. EFJ Says Social Dialogue Declaration Comes at “Critical Time” for Audiovisual Industry  

Today the European Federation of Journalists welcomed a joint declaration by both sides of the audiovisual industry in Europe, saying the move comes “at a critical time for the future of the media and everyone who works within it.” “The partners in this dialogue – from both management and workers’ sides – recognise that at this critical time for the future of media and everyone who works within it, we need to work together to meet the challenges ahead,” said EFJ Chairman Arne König. “Social dialogue is not an option; it is an obligation whose main priorities have now been defined together by employers’ and workers’ organisations”. A conference gathering organisations of public…  
12545. IFJ Calls for Justice for Journalists and Appeals for End to Tunisia Hunger Strikes  

The International Federation of Journalists today pledged to campaign vigorously for justice on behalf of two victimised journalists on hunger strike in Tunisia, but has called on the journalists to end their protests. “The hunger strikes being carried out by both Slim Boukhdir and Chahrazed Akacha show the level of desperation of several Tunisian journalists whose fundamental rights are being ignored,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. He said that the authorities were “cynically avoiding their responsibility” in these cases and the protests should end with humane and just solutions to the issues which had driven the journalists to take desperate…  
12549. Public Broadcasters 'United in Fostering Cultural Diversity' at INPUT meeting in Taipei  

Delegates of 21 public broadcasters worldwide and its related organizations in 18 countries, jointly attended at the Second Public Broadcasters Global Media Summit in Taipei on May 8. This Summit, as biggest one of the side events belongs to International Public Television (INPUT) Screening Conference, was initiated by U.S. Independent Television Service (ITVS) in 2005, now gained its further promotion in Asia, coordinated through Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS). The topic for Second Summit dealt with multiculturalism. According to the core concern of public television, cultural diversity has become the common characteristic of modern societies through the increase of global…  
12550. Warsaw Declaration: The Audiovisual Industry on the Move, Social Dialogue as a tool to tackle changing environments  

DECLARATION Conference: The Audiovisual Industry on the Move Social Dialogue as a tool to tackle changing environments Warsaw, 5-7 May 2006 1. The organizing bodies of the Conference consider that: 1.1 Europe's audiovisual sector, including television, film and radio, is central to cultural diversity, democracy and economic growth within the European Union and its Member States. 1.2 The social partners in the sector have a common interest in fostering the cultural, democratic and economic success of the audiovisual sector throughout the European Union. 1.3 They are committed to growth ensuring vitality and quality in the audiovisual sector. 1.4 Public…  
12552. IFJ Condemns 'Brutal and Targeted' Attack of Senegalese Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned a “brutal and targeted” attack of a local journalist in Senegal while he was carrying out an investigation into a mounting religious controversy. Yesterday, Pape Cheick Fall, a correspondent for Group Futurs Medias (GFM) in M’Backe (Eastern-Central) was attacked by four armed men using metal bars leaving him seriously wounded. "This is a brutal and targeted attack that has left us all deeply concerned,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director. “This is an appalling violation of press freedom and raises anew questions about the protection of journalists in an age when security is fast becoming…  
12555. EFJ Protest to Serbian Prime Minister about broadcasting frequencies  

Brussels, 3 May 2006 Mr Vojislav Kostunica Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia 11 Nemanjina St., 11 000 Belgrade By e-mail: [email protected] Copy: Mr. Predrag Markovic President National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Kralja Milana St. 11 000 Belgrade Mr Nenad Cekic, President Council of Republic Broadcasting Agency Cika Ljubina 8/III 11000 Beograd e-mail: [email protected] Dear Mr Prime Minister, The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, are concerned by the selection process for frequency allocation that took place recently in Serbia. As you know,…  
12560. IFJ and Amnesty International Protest Over Imprisonment of Journalists in Rwanda  

3 May, 2006 Dear President, We are writing to you today to express concern for human rights violations committed against independent journalists since September 1994, for the lack of substantive measures taken by your government to investigate these violations and its failure to bring the alleged perpetrators to justice. We invite you, Mr President, to publicly voice your support today, on press freedom day, for a free and independent press in Rwanda: to ensure that independent journalists will be allowed to work free from attacks and fear of harassment and human rights abuse, to conduct impartial, independent and public investigations into all attacks or acts of intimidation…  
12565. IFJ Calls for Immediate Release of Radio Director in Chad  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for the immediate release of Tchanguiz Vatankhah, director of Radio Brakoss (at 600 km of N’Djamena) and President of the Chadian Union of Private Radios (URPT). “Tchanguiz Vatankhah has been held incommunicado since 28 April and only today has the Deputy Minister for Human Rights informed us that Vatankhah is at the Central Police Station of N’Djamena,” declared Evariste Ngarlem Toldé, President of the Chadian Union of Journalists. “ No official reason has been given for this arrest”. The day before his arrest on 28 April, police officers questioned Tchanguiz Vatankhah and asked him…  
12566. IFJ Supports Reinstatement of Nepal’s Parliamentary Democracy but Calls on Authorities to Respect the Human Rights of Nepalese Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the moves by Nepal’s King Gyanendra to reinstate the kingdom’s dissolved parliament, which reconvened on Friday April 28, and ended the 14-month rule by the autocratic monarchy. The victory comes after weeks of protesting in the troubled capital, Kathmandu, and is a major step towards re-establishing democracy in Nepal. “This latest development means the Nepalese people will now be sovereign in a true sense and can decide the future of the nation by constitutional assembly,” said IFJ president Christopher Warren. Yet the conditions of the Nepalese press remain unfavourable and of serious concern…  
12568. Tamilnet editor's murder still unpunished after one year  

Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Sri Lanka Free Media Movement (FMM) all voiced outrage today about the lack of progress in the investigation into the murder a year ago of Tamil journalist Dharmeratnam "Taraki" Sivaram, the editor of the Tamilnet news website and columnist for the Sri Lankan Daily Mirror newspaper. The arrest of a suspect in June 2005 raised hopes that the case would soon be solved, but the investigators have done virtually nothing since his arrest. "The current serious crisis in Sri Lanka - the result of unacceptable terrorism - in no way justifies the impunity prevailing in the murders of journalists and…  
12569. Denmark “Violating Press Rights” Says IFJ As Reporters Who Exposed Iraq Claims Face Jail  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists today accused Denmark of violating press rights following the news that two journalists who exposed the Government’s lack of credible evidence for its decision to back the invasion of Iraq are to go on trial and may be sent to jail. After exactly two years of investigation Danish prosecutors are to go ahead with the prosecution of Jesper Larsen and Michael Bjerre two journalists from the newspaper Berlingske Tidende. They were first held on 26 April 2004, were questioned and charged with "publishing information illegally obtained by a third party" under Article 152-d of the…  
12573. IFJ Condemns Incitement to Violence Against Media by Interior Minister of Burundi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expressed today grave concern about recent statements made by the Interior and Security Minister of Burundi, Evariste Ndayishimiye, encouraging the police forces that had perpetrated violence on journalists on April 17. Various local media relayed Tuesday, the statements of Minister Evariste Ndayishimiye, which were uttered on Sunday in Rumonge (South-western). He declared that the Burundian President, Pierre NKURUNZIZA will "reward" the police officers responsible for the sequestration of journalists on April 17 at a Member of Parliaments’s house in Bujumbura. "I have said to the journalists that if police officers tell you…  
12575. IFJ Demands “Immediate Release” of Italian Journalist for Investigating Flawed Murder Investigation  

Today the International Federation of Journalists supported its Italian affiliate, the Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana, in demanding the immediate release of journalist Mario Spezi, who has been in jail since 7 April. His arrest follows a long running public dispute with the judiciary over his investigations into a series of murders that took place in the region of Florence between 1968 and 1985. His findings were about to be published in a book a few days later. “We are appalled that an investigative journalist can be jailed for daring to criticise the official investigation in a criminal case” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “Not only are the…  
12576. EFJ Condemns Harassment of Turkish Cypriot Journalist  

The European Federation of Journalists, the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists, today condemned the Turkish government’s decision to sue the Turkish Cypriot journalist Serhat Incirli for criticizing Turkey. “This is the first time Turkey has attempted to sue a Turkish Cypriot journalist for insulting the Turkish nation”, said EFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “It is a deliberate attempt to intimidate independent journalists and to muzzle free public debate.” Turkish Cypriot authorities declared that the Attorney General of Turkey would sue Serhat Incirli, who currently lives in London and writes in “Afrika”…  
12579. IFJ condemns the sequestration of journalists in Burundi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the arbitrary detention by the police of about thirty journalists in Bujumbura (Burundi). While they were covering a press conference given by the member of Parliament Matthias Basabose in his residence, these journalists were retained there against their will for more than 7 hours. According to a leader of the Burundi Journalists Association who was part of the journalists retained, Monday, at 3h30 pm local time (1 h 30 pm GMT), about fifty police officers, armed with guns, surrounded the house of Mr. Basabose, and told journalists that they had received orders from the presidential police force "not to aloud…  
12580. IFJ calls for greater protection for journalists following bomb blast in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for greater protection of journalists following eight media workers being injured in a bomb blast in Karachi. “News making can be a dangerous profession, “ said IFJ president Christopher Warren. “Which is why it is essential that media employers and the government ensure the protection of journalists while covering the news,” said Warren. Eight media workers were injured in a bomb attack while covering a religious gathering of thousands of people celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Mohammad in Karachi, Pakistan on Tuesday April 11, 2006. Shahid Hussain, press…  
12581. Indian Women Journalists Win half Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards  

Women Journalists Win Half the Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards Out of a total of 16 awards, women journalists from all over India bagged eight of the first Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards 2005-06 given away by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at a glittering ceremony in New Delhi on April 12, 2006. Barkha Dutt, of NDTV 24x7 bagged the “Journalist of the Year” in the broadcast category for her “reports from Nagapattinam that captured the trauma and tragedy of lives torn apart by the Tsunami”. Sutapa Deb, also from NDTV 24x7 received the “Regional Award - North East” (Broadcast) for a “report that ventured into…  
12582. Seminars in New Delhi  

Cracking the Glass Ceiling: Women in Media Institutions 28 – 29 March, 2006 Collective Bargaining and Women’s Rights 30 March – 1 April, 2006 The two-day seminar Cracking the Glass Ceiling: Women in Media Institutions held in New Delhi on 29-30 March, aimed at assessing and improving the situation of women journalists in India in relation to their role in media organisations and the social institutions of media - in particular trade unions. Particular attention was given to the role women play in media management, trade union structures, employment policy, recruitment policy, training for their professional growth, portrayal of women and media content. The…  
12585. Writing about Refugees : Prize Ceremony at the EP on 18.04.2006  

WRITING ABOUT REFUGEES A Competition for Student Journalists Invitation to Prize-giving Ceremony 14:00, 18th April 2006 Rm. A8F388, European Parliament Prizes awarded to Danish, Irish/French and British student journalists First prize trip to Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya MEPs to present prizes At 2pm on the 18th of April 2006, winners of the Jesuit Refugee Service’s competition for student journalists will be presented with their prize at the European Parliament, at a ceremony to which press is invited. The winners, decided by a panel of professional journalists, are Kasper Tveden Jensen, studying in Denmark, for his article 'Suicidal Silence'; Hélène…  
12586. IFJ Letter to Kofi Annan about repression in Nepal  

See also : complete list of incidents of journalists being arrested and attacked from April 5-13, 2006 (PDF) April 13, 2006 The Honourable Kofi Annan Secretary-General United Nations New York, NY 10017 - USA Dear Sir, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) the global organisation representing 500,000 journalists worldwide is imploring your support for the Nepalese struggle for democracy. The IFJ is deeply concerned over the targeting of journalists and outright violence towards the Nepalese people and is calling on the United Nations to apply pressure on the king to immediately discontinue the crackdown and begin to restore democracy in Nepal. Of…  
12587. Detail  

Once the controversy about voting results is over Italy’s new government must give top priority to making sure the hand of politics is kept out of the country’s newsrooms says the International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ group. “For years the fact that the country’s Prime Minister has been able to effectively control mainstream broadcast media has cast a long shadow over Italian democracy,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It’s now time to end that sort of political influence once and for all.” At the weekend journalists’ leaders from around Europe gathered in Slovenia for the annual meeting of the European Federation of Journalists, the IFJ…  
12589. Poster Women: Visually Mapping the Indian Women’s Movement  

Poster Women: Visually Mapping the Indian Women’s Movement Poster Women, an exhibition of posters from the women's movement in India, has been collated by New Delhi-based Zubaan, a feminist publishing house. Poster Women attempts to visually map a history of the women's movement in India, and is a collection of nearly 1,500 posters, representing the women's movement from the 1970s. Some of the major campaigns that Poster Women tracks are violence against women, more specifically domestic violence, the anti-dowry and anti-rape campaigns, sexual harassment, literacy, health and reproductive rights, environment, religion and communalism, gender equality, rights of all kinds-land…  
12591. Resource Pack on Gender and HIV/AIDS  

Publication date: 2006 Publisher: UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team on Gender and HIV/AIDS Developed by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team on Gender and HIV/AIDS, this Resource Pack aims to strengthen the impact of national HIV/AIDS programmes by tackling a key underlying factor that fuels the epidemic: gender inequality. The Resource Pack analyzes the impact of gender relations on the AIDS epidemic and provides guidance, including tools for effective advocacy and programming and contains the following documents: - Operational Guide on Gender and HIV/AIDS: A Rights-Based Approach - Review paper, 'Integrating Gender into HIV/AIDS Programmes' : - 17 Fact Sheets with concise…  
12592. EFJ Backs Protests over Political Interference in Management of Romanian Public Broadcaster  

The European Federation of Journalists today supported its Romanian affiliate MediaSind Trade Union, in protests over a vote of the Parliament in Bucharest last week concerning the political appointment of two Administration Boards of the public radio and television. “Most journalists expect political interference in public broadcasting to be a thing of the past”, said Aidan White, the General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists. “But here we see the Parliament of a European Union candidate country carving up control of public radio and television among their political friends.” The angry response of journalists’ groups follows the decision on April 5 by the…  

Preamble Freelances are the most vulnerable workers in the media sector. This Charter is a vital tool in the EFJ campaign for improved legal protection for freelance journalists. 1. Every freelance has the right to organise in a union and by collective work seek to improve the situation for freelances and other journalists. Freelances and their unions should have the right to offer services to foster the solidarity among freelances and between freelances and staff, such as recommendations of fees and collective bargaining. 2. Every freelance should have the same professional rights as an employee, the same right to seek information, to protect sources, to uphold ethical…  
12599. Justice Denied and Media Killings That Haunt the Democratic World  

International Press Freedom Groups Protest over Impunity in the Killing of Media Staff in February in Brussels The International Federation of Journalists today called on the United Nations and the United States government in particular to lead a new campaign against impunity in the killing of journalists and media staff. IFJ unions around the world have joined co-ordinated protests to mark April 8th, the international day of protest over impunity and hundreds of cases of murder and assassination of media staff that have gone unpunished. In particular, IFJ unions are protesting over the continued speculation that there have been targeted killings of journalists in Iraq, where there…  
12600. Gender and Politics: Project Challenges Media to Put Women in the Picture  

Although the number of women in European politics is increasing, they still lag far behind men when it comes to figuring in the news headlines say media specialists who this weekend are launching a video toolkit aimed at improving the portrayal of women in audiovisual programming. “Broadcasters and journalists need to rethink their attitudes on how they see the role of women in politics,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalist (EFJ), which is meeting in Slovenia this weekend where the portraying politics toolkit will be launched. “Media play a key role in shaping people’s perception of political life and we need fairer…  
Search results 12531 until 12600 of 15063