15062 results:

7911. Sign up to IFJ's Thunderclap Campaign Demanding End Impunity  

We've partnered up with Thunderclap to call on governments across the world to end impunity for violence against journalists. On 23 November: Urge all governments to implement UN resolution on ending impunity for crimes against journalists. <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="10505px" src="https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/18427-end-impunity/embed" width="800px"></iframe></p>  
7912. Journalists in Peru Say Investigation into Raymondi’s Murder Should Include Work-Related Motive  

The National Association of Journalists of Peru said it’s deeply dismayed by the murder of Fernando Raymondi Uribe, a final year journalism student and collaborator for Caretas magazine. The association has asked the authorities to focus their investigations on his work as the primary motive for the killing. Read the whole article in Spanish.  Para más información: ANP www.anp.org.pe  
7913. Thai journalists call to revoke oppressive media laws  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Thai Journalists Association (TJA) and National Union of Journalists, Thailand (NUJT) in calling on the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to immediately revoke the current oppressive media laws that continue to stifle press freedom in the country. The call comes amid continued pressure on the media and  journalists since the beginning of the year with the declaration of Martial Law. Today, the TJA and NUJT said that it is crucial for Thailand’s democracy that order 103, which prohibit any form of criticism towards NCPO and order 97 which affectively prohibits criticism towards military authorities are disbanded.…  
7914. Reporter and Cameraman Assaulted in Peru  

Reporter Natalie Barrera and cameraman Ronald Monsefú Rojas, from ATV+ team, were savagely attacked by a group of people pretending to belong  to the security team of Presbítero Maestro cementery in Peru. The attack took place while the two journalists were trying to research a story about the burial of a baby who had died in a day-care.  Read the whole article in Spanish. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 17 The IFJ represents more than 600 000 journalists in 134 countries  
7915. Six Handed Jail Term Sentences for Murder of Journalist in Cambodia  

Six people were sentenced in absentia by a court in Kampong Chhang Province, Cambodia, on Wednesday 12 November for the murder of Suan Chan. The 44-year-old reporter for the Khmer language Meakea Kampucheanewspaper was killed on 31 January when he left his house in Cholkiri district’s Peam Chhkork commune. The journalist was set upon by a gang of fishermen who attacked him with stones and bamboo sticks. He received medical treatment in a provincial hospital but later died of his injuries after being transported to a Phnom Penh hospital. Prior to his death, Suon Chan had been reporting on illegal fishing in the local commune. On October 7, the trial of Chan’s murderers…  
7916. 'IFJ in the News' This Week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read  some of the news highlights for this week, from Monday 10 to Friday 14 October: 1. Demonstrations held against newspaper in Afghanistan 2. SF leader 'should say sorry' for gun remarks 3. Cameroun : 3 journalistes assignés à résidence par le tribunal militaire 4. Fulfill vow on rights, P-Noy told 5. Woes of State scribes highlighted in IFJ Workshop 6. World journalism association calls on Gerry Adams to retract comments on holding editor 'at gunpoint' For more…  
7917. Editor arrested for assaulting female employee in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for a prompt and thorough investigation into an alleged assault in the Maldives following the arrest of a newspaper editor. Adam Haleem, editor of Vnews online, was caught on CCTV entering a stair hall on Sunday, November 9. They vision is alleged to show him grabbing a female employee who fell on a flight of stairs before another employee intervened to stop the incident. Haleem was arrested on the night of Tuesday, November 11 after the CCTV footage was widely circulated on social media and a court issued an arrest warrant. The Criminal Court in the Maldives remanded him in custody for five days on Thursday, November 13. It…  
7918. Victory against impunity: Cambodian journalist killers charged  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Cambodian Association for the Protection of Journalists (CAPJ) in welcoming the sentencing of six killers in Kampong Chhang Provincial Court on Wednesday, November 12, following the brutal murder of a journalist in January this year. The IFJ calls of the Cambodian government to ensure that the highest efforts are made to ensure five of the six killers, who were sentenced in absentia, are found and jailed as a priority. Suon Chan, a 44-year-old reporter for the Khmer language Meakea Kampuchea newspaper, was killed on January 31 when he left his house in Cholkiri district’s Peam Chhkork commune. The journalist was…  
7919. IFJ Blog: A voice silenced: Gerry Ortega: A case study of impunity in the Philippines  

By Rupert Di Mangilit How impunity works in the Philippines is best demonstrated not only by the Amaptuan Massacre, but by the hundreds of other cases of media murders, among them the brazen murder of environmentalist, broadcaster and anti-corruption crusader Gerry Ortega. Ortega was one of Palawan’s strongest voices against corruption until he was permanently silenced in the morning of 24 January 2011. He had just gone out of a store selling second-hand clothing, minutes after his final broadcast when a gunman shot him at point blank range. Ortega died on the spot. Until his tragic death, Ortega had relentlessly criticized officials, among them former Palawan Governor Joel Reyes, for…  
7920. Journalism Student Shot Dead in Peru  

Police are investigating the killing of Fernando Raymondi Uribe, a collaborator for Caretas magazine and final year journalism student , to determine whether his murder is linked to the investigation he was conducting into contract killers, drug trafficking and corruption. The magazine had reported that his investigations were taking place in Limeña province of Cañete, Peru. The murder took place on 9 November in that region, in the south of Lima’s department. Read the whole article in Spanish. Para más información: ANP www.anp.org.pe   
7921. Massacre in the Philippines: International Solidarity Mission Rapid Assessment, December 2009  

November 23, 2014 will mark the fifth anniversary of the Ampatuan Massacre, in which 32 journalists were murdered and another 26 victims in Maguindano province in Mindanao, in the Philippines.  This case continues to haunt press freedom and journalist safety, as there remains complete impunity for the killers and the masterminds. The IFJ and our affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) continue to call the Philippines government, led by President Aquino III, to account and to bring these perpetrators to justice. This report - 'Massacre in the Philippines: International Solidarity Mission Rapid Assessment' was published in December 2009. It was written…  
7922. IFJ Press Freedom in China Campaign Bulletin: November 2014  

To IFJ Asia-Pacific affiliates and friends, Welcome to IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly Press Freedom in China Campaign e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on December 8. To contribute news or information, email [email protected]. To visit the IFJ’s China Campaign page, go to www.ifj.org. Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. For the simplified Chinese version click here. For the traditional Chinese version click here. In this bulletin: 1) Journalists treated roughly during Occupy Central Movement protests in Hong Kong 2) Hong Kong’s largest free-to-air television station suspected of self-censorship 3) Hackers support Movement with attack on…  
7923. MWUS, IFJ Hold Two- Day Workshop on Freedom of Association and Labour Rights  

The Media Workers Union of Swaziland (MWUS) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists  (IFJ)  through the LO- TCO project, held a two – day workshop on Freedom of Association and Labour Rights, at the Thokoza Anglican Conference Centre  in Mbabane, Swaziland from 6- 7 November, 2014.   The workshop brought together over twenty journalists including the entire executive committee of MWUS as well as other members of civil society.   Speaking at the opening ceremony, MWUS President, Nqobile Hlatjwako, emphasized that the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining are fundamental human rights as guaranteed by ILO…  
7924. EFJ tells Yle to halt job-cutting plan  

The Finnish public broadcasting company Yle has announced on Monday 3 November about the imminent plan to reduce at least 185 permanent jobs as part of its cost-cutting measures. Following the announcement, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has sent a letter to CEO, Mr Lauri Kivinen, and the management team of Yle, calling on them to engage in dialogue with the journalists’ union, Suomen Journalistiliitto. According to Yle, the cost-cutting measures were introduced as a result of a funding shortfall. Earlier this year, the Finnish Parliament has decided to freeze an inflation-related increase on the so-called Yle tax in 2015 “forcing the company to cut costs”. The EFJ…  
7925. Support IFJ's End Impunity Campaign 2014  

End Impunity from IFJ Vimeo Channel on Vimeo. The IFJ will be carrying out a range of actions during the month of November 2014, as part of the global campaign to end impunity for crime against journalists. The UN Day against impunity for violence targeting journalists was adopted on 18 December 2013 and will be marked for the first time on 2 November, the first anniversary of the killings of two RFI reporters, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, murdered in Kidal, Mali in 2013. This will be another opportunity for the IFJ to press governments around the world on their obligation to investigate attacks on journalists and punish their perpetrators. It comes ahead of another…  
7926. Taing Try  

The 49-year-old freelance journalist for a local newspaper was killed in the northeastern province of Mondulkiri while covering a story on timber smuggling from Cambodia into Vietnam. Try was with seven other journalists when they came upon several ox carts loaded with timber and led by an alleged timber trader, who is reported to be a police officer named Heing. After the journalist’s car became stuck in mud on the dirt road, a confrontation with the timber trader ensued. While the other journalists fled the scene, Heing is alleged to have shot Try in the head. His body was later found at around 1.20 am next to his vehicle. A few meters away, the vehicle of the assailant was…  
7927. Dave Walker  

The 58-year-old Canadian journalist and documentary maker was last seen on February 14 in Siem Reap by his production film partner. His body was found on May 1, by a child outside Angkor Thom’s ‘Death Gate’. When his body was discovered it was in a state of decomposition and police said he had died several weeks earlier. No one has been arrested or prosecuted following the death of the Canadian who, according to his family, “devoted his life to bring to justice those responsible for the deaths of more than 2 million Cambodians in the 30 years he worked and lived in that country.”  
7928. Belgium: AJP will support judicial action against police violence on press photographers  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) together with the AJP, the Belgian Association of Professional Journalists, strongly condemn the recent police violence used against press photographers, who clearly declined their identity as journalists while on duty. During the national demonstration held on 6 November in Brussels, a press photographer working for Sudpresse newspapers group was struck by a punch by police officer while he was taking a picture of another wounded policeman. Only the intervention of two journalists has been able calm the police, reports the AJP. “Moreover, a press photographer working for Photo News press agency was attacked twice. A first wave of police…  
7929. Gavin Millar, QC, Expert on Media Law, Video Message Supporting #EndImpunity Campaign  

Gavin Millar, QC, expert on media law, has recorded a short video message giving his backing to our End Impunity campaign. He has stated that governments have positive obligations to fight impunity and protect journalists in their societies. You can view the message below and show your support for the camapign by signing our Thunderclap: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/18427-end-impunity?locale=en To find out more about our End Impunity campaign visit: ifj.org/campaigns/end-impunity/ Gavin Millar, QC, backs IFJ End Impunity campaign from IFJ Vimeo Channel on Vimeo.  
7930. Afghan journalists speak out against impunity  

Seven media workers have lost their lives in Afghanistan this year – many as a result in a spike of violence leading up to the April election. In 2014, it is one of the world’s most dangerous places for media workers. On January 23, the body of Noor Ahmad Noori, a Busd Radio journalist and former New York Times employee was found in the Karte Lagan area of Helmand. He had been kidnapped and hanged. On March 11, Swedish broadcast journalist, Nils Horner was assassinated in broad daylight in Kabul. The same month, Sardar Ahmad, a 40-year-old senior reporter with the Agence France-Presse (AFP) Kabul bureau, was shot dead along with his wife and two of their three children as they sat to…  
7931. IFJ Blog: "How can we improve coverage of cases where killers of journalists get away with murder?"  

Seven case studies and five tips curated by the World Editors Forum #EndImpunity Today marks the first UN International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, and news media are being urged to report more on such cases. But what does good practice coverage of impunity cases look like? And how can it be achieved? Julie Posetti curates tips from the experts. “Journalists are increasingly being targetted and killed with impunity worldwide”, UNESCO's Director of Freedom of Expression and Media Development Guy Berger told the World Editors Forum. Between 2007-2012, UNESCO’s Director-General condemned the killings of 430 journalists and asked UNESCO Member States to…  
7932. IFJ Blog: "How can we improve coverage of cases where killers of journalists get away with murder?"  

Seven case studies and five tips curated by the World Editors Forum #EndImpunity Today marks the first UN International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, and news media are being urged to report more on such cases. But what does good practice coverage of impunity cases look like? And how can it be achieved? Julie Posetti curates tips from the experts. “Journalists are increasingly being targetted and killed with impunity worldwide”, UNESCO's Director of Freedom of Expression and Media Development Guy Berger told the World Editors Forum. Between 2007-2012, UNESCO’s Director-General condemned the killings of 430 journalists and asked UNESCO Member States to…  
7933. ​Jewan Arain  

The Dharti TV journalist was killed in Ghambat Khurha, Sindh, in Pakistan’s Southeast. According to reports, a group of people opened fire on him when he was on the way to his office at about 3 pm. He died at the scene as a result of his injuries. The motive behind the killing has not been established. However, other journalists in Sindh believed it was related to his profession and staged a protest demanding the killers’ arrest.  
7934. USYPAC Calls on Central African Press Laws’ Reform  

The Associations of Media Professionals Trade Unions of Central Africa (USYPAC), who gather journalists trade unions and associations affiliated with the African Federation of Journalists (AFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), have asked both the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) to operate a deep reform in Central African media sector's laws. The demand has been made at the end of a sub-regional conference in Yaounde (Cameroon), last 29 and 30th October. The conference was organized with UNESCO and Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s support. IFJ and FIJ also backed it. According to an…  
7935. High Level Meeting Agrees Support for Journalists and Their Union in Somalia  

A delegation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), including its president Jim Boumelha and Executive Committee member Franco Siddi, today met Somalia’s Minister of Interior and Federal Affairs, Abdullahi Godah Barre, at the International Conference on the Challenges to Human Rights and Security in the Arab Region held in Doha. The meeting, the first by the IFJ with a representative of the Federal Government of Somalia, took place in the presence of Omar Faruk Osman, the secretary general of the National Union of Somali Journalists, an affiliate of the IFJ. The delegation exchanged views with the minister on the difficult safety and security situation of journalists…  
7936. IFJ Blog: Impunity has many faces - #whatareyoudoing? #AbdullaYameen  

This week marks 3 months since 28-year-old Maldivian journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla (@moyameehaa) was reported missing to police, after being last seen in the early morning of Friday 8 August. Rilwan, employed by Minivan News, had been working on a number of controversial religious pieces just prior to his sudden disappearance.  Beyond that, Rilwan was clearly supported and admired by many in the industry as a huge social media campaign has swept up to keep pressure on authorities criticised of doing far too little, too late. On  September 4, a petition of 5,000 signatures was presented to the country’s parliament pressing for action – a phenomenal response for such a small…  
7937. World condemns impunity while another Pakistan assassination takes toll to 14  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) deplore the brutal assassination of a journalist in Sindh province yesterday and demand the immediate arrest and persecution of the murderers. The IFJ said Pakistan leads its global death toll  as the most dangerous country for journalists and media workers, outranking Syria and Iraq in journalist killings for 2014. Jewan Arain, a journalist of Dharti TV, was killed in Ghambat Khurha, Sindh, in Pakistan’s Southeast, on November 5. According to reports, a group of people opened fire on him when he was on the way to his office at about 3pm. He died at the scene as a…  
7938. Statement of Civil Society Delegates to 3rd UN Inter-Agency Meeting on Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity  

We, the undersigned participants at the meeting of civil society delegates to the 3rd UN Inter-Agency meeting on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, that took place on the 4th November, 2014: ·Reaffirm our support for the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity while recommending a stronger strategic focus on engaging all stakeholders at domestic levels to implement the plan, given the time passed since its launch; ·In particular, welcome emphasis on the preventive and protective safety measures outlined in the Plan of Action but encourage more consistent and less disconnected actions at country level to…  
7939. ​Inter-Regional Meeting Calls for Better Use of Human Rights Law Mechanisms & Standards  

To mark the first UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists, a one day meeting on the protection of journalists under international human rights and criminal law held at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France stressed the need to use the plethora of legal instruments to provide enhanced safety for media professionals. The meeting, organised by the Council of Europe, Unesco and the European Lawyers' union brought together journalists, legal experts, Council of Europe and UN senior officials. In a wide ranging debate, the meeting agreed that attacks on journalists are symptoms of the situations where democracy is weak and human rights are not properly…  
7940. Data protection working group urged to protect media freedom  

EFJ - the European Federation of Journalists, ENPA - the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association, EMMA - the European Magazine Media Association, and EPC – the European Publishers’ Council sent a joint letter to DAPIX, the European Council Working Group on Data protection, to ask them not to lower the level of protection of Press Freedom. The joint letter call on DAPIX to ensure that Article 80 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides a clear, directly applicable and legally binding exemption for journalistic data processing. Or, at the minimum, preserves the actual acquis on the draft Regulation on data…  
7941. Stand Up for Journalism Day  

7942. Nawaz Sharif #whatareyoudoing? – IFJ/SAMSN call on leader for action  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses solidarity with its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in their call to end the impunity and defend press freedom and has begun a month long campaign to push Pakistan’s leaders into action against impunity for crimes against journalists. A delegation led by PFUJ former president Pervaiz Shaukat handed over an open letter from the IFJ and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) to the Prime Minister’s Secretariat and the United Nations in Pakistan on Sunday, November 2 – the inaugural International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists.  The IFJ and SAMSN as well as a list of…  
7944. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: November 2014  

Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on December 1 2014, and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific In this bulletin: #whatareyoudoing?SEAJU Meeting held in Malacca, MalaysiaMonth long protests in Hong Kong see 24 journalists attackedAFP end investigation into Balibo Five murdersJournalist murdered by Burmese ArmyFemale journalists abducted and raped in PNGFrench journalists released from police custody…  
7945. IFJ and SAMSN write to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif  

Muhammad Nawaz SharifPrime Minister of the Islamic State of PakistanIslambad, Pakistan CC: Mr Masood Khan – Permanent Representative to the United Nations, PakistanMr Abdul H.A. Hakeem – Officer-in-Charge at UNESCO IslamabadMr Timo Pakkala – Resident Coordinator of United Nations, Pakistan RE: Combating growing impunity against journalists in Pakistan Dear Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its global affiliates including the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) intend to bring your attention to the very serious issues of impunity against the working journalists in Pakistan ahead of the UN International Day to End Impunity for…  
7946. Inter-Regional Meeting Calls for Better Use of Human Rights Law Mechanisms & Standards  

A one day meeting on the protection of journalists under international human rights and criminal law held at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France stressed the need to use the plethora of legal instruments to provide enhanced safety for media professionals. The meeting, organised by the Council of Europe, Unesco and the European Lawyers' union brought together journalists, legal experts, Council of Europe and UN senior officials. In a wide ranging debate, the meeting agreed that attacks on journalists are symptoms of the situations where democracy is weak and human rights are not properly respected and enforced. Participants discussed various human rights mechanisms and…  
7947. FAJ Calls on African Union and Governments to Protect Journalists  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Africa regional group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today called on the African Union to adopt the resolution on the safety of journalists in Africa and the African Governments to end impunity for all crimes against journalists. The call was made today by FAJ president Mohamed Garba during a gathering by UNESCO on the occasion of the commemoration of the international day to end impunity for crimes against journalists. “It is disheartening to note that, for the last decade, Africa had recorded some of the highest levels of violence targeting journalists in the world. These statistics are unacceptable to the…  
7948. Global Conference Agrees Plan to Combat Disturbing Impact of Surveillance on Journalism  

Journalists, trade unionists, politicians, lawyers and campaigners worldwide have agreed on a united action plan aimed at tackling the alarming effect of mass surveillance on the global journalism profession. The decisive action plan was agreed at the international 'Journalism in the Age of Mass Surveillance: safeguarding journalists and their sources' Conference, held on Thursday 16 October at the Guardian newspaper offices in London. Organised by the IFJ and its UK affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), and hosted by Guardian News and Media, the conference considered the key concerns about the impact of mass surveillance on press freedom and explored the…  
7949. IFJ & SEAJU call for investigation into journalist murder in Myanmar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) in calling for a thorough investigation into the murder of a journalist detained by the Burmese Army in Myanmar early last month. The IFJ has strongly condemned the involvement of the military in the murder of Aung Kyaw Naing in Kyaikmayaw in the south eastern province of Mon State in Myanmar. News of the murder was finally revealed a week ago yet the journalist was shot weeks earlier on October 4 and later buried. In the latest developments, police have now been ordered to exhume the body of the murdered journalist in Shwewarchaung Village. Aung Kyaw Naing, a 49-year-old freelance…  
7950. SEAJU & IFJ call on new Indonesian President to tackle country’s impunity record  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the South East Asian Journalist Unions (SEAJU) in urging Indonesia’s government to push for justice for journalists killed in the line of duty. The new government under President Joko Widodo must commence serious investigations into the eight unresolved murder cases against journalists in the country and ensure Indonesia rids itself of its impunity record, the SEAJU said. As the key forum for journalist unions in Southeast Asia, SEAJU remains concerned about the high rates of violence against journalists in Indonesia. In 2013, there were 40 reported cases of journalist attacks and 56 cases and 49 cases in 2012 and 2011…  
7951. FAJ Asks Cameroon to End House Arrest Imposed to Three Journalists  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has denounced today the violations against press freedom imposed by Cameroon’s military court to three journalists that are under house arrest for “not having warned military, administrative or judicial authorities about every activity that damage national defense”. Their names are Baba Wamé, journalist and professor of journalism at the Ecole supérieure des sciences et techniques de l’information et de la communication (ESSTIC); Rodrigue Tongue, Messager’s editing coordinator, and Félix Cyriaque Ebole Bola, president of Cameroon’s national journalists trade union (SNJC)…  
7952. Arab World & Middle East Affiliates Agree Recommendations Including Campaign to Unionise Arab Satellite Companies & Protect Media Freedom  

Representatives of 18 unions from the Arab World and the Middle East have agreed a number of recommendations to help improve journalism in the region, including plans to campaign to unionise journalists working for major Arab satellite TV stations and support for a regional body to protect media freedom. The recommendations were agreed at the IFJ Regional Meeting in the Arab World & Middle East’ which was held in Casablanca, Morocco, from 28-30 October. The meeting took place during a mass general strike in Morocco, the first in the country for 15 years, and the affiliates gathered at the meeting offered their support for all those involved in the action. The theme of…  
7953. SEAJU & IFJ call on new Indonesian President to tackle country’s impunity record  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the South East Asian Journalist Unions (SEAJU) in urging Indonesia’s government to push for justice for journalists killed in the line of duty. The new government under President Joko Widodo must commence serious investigations into the eight unresolved murder cases against journalists in the country and ensure Indonesia rids itself of its impunity record, the SEAJU said. As the key forum for journalist unions in Southeast Asia, SEAJU remains concerned about the high rates of violence against journalists in Indonesia. In 2013, there were 40 reported cases of journalist attacks and 56 cases and 49 cases in 2012 and 2011 respectively.…  
7954. UN Day to End Impunity  

7955. SEAJU calls for recognition of Labour laws and ‘right to form’ in Thailand  

The South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) have called for urgent attention to the current labor situation facing journalists in Thailand and attempts to block journalists in their right to advocacy and to form and join a union.  Thai journalists have been operating under hostile and imposing working conditions in 2014, with the country in political turmoil and with increasing pressures placed on media operations since the Thai military took over the country in a coup d’état in May this year. The SEAJU and IFJ have criticized the welfare and safety of journalists across Thailand and their poor treatment by media organisations…  
7956. IFJ Asia-Pacific launches campaign against impunity for journalist attacks  

Today, November 2, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Asia Pacific, in association with its affiliates, will launch a 22-day End Impunity Campaign for attacks on journalists and media workers. In the Asia-Pacific last year, a journalist was killed at the rate of one every ten days. Already in 2014, 33 journalists and media workers have lost their lives including 13 killed in Pakistan alone, according to the IFJ’s killed list. The IFJ Asia-Pacific will this year focus its efforts on Pakistan and the Philippines where impunity for journalists killings is rife and governments and authorities have failed to secure justice for journalist attacks and killings in most cases.…  
7957. ​IFJ Demands Full Investigation into Israeli Police Attack on Photographers  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned an attack by Israeli police on photographers near Silwad in the West Bank on Sunday, 26 October. According to reports, Israeli police fired rubber bullets at the photographers at close range while they were taking pictures of protests that followed the funeral of a Palestinian activist. Reports said that two journalists sustained minor injuries in the attack. One reporter from Associated Press was reportedly injured on his arm while his colleague , a freelance photographer from Switzerland, Lazar Simeonov, also injured his hand and his camera was damaged. For more visit www.ifj.org  
7958. ​IFJ and SAMSN call on Pakistan Prime Minister to end culture of impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asian Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) have joined the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in marking 2 November as a Day of Action against Impunity in Pakistan. On the first commemoration of the UN Day to End Impunity of Crimes against Journalists, the IFJ and SAMSN have written to Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, calling on him to recognize the day in akistan and to make concerted efforts to bring to an end to the country’s entrenched culture of impunity for journalist killings. For full statement, please visit www.ifj.org  
7959. UN Day to End Impunity: Governments Must Protect Media Workers as Attacks Spiral Out of Control  

The International Federation of Journalists is marking the inaugural ‘UN Day to End Impunity’ by calling on governments worldwide to address the issue of impunity for violence against journalists as intimidation, abuse and violence of media workers continues to escalate. The UN’s International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists was adopted on 18 December 2013 and will be marked for the first time this Sunday, 2 November, the first anniversary of the killings of two French RFI reporters, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, murdered in Kidal, Mali in 2013. The first UN Day is being marked as the IFJ confirms that the death toll of killed journalists has reached nearly…  
7960. IFJ and SAMSN call on Pakistan Prime Minister to end culture of impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asian Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) have joined the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in marking November 2 as a National Day of Action Against Impunity in Pakistan. Sunday, which also marks the first UN International Day to End Impunity of Crimes Against Journalists, the IFJ and SAMSN have written to Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, calling on him to recognize the day in Pakistan and to make concerted efforts to bring to an end to the country’s entrenched culture of impunity for journalist killings. This year, 13 journalists and media workers have been killed in Pakistan and many more threatened,…  
7961. 'IFJ in the News' This Week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read  some of the news highlights for this week, from Monday 27 October – Friday 31 October: http://www.veooz.com/news/vHdu49l.html http://allafrica.com/stories/201410301590.html http://pacific.scoop.co.nz/2014/10/nbc-hires-private-security-after-female-journalists-abducted-and-raped/ http://www.rappler.com/world/regions/asia-pacific/indonesia/72778-journalists-outraged-australia-drops-balibo-five-probe http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/oct/16/journalists-legal-protection-itn-guardian-ripa  
7962. South East Asian Media Unite to Combat Impunity, Censorship and Wage Insecurity  

The South East Asian Journalists Unions (SEAJU) have taken a united stand to combat the rampant state of impunity for journalist attacks in the region and to bring their unions together to advocate on the common issues central to the craft of journalism and a free and vibrant independent media. The second annual SEAJU networking meeting, convened by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), brought together the network of IFJ affiliates included journalists, human rights activists and union leaders from the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Timor Leste, Malaysia and Myanmar. The meeting held in Malacca on October 28-29 endorsed a three-point plan of action focusing on…  
7963. SEAJU calls on Cambodian government for intervention on journalist impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the South East Asian Journalist Unions (SEAJU) in today calling on the Cambodia’s government to push for justice for the three journalists killed this year in the line of duty. None of the perpetrators of the killings have been prosecuted for their actions and the SEAJU has urged the Cambodian Government to send a stern message that such violent crimes will not be tolerated.  On the inaugural UN-declared International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the SEAJU leaders call on Prime Minister Hun Sen and Cambodia as a UN member state to implement the recommendations of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of…  
7964. Journalist detained for reporting on political corruption in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) express concerns over the detention of a senior journalist and blogger in tribal area of Waziristan, Pakistan on Monday October 28, 2014. According to reports, Shehryar Mehsud, a columnist at the Urdu daily Akhbar-e-Khyber, was arrested on the orders of the political administration of South Waziristan allegedly for exposing the ‘corruption of political agents’ in development projects. Mehsud had received threatening calls from the administrators after he wrote a column on corruption. The local journalists’ community believes that Mehsud’s arrest is an attempt to silence…  
7965. IFJ Demands Full Investigation Following Israeli Police Attack on Photographers  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned an attack by Israeli police on photographers near Silwad in the West Bank on Sunday, 26 October. According to reports, Israeli police fired rubber bullets at the photographers at close range while they were taking pictures of protests that followed the funeral of a Palestinian activist. Two journalists are said to have received minor injuries in the attack. One was a reporter from Associated Press who is said to have injured his arm. Another freelance photographer from Switzerland, Lazar Simeonov, also injured his hand and his camera was damaged. IFJ’s Swiss affiliate, Impressum, has issued a statement demanding that…  
7966. IFJ Denounces Fanatical Abuse of Journalists by IS Group Following Journalist Abductions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has denounced the continued fanatical abuse of local journalists in Iraq and Syria by the so called IS group following reports that they have kidnapped as many as ten journalists over the last few days. According to reports, among those journalists that have been taken are TV correspondent Talal Qais and cameramen Walid Akidi and Ashraf Abadi. IS troops stormed the home of the three journalists in the al-Noor and al-Sukkur districts of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul last Friday, 24 October, taking the three journalists hostage. “The so called IS group is continuing its systematic campaign of abuse, torture and murder against local…  
7967. IFJ Rolls Out End Impunity Campaign 2014  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will be carrying out a range of actions during the month of November 2014, as part of the global campaign to end impunity for crime against journalists. These activities will start on the UN Day against impunity for violence targeting journalists which was adopted on 18 December 2013 and will be marked for the first time on 2 November. It will also be the first anniversary of the killings of two RFI reporters, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, murdered in Kidal, Mali in 2013. To learn more about the campaign and how you can support it, please visit our campaign page on http://www.ifj.org/campaigns/end-impunity  
7968. Photographe suisse blessé en Cisjordanie: impressum exige des explications  

Un photographe indépendant,  de nationalité suisse,  a essuyé, avec un autre photographe d’AP,  des tirs de balles en caoutchouc par des policiers israëliens près de Silwad, en Cisjordonie. Le photographe a été blessé et son appareil photo endommagé. impressum demande des explications à l’Ambassade d’Israël en Suisse. Dimanche dernier, lors d’une manifestation près de Silwad, en Cisjordonaie, deux photographes, l’un d’Associated  Press, l’autre suisse et indépendant, Lazar Simeonov, ont essuyé des tirs de balle en caoutchouc de la part de policiers israëliens. Selon le photographe de l’Agence de presse AP, un policier les a visés alors que qu’ils étaient clairement…  
7969. IFJ Calls for Lifting Ban on BBC Broadcasts in Rwanda  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the ban to be lifted on BBC radio broadcasts in the local language in Rwanda. Last week, the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Body (RURA), a government body, banned the BBC’s local broadcasts, citing ” complaints of incitement, hatred, divisionism, genocide denial and revision from the public following the documentary aired by BBC on 1 October, 2014 titled: Rwanda – The Untold Story - and other violations of journalistic responsibility spanning a number of years.” The BBC documentary discussed the events leading up to – and during - the genocide of Rwandan Tutsi in 1994 and interviewed a number of people who argued that…  
7970. ​Aung Kyaw Naing  

The 49-year-old freelance journalist, also known as Par Gyi, was killed Burmese soldiers after they had arrested him. According to a statement from the Burmese Army, Aung Kyaw Naing "was in the custody of an unnamed ‘roving battalion’ looking for DKBA rebels, when he tried to seize a gun from a guard and run away; then he was shot dead by the guard." The army's version was called into question by the journalist's wife, Thandar, who accused them of ' torture'. Civil society organisations in Burma as well as the US government raised concern of the killing and called for investigations into its curcumstances. Aung Kyaw Naing was working with reporters in Mon State on about ethical…  
7971. 5 November 2014 - Stand Up for Journalism  

For the 7th time, the EFJ will be marking 5 November as a day to “Stand Up For Journalism”, and we are asking our affiliates across Europe to join in the campaign. On the day or during the week of the 5 November, journalists across Europe and around the world come together in solidarity to spotlight some of the major challenges they face. Find out more about this campaign HERE.  
7972. EFJ Urges Hungarian Government to Abandon “Anti-democratic” Plan on Internet Tax  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has called on Prime Minister Viktor Orban to abandon his “anti-democratic plan” to tax internet use and to start listening to his people and understand the reality of the developments in the media.   “It is very unwise and unrealistic of Orban’s government to think that the internet tax is of any relevance in today’s digital age,” said Mogens Blicher Bjerrregård, EFJ President. “This is evident from the tens of thousands protesters who showed up on Tuesday night’s protest.” According to the organiser of the protest, following the first rally on Sunday 26 October, the second rally on Tuesday 28 October has gathered around 100,000…  
7973. Programmes Available for Arab World & Middle East Meetings in Casablanca  

Beyond the Arab Spring - New Road Map for Journalists WHAT: IFJ Regional Meeting in the Arab World & Middle East WHERE: Casablanca, 27-30 October The IFJ’s Regional Meeting for the Arab World and Middle East region is taking place in Casablanca, Morocco.  The focus of the regional meeting is ‘Beyond the Arab Spring: New Road Map for Journalists.’ It is expected that 19 journalists unions from the Arab World and the Middle East will meet to discuss the effect of the last three years on the work of journalists in the region. This will include discussion about the crisis of safety and impunity, press freedom and media reform, collective agreements and…  
7974. French Journalists tell President Hollande to Push for Press Freedom in Azerbaidjan  

The French journalists' unions (SNJ , SNJ -CGT , CFDT Journalists) , members of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ 300,000 members) has asked their President Francois Hollande to put press freedom issues on the agenda during the visit of the President of Azerbaijani Ilham Aliyev in Paris today. Read the original article in French.    
7975. Demonstrations held against newspaper in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in expressing strong concerns over recent incidents surrounding the publication of an article in the Afghanistan Express daily. The English daily published an article ‘Islam of Taliban and ISIS’ last week. According to reports, extremist Islamic scholars and Afghan Jihadi groups strongly criticized some parts of the article and subsequently there have been a number of demonstrations against the newspaper for publishing the article. One set of demonstrations at an Islamic university called for the owners of the daily to be arrested and for the government to…  
7976. Detained journalist murdered by Burmese Army  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the murder of missing journalist by the Burmese Army earlier this month. The IFJ is deeply outraged by the murder of the journalist who was last seen and heard from on September, 30 after he was detained by the Army in Kyaikmayaw in Mon State in the south east of Myanmar. Aung Kyaw Naing was a 49-year-old freelance journalist, commonly known as Par Gyi. He was regularly working with reporters in Mon State, working on reports about ethical issues along the Burma-Thai border. Reports suggest that Aung Kyaw Naing was arrested by the army so that they could interrogate him about whereabouts of DKBA (Democratic Karen Benevolent Army)…  
7977. Month-long Hong Kong protests results in 24 journalist attacks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in condemning the continued use of violence against journalists covering the Occupy Movement protests in Hong Kong. We are also deeply concerned over the minimal support from the Hong Kong Government and Police for journalists and media workers covering the protests. At least 24 journalists and numerous protesters have been attacked since the pro-democracy Occupy Central Movement began on September 22. Most recently, five journalists were treated roughly by Anti-Occupy protesters on October 25. Three journalists from Hong Kong Television Broadcasting (TVB), a reporter with…  
7978. Twenty-four journalists attacked in one month of protests in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in condemning the continued use of violence against journalists covering the Occupy Movement protests in Hong Kong. We are also deeply concerned over the minimal support from the Hong Kong Government and Police for journalists and media workers covering the protests. At least 24 journalists and numerous protesters have been attacked since the pro-democracy Occupy Central Movement began on September 22. Most recently, five journalists were treated roughly by Anti-Occupy protesters on October 25. Three journalists from Hong Kong Television Broadcasting (TVB), a reporter with…  
7979. IFJ Expresses Solidarity with Workers and Supporters at ERT  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its solidarity with workers and supporters of the former Greek public broadcaster ERT. The IFJ issued the call following its recent meeting at IFJ headquarters in Brussels with an ERT delegation. During the meeting, organised by the Greek MEP Sofia Sakorafa, discussions focused on the tireless commitment of the ERT staff and their drive for the rights of journalist and free independent, media in Greece. Following the meeting, ERT employees sent a declaration of unity to the IFJ in which they stated that they have kept the station open for 16 months and refuse to “close the microphones,” in their fight for…  
7980. Al Jazeera Short Video Calls for End to Impunity  

The IFJ is supporting a short video created by the Al Jazeera Media Network in the build up to the International Day to End Impunity for Violence Against Journalist, taking place in November.  View this powerful video below:  <iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/108771455" width="500" height="283" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/108771455">Al Jazeera video - marking International Day to End Impunity</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user3649713">IFJ Vimeo Channel</a> on <a…  
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