15041 results:

1191. Yemen: IFJ condemns the assault on the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate headquarters  

The headquarters of our affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS) in the Aden Governorate, were taken over by armed men on 28 February. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the YJS in condemning the assault as an open attack on the journalists’ union. The IFJ called on the authorities to take measures to ensure the property returns to the rightful owners and to enable journalists to recover their rights and resume their work. On the evening of 28 February, a group of individuals from the recently created Southern Media and Journalists’ Syndicate, an organisation supported by the Southern Transitional Council of the Transitional Council (STC) that…  
1192. Spain: Daily press workers take to the streets to demand decent wages  

More than a hundred works councils, union sections and RLTs, convened by Spanish journalists’ unions CCOO, UGT and FeSP, will take to the streets on 1 March 2023 to demand decent wages and working conditions. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) express their support to their affiliates and the striking journalists. For the first time, the works councils of Vocento, Unidad Editorial, Prisa and Promecal have joined forces to demand that the management of the daily press sector meet to negotiate pay rises for all staff of their newspapers, magazines and all the companies involved. This demand comes after more than a decade of wage freezes, and in some cases…  
1193. Ukraine: “During war time, we, as journalists, will do our best to provide information”  

In the week of the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Dainius Radzevičius, President of the Lithuanian Journalists’ Union (LŽS), shares the work done in collaboration with Sergiy Tomilenko, President of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), and a unique initiative: the magazine “We are from Ukraine!”. The publication has been put together by journalists, publishers, translators and media organisations from both countries, and the first edition was published in 80,000 copies. The teams behind the collaborative project are from Vilnius, Klaipeda and various cities in Ukraine. “The main idea was cooperation,” said Dainius. 1. Could you talk…  
1194. Poland: Spanish journalist Pablo González in custody for one year on charges of spying for Russia and no trial in sight  

A Polish court extended Pablo González’s pre-trial detention for the fourth time on 15 February 2023, meaning he will spend up to a further three months in prison. The Spanish freelance journalist was arrested on 28 February 2022, accused of being “an agent of Russian intelligence”, while covering the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Ukrainian border. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and their Spanish affiliates call on the authorities to release González without further delay, and ensure he will receive a fair trial. “The case is still in the Prosecutor's Office. This is an investigation, and it is not known how long it will take. In Poland,…  
1195. India: Jaunpur journalist shot for critical reporting  

A case has been registered against a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) official after television journalist Devendra Khare was shot twice by two unidentified assailants in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, on February 26. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attempted murder of the journalist and urges the Indian authorities to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice. Khare, a district correspondent for Hindi-language broadcaster News1India, was sitting with his colleagues outside the outlet’s offices on the evening of February 26 when he was shot by two unidentified men. Khare suffered bullet wounds to his stomach and hand but…  
1196. IFJ launches solidarity appeal for journalists in Turkey and Syria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of journalists, has launched a solidarity appeal to support journalists in Turkey and Syria, following the devastating earthquake that took place on 6 February and affected many media professionals and their families. Thousands of people were killed and many more were injured by a devastating earthquake that shook south-eastern Turkey near the Syrian border on 6 February.  IFJ affiliates in both countries: DİSK Basın-İş Sendikası, Gazeteciler Cemiyeti Dernegi (GCD), Turkiye Gazetciler Cemiyeti (TGC), Turkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi (TGS), Syrian Journalists Association, and the Syrian Journalists…  
1197. México: Asesinan a un fotoperiodista en Baja California  

El reportero gráfico Ramiro Araujo Ochoa murió el 21 de febrero tras ser apuñalado por dos adolescentes que presuntamente habrían intentado robarle sus equipos de trabajo cuando regresaba de una cobertura. Los atacantes fueron aprehendidos y aunque el crimen se fue caratulado como un robo, en el país más peligroso de la región para la labor periodística es necesario que no se descarte ninguna línea de investigación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia lo sucedido y acompaña al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa en la exigencia a las autoridades de una investigación seria que contemple el trabajo de Araujo Ochoa como posible motivación. Ramiro Araujo Ochoa,…  
1198. Bangladesh: Dainik Dinkal suspension appeal denied  

The Bangladesh Press Council (BPC) has rejected an appeal made by the Bengali-language newspaper Dainik Dinkal on February 19 concerning the Dhaka district authority’s order for the newspaper’s shutdown on December 26, 2022. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern at the restrictive control of the Bangladesh authorities over independent and critical voices and calls for the immediate withdrawal of the decision. The Dainik Dinkal newspaper was issued with a suspension order on December 26, 2022, by the BPC, which accused the newspaper of violating articles 10, 11, 16, and 21(1) of the Printing Presses and Publications (Declaration and Registration) Act. Media…  
1199. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from February 17th to February 24th 2023 ENGLISH  International journalists federation suspends Russian union -  AP News  World media body suspends Russia union membership over Ukraine - Reuters  International journalists federation suspends Russian union - Washington Post  Journalists syndicate calls for pressure on social media platforms to stop censoring Palestinian content - Wafa  CJMP chairperson vows to tackle…  
1200. Ukraine: “It happened more than once that you no longer ask questions, you just listen,” Ukrainian journalist Hanna Chernenko  

Hanna Chernenko is a Kharkiv-based journalist and a member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU). She comes from the Luhansk region in the Donbas, where the armed conflict against Russia began in 2014. For one year, she has been covering the war in her country for local media Visti Television News Service and Hromadske Radio and, from time to time, assists international media crews that report on the conflict. Hanna shares with the IFJ how her journalistic work has changed throughout the last year, and reflects on the role of journalists in conflict zones, the current needs of Ukrainian media workers, and how solidarity has crystallised amongst the Ukrainian journalistic…  
1201. Statement by the Partner Organisations to the Safety of Journalists Platform on the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine  

Today, one year after the Russian Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Partner Organisations to the Safety of Journalists’ Platform remember the colleagues who lost their lives while covering the war, those who have endured injury, abduction, torture and suffering and express full support for all journalists who report truthfully about the war. According to alerts published on the platform, to date, twelve journalists and media workers have been killed while covering the war, or in connection with their profession, and 23 others have been injured. The Partner Organisations condemn the threats to the lives and safety of journalists and media workers resulting from…  
1202. USA : A journalist shot dead and another injured while covering a crime scene  

Journalist Dylan Lyons from the media Spectrum News 13 was shot dead on 23 February in Central Florida while reporting on a shooting incident. The attacker also shot and injured another journalist, Jesse Walden. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack and calls for an immediate investigation. On the afternoon of 23 February, a reporter and a photographer from the Orlando-based  Spectrum News 13 were sent to cover the shooting in which a 20-year-old woman had been killed earlier during the day in Pine Hills. The authorities say that the shooter came back to the crime scene and opened fire on people present, killing journalist Dylan Lyons and seriously…  
1203. Dylan Lyons  

The reporter for Spectrum News 13 TV was shot dead in Central Florida while reporting on a shooting incident . The attacker also shot and injured his colleague photographer Jesse Walden. According to reports, Lyons and a photographer from the Orlando-based  Spectrum News 13 were sent to cover the shooting in which a 20-year-old woman had been killed earlier during the day in Pine Hills. The authorities say that the shooter came back to the crime scene and opened fire on people present, killing Dylan and seriously injured Walden. They were shot “in or near” their vehicles, according to local authorities.  The motive behind the…  
1204. Independent Russian journalists fear “anything can happen”  

As the conflict in Ukraine enters its second year, Russian journalists critical of the Kremlin know that anything can happen to them.  The war has led to an intensified clampdown on Russian media, the rise of propaganda and disinformation and the shutting down of independent Russian news outlets. Hundreds of journalists have left the country and relocated to the Baltic states, other Eastern and Central European countries, Germany and the South Caucasus. Four major Russian media outlets are now working in exile: TV Dozhd, Echo (radio), Meduza.io and Novaya Gazeta-Europа, as well as more than two dozen independent media , including investigative and regional media. Most of these media are…  
1205. México: hallaron muerto al periodista y activista Abisaí Pérez Romero  

El cuerpo del reportero fue encontrado el 13 de febrero y había sido reportado como desaparecido el día anterior. Si bien se desconocen aún las circunstancias de su muerte, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa en su reclamo a las autoridades de una investigación exhaustiva que no descarte su labor periodística como motivación para el crimen El periodista Abisaí Pérez Romero fue hallado muerto en el municipio de Tula, Hidalgo, región en la que se encontraba investigando sobre el impacto socio-ambiental de algunas obras en el Valle del Mezquital. Además de informar a través del canal de YouTube “El Perromero” y en el medio Son…  
1206. UK: IFJ and NUJ call for swift action to protect UK-based journalists threatened by Iranian regime  

London-based Persian-language broadcaster, Iran International announced on 18 February plans to move its operations to the United States, after escalating threats from Tehran and safety concerns against its journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland in urging the government to act swiftly and robustly to secure the safety of journalists working across the UK and to safeguard media freedom. Acting on advice from the police, Iran International has closed its London offices and will move its operations to the United States due to mounting threats against its staff, according to a statement…  
1207. Tunisie: instruction judiciaire ouverte contre le président du SNJT  

Le président du Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisien Mohamed Yassine Jelassia est visé par une procédure judiciaire suite à la couverture d'une manifestation le 18 juillet 2022. La Fédération internationale des journalistes condamne avec la plus grande fermeté l’instruction judiciaire ouverte à l’encontre de son confrère Mohamed Yassine Jelassi, Président du Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens, pour « incitation à la désobéissance et voies de fait sur agent public » et ce pour avoir assurer une couverture médiatique d'une manifestation le 18 juillet 2022, à Tunis, contre le référendum sur la…  
1208. IFJ suspends Russian union  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today suspended the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) from membership following a vote of the Federation’s global Executive Committee. The RUJ’s membership was suspended, with immediate effect, after the Executive endorsed a “provisional decision to expel”, the maximum sanction under the Executive’s powers for acting “in a manner contrary to the principles or objects…..of the Federation”. The decision was taken following an investigation in to the conduct of the RUJ since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the formation of RUJ branches in annexed Ukrainian territories – a step the union refused to reconsider. Under IFJ rules, only the…  
1209. México: la huelga en la agencia de noticias Notimex cumple tres años  

El reclamo iniciado por lxs trabajadores de la Agencia de Noticias del Estado Mexicano en febrero de 2020 por el despido de más de 200 trabajadorxs de prensa llega a los tres años sin una resolución. Hoy, tras 36 meses de acampe y sostenimiento autogestivo de la huelga, el gobierno de Andrés Manuel López Obrador convocó a una reunión entre las secretarías de la Gobernación y Trabajo y Previsión Social y la conducción del Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de Notimex (Sutnotimex) que se realizará en las próximas horas. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas se solidariza con lxs colegas y apoya su lucha por la reinstalación en sus puestos laborales y por el pleno reconocimiento de su…  
1210. Turkey: "Journalists reporting from earthquake- affected areas face safety, hygiene and health problems"  

Two weeks after the terrible earthquake that shook Northern Syria and Eastern Turkey, Kenan Şener, Secretary General of the Ankara Journalists Association (GCD), describes the dire humanitarian situation for the inhabitants and the local journalists who are trying to tell their stories despite everything. Şener recounts the daily grind of journalists reporting on the ground, as well as how the Association is responding to their urgent needs, and preparing for a long crisis. What are the main issues journalists are facing in the field? The protection of journalists' rights and freedoms has become more difficult due to the declaration of a state of emergency in the earthquake zone.…  
1211. France: Support for weekly Le Poher, targeted by new death threats and a bomb scare  

French weekly Le Poher had to evacuate its office on 20 February 2023 after an anonymous caller said a bomb had been placed in the office in Carhaix, France. Although no explosive device was found, this incident comes on top of several serious acts of intimidation targeting Le Poher in recent weeks. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joins the French journalists’ unions SNJ, SNJ-CGT, and CFDT-Journalistes in expressing solidarity with the six employees, and denouncing the deleterious effects of these repeated attacks on the regional independent newspaper and its journalists. The bomb threat is the latest of a…  
1212. Canada: UNIFOR’s media sector published new report on harassment of journalists  

“Journalists and media workers have a fundamental right to do their work free from harassment. Unifor believes that media employers, unions, digital platforms, governments, politicians, the criminal justice system, Courts and Tribunals and members of the public all have a role to play in keeping them free from harm.” On 16 February, the UNIFOR media section, the biggest union in Canada and an IFJ affiliate, published a new report on the state of harassment of journalists in the country.  The report issued on 16 February highlights how journalists and media workers are often exposed to harassment, especially of a racist and sexist nature. In addition, women, workers of colour,…  
1213. China: Concerns raised for health of jailed journalist  

Concerns have been raised for journalist and women’s rights activist Sophia Huang Xueqin, who is said to have been experiencing severe health issues during her pre-trial detention since September 2021. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Huang Xueqin’s arbitrary jailing and urges the Chinese authorities to provide her with immediate medical support and ensure her swift release. Press freedom advocates have raised concerns at the citizen journalist’s reported deterioration in health throughout her 500-plus day detention. According to Front Line Defenders, Huang is said to be experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, secondary amenorrhea, weight loss, severe calcium…  
1214. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from February 10th to February 17th 2023 ENGLISH These women journalists were doing their jobs. That made them targets. - The Washington Post   One Year in: How Putin's war has changed journalism in exile - DW  Human Rights Defenders, journalists and papuan reporters targeted in Indonesia despite UN Human Rights Review - Monitor Tracking Civic Space  EU states cannot regulate media, unlike such possibility under new Ukrainian law…  
1215. Papua New Guinea: Concerns raised at swift review period for media policy  

Concerns for media independence and press freedom in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have been raised following the government’s announcement of a swift 12-day period for public review of the country’s draft National Media Development Policy, released on February 5. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the policy’s potential to undermine media rights and editorial independence in PNG and urges the government to ensure adequate consultation with the media industry before introducing such legislation. On February 5, the PNG Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), released a draft of a new National Media Development Policy, with the purpose of…  
1216. Hong Kong: Free-to-air broadcasters ordered to transmit patriotic programming  

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive in Council has instated a mandatory minimum of 30 minutes of programming dedicated to ‘national education, national identity and the National Security Law’ per week, among other alterations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Hong Kong government’s latest attack on press freedom and independent programming and urges the Hong Kong Chief Executive in Council to respect press freedom and overturn the decision. On February 14, the Hong Kong Communication Authority’s recommendations were accepted by the city’s Chief Executive in Council as a part of a mid-term review of the 12-year free-to-air broadcast licenses for TV licensees TVB,…  
1217. Colombia: FECOLPER presentó su informe anual de afectaciones a la prensa  

La Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER) presentó ayer su reporte anual de agresiones y afectaciones a periodistas y medios de comunicación llamado “Periodismo y elecciones: democracia en riesgo”, el cual fue realizado con el apoyo de Union to Union y la Federación Internacional de Periodistas. El 2022 fue un año violento para América Latina y el Caribe, y Colombia fue el tercer país con más asesinatos de trabajadroxs de prensa de la región, con cuatro casos. El informe presentado ayer por el nuevo presidente de FECOLPER Jorge Velásquez Crespo y la directora ejecutiva Adriana Hurtado pone el eje en el impacto del proceso electoral de 2022 en el trabajo periodístico y las…  
1218. France : L'agresseur d'une journaliste de France Télévisions condamné à une peine de prison  

Le 17 janvier dernier, le tribunal correctionnel de Béthune a condamné à 5 mois de prison avec sursis un homme qui avait harcelé en ligne, puis menacé de mort, une journaliste de France Télévisions. Le prévenu n'a pas fait appel du jugement, qui est donc définitif. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint au Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ) pour dénoncer les agressions en ligne contre la profession. En 2021 et 2022, un internaute avait utilisé plusieurs pseudonymes pour dénigrer, insulter puis menacer de mort une journaliste de franceinfo.fr (via la partie "commentaires" de la plate-forme).  A la suite d'une plainte déposée par la journaliste, l'agresseur a…  
1219. Ukraine: "The preservation of local media is essential to support Ukrainian democracy"  

Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, Sergiy Tomilenko, president of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) looks back on a year of relentless work, in which NUJU has supported journalists on the ground and assesses the challenges they face as the war enters its second year. He highlights the crucial role of the IFJ and EFJ-backed Journalists’ Solidarity Centers in ensuring that local and international media can report on the conflict, and the imperative need for more funds to continue supporting Ukrainian journalists. 1. What are the most urgent needs of Ukrainian journalists a year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine? First of…  
1220. Russia : journalist sentenced to six years in prison for Telegram post  

[UPDATED 18.09.2024]  Russian journalist Maria Ponomarenko has been sentenced to six years in jail for posting on Telegram about a deadly attack by Russian warplanes on a theatre in Ukraine. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) denounce this fierce repression of freedom of expression in Russia and demand the immediate release of the journalist. Maria Ponomarenko, 44, a correspondent of the RusNews channel on Youtube, was sentenced to six years in prison for critical of Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine, officials said, as part of an ongoing crackdown on dissent. The verdict is the latest in a series of high-profile rulings under new legislation that critics…  
1221. India: Government raids BBC offices  

Indian income tax authorities have raided BBC offices in India on February 14, allegedly investigating tax evasion charges against the media outlet following the banning of a documentary critical of PM Narendra Modi’s role in the 2002 Gujarat Riots. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), in condemning the raid and urging the Indian government to stand by its purported commitment to press freedom and democracy. On February 14, India’s Income Tax Department conducted a search of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)’s offices in Delhi and Mumbai, investigating alleged tax evasion charges. In a statement on social media,…  
1222. Cambodia: Prime Minister shuts down independent media outlet  

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has ordered the shutdown of leading independent media outlet Voice of Democracy (VOD) on February 13 ahead of the country's elections in July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Cambodian Journalists Alliance (CamboJA), in condemning the Prime Minister’s abuse of power and urging the Ministry of Information to reinstate the outlet’s media licence. Law enforcement and ministry officials visited the offices of Voice of Democracy (VOD) on the morning of February 13 ordering journalists to stop publishing immediately. Sen instructed the Ministry of Information to cancel the outlet’s publishing and broadcasting licences,…  
1223. Paraguay: asesinaron al periodista Alexander Álvarez  

El comunicador fue baleado por personas a bordo de una motocicleta cuando se encontraba circulando con su vehículo por las calles del departamento de Amambay, en la ciudad de Pedro Juan Caballero. Junto al Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas demanda una investigación urgente que identifique a los responsables y medidas de protección para lxs trabajadorxs de prensa. Alexander Álvarez, periodista de 39 años que se desempeñaba en Radio Urundey FM, fue baleado ayer dentro de su automóvil cuando por al menos dos personas que lo interceptaron con una motocicleta. La ciudad fronteriza de Pedro Juan Caballero vuelve a ser escenario del asesinato de un…  
1224. Alexander Álvarez  

The 39-year-old journalist, who worked for Radio Urundey FM, was shot by people on a motorbike as he was driving his vehicle through the streets of the department of Amambay, in the city of Pedro Juan Caballero. In a statement, the Union of Journalists of Paraguay said that Álvarez was the ninth press worker to be murdered in the Department of Amambay and described him as a person very much loved by colleagues in the area. Journalists' safety, Paraguay, IFJ, Impunity  
1225. Palestine: PJS and Association of Private Radios sign agreement to safeguard journalists' professional rights  

A framework agreement which will guarantee journalists’ professional, economic and social rights and safeguard press freedom was signed by the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) and the newly established Association of Private Radios in Palestine on 12 February. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) assisted the PJS in negotiating the ground-breaking agreement thanks to support from Union to Union and the Swedish Union of Journalists. Palestine was the first country in the region to sign the IFJ-led Declaration of Media Freedom in the Arab World in 2016, aimed at strengthening the principles of media freedom, independent journalism and the right to…  
1226. Somalia: New report highlights conditions with chilling effect on press freedom  

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) has published today its annual State of Media Report documenting on two killings, 95 attacks against media workers, as well as gender - based violence. The International Federation of journalists joins its affiliate in calling on authorities to do more to ensure journalists’ safety and end impunity for attacks against journalists and media workers. The report describes how state and non-state actors wage concerted campaigns to repress journalists and violate their rights with impunity in Mogadishu, the five Federal Member States and Somaliland. It also highlights the specific difficulties facing women journalists on a daily basis. The report…  
1227. ChatGPT and Journalism in Pakistan  

The increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) in journalism poses an unprecedented challenge for journalists in Pakistan. The potential of ChatGPT to spread misinformation and disinformation has raised concerns over the truth and reliability of AI-generated articles, and the role they may play in Pakistan's media, writes Lubna Jerar Naqvi. 'A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes' as the saying goes. Both disinformation and misinformation are increasingly dangerous across social media and the digital world; the spread of unreliable and untrustworthy information online has been seen to increase during elections, natural…  
1228. Ukraine: "In Kosovo, we have also experienced the difficulty of becoming a refugee"  

Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Xhemajl Rexha, president of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), shares the work carried through their program “Journalists in Residence - Kosovo'' with the Government of Kosovo and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECMPF) in collaboration with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), as they are welcoming Ukrainian journalists by providing them with assistance. He talks about the program, the challenges Ukrainian journalists face and union solidarity in times of crisis and war. 1 - Can you describe the program "Journalists in Residence in Kosovo" ? “Journalists in Residence…  
1229. Maldives: Two journalists assaulted by police during protest coverage  

Maldivian journalists Hassan Shaheed and Ahmed Misbaah were assaulted by police on February 6 while reporting on a protest against the sentencing of former president, Abdulla Yameen, near the People's Majlis (Parliament House) in Malé. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA), in condemning the police’s use of violence towards journalists and urges authorities to swiftly investigate the case. According to the MJA, Shaheed, a videographer and reporter for Channel 13, and Misbaah, a Channel 13 photojournalist, were pressed down, pepper-sprayed and struck by police shields while reporting on the Progressive Party of the…  
1230. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from February 3rd to February 10th 2023 ENGLISH Iranian journalist detained months after sister's arrest amid unrest - AA Myanmar’s military has ‘turned whole country into a prison’ - Asia Pacific Report Books: How Beijing targets media in global influence operations  - Nikkei Asia The Islamabad High Court (IHC) Grants Time To Legislate For Journalists Rights  - UrduPoint Haiti among top countries where media workers killed - Carribean…  
1231. Iran: Islamic Republic must release all imprisoned journalists and restore free flow of information  

UPDATED 14.02.23 As the Islamic Republic of Iran celebrates the 44th anniversary of its proclamation on 11 February 2023, dozens of journalists are still being held beind bars. Their only crime is to have done their job covering the events and demonstrations that followed the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman arrested by the morality police for wearing a veil deemed inappropriate. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for the release of all imprisoned journalists and demands respect of democratic principles in the country. Since her death in custody on 16 September 2022, the Iranian authorities have carried out a bloody repression across…  
1232. Afghanistan: French-Afghan journalist Mortaza Behboudi must be released immediately  

Mortaza Behboudi, a French-Afghan journalist living in France, was arrested on 7 January in Kabul, two days after arriving in Afghanistan, as he was about to collect his press accreditation. He is still being held in the country. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join the appeal of its French affiliates and other media institutions calling for the immediate release of Mortaza Behboudi. The French journalists’ unions SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes, SGJ-FO, the IFJ and the EFJ join the appeal launched by 15 French media and production companies as well as several French associations and institutions demanding the release of…  
1233. Ukraine: "We will continue to stand with our affiliates until they can work with peace and justice"  

Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, IFJ Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Dear, who is co-ordinating the IFJ/EFJ’s emergency response to the situation in Ukraine, shares the successes and challenges of a year of unwavering work to support our local affiliates and Ukrainian journalists on the ground, and the urgent need to raise more funds in the midst of a war that drags on. 1. Can you describe the response from IFJ-EFJ affiliates and the journalism community over the world when the IFJ-EFJ launched a special Safety Fund for Journalists in Ukraine a year ago?  It was phenomenal. We often talk about international solidarity but this was a…  
1234. Belarus: Journalist Andrzej Poczobut sentenced to 8 years in prison  

UPDATED 10.02.23 Hrodna Regional Court sentenced Polish-Belarusian journalist Andrzej Poczobut to eight years in prison, on 8 February 2023. The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) joined their affiliate the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) in condemning a political verdict. Andrzej Poczobut was found guilty of encouraging actions aimed at harming the national security of the Republic of Belarus and inciting ethnic hostility. He was arrested in March 2021 and refused to sign a petition to be pardoned by Lukashenko after his arrest. “I do not have any illusions, I will take the sentence calmly and with a calm conscience go to prison,” Andrzej Poczobut…  
1235. Germany: massive cuts plan endangering 700 jobs at RTL Group  

The German media group RTL, part of Bertelsmann, announced on 7 February 2023 its decision to stop the publication of 23 print magazines and to potentially sell others. This decision would put 700 jobs at risk, including freelancing jobs. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) demand the opening of immediate negotiations between RTL and the journalists’ organisations (dju in ver.di and DJV) in Germany. Bertelsmann CEO Thomas Rabe, who took office on 1 April 2019, said that RTL Group was adjusting to “the rapidly changing media landscape” and that it would focus on “core brands”, including Stern, GEO and Capital. Together with…  
1236. India: Maharashtra journalist targeted in hit and run  

Maharashtra-based journalist Shashikant Warishe has been killed by a local realty broker hours after releasing a report alleging the broker had engaged in illegal land grabbing and was connected to senior Indian politicians. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns this brutal killing of a journalist for their reporting and urges the authorities to bring all perpetrators to swift justice. On February 6, broker Pandharinth Amberkar allegedly drove his black Mahindra Thar SUV into Warishe on the Rajapur highway in the Konkan Region of Maharashtra. Warishe was struck down by the vehicle, which Amberkar was seen to be driving, while near a petrol pump and was…  
1237. Haití: el periodista Jean Thony Lorthé fue secuestrado por un grupo criminal  

El hecho sucedió el viernes 3 de febrero en Laboule 12, en la comuna de Pétionville, cuando el periodista se dirigía junto a su familia a un funeral. Los secuestradores han solicitado una importante suma de dinero a cambio de la libertad del reportero y otras dos personas que fueron raptadas junto a él. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas, junto a la Asociation des Journalistes Haïtiens, exige la liberación incondicional del colega y demanda a las autoridades acciones para proteger su integridad física. También alerta sobre el contexto de extrema violencia que atraviesa el país, en el cual el año pasado otro periodista estuvo casi un mes en cautiverio tras ser secuestrado con pedido…  
1238. India: Journalist Siddique Kappan released after 28 months  

Siddique Kappan, a senior journalist who was held in custody for 28 months, was released on bail on February 2. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists (NUJ-I) welcome the court’s decision to respect due process and urge the Indian government to withdraw all cases against him. Kappan was arrested on October 5, 2020, in India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh. The senior journalist had travelled to the state to report on a high-profile gang-rape incident in Hathras, wherein a young woman belonging to the Dalit community died after allegedly suffering sexual assault from a group of…  
1239. IFJ publishes 32nd annual report on journalists and media staff killed in 2022  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today published its full annual report on journalists and media staff killed in 2022. The 32nd report details 68 killings of media professionals, including targeted and bomb attacks and crossfire deadly incidents. There were also 11 deaths due to accidents and illness. The roll call of loss and tragedy in journalism during 2022 is dominated by the death tally in Ukraine, where 12 journalists and other media workers were killed, followed by Mexico (11), Haiti (7), Pakistan (5) and Colombia and the Philippines at 4 killings each. The IFJ says that the lack of action and political will to tackle impunity for crimes committed against…  
1240. Darko Duridanski, SSNM Program Manager: “When young journalists are in the focus of the activity, they have a real sense of belonging to the union”  

With unions grappling to address the challenges posed by digital media and striving to prove their worth to a new generation of journalists, the IFJ, supported by Union to Union, has been working with the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) of Macedonia to change the narrative - with excellent results! Darko Duridanski, SSNM Program Manager explains. SSNM has recruited more than 20 new young members in recent months. How did you go about it and how has the Union To Union (UtU) project helped? The answer is pretty simple. The best results are achieved through face-to-face meetings supported by a range of other activities, in which young journalists are…  
1241. Shashikant Warishe  

Maharashtra-based journalist, Shashikant Warishe, was killed by a local realty broker, hours after releasing a report alleging the broker had engaged in illegal land grabbing and was connected to senior Indian politicians.  On February 6, broker Pandharinth Amberkar allegedly drove his black Mahindra Thar SUV into Warishe on the Rajapur highway in the Konkan Region of Maharashtra. Warishe was struck down by the vehicle, which Amberkar was seen to be driving, while near a petrol pump and was dragged under the vehicle for several meters, sustaining fatal injuries. The journalist was taken to the Civil Hospital in Ratnagiri, and then to the City Hospital,…  
1242. IFJ Killed List Report - 2022  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) published its full annual report on journalists and media staff killed in 2022. The 32nd report details 68 killings of media professionals, including targeted and bomb attacks and crossfire deadly incidents. There were also 11 deaths due to accidents and illness. The roll call of loss and tragedy in journalism during 2022 is dominated by the death tally in Ukraine, where 12 journalists and other media workers were killed, followed by Mexico (11), Haiti (7), Pakistan (5) and Colombia and the Philippines at 4 killings each. The IFJ says that the lack of action and political will to tackle impunity for crimes committed against…  
1243. Pakistan: Charges against Imran Riaz Khan dismissed after arrest  

Charges against BOL TV anchor Imran Riaz Khan for comments critical of state institutions and the Pakistan administration have been dismissed by a Lahore court after his arrest on February 2. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in welcoming Khan’s release and urging the Pakistan government to cease its harassment and intimidation of journalists and media workers. Khan was arrested at Lahore’s Allama Iqbal International Airport by the Cyber Wing of the FIA as he attempted to depart for the United Arab Emirates. The arrest came after a First Information Report (FIR) was filed at Attock police station alleging…  
1244. Cameroon: Business tycoon and other suspects arrested over murder of journalist Zogo  

Business tycoon and owner of L’Anecdote media group, Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga, was arrested “at dawn” on 6 February, in connection with the gruesome murder of Cameroonian journalist Martinez Zogo who was abducted on 17 January in the capital Yaounde. The head of the Country’s General Directorate of External Intelligence and the Director of operations were also earlier arrested in connection with the murder. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with its affiliate, the Syndicat National des Journalistes du Cameroun (SNJC) welcome this development and call for the prosecution of all those implicated in the murder of journalist Martinez Zogo. Martinez Zogo…  
1245. Ken Brazier: fearless foreign correspondent  

Veteran British journalist Ken Brazier died in August 2022 after 80 years working in journalism. His family has donated to the IFJ Safety Fund in his memory. A member of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), the work of the IFJ "was close to his heart " his family told us. As former Editor of BBC World Service News, Ken knew first-hand about the dangers of being a journalist and the importance of the press and media. This obituary was written by his daughter Mary.  When my father Ken Brazier died last year, the family donated to the IFJ Safety Fund in his memory. As a journalist for 80 of his 95 years, who started his career in journalism aged 16 on a newspaper in south London in wartime…  
1246. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from January 21st to February 3rd 2023 ENGLISH  Qatar, a swampy ground to be a journalist, even during the World Cup - Smex SPECIAL REPORT: Families of slain Nigerian journalists search for justice - Premium Times Nigeria  Palestine Journalists’ Forum slams PA arbitrary dismissal of cartoonist – Middle East Monitor Press freedom advocates call for Julian Assange's release in 200th protest in Brussels - Brussels Time Satirical portrayals of…  
1247. Iraqi Kurdistan: KJS reports 73 cases of media and journalists’ rights violations in 2022  

At least 73 violations of media and journalists’ rights, including arbitrary arrests, physical attacks, the closing of TV channels, and the confiscation of media equipment were recorded in Iraqi Kurdistan in 2022, according to a new report published by the Kurdistan Journalists’ Syndicate (KJS) in cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The IFJ joins its affiliate the KJS in condemning the attacks on media freedom, which pose a threat to the democratic process in the region, and calls on the authorities to take action to guarantee journalists’ safety. The violations documented in the press freedom report include 19 arrests of journalists, 20 media…  
1248. Pakistan: Fraudulent International Press Cards in circulation  

The IFJ has warned journalists against the circulation of fake International Press Cards in Pakistan.  The fake cards contains a false IFJ background and the validity date and card number are not aligned and do not include electronic signatures. The Federation recalls that the International Press card, the oldest journalists press pass, is only delivered by the IFJ on the requests of its members. In Pakistan it is available exclusively via the PFUJ "Any press pass imitating our International Press Card is a forgery, has not been backed by our unions and should be disregarded by public authorities", the IFJ says. ipc,…  
1249. Russia: Journalist Alexander Nevzorov sentenced to 8 years for comments on war  

A Russian court on 1st February has sentenced in absentia veteran journalist Alexander Nevzorov to eight years in prison for spreading so-called "false information" about Russia's war on Ukraine. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their Russian affiliate the Journalists' and Media Workers' Union (JMWU) in condemning this criminalisation of journalism and call on the Russian authorities to review the ruling. Alexander Nevzorov came under pressure from authorities for alleging that Russian forces deliberately shelled a maternity hospital in Mariupol, in southern Ukraine. "Journalist Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov was found guilty (...) and sentenced to…  
1250. IFJ statement on the resignation of four Nordic affiliates  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing 189 affiliates in 140 countries around the world (600,000 journalists) deeply regrets the decision of four Nordic unions, from Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway to give notice of their intention to leave the IFJ on 31 July 2023. The IFJ is a voluntary federation of unions and associations representing journalists and media professionals around the world – our strength is in our unity, but we always recognize that our affiliates have a choice to be members. We remain committed to building the strongest possible global voice for journalists and media workers to secure their professional, labour and social rights and to defend…  
1251. Rewriting the story: Students highlight gendered portrayal of politicians  

On the 25, 26, 27 January, University of Padova students presented their final projects as part of the EU-Funded project “ Rewriting the Story: Media, Gender and Politics”. Students from the University of Padova presented a series of projects covering the gender portrayal of politicians in media as part of the IFJ-led project Rewriting the Story The online presentations provided an opportunity  for students to present their research work on media, gender and politics to a panel of researchers, communication professionals and members of the IFJ and its Gender Council. The discussions are a key element of the project's aim of building bridges between students, journalism and…  
1252. Global Unions statement on the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar  

On the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, the Global Unions, representing 200 million workers worldwide, call for renewed global efforts to restore democracy. The Global Unions support the call by the Confederation of Trade Unions, Myanmar (CTUM) for a Global Day of Action to demand formal diplomatic recognition of the National Unity Government (NUG) as the legitimate representative of the people of Myanmar, and the release of political prisoners. On 1 February 2021, the Myanmar military overthrew the country’s newly elected government, interrupting Myanmar’s journey towards democracy after decades of military rule. The military formed an illegitimate government under a…  
1253. Myanmar: Regional union body stands with Myanmar journalists  

On the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, the South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) strongly condemned the military junta’s continued gross violations of human rights, persecution of journalists and attacks on independent media. The region’s media unions called on the international community to increase pressure on Myanmar’s military to guarantee the safety of all Burmese citizens and cease the state-sanctioned violence, arbitrary arrests and draconian laws that have suppressed activists and stifled freedom of expression. According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), as of January 31, 2023, the military has killed 2,940 activists and…  
1254. Myanmar’s Military Madness Continues Unchecked  

Airstrikes ordered against civilian targets, destruction of thousands of buildings, millions displaced, nearly 3,000 civilians murdered, over 13,000 jailed, the country’s independent media banished, and the country locked in a deadly nationwide civil war. Myanmar civilians now ask what else must happen before they receive international support in line with Ukraine, writes Phil Thornton. In the two years since Myanmar’s military seized power from the country’s elected lawmakers it has waged a war of terror against its citizens - members of the Civil Disobedience Movement, artists, poets, actors, politicians, health workers, student leaders, public servants, workers, and journalists. The…  
1255. Brasil: durante 2022 se registró una agresión por día contra periodistas  

Según el reporte anual elaborado por la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) presentado el 25 de enero pasado, durante el año pasado hubo al menos 376 agresiones contra periodistas y medios de comunicación. Si bien el número total es menor que el registrado en 2021, hubo un fuerte crecimiento en los casos de amenazas, acoso e intimidación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas se mantiene en alerta ante estas cifras, que año a año se sostienen y que en los informes de los últimos años tuvieron como principales agresores al ex presidente Jair Bolsonaro, a numerosos funcionarios de su gestión y a sus seguidores. Según el Reporte 2022: Violencia contra periodistas y libertad…  
1256. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from January 20th to January 27th 2023. ENGLISH 'Whispered in Gaza, Part 2': When residents of the Strip tried to challenge Hamas  - The Times of Israel  Fugitives in France intimidate journalists probing role in 1994 Genocide - The New Times  Report: 67 journalists killed in 2022 - UPI.com  Ukraine's New Media Law Stifles Press Freedom, Say Journalists - The New American  Read the new Hong Kong Free Press Annual Report - an…  
1257. Perú: a 40 años de la masacre, los Mártires de Uchuraccay siguen presentes  

Hoy se cumplen cuatro décadas de la primera masacre colectiva de periodistas sucedida en el mundo, en la que ocho trabajadores de prensa y un guía fueron asesinados en el poblado de Uchuraccay, en la región de Ayacucho, cuando se dirigían a investigar una serie de asesinatos ocurridos en el marco de la Época del Terrorismo en el país. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas exige verdad y justicia para los colegas asesinados y sus familias y acompaña a la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) en la lucha contra la impunidad. El 26 de enero de 1983 los periodistas Eduardo De la Piniella (El Diario de Marka), Pedro Sánchez (El Diario de Marka), Félix Gavilán (El Diario de…  
1258. Afghanistan: Taliban imprison reporter in Nangahar  

Freelance journalist Khairullah Parhar has been detained by the Taliban’s General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) since January 9 in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Parhar's arrest and urges the Taliban to cease its arbitrary detainment of journalists and media workers. According to independent news outlet Afghanistan International, the journalist and chair of the Nangarhar Sports Journalists Association was detained by GDI agents on January 9 and reportedly remains in custody. Further sources suggest Parhar’s mobile phone was confiscated by GDI members on December 14 at Jalalabad cricket stadium, with his arrest potentially…  
1259. Rwanda: Journalist died in motorbike accident  

Rwandan journalist John William Ntwali, founder and editor - in –chief of Irene News.net and Pax TV Youtube channel which publishes investigative news stories, died in the early hours of Wednesday 18 January at around 2: 50 am in a road accident in the capital Kigali, according to police sources. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Rwanda Journalists' Association (RJA) in mourning for journalist John Williams Ntwali and calls on the government of Rwanda to launch an independent investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death. According to the spokesperson of the Rwandan Police, “the accident happened in Kicukiro District as a result of…  
1260. Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina: IFJ and EFJ call for defamation to remain under civil law  

President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik has threatened to re-introduce defamation and insults as “criminal offences” in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Srpska, one of the two entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The BH Journalists Association (BH Novinari) sounded the alarm in the face of the increasing threat that would cause the impending criminalisation of defamation, which has been a civil wrong in the country since 1999. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliate, BH Novinari, in warning of the dangers of criminalising defamation and urged the European Commission and Council of Europe to call on the…  
Search results 1191 until 1260 of 15041